

Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice week and didn’t
melt with the excessive heat down south.
The weather has been pretty decent up
this ways.  The high for today was near
70F and right now at 8:30 PM it’s 56F 🙂
There hasn’t been much going on lately
here at the Pearce’s Place.  The doctors
keep changing her schedules and that’s
driving us batty.  The appointment she
had for surgery on Sept 8th has been
canceled,  they haven’t given her a new
date for surgery yet.  That’s the way
things are up here in Maine.  So what
else is going on up this way?  Well to
be honest,  there hasn’t been anything
going on that’s worth talking about.
Monday I took the car and went to
Walmart and did a little stopping here
and there and take pictures while Judy
was with her sister Barbara on a doctor
visit.  I got some real good pictures on
my drive.  I went again another day
this passed week while Judy was with
her sister as Barb was getting cataracts
removed from her eyes.  Judy had to
drive her home and keep her car and
she’s supposed to go and pick her up
Monday morning to take her
for another doctor visit and then on,
I believe it’s
Tuesday she will be taking
Barb for another eye visit.  So,  I’ll be
mowing those 2 days and trying to get
it finished.   I might decide to bring my
conga drums outside and do a few lil
videos if I’m feeling up to it.  I haven’t
done any conga videos in a long while.
LOL I might suck at it now.  Oh well,
I might give it a go anyhow hehehehe.
Judy’s watching a
movie on her PC
right now and has headphones on so
she doesn’t disturb me as I write this.
I’m not sure what we will have for
dinner tonight.  I fixed us barbecue
sandwiches last night and there’s still
enough BBQ for two sandwiches so
I might fix us some garlic toast to
go along with the sandwiches.  Then
again,  who knows,  we might decide
to have something else
for dinner :).
In any case,  we’ll eat and watch us
some TV as we eat.  I feel blessed to
have a loving and beautiful wife that
I can spend my life with.  God knew
that her and I needed to be together
and so He connected us from 2000
miles away from one another to be
as one in a life.  I had never dreamed
of meeting anyone from so far away,
but here we are now and living up
in Maine just 8 miles from where she
had lived when we met.  I miss all of
my family and friends,  but thankful
to be with Judy.   I have many health
issues that cannot be rectified,  but I
am happy to have her to share my
life with even through the pain.  She
has a many health issues as well and
we comfort one another.  Thanks to
God putting the pieces of our puzzles
together and helping us to complete
our puzzle.  Thank You for all that
You have done and all that You will
do as time moves ahead.  Lord God,
please look after all our family and
friends as well as people we know
not of.  Carry them in Your loving
arms.  Amen and Amen.  Now I do
believe it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title of
today’s brand new poem,  so,  it’s
away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have found a decent title just a few
lines back and now after checking
I see that it has not been used yet,
so used it shall be.  Here goes…


Throughout life
we will find pain
seeming unending
as pouring rain.
We might even be
with broken hearts
seasons of scenes
our life imparts.
Yet there may be
an answer or two
given from God
for me and you.
Look up above
and find a place
in some clouds
as a smiling face.
Find the patterns
that times applied
the many paths
that God rectified.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 27,  2023

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked
the poem and maybe even a little of
my rambling.  I can’t think of much
else to tell you other than what I tell
you nearly every week and that is I
wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep,  10 more poems and 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like.  Now,
I do believe it’s time for me to begin
my search for that silly hardly elusive
off switch,  but not before I wish you
a blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  OK,
so where can that ornery off switch
be trying to hide, maybe not?  LOL,
it does have its lazy moments hehehe.
This time it looks as though it gave
a little effort to hide being I don’t
see it right off,  but as I look around
the room I think I see something that
should not be moving LOL which is
our cordless phone.  It seems to be
wobbling a little and it shouldn’t be.
LOL are ya trying to make a call to
your family of switches Hahahaha?
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Seascape Connections

Looking to the sea
we might find a place
as waves so emotional
that our eyes embrace.
Seeming a photograph
that stares right at you
connected by rhythms
of a sweet sea of blue.
Allow for your heart
to absorb the emotion
as seagulls fly above
the waves of an ocean.
Our love filled dreams
can become perceptions
seen within blessings
seascapes connections.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21,  2023

Evening Seeks Night

Seen as a passageway
time creates views
as evening seeks night
with quick scenic hues.
Changing as sunlight
creates and displays
a life within the stages
so awesome to gaze.
Becoming the artwork
of an evening’s dance
scented of the passion
of lifetimes romance.
Many may perceive it
as a moment’s peace
displayed as a time
to think about  sleep.
Opening a doorway
to stars and moonlight
the day comes to end
as evening seeks night.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21,  2023

Striving Across

When with reflections
life might seem to glow
in places we’ve been to
as past ebb and flow.
You might see a bridge
that is waiting for you
to cross it with effort
for a brand new view.
It might be a doorway
or a window thru time
that awaits your steps
as life’s lessons to find.
Moments from above
that might seem a loss,
but found as blessings
when striving across.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 22,  2023

Passing the Rails

Driving along life
you might see things
as passages railways
that seem as dreams.
The tracks you see
may seem to impart
minutes and seconds
as life’s work of art.
Becoming heartbeats
with dreamer’s sails
within your mindset
as passing the rails.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 22,  2023

Gone To Live On

Looking at passages
we might not see
all the stages in life
that were given free.
We might even find
a bitter sweet pill
as loss of loved ones
is sadness we feel.
Formed from scenes
we remember so well
stories in our minds
we continue to tell.
Yet as passageways
life really doesn’t end
for it becomes spirit
blowing in the wind.
Loved ones that die
might not be seen,
but be still among us
as essence of dream.
Thriving deep within
as an unending song
true love’s a passage
that’s gone to live on.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 23,  2023

Realization Inspires

Transcendence of style
may form life’s window
as photographers eyes
might locate the flow.
Seen beyond the clouds
and lakes of thereon
the views of a moment
may seem to be a song.
Rhythms of a portal
might inspire a dream
as pictures are taken
of what all that’s seen.
Used as life’s reminder
the view never tires
as the photos live on
and realization inspires.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 23,  2023

Night Becomes

Creation of evening
seen with a gaze
formulates starshine
in nighttime’s arrays.
Seen are the colors
of yellow and orange
times that awaken
a night to be born.
Scenes as a painting
displayed to shine
night becomes views
as moments entwine.
You may smell life
as a breeze in the air
when for a second
it answers a prayer.
It might come alive
to live with you
as time forms sights
of an iridescent view.
Seasons transform
all of the setting suns
creating the sights
that night becomes.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24,  2023

Moments Reflect

Stories of the past
can become as today
as time’s reflections
become as our way.
A horse and buggy
might become you
as moments await
a future times view.
Creating reflections
of now and again
seeming as illusions
the times transcend.
Our life may change
as time moves along
leaving a doorway
to a new days song.
Sung as a heartbeat
our ears may detect
heard as a blessing
as moments reflect.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 25,  2023

Below The Veil

Branches may hide
life’s distant view
as leaves obscure
a moment or two.
Windows thru time
we might partake
as a mere dream
when wide awake.
Ones might perceive
their scenes of life
as the reflections
of a cut of a knife.
Yet in the windows
life might foretell
times of blessings
on below the veil.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 25,  2023

Vantage of Images

Within our passages
we might perceive
images of the times
we wish now to see.
Many points of view
may be just a phase
scented of memories
 of passings of days.
Rekindled memoirs
found in our words
might continue on
like a flock of birds.
Seeming as dreams
of living percentages
time gives way for
a vantage of images.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 26,  2023

for Aug 26,  2023

Dividing minutes
into seconds that we want
can promote problems.

Fence of decision
needs to be opened to life
allowing lessons.

When in a window
others might view us crazy
when we’re just playing.

Throughout our lifetime
we may seem as illusions
to ones that see us.

Sharing a heartbeat
can be great for a lifetime
if you accept flaw.

While in a doorway
you might see around the room
things you don’t agree.

Truth can be tragic
as it shows reality
in what that is there.

Listening to life
as it shows many voices
can enhance your peace.

Thriving in a storm
takes a little faith in God
as well as patience.

Life of a liar
has many waves of wording
they must remember.

Years are multiplied
as time creates our shadows
that live on and on.

The fires in our life
might burn brightly in others
as we give them fuel.

Limited heartbeats
often create ones worry
not ready to pass.

So many issues
are many times not as bad
as what we make them.

Awaiting winter
some will not enjoy summer,
due to all the heat.

Pages from our life
might have many destinies
that we’ll not fulfill.

Ripples of water
hold an essence of living
that we might not see.

Change of your viewpoints
can open many doorways,
to the good and bad.

Passing a person
on the roads of emotion
we might view them wrong.

Connecting the dots
to today and tomorrow
we might miss a dot.

Heard behind closed doors
you might mistaken the sounds
and not know the truth.

Thinking too deeply
can create many headaches,
so lighten up some.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 26,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Cloudless Sky


Hello my friends

I hope you have been doing well.  We’re
hanging in there.  The weather is getting
cooler.  Today’s high was supposed to be
76 and right now it’s 74.  The sun is out
in a cloudless sky.  The passed week was
eventful as I went with Judy for a doctor
visit in Bangor Tuesday and we stopped
off on the way home at KFC/Tacobell to
get us some dinner to take home and eat
later. Anyways Thursday we went Mini
golfing and we had a great day getting
us some ice cream there after we finished
our game and then Saturday Judy and I
went to Walmart to buy a few necessities
and then we stopped off and got us some
ice cream at the Houlton Farm’s Dairy
Bar for possibly the last time this year.
They close up when the weather starts
getting in the frigid temps.  It’s looking
as though we will never get the outside
upper flange to the wall to our home
fixed.  All I can hope is that it doesn’t
blow off.  I am unable to climb up to
repair it.  I almost fell the last time that
I climbed the latter due to my legs nearly
giving out and vertigo as well as my fear
of heights that I got when I fell years ago
at my work place in Greenville TX and I
 cracked my skull opened and had to have
it stapled and stitched back together LOL.
My old body has been through Hell and
I’m thinking I am not done with it quite
yet :).   I’m hoping to get our car into the
shop to have new back brakes put on it,
but I guess that will have to wait till after
Judy’s surgery or whatever they decide to
do the
8th of September.  We can’t afford
the work done now and it will have to wait
until we get our SS payment next month.
Life goes on.  It seems problems always
have way of sneaking into our lives LOL.
If we didn’t have problems,  I would be
curious to what’s going on.  I have had
struggles all of my life.  Many that no
one knew of being I did not tell anyone.
I kept my problems to myself.  Nobody
had ever seen me cry other than when
I was a lil child,  but that was very rare.
Anyways,  Judy and I are doing well.
She’s still feeling OK.  She has had no
physical signs of the lung cancer,  yet.
After the surgery and all we are hoping
that we can put it all in the past and
move forward in life.  We’re getting
older with each passing year,  which is
better I guess than the other although
I will be happy to see my loved ones
in Heaven when my time comes.  But,
it seems that I will have to wait until
God says it is time.  Thank You God
for never wavering in Your word.  We
are thankful for all that You have done
for us as well as the many angels and
spirits that You have sent to watch over
us.  Please keep a watch over our many
friends and family as well as the people
that we know not of.  We praise Your
name.  Amen and amen.  Now I believe
it’s time for me to read back over all
that I have written here to see if I can
find me a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem.  So it’s away I go,  to that
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE 🙂
I think I may have found me a fairly
decent title right on the 5th line of the
beginning of my rambling and now
after checking,  I see miraculously that
it has not been used as of yet,  so used
 it shall be today.  Here goes…

Cloudless Sky

So many dreams
we think about
wants and wishes
a different route
become as paths
to there and then
a cloudless sky
times transcend.
Yet in the views
we may lose track
of what that’s real
in there and back.
A cloudless sky
might be a frame
a hopeful dream
wished to attain.
Find the rainbows
in all that’s there
and you might find
an answered prayer.
Thriving with love
as time flies by
blessngs in clouds
or a cloudless sky.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20,  2023

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling 🙂
I haven’t got much else to tell you other
than what I tell you nearly every week
and that is,  I wrote some more poems
and haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there.  I hope you’re able to find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like.  Now I
do believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves
you and we do too.  Okey dokey,  now
where can that ornery off switch be at
this time.  It’s not that great at hiding 🙂
Hmmmm and Hmmmm again hehehe.
I find it hard to believe that you could
not find any place to hide other than
behind my asprin bottle that is sitting
right in front of me LOL.  Sheeeesh.
Gotya,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Seem as Bliss

The sky up above
may seem to form
scenes with clouds
in an early morn.
It might become
as a breath of air
that Heaven sent
with love and care.
Seeming a picture
painted up above
artwork with style
as God’s own love.
So take time to see
the painted scenes
high up above you
as passing dreams.
Love from above
as a cloudlike kiss
can create pictures
that seem as bliss.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 14,  2023

Scale of Time

Seeing a bridge
of a walking style
can often give you
a moment’s smile.
Then maybe even
a river might flow
under the bridge
with life to grow.
Creating pictures
for our eyes to see
as a scale of time
flowing history.
Then on beyond it
the stage is set
with scale of time
we cannot forget.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 14,  2023

Harmonious Formations

Gray clouds above us
that blend in with white
might create raindrops
of a distant time’s sight.
Becoming harmonious
as songs full of praise
the reflections might be
with moments to gaze.
Found with an aroma
of a lightning storm
harmonious formations
might surely be born.
Sung as life’s heartbeat
with echoes from above
scented with the passion
that’s filled full of love.
Textured with raindrops
with living destinations
God paints a picture of
harmonious formations.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15,  2023

Country Depictions

A field of horses
standing grazing
can for a moment
seem so amazing.
You might recall
a time long ago
depicting a sight
you used to know.
It may be a photo
or a sight on TV
remembered well
in your history.
Life as a window
to simpler times
country depictions
wondrous designs.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15,  2023

Tracks Appear

Upon our travels
time might display
all the connections
to yet another day.
Seeming very faint
the tracks of time
might form a path
inside your mind.
A journey decided
by choices of past
leaving a window
of shadows to cast.
The lessons of ages
found within times
might live on as
nickels and dimes.
Seeming so vague
as they are found
the tracks of life
will come around.
Maybe reminding
of many mistakes
that led us places
of our heartaches.
Yet they may help
in a future year
with lessons of life
as tracks appear.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 16,  2023

Just a Rim

We might discover
that we are flat
on a road of time
where all we’re at.
Our tires in life
might be deflated
or running on rims
that life escalated.
Allow the time
to air up your tires
before you find
your life expires.
Take a little break
breathing in love
finding your time
from up above.
God gives us hope
as timeless wind
when we’re rolling
on just a rim.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 16,  2023

Reflective Desires

Seen on a travel
to a distant place
are the reflections
that we embrace.
A cloud filled sky
a lil blue mixed in
creates reflections
that do transcend.
Becoming echoes
of a seasonal day
reflecting clouds
in a magical way.
Giving us a view
that life transpires
displaying scenes
reflective desires.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17,  2023

Highway To Time

The wheels of life
may seem to roll
throughout time
with a heavy toll.
A highway to time
might find regret
within a journey
we cannot forget.
A timeless winter
that comes in view
might have scenes
of old and anew.
Headed to places
living in our mind
a winter journey
highway to time.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17,  2023

Scenes of Heaven

Formations of life
in clouds of time
create the beauty
of Heaven divine.
Scenes of emotion
drifting up above
are the creations
of God’s Own love.
Scenic immersion
of now and again
are as blessings
clouds in the wind.
Depicting phases
of timeless views
each as emotional
scenes to infuse.
Giving us a breath
a sight to breathe
scenes of Heaven
God did conceive.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18,  2023

Voyage of a Mind

Imagining a journey
in a moment’s release
can become a window
to a season of peace.
Seeing the reflections
in the waters of style
can unleash a voyage
to a passionate smile.
Opening a doorway
to a dream filled gaze
a voyage can awaken
some heartfelt days.
Let God to guide you
to a heavenly place
a time that you find
a true smiling face.
God displays seasons
for our eyes to find
on a living journey
a voyage of a mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18,  2023

for Aug 19,  2023

Life is with chances
as new days are within view
that may give us hope.

Throughout our lifetime
we will find many with hate,
but some are with love.

Years of decisions
can create many journeys
of which we regret.

Tomorrows of time
can unleash many worries
about illusions.

Threading a needle
you might discover pathways
that you can’t get through.

Yearning for lifestyles
that aren’t meant for you today
you might find sadness.

Within a moment
there is hope for peacefulness
that begins with you.

Nowhere is somewhere
just as no one is someone,
for it is our view.

Leaving doors opened
can allow trouble within
if they’re not guarded.

Worrying about things
that are now but only thoughts
can create ulcers.

Daylight becomes dark
as evening becomes present
and then takes its turn.

Look for reflections
in the yesterdays of time
to find the answers.

Falling into fear
of moving forward in life
can create burdens.

The years of our life
are often as memories
that slipped far away.

Now is just a place
that time has brought into view
for us to focus on.

When hearing thunder
you might of missed the lightning
that was before it.

Awakening spirits
in the midst of the darkness
can induce our fear.

Long awaited love
can become a life’s nightmare
if it was not love.

Traveling mindsets
might never stay in one place
as time moves ahead.

Hearing a cricket
you might never locate it
as it deceives you.

Passages of hallways
may find the sound of footsteps
as only echoes.

Glimmers of a pond
with ripples within water
might be our shadows.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 19,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Some Thunder


Hello my friends

I hope you’re doing well.  The weather up
here is cooling down with each passing day.
Right now at 7:45 PM it’s 67 F degrees and
light rain.  LOL my weather program says
it’s partly sunny,  but I don’t see how that’s
possible being it’s cloudy and getting dark.
I sent a correction to the weather program 🙂
So,  right now it’s raining quite heavily and
it is dark.  LOL I just heard some thunder.
Anyways,  I don’t trust weather forecasters.
I trust my computer’s weather radar and my
eyes a whole lot more hehehe.  Forecasting
by definition is guessing or reckoning hehehe.
So what has gone on around this place since
last week’s journal?  Well,  as I have said
before,  we may seem quite boring to many
of you,  being we don’t go gallivanting thru
life because we’re old and enjoy doing the
simple things.  Yeppers we enjoy watching
TV together and being together.  We had
planned on going mini golfing last week,
but our finances are tight so we figured we
would wait.  We still might go sometime this
month.  The weather plans a big part on it.
So far it has rained every week.  I was able
to mow a few days when it wasn’t raining.
Judy is doing well.  The doctors think they
caught her cancer in time before it had a
chance to spread.  She has an appointment
Tuesday for a consult about it to see what
courses need to be done.  But we have high
thoughts that it will all be OK.  Judy has
received many cards through the mail for
her and sending prayers.  All we can figure
is the doctors shared our address with some
prayer community.  I went with Judy to the
dentist last week so she could have some of
her bad teeth extracted.  I understand  the
pain,  being I had all of mine extracted long
ago due to me inheriting my teeth from my
dad LOL.  I’ve learned how to deal with it.
Anyways,  God is always watching over us
and we can feel the love of many angels and
 kindly spirits watching over us as well.  We
know that our life is in God’s hands and we
will be OK.  We are so very thankful for all
that God has done for us and what he daily
does.  Thank You Father God for always
hearing our prayers.  Please watch over our
friends and family as well those we know not
of and send help when it is necessary.  Amen.
Now,  I do believe it is time for me to read
back over all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s away I go,  to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  It looks like I may have stumbled
on a fairly decent title near the beginning of
my rambling and now after checking I see
that it has not been used as of yet.  So used
it shall be :).  Here goes…

Some Thunder

The sound of time
as it comes our way
can seem as thunder
in a wondrous array.
Concerned moments
become as our view
seeming some thunder
has hid a sky of blue.
For many glimmers
of hope for a dream
can be the lightning
and a thundering ring.
Echoing immensely
as the passed recalls
creating the thunder
 that surely appalls.
Look for the blessings
of heavenly wonder
that we may mistaken
as only some thunder.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 13,  2023

Well there ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling.  If
not then (sorry),  maybe next week hehehehe.
So,  I have nothing else that I can think of
to tell you other than what I tell you nearly
every week and that is,  I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more poems
and 22 more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like.  Now with that said I
reckon it’s time for me to start searching for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Okey-dokey
so where in this room has that ornery little
off switch chosen to hide this week.  It didn’t
even try last week LOL.  Searching high and
low.  Hmmm,  I do believe I spy with my 1
good eye a bit of movement from behind our
cordless landline phone.  LOL,  so you say
you were trying to call out for pizza huh LOL.
They don’t deliver this far out in the woods 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Words Within

Coming into view
life might become
as a seasonal scene
a bright shining sun.
Words well written
within leaves of life
pertaining to love
a husband and wife.
Joined as a shadow
or a scenic display
words within time
have so much to say.
Seasoned as seconds
that clouds enter in
the moments of life
begin as the wind.
Joy as heartbeats
become as a stage
written with words
of age unto age.
Find a perception
of a loving design
inside the turnstiles
of time after time.
Search your heart
and let love to begin
maybe as a moment
many words within.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 7,  2023

Become Only Colors

Life is like candy
with changes of taste
scented of aromas
that many will waste.
Seeing only chances
to put down a few
while trying to make
a much better you.
Yet it’s the colors
that life has to show
that helps us together
to most surely grow.
What that is viewed
as outwardly things
is but so often just
prejudice scenes.
Sights that we think
are better by far
might only be found
as a washed up star.
Look beyond colors
and see what’s within
for love can uncover
a truly special friend.
See what that thrives
within all the others
and don’t let people
become only colors.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 7,  2023

Gentle Breeze

The clouds above
might float on by
on a gentle breeze
above in the sky.
They might form
a misty transition
in a breeze of life
time’s acquisition.
Gathering breath
to share a sight
as clouds above
so billowy white.
Seconds may pass
while they create
all the paintings
of time and date.
Memories grow
becoming alive
as clouds above
help them survive.
Opening windows
to a sky of seas
flowing up above
in a gentle breeze.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 8,  2023

When We Arrive

The times that pass
can often portray
the good and bad
of life’s yesterday.
Recalling seasons
that times enhance
can form blessings
as song and dance.
For when we arrive
at our destination
time has a way of
adding a duration.
A snow filled scene
or an evening sight
can become seen as
the minutes ignite.
Creating blessings
in seasonal skies
that we need to see
when we arrive.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 8,  2023

Old Photograph

Time is like a seed
that blossoms a sight
with many displays
from day unto night.
Seasons are gathered
as formatted hues
that create illusions
life’s reds and blues.
You may find photos
of a time long ago
that revives memories
of a wonderful flow.
Seconds might ripple
of a season’s affect
drifting off in dreams
just trying to connect.
Time stands real still
in the shadows of past
found in reflections
of an old photograph.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 9,  2023

Dreamers Views

Staging passageways
in an evening’s light
can create memories
of a magical sight.
Formed in our mind
of an ocean blue
within the moments
of times thereunto.
Dreams of a place
we remember well
that’s now a scene
the stories we tell.
Reminding of times
wondrous and grand
stood upon a beach
our feet in the sand.
We might recall us
on a ship at sea
seeing all the sights
so happy and free.
Then on returning
we saw many things
that are now only
living in our dreams.
Sights we remember
that surely infuse
within the mindsets
of dreamers views.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 9,  2023

Back in Time

Looking back
on seasons waves
moments live on
in so many ways.
Living in pictures
or our memories
way back in time
a summer breeze.
We might recall
an ocean of blue
a timeless sight
a wonderful view.
Created by God
in Heaven above
sweet memories
that we truly love.
We seek to find
a way to return
to places in time
our hearts discern.
A living picture
found in our mind
comes back to life
way back in time.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10,  2023

Autumn’s Desires

Sometimes moments
seem to glitter as gold
as we might perceive
what life did unfold.
The colors of autumn
and fields of dreams
bring back memories
of wonderful scenes.
The love that shines
of a family member
that now burns bright
heartbeats remember.
Reflections of a style
that still beats within
as a drummer’s drum
or breath in the wind.
Creating the seconds
that a heart admires
these are the dreams
as autumn’s desires.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10,  2023

Adventures Romance

Thresholds of winter
might seem to thrive
on a summertime day
with hot sunny skies.
The mere memories
of wintertime’s winds
becomes an adventure
that surely transcends.
For amidst of summer
the heat can be strong
as we look for shade
to help carry us on.
Yet within memories
we can cool our minds
with snow filled scenes
of passed wintertimes.
Keeping that thought
as a song and dance
we can find a breeze
in adventures romance.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 11,  2023

Shadows Remain

Reminding times
seconds of dreams
a life has way of
remembering things.
Glimmers of light
in a picture style
live as reflections
of a distant smile.
Transferring time
to a window frame
you may just find
the shadows remain.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 12,  2023

for Aug 12,  2023

Threads of yesterday
might get hung up in today
if they are not tied.

Remembering things
can often be a problem
that drives ones batty,

Seen as a doorway
time can become a pathway
that leads to nowhere.

Years of illusions
can become reality
if we’re not careful.

Ice water dreamers
only think of the coldness
and not the beauty.

Fractions of a mind
might get lost within a dream
if it stays asleep.

Having and holding
are only two perceptions
for there are some more.

Trials of our lifetime
can seem unnecessary,
but they are needed.

Growth of a heartbeat
articulates a pathway
that the body may go.

Leaning heavily
on the others in your life
you might become weak.

Yarns of yesterdays
can seem like a fairytale
if you were not there.

Learning bad habits
and not seeing what is wrong
can lead to trouble.

Hiding your meanings
from ones that are listening
can come back to haunt.

Things thought of as gold
that are just aluminum
might leave you empty.

Treasures of the heart
are often mistaken things
that are only rust.

The fires in our life
might of been started by us
and our bad choices.

Life becomes as tools
to use on future moments
so pay attention.

Walking down a road
that’s paved with only gravel
you might toss some rocks.

Echoes of lifetimes
might be heard differently
within the future.

You might forget words
that someone’s spoken to you,
but not how it felt.

Conclusions can thrive
leaving bad analogies
within the woodwork.

Heard on a radio
might be songs of long ago
a new rendition.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 12,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Your Prayers


Hello my friends

Well the weekend is nearly up,  not that
is mean anything to Judy and I Hahaha.
It seems that being retired makes every
day seem near the same aside from the
doctors appointments and other stuff 🙂
such as bill paying,  grocery shopping,
rain and snow LOL.  I mow most any
day that I am up to it and the weather
is good.  I ordered me 3 more batteries
for the lawnmower and snow blowers.
Being they all use the same batteries it
works well.  I figured a couple of the
batteries might be near the end of their
usefulness being they are near 7 years
old LOL.  Yeppers,  those Lithium ION
batteries last a good while.  They cost
quite a bit,  but they’re worth it.  I was
afraid our lawnmower had met its end
the other day,  but found it was just not
getting a good contact.  We’ve had our
40 volt lawnmower since 2018.  I bought
a couple of the snow blowers a year or
three before I bought the lawnmower.
Yep,  they have served us well,  although
my old body is showing signs of failure.
I don’t know how much longer that I’m
going to be able to mow and snow blow.
Oh yea,  we have found out that Judy
has stage 0 lung cancer and the doctors
are making plans for the removal of the
cancer.  Fortunately it is that they caught
it early before it had spread to the other
parts of the body,  so Judy is looking
at a good recovery,  but still please keep
her in your prayers.  It’s getting cooler
up here with each passing week.  Right
now at 8 PM it’s 68 F degrees.  I might
do a little mowing tomorrow or at least
a little weeding.  It really depends on if
I am feeling up to it.  In any case,  Judy
and I will enjoy our time together.  We
are making plans for going mini golfing
in a week or so,  or whenever the urge
hits us LOL.  We might go sometime
this week 🙂  Anyways,  we enjoy just
being together.  God has been good to
us.  He has watched over us and kept
us safe.  Of course we have our fair share
of problems,  but that’s part of life.  If
we had no problems at all we would not
have much growth.  Our shadows are
the lessons for our future.  Thank You
God for allowing my many shadows.
Years of my life have been filled with
bad perceptions joined with passages
that I thought I should not of taken,
but now I see that they were the paths
meant for me to teach me all that I’ve
learned to help me grow.  We all have
a past that we might not be proud of,
but there were lessons within them that
we needed to get us to today.  I thank
God for all of the passages that were
sent my way that He helped me thru.
Thank You Father God for continuing
to watch over me and mine and Judy’s
life.  Please keep Your mighty hands
over our friends and family as well as
the people we know not of.  Amen and
Amen.  Now I do believe it’s time for
me to be reading back over all that I
have written here to see if I can find me
a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So,  it’s away I go to that little place of
my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  It looks like I
may have found me a decent title near
the center point of my rambling and
now after checking I see that I haven’t
used it in the same format so used it
shall be today.  Here goes…

Your Prayers

Your heart’s desires
can create a stone
that leaves you seen
standing all alone.
Yet with our prayers
time can be healed
leaving the glimmers
of heaven revealed
Your prayers prayed
can give ones hope
to help them daily
find ways to cope.
We all have struggles,
but not of the same
for our life’s unique
as a starlight grain.
You are the chances
within time’s affairs
to give ones a hand
within your prayers.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 6,  2023

Well there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling 🙂  I guess Judy and I will be
watching some of our favorite programs
on TV when I get done here,  so I figure
it’s time for me to tell you what all I tell
you every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there.  I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now I believe it’s time for me to start my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you all a blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you
and we do too.  Ok now,  so where can
that ornery off switch be hiding this time?
LOL Hmmmm,  it looks as though you
fell asleep before hiding hehehe.  How
could I miss seeing you as you lie there
on top of our internet modem LOL 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Summertime Seas

A beach full of memories
rolls upon a scenic shore
creating life’s perceptions
with moments to explore.
Becoming as a doorway
to somewhere on beyond
as the summertime seas
sing their sweet love song.
A song so full of passion
that it reflects the skies
into moments of time
within summertime eyes.
You might see a heron
strolling in the waves
as the seconds move on
and create the displays.
A sweet summer’s essence
found in our memories
holds fast within pictures
of the summertime seas.

©By Bill Pearce
July 31,  2023

Mirroring Eyes

Thoughts remembered
as seeds of a mind
might form a journey
recollections of time.
Looking in a mirror
of a time long ago
the reflections of life
might put on a show.
Found as blessings
that time wrote down
in a journal of scenes
of a so distant town.
You might remember
what then did surmise
as you’re reflecting in
your mirroring eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
July 31,  2023

Moments of Passion

Colors of autumn
with scenes so alive
moments of passion
help echoes to thrive.
Rippling heartbeats
a season’s romance
moments of blessings
help time to enhance.
Creating a picture
of a lovingly frame
as life continues on
with more to attain.
Love is the artwork
that glistens in style
forming a doorway
to two with a smile.
Colors of autumn
become as a fashion
living as a window’s
moments of passion.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 1,  2023

Colors of Eve

Stages full of colors
display in the eve
as magical pictures
our God did conceive.
Textured with beauty
an evening’s delight
the colors become as
a true glorious sight.
Created as a window
to an eve’s afterglow
glistening of sunlight
that minutes bestow.
Thriving as a dream
to night’s fantasy
the sunlight creates
magical colors of eve.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2,  2023

Depths of Prayer

When life finds ending
it begins yet again
as the soul takes leave
and many say amen.
The body turns to dust
within a tomb of time
as the depths of prayer
are not left behind.
Loved ones will pass
and many will cry
not wanting to let go
or to say goodbye.
Yet we all most surely
will pass on one day
as many will continue
to have things to say.
Tell ones you love them
and show that you care
before the minutes only
leave depths of prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2,  2023

Reflecting on Time

An autumn of past
becomes a memory
creating windows
for our eyes to see.
Reflections of style
that exist in a frame
maybe of a picture
that time did attain.
We might even seek
this time once again
that lives within us
places we’ve been.
Look within you
and find that place
reflecting in time
with warm embrace.
Let it to help you
with a smile to find
as you look deeply
reflecting on time.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2,  2023

Living Voyage

We are as waters
flowing like waves
as time’s creating
our living displays.
Voyages of style
that come in view
might have lessons
to deliver to you.
Maybe as a season
remembered well
timeless memories
with stories to tell.
These are the times
life’s works of art
voyages turnstiles
we took to heart.
Let the memories
teach as they will
and give lessons
to surely fulfill.
Don’t let sadness
of days gone by
to be only tears
that never run dry.
Find a perspective
that brings a smile
as a living voyage
of a heartfelt mile.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3,  2023

Picturesque Style

Time is a journey
that photos unfold
and create stories
so timelessly told.
Picturesque stages
created from time
displaying photos
of a living design.
Time still thrives
as a breath of air
a picturesque style
moments to share.
Seasoned as life
blows in a breeze
designing a page
eyes can perceive.
Scented as salt air
lifetimes compile
becoming a dream
a picturesque style.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2023

Illusions So Real

Echoes of illusions
can become dreams
seeming as a window
to wonderful scenes.
Sights such as water
as an ocean of blue
 with illusions so real
that live within you.
They may even seem
as a magical place
that surely enhances
life’s warm embrace.
So if you are down
with a frowning style
seeking the illusions
to find you a smile.
For so many times
of a moment’s appeal
there can be hope
in illusions so real.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4,  2023

Fragrance of Sight

Thriving as a ripple
a scene comes alive
creating a picture
as moments arrive.
Aromas of therapy
the seconds display
might be a glimmer
of yet another day.
There may be trees
standing all around
that are as artwork
to then be found.
Adding to the scene
an aroma of style
as a taste of beauty
with a living smile.
Be thankful for this
that comes to light
a heaven sent stage
fragrance of sight.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 5,  2023

for Aug 5,  2023

Life is a picture
that becomes as photography
of what’s remembered.

Years of destinies
can create many pathways
that we did not plan.

Waiting for moments
can become endless regret
for not acting now.

Various journeys
can become time’s miseries
infected by want.

Not saying the truth
of what you’re really wanting
can cause much despair.

Looking to the stars
you might see one that twinkles
telling you hello.

Throughout our lifetimes
we might see some reflections
of us in others.

Timid as a fox
you can let yourself be fooled
by false images.

Fearing the unknown
often prevents our footsteps
from moving ahead.

Tomorrows pathways
might be what should be done now,
but we’re afraid to.

Bright beams of sunlight
can show many images
as living shadows.

Harboring anger
can become as dynamite
waiting to explode.

Thinking too deeply
you might drown yourself in fear
and wallow in pain.

Shedding your past life
to become something better
can form a new mind.

The threads of a screw
might get cross threaded in life
just like our journeys.

Foraging for time
can find you in a jungle
swinging tree to tree.

Sharing a moment
with someone you truly love
matters not the task.

The leaves of autumn
are as colorful paintings
above and below.

Telling a story
that has very little truth
should not be hurtful.

Years of images
often come to life in time
with ones growing old.

Today gives a chance
to do the best that we can
to help tomorrow.

Answers to questions
might sometimes be confusing
and leave more questions.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 5,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂