Their Presence


Hello my friends

It’s that time once again for me to do a little
rambling LOL.  I hope you had a nice passed
week and the weekend went well for you.  We
didn’t do much last week other that go to the
grocery store and we did that before it snowed
and then after it snowed I got out to do a little
clearing on the driveway and I was surprised
by the snow plow that was doing the driveway
and he saw me and waited for me to get our
car cleared out and moved so that he could
plow the rest of our driveway.  I hope that he
comes again tomorrow,  because it’s snowing
now and we have already gotten today about
4.5 inches and expecting a few inches more
tomorrow/Monday.  We’re also expecting lil
bit more snow Tuesday.  Yep,  we’ve got a
few more months of winter up here.  I will do
my best to keep our driveway cleared,  but
today,  my body is still recouping from the
previous snow blowing venture LOL.  They
don’t work by themselves ya know hehehe.
It’s 22 F degrees right now at 6 PM and the
low for tonight is supposed to be 15.  Still
not too bad compared to what it has been
in the past 🙂  Tomorrow/Monday I’m going
to do a little now blowing because if I don’t
we will not be able to get out of our drive 🙂
Also hoping the plow truck comes and does
what I am not able to do which is the bulk
of the driveway.  I can do around our car
and a portion on our driveway,  but not all
the way to the road.  I tried to do that one
day a couple of years back and it landed me
in the hospital.  That requires a little more
work than my body is able to do.  especially
now years later.  Yep,  I’m not getting any
younger.  As long as our landlord keeps
sending someone to plow our driveway we
will be OK.  I don’t mind doing a little of
it if I am able.  Judy and I live a simple life
up here in the small town of New Limerick
population of 500.  LOL yep it’s a big city.
We have one small store and the town office
is operated by one person LOL.  So yes we
live out in the boonies.  We love living out
here,  not having the hustles and bustles
of the city life.  Though we do have to go
to town often to buy groceries and pay
bills and that is an eight mile drive one
way 🙂  It gives me chances to take a few
pictures here and there.  Plus we can let
Rocky out to play or to go potty and we
don’t have to worry about him getting hit
by a car or anything being we live quite
a ways from the county road.  When I
walk out to check the mail, he just sits
down in the driveway and watches me
as I walk there and back.  He knows he
is not allowed to go that way being we
taught him as well as his brothers Benny
and Milo using invisible fences which
are shock collars that allowed them to
go only as far as we had the electric fence
programmed for and if they started going
too far it would start beeping warning them
to stop or they would be shocked.  It only
took them all one time of being shocked to
where they learned the boundaries and we
did not need to use the collars anymore 🙂
We haven’t used them in years,  but we’re
hanging onto them just in case we decide
to get us another dog later on.  It’s better
than them going to the road and getting
run over or stolen.  Anyways,  we have
our boy Rocky now,  but he is as old as
Benny would be if he had not of passed
on last year.  We hope Rocky stays with
us for a while longer,  but you never know.
He’s turned into a loving little boy and we
will be sad to lose him.  Anyways,  that’s
what’s going on around here at the moment.
We don’t do much other than our hobbies
and watch TV.  LOL we’re such an exciting
bunch aren’t we hehehe.  Judy just headed
back to bed.  She said she was still tired.
We stayed up till after 6 AM this morning
watching TV and I think we might have
gotten up a bit too early.  No matter,  she
can take little a nap,  while I finish this 🙂
Rocky was asleep in the floor but he just
woke up and is now pestering me.  I think
he is trying to tell me that he needs to go
outside.  Nope,  I just asked him and he
didn’t start spinning and then run for the
door.  I think he just wants my attention.
LOL he is silly.  God is still watching over
us and I am thankful for that.  We’ve got
many angels and kindly spirits watching
over us as well,  that He has sent.  We can
feel their presence.  Many years of my life
I was not aware that God was looking after
me,  but as I look back on those times,  I
can see where He had to of intervened or
I would not be here now.  I am sure many
of you can see that within your own lives.
Judy and I are very thankful that God put
us together and is watching over us with
His protection.  I ask God kindly to also
watch over our friends and family as well
as ones we do not know.  Thank You God
for all that You have done for us and surely
all that You will do.  Amen and Amen 🙂
Now,  I think it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find me a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title for today’s brand new
poem.  So,  it’s away I go to that little place
of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I found me a
pretty good title just a few lines back that I
might be able to use and now after checking
I see that it hasn’t been used yet.  So used
it shall be.  Here goes…

Their Presence

Angels among us
may watch and pray
as they so patiently
give help day to day.
They might be seen
as ones we pass by
on day to day roads
that times multiply.
They might be heard
as a voice of love
within their presence
sent from above.
They might even be
a moment of life
that we remember
as times of strife.
Spirits and angels
are with us thru time
within their presence
of Heaven’s design.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29,  2023

Okey dokey,  there ya go.  I hope you liked
the poem and maybe even a little of my on
going rambling LOL.  Well Rocky ended up
needing to go outside and I let him out, but I
kept an ear out for him for when he barks to
tell me he’s ready to come back in.  I never
heard him bark,  but it’s cold outside,  so I
went and checked on him.  I had to holler
for him a couple of times,  being he was just
having fun in the snow.  Though he finally
decided to come in and swooshed through
the doggy door on the porch and I let him
in the house.  He is much the same as our
boy Benny was.  He loves the snow,  and
hates the rain.  He doesn’t like to get his
paws wet.  Anyways,  he’s lying down in
the floor behind me now.  When I came
through the bedroom I asked Judy if she
was OK and she said yea.  She might be
getting up in a bit.  I should be done with
this by then.  So that’s about all I have
for you that is worth telling,  other than
what I tell you every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku 🙂
Yeppers,  10 more poems and 22 more
haiku for all the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  So,  with that said
I reckon it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves
you and we do too.  Now,   where can
that silly ornery of switch be trying to
hide this week?   LOL now that was
easy.  You didn’t even take the time to
look for a place to hide,  did ya?  Nope,
there ya are right behind my itsy bitsy
eyedrop bottle hehehe.  It’s not large
enough to hide a pill behind,  so you’re
for sure not hidden.  Try harder  LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Time Unfolds

Towards a dream
time might display
a road of seasons
in awesome array.
It might become
as a tale or two
found in moments
within our view.
Seen as a highway
from here to there
time is a window
filled with prayer.
It opens doorways
and lets life thru
channeling info
to then thereunto.
So often it might
have heavy tolls,
but filled with life
as time unfolds.

Breathing Memories

Yearning for moments
seeking for a time
such as the doorways
of a wintertime mind.
So many only view it
as a time to complain
while others see it
as a breath to attain.
Find a true heartbeat
within your sight
that may be of winter
with snow of white.
You might remember
some loving scenes
as four legged friends
that now are dreams.
They can continue
living on through you
as breathing memories
your heart can view.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24,  2023

Follow The Light

Sought after turnstiles
might not be good,
they may be wrong
or misunderstood.
Let God to guide you
to here thereabout
and let your journey
to find the best route.
There may be clouds
found in your view
that God might give
to enlighten you.
You might see times
as a big mistake,
but God makes good
the steps that we take.
So don’t let the road
to give only fright.
Seek for the lessons
follow the light.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24,  2023

Above The Trees

Passing of clouds
can often display
a seasonal scene
in a magical way.
It may seem gray
as clouds drift by
or maybe of white
as love in the sky.
It may transform
a day and time
into that of life
for minds to find.
Above the trees
you may see views
as the blue skies
then surely infuse.
Allowing clouds
a passing breeze
that shows designs
above the trees.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24,  2023

Life’s Icicles

Thriving as time
some just perceive
the icicles forming
wintertime’s weave.
Creating moments
cold hanging down
and not looking for
the beauty around.
Open your eyes up
and see the sights
within life’s icicles
that joyful ignites.
Search for blessings
amidst the displays
as icicles form in
shimmering ways.
See time transform
into a magical place
as moments give us
a unique embrace.
It may be seasons
we do not agree
as life’s icicles form
both you and me.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25,  2023

Above Water

Often our problems
will seem to grow
as troubles roll in
with a constant flow.
Yet as oceans waves
time might be found
as carrying portions
of hopeful around.
Scenes can be seen
as a moment’s array
scented of scenery
from day unto day.
Continue swimming
the best that you can
and just let the times
to give you a tan.
Use the living waves
to help you ashore
as you continue to
swim a little more.
Don’t just give up,
for you can win
head above water
with time and again.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25,  2023

Enjoy The Time

Searching the past
seeing the stride
you might just see
what then did hide.
The beauty of life
as friends and pets
with family time
a moment forgets.
Find you a photo
of then and there
and close your eyes
and say a prayer.
Thankful for times
you had back then
for when it came
it was as the wind.
Blowing quickly
and hard to view
that time that came
that then was new.
Find the memories
alive in your mind
then let them live
and enjoy the time.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26,  2023

Hint of Blue

There might be
clouds in flight
of a grayish tint
with some white.
The sky of life
a time displays
might have blue
within the grays.
A heart may be
a passing scene
as ships sailing
in seas of dream.
Moments pass
creating a place
often confusion
found on a face.
For as the clouds
pass over you
you might recall
a hint of blue.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26,  2023

Buried in Snow

Problems might come
in a seasonal way
as snow that’s falling
in a winter’s array.
Becoming as mounds
of troubled designs
found buried in snow
as worrisome minds.
We might get antsy
not seeing a way out
and not take the time
to find a good route.
Seek for the answers
and a breath of air
for God will deliver
when saying a prayer.
Don’t allow problems
to be the end of you,
for there are answers
to give a new view.
Time paints pictures
often filled with woe,
but don’t let them win
when buried in snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27,  2023

So Many Choices

Roadways pathways
journeys of miles
can create doorways
of so many styles.
So many moments
become as our ways
as time rearranges
our journey’s phase.
Oh so many choices
the times interweave
forming pathways
new ways to breathe.
Becoming magical
seeming an illusion
the pages may turn
becoming confusion.
Heard as a memory
the sound of voices
roads can become
as so many choices.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28,  2023

for Jan 28,  2023

Searching for a dream
in the midst of a nightmare,
you might need to pray.

When rain clouds unload
you might need to learn to swim
or find some shelter.

Yesterday’s problems
can become today’s as well
if we allow them.

Throughout our lifetime
we might come across bridges
that are hard to cross.

Listening to lies
you might get lost within them
if you don’t seek truth.

Walking down pathways
that have memories within
you might lose yourself.

Years will pass us by
leaving shadows of ourselves
within memories.

Looking to the sky
we may see time looking back
in the form of clouds.

Wading through water
we might splash some on others
that want to stay dry.

A mind is a stage
with actors as we may think
and journeys beyond.

Facing our troubles
gives us strength to move ahead
and learn the lessons.

Glimmers of sunshine
might be hidden in darkness
that our eyes can’t see.

Wheels of emotion
become journeys of the mind
leading us along.

Daytime meets nighttime
as shadows envelop life
with scenes within them.

Found in life’s roadways
might be a lot of speed bumps
in the form of holes.

Counting your blessings
you might find many hidden
that you did not see.

Many threads of life
are sewn together with love
that we knew not of. 

Beyond the skyline
there is a another scene
that the sun shines on.

The fear of darkness
is a fear of many things
that are in the light.

Trails we discover
can become as our lifestyles
if we take them in.

Moving too quickly
you might stumble upon time
that moves much slower.

Turning lose anger
and letting forgiveness live,
you will find some peace.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

We Know Not


Hello my friends

Another week has come and gone and
January is in its last days.  Just a week
and a half left in it.  So far the year has
not been too bad.  It’s been cold,  but
then,  that’s normal for up here though
it hasn’t been near as cold and we have
not got near the snow that we have had
in the previous years.  Yet of course it
is not over with,  for winter still has a
few months left and we’re expecting a
bit of snow Monday through Thursday.
Monday forecast is for 7.2 inches and
Tuesday is 1.6 inches,  but by the time
Thursday gets here we’re expecting yet
another 6.6 inches which could either
go up our down in totals LOL being
the forecasts are never accurate.  Yep
they either under or overestimate it
pretty regularly being it’s virtually
impossible to guess what the weather
will be exactly especially days ahead.
I do though pay close attention to my
weather radar on my PC,  for it gives
me an idea of what’s to be expected
to a degree LOL.  I always try to keep
an eye on the weather so that I know
when we should do our shopping or
whatever.  Though often it surprises
me hehehe.  Judy and I are going to
Walmart and a grocery store in just
a little bit to do a little shopping so
that I do not have to worry about
digging the car out tomorrow when
it snows LOL.  My old body is not
as in good a shape as it was a few
years ago.  Nope,  my old body has
gotten many fractures and bruises as
well as a few broken bones due to all
of my falls on the ice and such.  I do
have cleats,  but do not wear them
all the time,  being it’s not always as
bad as it is at other times which also
means I am not going to wear them
all the time.  They can cause me to
stumble and fall due to the spikes on
the bottom catching on something
in the house such as carpet.  So that
is how it is.  I just try to check before
I walk out to see if there is ice that I
need to prepare for or just snow,  but
often there is ice hidden underneath
the snow that I cannot see and that
is what I call a surprise as I end up
on my butt LOL.  We’re fixing to
head to town in a little bit,  so I may
have to finish this when we get back,
but I’ll write until then 🙂  Right now
it is 23 degrees and supposed to be
-4 F by
Monday morning.  Yep we’ve
still got the hot water at a slow drip
in the spare room to keep the water
from freezing.  I also have the cold
water at a slow drip just in case 🙂
I guess this is where we head off to
town.  I’ll be back to finish this up.
Well we are back and the roads were
pretty good.  It’s supposed to start
around 10 or 10:30 so I’m
glad we got the groceries before that.
We ended up just going to the IGA
grocery store and not Walmart being
we got everything we needed at IGA.
IGA is Andy’s Foodliner/grocery store.
So we’re safe and warm back at home
and I am going to try and finish this.
I did manage to take a few pictures
this passed week.  LOL Judy took a
few of me after I got done clearing
our driveway and I had snow and
ice all in my hair and in my beard 🙂
The wind direction had a habit of
blowing the snow back on me being
that the directional tube on the snow
blower was frozen blowing right in
front of me.  After I got done I had
me an idea to pour some deicer over
it and that unfroze it,  but it was a
little too late for me LOL.  Anyways
it’s ready for me to use tomorrow
when I feel up to going outside and
snow blow a little :),  but I can take
my time,  plus I have already used a
sharp nosed shovel to chop away the
snow that had frozen into ice and was
making driving in our driveway a bit
tight.  LOL,  Now we can open up the
doors to get in or out without having
to climb over a snow mound :).  That
is what nearly did me in.  Chopping
ice with a sharp nosed shovel was
hard on my shoulders and hands, but
it’s done.  Now all I have to do is use
the snow blower and aim the chute
away from me to where it hopefully
will not blow back in my face LOL.
Thankfully God is still watching over
us.  I ache and suffer through many
ailments,  but God is always with me
giving me the strength to endure all
that I must deal with.  Thank You
God for never wavering in all that
You are.  Thank You for all of the
blessings that I have received and
thank You for always watching over
us and guiding us as well as sending
many angels and kindly spirits to be
with us and help us when we are in
need.  Please watch over all of our
family and friends as well that the
many that we know not of and send
the help when in need.  Thank You.
Amen and Amen.  Now,  I believe
it is time that I began reading back
over all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem.  So,  it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  It looks as though I may
have found a workable title just a
few lines back,  but the proof will
be in the pudding/poem hehehehe.
Here goes…

We Know Not

Things we think
we surely know,
might not be
the way to go.
We might look
and see a light
that seems dim,
but shining bright.
We know not
so many things
such as another’s
ways they bring.
We have our style
that’s only true
that is of me
and is of you.
God created
both you and I
with our ways
and how we fly.
Don’t judge others
unless you know
the facts of them
and way they go,
for we all have
a special spot
that ones may have
but we know not.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 22,  2023

Well,  there ya go.  I did a little bit of
automatic writing as I do from time to
time.  I just begin writing what comes
to mind at the moment allowing words
to form together and speak.  I usually
do not have a clue to what I have done
until I read it to myself.  LOL I’m a lil
weird ya know hehehe.  Anyways, I’ve
got a prayer request once again for my
good friend Sara Webb.  Please lift her
to the Lord in Prayer.   She is in really
bad health.  Judy’s sister Barb is doing
fairly well,  so far.  The cancer hasn’t
won.   Please keep her in your prayers
as well.  So that’s about all that I have
for ya other than what I tell you every
week and that is,  I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all of
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  Now with that said I think
it’s near the time for me to begin my
search for that silly hardly elusive off
switch,  but not before I wish you a
truly blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Okey
dokey now,  where can that dad burn
off switch be trying to hide this time?
Putting some eyedrops in my eyes as
I search the room for that ornery lil
switch.  Hmm,  Now that my eye is
a bit cleared up I think I see that silly
thing trying to hide behind the letter
that my mom sent Judy and I LOL.
Yep,  the envelope is empty and no
you do not fit within it without you
sort of poking out as well as moving
around rustling the paper LOL.  You
are just too freaking silly hehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Throughout a Lifetime

Thinking of the days
which came to pass
time seems illusional
as pictures in glass.
Framed in our minds
and seen as a dream
throughout a lifetime
as a magical scene.
We might remember
a heartfelt emotion
that sways within us
as a timeless ocean.
Becoming as waves
of the days back then
a picture might form
as a seasonal friend.
Reminding of a stroll
a wondrous design
that keeps reflecting
throughout a lifetime.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 16,  2023

Magical Memoirs

The country essence
of a winter white
can seem imaginary
dreamers delight.
Written within us
we may have words
books of moments
that fly like birds.
Scenes such as life
of a country theme
magical memoirs
of a timeless dream.
Life becomes stories
of a scenic design
creating the pages
of time after time.
So many memories
get hidden within
as minutes continue
from now to then.
Transforming sights
from clouds to stars
creating the elating
magical memoirs.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 16,  2023

As Wheels Roll

Roads of winter
may show signs
of our shadows
seasonal minds.
Creating a scene
a timeless view
as wheels roll
from thereunto.
So many paths
may come alive
as wheels roll
beneath the sky.
Leaving scenes
with reflections
creating a past
with directions.
Some to places
creating dreams
as wheels roll
into new scenes.
Time will allow
a change of goal
within our life
as wheels roll.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 17,  2023

Loving View

Our memories
of now and then
create a stage
to again begin.
Formed from life
that came to be
as loving views
of our history.
Heartbeats beat
of life’s emotion
seeming endless
as an ocean.
Minutes passing
become so alive
as our memories
may then revive.
Allowing times
to come in sight
as loving views
day and night.
Scenic passion
a scenic style
a loving view
a distant smile.
Sweet memories
of old and new
create a scenic
loving view.

From Here To There

Looking for answers
seeking for sights
leading to moments
our heart delights.
A footbridge of time
can open a door
and give your eyes
new life to explore.
Creating a journal
as a story in time
all sewed together
alive in your mind.
Maybe as an essence
of a little prayer
within a heartbeat
from here to there.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 18,  2023

Glare of Light

Evening’s sunshine
becomes a glare
a sight of lifetimes
true love affair.
It creates illusions
scenic emotions
that become as
a heart’s devotions.
The glare might be
but only a design
bright and shining
inside your mind.
Heavenly pictures
a true work of art
as a glare of light
inside of our heart.
Seeming as angels
within the phase
the light becomes
the hope for days.
Seasons that pass
evolve into a sight
blessings from God
as a glare of light.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 18,  2023

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 17,  2023

Heartbeats of Time

Yearning for places
of faces perfections
time paints a way
in many directions.
Creating pathways
to heartbeats array
continuing scenes
from day unto day.
Providing a breath
to breathe in deep
helping a sleeper
awaken from sleep.
Oh so many people
will lose their mind
not seeking truly
heartbeats of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 19,  2023

Snowy Reflections

Life is as portals
connections inlaid
scented of seasons
time’s lemonade.
So many seconds
will become views
snowy reflections
of scenery’s hues.
Snowflakes of life
become as dreams
as they fall down
and create scenes.
Heavenly artwork
blessings of time
become as a stage
pages of rhyme.
Written as a book
to read at night
snowy reflections
a season of white.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 19,  2023

Dream Sailing

Early morning seas
bring forth a sight
maybe a few clouds
amidst the daylight.
Words as whispers
of a simple breeze
form the storyline
of deep blue seas.
Salt air is a breath
in the morning gaze
scented of emotion
of the gentle waves.
Time becomes seen
as a book of pages
when dream sailing
into scenes of ages.
Formed as a sight
that life’s detailing
this can come alive
when dream sailing.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 20,  2023

Closing My Eyes

Peace comes in view
with an opened mind
and not seeking only
all the errors of time.
Search within dreams
of much better views
and you’ll find peace
to most surely infuse.
I close my eyes tight
and open up a dream
allowing the seconds
to formulate a scene.
One that is magical
with four legged rides
that’s of some horses
when closing my eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 20,  2023

for Jan 21,  2023

Things we dream about
can often become nightmares
if we dream too much.

Years of emotions
held within our memories
can come flooding back.

Teaching what we know,
but yet do not understand
can create problems.

Divulging secrets
that were better off hidden
might form some regrets.

Disturbing issues
that we may see in our life
can live in our minds.

Time is a painter
as it paints many pictures
in the days gone by.

Within the shadows
many might find illusions
that install much fear.

Windows of our minds
can create many doorways
that give and take life.

When proving yourself
don’t stumble upon factoids
that you do not know.

Choosing a pathway
often needs a bit of faith
as well as patience.

Many trials in life
are created by our path
and choices we make.

Yesterdays problems
can become greater today
if we ignore them.

Putting up fences
can keep out many problems,
but hold in sadness.

Teaching life blindly
and not knowing by living
can become fruitless.

Living reflections
are found in our memories
thriving as heartbeats.

Heartbeats of shadows
often have rhythms of time
that you one day saw.

Texting a story
without saying any words
the blind may not hear.

Years of decisions
become echoes of choices
some good and some bad.

Freeing up our boat
from a dock of illusions
can give hope for peace.

Shattering a glass
that was full of bitterness
may need a new glass.

Looking back in time
we might see ourselves stumble
and find the lessons.

Resembling others
does not make us as others,
but just a glimmer.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 21,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Days Multiply


Hello my friends

Well,  the year has begun not so bad this
time.  The weather has not been too bad,
although it’s 20 F degrees right now and
cloudy expecting 3 to 5 inches of snow
tonight as well as
tomorrow and yes we
still have snow on the ground.  I haven’t
been out doing much picture taking in the
passed week,  but I am sure I will in the
weeks to follow if it’s not to nasty to get
out in it LOL.  I don’t mind the snow. I
love the snow.  It’s the slush and ice that
I do not like,  but if ya have one ya gotta
have the other LOL.  Snow doesn’t just
evaporate ya know hehehe.  Judy’s up
now.  She just got up a few moments ago
due to Rocky wanting to wake her and
me letting him in the bedroom LOL.  He
was spinning around in circles anxiously
wanting to go and wake her and he was
driving me crazy hehehe.  Living with
a overactive Shih Tzu can be very trying,
but we love the little boy.  He loves for
me to hold him.  He will go to sleep in
my lap,  but he’s sort of heavy and I can
not hold him for long till my legs and
arms start dying hehehe.  He’s just like
a little kid.  He fights sleep and drives us
crazy until he can fight it no more and
he lies down and goes to sleep 🙂  LOL
we are thankful for those times 🙂  We’re
eating breakfast now at
5:30 PM 🙂  Yes
I know,  isn’t that dinner?  Nope, in our
house it’s
breakfast.  I’m writing as I eat.
The temp has dropped a little.  Now it’s
19 F degrees and that is supposed to be
the low for tonight.  This winter is not
anything near what it should be.  Weird!
I just hope we don’t start having the hot
summers like down south get,  because
then I’ll have to move or stay inside all
the time near the air conditioner.  Yep,
I can’t handle much near 80 and above
for long.  Anyways,  the weather might
get back to normal one day soon, I hope.
So what else is going on here at our tiny
abode?  The answer to that is practically
nothing LOL.  This passed week was one
of our less eventful weeks that we have
had.  In other words,  the year has begun
in sleep mode,  or at least it has here 🙂
I’ll tell ya what being hard of hearing is
driving me batty especially being we are
both hard of hearing.  I have a couple
of hearing aids,  but they tend to drive
me crazy,  plus I have only one ear that
a hearing aid will work on being that my
right ear is stone deaf.  All I hear in it is
a constant wind storm which at time will
drive me crazy,  but there’s nothing that
can be done about it.  My eardrum is
busted and has been since I was a child.
Off of that subject now and onto maybe
something else.  Judy will be riding up
with her sister Barbara
Tuesday for one
of Barbs doctor appointments which will
leave me here hanging out with Rocky 🙂
Yeppers,  nothing exciting around here.
Just staying out of the weather until it
gets nice enough to go out and take some
pictures.  LOL the pictures that I took
last week are slim pickens.  I took a few
selfies hehehe.  I am straining my brain
trying to think of something exciting to
tell you,  but there is nothing hehehehe.
It has been quite humdrum around here
these last few days.  God is still watching
over us as are many angels and kindly
spirits.  We can feel the love of God as
days multiply.  Judy and I feel blessed to
have one another and all of our family
and friends.  My side of the family might
live thousands of miles away,  but I feel
lucky to have them and I can feel the love.
I miss them,  but I know that love knows
no distance.  I can talk to them and send
emails and pictures to them.  Judy was
a total blessing to me as her family has
been.  Thank Lord God for always being
there for me,  even when I was unaware
that You were present.  Please watch over
our family and friends as well as all of
those that we know not of.  Thank You.
Amen and Amen.  Now I do believe it is
time for me to be reading back over all
that I’ve written to try and find a decent
word or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go to that little place of my recollection
that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I believe I found a decent title just about
a third of a way back in my rambling and
now after checking, I see that it has not
been used yet,  so here goes…

Days Multiply

Seasons as seconds
become that of time
doorways and windows
that live in our mind.
The ages of turnstiles
might display pain
or that of a moment
you wish time again.
Multiplying minutes
into that of hours
time gives a way to
display some flowers.
For as we wander
to here and beyond
living reflections
may go on and on.
Let God to enter in
and help you to grow
and learn the lessons
that you need to know.
Hours become years
as time passes by,
so let God the Father
help days multiply.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 15,  2023

Well there ya go.  I hope that you like the
poem and maybe even my rambling.  I do
ramble don’t I hehehe.  I think I have told
you all there is to tell other than what I tell
you every week and that is,  I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yep,  I wrote 10
more poems with 1 extra being I got a lil
carried away and out of those, 2 of them
are a little bit Christmassy.  I also wrote
22 more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you like 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like.  With that said I
reckon it’s time for me to begin my search
for that silly hardly elusive off switch,  but
not before I wish you a blessings filled
week. Remember,  Jesus loves you and we
 do too.  Now,  where can that switch be
trying to hide this week?  I looked in all
of recent hiding spots or as such not so
much as hiding Hahaha.  Well I’ll be 🙂
I think I see it hding behind one of our
small back up heaters that’s sitting on
top of my printer.  Yep,  I see ya you
silly thing.  That hiding spot might of
worked if you could ever learn to quit
peeking.  Yet,  though I guess if you
ever learn how to hide good,  I might
never get this darn thing finished and
posted LOL,  so it’s a good thing you
suck at hiding hehehe.  Later dude.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
11 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂


Seen as colors
heard as time
a dream of life
within a mind.
Seasons souls
might be heard
as just a sight
within a word.
Time to glisten
sights to show
magical times
of fallen snow.
Our memories
come in view
within pictures
old and new.
Some of stages
eyes will find
created life of
Look beyond
a scenic sea
and find life
so dreamfully.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 9,  2023

Seconds Dissolve

Minutes of moments
become as a glance
as seconds dissolve
into life’s romance.
As a mere moment
a road can become
sights of a season
and wintertime sun.
Clouds like cotton
most surely evolve
into that of winter
as seconds dissolve.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 9,  2023

Living Roads

Journeys through life
are often displayed
as roads to travel
and waters to wade.
Rhythmic turnstiles
written and heard
might seem as roads
with many a word.
They may be gravel
or asphalt or tar
roads of a journey
to near and afar.
They give our wheels
a pathway to roll
living and breathing
as a traveling soul.
Look with your heart
at what time bestows
and find your path
upon living roads.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 11,  2023


Thoughts of moments
that time passed by
illuminate shadows
of a so distant sky.
They become stories
words of a phase
seasons remembered
in so many ways.
Shadows of lifestyles
shadows of dreams
found as reflections
in seasons of scenes.
We might find sights
within photographs
that become shadows
of a distant past.
You might become
as a river that flows
illuminating memoirs
as timeless shadows.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 11,  2023

Minds of Perception

Focusing closely
on bridges to cross
often becomes as
looking at loss.
Reflecting on a life
that went one way
and not seeing true
a much better day.
Lose all the scenes
the sadness within
and cross bridges
to again begin.
For if you carry
the weight of time
sadness will grow
within your mind.
Find better days
in futures direction
and let it continue
minds of perception.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 11,  2023

Heart Be Still

When with troubles
times might seem
as that of waters
a rushing stream.
Life is blessings
awaiting to begin
and create moments
seasons transcend.
Look from sadness
seek for the joy
that of Heaven
to surely deploy.
Say a little prayer
for peace and love
and then seek joy
from God above.
Let all the sadness
to fall from you
allowing joyful
to come in view.
Let your mindset
to find life’s peace
letting your heart’s
anger to cease.
Seek living threads
in moments array
letting the anger
to then fade away.
Rain may fall on
your windowsill,
but stay with peace
say heart be still.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 11.  2023

Holiday Road

Wheels of excitement
just might revive
a Christmassy scene
on a holiday drive.
Roads may become
as a mere memory
while miles multiply
all the things we see.
Creating a window
or doorway in time
on a holiday road
of a winter’s design.
Driving too quickly
you might not view
all the scenic sights
in a whitish hue.
So slow down a bit
don’t run a race
and enjoy the sights
with a slower pace.
Find the beauty
that time’s bestowed
while you’re driving
on a holiday road.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 12,  2023

Island in Snow

Minds of a moment
with a wintery feel
might seem just like
an island so real.
Surrounded by time
as minutes tick on
on an island in snow
just singing a song.
Living as a dream
the moments in time
may seem to form
thoughts of design.
Seeking snowflakes
within life’s scenery
on an island in snow
such a sight to see.
The ground beneath
is a wintery style
as the times unveil
more to compile.
It’s the same as life
and how things flow
as our lives become
as an island in snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 12,  2023

Seconds Reflect

Passion of snowflakes
and passion of style
endure the heartbeats
with a seasonal smile.
Children of Christmas
playing in the snow
become as reflections
that I used to know.
Formed as a glimmer
a moment in time
the seconds reflect
how minutes unwind.
Seeming as shadows
in time’s snow mound
with our dog watching
as seconds go around.
Like a stage of actors
scripts are portrayed
Christmas in essence
with eyesight to wade.
Seeing the blessings
as a wondrous effect
this is how pictures
make seconds reflect.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 13,  2023


We might one day
find confusion
on tracks of life
a time’s reunion.
Coming together
as now meets then
time’s connections
beginnings to end.
Thriving as minds
remember the way
with connections
of day unto day.
Past meets present
as dusk to dawn
minutes continue
going on and on.
Seek a destination
as a breath of air
and take it to God
in a little prayer.
For then you may
find the directions
within thereunto
life’s connections.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 13,  2023

Stop Hopping

Jumping too quickly
seeking for things
such as for money
or diamond rings?
Open up your eyes
and see what’s true
then say a prayer
for a better view.
Look for the facts
blessings of times
and stop hopping
with greedy minds.
So many problems
can come as a train
if we just hop into
times so insane.
Find God’s peace
within some prayer
and stop hopping
from here to there.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 14,  2023

for Jan 14,  2023

Gleaming as snowflakes
time might be a memory
seen within our mind.

Traveling mindsets
can often end up empty
within the choices.

Stood in waiting lines
you might not see all the things
that are meant for you.

Words of a story
often change as they are told
due to perception.

Threads of desire
can become sewed badly
forming confusion.

Tomorrow’s doorway
thriving in a circumstance
might have illusions.

Years that we seek for
might become full of regret
when they do arrive.

Winding roads of time
often have some passages
that we do not see.

The length of a breath
is not how long it is breathed,
but the age of it.

Graveyards of the past
can become memories ghosts
haunting us each day.

Trails that we travel
might have a few mysteries
hidden within them.

Staring at the stars
you might see a few to move
that might not be stars.

Grading others minds
can make you the stupid one
not knowing their path.

Seasons of sunshine
reflects within many minds
and some is darkness.

Timing your actions
you put pressure on yourself
to hurry your path.

When headed nowhere
you are heading to somewhere
that you have not chose.

Tornadoes of life
might seem to be without end,
but they do move on.

Reflections of time
can often become nightmares
if they are allowed.

When teasing someone
you might be stoking anger
that will soon explode.

Revolving doorways
allow repetitive minds
to go back again.

Living in a dream
that is not really a dream
might turn into Hell.

Shadows in the night
can look just like a nightmare,
but be limbs of trees.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 14,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Time of Year


Hello my friends

I hope you had a safe and happy New Years
celebration.  Judy and I just
sat and enjoyed
being together with our lil boy Rocky.  The
weather up this way is very weird.  We have
not had the temps or the snow that normally
comes at this time of year.  Oh well,  they say
nothing on Earth is forever and that is what
it’s looking like up here.  I’m just hoping that
we don’t start getting the hot summer temps
that the southern states get.  I cannot handle
heat.  Anything near or above 80 degrees is
too warm for me.  No matter,  I’m reasonably
sure that the temps will start dropping in the
next few days.  It’s 20 F degrees right now at
a little passed 7 PM and the low for tonight
is supposed to be 17. 
Monday‘s forecasted
high is 30 F and Monday night is for 20 F 🙂
and then it goes down from there on into
the week LOL.  We haven’t done much in
the shape of entertainment lately other than
watch TV.  Hehehe we’re so darn exciting 😮
Yep,  we’ve got so much going on in this
place that we would bore the pants back on
a nudist.  Rocky is the biggest form of our
entertainment in the house LOL unless you
find watching someone make poetry pictures
or someone crocheting as real entertainment.
Yeppers,  at the moment Judy is playing her
favorite game of Candy Crush Soda Saga 🙂
I tried playing it,  but could never get into
the mind of it so I go back to some of my
word games or merely back to writing and
designing poetry pictures.  Yep,  excitement
at the ground level LOL.  The elevator of
excitement in our house only goes up so far
and then it sticks between floors hahahaha.
Of course what we call excitement and what
others call excitement varies a whole bunch.
We enjoy watching our favorite TV programs
and just being together.  We also enjoy time
to time going on picture taking drives,  I do
think that I might enjoy those a little more
than her hehehe.  I’m hoping that Judy gets
back to painting soon.  I love her artwork.
I will often use her paintings to create some
poetry pictures.  She’s my favorite artist and
I love her.  It’s hard to believe that we have
been up here for 15 years.  Yep,  we moved
up here December of 2007.  It was a truly
interesting move being that I had lived in
Texas all my life until then.  I have enjoyed
seeing all the snow,  but the ice is another
thing LOL.  I have fallen so many times that
I have cracked,  fractured or broken most
of my body due to falling on that slippery
stuff called ICE.  If the snow would just
melt and not freeze,  that’d be GREAT :),
but nope,  it refreezes and turns into ice
and creates a driveway of glazed trouble.
LOL I guess ya gotta deal with the good
and the bad.  I didn’t find my talent in
doing poetry pictures until 2016,  though
I have written poetry most of my life.  I
guess I needed to have something around
me to stimulate that creativity.  A lot of
it was brought upon by Judy’s artwork 🙂
So, what else is going on around this busy
little place LOL?  Well Rocky is behind me
chewing on one of his bones making a lot
of racket hehehe.  Judy’s over at her little
laptop PC playing Candy Crush as she
does quite often when she’s not crocheting
or we are not watching TV 🙂  God is still
watching over us along with many angels
and kindly spirits that He has sent to help
when we are in need of a helping hand.
We most surely feel blessed to have each
other.  Thank You God for all that You
have done in mine and our lives and for
all that You will most surely do when You
see that it is needed.  We know that our
time in flesh is limited,  but we know that
there is a better place when these bodies
wither and die and many of our friends and
family have met that path and are now in
spirit.  We can often feel their presence as
they come for a visit time to time.  Thank
You God for all that You have promised.
Please watch over our family and friends
that are still amidst the fleshy world for
we each find life’s struggles that at times
may seem too much and we need You to
send help.  Thank You.  Amen and Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to begin
reading back over all that I’ve written here
and try to find a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand new
poem,  so it’s away I go to that little place
of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I may have
found me a fairly decent title just a couple
of lines down from the beginning of all my
rambling and now after checking, I see that
it has not been used yet,  so used it shall be.
Here goes…

Time of Year

Living breathing
time moves on
often seeming
a scenic song.
It might be sung
as an illusion
in a time of year
with confusion.
You might hear
a word or two
become your life
a timeless view.
Let the sadness
the times display
to sail as a ship
to a better day.
The time of year
often becomes
seasonal styles
of setting suns.
Use the moments
to then endear
the light of life
and time of year.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 8,  2023

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling LOL.
Anyways,  I think I have told you all there is
to tell or at least all that I can think of other
than what I tell you every week and that is, I
wrote some more poems and haiku.  Yeppers,
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for all the
haiku lovers out there.  I hope you can find
1 or 2 of either or both that you like.  Now I
do believe it’s time for me to begin my search
for that silly hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do too.
Okey dokey,  so where can that off switch be
trying or not trying to hide this time hehehe?
Searching all of the recent hiding spots and it’s
a no go.  Hmm, but as I glance over at the TV
I think I can see a little string dangling from it
that looks like a sort of miniature mountain
 climbing rope LOL.  Yeppers,  there ya are.
Are ya using the TV as a mountain?  OH it
was the nearest thing that you could find to
climb hehehe. Well you failed miserably LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Sky of Visions

Beyond and above
within the sky
time’s a storybook
that might fly.
It might be a scene
of timeless trails
as a sky of visions
in many details.
Thriving as dreams
within a stage
as we’re the actors
a turn of a page.
Created in the style
of a scenic place
as a sky of visions
with a smiling face.
It takes some time
to make decisions
to choose a path
in a sky of visions.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 2,  2023

Winter’s Premise

Life is a storyboard
with words of time
scented with scenes
for a dreamer’s mind.
Living photographs
created in style
a winter’s premise
with a little smile.
Displaying minutes
seasons of snow
timeless reflections
in a holiday flow.
So many heartbeats
live on in our eyes
as our assumptions
of a winter’s premise.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 2,  2023

Living Beyond

Minds of designs
as empty graves
often are found
in horrific phase.
Yet with a mind
of hopeful scenes
living beyond
becomes dreams.
For as our souls
can find release
we then can also
learn of peace.
Seeking Heaven
as a bright light
living beyond
comes in sight.
Welcoming life
time moves on
as that of minds
living beyond.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 3,  2023

Above The Waves

Our flight of life
might often seem
as an ocean wave
within a dream.
Yet it may also be
filled with fear
as our memories
may see and hear.
Enlist your breath
to surely create
peaceful thoughts
of a time and date.
Seek with prayer
much better days
heavens blessings
above the waves.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 3,  2023

Magic of Time

A scenic photograph
can often remind
of a wonderful place
and a magical time.
Living as a blessing
a photo can display
times you remember
of a so distant day.
So many emotions
might come in view
as the magic of time
lights life as a fuse.
Igniting memories
found in your mind
you can find smiles
in the magic of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 4,  2023

Minds in Space

Many journeys
times expose
might unveil
highs and lows.
Stars may shine
a starry flight
a scene a dream
within the night.
Time may instill
a book to read
as words of time
become as seed.
Planting stars
upon our face
we may find
minds in space.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 4,  2022

Season of Time

The ages recorded
might seem to say
words of a venture
in a distant array.
A season of time
may display styles
as pages of a book
with many smiles.
Seamless windows
of a seasons views
time opens wide
with magical hues.
Created by God
the blessings unite
showing a season
in snow of white.
There may be life
of a watery scene
with snow falling
just like a dream.
It might concur
as a peaceful mind
heavenly blessings
a season of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 5,  2023

Passing of Ages

Roads we travel
and times we see
often become as
moments history.
Shadows acting
as that of a path
a passing of ages
moving too fast.
Becoming regrets
of a time and day
a passing of ages
becomes dismay.
Yet if we learn
from our history
we might create
better life to see.
Seasons of travel
on living stages
can create better
passing of ages.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 5,  2023

Bicycle Ride

A breeze may blow
as it passes by
right through life
with low or high.
You might feel wind
within your hair
as it passes through
just like a prayer.
You might not see
what some may find
on a bicycle ride
within your mind.
A ride through life
might just coincide
as a breath of peace
on a bicycle ride.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 6,  2023

Tomorrows To Light

Poetry within images
can become a stage
filled with tomorrows
of age unto age.
You might see a sign
of a timeless memory
that seems a shadow
of our own history.
Maybe a reflection
of a heartfelt emotion
living as a recording
as memories ocean.
Flowing as a breeze
as grasses of design
streams of a dewdrop
as time after time.
God gives us hopeful
in the midst of sight
as today fades away
to tomorrows of light.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 6,  2023

for Jan 7,  2023

A thought can create
a new form of existence
living within you.

Time is the keeper
of so many memories
that we cannot count.

Leaves within autumn
are as painters of design
becoming artwork.

Windows of our minds
often allow illusions
to become alive.

Daily challenges
soon create or destroy us
with how that they’re used.

When tempting someone
with what not that you know of
it might bring you pain.

Years that pass us by
can leave many memories
hidden in your mind.

Threads of a story
that many sew together
might be a fish tale.

Many of our strengths
come from things never wanted,
but life’s given us.

Many needs and wants
get confused within our eyes
leaving us lacking.

Cheering up people
that are in need of a smile,
you might find one too.

Trivial moments
can become mountains in life
if we allow them.

Thinking too deeply
you might find yourself drowning
within many words.

Shadows of ourselves
are often contained in walls
as our ghost appear.

Changing directions
does not guarantee the truth,
for lies might follow.

Time is but a place
that exist now and again
as maybe a breath.

Throughout history
we often find many things
as our reflections.

Driving down a road
that has a lot of pot holes
you might lose your teeth.

Treading quickly
we might not see the chances
that God’s given us.

Now’s a moment
that will soon become the past
so treat it justly.

Seeking for sunshine
in the midst of a storm cloud
needs prayer to begin.

Winds of life may blow,
but peace might exist within
as a gentle breeze.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 7,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Hope and Peace


Hello my friends

I hope you had a merry Christmas or
whatever it is you celebrate.  I wish you
all a happy New Year.  Let’s make this
year to blossom hope and peace for all.
Yep,  today is the beginning of the new
year and I’ll be having to be careful not
to sign my poems and all with the year
2022 LOL.  It usually takes me a while
for the new year to sink in LOL.  It will
maybe within a week or so 🙂  Oh well,
welcome to the year 2023.  I thought I’d
be dead and gone long before this year
crept in hehehe.  Yet,  here I am still at
it driving people crazy LOL.  So what
can I remember from the passed weeks
that is worth telling?  Well,  Judy and
I had a great Christmas.  There wasn’t
much gift giving other than of our love.
I did Judy a nice little Christmas poem
and she gave me a trail camera to put
out on the trees when the weather gets
better,  so that we can maybe catch a
few pictures of animals that come and
go during the night and day.  I might
even finally get me a picture or two of a
male moose with antlers hehehe.  After
15 years you would think I would have
already gotten a picture of one,  but
nope.  I’ve got a few pictures of female
moose with their babies,  but none of
a male moose with antlers.  The males
or bull moose might be a little camera
shy LOL.  Anyways,  if there is one or
two roaming about this year,  I might
finally get a few pictures of them LOL.
The weather has not been too bad other
than a wind storm that came through
last week that almost blew us away 🙂
I’m going to have a lot of repairs to do
on the house when summer gets here 🙂
Hopefully we don’t have another storm
to come through like that passed one.
I’m not sure if our house can handle
it.  Oh well,  nothing we can do about
it.  I am not about to climb a ladder in
the snow with the ladder leaning against
the house.  That will have to wait until
spring or better yet summer,  being that
we often still have snow in spring.  The
temperatures haven’t been too bad yet,
but I am sensing that they will be doing
their thing soon and dropping to 0 and
down below.  We still have over a half a
tank of heating oil,  so it looks like we
will survive one more month before we
have to refill and hopefully by that time
the heating oil prices will have dropped
to a lower price.  In any sense we will
be OK.  We have plenty of electric style
heaters for back ups as well as plenty
of covers to cover up with in bed if we
get cold LOL.  We had to do that when
that storm came through being that it
knocked out the electric for about 8
hours or so and it was one of our many
cold nights in the lower teens.  There
is a draw back to losing electric aside
from the obvious,  but the other is that
we are on well water and it doesn’t work
without electricity LOL.  We have many
jugs of water stored up for that purpose.
Judy went to her sister’s house Christmas
Eve,  but I stayed home.  I wasn’t feeling
much like being in a crowded house,  so
it was just Rocky and I here at home till
she got home near midnight Christmas
Eve.  We watched some Christmas movies
most of the night until near Christmas
morning hehehe.  Last night or should I
say New Years Eve,  Judy and I sort of
forgot about it until I mentioned it was
12:30 AM and Happy New Year hehehe.
We watched a few of our favorite TV
programs and then we went to bed near
4 AM 🙂 and watched an episode of Yogi
Bear and then put on some music and
went to sleep or at least she did.  It takes
me a few hours to finally nod off and get
an hour of sleep.  In other words I do not
get much sleep and I have sort of gotten
used to it after dealing with it for nearly
30 years LOL.  Life continues on hehehe.
We’re a lively bunch ain’t we hehehehe!
I did get a lot of great pictures to share
and to use for my poetry.  We drove up
to Caribou the 21st to deliver Christmas
gifts and then Judy and I went down to
Bangor for a doctor’s appointment and
I took pictures there and back as I do
for most every drive we go on hehehehe.
God has been good to us and protected
us.   We can feel His mighty spirit with
us as well and many angels and kindly
spirits that are among us.  Our home is
most surely blessed.  We know that we
have many blessings as we were blessed
with each other.  I pray that you allow
God into your life and your heart.  He
can make good from the most turbulent
storms.  Thank You God for all that
You have done for us and most surely
all that You will do.  Please watch over
our family and friends as well the many
that we do not know.  Amen and Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  LOL I think I found me a good
title just a couple of lines down from
the beginning of my rambling and now
after checking,  I see that it has not been
used to my surprise 🙂  So used it shall be.
Here goes…

Hope and Peace

Years pass us by
leaving reflections
seasons of scenes
in many directions.
Life enters through
and creates sights
as pages of a book
in black and white.
The words are seen
and often not heard
as ones may pray
for a peaceful word.
Hoping for a dream
to come and flow
changing nightmares
to a heavenly snow.
The flakes of white
falling with ease
delivering stages of
hope and peace.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 1,  2023

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling 🙂
I haven’t got much else to tell you other
than what I tell you nearly every week
and that is,  I wrote some more poems
and haiku.   Yeppers,  10 poems with
7 Christmas poems in the mix.  I also
wrote 22 more haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there.  I hope you can find 1
or 2 of either or both that you like a bit.
Now with that said,  I reckon it’s time
for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you a happy New Year filled with
blessings.  Stay safe and well.  So OK
now,  where can that dad burned off
switch be trying to hide this time LOL?
It’s had an extra week to try to find a
good hiding spot,  but now as I look
around the room,  my eyes have noticed
a little bit of movement in an old spot
that the silly thing has hid before and
yeppers,  I see ya.  Hiding behind my
nose spray again hehehe.  You are silly.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Travels of Heart

On beyond roadways
time moves along
as seasons of scenes
sing a sweet song.
Singing of Christmas
and singing of peace
as the travels of heart
most surely increase.
Life is a doorway
to blessings of time
as each season comes
with their design.
Traveling mindsets
can often look passed
and not see blessings
while driving too fast.
Slow down your life
and enjoy the view
allowing the scenery
to thrive within you.
Don’t let the worries
to tear your life apart.
Take joy in scenery
of travels of heart.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 19,  2022

Peace To Fulfill

A mistletoe moment
as sweet as wine
can create blessings
for souls to dine.
With minds of desire
in hopeful scenes
Christmastime comes
enhancing dreams.
As sugarplum fairies
in children’s minds
life then becomes as
wondrous designs.
Scents of Christmas
will surely instill
as God sends us love
for peace to fulfill.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 19,  2022

Timeless Memories

Throughout our life
we often may find
memories becoming
an awesome design.
Seasons reflections
might seem as gold
as that of stories
of young and of old.
Timeless memories
ignite living flames
giving us heartbeats
that life then attains.
Seconds are counted
as minutes pour in
creating turnstiles
for life to transcend.
So many moments
may seem as waves
within living oceans
of scenic arrays.
Becoming a season
of a wintery breeze
Christmas enhances
timeless memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 20,  2022

Eve of Perceptions

The sight of night
becomes as scenes
as day finds end
becoming dreams.
Life is a painting
with magical views
seasons of sights
with so many hues.
So much scenery
as timeless pictures
eve of perceptions
colorful mixtures.
Thriving in times
of the passing days
time moves along
in wonderful ways.
Moments perceived
may be reflections
heavens blessings
eve of perceptions.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 20,  2022

Eve of Perceptions

The sight of night
becomes as scenes
as day finds end
becoming dreams.
Life is a painting
with magical views
seasons of sights
with so many hues.
So much scenery
as timeless pictures
eve of perceptions
colorful mixtures.
Thriving in times
of the passing days
time moves along
in wonderful ways.
Moments perceived
may be reflections
heavens blessings
eve of perceptions.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 20,  2022

A Season Rings

Sounds of blessings
songs of an age
seasons become as
a changing stage.
Actors of moments
might interweave
as the seasons ring
of time to perceive.
Many might change
their daily view
and find for a time
their needs to do.
The song of love
the song of peace
rings of blessings
timeless increase.
A Christmas mind
shouts and sings
songs of a moment
as a season rings.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 21,  2022

Windows of Memories

Scenery of doorways
to windows of time
often have viewpoints
that stay on the mind.
Scented of a seasonal
time that carries on
windows of memories
like a Christmas song.
Sounds of a moment
that comes in view
as a page from stories
that of old and anew.
Christmastime tunes
playing on a radio
the songs you’ve sung
the same as years ago.
That wondrous time
that echoes of love
windows of memories
given from above.
It’s special moments
are deep as the seas
reflecting as a mirror
windows of memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 22,  2022

My Special One
(Judy’s poem)

I found one day
so long ago
my special one
in living flow.
She gave a smile
and love to me
a Christmas gift
through history.
It feels at times
 just like a dream
found in Heaven
a magical scene.
Sharing moments
of which connect
with some silly
the times detect.
An ugly sweater
or a real silly hat
my special one
is where it’s at.
She is my wife
second to none,
for she is truly
my special one.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 24,  2022

Scenic Expressions

Seeming as painted
time may portray
scenic expressions
of a wintery day.
Life might become
artwork of peace
with a scent of love
as season’s release.
Stages of journeys
the seconds create
live on as shadows
of a time and date.
Heavenly blessings
living impressions
become reflections
scenic expressions.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 30,  2022

Driving To The Sky

Limited perceptions
might not see time
as it comes and goes
as rhythmic rhyme.
Wheels of life turn
and roll over sights
that many don’t see
in days and nights.
Formulated scenes
of a driven force
can create windows
filled with remorse.
Drive with dreams
of a virtual place
as a timeless scene
with a smiling face.
Let God help you
find the right path
seeking for truthful
shadows to cast.
You may then find
that you can fly
with your blessings
driving to the sky.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 30,  2022

for Dec 31,  2022

Now meets an ending
as the minutes pass us by
leaving memories.

Seasons are doorways
that open and close in life
creating artwork.

Beginning journeys
needs a little bit of thought
of which way to go.

Vintage passages
can often hold memories
of timeless shadows.

Today’s tomorrow
might uncover some mistakes
that we wish to change.

Yearning for blessings
that others may have in life
you might miss your own.

Troubles that we have
can be the greatest lessons
if we don’t give up.

Standing in the midst
of a deep puddle of time
you might need to move.

So many chances
might seem to be not so fair,
but it might be you.

When treading water
in a problematic lake
you need to seek shore.

Seeds of a heartbeat
are spread in the winds of smiles
and watered by love.

Struggling with outcomes
that life so often gives us
may need acceptance.

Yesterdays hardships
are often necessary
to make us stronger.

Legions of worry
can create armies of fate
that peace could have stopped.

Searching tomorrow
for what today has to give
will leave you empty.

Twiddling your fingers
leaves choices open to fail
as you do nothing.

Time is an ocean
with choices beneath the waves
that we might not see.

Years might pass us by
before we see what we had
and did not know it.

When talking too much
and not hearing others speak
we might miss the point.

Throughout history
we create many mistakes
that others learn from.

Hardships of a tree
can be with roots of time
if they’re not watered.

Living batteries
are as the air that we breathe
that fills up our lungs.

©By Bill Pearce
Dec 31,  2022

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂