People And Nature


Hello my friends

It’s been a little warm up this ways,  but
I am guessing not near as warm as it has
been down south.  Today’s high is 82 F
which it is at this very moment.  Thank
God for our air conditioner.  Tomorrow
is supposed to be a high of 88 F,  but as
we all know that can change.  You can
never trust the weatherman to be totally
accurate being they are guessing,  hence
the word forecasting hehehe.  So I play it
by ear and just keep tabs on my weather
radar and all to see what is blowing in
and where from and there ya go,  the
weather from New Limerick Maine 🙂
There’s not been much going on around
the Pearce’s Place other than the regular
stuff.  Benny and Rocky keep us busy.
I had my first visit to my new physician
Wednesday and I like her.  She listened
to me and didn’t treat me like I don’t
know anything about my health issues
as the other ones did is why I fired them
as my physician so to say LOL.  This
lady even agreed with me on what I’m
able to eat and all.  She seemed to not
of cheated in school and paid attention
unlike my previous physician hehehe.
LOL my most previous physician even
thought I was not thinking clearly when
I told her I did not have a colon and I
was void of a 3rd or my small intestines
and so she gave me an Alzheimer’s test.
LOL I have seen some not so bright
physicians.  I thank God for the good
ones such as Dr. Reed that saved my life
being he was the one that operated on
me when I had Ulcerative Colitis which
turned into a version of Crohns.  So,
you can blame him for me pestering
you with my journals LOL.  I lived 🙂
Thank you Dr.  Reed of Medical City
in TX.  So what else is going on around
this place?  I’ve ordered us some Pro
pet shears to use on our dogs and we
have another so we can work together.
We’ve got some cheap pet shears,  but
they don’t work that great,  so we’re
gonna put them in a box for backup if
we need them.  I also ordered Judy a
new coffee maker being her other one
died.  She loved her Keurig so I ordered
her another one.  I’ve figured it was
time for me to begin putting money on
our heating oil tab,  so I put 100 dollars
on it and I’ll do the same next month
so when winter does get here,  we won’t
have to come up with a large sum of
money to have heating oil delivered 🙂
If you buy less than 100 gallons,  you
have to pay for the delivery which is
30 dollars.  I’m trying to save up so
I can fill our 250 gal tank 🙂  We’ve still
got a little bit less than a quarter of a
tank left over from last winter.  That’s
one draw back to living up here.  We
have long winters and heating oil or
kerosene as it is called,  is not cheap.
As the temps leave the subzero stats
I’m able to buy the cheaper fuel,  but
if I buy it during the colder months
it will jell.  Of course for the most
part I can use an anti jelling solution
sold at Walmart to prevent it if it’s
only like 20 F degrees or so,  but even
still it’s a risk,  because the weather
has a mind of its own and can turn
mighty cold at the drop of a hat LOL.
So I try to watch where and when I
drop my hat hehehehe.  LOL don’t
ya just love my humor hehehe!  Judy
is playing Candy Crush Saga on her
laptop PC and Rocky is lying at her
feet.  Benny must be lying down at
the front door or on the porch.  He
loves to look outside.  He’ll go out
when it gets cooler.  I guess it’s just
a bit too warm for him right now 🙂
He’s not alone.  It’s not only a bit
too warm,  but it’s a lot too warm
for me hehehe.  I just went to get me
some more orange juice and noticed
that Benny was not inside anymore
and I looked outside and he’s lying
under the car in the shade.  He loves
to watch people and nature.  He’s
kind of like me LOL.  If I could
join him under the car in the shade
I would hahaha.  LOL I’d have to
jack the car up a bit for me to fit
my big old body under it hehehe.
Yep,  it looks as though God is
still watching over us.  We have all
that we need and even a few wants.
He’s most surely blessed our home
as well as us.  Thank You God for
all that You do and all that You
will do.  Ok so is there anything else
that I haven’t shared with you.  Oh
yea,  Judy went to her sister’s house
Saturday to baby sit their 4 Yorkies
while they went to their sons wedding.
I stayed home with the boys and did
a bit of writing.  It would of been a
madhouse around here if they had
brought all 4 of them Yorkies over
here and I would’ve never gotten a
thing written LOL.  Anyways,  that
is all for now.  I believe it’s now time
for me to look back on all that I’ve
written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new
poem.  So it’s away I go to that little
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE 🙂
I think I may a stumbled upon what
seems to be a good title just a few
lines back in my rambling and now
after checking I see it has not been
used yet,  so used it shall be.  Here

People And Nature

We all might seem
to jump and jive
to our own way
to stay alive,
but truth is this
we all can find
times of alikeness
in all mankind.
People and nature
are connected truth
within perspective
or how we view.
Nature is changing,
but it’s still the same,
for it’s a portion
of how that it came.
People are also
changing their minds
seeking for others
or time after times.
We might encompass
a different scale
but we’re connected
as clouds set sail.
You and I surely
might look so strange,
but it’s the difference
that times interchange.
So look much deeper
into what you see
people and nature
connect you and me.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 5,  2018

There ya go.  If it makes no sense to
you then,  I am sorry.  It’s just what
came out of my mind.  There are times
that what I read back to myself does
not make any sense at the moment,
but then later I read it and understand.
I guess that’s just how God uses me.
🙂  Anyways,  I hope you enjoyed my
rambling.  I do tend to ramble don’t
I LOL.  So,  I wonder if I’ve forgotten
anything?  Nope don’t think so.  LOL
Benny must of seen me looking outside
and followed me back in.  I just turned
around and saw him lying in the floor
behind me.  The family is all present 🙂
OK so now I reckon I need to tell you
what I tell you every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers,  10 more poems with 1 extra.
LOL I had actually forgot that I wrote
it.  I thought it fit a picture I had picked
out and then decided to hold onto it
and write another for the picture that
I picked out.  LOL I saved the poem
in Draft 🙂  Anyways no Christmas
poems this week.   Maybe next week.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all of
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  Now,  I reckon it’s time
for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch LOL,  but
before I wish you a truly blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves
you and we do too.  OK,  where are
ya you silly off switch?  Hmmmmm,
I believe I spy with my one good eye
a bit of movement from where there
should be no movement.  Yep  from
there behind my pair of bifocals that
are in their case I see my flashlight
rocking just a bit which should not
be rocking at all 🙂  Hey,  guess what?
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+1 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Just But A Day

Today’s a day
that time has found
so take the time
to look around.
See all the beauty
you may of missed
when you began
your daily list.
Don’t allow sadness
to tear you apart,
look for the signs
of God’s work of art.
Maybe well hidden
or maybe a time
when you were in
a bad state of mind.
It’s just but a day
that came unwound
so take a deep breath
and look around.

©By Bill Pearce
July 30,  2018

Within The Leaves

Scenes by sight
might not display
the sights within
of will and way.
Displaced in time
our eyes may be
while we’re viewing
true reality.
Within the leaves
within our minds
we might perceive
some weird designs.
Yet our vision
might be blurred
as we are looking
at times absurd.
Let your eyesight
be cleared away
to see the best
in clouds of gray.
Look for the rain
and true blue sky
as it clears away
and birds will fly.
Then look around
and see the sights
found in sunshine
and darkest nights.
Find the brightest
greatest design
within the leaves
of time to time.

©By Bill Pearce
July 30,  2018

Seeking Dreams

I’m flying up
to seek my dreams
in clouds above
and wondrous things.
Upon a bird
into the sky
I’m seeking dreams
that don’t run dry.
As life begins
it leaves in place
a time so fine
for stars in space.
Amidst the night
as time moves on
I’m seeking dreams
till mornings dawn.
While life is found
as skyline scenes
I sleep in peace
while seeking dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2,  2018

Clouds Of Life

Designs of times
within the sky
are often clouds
that float and fly.
Creating pictures
scenes to see
as clouds smile
at you and me.
Formatting skies
into a view
a sight to see
in wondrous hue.
Displaying life
of certain gaze
amidst the time
of passing days.
Clouds of life
are made to be
designs to find
and rains so free.
They give chance
for new details
pictures forming
ships with sails.
They even bring
what I adore
lightning joined
by thunder’s roar.
This is the story
that does contrive
the scenes I see
in clouds of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2,  2018

Memories Of Then

Life is a doorway
with windows to view
scented as sometimes
mornings of dew.
Life begins knocking
with past to display
found as remembered
a momentous day.
A day of connections,
a day of true bliss,
a day you remember
you now reminisce.
A time that lives on
in your dreams at night
as all your memories
are found to take flight.
Within our imagination
we hold the golden key
to unlock the ventures
that live in you and me.
The memories of then
can then come in view
of so many moments
that might seem anew.
Memories recorded
of a so distant time
formed as a moment
that heartbeats unwind.
Time’s but a pageant
that I remember when
found in perception
of memories of then.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

Making Trails

Winter’s grasp
displayed a sign
a place to see
of its design.
With a snowy
scene of white
found within
the day’s sunlight.
Our two doggies
needed to poo
and so I plowed
a winter’s view.
Making trails
within the snow
there and to
and to and fro.
I plowed away
the snow of time
making trails
for them to find.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

Bridge Of Style

As roads will end
there is a way
to look for better
day to day.
Maybe a bridge
to cross and see
what that’s there
a slight degree.
A certain style
for you to find,
a life of times
to then unwind.
Like a thread
that then unravels
scenes to see of
distant travels.
Your eyes become
affixed on days
timeless views
of so many ways.
Look across
the river wide
and see what time
has then applied.
Allow yourself
a moment’s rest
as you cross
to more or less.
For there’s time
to reconcile
finding peace
a bridge of style.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

Clouds May Form

Rushing waters
troubled ways
may become
some better days.
Clouds may form
above your head
and then seem to
fill with dread.
Yet as waters
flow on through
the passing clouds
will leave you too.
Stories written
words may rhyme
bringing sight
a moment’s time.
Rains might fall
into our lives,
but a rainbow
might outsize.
Bringing forth
a wondrous view,
a sight to see
in a sky of blue.
For the moments
now and then
can give breath
to begin again.
Leaving chances
daily born
in the lifestyles
clouds may form.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

Time Will Pass

A puppy’s smile
becomes a dream,
a simple time
in grasses green.
Minutes display
passing days
a wondrous scene
of which to gaze.
A tiny heartbeat
shares its time
for a moment
then to find.
Looking closer
you might see
how this puppy
smiles with glee.
For it’s content
to rest a while
as it lies there
with a smile.
Yet it’s only
a shadow’s cast
for it’s proof that
time will pass.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

The Oh Of Life

Minutes that prosper
become as a glance,
a time you might see
as a song and dance.
A field full of beauty
with a style of its own
displays a landscape
where grass has grown.
With colors united
but of different shades
they tell a story
how peaceful is made.
Leaving all differences
with just a style
as the oh of life
that moments compile.
Scented with seasons
aromas to breathe
in a field of life
that is sure to succeed.
It becomes greater
as colors combine
into the essence
of sceneries rhyme.
We often miss it
while looking away
seeking the other
of day after day.
Yet the true beauty
still lives and breathes
as the oh of life
that time interweaves.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

Peaceful Can Be

While life moves on
and leaves its mark
we might see day,
we might see dark.
For as we struggle
with a life’s design
we might also
change our mind.
So many pathways
times conceive
might display
the webs we weave.
Just like a spider
spins its web
we might also
make our bed.
Creating problems
that come in view,
the crazy things
of which we do.
Peaceful can be
a daily breeze
that rustles through
the flowers and trees.
Just like a mirror
reflecting thoughts
we can be as
found or lost.
Allow the blessings
that God gave free
to show you truly
how peaceful can be.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

for Aug 4,  2018

Need is confusing
when want comes in the picture
to become as needs.

Tomorrow’s not here,
but it is within our thoughts
filled with deception.

Loss is just a word
that can be replaced by gained,
with lessons we’ve learned.

A field full of grass
becomes as a nemesis
to a landscaper.

Winter’s remembered
can be snowflakes falling down
or the freezing cold.

Time is a number
that many count too quickly
due to their hurry.

The past is the past,
but it can help the future
if lessons are learned.

Flowers of springtime
become beauty in summer
as soon they will die.

Pages from our life
might not have the right numbers
in our memories.

Searching for blessings
might cause you to not see them
due to many wants.

The flavors of life
often have some bitter ones
that are good for us.

Change is perception
that we often don’t agree
because we’re afraid.

Beyond our eyesight
is a view that many see,
but some choose not to.

Windows of the mind
are doorways to tomorrow
we need to explore.

Essence of the heart
is that of a beating drum
that some never hear.

Spirits all around
are of good and bad nature
and we need to choose.

Despite our choices,
our pathways will continue
through the good and bad.

Peace is a journey
that has many turns and twist
through dedication.

When hearing gossip
it’s better to not repeat,
for it could be lies.

Seen as a flower
one might find much deception
as thorns impale.

Size does not matter
when we’re all of flesh and blood,
so look at the heart.

Colors of people
are nothing more than humans
that look differently.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂