

Hello my friends

Greetings from this rambling soul hehehe. I hope you have
had a good weekend. Ours hasn’t been anything to brag about
We still do our day to day rituals hehehehe. Judy and I went
to Presque Isle Friday for her doctors appointment through the
attempts to get her on SSD. Now we’ll just wait for the results.
We also went to see her daughter and grand children in Caribou.
In the mean time, I guess we’ll do as we’ve been doing, praying
for God to lend a hand. We’re hoping to have enough money
to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary on October 2nd
which is next Sunday. If we don’t , then we’ll just hang around
the house until we can afford to do something. We’ll manage.
No sense in worrying about it. Thursday September 29th is my
daughter Jamye’s birthday. Wish I could be there for her, but
so many miles now separate us. I love you Jamye and hope you
have a happy birthday. I’ll try to call you. Well, not much else
is happening up this ways. The weather is nice and it looks
like the sun is going to shine most of the day with a high of
around 79F degrees. The temperatures supposed to go down
a bit after today. The leaves on the trees have already begun
their changing. By next week, our view outside might be a
rather colorful one hehehe. Right now there’s a few colors
echoing across the landscape. Judy and I are hoping to be
able to drive around a bit sometime in the next few days and
get a few pictures of the fall colors. Now onto another topic.
As of right now, I am updating my AVG free software to the
2012 Free edition. AVG for those of you that do not know,
is Anti Virus software. Hey, it works great and it’s FREE.
I look for as much free software as I can find. In most cases
the free stuff works as well or sometimes even better than the
stuff you pay for. I’ve been on the net since 1995 and have
found a lot of great software during that time hehehehehe.
Judy and I are still playing our hidden object games from
time to time when of course we’re not watching our many
favorite TV programs…..Well there goes the Harley dudes
riding down the road again. Those bikes are LOUD hehe.
I can feel them vibrate our walls. They go to Houlton and
back every day for some reason or another. LOL, I lost
my concentration on what I was writing hehehe. OK, so
back to my rambling. Judy’s in the bedroom watching
cartoons right now while she’s waiting for me to finish
this journal. I’ll go get her when I finish and she can
help me edit it and then I’ll fix us some BRUNCH hehe.
My mom is totally loving her new high speed internet.
She was hesitant to get it, being she has only known
56K dial up since she got on the internet. I was almost
just as bad hehehe. I couldn’t dream of doing dial up
again especially to do our farms on FarmTown LOL.
It would take us an eternity to get anything done on all
of our farms hehehe. Being retired on disability as I
am it leaves not much else to do. Can’t walk too far
and the lack of ability to drive on most days leaves me
stranded at home unless Judy breaks me out and takes
me to WalMart or somewhere hehehe. Life is good
even through the troubled times. God is always there
with His Love and Care to help us weather the storms.
Let God help you through your daily schedule. He’ll
make the good times more better and the bad times
more tolerable. Don’t start your day without Him and
you won’t find yourself without strength to endure.
Of course you’ll have problems. That’s life. No you
will not be immune to sadness. Yet, God will be there
to console you and help you through it. Don’t let today
begin without prayer. Now with that said, I guess it’s
time for me to begin my little journey back through all
that I’ve written here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I believe I may have found a good title, but the proof
will be in the pudding hehehe so to say…Here goes.


Points of vision
we compare
might be seen as
just somewhere.
Scenes we’ve transposed
in our sight
might be just our
day and night.
In the midst of
muddled streams
there might be some
fruitful dreams.
Pictures painted
in our view
could become
a sight anew.
Let God help you
with your days
as you head your
daily ways.
Let the somewheres
that you find
be as God filled
state of minds.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 25, 2011

I hope you’ve enjoyed my rambling. If not, then OH WELL.
Life goes on hehehe. I know my writings are not everyone’s
cup of tea. In any sense, I hope I’ve made your days a little
brighter. I can hear Judy stirring about hehehe. I think she
might be ready for BRUNCH, so I need to hurry and finish
this. So, in an effort to stop me from rambling once again,
I think it’s time for me to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems and haiku for
you to read. Yeppers 10 more poems with 2 of them this
week being Christmassy. Also I wrote once again 22 haiku
for all of my haiku lovers out there. I sure hope you enjoy
some of them. Now it’s time for me to be searching for
that old off switch, but not before I wish you a wonderful
God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now to find that little off switch that loves to evade me 🙂
Found it curled up a asleep in the bed next to Judy hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe

End Of day

In the sunset
I can see
portions of
my history.
Signs of times
I memorize
from the mornings
early skies.
Sunsets pictures
enhance views
found as wondrous
minutes hues.
The sweet sunset
that I find
helps to plant
seeds in my mind.
Seeds of vision
tasty sweet
as a portion
eyes can eat.
That sweet beauty
on display
comes as sunsets
end of day.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

A Place I’ve Dwelled

Summer’s ending
brings a sight
as cold winters
day and night.
Summer’s breezes
will be seen
as a moments
swimming dream.
Then dear winter
will be found
after autumn
comes around.
Leaves on trees
will fall to Earth
heading for their
place of birth.
Then dear winter
will so true
bring some snow
of whitish hue.
Covering up
the leaves that fell
leaving not an
autumn trail,
Soft white snow flakes
will fall down
painting pictures
on the ground.
Then the artwork
that’s beheld
will become
a place I’ve dwelled.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

When My Heaven

Heaven holds
my dreams come true
as a special
thing to do.
Heaven answers
all my prayer
which that nothing
does compare.
Truly Heaven
is so great
that I now
Heaven holds
a painless time
with an endless
great design.
No more torment
now and then
when my Heaven
does begin.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

Don’t Let Wanna

A simple thought
of wants desires
can ignite
some troubled fires.
Thinking thoughts
of wants and wishes
can fill up
your future dishes.
Don’t let thinking
take control
with your wantings
every goal.
Let tomorrows
be as found
with your feet
firm on the ground.
Don’t let wanna
destroy you
doing what
you shouldn’t do.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

Let God’s Gladness

Seeming dreaming
minutes meaning
found as scheming
winters sight.
Times agreeing
what we’re seeing
with the feeling
of delight.
Winters format
comes to bat
snowing as that
Christmas seen.
Found as chitchat
snowy words splat
where my seats sat
in a dream.
Often winter
will just enter
with its center
just as snow,
but dear winter
might just hinder
with its tender
to and fro.
Winters segues
come as seaways
painting displays
whitish hue.
Some will praise
the day by days
while some phrase
the days just blue.
Don’t let gladness
turn to sadness
with the badness
found in frame.
Let Gods gladness
be the bestest
that you attest
in Jesus’s Name.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

Tomorrows Time

Today’s the day
to change what’s done
forgiving all
through God’s Own Son.
Yesterdays time
can be as learned
teaching what
that’s now discerned.
Lose the cannot
find the can
through the pages
fellow man.
Today can be
a better sight
if you’ll find
what’s truly right.
Tomorrows time
can be much better
if we’ll try
to work together.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

I Was Dreaming

While sitting by
the fireplace
I would wait
with smiling face.
Waiting for
old Santa Clause
to come down
and take a pause.
I would give him
eat and drink
and then say
the things I think.
Telling him
what I desired
and then see
what then transpired.
He would grin then
really big
as I did a
quick little jig.
Dancing as he
touched his nose
then our chimney
up he rose.
I awakened
in dismay
for he came
and flew away.
I was dreaming
all the while
as I saw him
and his smile.
Christmas dreams
of long ago
live and breathe
of Ho Ho Ho.
Santa Claus
of yesterday
will never ever
go away.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

Helping Groove

Pouring thoughts
onto a flame
might just cause
a troubled game.
Think it over
before you do
pour your thoughts
and make ones blue.
Sometimes others
only need
you to give
a prayerful seed.
Leaving doing
to The Lord
for He knows
what they afford.
If you want to
give a hand
pray to God
on solid land.
Let God guide you
as you move
in your daily
helping groove.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

Summer’s Losing

Now the days
are fading fast
as the summer’s
just the past.
Winter’s coming
bringing sights
shorter days
and longer nights.
Scenes around me
fall in place
fed by pages
winters pace.
Now the hours
that I see
leave the summer
fancy free.
No more scenes
of mowing lawns
onto dusk
or mornings dawns.
All the days
of now and then
are with shadows
time agin.
Winters minutes
will unmask
with its cold
and snowy tasks.
Now the days
are taking place
in a sort of
moments race.
Summer’s losing
in the game
as cold winter
comes in frame.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

Thought As Blessings

Seeming blessings
might not be,
they could be
just misery.
Look to see
if you are true
with the blessings
thought for you.
Often thinking
your desires
will just lead to
burdens fires.
Thought as blessings
not so clear,
could find you
a flame to sear.
So make sure
what you think right
is a blessing
not just blight.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

for Sept 24, 2011

Hardened heartbeats
leave no room for any hope.
Let yourself to love.

Life’s a destination
with speed bumps in the traffic
that might deter you.

Learning from others
needs no personalities
found in the lessons.

Fear is a factor
that prevent many actions,
the good and the bad.

A simple second
might be more than it reveals
or less than it seems.

Summers attitude
comes with shadows of chances
to make better days.

Flavors of sunshine
come as radiant colors
that flowers display.

Seasonal people
find excuses for quitting
what needs to be done.

Leaves found as shadows
are the makings of sunshine
and also moonlight.

When daylight is seen
it means yesterday is gone
so learn from the past.

A sand covered beach
finds oceans of waves that swell
and then relinquish.

Certain emotions
make us stumble through the day
while trying to learn.

A snowbound moment
comes as Christmas flavored dreams
tasting like eggnog.

The hairs of your arm
raise when certain fears reside
in the dark of night.

Making a true friend
needs to be done with patience
for time will show true.

Answers that we find
might not be the true answers
so look much deeper.

Letters we’ve written
might be misread by many
that don’t understand.

Springtime’s arrival
will come in its own timeframe
so patiently wait.

Many alibis
are just excuses they’ve found
through their convenience.

Morning brings sunlight
through sometimes some cloud cover
that God has displayed.

Ceasing a moment
needs effort on your behalf
not just passing time.

Many a meaning
could be randomly defined
so make sure you’re clear.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2011

God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Journeyed Through


Hello my friends

How have ya been? We’ve been doing pretty fair. Not had
any real devastating circumstances arise lately. I’ve had to
start using our radiator heaters though. It got down to 30F
last night and was in the low 30’s Friday night as well. It’s
not supposed to be that cold tonight. Maybe as low as 43F
degrees or so. Yet, winter is making itself known and dear
summer for what it was up here, is gone. I doubt we’ll have
anymore days above 70F degrees. I’ve noticed by my weather
program that Texas is finally getting a reprieve from the heat
and has also gotten a little rain here and there. Maybe that
will calm down the fires. I have a few friends that have lost
their homes due to the fires. Keep all of those that were so
unfortunate in your prayers as well as keep in prayer for all
of those that lost there homes due to other devastations such
as floods, tornadoes and earthquakes. So many have been
in path of destruction. Now, I guess I need to move along
with my rambling to another topic. Today is looking like it
will be a pretty day. The sun’s shining bright and it looks
like the rains have slacked off a bit thank God. We might
go out picture taking one day this week. Who knows, we
might even get some good shots LOL, especially if Judy
stops the car so I can look around a bit. It’s hard to get
good pictures out of a moving vehicle, but then that’s what
you have been seeing in the stationeries for a good while,
or at least those of you that receive this in the stationary
format hehehe. The only other pictures are ones taken
right outside our house. It’s a beautiful view, but it does
get old hehehe. Judy and I watched a TV program called
Fear Factor last night. Ugh, there was quite a few things
that I could not watch or listen to. They hit my fear factor
on the nail. YUCK!!!!! Hehehe anyways, for the most part
it was entertaining. There wasn’t anything else on that
we like or semi like to watch hehehe. Saturday nights are
lacking in good TV programs or at least ones that Judy
and I like to watch. We watched Worlds Dumbest until
it went off or they began showing ones that we had seen
very recently. Don’t mind ones that we haven’t seen in
a long time. Boy, don’t we live an exciting life hehehe!
We might have to go to WalMart soon, being we’re
running out of necessities. Sure wish we had a super
WalMart. There’s one in Presque Isle, but that’s like
50 miles away. Oh well, life goes on. Now it’s time
to switch topics. My sister in law Barbara is needing
your prayers. So far though, it seems the radiation
treatments and all are going to suffice in the cancer
removal, but she still needs your prayers, for if you
know anything about cancer, you know that it’s very
tricky and can turn. Pray that the cancer is removed
and her life is extended to a joyful God filled harmony.
I love ya Barb and I’ll always keep you in my prayers.
I know Judy is worried, but it’s looking like Barbara
will be OK. My sister went through this years ago.
She’s (Peggy) living a cancer free life now, but still
keeping an eye on it, for she knows how it can find
ways of sneaking back into your life. God is always
in control, whether we can see it or not. There are
a lot of issues that He allows to happen, for He knows
that they will spawn angels and also lessons of which
to learn from. Too many see only the bad things that
happen and not the goodness that has begun. We
cannot see the works of God behind the walls of time.
Sometimes it takes many years for the reasons to be
seen. I never understood why I had to endure all
of the pain and suffering that I went through and
to this day still endure, but each day makes it more
clear to see. My writing stems from all that I have
been through and it enhances my thoughts. You
too may have some of the same insights due to the
life that you journeyed through. Let God help you
find the answers as you continue with life doing
the very best that you can. Now I believe it’s time
for me to cease my rambling hehehe and take my
little venture back through all I’ve written here,
to see if I can find a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s away I go to that place of my recollection
that I like to call, RECOLLECT VILLE. Hmm,
it’s looks like I may have stumbled upon a good
title not too far back. So let’s see what if anything
at all I can do with it hehehehe. Here goes!!!!!!

Journeyed Through

Things we’ve done
and things we’ve seen
might discern nows
red and green.
Stages set
from thereunto
might give sight
while journeyed through.
Portions poured
as watered wine
might dilute
a troubled time.
Journeyed through
the things each day
might just be
the better way.
Yes, some heartache
might show true
but we’ll learn from
journeyed through.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 18, 2011

Well, my neighbor is mowing AGAIN. He sounds like
he’s right below my window for some reason. Oh well,
I’m almost finished writing LOL. I don’t think Judy can
even hear the lawnmower in her sleep hehehehe. She’s
a sound sleeper. Yep, she’s still asleep. I’ll wake her up
when I finish writing. She told me last night that she wants
cereal for breakfast. So I’ll wake her up with a bowl of
Fruity Pebbles hehehe. Ok, so I guess it’s about time for
me to be telling you what I tell you every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10
more poems with two of them being Christmassy/wintry
styles and 22 haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there.
So now I need to be searching for that confounded off
switch, but not before I wish you a most wonderful
God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. Now to find that freaking off switch hehehehe.
Found it hiding behind the salt and pepper shakers
that never made it back into the kitchen for some
reason LOL. Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Just Stand Around

The day begins
with mornings sun
bringing in
what soon is done.
Days arrival
there and here
comes with time
of oh sincere.
Bringing chances
in its wake
for so many
to then take.
Yet so often
days begin
without many
sought to win.
Sometimes people
will be seen
as just watching
people lean.
Watching waiting
as days go by,
days begin
while ones deny.
Not with fully
chances found
many will just
stand around.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Blessings Journals

Blessings journals
can be read
through the day
or while in bed.
All our blessings
given true
are with pages
me and you.
Blessings written
throughout time
come from Jesus
so Sublime.
Often blessings
are not seen
until nightmares
find a dream.
Sometimes troubles
here and there
are the blessings
seemed not fair.
Blessings journals
that we see
might be better

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011


Hardworking people
in hardworking times
feel the explosions
of sadness designs.
Things we’ve encountered
in timeless detail
make the hardworking
with dreams to set sail.
Yet often dreamers
will find some nightmares
through all the people
of bitter times scares.
Hardworking people
just need to hold true
and do the best
of which they can do.
Not letting others
to tear up their dreams
with all the pages
of fast moving streams.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Morning Eyes

The day begins
with cloudy skies
found within
my morning eyes.
The sights I see
from thereunto
fill me with
a grateful hue.
Thankful for
the mornings breeze
which that’s blowing
distant trees.
I hear cars
just driving by
as I’m gazing
at the sky.
I hear singing
without words
that is coming
from some birds.
Sounds of morning
comes so sweet
with the flavors
none compete.
Tasty morsels
of the day
come with many
words to say.
Words with beauty
filled with glee
the mornings then
just history.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Leaving Nightlife

Times entangled
leave us scared
looking for
someone that’s cared.
Things we’ve found
as time moves on
leave us tangled
dusk to dawn.
Many nighttime
come to ones
that fail to see.
Times entangled
then become
as a moments
beating drum.
Beating as
through the times
they did not see.
Times entangled
can be changed
by some moments
Leaving nightlife
not so good
and then doing
what we should.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Christmas Hue

Winters stage
will soon be set
with the minutes
not so wet.
Snow will billow
on each hill
with the dreams
of which to fill.
Snowmen standing
here and there
as sweet Christmas
comes so fair.
With its blessings
from God’s Son
Christmas will then
be begun.
Winters stage
will then be found
with God’s blessings
all around.
Seen as magic
winters days
will be found then
to amaze.
Twinkling lights
red, blue and green
will be found
to then be seen.
Found on houses
lit real bright
as they twinkle
every night.
Then inside
the sights will be
lights upon
a Christmas tree.
Making winters
Christmas hue
as a blessing
then come true.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

When What How

Ones rekindled
might not see
past the time
of history.
Often water
found in route
under bridges
starts a bout.
So if you’re now
found in place
as rekindled
face to face.
Let the pasts days
be just learned
and then make
a future earned.
Don’t use minutes
that you’ve seen
to make nightmares
from a dream.
Use those lessons
to change now
as it shows you
when, what how.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Don’t Let Urges

Future thinking
might return
to the visions
you discern.
You might mess up
what can be
by not leaving
things to see.
Sometimes journeys
are best laid
as the lessons
past has made.
Don’t let urges
lead astray
all the journeys
day to day.
Let your minutes
be as found
as the time
that’s meant around.
For some moments
cannot be,
because they are not
you or me.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Christmas Kiss

Points of winter
come and go
with some breezes
and some snow.
Often winter
winds of time
blow up pictures
in our mind.
Things we dream
in winters view
come in frame
of thereunto.
Scenes of wonder
Christmas bound
display white snow
on the ground.
Points of winter
seem to share
bits of flavors
filled with care.
Christmas portholes
open wide
and then winter
comes inside.
Playing games
with snowy bliss
with sweet winters
Christmas kiss.
A kiss of wonder
found in frame
as ones shout out
Jesus’s Name.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

Take A Little Breath

Many with anger
fail to comply
seeing the moments
with ones eye to eye.
Often ones anger
will sort of mislead
giving the things
they don’t really need.
Sometimes our anger
will simply confuse
as we explode with
a really short fuse.
Many with anger
do not see real clear
how that their journey
is slipping a gear.
Take a little breath now
and find some release
that will be helpful
to bring you some peace.
Don’t let your anger
to tear up your life,
for it will only just
fill you with strife.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

for Sept 17, 2011

Clouds make a picture
that’s found in the way we view

Now’s a beginning
that needs a little movement
to make any good.

Searching for heartbeats
can lead you in a circle
if you search blindly.

Pictures on the wall
can hold many perceptions
and yours might be wrong.

Cantankerous souls
find storms in the calmest seas
and drown in their thoughts.

Our daily efforts
can make or break a moment,
so think it over.

Laughing at people
needs be done for the better
not just for insult.

Tomorrows picture
has yet to of been painted.
Today needs brushstrokes.

Life might seem the same,
but differences are found
in shadows of time.

Morning seen wrongly
could lead you to sad a stage
that needs not be set.

Having and giving
brings together two portions
of delightfulness.

People with sadness
will often seek for others
to merely compare.

Standing in the rain
will either get you real wet
or give you great joy.

A painted moment
that is done by an artist
might seem unfinished.

Places we visit
live on in our memories
as pictures of time.

Wintertime begins
after autumns disclosure
of leaves on the ground.

Many a glancing blow
are the winds of wintertime
breathing their delight.

Clinging to someone
might cause them to run away,
so give them some space.

Answers to questions
can be found in our own minds
needing to be heard.

Seasonal pleasures
come as many emotions
of simple delight.

Counting on someone
could leave you found heart broken.
We are not perfect.

Confused signatures
write yesterdays words of time
that are misconceived.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17, 2011

God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

To Know Him


Hello my friends

How’s it going? It’s getting cooler up here every day. Winter
is seeming to be knocking real hard on the door. It got down
to 35F degrees last night. Today’s high is supposed to be 67F
degrees. Right now it’s 65F degrees at 12:46 PM. I’m getting
a late start on my writing today LOL. I felt like garbage when
I tried to write earlier, so I decided to wait until I felt a little
better before I started writing/typing. Still don’t feel great, but
I guess it’s as good as it’s gonna get today hehehe. The sky is
blue and it doesn’t look like we will get rained on today. Yet
it looks like we have a 30% chance of rain for tomorrow and
for the rest of the week, but 30% isn’t that high of a chance 🙂
Judy’s still in bed asleep. I’ll wake her when I finish writing.
Not much has happened up this way. The weather has been
nice. Judy and I are still playing our games together etc, etc.
Hehehe we live such a boring life. I did finally manage to
get us new tires on our car. The rear tires had wires poking
out of them and made that whirring noise as they rolled LOL.
Now the car runs smooth aside from the noise of the muffler
clamp rattling hehe. I wish I were in better shape. I would
jack the car up and fix it myself, but mechanics cost so much
and we can’t afford them. The tires costed $160 dollars and
that was enough. They were the cheapest they had that were
all weather tires. Of course that was the price of the labor
included LOL. That was for 2 tires. Thank God our front
tires are in good shape. I need to get the oil changed now,
but that will have to wait until I get paid again. Life goes
on hehehe. Now onto a different topic. Judy’s sister Barb
is doing OK, but the treatments are making her feel real
weak. Keep her in your prayers. My mom is loving high
speed internet. She finally got it. I was beginning to think
that she would never switch from 56K dial up hehehehehe.
There isn’t much going on up this ways. The days are each
looking more and more wintery as time moves along. Judy
is still on Unemployment benefits and hoping to get Social
Security Disability, but nothings changed so far. She has
an appointment with one of the SSD’s doctors in a week
or so that will determine whether or not she gets SSD or
not. Keep her and I in your prayers. God is in control.
Moving from day to day as time goes by, we can only
deal with the moments before us. I thank God for all
of the chances that He has given me throughout my life.
I have many regrets, but the fact is, that without the
time that has passed, today would not be possible at
all. We need our yesterdays to form today be it good
or bad. What’s viewed as bad in the past, might have
been lessons to use as tools for the future. It’s all how
we look at them. You can look with regret or look
with thankfulness that you survived and learned a few
lessons. I sometimes look for the humor throughout
my passed days. Some of the stupid things I did in
my past works as tools to find a smile in today when
things are not going so well. We’ve all done a few
dumb things that we’re not proud of. Not one of us
is immune to errors. That’s why God sent us Jesus.
For all of our many mistakes. Without Jesus, we
would have no forgiveness for our mistakes in life
and maybe never see Heaven. I’m sure that without
Jesus, I would end up in Hell. I’ve messed up a lot
in my days gone by and I still mess up quite a bit
while being human with imperfection. So do you
know Jesus? If not, why not? Do you think your
not worthy to know Him. He says come to Him as
you are and let Him change you. If I had waited
until I felt I was worthy, I would of never gotten
to know Him and possibly be dead as of today.
Ok, so I guess it’s time for me to stop preaching
and begin my little quest for a title for the new
poem of today. So it’s off I go to that place of my
recollection to try and find a word or phrase that
might work well for the title for today’s new poem
and that place is called RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I may have tripped upon a title that might
work well. Now let’s see if I can formulate a few
words in form of a poem using it LOL. Here goes.

To Know Him

Life will shine
if you know Him
and you’ll find
the greatest grin.
Yes to know Him
you will find
day to day
a calmer mind.
Yet of course
some trouble will
find you there
on windowsill.
Jesus Christ
is breath of air
through the troubled
seemed not fair.
Yes to know Him
you will see
better times
through history.
Yet of course
the times will tell
times that seem
as if they’re Hell,
but those times
of bittersweet
Jesus Christ
will help defeat.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 11, 2011

I hope you liked that 🙂 Those PM’s that I took last
night are still sort of messing with me hehehehehehe.
My good eye is a bit more blurry than normal. Ok I
said last night, I meant this morning LOL, being we
didn’t finally go to bed until about 4 or 5 O’clock this
morning. We watched TV most of the night while
goofing around on our computers. There’s not much
that goes on around here that is SPECTACULAR 🙂
Nope, just little boring us hehe! So with that said
I guess it’s about time for me to begin my search for
that old off switch, but not before I tell you what I
tell you every week and that is, I wrote some more
poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with
one of them being of a Christmassy/wintery style
and I wrote 22 more haiku for all of my haiku lovers
out there. Now it’s time for me to wish you all a
most wonderful God filled week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Now to find that freaking
off switch. Hehehe it came in on Judy’s shoulder
when she walked in the room. She’s ALIVE hehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

P.S. today is the anniversary of that tragic day
of 9 11 and the destruction that enveloped many
lives. May all those friends and relatives be with
blessings of love. Remember, God is in control.
We shall see those that departed when our days
on Earth have ended.

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂

A Troubled Storm

A troubled storm
from faraway
might be found
as not so gray.
Sometimes seen
in different views
makes the day
some different news.
A troubled storm
that you once found
might just be
the needed ground.
Needed moments
there and then
might be God’s Own
guiding wind.
Leading places
from our stance
showing what’s
a better glance.
A troubled storm
from faraway
might be strength
another day.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Nickels Dimes

A simple time,
a simple place
might just be
a minutes grace.
A simple view,
a simple stance
might just be
a times romance.
Minutes floundered
might be seen
as a nightmare
not a dream.
A simple phase,
a simple thought
might change now
a simple lot.
Sometimes thinking
can become
as a simple
time so dumb.
Let the minutes
simple times
teach you what that’s
nickels dimes.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Tomorrow Will Be OK

Today’s a day
we might conclude
that it’s just
a times protrude.
Maybe moments
that we’ve found
are just echoes
all around.
Today might be
a time displayed
as just signs
mistakes we’ve made,
but today
can also be
a better sight
to choose to see.
Today’s a choice
of pages turned
giving way
for lessons learned.
Today’s a day
we need to find
filled with hope
and peace of mind.
Let tomorrows
not yet here
not be found
as just a fear.
For tomorrows
not yet done
need to be
when time’s begun.
Do your best
with now today
and tomorrow
will be OK.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Water Flame

The summers sun
is beating down
on the Texas
hard dry ground.
Bringing flames
from thereunto
in the Texas
every view.
The summers heat
is hotter still
bringing signs
of bitter pill.
Prayerful seconds
come in play
when so many
fall to prey.
The summers sun
is still so strong
that it shines now
oh so wrong.
Now ones praying
for some rain
fills the void
of time again.
There are many
other places
seeing life
of different faces.
Waters northward
gone askew
is so many’s
daily view.
So please Jesus
Lord on High
won’t you please now
peace comply.
Give the essence
of Your Name
making peace
with water flame.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Little Battery

Hey there little battery
won’t you please stay strong
so my camera now today
can then last real long.
I hate it when you peter out
when I need you most
and then all my pictures found
are just merely ghost.
Please now little battery
won’t you hold a charge
so that I can take a picture
of the small and large.
Hey there little battery
won’t you please comply
to keep a charge today
and not simply die.
I want pictures now and then
of my daily view,
so now little battery
won’t you please hold true.
Give to me the best you can
as the days arrive.
Let me get some memories
I can keep alive.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Daily Sights

A sky of blue
in mornings sight
brings the scenes
that I delight.
Clouds float in
with every view
in once then
a sky of blue.
The days begin
with sight and sound
flavored scenes
of all around.
A sight above
that floats on by
seems to make
the wondrous sky.
Even birds
that fly about
make the sky
to seem to shout.
Beautiful scenes
of daily sights
live within
the days and nights.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Years Begin

The years begin
with minutes born
then the story’s
pages torn.
Read as journals
years of words
many find they’re
flocks of birds.
Minutes flying
quickly by
leaving only
high and dry.
Then years move
to moments time
where there’s seen
their own design.
God is there
through thick and thin
when the stories
years begin.
Yet ones often
fail to see
Him right now,
just history.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Useless Submarine

Pointless anger
will become
as a useless
beating drum.
With its rhythms
beating true
hurting many
also you.
Many pointless
angered times
leave us with
so many crimes.
Let your anger
not be seen
as a useless
Don’t let moments
just submerge
with your anger
of the urge.
Let God help you
more of then
and then anger
will not win.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Wintertime’s Dreams

Wintertime’s dreams
with Christmastime thoughts
comes into view
when snowflakes are tossed.
Blowing in the breeze
as wintertime’s frame
white snow will fall
with Christmastimes name.
So many wonders
are found in the days
found within wintertime’s
wonderful gaze.
Snowflakes of Christmas
come in with a smile
with children playing
with snow to compile.
Building up snowmen
with wintertime’s dreams
then it becomes as
some wonderful scenes.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

Find Peaceful

Some find peaceful
in their minds.
Others find it
in some signs.
Some find portions
in their stance.
Others find it
in romance.
Some find peaceful
not so good
as it’s then
Some find peaceful
in their heart.
Others find it
torn apart.
Some find peaceful
when they pray.
Others do not
day to day.
Let some peaceful
find you true
as you let God
live in you.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

for Sept 10, 2011

Somebody’s judgment
might be off just a little
and see you all wrong.

Time finds a purpose
as the scenes get more clearer
with the pages turned.

Looking for true love
might lead you in a circle
to someone you passed.

Trivial moments
get blown out of proportion
due to ignorance.

Buying a minute
leaves you paying for hours
for what could be done.

Staring at stardust
can make a dream to explode
with only wanna.

Today’s misfortune
might turn out to be good luck
hidden out of sight.

Unlucky people
might actually not be.
They might be viewed wrong.

A second that moves
makes a trail through each minute
that leaves memories.

Escaping shadows
is harder than you might think.
They’re there night and day.

Looking for Christmas
is done on through wintertime
when many seek snow.

Heaven holds wonders
that many will surely see
if they know Jesus.

Finding a turnstile
brings us some choices to make
to enter or not.

Becoming someone
needs be done with much caution.
Make sure it is you.

Heavy hearted times
brings despair to so many
that can’t let it go.

When said it’s easy
as riding a bicycle,
make sure you still can.

Nows scenario
could be lined with confusion
and you not see it.

As cramped styles arrive
search to find a happy place
to help you survive.

Yesterdays wisdom
was once someone’s ignorance
that helps us today.

Knowing a problem
is only part of the answer.
Learn to ask questions.

New forms of people
come and go as time goes by.
Don’t judge all the same.

When making faces
take a look in the mirror
and see who you’re not.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10, 2011

God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂



Hello my friends

How’s life treating ya? I hope it’s been nicer to you
than it has to me LOL. Yeppers, I guess we all have
our share of ups and downs huh. It looks like today
might surprise us with rain hehehe. It’s 68F degrees
at 11:38 right now and it’s supposed to get up to 74F
today. I saw on my weather program last night that
Texas is supposed to start having temps in the 80’s
and low 90’s for at least a week or so if not longer.
I’m glad that it’s finally cooling off a bit down south,
but it’s doesn’t look like Texas will get any rain for
a while yet. Oh well, onto another rambling topic.
The wife and I have been still playing our many BFG
which is Big Fish Games LOL. Yep, hehe we’re still
playing hidden object games together. Judy and I
have also found a few more TV programs that we
like to watch. We used to watch MXC, but found
another program called Wipeout that is sort of like
MXC, but in Wipeout there is actually a winner and
they actually win money LOL. We also like to watch
American Ninja Warriors. That’s about as close to
sports as this dude gets LOL. I prefer comedies and
what nots. Also we both love to watch Ghost Hunters,
Ghost Adventures and those types of TV programs.
Go figure LOL. Yet, neither of us will watch any of
the fictional movies that are focused on horror and
nightmares. We don’t mind watching reality for some
reason hehehe. They make those horror movies way
too weird for our taste. I guess reality is easier for
us to handle LOL. I guess it’s time for topic change.
Oh yea, FarmTown on FaceBook has done gone
and done what I figured hehehe. It went and added
more levels as well as yet another farm. Now Judy
and I have 11 farms. My level is 244 with 5,555,538
points and hers is 224 with 4,651,981 points or there
about. LOL we harvest and plow each others farms
every day or thereabouts hehehe. It passes the time.
We are soooo freaking exciting ain’t we!!!!!? LOL!
Not much ever goes on around here that is actually
Top Headline News hehehe. We watch the days
change from spring to winter. Oh yea, Judy is still
trying to get on Social Security Disability. She has
another appointment to see one of their doctors and
hopefully they will verify that she is disabled. She
and I can barely make it to the mailbox some days.
The mailbox is a long way down the driveway on
the other side of the road. Oh well, life goes on.
I told her to be thankful she can walk even if we
cannot walk far due to the pain. There are many
out there that would love to be able to walk with
pain included. We all take things for granted day
to day such as the ability to see, smell and touch
as well as to walk and talk. Life gets a little bit
downplayed by us all at times. Look for the good
things in life. Don’t make your focus just the bad
stuff that happens. Yes we all have bad things that
happen day to day, Some worse than others, but
on that same note, we also have good things. They
may be hard to see, but none the less they’re there.
Today I want to ask you to look around you and
find the good things to focus on. Remember the
ones that are suffering with things far beyond our
scope of knowledge and be thankful you have life.
Life is being able to open your eyes and choose
a thing to be happy about. Don’t just choose to
find all the misery. Start your day off with a little
prayer to God. Well, I guess on that note, I need
to be taking a little trip back through all that I’ve
written here to see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So, it’s away I go to that lil place of
my recollection that I like to call, RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have stumbled upon a good
title. Now let’s see what I can do with it hehehe.
Here goes nothing…..or not!!!! LOL.


Many will find
a suffering heart
daily concluding
before they start.
Many forget
how many each day
would be in Heaven
to be of our way.
Many in time
of suffering chance
live as they do
with smiles song and dance.
Often ones suffering
is better seen
that of a fragrance
leading to dream.
Yet many people
only will view
all of their suffering
a little askew.
Yes we all suffer,
but chances are made
to make that suffering
waters to wade.
Search through it all
the suffering days
and find the blessings
then to amaze.
You might just find
surprised thereunto
that you have blessings
living in you.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 4, 2011

Ok so that might be a bit confusing to most hehehe.
Hopefully a few of you understand the poem and get
the meaning behind it. I know, I have a weird way
of thinking hehehe. I’ve always been this way. Ask
anybody that has actually known me, not just of me.
Ok so, I have a prayer request, for my sister in law
Barb. She has breast cancer and is going for all the
treatments now. So far they think it has not gotten
into the bone, so that is GREAT, but she is not out
of the woods as of yet, so keep her in your prayers.
I guess it’s about time for me to be searching for
that old off switch, but surely not before I tell you
what I tell you every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems
with one of them a Christmassy/wintery style and
22 more haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there.
With that said, I must wish you a most wonderful
God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. Now to find that freaking off switch….
Found it lollygagging around the chandelier LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

P.S. Oh yea, I want to thank all that sent me birthday
cards for my Birthday Aug 31st. It didn’t go very well,
but I’ve had worse. Life goes on. Oh yea, also my
mom finally got on HIGH SPEED INTERNET YEAH.
She said she loves it. She’s already downloaded a few
games from Big Fish that with 56K dial up would of
taken her an eternity hehehehe………

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Alone in A Dream

A seemingly moment
that flows as a stream
is sometimes flavored
alone in a dream.
Sometimes with sadness
and sometimes with smiles
alone in a dream
becomes many miles.
Journeys through teardrops
from happy to sad
alone in a dream
displays good and bad.
Distant times summers
the dreams do display
things we’ve recorded
in some sort of way.
Alone in a dream
can become a great place
found with a moment
of a happy embrace.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Your Echo

Sometimes your echo
is not so displayed
as that of voices
you thought that you made.
Sometimes the sounding
is not heard so clear
and what’s meant happy
brings sadness so near.
Sometimes your meanings
might not be as found
as that of goodness
to all those around.
Make sure your echo
from things that you’ve said
bring someone gladness
not sadness instead.
Make sure your meanings
of echoes in time
are of the nature
that ones need to find.
So make your echo
so clear to be heard
that ones will know then
your true meaning word.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Seasons Displays

Summer bound moments
will soon be gone
as with the minutes
dear summer moves on.
Summer will leave us
with autumn to come
bringing us colors
of leaves under sun.
Then mister winter
brings white snow to see
as also coldness
of lower degree.
Then on through winter
the flavors of time
seem to awaken
a wondrous design.
That of a distant
tree with snow white
shimmering glimmering
a winter found sight.
Then with the ending
of wintertime’s day
then comes in springtime
with so much to say,
Colors will blossom
from seeds to and fro
that were once covered
with wintertime’s snow.
Springtime will beckon
with flowers and more
as it’s arrival
brings much to adore.
Then after springtime
the summer appears
the same that it’s done
for so many years.
Summer bound moments
will again be found
with ones in water
just splashing around.
In the summers heat
the summer bound days
will be as shadows
of seasons displays.
Some seen as torment
beneath the hot sun
and others splashing
and just having fun.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Hurry Time Thought

Jumping to quickly
conclusions in time
might bring you seasons
of unneeded mind.
Often ones meanings
are not meant so true
as that of wordings
you thought that you knew.
Look clear and listen
to voices you heard
and make sure meanings
are not just obscured.
Sometimes a moment
is needing some prayer
with God to guide you
with His love and care.
Don’t let a moment
of hurry time thought
bring to you sadness
that you needed not.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

The Littlest Snowflake

The littlest snowflake
fell down one day
searching to find more
snowflakes to play.
It was the first one
fell in its place
then it saw others
with smiles on their face.
The littlest snowflake
then was so seen
as that of white snow
that covered grass green.
So many others
fell down then that day
making a wonderful
winters display.
Paving the distance
with a whitish hue
the littlest snowflake
made each day anew.
With every snowflake
that fell to the ground
there was a picture
to surely be found.
Such as a snowman
that children had made
from that of many
of snowflakes to wade.
The littlest snowflake
knew seasons cheer
that of which Christmas
has brought every year.
That little snowflake
of thens wintertime
knew that it also
was a Christmas design.
So with a smile
it flourished and grew
as it found blessings
with its every view.
Christmastime joy
with glittering lights
lit up its moments
of Christmastime nights.
It stared in wonder
at all that God sends
as it watched daily
with all of its friends.
The littlest snowflake
soon melted away
but would return
next wintertime’s day.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Mornings Blessings

Mornings blessings
windows view
comes to life
as days anew.
Seconds tick on
as a minute
with the mornings
all within it.
Soon the morning
is just found
as a time
that came around.
Yet if morning
is ignored
it can be things
Mornings blessings
can be seen
as a God felt
wondrous dream.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Listen Closely

Listen closely
to your heart.
Hear its rhythms
to impart.
Listen to its
great design
beating on
from time to time.
Listen now to
all you hear
such as sounds
of yesteryear.
Hear their patterns
in the day
as your heartbeat
beats away.
Find the rhythms
that are done
given from
God’s Only Son.
Hear the blessings
in the wind
sometimes found
as mornings friend.
Listen closely
to each sound
as their moments
come around.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Jesus Peace of Mind

Ones who seek
may also find
things unwanted
time to time.
Ones who wait
for God each day
might find also
better way.
Ones who hurry
to and fro
might be found with
I don’t know.
Times confusion
falls in place
when ones hurry
as a race.
Ones who seek
for moments prayer
might then find
a breath of air.
Yet the breath might
be a phase
as unwanted.
but God’s ways
Lose your wanna
through this time
and find Jesus
peace of mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

Timeless Views

The length of time
from thereunto
might be found
as just a view.
Sometimes time
from here and there
is but only
breath of air.
The sights we see
as time moves on
change with every
mornings dawn.
Yet we may not
see them clear
all the changes
The length we see
of timeless views
might be just
the way we choose.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

The Clouds

See the clouds
that float on by
in the mornings
deep blue sky.
Watch them gather
as a sight
some as gray
and others white.
See them form
a great design
found within
your moments mind.
Watch them float
through skies above
oh so graceful
as a dove.
Wings sometimes
as white as snow
watch them go
where all they go.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

for Sept 3, 2011

Tomorrows viewpoint
might change with its arrival.
Be ready for change.

Love is a blessing
that many use and abuse
as just a play thing.

A cap on bald heads
only covers up their view.
It does not change them.

A sentence spoken
can be misinterpreted
if not understood.

Many words are heard wrong
due to different meanings
in English language.

A flower will grow
when it is least expected
so look for its bloom.

A life of pages
fills up many years of books
that many do not read.

Looking at today
needs be done in the right light
and not rose colored.

Shadows of us all
follow us as we wander
through our course of life.

Raindrops will fall down
making splashes on our lives
as days move along.

Friendship will gather
as troubles through time occur.
Then you’ll see true friends.

A simple snowflake
falls as a frozen raindrop
then becomes beauty.

Sleeping with anger
could cause you many nightmares.
Find peace before sleep.

Points in a meadow
gather flowers of designs
that only God blooms.

Becoming someone
might cost you loss of yourself.
Make sure it is you.

Scenes in the making
often are ugly at first
as time runs its course.

Handling a moment
without first thinking clearly
could end in demise.

The window of time
comes in with its beginnings
as curtains are raised.

Subsequent shadows
breathe life into a moment
written within time.

Meaningless fighting
brings only confused anger
with minutes counted.

Pedestal placing
could destroy a persons sight.
Try and keep it real.

Living as liars,
you will only find heartache.
Be true to yourself.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 3, 2011

God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂