See And Hear


Hello my friends

It looks as though spring has finally made
it and winter has left to await its return for
the end of the year to start its seasonal way
once again.  Yep,  we’ve even got a few small
patches of green grass.  Very small I might
add,  but none the less green grass and the
weather has begun to get a little warmer, but
not too warm.  Today’s high is supposed to
be 63 F and right now at 12 noon it is 59 F.
We are supposed to have a few days in the
low to mid 70’s this week.  I don’t mind it
as long as it doesn’t get up above 80 degrees.
My old hot natured body cannot handle it
that warm.  On a sad note,  one of my good
friends passed away last Thursday morning.
Don Adams was a great friend and I always
enjoyed talking with him.  He is with The
Lord now.  I’ll miss his kind words and all
of his wisdom,  although I know his spirit
will visit us from time to time.  Next topic 🙂
I have ordered a proof copy of my newest
book and I should receive it no later than
Wednesday.  I’ll give it the once over and
make sure it looks as it should then if all
goes well,  I’ll go approve it for publishing.
Last week was pretty uneventful aside from
our landlord finally coming and putting a
little more foundation on our porch and
repairing the roof leaks on it.  Oh yea,  due
the snow melt,  the river below our house
was roaring with life.  I had taken a few
pictures of it earlier in the week Apr 23rd
and then Judy came home from town and
said she could see and hear the river as
it was roaring and so I took a little trip
down to it and took a few pictures.  The
amazing thing is I was able to get a shot
of the river that was almost exactly of
the same vantage point as the one I took
Monday and so there are comparison
photos before and after LOL.  It’s calmed
a bit since then.  No worries.  The river
is way too low from our house to affect us.
LOL It would have to pull another Noah
adventure to get up this high hehehehe.
So,   what else is happening over in this
part of the country?  To be honest,  it’s
been quite peaceful.  Judy went to craft
night last night and did a little painting.
I am definitely using it to make a poetry
picture 🙂  That’s if of course she ever
makes it where I can down load it to use
it LOL.  So,  other than those few things,
the passed week as been pretty lazy.  I’ve
written a few more poetry pictures and I
have already begun work on volume 8
of my books LOL.  I have no idea of how
many books I will do.  LOL I reckon I’ll
continue until my well of thoughts runs
dry,  which could be soon,  or could be
on my death bed.  God only knows LOL.
Benny and Rocky are doing well.  They’re
as ornery as ever.  We have most surely
been blessed.  God has kept His mighty
hand over us protecting us as many of
His angels watch over us and guide us 🙂
We do though have problems that catch
us off guard from time to time,  but we
survive,  being problems are a part of
life.  Without struggles,  one never grows.
Thank You God for our struggles and
the peace that intervenes.  I guess it’s
time for me to be taking my little trip
back through all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go to that lil place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I believe I may have found a
decent title and now after checking I see
that it has not been used as of yet,  so
used it shall be 🙂  Here goes…

See And Hear

The things in life
we see and hear
might not be
so very clear.
They might hide
within their time
a sight and sound
within our mind.
We might perceive
a certain day
to see and hear it
our own way.
For as we struggle
with what we see
the sounds of life
might not agree.
So take the time
to look around
and seek to hear
each wondrous sound.
For as time passes
from yesteryear
we might lose sight
to see and hear.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 29,  2018

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even understood it hehehe 🙂
I also hope you enjoyed all my rambling.
LOL I do ramble don’t I!  Judy’s making
breakfast this morning 🙂  She’s making
omelets,  yummy!  LOL the boys are in
there watching her while I assume they
think they’re gonna get some hehehehe.
They might get a couple of sausage links,
but no omelet Hahaha.  So I reckon it’s
time for me to be telling you what I tell
you almost every week and that is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yeppers,
10 more poems,  but no extras this week.
Though 2 of the poems are Christmas
poems.  I also once again wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  I’ve gotta stop here
and eat.  Omelets mmmmmmmmmmm.
That was yummy for my tummy.  Now,
back to this.  Though now it looks like
I need to be searching for that hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
you a most wonderful weekend or what
that is left of it and a blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Ok,  so where can that ornery off
switch be trying to hide this time??????
Hmm,  looking to my right I seem to see
one of my caps moving which should not
be moving at all.  Sheesh,  can you ever
find a hiding spot and just sit still and
wait?  I reckon not and for that matter
I guess it would mean me spending more
time looking for you instead of getting
this journal published LOL.  So thanks,
for being unable to sit still hehehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Crossing Over

A life of worries
and a life of pains
ends its journey
as Heaven proclaims.
Scented with love
on streets of gold
time is a blessing
that God’s foretold.
The end’s beginning
is time to tell
hopeful to Heaven
and not unto Hell.
Within our pathways
and life’s scenery
we’ll cross over
to be what will be.
Clouds of sorrow
will fade from view
and display love
with a wondrous hue.
Then as an ocean
filled full of clover
the best can be made
when crossing over.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 25,  2018

Continue Your Dreams

Time can be turnstiles
of a calming day
as life can become as
a magical way.
Continue your dreams
to a wondrous design,
an ocean of scenes
that lives in your mind.
Scenes of oceans
with a calming sunrise
can be the beginnings
of joy in your eyes.
Continue your dreams
to a new day’s sun
as you release sadness
that can’t be undone.
Seek for the seasons
of wonderful scenes
as you move forwards
continue your dreams.
Yet don’t get lost in
the dreams of time
and lose perception
of truthful design.
But still then continue
your dreams of a day
a time so wonderful
that’s lesser of gray.
Find a little hopeful
in life’s flowing streams
as you seek blessings
continue your dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 25,  2018

Alive In Spring

Within a moment
the dandelions grow
replacing winter’s
white fallen snow.
Coming alive surely
as a magical view
that’s alive in spring
and fresh and anew.
Butterflies flutter
amidst every sight
as the yellow colors
are seen so bright.
So alive in spring
the blossoms bloom
as seasonal things
then come attune.
As but a portion
of time in its place
alive in spring is
filled full of grace.
Displayed as life
of yellow and green
dandelions grow
creating each scene.
Scented as summer
as spring proceeds
it plants the visions
of so many seeds.
Within the distance
some birds will sing
as the beginnings
alive in spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 25,  2018

Snow Of White

Life of grandeur
scenic views
Christmas scenes
of whitish hues.
Blankly showing
times fulfill
snow of white
on a winter hill.
As a stage set
found in snow
life becomes as
winter’s glow.
Those memories
of times before
snow of white
that I adore.
Life of pages
books of time
becomes essence
God’s design.
Blankly showing
a whitish hue
Christmas scenic
times come true.
Look within those
scenes of seas
as snow of white
in winter’s breeze.
Find the beauty
to then delight
as a memoir
snow of white.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Mallards Rest

Upon a winter’s
snowy scene
mallards rest
to find a dream.
Beneath a bench
they may perceive
sights of winter
soon to leave.
They might often
swim and play
in the waters
near that day.
Time to gather
bringing views
mallards rest
in whitish hues.
Seasons life
amidst the snow
awaiting time
to start the show.
As they soon
will be in flight
mallards rest
in winter’s sight.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Spirit Kingdom

The soul creations
inside our gaze
can then become
some better days.
Heartbeats seek
to find a time
within their spirit
inside their mind.
It is a journey
to spirit world
a kingdom found
that times unfurled.
It might be seen
as age to age
a spirit kingdom
of Heaven’s stage.
Throughout scenes
of life defined
this spirit world
might then unwind.
Displaying sights
of timeless gaze
a spirit kingdom’s
wondrous ways.
True blue skies
with clouds of white
as certain scenes
come into sight.
A spirit kingdom
brought to life
found as Heaven
without strife.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Cold And Wintery

As hills expose
their certain flair
across the scene
of winter’s air
the season shows
a certain sight
cold and wintery
snowy white.
It might be seen
a Christmas view
that seasons show
to me and you.
It might display
a distant gaze
cold and wintery
seasonal days.
Look on beyond
the sight you see
and find a view
so wondrously.
It might just seem
to come alive
cold and wintery
within your eyes.
Now look closely
at the view
and find a sight
that is so true.
A scene that brings
your mind attune
cold and wintery
Christmas soon.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Weathered Ways

Years will pass
as days meet end
while time moves on
to then transcend.
Weathered ways
become a style
with a point of view
for a little while.
Life falls prey
to song and dance
of minutes sung
and their romance.
Years make do
with all they can
as time moves on
for our fellow man.
We might perceive
some certain days
as our memories
weathered ways.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27,  2018

Summer Scenes

A true blue sky
with clouds of white
becomes as a view
a magical sight.
A scene to become
as a dream of time
summertime days
as rhythm and rhyme.
Scented with grasses
green as can be
those summer scenes
a land driven sea.
Bike riders riding
enjoying the while
as they look onwards
to many a mile.
Found as an echo
from our yesteryear
those summer scenes
we remember so clear.
The flavors of life
in a scented array
become as a dream
in a magical way.
Those summer scenes
from our distant past
are what we remember
that went by too fast.
They left a heartbeat
and many other things
found in the past as
our summer scenes.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27,  2018

The Taste Of Life

Beginnings occur
when time defines
the taste of life as
lemons and limes.
Within our standards
life might consume
the taste of life as
our favorite tune.
The sounds of joy
from smiling faces
the taste of life in
so many places.
We might remember
we might recall
the taste of life
that wins over all.
We might perceive
a mere memory
as the taste of life
within you and me.
Maybe a painting
or maybe a sight
still lives and breathes
the taste of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27,  2018

for Apr 28,  2018

Beyond what we see
there may be an illusion
or that of the truth.

Shadows of ourselves
live within those that mimic
and follow our paths.

The sun gives us life
as it helps grasses to grow
and trees to give air.

A challenge is growth
that pushes us to learn more
about what we can do.

Time is a painter
that provides artwork of years
that moments expose.

A shower of rain
might get you really angry,
but it is needed.

Planting life of seeds
so they don’t turn out worthless
needs a little love.

Nearing confusion
can embark on illusions
that rest can resolve.

Shouting in anger
only provides a doorway
to words regretted.

Many words spoken
will often be as water
that poured too quickly.

Blessings of our youth
are wasted on ignorance
that adults have spread.

Time is often lost
in the minutes of the day
that we spend counting.

Walking too quickly
can end with useless struggles
that need no hurry.

Boundless are worries
that we bring onto ourselves
that might be useless.

Seeking for a breath
in a day of exhaustion
peace is found in prayer.

Food for the hungry
is not always what ones eat,
but what ones will learn.

Manners of a rose
are that of a timeless gaze
that we remember.

A passing moment
might be a breeze of heartbeats
that becomes much more.

Relying on friends
needs a little trust and love
filled full of patience.

When in a storm cloud
that life has poured upon you
look for a rainbow.

The seasons of time
release their moments journeys
in our memories.

As a tree grows tall
it speaks words of lifetimes
that others grow from.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28,  2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂