Hello my friends
So is it cold where you are? It’s still a might chilly up here.
Yes we still have tons of snow out our front door hehehehe.
It’s supposed to begin snowing again tonight and tomorrow,
as well as possibly off and on for the rest of the week hehe.
Sometimes I swear we could actually be at the North Pole.
It sure looks like it LOL and feels like it! Yet this year has
been rather mild compared to our previous winters 🙂 We
haven’t had any 40 and 50 below zero days this year YET!
Of course winter is surely not over by a long shot up this
ways. Nope, we’ve still got a couple of months worth for
sure hehehe. I guess it’s time for me to move along with
my rambling to another topic. Judy and I have been still
playing our farming games, but getting bored with them
a little hehe. We’ve begun playing some of our old games
that we used to play such as Hidden Object games that we
bought from Big Fish games and other places. Yep, Judy
pulls her chair over here and we spend hours searching to
find the hidden objects in the games as well as figuring
out the puzzles here and there. We still also watch the
many TV programs that we’ve taken a liken to. There’s
not much else to do up here in whiteout Maine hehehehe.
Yeppers I go snow-blind every time I open the door on a
sunny day. So I don’t open the door anymore than I’ve
gotta when the sun is peeking out unless I can find my
sunshades and put them on hehehe. Last night it got
down to minus 10 degrees F. Right now at 7:27 AM it’s
minus 3 degrees F. Brrrrrrr is right. It might get up to
20 degrees F today. Oooh where’s my Bermuda shorts?
For all of my friends and family that live down in Texas
I want you to please TURN UP THE HEAT. They say
Heat rises hehehe. Maybe it’ll reach us LOL! So now
I reckon it’s time to find yet another topic. There’s not
much else to report from up here other than Judy has
given her notice at work that she will be taking off for
a week in the second week of March, but being we
can’t afford to go anywhere, we’ll just be relaxing
here at home. Yet Judy wants to go out to eat at least
one of those days, so we might look around to find a
good restaurant to eat at other than of course the ones
she cooks at every week hehehe. She’ll have to keep
an eye open for a good one, being I can’t see but only
the distance of a foot away clearly hehehe. Oh well,
I know we will enjoy our time together LOL if we
don’t kill each other hehe. Oh yea, Judy bought us
a fiber optic Christmas Tree last month that we can
keep up all year round. It has its own ornaments, so
nothing to decorate hehehe. We both love Christmas
and I for one find that when I look at the Christmas
tree all lit up, it cheers me up. Yes I get sad from
time to time being so far away from all my family
and friends. My friend Brian that used to live next
door had to move in with his dad in Houlton and I
have no clue where he lives, plus I couldn’t get there
if I wanted to. He said he’s wanting to do some more
fishing when it warms up, but that’s a good ways
away. I do get rather bored time to time without no
one to spend any time with other than Judy. We do
enjoy our time together, but I miss my friends and
family tremendously. I’m sure God is at work with
His plans for my future just as He is for yours. God
has a way of giving surprises that we could never
ever dream of. Sometimes those surprises are what
we would never have wanted, but yet need just the
same. He knows what’s best for you and I. It’s us
that often step out of His grace and choose our own
pathways which lead to destruction. Often a mere
moment will look so luscious it’s hard to look away,
but it could have trouble hidden behind its beauty.
Let God help you in your choices by keeping His
Will in mind through prayer. Sometimes it’s best
to pray and wait. As a matter of fact that sounds
like a good title for a poem LOL. We shall see if
I find anything better. Anyways, it’s time once agin
for me to begin my little venture back through all I
have written here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So it’s off I go to that place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I believe I might just use that title I found a bit ago.
So let’s see what I can do with it hehehe. Here goes!
Pray and Wait
Yes it’s our hurry
that digs us a hole
deep within moments
of our daily goal.
Things often happen
we don’t anticipate
so we need often
to just pray and wait.
Letting Lord Jesus
to guide us each day
by sometimes choosing
to just wait and pray.
Yes there are minutes
that we need to scurry
as life dishes out
things in a hurry.
Yet there are timeframes
we might be better
to just pray and wait
right then altogether.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 27, 2011
So there ya go 🙂 hehehe. I hope you understood the
meaning of that poem. I know I often get antsy from
time to time as impatience digs into my mind hehehehe.
By the way, why do they call the people who wait in a
doctors office patients. I have not seen many that are
actually PATIENT hehehe. I’m usually wanting to get
it over with so I can get outta there LOL and waiting
an hour next to someone that has the measles or some
other transmittable disease isn’t my idea of fun hehehe.
Have ya ever gone to the doctors office to only be sat
next to a guy or girl coughing their guts out as you sit
there wondering what ailment you’re going to go home
with after your visit LOL? Yeppers, I’ve hit Silly Ville.
I guess though it’s time for me to take a trip away from
it and tell you what I tell you every week hehehehehe
and that is, I wrote some more poems. This week I
wrote 3 more Christmassy wintery poems. Hey, when
it looks as it does outside, can ya blame me LOL!!!!!
Yes of course I write Christmas poems most times
all throughout the year to be published on my great
friend Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site that
is up all year round. He has over 400 of my Christmas
poems published on his site, but the grandest thing is
his artwork and all the stories that he displays there
for all to see and download. He also loves the feeling
of Christmas. It’s a magical feeling. So if ya ever
find the time, why not take a little venture over to
his year round Christmas site. The link to it is at
the bottom of the journal along with his Drawing art
site. There are also many other sites to visit with
links below. ENJOY!!! Now I think it’s time for me
to be searching to find that old off switch, but not
before I wish you a most wonderful God filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
to find that off switch that loves to play hide and
seek hehehe. Found it once again sitting on the steps
just staring out at the endless snow hehehehehehe.
See ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
P.S. I wonder if that groundhog will ever see
his shadow hehehehe!!!!
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehe 🙂
Christmas Dreams
Deep within
the dark of night
there is found
a winters white.
Snowy scenes
from here to there
seem as Christmas
answered prayer.
Little snowflakes
seem to fall
here and there
and over all.
Deep within
the colored scenes
there is found
some Christmas dreams.
Snow filled moments
we remember
that were found
within December.
Christmas lights
are found on cue
lighting up
this winters hue.
Scenic segues
snowy white
are the shadows
now in sight.
Seen as heartbeats
of God’s love
the snowflakes fall
from up above.
Magic minutes
then are found
as white snow
paints the ground.
Thoughts illusions
not so real
the snowflakes are
what hands can feel.
Bringing Christmas
with white snow
upon the trees.
Scenes so blissful
starry white
remind me of
a Christmas night.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
A Path in Time
Assorted paths
we travel on
lead us to
a dusty dawn.
As beginnings
of a day
assorted paths
lead the way.
Some are judgment
not so good
taking paths
Often pathways
we confide
take us on
a gruesome ride.
Assorted paths
of timeless ways
might just be
a moments phase.
Lead thereto
by want and will
assorted paths
might just fulfill.
A mere moments
own design
could just be
a path in time.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
Christmastime Another Day
Looking outside
I now see
sights so white
and Christmassy.
Scenic meadows
far and wide
now are with
white snow applied.
Points of vision
here and there
seem to heighten
Christmas air.
The seeming breath
of Christmastime
seems to be
in nows design.
Painted oh so
snowy white
found within
my daily sight.
Looking outside
I now find
Christmas growing
on my mind.
Thoughts perception
sought and found
now are snowflakes
on the ground.
Scenic meadows
far and wide
are the sights
I see outside.
Found as minutes
wondrous views
I now head out
with snowshoes.
Making footprints
in the snow
here and there
where all I go.
Yet now looking
back in time
I now see
my own design
as remembered
far away
another day.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
A Moments Groove
A moments notice
could be seen
as a wishful
moments dream.
A mere moments
time portrayed
could enlighten
mistakes made.
A moments notice
seen as true
might not be so
good to do.
Think real clearly
how you move
before you make
a moments groove.
For a moment
that is done
could become
your setting sun.
Good and bad
of thereabouts
a moments notice
could have doubts.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
Windy Views
The night air brings
my thoughts alive
here and there
before it’s five.
The clock ticks on
as nighttime goes
with its wondrous
winter shows.
The wind so strong
just blows around
white snowflakes
upon the ground.
The night air sings
its wondrous song
of what all that
blows along.
Winters scenes
are found in place
here at night
upon my face.
Now I feel
the wind a blowing
that it is going.
As our trailer
rocks about
the night air goes
its wondrous route.
With the winters
driving force
the night air keeps
its windy course.
Found within
the clocks of time
the wind blows on
just like a rhyme.
A poem of words
with windy views,
the night air brings
the morning news.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
When We Let Jesus
Questions are answered
often with no
when we ask Jesus
please can we go.
Often our timing
isn’t so good
and we’re not doing
all that we should.
Questions are answered
often with wait
when we ask Jesus
for a time and date.
Often our time
is out of sync
with how that Jesus
would have us think.
Questions are answered
often with yes
when we see Jesus
then at our best.
Often our wantings
just need to be
changed in a little
Godly degree.
Questions are answered
how God sees fit
with often wordings
of just have a sit.
Often our waiters
just get impatient
and give us troubles
that aren’t Heaven sent.
Questions are answered
best there about
when we let Jesus
to help work it out.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
A Different Sight
Many people
seek to find
their own frame
of peace of mind.
Yet so many
do not know
where to look
or where to go.
Many seeking
only look
at the cover
of the book
and not reading
page by page
time to time
of age to age.
Many people
only see
what they want
in you and me
and if they don’t
then they cease
to take the time
to find the peace.
For in pages
of another
they might differ
from the cover.
Written different
word by word
your own thought
might be absurd.
You might see
a different sight
than of course
what’s truly right.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
The Dark of Night
A simple shadow
of a sight
found within
the dark of night
might just be
a simple thing
waiting for
the sight of spring.
A simple minute
there in view
might just be
something brand new.
A simple sight
from shadows seen
might just be
a moments dream.
A simple shadow
found in place
might just be
a simple trace.
A simple moment
shadowed sight
might just be
the dark of night.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
A Snowy Serenade
Winters blessings
now at hand
are as snow
upon the land.
Mornings coldness
brings to view
the change of day
in a sky of blue.
Scenes of wonder
paint each day
so white sublime.
All the blessings
snowy white
now are showing
winters sight.
Scenes transposing
every frame
with the snowflakes
whence they came.
Winters blessings
are now laid
in a snowy
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
Many struggle
with their stage
found in time
with age to age.
Moments flurries
hurried to
many struggle
Often problems
come and go
leaving moments
found with woe.
Then our struggles
found compared
are with ones
so unprepared.
Many blissful
starry nights
lead us to
some not so rights.
Often choices
said and done
are the lessons
setting sun.
Many struggles
we go through
make a better
me and you.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
for Feb 26, 2011
Medium moments
might just be graded wrongly.
They might be better.
Essence of winter
can be dissolved as snowflakes
or then maybe not.
Life can be problems
if you hang onto burdens
that you should let go.
Now’s a split second
which good and bad can survive
with choices to make.
Every heartbeat
beats individually,
yet sometimes as two.
Life is perception
taken in a view of time
and how it’s perceived.
A snowflakes journey
is one begun as raindrops
turned to ice crystals.
The depth of the sea
is much deeper than our dreams
which make many thrive.
Looking up skyward
you can see clouds floating by
as ocean bound ships.
When enslaved by time
you allow it to beat you.
Let time go its way.
Health is a blessing
that many take for granted
until they get sick.
Living as liars
will only bring misfortune,
for truth must exist.
Continued left turns
will not end up the right way.
You must turn correctly.
Leaving unturned stones
could find you empty handed
due to not looking.
The quest for knowledge
sometimes finds stupidity
hidden in the quest.
God gives us chances.
It’s up to our decisions
to choose right or wrong.
Hands held out windows
will not always catch a breeze.
They could catch a sign.
Ill fitting moments
might fall away from your life
if they do not fit.
A rivers journey
could lead you to rocky shores
hidden in the ride.
Seeing a burden
and recognizing its value
is the true lesson.
Two found united
can become one entity
through love and grace.
Right now’s a journey
with our footprints of moments
just gathering speed.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2011
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂