Hello my friends
I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving day.
Judy and I went to her side of the families
house and we had a good time. Judy and
I took a lot of pictures, but many of them
are out of focus being indoors and not very
good lighting, but we got a few good ones.
We still have snow on the ground and might
get a little bit Monday. It’s all just a guess.
It’ll snow when it snows LOL. So, we are
now just trying to stay warm. Heating oil
is getting hard to come by as well as being
with a high price. I’m hoping that I can
make the electric heaters to suffice until
hopefully the fuel prices find a place that
they are affordable as well as acquirable.
We have plenty to get us by for a while,
but it won’t last but another month or so.
I have a feeling that we’re going to have
a winter to be remembered this season 🙂
It’s just a feeling in my bones that I have
that makes me think we might get more
snow than normal. Our landlord is in the
hospital again, but supposed to be home
sometime this week. I’m worried about
him. His health has been getting worse.
Please keep him in your prayers. Judy
and I are doing well. We’re both over
all of the ailments we had a while back.
LOL of course neither of us will ever be
in great health, but we’re better than we
were a month ago. Yep, Judy’s still hard
at her crocheting and playing her game
Candy Crush when not crocheting LOL.
In between all of that we watch a lot of
our favorite TV programs. We’re such
a lively bunch hehehe. Rocky is actually
the lively one. He is always giving us a
hard time LOL. He loves to voice his
opinion LOUDLY hehehe. He is also
the one that wakes us up every single
day. Yep, when he thinks it’s time to
get up he lets it be known hehehe and
he doesn’t take no for an answer LOL.
It’s OK, because by that time, he is
more than likely correct about it being
time to get up LOL, but heaven forbid
that we forget to turn the alarm clock
off if we had it set for the day before,
because once it goes off, he is pawing
at the bed saying time to get up and he
will not stop until we do hehehe. He’s
ornery, but we love him. So what else
is going on around this house? Well, to
be honest, we don’t do much other than
our hobbies. Neither one of us is in a
healthy enough position to do much, so
we do what we are able when feeling up
to it. I tried to help our neighbor get
his underpinning put on his house, but
he made himself scarce when I was there
to help him and I am not going to do it
by myself. They are going to have a hard
time heating their house now. I tried to
help. Anyways, off to another subject.
It’s getting late now, 8:30 PM to be more
specific so I guess I need to hurry and get
this written. There isn’t much else to tell.
Judy and I live quiet lives. OK LOL semi
quiet with a bit of barking and yelling at
Rocky to tell him to stop barking hehehe.
God is good. He has never left our side
as we have traveled throughout life. We
have many angels and kindly spirits with
us watching over us and helping us when
we cannot help ourselves. Thank you to
them all, but mostly thank You God for
never leaving us in the dark without hope.
AMEN and AMEN. Now I do believe it’s
time for me to be reading back over all
that I’ve written here to see if I can find
me a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go to that little place of
my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I do think I may
have found me a decent title just a few
lines from the beginning of my rambling
and now after checking, I see that it has
not been used yet, so used it shall be 🙂
Here goes…
Good Lighting
Seeing the truth
in words and ways
needs some wisdom
from distant days.
Sometimes liars
speak their minds
leaving a journey
that then unwinds.
A journey of life
that never was true
so use good lighting
to see the view.
Find out the facts
in the devil’s den
and let God’s love
help to see the sin.
Listen and learn
that what’s inviting
might need God and
His good lighting.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2022
Ok, so there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling LOL.
I do though time to time run out of things
to say and so that’s where we are right now.
I do have another prayer request and it is
for Judy’s sister Barb. She’s still struggling
with cancer. Keep her as well as Calvin our
landlord in your prayers. Now I do believe
it’s time for me to tell you what I tell you
nearly every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 poems
with 2 semi Christmassy poems in the mix.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like. Now I do
believe it is time for me to begin my search
for that hardly elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you all a blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now, where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this time LOL? I use the
word hide very loosely, being it sucks at
hiding hehehe. Oh for crying out loud 🙂
Now there’s a really dumb place to hide.
Ya know, that eye drop bottle can’t be but
only 2 inches high and maybe an inch wide.
How did you expect to hide behind that???
Well, I saw ya behind my REFRESH hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Walking in Storms
Living as echoes
storms might appear
seeming as moments
of time’s yesteryear.
Formed from a seed
confusion becomes
storms of a distant
life’s beating drums.
Walk on your way
let love live inside
as you continue on
in your own stride.
You will find people
of a different stage
running and sliding
from age unto age.
Yet they may only
be hiding their pain
within their storms
of time and again.
So find the blessings
that time adorns
when you are busy
walking in storms.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2022
A Winter’s Sight
It might be a river
or just a stream
within a wintery
magical scene.
Flavors of winter
in a scenic flow
are a sight to see
within the snow.
The stage is set
to be memories
while time creates
a scenic breeze.
It forms a page
of a story book
as a winter’s sight
a timeless look.
Scenes transform
in snow of white
blessings of time
a winter’s sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2022
Figments Illusion
Nurturing a sight
that comes in view
can become times
of life within you.
A wintertime stage
as glimmers white
figments illusion.
might be a sight
Discerned scenes
of wintery flakes
conjoined in time
a child partakes.
A season of love
a Christmassy way
seeming illusional
a truthful display.
The fireplace warm
loved ones inside
enjoying a season
peace does reside.
Find the blessings
a true conclusion
often seeming as
figments illusion.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 22, 2022
Living Shadows
Searching for truth
in the midst of time
you might find only
a shadow’s design.
Scenes within a day
as a heartbeat true,
but be a reflection
or shadow in you.
You might see time
as a snowflake falls
creating a doorway
that time installs.
A winter unveiled
as a cosmic dream
as living shadows
that eyes have seen.
Maybe just a want
for a day gone by
that lives as echoes
of a dreamer’s sky.
There may be sights
of seasonal snows
Christmas of ages
as living shadows.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 22, 2022
Cinematic Stages
Ages of scenery
can become gold
from the memories
stories we’ve told.
Cattle in a field
can be as a dream
sights remembered
a timeless scene.
Seeming a cinema
a stage of desire
an echo of the past
can light a fire.
Burning as a page
from a storybook
a season of scenes
create a new look.
One that is golden,
one of the ages
recorded within as
cinematic stages.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 23, 2022
Tracks of Thought
Our journey’s mile
can begin anytime
as a word or a way
or within our mind.
A train of thinking
thoughts that begin
might only be time
blown in the wind.
Look deep within
and find the facts
truth that’s within
the train of tracks.
Find the purpose
the reason desired
that creates wants
to be transpired.
Seek for the truth
of should and not
prayer for answers
tracks of thought.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 23, 2022
Catching a Dream
Life can be sights
of memorized times
within our dreams
of instilled designs.
You may see waves
crashing all around
or times bestowing
a sight and sound.
You may not see it
as it thrives within
as dreamers dream
of a now and again.
Caught in a view
time might expose
a place and a taste
or aroma of rose.
You might desire
a prayerful array
of a mere memory
that faded away.
Let God enhance
each magical scene
fishing a heartbeat
catching a dream.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 25, 2022
Day Meets Night
Our daily visions
might often see
the times of life
in our history.
We might recall
an evening sun
so very bright
before it’s done.
Snow may shine
in the sunlight
glittering hues
a magical sight.
Day’s reflections
might be found
as life’s memoirs
seen all around.
Creating sights
shadows speak
telling us stories
that many seek.
Becoming time
as a scenic sight
many moments
day meets night.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 25, 2022
Icy Flow
Thoughts we have
can often become
a season of time
of a passing sun.
There may be ice
upon our way
that ceases flow
from day to day.
So many thoughts
can become heard
as only crackling
of an icy word.
Take a moment
and think it clear
before saying all
ones will hear.
If you’re a river
with an icy flow
seek some peace
in God all aglow.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 25, 2022
Rushing Through
Minds as water
might be hurried
rushing through
journeys scurried.
Allowing thought
to flow too fast
creating regretful
shadows to cast.
Finding patience
in hurried streams
can set at ease
a night of dreams.
For if we always
seek for speed
we may lose sight
of what we need.
So take a breath
a prayerful view
that’s not always
rushing through.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 26, 2022
for Nov 26, 2022
Leaving a doorway
open in midst of a storm
can create a flood.
Hurrying through life
can leave you with much regret
wanting to go back.
The colors of fall
become a painting of life
as well as of death.
Stages of ages
are often colors of time
life illuminates.
Our now and again
can become as reflections
seeming redundant.
When guarding your heart
you might prevent any love
from entering it.
Traveling through life
many things are deceptions
seen in hurried eyes.
Yesterday’s motto
might become tomorrow’s words
hidden within time.
When treating a wound
take notice of the reason
to create lessons.
Years that pass us by
are filled with many stories
some good and some bad.
True love is acquired
when hearts unite in rhythm
bonding their passions.
Many that we know
are not who we think they are,
but only human.
Believing in God
needs you to also trust Him
for He knows what’s best.
Cherishing money
as well as cherishing things
can form emptiness.
Time is a doorway
with many speeds of travel
that cause us to wait.
Blowing up balloons
you might notice none will fly
without helium.
Mistreating others
can come back to you in time
as karma awaits.
Today’s tomorrow
might look rather gray at times,
but forecasts do change.
The years of ages
paint a picture of lessons
that some never saw.
The tears of a clown
might be painted on for looks
the same as people.
Foreseeing trouble
can often create problems
of which you started.
The gears of a car
can simulate a heartbeat
that needs to slow down.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 26. 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: November 2022
When We’re Unable
Hello my friends
Well I hope yall are staying warm. It’s a
tad cold up this way. Right now at 4:30 PM
it’s 29 F degrees. It’s supposed to get down
to 11 F by Monday morning. We might get
a little snow today, but not much. It did
snow a bit last week though and we’ve still
got snow on the ground from it. I ordered
us another electric heater to use and try to
cut back on heating oil as much as we can.
I also ordered us some more solar motion
activated lights for our house. I bought us
some new batteries for our snow blowers
a couple of weeks ago, so we’re ready for
the snow. The old batteries are still good,
but the ones that are like about 7 years old
are not as strong as they were when they
were new LOL. The couple that are only
3 years old are still doing fairly well, but
I wanted some new batteries. The batteries
last a long time thank God and they also
work in the lawnmower which uses the very
same batteries. So we’re good for winter,
spring and summer 🙂 Of course our spring
often still has snow on the ground, so it’s
not much for mowing hehehe. Judy and I
are doing well. We’ve both got over our
ailments that we had the previous weeks 🙂
We’re anxious for Thanksgiving and even
more for Christmas. They’re our 2 favorite
times of year. Though I do wish that I could
see some of my family for the holidays, but
it’s just not happening. Judy and I enjoy
our time together. Of course as anybody
that is around each other 24-7, we do get
on each others nerves time to time hehehe.
Rocky also gets on our nerves time to time,
but we love the boy 🙂 He gets demanding
at times, but often he doesn’t know what it
is that he actually wants LOL. There are a
few times that he needs to go out to go potty,
but even he doesn’t know it and he starts
bugging us for treats hehehe. He is a silly
boy, but as I said, we love him. Well I’ve
dilly-dallied writing and now it’s near 6:30
and the temperature is dropping. It’s now
22 F degrees. It got dark around 4 PM so
it has been dark for a while already. Judy’s
over at her PC playing Candy Crush hehehe.
We went to town this passed week to do a
little grocery shopping and it was snowing.
I took a few pictures so there will be a few
pictures in the stationery of our trip for the
ones of you that actually get the stationery
format. Yet for the ones that only get the
text version, sorry 🙂 Close your eyes and
imagine what they would look like hehehe.
Anyways, we’re nearing the end of the year
as 2023 is soon to knock upon our door and
say howdy. I sure hope it goes better than
the last few years have gone. All we can do
is hope and pray. God is still watching over
Judy and I as the hours turn into days and
the days turn into weeks and months. We
feel blessed to have found one another as
God intended. We know that many angels
and kindly spirits are watching over us as
well and helping us when we’re unable to
help ourselves. Thank You God, for all
that You have done and all that You will
do. We are truly grateful. Please watch
over our friends and family as well many
that we do not know and send them angels
to help in times of need. Amen and Amen.
Now I believe it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I have written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So it’s away I go, to that little place
of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may have
found a fairly decent title just a few lines
back and now after checking, I see that it
has not been used yet, so used it shall be.
Here goes…
When We’re Unable
Life will get hard
no matter the page
of a book of discern
from age unto age.
Yet there is hope
in the winds of time
that flows as grace
from God Divine.
When we’re unable
God will be there
listening for our
words of prayer.
He often answers
a different view,
for He knows best
for me and you.
Let God The Father
to ready our table
throughout storms
when we’re unable.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 20, 2022
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even bits of my rambling.
Yep, I can ramble can’t I hehehe. I can’t
think of anything else to tell you so I guess
it’s time for me to tell you what I tell you
nearly every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like. Now, with
that said, I reckon it’s time for me to begin
searching for that hardly elusive off switch,
but surely not before I wish you a blessings
filled week and a Happy Thanksgiving. May
your week be great, Okey Dokey, so where
can that ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time???? Hmm, I don’t see it in any of
its normal hiding spots at least not yet LOL.
I think I see something moving behind my
Advair box. Yep, if you could ever learn
to stay still, I might not find you so fast,
but then again on that note, I would be a
while finishing this journal, so I guess it’s
a good thing that you’re not that great at
hiding hehehe. In any case, Practice 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Art of White
Wintery paintings
become a show
with art of white
flakes of snow.
Time’s a doorway
that opens wide
creating artwork
in windows wide.
Scenes come alive
as time ticks on
with art of white
becoming a song.
Creating rhythms
snowflakes fall
becoming as art
with life over all.
Living as a dream
a magical sight
it’s a wonderland
as art of white.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 14, 2022
Making Memories
Found in shadows
moments live on
thriving reviving
what seems gone.
Seasonal memoirs
written within time
become as a door
found in the mind.
Each day’s journey
becomes as a sight
such as the scenes
a season of white.
Snow might create
and portion or two
found as memories
reflecting our view.
We may have times
that slipped away
as joyful moments
of a distant day.
Seen as an ocean
of rippling seas
we find that time’s
making memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 14, 2022
Coming of Night
The sunlight shines
until it is gone
leaving us shadows
to continue on.
Coming of night
transforms the sky
into that of scenes
that might fly by.
The colors awaken
as sunlight dims
presenting shadows
upon tree limbs.
Even a mountain
might seem a hill
as coming of night
gives time to fill.
Instilling doorways
to scenic reflections
as coming of night
in our perceptions.
Becoming artwork
painted in the sky
the coming of night
might seem to fly.
As a shadowy bird
with lesser of light
time comes alive
as coming of night.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 15, 2022
Winter Arrives
Just like a roadway
of winter’s travels
time’s destination
is as life unravels.
Often real slowly
snowflakes will fall
becoming scenery
found over all.
The road might be
of a clearer path,
but as time goes by
it covers real fast.
With winter’s ways
it becomes a sight
a road of billows
covered in white.
Yet life continues
as a traveler drives
living up north
as winter arrives.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 15, 2022
Thankful for Times
We might not feel
that breath of air
so filled with love
a season of prayer.
The stages we see
might only show
an autumn day
or a seasonal snow.
Days might come
with another view
a time and place
to begin anew.
There may be life
of a scenic desire
found as stages
of a dreamer’s fire.
Living as a breath
of thriving minds
find God’s peace
thankful for times.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 16, 2022
The Sky’s Bestowed
Ticking as a clock
the sun moves on
shining refining
as a colorful song.
The tune is of life
as a painted smile
on a road of time
of evening’s mile.
Our eyes might see
a heavenly sight
the sky’s bestowed
as colors of light.
Scenes might seem
as magical places
bestowed so alive
as a sky of faces.
We might only see
a troubled road
and not what all
the sky’s bestowed.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 16, 2022
Charismatic Dreams
Our many memories
might seem to find
a place’s perception
of a scenic design.
It may be the ocean
or a sky of clouds
found as a memory
that a time endows.
Located as a dream
that finds our heart
filled with charisma
a true work of art.
You might even see
a heart felt emotion
that comes as waves
in a dream’s ocean.
Flowing as blessings
with magical scenes
time might enhance
charismatic dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 17, 2022
Admire The View
Watch as moments
turn the pages
becoming as sights
of scenic stages.
Seasons may form
a time to embrace
a time to admire
life’s smiling face.
Look deep within
and find a tool
maybe a moment
as a living school.
Allow for a breath
to become alive
helping you later
to surely survive.
Seek for the stars
of a work of art
and unleash sight
to beat as a heart.
Allow a snowflake
a place to land
maybe a moment
within your hand.
Let all of the pages
to turn in time
and be the beauty
of God’s design.
Find the blessings
that live with you
and most surely
admire the view.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 17, 2022
Past Reflections
Mirrored doorways
become our view
as past reflections
there and to.
We might discover
a life’s memory
our furry friends
in time’s history.
The windows open
letting in scenes
times remembered
as scenic dreams.
Blessings of life
that moved on
which now recalls
as a love song.
The rhythm unites
time’s connections
becoming as our
past reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 18, 2022
Passages Transform
The age of moments
can become scenes
scented perceptions
lived out in dreams.
Heavenly doorways
may open with style
and help transform
a frown to a smile.
Passages become as
a window of designs
scented of passions
of heartfelt minds.
Transitioning styles
love from a storm
God gives help as
passages transform.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 18, 2022
for Nov 19, 2022
Thoughts of division
can separate ones heartbeats
so don’t let hate win.
Seeking for a breath
amidst a times tornado
you need patience.
A moment of swells
can become a sea of waves
if allowed to thrive.
Riding a rhythm
of an illusion and dream
you might awaken.
Seasons of sunshine
can become moments of rain
if we allow it.
Within a passing
leaves life to be discovered
as a memory.
Yesterday of life
might become our tomorrows
as times reflections.
Teardrops from a cloud
may be seen as only rain,
but yet it is life.
Things that we go through
often have many lessons
hidden within them.
Touching a heartbeat
with true love and emotion
can even help you.
Chances that we have
often have choices to make
that we might get wrong.
Illusions of life
might cause us to step into
a time’s hurricane.
Blowing in a breeze
you might see a butterfly
struggling to fly.
Yesterdays language
might not be today’s pathway
so watch how you speak.
Weathered from worry
ones might deteriorate
filled with emptiness.
Rabbits and turtles
have a few things in common
such as God’s creatures.
Our tough times of life
can be the best of the best
for they teach us well.
Years of discussion
can become ways we travel
as choices are made.
Tides of emotion
might become waves of sadness
if nothing is gained.
Greeting a loved one
with a great big hug and kiss
might be what they need.
Seeking a doorway
that you know nothing about,
you might find trouble.
Throughout history
time has become repeated
when things are forgotten.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 19, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Our Choices
Hello my friends
I’m back with more exciting stuff from
our portion of the world 🙂 Ok so it may
not be that exciting, but reading kills a
little time until maybe something exciting
happens or not hehehe. It’s looking like
Mr.Winter is knocking on our door as we
are expecting a little snow this week. Now,
there is no guarantee that we will get any of
the white stuff, but I know for a fact that
if it does snow, it will melt the second it
hits the ground, being our temps have not
remained low for the ground is still a little
too warm and it will melt the snow unless
of course it snows so freaking much that
it hasn’t got a chance to melt and then it
might hang around for a bit :). I went out
a little while ago and took the grate off of
the burn barrel and put the lid on it so it
does not fill up with snow whenever it does
start with the heavy stuff. We might want
to burn some boxes during winter and if
it is full of snow, it will hinder that. So,
isn’t that exciting LOL. Ok, what else is
there to ramble about? Well, I did take a
few pictures this passed week and many of
them are selfies LOL. I don’t do selfies too
often, but I was in the mood while I was in
the car waiting for Judy to come out of the
eye doctors clinic. She was having a check
up and all is well. I even took a few pictures
of Rocky and then a few of Rocky and me
together hehehehe. Judy was just having
a check up to see if her eyes had worsened
through the years and she’s OK. The sky
that day was beautiful and I took a lot of
pictures of it as evening was approaching.
Judy and I went and voted last Tuesday
and it looks like our choices won. I went
outside on Saturday the 5th and took a
few pictures of the moon, but they didn’t
come out too well. I didn’t bring my tripod
out with me and I could not remain still to
zoom in LOL. But I might share one of
the pictures in my stationery anyways. We
are an exciting bunch aren’t we LOL. Rocky
is doing well. He’s over whatever he had last
week and back to his orneriness. I think he
just had a bug and it passed. The weather
report says rain which is doing a little bit
of now, but it says it will switch to rain and
snow by midnight and do so till near 6 AM
and then it’s supposed to cease and become
partly sunny. We’re as ready for it as we
can be, being it’s coming whether we like
it or not or ready or not hehehe. It gets
dark now around 4:30 PM and makes for
a seeming to be short day. The sun rises
near 7 AM, but that will all be lessening
as it nears December 21 and then the days
will be adding 2 minutes of daylight as each
day comes to pass. There will be a time that
seems as if we live in Alaska LOL. Doesn’t
that sound exciting hehehe. I have grown
used to it. I do though love snow and love
to watch it snow, but when I have to dig
out our car, that love gets a little grumpy 🙂
Oh well, it’s life and I do enjoy going out
with Rocky to play with him in the snow
as well as taking pictures of the scenery and
all. Yep, things could always be worse, so
I try to find the joy in the moments. Yes
of course there are times that I might find
it difficult to smile, but I try. God is still
watching over us allowing all that we need
to strengthen us. There are also many of
His angels around us helping us when we
are in need as well as many kindly spirits.
Problems will arise, but we’ll make it one
way or another as we are meant to. We
want to thank You God for all that You
do for us and have done. Thank You for
never wavering in your being. We pray
for You to watch over our family and
friends as well as the many that we don’t
know. Thank You. Amen and Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I have written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem. So it’s away I
go to that little place of my recollection
that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I may of stumbled upon a decent
title just about halfway back in all of my
rambling and now after checking, I see
that it has not been used yet, so used it
shall be. Here goes…
Our Choices
Within without
our voices heard
might take flight
as a scenic bird.
So choose well
the path to trod
and don’t always
seek an applaud.
We might find
someone in pain
that found life
hard to attain.
For we might see
ourselves one day
within without
in a similar way.
So do your best
within your view
the best you can
the things you do.
Seek a pathway
of hopeful voices
to help each other
with our choices.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 13, 2022
Well, there ya go. I hope ya liked the poem
and maybe even a bit of my rambling. It’s
dark outside 🙂 and looks like midnight, but
it’s only 7 PM hehehehe. I’m thinking about
buying another heater next month being the
price of heating oil is outrageous. We have
a full tank now, but I doubt that it will last
more than 2 months and to fill our tank when
it was half full cost 987.00. We’re hoping that
heating oil goes back down a little before we
need it again, but we’re going to use our lil
radiator heaters and the surgeforce heater in
the living room to try and cut down on the
use of the furnace. In any case, we’ll make
it 🙂 So one last thing, our landlord is doing
a little better. he is home from the hospital
and I want to thank you for your prayers 🙂
I guess that’s all I’ve got for ya other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku. Yep,
10 more poems and 2 of them are a little
Christmassy. Also I wrote 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now with that said I reckon it’s
time for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly elusive off switch, but not before I
wish you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. OK now so
where can that ornery off switch be trying to
hide this time? LOL I saw ya real quickly
moving from my K2 meter to my watch 🙂
Uh, the K2 meter is bigger than my watch,
so why did you decide to hide behind my
watch??? Oh hehehe, you thought that
being we have clocks I would not notice
you hiding nehind my watch. Well being
that my watch is sitting right in front of
me, you were hard to not see hehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
Oh yea, I’ll add Judy’s Birthday poem
at the last of the poems. ENJOY
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Walks of Time
Many a footstep
placed on a road
can carry shadows
of life’s heavy load.
Seeming as echoes
our walks may be
that of reflections
of time’s history.
Created in style
with visions upon
we can make good
of a seasonal song.
Sung as footprints
of a timeless view
as you’re walking
to then thereunto.
Find the pathway
to a better mind
on your journeys
as walks of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 7, 2022
Flowing Desires
Thoughts of rivers
thoughts of streams
are often flowing
within our dreams.
Seeking the future
with better displays
we need to change
the now and todays.
Not letting wanna
to fill up our minds
as flowing desires
for better designs.
Look for the truth
in all that you do,
for if you do not
it might haunt you.
The stream of life
flows as a river
and into an ocean
that times deliver.
Let your wantings
to seek good attires
and not but only
flowing desires.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 7, 2022
Life of Flight
Oceans of styles
are waves of minds
flying in the breeze
of echoes of times.
Life is a doorway
as scenes to begin
that flow as water
in an ocean’s wind.
Wings are amidst
a summer’s breeze
giving the options
to fly with the seas.
Become a shadow
of a scenic array
as a life of flight
on a summer’s day.
Look for the good
within the scenery
as a life of flight
that’s above a sea.
Dream of the stars
that come at night
and then look on
to a life of flight.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 8, 2022
The Coming of Eve
Many a reflection
begins in the mind
with our perception
of time after time.
Seeming so quickly
to become history
the coming of eve
night’s soon to see.
Seasonal doorways
become our glance
the coming of eve
a timeless romance.
Allow your mind
a breath to breathe
as the start of night
the coming of eve.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 8, 2022
Reflections Allure
Looking in mirrors
truth might be found
different than the view
of you looking around.
Reflecting on a time
that you saw all alone
might show the light
of a truthful cologne.
It’s aroma might lie
due to all of the style
as reflections allure
shows a phony smile.
Found in your mirror
a reflection may grow
a time you remember
all you used to know.
Standing in the scene
looking all around
confusion had its way
with vision and sound.
It brought you lessons
from a seasonal tour
that are now pathways
to reflections allure.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 9, 2022
Christmas Awaits
White snow displays
a seasonal charm
a wintertime’s day
and hearts so warm.
Christmassy essence
scented as a sight
awaiting for Santa
to make his flight.
So many dreamers
find peaceful views
as stories unfolding
what hearts infuse.
Blessings acquired
from seasonal skies
land within winter
in Christmassy eyes.
Prayerful surrounds
the seasonal show
with many blessings
as white as snow.
It becomes rhythms
that each soul elates
a season of blessings
as Christmas awaits.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 9, 2022
Words of Minds
Sought in a dream
time shows a sky
as seconds tick on
seeing clouds fly by.
Heartbeats begin
as many dreams
seen as a painting
with magical scenes.
Many times ages
are a reflection
so often mistaken
with ones perception.
See what’s truthful
within the times
and read the heart
the words of minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10, 2022
Life’s Hourglass
Our life in flesh
is but just a time
that seems so long
within our mind.
The things we do
as life moves on
might sing a tune
as a living song.
The sands of time
pour like rain
as an hourglass
that times attain.
Use God’s gifts
He has given you
to do the best
that you can do.
The sand still falls
and comes to pass
within our heart
life’s hourglass.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10, 2022
Winter’s Hurrah
A cold snowy road
reveals a design
a scenic discovery
of a season of time.
It flows as a dream
to a wintery place
a winter’s hurrah
as time’s embrace.
A living storybook
written in the snow
on a wintery path
the seasons bestow.
Heartbeats of life
are found as a gaze
alive and thriving
Christmassy days.
Snowflake threads
the sky might draw
painting a picture
of winter’s hurrah.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 11, 2022
Darkness Forms
Within our struggles
are so many tools
to use in the future
as lifetimes schools.
There might be times
you saw not a clue
of an answer in life
that’s meant for you.
Yet there are lessons
hidden within time
of which when ready
will live in our mind.
Darkness may form
and hide the truth
when in the old days
living in our youth.
Yet in the doorways
of readiness flow
darkness will fade
and light will show.
So when in your life
some darkness forms
find God’s blessings
that time adorns.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 11, 2022
for Nov 12, 2022
Looking for answers
to many questions of time
might find confusion.
The end of the line
is on either you may be,
so use good judgment.
Threading a needle
needs patience and steady hands
lest you may not sew.
Our fields of vision
might be blinded by shadows
that form in our sight.
Beyond yesterday
there may be repercussions
that thrive in our thoughts.
Sought after doorways
are often only wantings
and not what’s needed.
Thoughts are revealing
when our words are intervened
combined with action.
Life’s driving forces
are often that of egos
filled chockfull of pride.
Time is a window
that might open with a view
that’s disillusion.
Years of perception
can drown out reality
and hide what is true.
Throughout history
life creates many journeys
that connect today.
Fighting for the truth
you might find the truth’s a lie
and a lie the truth.
Breathe in with true love
and exhale all of your hate
and be filled with peace.
Traveling down a road
some bumps might awaken you
for what lies ahead.
Times can be boring
as things happen really slow,
but that could be good.
Shouting in anger
can often create a force
that pushes ones away.
Grading your own life
you might not see all that’s there
that others can see.
Turning a corner
might at times seem real scary,
but turns are needed.
Flowering lifestyles
might often be only weeds
seeking your vision.
Texting a sentence
others might not know the truth
being they can’t hear.
Acting like a fool
some might think you are a fool
not knowing the truth.
Our highlights of life
might seem to be real dismal
to other people.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 12, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Hello my friends
I hope you’re doing well. Today is Judy’s
birthday. Rocky’s not feeling well today so
we got takeout so we could eat her birthday
meal at home. She picked out an icecream
cake for her birthday. We’re very worried
about Rocky and hoping that he starts to
feeling better. If he doesn’t we’ll set up an
appointment with the vet tomorrow, but he
is already showing signs of feeling better 🙂
Anyways, Judy and I are going to enjoy
today watching some of our favorite shows
on the TV. Our neighbor has been putting
on his underpinning off and on, being he’s
doing his a lot different than I did ours and
I am fairly sure I would just get in the way
if I were to try and help him LOL. Though
I might try to help him sometime this week
if I can catch him when he is wanting to do
it. I am done with pneumonia and feeling
a little better 🙂 Of course there will not be
a day that I feel great, but there are days
that I feel better than others. Life goes on.
Nobody feels great every day and if they
say they do, they are not speaking truth.
So I do not like to complain being that I
know that there are many that have it a lot
worse than I do 🙂 So off to another topic.
The weather is seeming to still be having a
hard time making up its mind LOL. One
day its cold and the next day it’s in the 70’s.
In the years passed we have had snow in
late September as well as October. So yes
the weather is changing quite a bit up here.
I’m not complaining being heating oil is
at an all time high. We might be using our
little radiator heaters quite a bit this winter.
They don’t use a lot of electricity, but they
don’t heat a room very much other that of
course our computer room where we stay
most of the time. It’s small enough that
the radiator heater we have in here does
a pretty good job. Anyways, we filled up
on heating oil the other day and are hoping
it last a good while. We don’t want water
pipes to freeze. Judy and I are still doing
our regular stuff. Me writing poetry and
her crocheting. I stopped a little bit ago
to write Judy a birthday poem and do a
poetry picture using it of a photo of her
and Rocky standing in our driveway. It
came out pretty good 🙂 I love that gal 🙂
She’s not only my wife, but she’s my best
friend and soul mate. I am so thankful
that God put her in my life. We’ve had
our differences, but we let them help us
to become stronger. Thank You God for
all that You do for us and all that You
have done. Please watch over our family
and friends. We can still feel the many
angels that are watching over us as well
as the kindly spirits that help us our times
of need. We truly feel blessed. Thank You
for never giving up on me or us. AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written here
to try to find a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So it’s away I go to that little
place of my recollection that I always like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I
may have found a decent title just about
mid ways through my rambling and now
after checking I see that it has not been
used yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
Windows to bombshells
troubles come in view
patterns we focus on
and things that we do.
Complaining of seconds
that soon will be gone
can become an echo
of a so distant song.
A song of perception
a song about fear
worrying about things
that may never get here.
We might even find
our life as a scream,
but yet to others
it’s a wonderful dream.
Many have problems
a bit greater than you
and they might not say
or show in their view.
Let God be the guide
in all you’re attaining
and cease all of your
daily complaining.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 6, 2022
I hope you liked the poem and maybe even
a little of my rambling 🙂 I’ve got a special
prayer request and it is for our landlord. He
has had 3 strokes and is now in the hospital
not doing well at all. Him and his wife have
become family to us. We’ve lived here for
over 14 years now. Please keep him in your
prayers. Also keep our boy/dog Rocky in
your prayers as he started feeling ill early
this morning. So I guess I’ve told you all
that there is to tell other than what I tell
you nearly every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10
more poems with 1 Christmas poem in the
mix. I also wrote 22 more haiku for all the
haiku lovers out there. I hope that you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like 🙂
Now with that said, I reckon it’s time for
me to start searching for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you all
a truly blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Okey
dokey so where can that ornery switch
be trying to hide this time? LOL did ya
fall in the trash ya silly thing? I happened
to notice a tissue that looked as though it
was trying to climb out, but it was just
you behind it trying to sneak out without
me seeing you hehehehe. You are silly.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
Oh yea, I’ll add Judy’s Birthday poem
at the last of the poems. ENJOY
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
11 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Living Roadways
Life’s driving forces
become as a view
living surroundings
from old to anew.
Seconds transfixing
as minutes procure
finding designing
a moment’s allure.
The passing of days
become as a time
that in your journey
stays on your mind.
It might be a season
or maybe a dream
living within you
as a magical scene.
Thriving as memoirs
written deep within
the heartfelt travels
might start again.
The journey to love
a separation of life
loss of a loved one
husband or wife.
God travels with you
no matter your loss
and He promises you
a pathway across.
Meeting loved ones
from our yesterdays
joining once again
on living roadways.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 31, 2022
Threads of Hearts
Seams of a moment
might unveil views
times of passed days
the seconds infuse.
The clothing of time
is sewn within a way
creating memories
in wondrous array.
There might be life
of a point in time
found in a picture
as a heartfelt design.
Painted in a reality
that you truly miss
as threads of hearts
of a timeless kiss.
There may be a pet
that time took away
that lives on and on
in you everyday.
Memories explode
creating many parts
we seamed together
as threads of hearts.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 31, 2022
Ready To Fly
Life is a motion
created in views
as we get ready
to surely infuse.
Making seconds
alive and well
creating scenes
as stories to tell.
Formatting life
into that of age
to fly in the sky
upon life’s stage.
Visions of time
within our view
might reflect
a time or two.
Windows of life
so very high
need us to surely
get ready to fly.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 1, 2022
Windows Illuminate
Found as reflections
a story unfolds
that tells the tales of
timeless old roads.
Pathways roadways
journeys we find
may have memories
of a special design.
Within rhythms
our moments create
life’s with blessings
that many await.
Windows illuminate
a Christmas show
a time and a date
of wintertime snow.
A roadway traveled
becomes perceived
as a breath of life
that God conceived.
As that of miracles
that fall in place
windows illuminate
God’s saving grace.
Putting forth love
that God did create
Christmas begins as
windows illuminate.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 1, 2022
Pages of Emotion
We may often find
an ocean of dreams
created in a journey
with magical scenes.
Maybe as a wave
or a ripple in time
pages of emotion
roll on in our mind.
Seen in the distance
a wonderful place
as a stage of desire
with a scenic taste.
Glistening of life
with a cosmic view
pages of emotion
are written as new.
Stories of a season
or turn of a page
become reflections
on a timeless stage.
Formations of life
thrive in the ocean
reflecting memories
pages of emotion.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 2, 2022
Seconds Transpire
Life is a breath
we may not hear
emotions of time
of year after year.
Seasons of time
thrive as a glance
we find in our view
as song and dance.
Sung as a song
with poetic sights
we find in daytime
and also the nights.
We might often
see a sky acquire
evening’s glow as
seconds transpire.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 2, 2022
Trust and Believe
Within life’s sunshine
time is a place
formed in a window
for us to embrace.
Trust that the scenes
that God gives you
will be as moments
the best then to view.
Often our perception
is but only a gaze
that we need believe
is of God’s own ways.
We may see clouds
in a sunshiny sight
that glisten brightly
of a golden white.
Time might display
all a blind man sees
so they must surely
trust and believe.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 3, 2022
Colors Reside
Thriving as waves
clouds in the sky
are as paintings
that float and fly.
Then down below
an awesome sight
might come to be
and surely ignite.
Colors colliding
yellow to orange
giving us scenes
that times adorn.
Readying seconds
to surely combine
becoming scenery
moments divine.
Time is as artwork
the scenes coincide
within the essence
that colors reside.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 3, 2022
Days of Stride
Moving emotions
traveling on
become pathways
just like a song.
Rhythms beating
and words inlaid
as days of stride
are surely made.
Creating mirrors
reflections design
we move along
as poetic rhyme.
Striving for life
a different array
we may look on
seeing yesterday.
Comparing sights
of now and again
try to do better
than back then.
Find the lessons
on a daily ride
and learn well
the days of stride.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 4, 2022
Prickly Things
Many a problem
begins in the mind
becoming prickly
reminding of time.
We may encounter
passing doorways
and open them up
to dismal arrays.
Becoming cactus
causing us pain
we may look back
and see it insane.
Remember times
that were as Hell
the prickly things
that life did inhale.
Now breathe true
the lessons learned
from all the things
that you discerned.
Seasons will pass
and create scenes
from many lessons
of prickly things.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 4, 2022
She’s My Friend
My wife displays
oh so many sights
that gives me smiles
in days and nights.
So many things
we’ve been through
strengthened us
for the days anew.
Life is a doorway
to search within
seeking a window
to find a grin.
We’ve held tightly
the love of heart
and she’s my friend
that shall never part.
We’re growing older
as years pass by
as birthdays come
just like the sky
Her birthday’s today
as times transcend,
I love her so truly
and she’s my friend.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 6, 2022
for Nov 5, 2022
The light of our lives
is often found in others
as that of their smiles.
Living reflections
are found within our heartbeats
if we’re living true.
Time is but a path
that many might get lost upon
if they live in greed.
Styles of our journeys
are often found in our eyes
as we look around.
Sought after moments
often highlight intentions
and the truth in us.
The stars in the sky
might be echoes of a time
that does not exist.
Beyond tomorrow
the yesterdays of our life
might live as regrets.
Seasons of starlight
twinkle as living stages
performed in the sky.
Guarding our doorways
we might push away goodness
we mistook for bad.
Threads of emotion
can become as yarns of time
seen in our shadows.
Significant paths
are created as true doorways
to the heart of life.
Cherishing the things
and not what was learned from them
can form emptiness.
Leftover heartbeats
can thrive within your own heart
a create sadness.
Various windows
are as pathways to the soul
and some are empty.
Traveling quickly
you might miss all the good stuff
as it’s just a blur.
Look to the heavens
and seek for many blessings
to rain down on you.
Showered by despair
you need to seek a raincoat
in the name of God.
Heated emotions
can become an argument
or a love affair.
So many choices
become the roadblocks of time,
for we cannot choose.
Winds of life may blow,
but it’s how we discern them
that creates the time.
Lacking in efforts
we might drown in a puddle
that’s just an inch deep.
Unleashing the past
letting it become lessons
can help you tomorrow.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 5, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
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My Animal’s Greetings site below
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Your frosty friend Bill 🙂