Hello my friend
The end of the year is upon us as the new
year speaks its name and it is 2020 LOL.
I sure hope the new year is a bit better than
this year, because 2019 had many things
in it that were very saddening that I could
do without. Anyways, here’s to hoping for
a better brighter year. There are only two
more days left in this year. It’s really hard
to believe. Judy just went back to bed. I
don’t think she got enough sleep, so her
and the boys went to the bedroom to sleep.
I just heard Rocky barking saying he needs
to go outside and I guess Judy got up and
let him and Benny out, because I looked
in on her and they weren’t in the bedroom.
Judy won’t sleep long. I think she may of
just needed a little nap. I get that way time
to time. The snow has begun melting again,
but it’s supposed to snow again beginning
Monday night around midnight. So that
should give us another supply of snow LOL.
Hahaha, I’m sure we’ll get quite enough
snow before winter is done with us. Yep,
it might have a late start, but it’s happened
before. We still had snow on the ground
for Christmas and that made me happy 🙂
Judy and I had a great Christmas. We
went up to Caribou and spent Christmas
Eve with the family and then Christmas day
we stayed home and had Christmas dinner
and watched Christmas movies. I was sad
that I was unable to see any of my blood
family and friends, but Judy and I had a
great time at her daughter’s house with her
side of the family. Judy and I didn’t spend
a whole lot of money on gifts, being we are
lacking in the financial state to do so, but
we did manage to get the kids and grand
children something, being that we begin
Christmas shopping quite early each year 🙂
Often we only have 1 or 2 things left to buy
when December comes knocking 🙂 I bought
Judy some new night gowns and a coffee
mug and she got me a cute T Shirt that has
our boys on it or as close as she could get
to their pictures with a picture of a guy with
long hair and pony tail sitting between them
with them all sitting on a pier and facing the
ocean. My daughter Jamye had some of
our pictures made into canvasses. One of
them had her and Sami (our granddaughter
dressed in Christmas attire standing in between
Judy and I with Judy in her Mrs. Claus dress
and me and in my Santa suit. The second
canvass was one of Jamye, me and Sami in
a close up picture taken a few years ago at
my mom’s house. Jamye also gave us a
beautiful blanket for Christmas that’s got
many peaceful words on it. All in all it
was a great Christmas. Judy and I are in
hopes of a better year to come. Hopefully
the light of God will shine down and give
us many blessings. It’s a little chilly now,
but it’s only 26 F degrees. It’s supposed
to drop to 11 degrees by morning. That’s
not too bad for this time of year hehehe.
Anyways, that’s about all I can think of
at this moment to tell you. God has been
with us as always watching over us and
protecting us with the many angels that
He sends to help us daily. Our home is
Yours Father God. We thank You for all
that You do for us and all that You will
do. So, I reckon it’s time for me to be
reading back on all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s new
poem. With that said, it’s away I go to
that place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILE. It seems
I may have stumbled upon a good title just
a little ways back in all of my rambling
and now after looking I see that it has not
been used as of yet, but used it shall be.
Here goes…
Pictures Made
Searching for memoirs
searching for dreams
maybe of pictures
of rushing streams.
The scenes that we see
can become as a time
a place you remember
that lives in your mind.
Those pictures made
are as seeds to plant
creating a garden
of a lifetime’s enchant.
Holding your heartbeat
as days are acquired
all the pictures made
become what’s transpired.
Seasons of sunshine
can become as a meal
tasting as billows
times found surreal.
Let God to guide you
to life’s lemonade
and let it become as
times pictures made.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 29, 2019
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling LOL.
I haven’t much else to tell you aside from
what I tell you almost every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
This week though due to Christmas and all
I only wrote 9 poems LOL, so deal with it.
There are 6 Christmas poems in the mix 🙂
I did though write 22 more haiku for all
of the haiku lovers out there. I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like. So now I believe it’s time for me to
begin my search for that hardly elusive off
switch, but not before I wish you a great
week and a Happy New Year. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Ok, so
where has that ornery off switch decided to
hide this week? Hmm, what is that my
old eyes see moving about right behind
my nose spray LOL. Oh my word, that
can’t be the best place you could find to
hide can it be? LOL hiding behind a 9 volt
battery. How dumb or lazy can ya get 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
9 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Winter Reveals
Searching seeking
some sights to see
the wintery aspects
of a Christmas tree.
A Christmas view
a sight you can find
as wintertime comes
with its own design.
Displaying joyful
displaying delights
scenes to discover
in days and nights.
Winter reveals a
wondrous December
formed then to be
times to remember.
Certain moments
become pure gold
times and moments
stories we’ve told.
The Christmas days
will surely compile
and become a view
of a distant smile.
So look real close
and enjoy the view
of Christmas scenes
that are so true.
Let them live on
as snow filled hills
find all the blessings
that winter reveals.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 23, 2019
Over The Hill
Years pass by
creating days
times of life
of many ways.
Over the hill
from the past
time moves on
often too fast.
Displaying life
as just a scene
over the hill
a new routine.
Meeting life
a grain of sand
over the hill
anew to stand.
Look real close
and find a sign
over the hill
a new design.
See reflections
of yourself
scented of ones
another shelf.
Within seasons
life may spill
a new today
over the hill.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 26, 2019
Connecting Lanes
We each have tracks
as trains of time
lifetimes connecting
as moments design.
Becoming as visions
as doorways begin
opening and closing
beginning to end.
We’re on train tracks
a lifetime reveals
bringing us journeys
a mindset of wheels.
Rolling down a path
that may look good,
but in the end then
be misunderstood.
Life has its doorways
that often unleash
miseries encounters
that may end in peace.
Leaving conclusions
of moments in time
as many train tracks
confusing the mind.
Open your eyes wide
and see what’s there
times that can find
peace within prayer.
For as we journey on
our lifetime attains
chances and advances
on connecting lanes.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 26, 2019
Clearing Paths
The wintery mixtures
of seasons designs
brings us concoctions
of seasonal minds.
As ones clear paths
for lifetimes bestowed
many will discover
a track or a road.
Christmassy doorways
unlocked for a tour
as ones clearing paths
for a lifetimes allure.
Seeking for Christmas
as minutes tick on
ones clearing paths
might start up a song.
Sung that of harmony
with a Christmassy feel
textured of snowflakes
so white and surreal.
Look deep within you
and find you a glow
a scene as a dream
in Christmastime snow.
Just like a train track
our pathways unfold
some that of Christmas
a season like gold.
It displays blessings
of the future and past
a time of Jesus Christ
then clearing paths.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 27, 2019
Christmas Sky
The sky at night
with Christmas hue
displays the sight
of a magical view.
It comes so alive
as time glitters on
the Christmas sky
just like a song.
Found in darkness
a house is seen
a Christmas sight
in wondrous esteem.
It may seem blurry,
but worthy of love
a Christmas stage
that fits like a glove.
Warranting a smile
it twinkles divine
the colors of light
a Christmassy shine.
Look deep within
and find you a place
a time enlightened
with a smiling face.
Find some peace
that lives within
as a seasonal style
just like a friend.
Take it to heart
and learn to fly
as dreamers dreams
in a Christmas sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 27, 2019
Age of Winter
With life comes time
as places fall prey
to all the emotions
of each passing day.
Leaving an imprint
among every sight
as the age of winter
begins to take flight.
There may be places
a home that exist
a place that’s surely
chose not to desist.
It lives as memories
it lives as a phase
that time unleashed
in future displays.
Like scents of winter
day and night meets
giving us an essence
of time that repeats.
It begins with passion
and then continues
with all the minutes
and all the views.
A God sent emotion
becomes as a dream,
but it’s living on now
as a daily cuisine.
It’s a taste of winter
found so tender
maybe of Christmas
an age of winter.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 27, 2019
River of Ice
Scenes come alive
in waters so cold
a wintertime river
as moments unfold.
Life’s as a shivering
blessing of time
in a river of ice
living in the mind.
It could be a painting
that lifetimes inlaid
as a river of ice
shows times lemonade.
Made from the follies
of turns and twists
life becomes scenes
with a cold icy fist.
Seeming an illusion
or a roll of the dice
time can turn into
a river of ice.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 28, 2019
Winter’s Blessings
Evening displays
a time to end
a time to find
another trend.
Day meets night
continuing on
to light of day
each mornings dawn.
Snow might fall
becoming a sight
a time of life
covered in white.
It might become
a dreamers gaze
winter’s blessings
Christmastime days.
God filled sights
the winds bestow
becoming signs
of Christmas snow.
Dancing flakes
may float and fly
from the winter’s
Christmastime sky.
Becoming scenes
for eyes to see
and maybe even
set their minds free.
Allow the scenery
to be as dressings
decking the halls
of winter’s blessings.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 28, 2019
Roads of Memories
With the passing days
winter may become
the stories we read
each new setting sun.
Remember Christmas
and how it thrived
stories through time
still live deep inside.
Time is just a doorway
that we look through
from beginning to end
and all thereunto.
Those Christmas lights
that glittered so bright
on roads of memories
from daylight to night.
There might be scenes
such as glittering ice
hanging from the trees
that seems oh so nice.
Decorated moments
that winter unleashed
can become Christmas
each moment beseeched.
Found around scenes
as white snowy trails
pathways of readers
of Christmastime tales.
Travels we’ve driven
or walked in a breeze
become as the stories
on roads of memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 28, 2019
for Dec 28, 2019
Now is just a time
that will soon be remembered
of the good and bad.
Displaying anger
when finding peace from within
can make matters worse.
Storms of yesterday
can become storms of today
if we allow them.
The shadows of time
are as our memory cells
recorded and seen.
Sadness can be lost
if a smiling face shines bright
and becomes as ours.
The best of the best
can often become the worst
if ego takes hold.
Challenging a breath
might become a troubled sight
as you suffocate.
The winds of winter
create a voice of snowflakes
that may flutter down.
Patience is acquired
when hurry is put to rest
letting time move on.
Similar are ones
that might strive the same courses,
but they’re not the same.
Looking through windows
you might see a few doorways
just waiting for you.
Sometimes a flower
is but only just a weed
trying to survive.
Sharing emotions
with ones that are not sincere
can lead to trouble.
A forest of trees
holds many concepts of life
hidden deep within.
To have and to hold
is just a wanting moment
that many seek for.
Love is emotions
that are found within the heart
and within the mind.
Looking for newer
creates older perceptions
of what you once had.
Shouting in the night
at the stars up above you
someone might respond.
When looking for help
you might find a know it all
with the wrong answers.
Guiding your eyesight
over the evils of life,
you might find some peace.
Listen to the night
as it speaks of many things
that might help you sleep.
Flavors of ice cream
are as our many blessings
that were only wants.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 28, 2019
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂