Hello my friends
This winter has gotten off to a slow start and
by the looks of things we might not have a white
Christmas unless the weather makes changes.
I am still wishing for snow. If we don’t have
snow it will be the first time since we moved up
here December 2007 that we haven’t had snow
for Christmas. I’m hoping for snow even more
so being my daughter and granddaughter are
coming up for Christmas and they want to see
a white Christmas. If it doesn’t snow, there
might still be some snow on the ground that’s
left over from earlier hopefully. No matter I’m
sure we will have a great Christmas. I’m sure
we will take tons of pictures. Right now there
is still a lot of snow outside and 25 F degrees.
Judy just got up and came in here with me and
the boys. Benny heard her in the bedroom and
started barking LOL. I stopped for a moment
to fix Judy, I and the boys some breakfast just
a bit ago, but had to wash dishes first. While
I was washing, Benny started barking again
telling me someone was driving up and it was
Helena, Judy’s youngest daughter. Her and
her son Christian came for a visit. So it looks
like breakfast will have to wait. I’ll stop here
so I can go and visit with them. I’ll be back 🙂
OK, so they are gone and I got back started
making us breakfast. It was rather hard to
do, being my potassium level must of gone
way down making me real shaky. I dropped
2 eggs and another ended up with the yolk on
the napkin and shell in the egg cracking cup.
LOL, I did though finally manage to get us
some waffles, eggs and sausage cooked. We
were both getting a little shaky. Hers from
her diabetes and mine from my potassium
level not able to be normal due to my lack
of a colon and the fact that my body since
birth will not retain potassium. OH well, I
got us fed and we’re both functioning back at
our normal again hehehe. Now back to the
journal. It’s 22 F degrees right now at 5 PM.
There’s a slight chance for snow tomorrow.
Who knows, the weather might throw us a
curve ball and switch to a more winterish
theme. Of course, in Texas where I’m from
this is more than a winterish theme, but not
for up here. Benny and Rocky had a great
visit with their cousin Khione, Helena’s and
Christian’s dog. I had all three jumping up
in my lap at different intervals. Khione and
Rocky ended up in my lap at the same time
for a bit. Judy took pictures of them hehehe.
I sat in the floor in front of our Christmas
tree and then had all three dogs sitting with
me. Judy took a number of pictures of that.
Me in my pj’s, red of course LOL. So what
did you think Santa Bill would be wearing?
Judy spent all last night baking cookies for
Christmas. I think she plans on doing more
baking tonight. More cookies 🙂 We love
Christmas. We’ve been watching Christmas
movies every day. I’ve got Christmas music
playing in the bedroom right now. Right now
Mama Kissing Santa Claus is playing hehehe.
So, what else is going on around this place?
Judy’s daughter gave us an early Christmas
gift and of course Judy couldn’t wait to open
it hehehe. It was a beautiful picture with the
words, Family: The ones you live with, laugh
with & love. Judy just took down one of our
old pictures and put it in place of it. It’s very
pretty. Judy and I are anxious for Jamye
and Sami as well as Jamye’s boyfriend Brian
and his son P.J. to get up here. Jamye asked
me if we still had our Santa suits and I told
her yes. I bought them a while back. She
said she’s got an elf costume and she’s going
to get one for Sami. She want’s us to take
a Claus Family photo hehehe. Helena said
she’s gonna wear her elf shirt and Mandy,
Judy’s oldest daughter has a Christmassy
outfit to wear too. So, we might all get a
picture to share for Christmases to come
if they come out halfway decent. I’m sure
that Benny and Rocky will make it in a few
photos hehehe. It’s 6 PM now and it’s just
1 degree colder than it was an hour ago 🙂
LOL I think Benny and Rocky are worn
out from playing with Khione. They are
both lying in the floor sleeping. It’s looking
like the Pearce’s Place will be enjoying
Christmas this week. It will be a special
one for me being I have not been able to
spend a Christmas with my daughter for
many years. It will be my first with my
granddaughter and that is a blessing to
me. I hope and pray that we have many
more Christmases together. It seems
that the days cannot go quick enough till
Christmas and sure enough they will go
way too fast as it passes. I wish there
were a way to stop time. I would relish
each and every frame. Yet, I am sure
we will create many memories in the few
days that they up are here. So, it looks
like Judy is back to baking more cookies.
This house smells like a batch of cookies.
LOL making me hungry, but I must fight
the urge to eat them hehehe. There’s not
much else to ramble about, so I reckon
it’s time for me to be taking my little trip
back through all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title of today’s new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that place
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have stumbled on
a good title just a few lines back. Now,
let’s see what if anything at all I can do
with it. Here goes nothing hehehe, which
might be correct LOL. I hope not though.
Every Frame
Seasons past
finds a place
every frame
a little taste.
Portions poured
found so sweet
every frame
will seem complete.
Certain people
come to mind
every frame
of Christmastime.
Painted journeys
far and wide
every frame
is love applied.
Many people
seek the glow
every frame
with Christmas snow.
Yet the snow
is not the means
every frame
of Christmas scenes.
For so many
close their eyes
every frame
for sought surprise.
Seeking blessings
times afford
every frame
from our sweet Lord.
Don’t let Christmas
find you blue
every frame
that lives in you.
For it’s Christmas
that revives
every frame
of hopeful eyes.
Find the blessings
seasons worth
every frame
from Jesus’ birth.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 20, 2015
OK, so there’s you a Christmas poem hehehe
like I haven’t written any others for you to read.
Yep, I have. Anyways, before we discuss that,
I wanted to see if there was anything else that I
needed to tell you. My sister is doing well and
the doctors are going to set up a surgery for her
in January to take care of her breast cancer.
Keep her in your prayers. She will be OK for
God is in control. I love you Peggy. Always
know that you can call me any time. I’m here
for you. I might be many miles away, but my
love travels the distance and if I can help in any
way such as just a ear to listen, then give me
a call. My mom is doing well and it seems my
grandmother (my mom’s mom) is doing well
also. I love you mom and wish you a very
merry Christmas. I’ll call ya, but you know
that hehehe. I call ya almost every day huh.
I would call grandmother, but her hearing
is not that great and it would be a sort of
one sided phone call. Well, there isn’t much
else to tell you, other than what I tell you
almost every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more
poems with 9 of them once again being sort
of Christmassy. I also wrote 22 more haiku
for all of the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now, I believe it’s time for me
to begin my search for that not so elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you a most
wonderful weekend and a blessings filled
week with a very merry Christmas or what
ever you celebrate. I myself am a Christmas
lover. So, now to find that silly off switch
that each week is supposed to try an hide
from me. Now, where are you ya little
varmint? Hahahaha, I see ya there right
behind my PC camera. Not quite enough
room for you to hide there is it huh LOL!
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Searching The Sky
A child thinks of Christmas
as magic to find
while searching the sky
for reindeer in line.
Found with some sleigh bells
while searching the sky
a child’s imagination
finds truth that will fly.
With Santa so jolly
in a sleigh that is red
filled full of presents
just like stories said.
A child keeps on dreaming
and hoping so true
while searching the sky
to see that great view.
The sleigh oh so magical
flies through the air
filling Children full of
hopeful and prayer.
Then as the evening
of Christmas is seen
the children are asleep
with him in a dream.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
The Season Of Joy
Dreams of white winters
with times real McCoy
are glimmers of snowflakes
with the season of joy.
Christmastime’s passion
comes marching with glee
with the season of joy
for many to see.
Pathways of children
as footprints unfold
are often building
with snow that they’ve rolled.
Building a snowman
so jolly and white
in the season of joy
that they so delight.
Maybe then also
they’ll lie in the snow
making snow angels
arms and legs to and fro.
Then as the day ends
with Christmastime cheer
the season of joy will
show Santa near.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
The Hereafter
As time begins ticking
from life unto death
we find oh so often
our lives without breath.
With each day counted
and the Hands of God
ones find the hereafter
the way that they trod.
Though our destinations
might not coincide,
for some seek for Heaven
and some have denied.
The hereafter journey
is a pathway in time
sought by so many
with daily to find,
But Lord God The Father
has our time and place
in the hereafter
with us saved by grace.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
A Snowy Christmas
A winters day
with joy to find
a snowy day
with Christmastime.
Many dream
of flakes of white
a snowy Christmas
found in sight.
A scenic view
with trees that glisten
is what many
now are missing.
A snowy Christmas
winters way
is a dream
that many may.
Scenes of magic
in the air
a snowy Christmas
gives its flair.
So for Christmas
many dream
of that wonderful
Christmas scene.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
Beyond The Flame
A fireplace burning
with holiday cheer
brings ones the magic
in this time of year.
The fire’s crackling
filled with desire
beyond the flame
what many admire.
With stockings hung
just waiting the thrill
for Santa to come
and each one to fill.
Beyond the flame
that burns so bright
many will sing
of Christmas delight.
Songs about Jesus
and how He was born
to give us grace
on Christmas morn.
He bought a chance
for you and I
beyond the flame
to rise so high.
So this Christmas
look and see
beyond the flame
what’s given free.
The flame of love
that burns so bright
from Heaven above
with His Bright Light.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
A Special Feeling
This is the season
to find in your heart
a new life for living
as God’s work of art.
Your Christmas doorway
is waiting for you
a special feeling
for you to walk through.
Let all the sadness
to end as you pray
with Christmas magic
that lives in your day.
A special feeling
that Christmastime gives
comes from The Father
as Jesus Christ lives.
Let now your heartbeat
to fill full of love
with a special feeling
from Heaven above.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17. 2015
Some think of Christmas
as just but a day
that is for buying,
but that’s not the way.
Seriously Christmas
is not about money
just like Easter
is not about the bunny.
Christmas is a day for
grateful so true
and thanking Lord Jesus
for me and for you.
Seriously many
will continue to buy
and forget truly
while they just deny.
Giving of yourself,
not just paying away
can seriously help ones
with their day to day.
So now this Christmas
try giving a hand
and seriously it might
help someone to stand.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
Wayfaring Man
A heart that’s unstable,
a wayfaring man
might not find Christmas
with footsteps that land.
A person might travel
and not have a home,
a wayfaring man
that’s found all alone.
Often they’ll display
no need to be seen,
but when they’re asleep
a friends in their dream.
A wayfaring man
or a woman so true,
might not display
the way that they do.
For many people
will silently go
their wayfaring way
the way that they know.
So now this Christmas
don’t just walk on passed
someone you see
with a shadow they cast.
Sometimes appearances
are not so true
for a wayfaring man
could be me and you.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
Lost In A Moment
Within but a minute
a moment comes by
bringing along seconds
that might seem to fly.
Speeding like a race car
with where all they went
lost in a time frame
lost in a moment.
Found as a season
that time has displayed
lost in a moment
is found Heaven made.
Time becomes echoes of
Christmases passed
as we remember
our time frames contrast.
Lost in a moment
Christmas is found
when it is seen with
its sight and sound.
Christmas songs playing
on the radio
bring back the blessings
that we used to know.
Old times remembered
as seasonal finds
lost in a moment
are greatest designs.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
As I Recall
Now becomes decades,
spring unto fall
winter then enters
as I recall.
Christmastimes blessings
come into frame
as I recall
with peace to attain.
Time becomes pages
found in a book
written of Christmases
many mistook.
For as I recall
the days of my youth
were displayed of God
and Christmas of truth.
But I strayed away
a little off track,
but Jesus Christ helped me
find my way back.
Time can be lessons
spring unto fall
and winters of Christmases
as I recall.
So look for the blessings
through seasons of time
and then remember
Lord Jesus Divine.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
for Dec 17, 2015
Seasons of hurry
bring a lot of forgetfulness
and some regretful.
Limits of thunder
are as lightning holding back
as storm clouds pass by.
Nearing tomorrow
today might lose perspective
with worrying minds.
The winds of today
might blow different breezes
than what we wanted.
Lives of a robot
only squeak its arguments
when needing some oil.
A shadow alone
is without any reason
unless it has life.
Violins playing
can display so much sadness
if in the wrong tune.
Within a window
holds many different views
with a few questions.
Love of a moment
could prevent your want for change
that you truly need.
Never is a place
that lives in someone’s regret
or their happiness.
The loan wolf of time
walks amongst many the same
without them knowing.
Colorful paintings
might hang upon a lifetime
that no one will see.
Life of a flower
knows springtime until autumn,
then it falls asleep.
Conclusions journey
finds a wrong analysis
often with hurtful.
When lost in a dream
reality can be sad
when you awaken.
The wonders of time
are counted with perception
as each page is turned.
The age of today
finds its birthplace in the past
while time goes its way.
A yellow flower
finds a path through summertime
that’s just many weeds.
Pearlescent dreamers
are as glimmers of rainbows
found within their minds.
Having and holding
is not ones true ownership,
for it might be lost.
Joining with others
makes a chain of connections
not always so strong.
Lights that burn brightly
often leave many shadows
displayed on the walls.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2015
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂