Whatever That Happens


Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice passed week and
the weekend did you well.  We’ve been
just doing the bare minimum.  Penny
pinching penny’s as we make it through
this month.  The vet bill for Rocky kind
of cut into our finances LOL,  but he’s
worth it.  He is doing great.  The weather
is slowly but surely getting more wintery,
but still no snow.  It’s really weird too.
because by now we’ve always had many
days of snow in the past.  I guess it’s due
to climate change.  Although if you look
back in time,  the weather’s always been
with many changes.  So,  who knows 🙂
We took the boys out for a little field trip
last Thursday.  They of course loved it as
they always do.  When I tell them we’re
going for a field trip and then point out
at the field,  they head out like the wind,
running as fast as they can only to stop
time and again to look back to see where
we are and wait for us to catch up hehehe.
They are silly.  Judy and I took a lot of
pictures of them as well as a few of each
other LOL.  It’s 40 F degrees right now
at 5:30 PM.  We’re expecting snow this
coming Tuesday. Not much,  but snow
none the less 🙂  I doubt seriously that
it will stick to the ground,  being that
the weather has been just a little too
warm and it needs to be below freezing
for at least a week or more to make the
ground cold enough for the snow to stay
put and not just melt on contact.  Today
is just a lazy day for Judy and I.  We are
planning on watching the first episode of
season 9’s  The Blacklist later on today
after I finish with this mess LOL.  Then
we will watch whatever that happens to
be on at the time that we like.  We might
go shopping sometime this week to pick
up a few things that we’ve run out of and
a few extras that we’re needing.  Other
than that,  Judy has a scheduled doctor
appointment for Tuesday.  It’s just a
check up.  I need to set an appointment
with my doctor/PA sometime soon,  but
I see nothing she can do to help me with
my everyday health issues.  But I will be
sending her a message soon for her to
sign a refill for my blood pressure meds.
I am running low on them and have only
about enough for a week and half.  I’ve
got plenty of Advair and my respirators.
Through the years I learned how to sort
of control my breathing,  but it does get
out of whack sometimes especially with
the weather changes.  I have had asthma
all of my life,  but it has gotten worse as
the years come multiplying on my butt 🙂
Oh well,  to breathe or not to breathe,
that is congestion LOL.  It makes it real
hard to sneak up on anybody hehehehe.
They can hear me breathing a mile away.
I’ve done a few music videos and other
types and people have asked me,  “are
you OK,  I can hear you breathing hard”
which leads to the reason that when I
post a video I tell them I’m an asthmatic
and yes I breathe loudly LOL.  LOL and
now with the Covid epidemic,  people hear
me breathing and may shy away hehehe.
Anyways,  my life is what it is and I do my
best with what I have.  When life gives
you lemons,  you try to change them into
watermelons and spit out seeds LOL.
I’m in a silly mood,  but then Judy says
I’m always in a silly mood hehehe.  It
helps to keep me sane.  I wish it did not
get dark so freaking early.  It seems that
there is hardly a separation between day
and night anymore LOL.  Morning comes
and then ya blink and then it’s nighttime.
Yep,  that’s one of the bad things about
wintertime :).  It doesn’t give ya time to
do anything during the daylight hours.
Morning comes and ya gotta run outside
real quick and snap some pictures as you
see the sky becoming dark hehehehehe.
Oh well,  I do love snow and when that
begins I will get as many pictures of it
as I’m able,  even if they are in the midst
night LOL.  Life at the Pearce’s Place
is pretty laid back.  Judy and I enjoy the
peace as well as watching many of our
favorite TV programs together.  She
spends much of her time crocheting and
I spend much of my time writing and
designing poetry pictures when we’re not
watching TV.  LOL did I hear you say
EWW,  exciting hehehe.  Ok so it’s not
so exciting,  but it’s what we enjoy doing.
God has been good to us and allowed
us to share our blessings together as the
days and years become a lifetime.  We
are so very thankful for all that God has
done for us and for what we are sure that
He will do.  He has sent many angels to
watch over us as well as allowed many
kindly spirits to walk side by side with
us as we face each day ahead.  Thank
You God for never wavering.  AMEN.
So,  now I reckon it’s time for me to be
reading back on all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem and with that
said,  it’s away I go to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I found
a decent title about a 2 3rds of the way
back in all my rambling and now after
checking,  I see that it hasn’t been used
yet,  so therefore,  it shall be today 🙂
Here goes…

Whatever That Happens

Life has its downfalls
potholes so deep
that give the lessons
that cause us to weep.
Some as of sadness,
but some then as joy
whatever that happens
the moments deploy.
Times misunderstood
might seem as doors
opened for a moment
curiosity explores.
Yet many doorways
are just but a game
sent to entice you
and drive you insane.
Look for the truth
in all that displays
and find the blessings
in the future days.
For still there will be
bad joined with good,
so do your very best
to do what you should.
The blessings survive
no matter the place
whatever that happens
you’re saved by grace.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 14,  2021

Well,   there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling LOL.
I know I tend to drift from topic to topic,
but I hope I entertained you for a moment
and maybe even put a smile on your face
through my humor.  I guess it’s time for
me to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is,  I wrote some more poems
and haiku.  Yep,  I wrote 10 more poems,
but this week there are 6 Christmas poems
in the mix.  I also wrote 22 more haiku for
all of the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  So now I do believe it’s time for
me to begin my search for that silly hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
you a blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Now with
that said,  where can that ornery off switch
be trying to hide this time?????????????
Hmm,  where oh where can that silly thing
be,  that is so bad at hiding from me LOL.
Oh my heavens,  you pick the silliest and
most obvious places to hide hehehe.  You
did know at some point and time I was
going to pick up my Mountain Dew and
drink it ,  didn’t you?   Try harder next
time.  Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Coming of Christmas

A white snowy road
becomes as a tale
displaying stories
for moments to tell.
Scenes come to life
as traveling minds
coming to Christmas
in winter’s designs.
The season’s aroma
unleashes thereunto
as a taste of beauty
with a magical view.
Christmas creations
lives in the heart
to share with others
as true works of art.
Found as a blessing
connecting a glow
coming of Christmas
in winter white snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 8,  2021

Wintertime’s Blessings

Snow that’s billowing
becomes as a view
as a time and place
from old to anew.
Ages become journals
written in the mind
wintertime’s blessings
in an awesome design.
The pages are turning
and creating a look
found within binders
of a wintery book.
Scenes are transposed
into now and again
wintertime’s blessings
Christmastime’s wind.
Blowing as creations
of a heavenly white
snow is a doorway
to a magical sight.
The season unleashes
snow covered dressings
found as a view of
wintertime’s blessings.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 8,  2021

Through The Way

Years may pass
and leave a style
as a time of life
of a simple smile.
Leaves may seem
to block the view
through the way
to a sight anew.
An old moment
might be there
standing waiting
a breath of air.
You might recall
a similar time
through the way
within your mind.
It might be of
another fine day
that you found
through the way.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 9,  2021

Heading To Christmas

Tracks of emotions
trails of design
heading to Christmas
that magical time.
They are the stories
and all of the tales
that become words
the season entails.
Maybe as train tracks
provide ones a way
to discover blessings
a Christmas array.
Seasons connections
are found in a breeze
within a train track
a heart does believe.
Imagine a journey
that moments expose
heading to Christmas
on wintertime’s nose.
The journey extends
to a time and place
one of a memory
that hearts embrace.
The tracks may fade
as time moves on,
but the trail still lives
as a Christmas song.
Sung in harmony
as a track of style
heading to Christmas
as blessings compile.
Then with a whistle
the train toots away
nearing the station
to a Christmas day.
It ends its journey
with a horn to blow
heading to Christmas
tracks in the snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 9,  2021

Days Away

Shadows may form
as a time and place
some days away
with a smiling face.
Minutes transform
with snow of white
the sights we see
from day to night.
We might perceive
a moment of life
a Christmas theme
a husband or wife.
It may be an image
that you dream of
found days away
with so much love.
Within a picture
time might compile
a Christmas heart
with a big smile.
Held by a glimmer
held by a glance
a seasonal scene
as song and dance.
It comes from time
as Christmas day
that might be now
just days away.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10,  2021

Stood on a Bridge

As Christmas time
comes in view
it brings a certain
wondrous hue.
With just a glance
a standing place
shows its face.
Though it might
be only a sight
a beating essence
snow of white.
Seen just standing
watching a dream
that comes to life
within the scene.
A Christmas view
as a snowy ridge
is seen one day
stood on a bridge.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10,  2021

Time Says Hello

As the minutes pass
time is created
formed from minds
that anticipated.
A Christmas glow
that falls in place
found as a moment
of a hearts embrace.
Peace is upon you
as the season dawns
heard on the radio
as Christmas songs.
So many memories
that we remember
as time says hello
amidst December.
Spilling snowflakes
all over the ground
with love and cheer
seen all around.
It might be but only
within your heart,
but it can become
as a work of art.
Sharing the feelings
with ones you know
as Christmas comes
and time says hello.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10,  2021

Sky of Stories

Written in clouds
of so far away
a sky of stories
has much to say.
Words as scenes
that times create
becoming stories
ones anticipate.
A book of style
with a breeze
high in the sky
above the trees.
Shadows of time
that we embrace
a sky of stories
as a cloudy face.
It becomes words
as moments swell
becoming pages
as stories to tell.
Painted up above
as heavenly art
that God creates
as a living heart.
It beats of nature
it beats of style
a sky of stories
mile after mile.
Time is a pattern
a turn of a page
a sky of stories
the coming of age.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 11,  2021

Painting’s Begun

With light of sky
in sunshine’s phase
there might be art
within the days.
Times remembered
that came to be
as a painting’s begun
with a sight to see.
Ventures of light
of colorful hues
gifts from above
that times infuse.
A sky of magenta
can form a design
as a painting’s begun
for our eyes to dine.
The colors uniting
to create a dream
as a painting’s begun
transforming a scene.
Look now and see
what God has done
as new days begin
and painting’s begun.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 11,  2021

Living Pages

Rivers of scenes
flow like a mind
stages of ages
time after time.
Becoming sights
of a magical way
stages of time
of day unto day.
Seen as turnstiles
gateways of light
formed to create
a day and night.
Seasons pass us
leaving trails
giving a breath
in many details.
Becoming peace
in a book of ages
creating scenes
as living pages.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 12,  2021

for Nov 13,  2021

Minutes will gather
as the seconds pass us by
and might be wasted.

Through times illusions
shadows may become as flesh
and we’ll see ourselves.

Miracles of clouds
display artwork in the sky
that become photos.

Living for a age
and not for what it gives you
can become sadness.

Threading a needle
through the eye of a moment
may take some patience.

History of minds
lives on in our memories
formed from passages.

Patience is a gift
that impatience might give us
as we grow older.

Through our emotions
we might find many pathways
that become lessons.

A camera lens
only sees what it’s aimed at,
so seek for blessings.

Fires that burn us
might be the flames that teach us
leaving a few scars.

Beyond what we see
holds tomorrows destinies
that we know not of.

Listening to rain
as it splashes to the ground
can hypnotize you.

The works of many
can be seen as combined thoughts,
but be separate.

With leaves of autumn
there is a painting painted
with colorful hues.

Years destinations
are so often repeated
lessons forgotten.

Worrying daily
about our future events
only makes them worse.

Within a lifestyle
holds a lot of perceptions
that may be dead wrong.

The rains of seasons
often display their stories
as rivers run wild.

Trials and errors
can teach us the best lessons,
for they’re remembered.

The limbs of a tree
hold the leaves which that feed it
as they catch the rain.

Walking up a hill
you might weaken in your stride,
but strength is within.

Paths we travel on
can become tombstones of time
if we don’t take care.

©By Bill Pearce
Nov 13,  2021

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂