Hello my friends
Here I am once again with another bit of
rambling. This passed week has been nice.
The weather hasn’t been too bad. It has
though bounced around weather wise a bit.
Yep, and today the high is 41 F which it is
at noon this very moment. It seems as if
we have acquired all of the neighbors kids 🙂
They are all playing outside in the snow
right outside our front door. I went to let
Benny and Rocky back in and there was
one little girl saying they were barking to
come in LOL. I took a few pictures of the
kids after I told them to quieten down a
bit, because Judy was still trying to sleep.
Why they were over in front of our house
playing in the snow, I have no clue LOL.
There is snow all over the place. Oh well,
that’s life when kids think you’re Santa
Claus LOL. The children have quietened
down now. I think a few are still playing
in the snow out our front door though 🙂
They asked if I would come out and play
in the snow with them and I told them I
might later. It will have to wait until I’m
done with this though. So, what else is
going on around this place? Oh yea, the
banana pudding Judy made last Sunday
came out GREAT and she has made some
more since then. Hey mom, thanks for
the recipe 🙂 We love ya. I’ve been busy
writing more poetry pictures. We’re still
hoping that both hers and mine books
begin selling soon. Judy has written some
great stuff also. Anyways, we are praying
that our books become a hit one day in
the future. Until then, we will continue
doing what we do. Next topic 🙂 It looks
as though beginning tomorrow the weather
is back to its normal cold self. At least for
a while LOL. The boys are lying down in
their doggie beds right beside me and Judy.
Yep, Judy got up being the kids had woke
her up. No big deal. It’s not like we can’t
take a nap later if needed, but I don’t see
it happening hehehe. The sun is shining
bright today and when looking out at the
snow it can most surely blind you if ya
look at it too long LOL. I do a whole lot
of squinting when I look outside. I know
I should wear sunshades, but it’s such a
pain to put them on every time you look
outside or go outside for anything hehehe.
It’s amazing that January is nearly at end.
It seems that this year has had a slightly
bumpy start. I’m hoping that it smoothes
out before soon. I hope that February is
not so bumpy 🙂 No matter, life goes on.
Judy and I will continue on with the paths
that God has given us. We hit a few little
speed bumps from time to time, but for
the most part, we’re OK. Everyone has
their share of struggles, though we may
not see them struggling. Many prefer
to keep it to themselves or are too prideful
to let ones know they are struggling, but
we all struggle. Our struggles may differ
greatly and what seems as a struggle to us
might not be a struggle to others and vice
versa. So, don’t assume that someone
is not struggling just because you can’t
see them struggling. Let us pray for all of
us in the world with our many struggles.
Now I believe it’s time for me to be taking
my little trip back through all that I have
written here to see if I can find me a good
word or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I found a fairly decent title just a
little ways back in my rambling and now
after checking I see that it has not been used
as of yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
I know I Should
We often look
at certain ways
and see only
dismal days.
I know I should
becomes a voice
found within
our daily choice.
We often choose
to find the bad
instead of seeking
truth that’s had.
The news today
is filled with pain
time to time
with less to gain,
but it’s often
all that’s there
from bad to good.
I know I should
becomes a phrase
as we’re walking
in our ways.
Let the good flow
find the peace
within our journey
with release.
Let this voice
I know I should
find the right times
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28. 2018
Well, hehehe there ya go. I know it’s not
the greatest poem, but it’s what that came
from the moment. I hope you understood
it and maybe even liked it LOL. I also hope
you enjoyed my rambling hehehe. If not,
then Oh well LOL. Ya didn’t have to read
it hehehe. Anyways, enough with that. Now
to see if I have forgotten anything important
to tell you. Hmm, nope, nothing, at least
nothing I can think of, so I guess it’s time
for me to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with 4
extra and 3 of them are Christmas poems.
I also wrote once again 22 haiku for all of
the haiku lovers out there. I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like 🙂
Now I believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch, but
not before I wish you a wonderful weekend
or whatever’s left of it and a truly blessings
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you
and we do too. Ok, where can that ornery
off switch be hiding this time? Hmm. do
my eyes deceive me or am I seeing my little
Muppet Animal rocking back and forth?
Nope, he’s rocking, but with just a tad bit
of help LOL. Ya ain’t learned how to be
still have ya. So you were trying to make
him dance huh LOL. Oh so you forgot
that you were supposed to be hiding huh!
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+4 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Skies of beauty,
skies of life,
skies transform a
moments strife.
The elevation,
the point and place,
begins a lifetimes
smiling face.
Clouds of wonder,
clouds of peace,
clouds are raindrops
life’s release.
Skies of stories,
skies of words,
skies are filled with
many birds.
Clouds uniting,
clouds refine,
clouds of wonderful
scenic design.
Skies are glimmers,
skies are heart,
skies give place for
a brand new start.
Clouds as billows,
clouds bring rain,
clouds give newness
to attain.
The elevation
brings a sight,
a scene of wonder
in day and night.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 22, 2018
Waves of lifetimes
come and go
bringing happy,
bringing woe.
As reflections
upon a shore
are our oceans
times that roar.
We might wonder
time and again
why we sometimes
cannot win.
Through a wave
of timeless views
life can display
worn out shoes.
For our journeys
waves of time
we need cherish
what we find.
Life might display
times regret,
but made stronger
when we got wet.
Those many times
that were so hard
might have God
as a greeting card.
So many lessons
might just perish
if we do not
choose to cherish.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 22, 2018
Winter Rails
Looking through
the times and places
time begins with
certain traces.
Some with portions
of snowy scenes
with winter trails
the season brings.
The minutes pass
to then be found
as winter trails
with sight and sound.
Just like a train
of life and times
we might envision
within our minds.
With but a scene
of Christmas flair
those winter trails
are as fresh air.
They bring to life
some great details
things remembered
as winter trails.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 22, 2018
Through New Eyes
The old of life
can change its view
as time rekindles
what’s thereunto.
Through new eyes
a day and week
might show a sign
of a life we seek.
The past is gone
and today’s alive
with the moments
that did survive.
Through new eyes
we might then see
the lessons learned
from our history.
Scenes recalled
a distant view,
through new eyes
we find anew.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2018
Living Memories
When remembering
life as a child
times so Christmassy
true love compiled.
Life takes a journey
through our memory
times we’ve recorded
within us to see.
Maybe some pictures
that times uncovered
display a moment
the minutes discovered.
Living memories
found as a frame
a time you remember
and call it by name.
Maybe a video
of dust covered scenes
brings back a memoir,
Christmastime dreams.
Scented with Heaven
as a flavor divine
those living memories
are alive in your mind.
Maybe a snow filled
scenic array
a moment remembered
when life wasn’t gray.
Seasons of blissful
are then as a breeze
found as a blessing
in living memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2018
Old Dirt Road
Miles are traveled
moments consumed
time’s a pathway
minutes attuned.
Sought as lifestyles
a road of dirt
many continue
to not then advert.
A time remembered
a scene we recall
on an old dirt road
that causes a fall.
Look for the scenes
that are better to see
on an old dirt road
with moments debris.
Sometimes answers
are found in the mind
as life uncovers
a much better time.
Often a pathway
to carry a load
is there with lessons
as an old dirt road.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24, 2018
At Peace With Time
Witnessing yesterdays
that moments unfold
time is a journey
with stories untold.
Often with memories
time begins chanting
repeating pathways
a moment’s replanting.
At peace with time
can begin with a phrase
a time so divine
in some magical ways.
Peaceful a moment
an old shack displayed
might be a memoir
that Heaven inlaid.
Time will continue
even after we’re gone
as it shows pathways
that truly belong.
Within a turnstile
we might find relief
found as a moment
as a portion of peace.
Losing the bitterness
of yesterdays goal
we might then be found
with a much better role.
We might be weathered,
but filled with design
that can be painted
at peace with time.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24, 2018
Searching Minds
We might discover
a wonderful place,
a smile in a while
on a moment’s face.
It might be a time
that reminds so true
of that of your past
still living in you.
Searching the stars
of a heartbeats array
might just remind
of a wonderful day.
You might see within
your heart’s desire
a blessing from God
now burning as fire.
A scene in a scene
that a moment finds
can be enlightened
by searching minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24, 2018
Road To Home
So many thoughts
that come alive
begin a journey
a moments drive.
We might instill
a thought or two
that’s a memoir
of our view.
A road to home
of timeless scenes
brings to life
so many things.
So many thoughts
that we recall
might have times
above them all.
A time of life,
a time of peace,
a road to home
with hearts release.
Allow your mind
to find that road
within a place
that times unfold.
Within a moment
of memories
a sight and sound
can be a breeze.
Begin your quest
of moments known
within your mind
a road to home.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2018
Find A Place
Open your eyes
and search around
and find a place
that’s safe and sound.
It might be seen
inside of your mind,
this special place,
a moment in time.
Look deep within
for a breath of air,
a time you remember
with love and care.
Lose the sadness
that has intertwined
and find a place
to clear your mind.
The scene can be
a magical view,
a time and place
that lives within you.
A living memoir
that you remember,
a peaceful settings
bright burning ember.
So find a place
to help you breathe,
a place of peace
that you perceive.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2018
Sunset Sky
A bright orange sky
with hillside shapes
just might be a vision
that a memory makes.
Scenes transforming
as a certain time,
a scene so sweet
that’s within the mind.
In a sunset sky
that our eyes partake
a time comes alive
that is wide awake.
Flavors of the evening
are an orange skyline,
a painting from God
of a wondrous design.
Though many scenes
may right then escape
as you’re looking off
at yet another shape.
The season procures
this moment in time
as a page in a book
from Heaven divine.
The time comes to life
as an evening drape,
an orange colored cloth
that’s made from crepe.
Wrinkles in the scenes
that our eyes define
can be then of magic
as a sunset sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2018
Winter Of Then
Life is as artwork
in a season’s delight
as winter’s snowflakes
within day and night.
As I remember
a time way back when
I then encompass
the winter of then.
It was the beginning
to a different array
as winter of then
went on to display.
Painting the hillsides
with snow fluffy white
winter of then was
such a magical sight.
It unlocked my dreams
of things wished to see
as the winter of then
the heavens gave free.
Trees in the distance
held snow in the wake
as all their branches
would shimmy and shake,
This was a special
time that I remember,
the first then of many
with snow in December.
I now each Christmas
the same as back when
have white snow falling
as the winter of then.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2018
Another Scene
Passing lifestyles
weathered ways
another scene
comes into phase.
Links connecting
timeless views
another scene
becomes the news.
Counting seconds
as they pass
another scene
the shadows cast.
Look now truly
see the sight
another scene
of left and right.
They will pass us
with not a clue
another scene
chose not to view.
A mind can grow
to learn the truth
another scene
may be your youth.
Inside a thought
a passing time
another scene
might be divine.
It might hold
the truth within
another scene
when you did begin.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2018
On The Way
Leaving trails
upon the ground
gives a path
that can be found.
While on the way
of distant shores
a moment’s scene
a mind explores.
The moments time
might show a view
a certain scene
for me and you.
We have a choice
to run and hide
or to choose
the moment’s ride.
For on the way
so many things
might display
as angels wings.
A snow filled time
of winter’s ways
might be seen
as great displays.
While you travel
you might perceive
a bridge of time
that’s given free.
It might be seen
up over head
while on the way
as moments fled.
We need to look
and see the scenes
the points in time
we’ve never seen.
While we’re walking
from day to day
look around
while on the way.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2018
for Jan 27, 2018
Lifestyles beginnings
often display a journey
through many struggles.
The truth of a lie
may come at a bad moment
as truth is exposed.
Without a flower
life is minus aromas
that bring time alive.
Eyes that do not look
will not see what they’re missing
or what they will hit.
Destinations of life
are often hidden from view
until we get there.
Upon a hillside
might hold a few mysteries
that you need to see.
Looking for angels
might come up empty handed,
because they’re hidden.
Time has a doorway
that swings with many rhythms
you might not perceive.
In search of kindness
you might find it in places
that will surprise you.
Without a dreamer
our lives would be without growth,
for dreams are power.
Shadows of ourselves
are found in many people
that see us daily.
Flowers of winter
will continue blossoming,
but often hidden.
Under someone’s words
might hold portions of themselves
they prefer to hide.
As clouds form to rain
they will also decorate
and create paintings.
The lessons of life
often come in forms of pain
that we remember.
Protecting too much
can prevent ones from growing
for we need lessons.
Looking through windows
you might perceive images
that look just like you.
When seeking new days
allow the old days to pass
leaving memories.
Dishing out trouble
can explode in your own face
as it then recoils.
Grand illusions
are often peoples visions
and not what that’s true.
Sitting in turnstiles
looking in and looking out
can become quicksand.
Pointless decisions
will conjure up excuses
of which way to go.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2018
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂