I’m Hoping


Hello my friends

Hey guess what?  Are ya guessing?  I’ll give ya
a little more time.  Did ya guess?  Ok,  so here
it is.  It’s April.  March has finally bit the dust.
Yeppers,  and it’s looking like we might finally
be seeing signs of spring although there’s snow
forecasted for Tuesday night and Wednesday.
We shall see.  Right now at 7 PM it’s 41 F and
it feels nice.  I’m ordering us some heating oil
tomorrow and it should do for the remainder
of the leftover winter and be a bit to begin with
next winter.  Of course each month I’ll put a
little cash on our tab during summer to make
sure we have heating oil for next year.  This
passed year was a crazy one and we were not
able to put money on our heating oil tab,  so
we ran out Thursday before last.  We managed
by using our little portable radiator heaters to
keep us warm in the bedroom and PC room 🙂
The rest of the house though got a bit chilly.
It didn’t get cold enough though to freeze our
water pipes again which was a blessing to us
and 🙂 our landlord LOL.  He had to come
and use a torch to get the water thawed again,
but this time he wrapped the pipes a little bit
better than he did before.  We’ve still got tons
of snow outside and the boys are having fun
playing in it LOL.  I let them out after we
ate breakfast and after a bit thought I would
go outside and see what they were up to and
as I turned around the corner of our house,
I saw them both sitting side by side in the snow
just enjoying the day hehehe.  They saw me
and came a running.  Yesterday when we
got back from town,  they both jumped out
of the car and went running for the snow.
They both headed out for the field and Judy
hollered, no boys and they stopped and just
played around in the deep snow climbing on
the snow banks and all LOL.  We have a dry
driveway with no snow,  but they prefer the
snow.  Yep,  we’ve got 2 snow dogs that are
gonna miss all of this white stuff when it’s
gone.  Of course they’ll find it fun when
Judy and I can walk out in the field with
them.  Can’t do that now being that the
snow is still rather deep.  Maybe up to my
waste in much of the field and if or more
to the point when I break through the top
layer of frozen snow,  I’m falling through
just like I did a week or so ago and had to
crawl out to find some more frozen top
layer to walk on.  So you see, springtime
is taking its ever loving time getting here
as it does quite often up this way.  There
have many years that we have had snow
on into the last of April and a few on into
May LOL.  It looks like people in Island
Falls Maine and around the low lying areas
will get flooded once again like seasonal
clock work.  Almost every year there are
ice jams in the rivers which cause a lot of
flooding.  Life up here is a lot different
than what I grew up with down south in
Texas.  Of course the summers are a lot
cooler than they are down south 🙂 and
I love that.  My old body can handle cold
weather much better than hot weather 🙂
I’m VERY hot natured.  Although in my
old age I do tend to get cold much easier
now days,  but I can still handle the cold
much better than the hot.  Judy is doing
some painting right now.  She is getter
better with every stroke of her paint brush.
Yep,  I’m still doing picture poems 🙂  I’ve
already gotten 135 written,  but I need
about 15 or so more before it’s ready to
be published.  I’m hoping that our books
start selling.  At the moment we’ve only
sold a few.  Not enough to brag about.
Just enough to maybe buy a hamburger,
fries and soda water LOL.  Judy and I
have put a lot of hard work into getting
our books published.  It would be nice
to see something come of it.  LOL life in
the fast lane.  Right now Benny and his
brother Rocky are lying in their doggy
beds right between Judy and I.  They
truly love one another.  Benny has his
head lying over against Rocky in his
bed.  They’re both sound asleep 🙂 We
love our little boys.  God is still taking
good care of us.  His might hands are
always upon us with His protection.
I guess it’s time to end my incessant
rambling and time to take a little trip
back through all that I’ve written here
and see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem.  So,  it’s
away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I believe I may
have found a decent title about a third
of the way back in my rambling.  Now
to see if I can do anything with it.  Here
goes nothing hehehe.

I’m Hoping

The dreams and schemes
I have each day
are filled with thrills
I want a way.
I’m hoping and scoping
a much better view
a time so sublime
it has to be true.
I’m sure Heaven’s pure
as clouds from above
with life without strife
that’s filled full of love.
I’m hoping I’m scoping
a sky full of blue
in a blessing life’s dressing
poured out fresh and new.
There are times sublime
that many won’t see
because of the pause
in their hopeful degree.
The lives that contrive
for lesser that’s sloping
are the same I abstain
for much better I’m hoping.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 2,  2017

LOL there ya go.  It might not make a lick
of sense to ya,  but hey,  nobody ever said
I was going to always write stuff that made
any sense ,  did they LOL?   I do pray for
life to be better not only for me,  but for all.
Sometimes the only way to find better is to
step out on faith and outside of your box.
Not always,  mind you hehehe.  Sometimes
we might end up in a world a hurt,  but I
have found that you cannot expect  your
life to change if you don’t do anything to
change it.  Be prepared to be surprised 🙂
I’ve been surprised many times. Some good
and some not so freaking good LOL.  Yep,
I have had a wild life.  But due to the many
changes,  I found Judy.  We would of never
gotten together if I had never flown up to
meet her in person.  I never expected to
ever move out of Texas,  but here in am.
Surprise!  We have our share of problems
and yes we have a few disagreements,  but
we love each other and enjoy being with
one another.  So I reckon before I get in
full fledge ramble mode again,  I need to
tell you what I tell you every week and
that is I wrote some more poems and
haiku.  Yeppers 10 more poems with an
added 5 due to ye ole picture poems 🙂
No Christmas poems this week.  Maybe
next week LOL.  I wrote 22 more haiku
for all of the haiku lovers out there.  I
hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  Now I believe it’s time for
me to begin searching for that really bad
at hiding off switch,  but not before I wish
you a most wonderful blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now,  where can that off switch be hiding
this week?  Hmmmmmm,  LOL I see ya,
Hiding in my bag of Christmas cards may
have worked well for ya,  but it seemed
for some reason the bag was swaying in
the breeze that was nonexistent hehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
and Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our book 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+5 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

A Passing Vessel

When on a cruise
of life and times
a passing vessel
with many minds
watched us sailing
right on passed
while they waved
with times avast.
The sea was calm
with cloudy sky
a passing vessel
then went by.
We all smiled
while waving back
to the vessel
with sails so slack.
The evening was
a moments gaze
a passing vessel
distant days.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2017

The Seaplane

Life is a picture
a painting of time
found as true artwork
that seconds design.
A seaplane seeking
to lift to the skies
while it’s displaying
the way that it flies.
Painted with Heaven
blue skies with clouds
the seaplane revs up
through water it plows.
Then as it’s lifting
it looks down below
to see all the beauty,
a wonderful show.
Blue skies with clouds
engulf every sight
as the seaplane is gone
on a magical flight.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2017

Colors Alive

Found as a photo
on a autumn drive
were all the highlights
of colors alive.
The scene was thriving
living as heart
beating with rhythms
within autumns art.
Painted as blessings
displayed with style,
the scene came to life
and gave us a smile.
The time was magical,
minutes displayed
the life of autumn
that Lord God had made.
Filled with blessings
that God did contrive
found in a photo
is colors alive.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2017

A Distant Barn

A distant barn
and small garage
after spring
seems like mirage.
The seasons game
is played to win
to melt the snow
and then begin.
Life’s awakened
with a smile
waters flowing
with their style.
Spring’s awoken
showing true
melted snow
and sky of blue.
Life’s awakened
showing charm
with this view
a distant barn.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2017

Winter River

Running river
once was frozen
winter river
now is golden.
Giving living
things a drink
winter river
on the brink.
Flowing waters
running fast
leaving memoirs
times contrast.
Snow is still then
seen as white,
but it’s melting
out of sight.
Winter river
leaves its mark
within springtime
to embark.
Rushing waters
winters giver
life’s fulfillment
winter river.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2017

A Little Trail

Across a field
a little trail
displays a way
what times entail.
A path of life
in such a way
is found within
another day.
Septembers style
is well trodden
a distant time
not forgotten.
A little trail
through a field
a scenic dance
within the yield.
It comes to life
a moments glance
a scenic time
of fields expanse.
It is a story
that times unveil
September field
a little trail.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30,  2017

Between The Clouds

One cloudy day
of long ago
I sought to see
the minutes flow.
I saw some blue
between the clouds
a scenic scene
that time enshrouds.
It came to life
one summer’s day
between the clouds
a little gray.
I heard a voice
that spoke to me
with Heavens words
of eternity.
I felt relieved
this wondrous find
between the clouds
my peace of mind.
I saw Heaven
that came in view
between the clouds
a sky of blue.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30,  2017

As Life Moves On

When time is seen
as just some waves
our lives might then
see better days.
As life moves on
to better shores
we might then find
some open doors.
So many oceans
of lives might seem
a rock and hard place
found in between.
The sights and sounds
that many hear
might in the future
just disappear.
With the moments
that we count true
the days we breathe
will change their view.
The sun will rise
and fall each day
as life moves on
within its way.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2017

Walls Of Winter

With scenery
and life displayed
walls of winter
then are made.
Minutes snowflakes
found a place
to then become
an Earthly face.
Many gather
to see the sights
walls of winter
days and nights.
As a painting
age to age
walls of winter
fill the stage.
The scene becomes
a moments gaze
life within
those winter days.
A time recalled
front and center
a magical scene
walls of winter.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2017

Sea Of Heart

An ocean voyage
with eternity
becomes a sight
for ones to see.
A sea of heart
with wondrous gaze
found within
the calmest waves.
Those times recalled
that come to mind
a sea of heart
from time to time.
It can be seen
the best to view
that lives within
the ocean blue.
Our memories
as works of art
that become
a sea of heart.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2017

River View

Every heartbeat
times perceive
often shows
how many weave.
Like a river,
wide awake
many heartbeats
times partake.
A scenic sign
that non compare
flows like water
here and there.
A river view
to now and then
flows like waters
where and when.
Ticking thresholds
counted true
displays heartbeats
river view.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2017

Beyond Horizons

Pictured blue skies
time fulfills
with God’s artwork
trees and hills.
Beyond horizons
is a view
scenic blessings
that come true.
Find the doorway
certain scenes
trees and hills
and hidden streams.
Beyond horizons
holds a place
blue skies filled with
Heavens grace.
Let your mind to
search the sky
beyond horizons
as birds fly.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2017

Morning’s Butterfly

Found as magic
in the wind
morning’s butterfly
finds a friend.
In the sunlight
it entails
fluttering wings
a breeze it sails.
Like a painting
with a grin
morning’s butterfly
does begin.
Fluttering softly
with its wings
in the sunlight
morning brings.
Found in sunlight
dawn of day
morning’s butterfly
flies away.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2017


Flowers painted
time stands still
in a moments
Seconds ticking
time’s consumed
with abstraction
then attuned.
Painted portholes
to a place
with a moments
own embrace.
Life is flourished
nature grows
times displaying
daily shows.
With a moments
own attraction
it can be a
times abstraction.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1,  2017

Trees Of Life

On a journey
with my mind
there are things
I surely find.
Trees of life
with colors true
a distant sky
the shade of blue.
Living breathing
life is found
when I stop
to look around.
Trees of life
are dying fast
due to people
with no class.
Oh too often
fires burn
leaving only
things to learn.
Trees of life
will disappear
leaving only
want and fear.
For the life
of every tree
needs the help
from you and me.
Don’t let people
take away
the trees of life
we now survey.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1,  2017

Apr 1,  2017

Amidst the night sky
holds an imagination
found within the stars.

Beyond a moment
there are seconds unnoticed
that are important.

Weeds of life will grow
no matter if they are pulled
for they thrive on dirt.

Someone’s horoscope
will become what that happens
due to willpower.

The showers of stars
are the skies many blessings
that twinkle at night.

Determined people
will not give up on something
until it is fact.

Chance is a doorway
that so many will enter
and lose sight of truth.

Believing in life
needs you to believe in death,
for they’re connected.

The trees of springtime
are the shepherds of flowers
as they enhance them.

Time in a bottle
is a story that ones tell
sometimes illusion.

Decisive people
will put forth their ideas
and a better way.

Misleading turnstiles
will often end in turmoil
that looked promising.

A sky filled with birds
becomes a piece of artwork
made with Heaven’s paint.

Lost in illusion
a dream can become horrid
as nightmares prevail.

Life of a housefly
is time that passes quickly
with a flyswatter.

Tomorrows journey
begins with help from today
though maybe not known.

Trying times of grass
are the weeds that come about
to smother the grass.

Ticking hands of time
become as earthquakes of life
when you are antsy.

A black hole of space
might hold many beginnings
that we’re unaware.

Counting your problems
can make them more exceeding
than they really are.

The dawn of the day
gives a new outlook on life,
that might need new eyes.

Struggling with pain
finds a peaceful conclusion
with thoughts of Heaven.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1,  2017

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
and if you are not in the USA or would just rather buy
them at Amazon.com you can buy them both on my page
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂