Always Shifting


Hello my friends

It’s been a nice passed few days aside from
me having to go out and rip what was left
of our mailbox off of the post and put us
another one up being that the snow plows
pretty much killed our mailbox.  All that
was left is the shell of it for it had not any
front or back to it.  The shell is now lying
in the snow behind the snowbank being I
could not reach it.  Anyways we now have
a new mailbox,  but yet for how long I do
not know.  Our neighbor has replaced his
3 times this winter and his at the moment
is not looking too well.  If he’ll buy a new
one I will put it up for him if he is unable.
I’ve gone out a few times and bent his back
in shape,  but it’s getting to the point that
it cannot be bent back in shape.  We have
a dickens of a time with mailboxes during
the winter LOL.  Next topic 🙂  I went out
and snow blowed our driveway and got it
cleared Friday.  It was still snowing a little.
Monday I took a few pictures around our
place and also a few pictures of our messed
up mailbox.  The front was just hanging on
it and it fell off pretty easily.  The back was
lying in the snow behind it along with some
of our mail LOL.  Anyways,  it’s all good
now :),  but for how long Mwahahahahaha.
LOL I wonder if snow blowed will ever be
put in the dictionary?  It should be,  due
to that being what I’ve done many times
and I continue to do on through winter 🙂
Snow blowing is a practice up here that is
taken in stride every winter.  Yeppers,  I’ve
snow blowed quite a lot hehehe and I am
quite sure I will again.  Winter still has a
couple of months left in it.  Yep,  it’s still
white outside.  I don’t mind it.  I actually
like it,  but hate it when it turns into ice,
because then it’s hard to get anywhere
and especially to walk without cleats on 🙂
I sealed up our front door a little better
this time,  so it should prevent any cold
air from seeping in the house.  The house
is always shifting and it made it to where
the door was not closing as tightly as I’d
like it to.  Tuesday we went to town to
return cans to the Redemption Center and
then do a little shopping.   I needed some
screws and washers so that I could put up
our new mailbox   When we got home I
got our mailbox ready to be put up and
Judy drove me to the road and sat with
the heater running so that I could leave
things in the car and come and get them
when I needed them such as a hammer
or the screw gun and screws :),  also so
that I could warm my hands time to time
being I had to do the work without any
gloves on.  It’s hard to work with screws
and whatnot with gloves on LOL.   That’s
about all of the excitement we’ve had here
at the Pearce’s Place.  I did manage to get
a few great sunset pictures Monday and
Judy got a few too.  I’ll put a few of them
in with my stationery pics.  We went to
the grocery store Monday of last week,
but I didn’t get all of the things that I was
going to need to put up our mailbox,  so
we had to make a return trip Tuesday
and being when we went to town Monday
it was rather late in the evening and the
Redemption Center closes rather early
at 2 PM,  so we got up and headed out
a bit earlier
Tuesday LOL.  We’re night
owls and stay up later which also means
that we sleep in late.  Oh well,  life goes
on.  God is still watching over us as He
has from the beginning.  We’re sure that
He has sent us many angels and kindly
spirits to watch over us and help us time
to time when needed.  I am so grateful
for all that God has done for us.  If it
were not for Him,  I would have passed
on decades ago.  I feel that He had more
for me to do in life and I am guessing
that a lot of it was writing :).  We are
so very thankful for all that You have
done for us God and thankful for your
continued presence.  Please bless our
families and friends as well as others we
know not of.  Amen and Amen.  Now,
I believe it’s time for me to read back
over all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem.  So it’s away I go, to
that place of my recollection that I like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think
I may have stumbled upon a nice title
near the center point of my rambling
and now after checking,  I see that it
hasn’t been used yet.  So,  used it shall
be.  Here goes…

Always Shifting

Minds of time
come and go
always shifting
to and fro.
Leaving echoes
place to place
often found on
someone’s face.
We may not see
the life’s details
always shifting
ships with sails.
Like an ocean
we might crash
upon the shores
of now and past.
Let God’s glory
to shine thru you
in what you say
and what you do.
Don’t let moments
find you drifting
with your choices
always shifting.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 12,  2023

Well,  there ya go.  I hope the poem met to
your liking 🙂  I also hope you enjoyed my
ramblings.  Yeppers,  I do ramble don’t I!
There’s not much else to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.  Yep,
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for all of
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you can
find at least 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now with that said,  I reckon it’s time
that I began searching for that hardly elusive
off switch,  but not before I wish you a truly
happy Valentines day and a blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and we
do too.  Now,  where can that ornery little
off switch be hiding or not this time?  Yep
it does have it’s times of laziness to where
it hides right in front of me hehehe,  but it
is looking as though it might have chosen
to hide this time LOL.  Well you at least
put forth some effort this time,  but hiding
behind my emgency light that’s sitting right
beside me on my XP tower is not so great
to hide behind,  being it seems you like to
play with it and turn it off and on while
stood behind it hehehe.  You are so silly.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Amidst The Birds

We might get lost
within a degree
of time after time
in things we see.
Many a moment
time may become
amidst the birds
troubles begun.
Yet with a breath
you can enhance
the way you see
as times advance.
Open your eyes
to see what’s true
amidst the birds
that come to you.
They might only
be seeking a time
as words of peace
to fill their mind.
So find answers
as time begirds
and don’t get lost
amidst the birds.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2023


Ageless memories
as time imparts
may come alive
as beating hearts.
Living as emotion
thriving as a time
dreams enlighten
a hopeful design.
Sweet scented life
moments reveal
live as a dream
time’s windowsill.
Displaying a stage
of time and shape
this is perspective
of a dreamscape.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2023

Eve is Begun

Trademarks of life
in the ending of day
display many things
in a magical array.
Some as a painting
and some a breeze
within a landscape
of hills and trees.
Snow might glisten
in scenes of white
as an eve is begun
preparing for night.
We may see the
within a dim shine
behind many clouds
of evening’s design.
Seek for the beauty
seek for the style
and you will surely
find you a smile.
For as the minutes
display less of
our blessings arrive
as eve is begun.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2023

Passing of Minds

Life has a way
of taking its time
creating questions
the seconds refine.
Becoming shadows
of now and again
a passing of minds
just like the wind.
Seasons memories
thrive of the days
as they are later
found in a grave.
Don’t let hatred
to tear you into
find the blessings
in ones you knew.
Also take notice
of ones still alive
and give a hand to
help them survive.
For we don’t have
unlimited times
to make peaceful
passing of minds.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2023


Distance varies
times recall
as our bridges
short and tall.
We might even
find a way
to walk across
to another day.
Lessons follow
giving views
seasons scenes
times infuse.
Creating paths
between ridges
lessons learned
within bridges.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 9,  2023

Living Waves

Life of times
may come to rest
within the waves
of east and west.
Time might show
a dormant view
as a stage of life
in an ocean blue.
Living thriving
scenes are seen
maybe colors of
Scenic windows
times become
as encountered
summer fun.
Allow the seas
to give the days
life and love
in living waves.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 9,  2023

Minds of Sight

Ice and snow
of times array
might become
a worded way.
Sometimes life
may be found
minds of sight
and also sound.
Our memories
might be seen
as nightmares
and no dreams.
Yet with time
there is light
found within
minds of sight.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 9,  2023

Blue Peeks Thru

When caught in storms
we might not see
the peace that’s there
that’s soon to be.
It might be a moment
as a passing scene
as the blue peeks thru
and becomes a dream.
Don’t let emotions
get lost in the clouds
and live in the horror
a moment endows.
Search for the peace
that God will display,
let the blue peek thru
as you kneel and pray.
So many rainstorms
transform the skies
into many blessings
that await your eyes.
Seek for the window
 to start life anew
as the time passes by
and blue peeks thru.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 9,  2023

Wheels of The Past

Turning discerning
the times we recall
become as the scenes
we want to reinstall.
Remembering times
we may of mistook
that are now pages
in a history book.
Yet there are many
still living that way
refusing to change
their life day to day.
I think that the view
is a breath of air
as wheels of the past
display their flair.
Finding happiness
in the tiniest things
as the life and times
found in blessings.
Locate your peace,
then surely recast
as living memories
wheels of the past.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 10,  2023

Within a Season

The light of day
of time and place
may instill scenes
a warm embrace.
A scenic memory
with certain style
enhances moments
that times compile.
Breathed as time
creates its window
and it comes to life
with a scenic flow.
Find your peace
with a good reason
that may be snow
within a season.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 10,  2023

for Feb 11,  2023

Streams of reflections
may encompass our doorways
with some hard to view.

A decade of leaves
can become as history
blowing in the wind.

So many changes
are found within a dreamer
that are only dreams.

Time is a player
that creates its own journey
as we come along.

Telling a story
many might not believe you
unless they see it. 

Speaking of others
make sure that you know the facts
and it’s not a lie.

Leaving through a doorway
you might discover some locks
that may cause trouble.

Struggling with life,
don’t seek for a quicker way,
it might not go well.

Windows of our life
might seem real hard to look thru,
but God shows the way.

Thinking too deeply
you might encounter problems
that aren’t really there.

Reviving heartaches
with unwanted memories
might not end so well.

Living in the past
can be very destructive
as time continues.

Singing timeless songs
that we know not of the words
can be laughable.

Many lines we’ve drawn
only separate the views
and not the journey.

Trivial vision
often becomes all we see
and not what’s needed.

When in the fast lane
we may find it’s much harder
to stay on the road.

Life’s ticking time bombs
can often explode too soon,
so prepare yourself.

Many finales
are joined with  some beginnings
that might be better.

Jumping up and down
will maybe get attention,
but it could be bad.

Seasons of scenery
can live within a dreamworld
to help us find peace.

Times that we recall
might be faded memories
that are not so true.

Holding to the truth
can become real hard to do
if it’s not so good.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 11,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂