Hello my friends
I hope you’ve had a nice passed few days.
We’ve been still without water and having
to fill up water jugs at the families house.
Calvin (our landlord) said, and this is in
his words, “this has gone on too long
and he’s going to do his very best to find
someone that can do the job. He said all
of the plumbers are backed up months in
work, but somehow I do not believe him,
but we have to do what we have to do.
When I moved up here my health wasn’t
good and it has only gotten worse so we
cannot move. LOL so we are praying
that he is able to get it fixed soon if not
sooner than the next few days. We know
that there are many out there that have
been having their share of issues and I
send my prayers to them. Now onto a
different topic. Judy and I have been
just hanging out here at home to only
go and do a little shopping and fill up
our water jugs. Such an exciting life 🙂
Anyways, Judy just went to lie down
for a bit. Neither of us is feeling up to
par due to what I mentioned before 🙂
This too shall pass. I’ll wake her up in
a bit after I get done writing all of this
and see if she wants to watch some TV.
Right now at 6:30 PM it’s 59 F degrees.
That’s not too bad. I can’t seem to get
water off the brain LOL. I am a true
official worrywart hehehe. I think that
I got that hereditarily, in other words
from my parents. I had to stop to go
and check the burn barrel to make sure
it was OK. I’m back, it’s OK. Boxes
are all burned and the fire is out. So,
back to this whatever this is hehehe.
So far it’s just a bunch of rambling 🙂
We’ve been just hanging loose for the
passed week doing as little as possible.
We went to Judy’s big sister Barbara’s
house today to fill up our water bottles
and visit. It was a great visit. Her dog
Penny’s a big dog and apparently she
loves me. I petted her and rubbed her
belly LOL. I forget what breed that
she is, but she is a big girl 🙂 We’re
making plans on going out to eat for
my birthday if at all possible Aug 31.
Hopefully things will be in a better
way by then. Until then, I reckon
we will continue as the norm hehehe.
Yeppers, she’s been busy doing more
and more crocheting while still saying
that she plans on going back to do a
little painting soon. I love all of her
artwork and I am able to use much of
it for poetry pictures. Yes of course,
I am still doing poetry pictures. I’ve
got 7 books of poetry pictures ready
to be converted and uploaded up to
Amazon and get them published, but
I once again am in no hurry being the
14 books that I have published aren’t
selling too well. Although I might get
the urge one day to start converting
and uploading to get them published.
Until that day arrives, I will continue
on as is LOL. I write and create my
poetry pictures because I enjoy doing
them, not for the money hehehe and
if I did it for the money, I would have
already ceased and desisted in it all 🙂
I hope my journals and poetry have
made a good difference in your life.
Judy says she loves my poetry and all.
LOL sometimes I think she only says
that because she loves me, but oh well.
I just went in to check on her and she
said to come get her up when I’m done
with this, so I want to thank God for
always being there for us and hearing
our prayers and answering them as He
knows is best. There are so many
prayers that we pray that might not
be the best to be answered yes being
we do not know what the results will
be. So I thank You Father God for
always doing as You know best as we
are sure that You have always done.
Thank You for the angels and kindly
spirits that you have sent our way to
help us in our many times of need.
We praise You Father God for with
You all things are possible. Amen
and Amen. Well I reckon it’s now
time for me to be reading back over
all that I have written here to see if I
can find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that
I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I might have found a fairly
decent title about a quarter of the
way back in my rambling and now
after checking I see that it has not
been used yet, so used it shall be 🙂
Here goes…
Continue On
Thriving in troubles
life can display
lessons from times
seeming astray.
Windows may show
life’s scenery
as that of a page
you wished to see.
Yet with the ages
stages are set
to continue on
getting us wet.
Blessings of life
that God gives you
might be hidden
in things you do.
You might not see
the good in time
until God says
it’s yours to find.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 28, 2022
I hope you enjoyed the poem and maybe
even a little of my rambling. Judy just
strolled in. Rocky went in the bedroom
and started barking at Judy and I said
for him to come in here and he then let
me know that he needed to go potty so
I let him out and now he’s back in here.
Judy thought it was time for her to get
up and for us to eat something, so I’m
gonna try to put a rush on this and tell
you what I tell you nearly every week
and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers 10 more poems
with 1 sort of Christmassy poem in the
mix LOL. I also wrote 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there. I do
hope that you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like. With that said
I reckon it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you all a truly
blessings filled week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Okey dokey,
so where can that ornery off switch
be trying to hide this time 🙂 or not?
So you’re gonna make it easy for me
this week huh. I had never heard of
an off switch twerking LOL. Stop,
you are not made for that hehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Twinkle Attune
Starlight shining
might seem as gold
just like the stories
that many have told.
A twinkling essence
a moment of love
gives a dreamworld
so high up above.
Moonlight shining
a glimmer to see
creates a doorway
with our history.
Syncing our vision
with time and space
while we look up
at the scenic place.
The moon glowing
as dreamers dream
becomes a window
a wonderful scene.
Forming a pathway
stars and the moon
creating heartbeats
that twinkle attune.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 22, 2022
Ocean Lullaby
Spirited moments
become that of waves
rolling as an ocean
in slumbering ways.
Time might encounter
a pathway of blue
that’s creating sounds
of a moment or two.
Scenic expansions
that grow on beyond
become as a lullaby
with an oceanic song.
Tunes of the seagulls
might seem faraway,
but yet be a vision
of a dreamer’s array.
Scented of seasons
of life’s sandy shore
eyes might see clearly
what heartbeats adore.
Bringing into view
a blue sea and sky
this can become as
an ocean lullaby.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 22, 2022
Wintertime’s Road
Many of our days
within winter’s style
might be with snow
with many a mile.
Some call it beauty,
but many don’t see
the magic of winter
in life’s scenery.
It creates artwork
painted in white
of winter’s journey
a wonderful sight.
When it is snowing
it seems as a dream
transforming time
to a holiday theme.
The radio might play
songs you remember
on wintertime’s road
within December.
Yet there’s so many
this is not bestowed,
for they’ve never seen
a wintertime’s road.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 23, 2022
Deep Blue Dreams
Thriving scenery
the things we see
often reflect in
our history.
Shining as water
gleaming as gold
deep blue dreams
gently unfold.
Creating passage
to timeless days
seen in our sleep
as magical ways.
Maybe an orca
swimming below
and in the sky
moonlight’s glow.
Seasons enlighten
the still of night
within a moment
of cosmic light.
Let your mind go
and be the scenes
while you sleep in
deep blue dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2022
Time’s Conjunctions
Grasses connections
seem to move on
creating timelessly
life’s scenic song.
Pathways may form
seeming an illusion
as we look closely
at life’s confusion.
The scenes might be
but only a place
time’s conjunctions
that minutes retrace.
Creating train tracks
of a mental design
becoming a journey
to a point in time.
Mesmerizing tails
told as a memory
become reflections
within you and me.
We are the travelers
with many functions
finding the paths to
time’s conjunctions.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2022
Shining as Heaven
Waters of a dream
create and design
scenes as windows
within your mind.
Shining as Heaven
glittering in a way
sometimes seconds
have much to say.
It might be a story
worded as a stage
filled full of actors
of a so distant age.
Wading into water
that glitters so fine
time becomes alive
as bright sunshine.
Shining as dreams
a scenic surprise
as seasonal scenes
seen with our eyes.
Shimmering water
in wonderful ways
give for a moment
sunshine’s arrays.
Life can be special
and bring in sight
so many blessings
in day and night.
Let God live within
your heart so true
shining as Heaven
as you are anew.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 25, 2022
Moon Within
Within the sky
time comes attune
with sight of light
a nighttime moon.
A picture’s taken
from so faraway
as the moon within
comes out to play.
It forms a union
with the clouds
as they surround
to surely arouse..
The scene is found
as hearts entwine
displaying light
within nighttime.
Giving us a glow
from up above
as the moon within
is full of love.
It’s as but a dream
a time to begin
sought in our sleep
the moon within.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 25, 2022
Country Passion
Flavors of scenes
country desires
create and elate
true loving fires.
Burning brightly
as living flames
country passion
that time attains.
Timeless breezes
as a thereunto
might give love a
passage through.
A scenic phase
of country style
can become as a
memory’s smile.
Unlocking eyes
a distant fashion
glowing brightly
country passion.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 26, 2022
God Filled Sky
An ocean of time
unwinds displays
prayers high above
in wonderful ways.
It gives us a sense
of hope and peace
this God filled sky
that times release.
Even if problems
are in your heart
a God filled sky
can help you start.
Depleting sadness
and finding a smile
a beautiful scene
can carry a mile.
Creating journeys
to a distant place
becoming blessings
with Godly grace.
So look up above
when feeling awry
and find peace in
a God filled sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 26, 2022
Flowers of Heart
We are heartbeats
times will entail
creating shadows
for ones to inhale.
We might get lost
in paths of time
becoming flowers
of hurtful design.
Yet we can begin
a change in today
flowers of heart
in a loving array.
Creating windows
of seasons of love
forming a portal
to God up above.
Let your anger
to fall from you
and then begin
a lifestyle anew.
Seek for a way
to surely embark
creating peaceful
flowers of heart.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 27, 2022
for Aug 27, 2022
Time can be brutal
on our wants and desires,
but life goes its way.
Change is a doorway
that we all must discover
to grow on beyond.
The past is the past,
for it is not tomorrow
if we learn from it.
Years of resolving
might become echoes of strife
if resolved wrongly.
When walking blindly
you might find many problems
that await your stride.
Peace is a breath
that is breathed in with a prayer
helping anger end.
Sincere forgiveness
becomes hearts filled with Jesus
and not of hatred.
Many trials of life
are nothing more than lessons
helping us to grow.
Trivial reasons
can become unbridled hate
if we allow them.
Living for today
can create many problems
that tomorrow finds.
Clouds of a moment
might be only passing through
to create a sky.
Within our actions
words can show our deception
and display the truth.
Shadows of ourselves
are often found in others
as they have watched you.
A living mudslide
that is formed from arrogance
can overturn love.
Biting off too much
can give you a lot to chew
that might just choke you.
Tomorrow’s windows
may not need to be seen now,
but you can clean them.
Our words and actions
need to find true harmony
and learn to find peace.
Lost in a storm cloud
you might see only lightning,
but rainbows exist.
Clinging to lifestyles
that your age has grown beyond
can become your death.
Time can move quickly
when procrastination starts,
finding much regret.
Sometimes our lifestyles
are like threading a needle
in a tornado.
The choices we make
can become good roads or life
or our destruction..
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 27, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: August 2022
Day unto Day
Hello my friends
It’s a little warm up here today and to
top it off, we are without water. Our
landlord is supposedly trying to fix the
well pump. Judy noticed that we did
not have water. I had already had to
go a reset the well pump a number of
times in the passed few weeks and I
walked out to do it again and I ended
up in a marsh. The well had sprung a
leak and flooded the yard and I could
not open the well door due to the water
holding it back. I then went back to
the house to call our landlord and he
never answered so I drove down to his
house and woke him up. We spend a
number of hours trying to fix it but
we were with out luck. He said he’d
go to Walmart or Tractor Supply and
buy some new clamps today. I hope
he can get it fixed. if not he said he
had a guy that could come and fix
it Monday. We’re hoping that’s not
the case, because of my health issues.
Anyways, that’s what’s going on here
at the Pearce’s place at the moment 🙂
The passed week has been an eventful
one. Last Tuesday Judy and I went
mini golfing and then had ice cream
afterwards. We were going to get us
some BBQ to bring home , but the
place we were going to get it at was
closed on Monday’s and Tuesday’s.
So we stopped at Subway and dear
old McDonald’s and got sandwiches
and went home. We had a great day
playing mini golf and took a lot of
pictures of each other and the place.
As normal I took pictures their and
to. Friday we went a did a little bit
of grocery shopping at Walmart and
County Yankee then went home to
relax. Yep, we’re a wild bunch LOL.
I just got off of the phone with our
landlord and he’s heading over here
to see what he can do to get our
water running again. It’s 75 degrees
right now at 7:30 PM. I just looked
out and Calvin (our landlord) had
just driven up at the well house and
was getting out of his car. I have a
sneaky hunch that he’ll have to call
the pump guy tomorrow and have
him to come and fix it though. We
worked on that darn thing for quite a
few hours early this morning with no
luck. As long as it’s fixed pretty soon,
because our toilets are getting full. He
Just came by with a five gallon jug of
water to pour in our toilet so that we
can flush it and said that he’ll get the
plumber guy to come tomorrow and
get the well fixed. Calvin’s daughter
is coming by tomorrow morning to
see what she can do as well, but I
think the plumber will be the best to
get it fixed. I did a little mowing in
the front yard where all the motion
sensor lights are while waiting for
Calvin to return with some water to
pour in our toilets. Rocky hates to
walk in tall grass even if it’s only
just a few inches LOL. So at this
moment I’m sweating profusely 🙂
sitting in front of the air conditioner
and a fan and it’s 69 F degrees. Like
I have said, I am very hot natured
so can you imagine what 80 degrees
and above do to me LOL. Well lil
Rocky came out while I was mowing
and took a poop. He was a happy
boy 🙂 Judy’s still busy crocheting.
She’s making another crocheted Tee,
this one though is going to be with
the colors of red, orange and purple.
God is still looking out for us as we
travel from day unto day. Also many
angels watch over us as well and all
of the kindly spirits that intervene in
our lives time to time. Thank You
Father God for always being there
for us doing what You know is best.
Please continue to watch over our
family and friends and provide their
needs. Thank You for all You have
done and all that You will do for us.
Amen and Amen. Now I do believe
it is time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So it’s away I go,
to that lil place of my recollection
that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think though that I may
have stumbled on a fairly decent
title just a few lines back and now
after checking I see that it’s hasn’t
been used yet, so used it shall be.
Here goes…
Day unto Day
Time to time
might seem to be
a face and a place
within history.
Things may form
and create life
often with smiles
ending in strife.
We might confuse
a point in time
as memories of
a passed design.
We may even fill
as though we lost
when then in fact
we made it across.
Let God to guide
your will and way
and you’ll be fine
day unto day.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2022
Well there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling :). Hopefully I brought you
a smile and gave you a new view in life.
The little things we do in life might be
one day the best things to remember.
So find the blessings in the small stuff.
OK, so I guess I’ve told you all that I
have to tell other than of course what
I tell you nearly every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems with 1 that is
sort of semi Christmassy. I also wrote
22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like. With
that said, I reckon it’s time to begin
my search for that hardly elusive off
switch, but not before I wish you all
a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this time? As if it ever
actually finds a good hiding spot 🙂
Searching around the room in all of
its old hiding spots and no switch.
Hmm, glancing behind me on Judy’s
laptop computer as I happened to be
seeing how she was coming with her
new tee, I spotted old orneriness
sitting on top of her computer doing
some mountain climbing in miniature
and a very bad job of it LOL. Aren’t
yo supposed to be hiding?? Oh ya
didn’t think I would look over there.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Traveling Hills
Glancing at scenery
time might become
reflections of minds
from a seasonal sun.
Maybe as some hills
of traveling essence
within the window
of time’s evidence.
Scented of passion
flowing as a stream
our comprehension
may seem a dream.
Displaying maybe
a winter of style
with nary a sound,
but giving a smile.
A blue sky gleaming
as clouds drift on
becomes a memory
of a seasonal song.
Sung as a blessing
a moment fulfills
it may be a moment
of traveling hills.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2022
Both Sides
Our time and place
is beginnings and ends
seasons of thresholds
that surely transcends.
Both sides of the road
have points of time
seasons of doorways
with their own design.
Death comes upon us
no matter our style,
for we are the windows
for time to compile.
God’s always watching
and waiting to see
how that we choose
for our life’s destiny.
One side is darkness
and the other is light,
but both sides of time
have roads to the right.
For if you only seek
for wants and more
you might only find
the dark as the door.
Yet if you seek for
the truthful in time
you may find blessings
from both sides design.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2022
Morning’s Endeared
Living as windows
or doorways of time
a morning awakens
with its own design.
There may be waves
as an ocean of life
scented salt water
that seems as strife.
Yet within seconds
the scenes transform
into living lifetimes
that seasons adorn.
Stages of moments
become so adhered
as essence of smiles
morning’s endeared.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2022
Next To Night
Standing in silence
while just looking on
nighttime transpires
as a memorized song.
With pictures taken
the sight might seem
as that of nighttime
found in a dream.
Seen taking pictures
in a time long ago
becomes a reflection
my dreams bestow.
We all have a place
that comes in view
when we are thinking
of the old and anew.
We might perceive
a day that’s passed
as just but a breeze
of a shadowy cast.
Yet while reflecting
on a scenic sight
we might find peace
right next to night.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2022
Magic of Snow
When we’re traveling
we look all around
at the sights of time
that so often astound.
So many moments
are with magical flair
the seasons of scenes
as a breath of air.
Yet within wintertime
when snowflakes fly
life becomes magical
on Earth and the sky.
Hiding the moments
that were dull before
as the magic of snow
gives life to explore.
The roads we travel
might fill with style
as snowflakes fall
with a seasonal smile.
Look for the beauty
in a wintertime show
as Christmas scenes
and magic of snow.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2022
Shallow Rocks
In our waters
might be a way
rocks so shallow
of a distant day.
Time’s reflection
within the flow
may have regrets
that daily grow.
Remembered life
of another time
can make smiles
real hard to find.
Splish splashing
time moves on,
leaving rocks of
a distant dawn.
Allow the days
to become gains
in shallow rocks
the time attains.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2022
Life’s Daylilies
Time’s a passage
a roadway to see
just like daylilies
so heavenly free.
Life is enhanced
as they bloom
seasons scenery
life comes attune.
Becoming times
a scenic array
creating a stage
for another day.
Enjoy their sight
and lose despair
as life’s daylilies
answer a prayer.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2022
Love of dogs
continues on
never ceasing
going strong.
They can see
beyond color
love of life for
one another.
Seeing truly
the you and I
how we stand
in by and by.
We all need to
learn to live
not with hate,
but to forgive.
We can become
as transitional
learning love
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 19, 2022
Footprints Begin
Life’s destinations
become as a goal
as time simulates
a heart and soul.
Waves might form
within your sight
as footprints begin
for time to alight.
Seasons may pass
leaving such signs
as a breath of life
in oceans designs.
We are the actors
walking all about
making footprints
in ways and out.
Enjoy the journey
as a breath of air
and seek for truth
within a prayer.
Life is a doorway
times transcend
as we discover how
footprints begin.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 19, 2022
Art of Surprise
Time is awakened
as colors unfold
some as grasses
and some of gold.
Seasons of styles
become as a stage
an art of surprise
a turn of a page.
Seconds surmount
into living dreams
found in our eyes
as so many things.
There may be life
in a distant view
many surprises
from old to anew.
Endless journeys
our eyes travel on
might see scenes
as a magical song.
Nature is scenic
Earth to the skies
creating paintings
as art of surprise.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2022
for Aug 20, 2022
Living for the thrill
might turn into a nightmare
if you go too far.
Becoming famous
can depreciate your time
with no privacy.
Yesterdays windows
might seem as shadows today
as we recall them.
Trivial moments
can become important facts
without your knowledge.
The leaves of autumn
make preparations for change
before they begin.
Sunny emotions
are often viewed in anger
because of some rain.
Effortless headway
might be the wrong direction
as you’re going down.
Meeting today’s life
with a happy little grin
can enhance blessings.
Threading a needle
such as sewing your lifestyle
might need some new thread.
Simulated skies
can be seen as the real thing,
but be only lies.
We may be blessings
to ones we are unaware,
so be your best self.
Time is a doorway
that so many get lost in
letting worry win.
Pointless are changes
if they are not within you,
for actions reflect.
The love of money
depreciates happiness
that it cannot buy.
Various storm clouds
might have thunder and lightning,
or just some raindrops.
Cherishing the past
and not seeking joy today
can leave you empty.
Remembering things
we used to do long ago
can help you to smile.
Riding on a dream
can enlighten perspective
up above the clouds.
Now is just a time
that many don’t use wisely
as it slips away.
Climbing a mountain
can be like climbing a hill,
for it’s how it’s viewed
Pages of a book
often have weathered dog-ears
that others put there.
Allowing desire
to become stronger than truth
can cause problems.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Through It All
Hello my friends
It’s been a sort of muggy day today, but
otherwise fairly nice temperature wise with
temperatures in the mid 70’s. We’ve made
plans to go mini golfing this week and of
course do a lot of picture taking. We may
go Tuesday, but it’s still not in stone LOL.
We’ve been planning for weeks to fly the
drone and have yet to do it LOL. But we
do have plans hehehe. I’ve still gotta get
out and fix the underpinning on the house,
but I just haven’t had the energy. It’ll get
done and that is a guarantee. When is just
the window that has not been made clear
as of yet LOL. Anyways, the passed week
went well. Not much to tell. Judy went
for a doctors appointment only to find out
that they changed the date for it without
sending a message or calling to tell her.
LOL real professional huh! Yep, that’s
what we deal with quite a bit :). It took
them 2 years to get my records into the
system and they even screwed that up by
losing the important ones about the loss
of my colon and all. I am sick of dealing
with ignorance, but that is all I have, so
I try to do what I am able to do hehehe.
I try not to focus to heavily on all of that,
but it gets hard at times. No matter, life
goes on. So, what actually did we do this
passed week. Well I went walking in the
field and in the tree line I noticed what
seemed to be a place that an animal had
been using for a bed. A big animal LOL.
There was room enough for me in that
space. Hehehe Bigfoot. Who knows.
It has not bothered us as I have taken
our watermelon rinds out there near it
and dumped them, so maybe it likes
them LOL. What ever it is, it seems to
be happy out there and has not bothered
us. Animals do live in the woods and we
have plenty of them around our house 🙂
I lived out in the country in my youth
and knew there were animals around,
but that never bothered me and it does
not bother me now. The only thing that
bothers me is when they start coming
inside looking for food such as squirrels
gnawing making holes in the ceiling.
Yes that does bother me and that’s when
I have to put my foot down hehehehe.
They did that last winter. I hope they
have learned that they are not welcomed
in our home by now. Benny used to
chase them out LOL. But Benny has
passed on since February of this year.
I love living in the country, but it does
have it downside hehehe. Judy’s in the
kitchen right now fixing us dinner and
I can smell it YUMMY. I am so happy
that I found Judy. We have our share
or bad days, but we have loads of good
days through it all. Thankfully we have
whole a lot of things in common and that
enhances the blessings. God surely was
in control as he joined our paths together
creating a loving vortex that spins with
passion. We don’t have much, but we
have each other and we have Rocky
as well as our family and friends. Thank
You God for all that You have done for
us and for all that You will surely do.
Please keep our family and friends as
well as all those in need within Your
mighty hands of protection. AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem. So it’s away
I go to that lil place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. Hmm, I think I might have
stumbled on a fairly decent title near
about a 3rd of the way back within my
rambling and now after checking I see
that it has not been used yet, so used
it shall be. Here goes…
Through It All
Our minds might see
a storm to grow
scented from anger
times to and fro.
There may even be
a lesson or two
hidden in the storm
awaiting its view.
Through it all
it might transform
a time and place
for God to adorn.
Blessings of time
that become seen
might at the time
seem as a dream.
Allow God’s path
in your life today
and everything
will be OK.
It might seem as
a really long haul,
but blessings come
after it all.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 14, 2022
Alrighty then, there ya go. I hope that ya
liked the poem and maybe even a little of
my rambling. Judy just now said dinner’s
done, so I’m stopping here to eat………..
Okey dokey, I’m done eating. The food
was delish. It looks like we’ll be having
leftovers for the next couple of days and
that’s great by me 🙂 Anyways, Judy is
crocheting a summer T for her to wear
this week when we go to play mini golf 🙂
She’s trying to get it done as quickly as
possible without messing it up hehehehe.
I asked her if she wanted me to help and
she said sure. I said OK, but doubt that
I will be much help with all my arthritic
fingers and lack of eyesight LOL. She
knew I was kidding, because it has been
many decades since I have crocheted
and I am fairly sure I’ve forgotten how
to crochet :). She said, she’s sure she’ll
get it finished in time for us to go mini
golfing. She finished a winter blanket
for our bed Saturday. It looks awesome.
It’s white with owls, the moon and hearts
on it. I’ll share a picture of it. Anyways
I guess I’ve told you all there is to tell
other than what I tell you every week
and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems
and 22 more haiku for all the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find
1 or 2 of either or both that you like 🙂
Now with that said, I reckon it’s time
for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly elusive off switch, but surely
not before I wish you a blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. So now, where can that
ornery off switch be trying or maybe
not trying to hide LOL? Looking in
all of its previous hiding spots and no
switch. Hmm, where can that thing be?
LOL I see ya you silly thang. Trying to
hide amidst my lifesavers that I have
poured on my desk. I was wondering
why they were rustling hehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Winter Recedes
When time finds
an ending place
it may also find
a smiling face.
As waters flow
with melting ice
wintertime finds
times to entice.
Giving a river
a living gleam
winter recedes
within a dream.
Displaying life
as flowing views
as snow and ice
may then infuse.
Creating paths
of planted seeds
this is a view as
winter recedes.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 8, 2022
Evening Begins
Ticking of minutes
time transcends
displaying windows
of winter’s winds.
Maybe just a dream
or a mere memory
an evening begins
with sights to see.
There may be snow
glistening of white
or a deep blue sky
as seasons delight.
There may even be
a road thereunto
presenting a stage
as a magical view.
Seeming to display
a dreamer’s design
as evening begins
its point and time.
Many might seek
how life transcends
as they’re awaiting
and evening begins.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 8, 2022
Wings of Flight
A dream of waves
creates a view
of timeless flight
in an ocean blue.
Seconds enhance
the scenes we see
as wings of flight
in our memory.
The minutes form
as scenes move on
as wings of flight
become a song.
Sung in the midst
of a seasonal way
flying up above
waves of a day.
Open your mind
and see the sight
a heavenly scene
as wings of flight.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 9, 2022
Morning Becomes
Breath of morning
scents so sweet
become the essence
seconds complete.
Within a sunrise
time is a song
a sweet tune of life
we know as dawn.
So many seasons
transpire this view
often as a window
to a time so anew.
Oceans awaken
as waves that roar
giving our vision
a time to explore.
Seeking the scenes
as mere memories
morning becomes
an essence of seas.
Scented of seconds
and seasonal suns
this is portrayed as
morning becomes.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 9, 2022
Time’s Remembered
Recalling a moment
as a scenic place
a time remembered
with a smiling face.
These are the sights
that pictures portray
maybe of an ocean
that’s now faraway.
You might even see
yourself on a stage
standing with a grin
as a turn of a page.
Time’s a reflection
living in our mind
so often as pictures
of a magical time.
Created as waves
that go on and on
time’s remembered
as a scenic song.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2022
Mirage or Reflection
Moments in time
might be photographs
as seasons of dreams
of our future or past.
They might be mirages
of our wanted arrays
or mere reflections
of the so distant days.
You might see a pond
with a wintery feel
textured of snowflakes
that time does reveal.
Yet it might only be
a mirage of a style
a wanted dreamworld
for time to compile.
Let the time to flow
as it is meant to be
allowing the moments
of sweet scenery.
Seek for the pathway
for a true connection
to discern if it’s either
a mirage or reflection.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2022
Purple Suit
We might one day
see someone
standing all alone
in a summer sun.
Stood just smiling
in a bizarre way
with a purple suit
on a distant day.
They might smile
and tip their hat
asking but only
for a little chat.
They may display
a fearful scent,
but it’s not their
true intent.
For they’re only
wanting a friend
that won’t judge
or condescend.
So don’t be quick
to give the boot
to someone in
a purple suit.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 11, 2022
Shades of Sky
Clouds transform
a moment in time
as a moon above
in a scenic rhyme.
Words as scenes
become as waves
seeming illusions
in wonderful ways.
The shades of sky
are creating art
a timeless cuisine
with a scenic heart.
Just like a stage
with living breath
that displays sights
of more or less.
Changing places
the clouds up high
create and elate
with shades of sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 11, 2022
Becoming Flames
Flowers of seconds
become a voice
so often as colors
without a choice.
Seasoned as love
heartbeats arrive
becoming seconds
that are so alive.
We are blossoms
in life’s flowerbed
textured with time
for minutes ahead.
So many see us
and only perceive
our different colors
as all they believe.
Not seeing seconds
each heart attains
as we are human
becoming flames.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 12, 2022
Cloudy Moon
Timeless deceptions
become as a show
with a cloudy moon
in a nighttime glow.
Pictured a bit hazy
time does reveal
clouds passing by
the sky’s windowsill.
Creating a picture
the sky does expose
as a hazy illusion
of a moonlight rose.
Blooming up above
as a shadowy scene
the time awakens
a nighttime dream.
Presenting a sight
for time to adhere
for our eyes to see
and surely endear.
Becoming as a song
with awesome tune
sung in the night
as a cloudy moon.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 12, 2022
for Aug 13, 2022
Life of living breaths
might only be in silence,
but with need for love.
Chances we acquire
may have hidden objectives
that lead to trouble.
Pages of a book
may often have some dog ears
just like daily lives.
A candle burning
spreads its aroma around
just like a person.
Threads of a needle
when they’re sewn incorrectly
can become loosened.
Challenges of time
can create growth in our life
filled with much regret.
The tears of a clown
might only be the makeup,
so do not be fooled.
Echoes of a day
can often become memoirs
written in our words.
Legions of liars
will hide within the darkness,
but light will expose.
Seeking for the truth
you might need to wait a while
for the lies to cease.
Painting a picture
using your imagination
the colors might shine.
Candles in the wind
flicker trying to be seen,
but they might go out.
The ages of gateways
are sometimes haunted by souls
that have ceased to breathe.
Limitless passages
are found among us in life
that have good and bad.
Trading your lifestyle
for one that you know not of
could lead to trouble.
Blue skies of moments
might become clouded arrays,
so prepare for rain.
When within your sleep
you might see a dreamers life
that becomes your own.
Beyond a summer
holds time waiting to be seen
as autumn arrives.
Winter is a sight
that some do not like at all
and others may love.
We each have our views
while some think that theirs is right,
some might know the truth.
Striking a person
instead of walking away
can end not so well.
Windows to the mind
can often become clouded
by how others speak.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 13, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Explore The Field
Hello my friends
It’s one of the warmest days today up
here in Maine. Right now it’s 89 F and
supposed to max at 90 F degrees. Too
hot for me. We’re staying inside near
the air conditioner. Though beginning
tomorrow the temp is supposed to be a
lot cooler. Yep, the high for Monday’s
forecasted at 63 and near the same for
Tuesday. Of course there’s rain in the
forecast as well, but that’s great. We
can use a little rain. I feel sorry for all
of my family and friends as well as all
the others that live down south with the
triple digit temps. My body nowadays
due to all of my health issues could not
handle those temperatures. I almost
die going out in 80 F degrees as I begin
almost immediately pouring sweat LOL.
Thank God the grass is not growing as
quickly as is was soon after spring and
the early parts of summer. Of course
our landlord has been helping me out
knowing of my health issues also being
he has a riding lawnmower and I use a
small 16 inch 40 volt battery push mower.
I mow mostly for exercise, but in this
heat, it would send me to the E.R. in a
heartbeat. Oh well, we’re hanging in
there. We’ve still yet to have done any
practice flying with our drone, but we
will when it cools down a bit and it’s
not raining. Until then, we’ll continue
with our daily activities which consist
of not too awful much hehehe. We’ve
been making plans on going for a scenic
drive one day soon as well as us doing
some mini golfing. As the temperatures
start staying in the 60’s and 70’s more,
we might finally do something LOL.
Yep, and I’m looking forward to it 🙂
We might sometime this week take our
boy Rocky out for a field trip in front
of our house. He loves to explore the
field and run about. Although when
he’s done, he, without consulting us
begins his travels back to the house 🙂
When he’s done, he’s done hehehehe.
Judy and I are surely not far behind
him walking slowly LOL. OK so we
might be quite a distance from him,
but he runs, we don’t hehehe. I’ll be
happy when today is over and it starts
cooling down. My dad always told me
that I should of been raised up north,
because I could handle the cold a lot
better than I could the heat. Well I’m
up north now and have no wishes to
ever live in Texas again unless it is at
Port Aransas Texas which is one of
mine and Judy’s favorite places to be.
We’re hoping to be able to one day
return there for a vacation, but time
will tell. As of now, God is watching
over us still sending angels to help us
in times of need. Many kindly spirits
are also watching over us. God, we
ask for You to keep our family and
friends under your guard as well as
the many that we have no knowledge
of. Thank You for all that You have
done for us and all that we are sure
that You will do. AMEN and AMEN.
Now I do believe it is time for me to
be reading back over all that I have
written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that
lil place of my recollection I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I do believe that I may have found
a fairly decent title near the center
of all my rambling and now that I
have checked I see that it has not
been used yet. So used it shall be.
Here goes…
Explore The Field
Look for the brighter
with lesser of dim
and seek for blessings
to most surely begin.
Take a look around
and find breath of air
within the moments
as answers to prayer.
Now is just a minute
that seconds move on
so explore the field
and find a good song.
A song of beauty
a song sung of peace
found as a heartbeat
of Heaven’s relief.
Let not the worries
to be all that you see
when you’re exploring
a moment’s degree.
God gives blessings
that seasons will yield
if we’ll walk with Him
as we explore the field.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 7, 2022
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling LOL. It’s 5:30 PM and 89 F
degrees which is too hot for me. Thank
God for our air conditioner. Yeppers,
both Judy and I as well as Rocky would
be suffering. I would be in the hospital
if it were not for our AC. Now I pray
that the electricity doesn’t go out LOL.
We do have 1 fan that runs on batteries
as well as electricity. It’s in the kitchen
keeping a breeze in the walk way hehehe.
It’s only a fan, but better than nothing.
We have a large water cooled fan in the
bedroom and 2 small water cooled fans
on our night stands that help a little bit,
but just a little. Most of our cool air is
blown in from when I turn the vents to
our portable AC that is in the computer
room and aim them into the bed room.
Anyways, before I tell you what I tell
you every week, I want to ask for some
prayers for my mom. She is out of the
hospital, but having to stay off of her
ankle/heel that she broke until it heals.
Ok, now onto the finale :). I wrote 10
more poems and 22 more haiku for all
the haiku lovers out there. I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now with that said, I reckon
it’s time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you a wonderful blessings
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves
you and we do too. Okey dokey, now
where can that off switch be trying to
hide or not 🙂 this time? LOL I think
I see sweat dribbling down from my
PC monitor. Hahaha, I didn’t know
that off switches sweated. So you were
trying to hide sort of behind it huh!
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Ripples and Time
The footsteps we take
might be indented
within sands of time
as hearts imprinted.
Waves might become
as a mere memory
as ripples and time
within life’s history.
The ages of fractions
will continue to grow
even when the ripples
have ceased to flow.
For they become life
of living reflections
as ripples and time
in many directions.
Created by footsteps
in a brand new day
as emotions motions
in a wonderful way.
Seasons recollected
of a distant design.
become our memories
as ripples and time.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 1, 2022
Rainbows Appear
When with sadness
look up above
and see blessings
a moment of love.
Often they appear
as magical views
transforming life
that colors infuse.
Often as a window
for life to be seen
as rainbows appear
just like a dream.
The sky’s painted
as love and light
that God creates
to display a sight.
Letting in blessings
you can adhere
when after storms
rainbows appear.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 1, 2022
Just a Picture
So many windows
show only sights
scenes we imagine
days and nights.
Time might seem
as cloudy skies
scenic heartbeats
found in disguise.
Unveiling pictures
as a cosmic array
becoming artwork
from day to day.
Spring to summer
life is like gold
as living pictures
that gently unfold.
Seasonal windows
a magical mixture
live as a memoir
or just a picture.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2, 2022
Mindful Sea
Looking at a moment
I saw a timeless view
within a mindful sea
that made me as anew.
It brought me to life
with a skyline of age
as a texture of times
that created a stage.
I saw a heron standing
awaiting for its flight
above a mindful sea
in the bright sunlight.
Calmness of waters
were given as a smile
as minutes ticked on
to a scenery’s mile.
Gathering momentum
as a splenderful wave,
yet with the passion
of dreamful arrays.
Seen as a storybook
that God gave for free
these are the blessings
of a mindful sea.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 2, 2022
Yellow Flowers
Sudden moments
come in view
with the changes
of old and new.
Scenes discovered
times allure
as yellow flowers
the seconds pour.
Flowing essence
scenic arrays
flowers blooming
to another phase.
Tomorrow’s life
might be reflected
from now today
as time connected.
Seconds entwine
a picture show
life’s transformed
to colorful flow.
Sunlight’s color
that life empowers
comes into view
as yellow flowers.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4, 2022
Being a Breeze
Reflecting on times
you saw long ago
becomes as a breeze
that seconds bestow.
Remembering sights
as a breath of air
while being a breeze
with awesome flair.
Maybe of a time
that brings you tears
being a breeze
of the yesteryears.
Two boys running
in a wonderful style
that carry a gaze
a breath of a while.
Those magical times
of love so true
become reflections
of times so anew.
Times as stages
your memory sees
such as the moments
being a breeze.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4, 2022
Daytime’s Epilogue
The day meets end
as time moves along
while clouds above
start singing a song.
A song of silence
many eyes perceive
heard as a passage
found in a breeze.
Sung with the angels
up above in the sky
daytime drifts on
as a scenic lullaby.
Evening is to follow
as seconds tick on
leaving songs of life
awaiting the dawn.
Minds may get lost
in a dreamer’s fog
found in the evening
daytime’s epilogue.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4, 2022
Cotton Skies
Throughout time
we might view
clouds above
in a sky of blue.
Floating freely
different forms
seeming cotton
the time adorns.
Threading scenes
as puffs of air
as cotton candy
of a county fair.
Across the way
might be designs
clouds of love
within the times.
Leaving pictures
within our eyes
as remembered
cotton skies.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 5, 2022
Timeless Journeys
Speckles of moments
become as our view
as seasons of seconds
may carry us through.
Creating the illusions
of timeless accounts
things we remember
a moment surmounts.
We might see a stage
of mountainous times
within our journey
to wondrous designs.
God gives us blessings
to see and to feel
such as the mountains
or much smaller hill.
Scenes we encounter
as oceans and seas
are God’s creations
as timeless journeys.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 5, 2022
Different Minds
While walking along
or fishing one day
you might see sights
in a magical way.
Waves might crash
upon the shore
and display sights
for you to explore.
Becoming so alive
with scenes to view
seeming so timeless
God makes anew.
Seen as the seasons
of wondrous designs
so many view them
in different minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 6, 2022
for Aug 6, 2022
Now is a journey
we might not be aware of
so brace for surprise.
Thriving on a lie
can cause you to lose yourself
and leave you empty.
Tomorrows pathways
are often unpaved journeys
that we must travel.
Beyond our belief
is a place that might be truth
or only a dream.
Years will pass us by
leaving glimmers of ourselves
within the woodwork.
Treading on thin ice
you might find yourself to fall
in troubled waters.
The leaves of autumn
bring many different colors
into perspective.
Leaning on others
can create walls between them
if you lean too much.
Years of destinies
might combine into just one
as time passes by.
Pastures of choices
can grow many things to eat
or end up as weeds.
Trials and errors
can become lessons in life
to help us to grow.
A starlit night sky
becomes as a dreamers dream
when looking above.
Heaven awaits us
as our life continues on,
so seek for the good.
Glancing up above
you might see a formation
that clouds have become.
Traveling through time
we might miss many blessings,
but they will be there.
Anger destroys us
if we never let it go,
so seek to repair.
The needs of others
might look real silly to us,
but they are not you.
Splenderful moments
are as flowers of blessings
that we remember.
The wind might blow hard,
but it has reasons to blow
that you might not see.
Truth within a storm
will hold stronger than a lie
for the truth has strength.
Painting with your mind
you can create many windows
for you to look through.
Seasonal doorways
come and go as time allows
and become memoirs.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 6, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
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Your frosty friend Bill 🙂