Hello my friends
It’s 79F degrees right now at 3:30 PM with a 40 percent
chance of rain. It should start cooling down in a little bit.
This passed week has been an eventful one hehehe. What
am I saying, the whole month has been busy with travels
and cookouts as well as tons of picture taking. Judy and
I have taken some wonderful pictures and logged millions
of memories since our move up here, let alone all of the
memories we gathered when we lived in Texas after we
got married. Yes, time has moved in a mesmerizing pace
as we went on many journeys together. Trips down south
to Port Aransas and all. Judy and I miss those ventures,
but we’re finding many more as we walk together in our
lives up here in Maine. Next month we’re planning to go
back down to Cutler Maine and take Benny. Cutler is
a little lobster fishing town by the ocean. Benny will get
to see the ocean for the first time. We’ll most assuredly
get tons of pictures hehehe with Benny in them. Yet for
now, he is enjoying playing with all of his cousins ever
so often and their names are Fenway, Willow, Chilli,
Esa and Josie. They of course are dogs if ya didn’t
already guess hehehe. Our neighbors moved the other
day and we already miss them. Benny totally misses
the kids. He keeps sitting in the driveway facing their
house hoping to see them. He doesn’t realize they are
gone yet. Poor guy! He loved those kids. Maybe they
will come to visit sometime. I’d sure love to see them.
Their mom is a nice gal. She’s almost the same age
as my daughter. I tried to help them when I could,
but we could only do so much. God is in control.
Well, it’s onto yet another topic (hopefully hehehe).
There’s a nice little breeze blowing the curtains as
it swishes through the windows. I thank God for
breezes 🙂 Poor little Benny doesn’t get much rest,
because he feels that he must follow either Judy or
I every time we get up to go to do something in the
other room LOL. I go to the restroom a lot and
he tags right behind me to sit at the bathroom door
and wait for me to come out. Of course today he’s
been just following me there and then making a bee
line back to the PC room in front of the fan and
to be along side Judy. I had let him out to go potty
2 times and back in 1 time this morning and Judy
let him back in after I had let him out the second
time hehehe. He was so excited to see Judy being
he had seen me off and on all morning that he was
crying in his doggy voice saying I Love You hehehe.
It was so sweet. He hates to be away from either
of us. God did his magic and gave us the little boy
that we otherwise could never have. Yeppers, he
be our little boy hehehe. Hehehe hey Jamye, your
little brother has more hair than me LOL. Well
my words are drawing to a close, for I cannot
think of anything else to say hehehe. Judy and I
are still playing FarmTown on Facebook and yes
we still watch all of our favorite TV programs.
Oh yea, my Aunt Jody had a heart attack the
other day and she is in a bad way. Jody is one
of my mothers older sisters. Keep her as well as
my mom in your prayers. My mom has been busy
taking care of her mom, my grandmother for a
long while. Grandmother will be 105 this year.
Hey God, I don’t wanna live that long on this
Earth especially in this old worn out body that
struggles to move and never gets rest. Heaven
cannot come too soon for me :), but I will enjoy
as best that I can the time that I have with all of
my family and friends. I am hoping to see some
of my immediate family one day soon, but time
will only tell whether Judy and I will ever have
enough money to travel to Texas one day for
a visit or some of them come up here and that
would be great. Well, I guess it’s time for me to
be heading back through all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that little place of
my recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I believe I may have found a good title,
but we shall see, huh hehehe! Here goes…
Heading Back
Doorways open
doorways close
some found landing
on our toes.
Heading back
through memories
you might find
some raging seas.
When your value
of a day
finds an unfit
times doorway,
heading back
to where you need
might plant lessons
as a seed.
Don’t continue
raging strong
somewhere that
you don’t belong.
You might find
by heading back,
that your wheels
get back on track.
©By Bill Pearce
July 29, 2012
Ok so that might not be one of my greatest poems hehe,
but it says what I intended to say, I think LOL. Oh well,
if you didn’t understand it, then it wasn’t meant for you.
So I guess I need to find a stopping place before I begin
rambling again hehehe. Judy and I are both getting a tad
hungry. So I guess I need to be telling you what I tell you
every week and that is I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems, but no Christmas poems this
week. maybe next week. Also I have yet again written 22
more haiku for all the haiku lovers out there. Now I think
I need to be searching to find that confounded off switch
that loves to play hide and seek, but not before I wish you
a most wonderful God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves
you and we do too. Now to find that off switch. Found it
riding on Benny’s back try to make like a little tiny cowboy.
Hehehehehe Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Wonders of The Universe
Space is seen
with narrow eyes
as so many
see the skies.
Wonders of the
play their stories
verse by verse.
Pages turn to
glimmers seen
some found as
a moments dream.
Thunder and lightning
day to day
have so much
they want to say.
The wonders found
up in the sky
find ones asking
how and why.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Peoples Minds
Thinking thoughts
of where and when
leave ones where
they need begin.
Thoughts of time
with countless ages
peoples minds
will turn the pages.
Simple settings
many see
peoples minds
through history.
Sometimes shadows
seen at glance
mimic ones
with song and dance.
Peoples minds of
to and fro
often lead them
where they go.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Summers Phases
Stages of the
might seem as
a little rhyme.
Repeating glimmers
sunny day
as the summer
goes its way.
Summers phases
might be found
as some raindrops
on the ground.
Beyond stages
that we see
there might show
some history.
Summers phases
written true
in the season
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Winters Shadows
Now as memoirs
of my past
winters shadows
now are cast.
Within windows
summers breeze
I imagine
snow on leaves.
Snowflakes falling
from the sky
winters shadows
low and high.
For those snowflakes
land so sweet
on the ground
beneath my feet.
Winters shadows
I now find
daily on my
summer mind.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Waging Turnstiles
On our journeys
daily found
we are needing
look around.
For some turnstiles
found at hand
might snap back
like a rubber band.
Waging turnstiles
without thought
might lead to
what needs not sought.
Certain journeys
need not start,
for they might
tear you apart.
Waging turnstiles
without thinking
might just cause
a day of sinking.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Nervous Time
Withered from worry
makes you impaired
and causes stumbles,
because you are scared.
Let Jesus help you
when you are so worried
and let Him guide you
when you are hurried.
Don’t let emotions
of worry and grief
lead you down hallways
of doubting belief.
Use nervous time
as tools to bring true
learning the lessons
much better to do.
Of course we all stumble
with moments we find,
but learn to grow from
that nervous time.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Mornings Glory
The dawn of day
comes with a story
written with
its mornings glory.
Words are heard
with phases seen
as they page
our window screen.
Found as stories
in my sight
mornings glory
ends the night.
Bringing pages
words to read
mornings glory
plants a seed.
Then it blossoms
a great story
that’s begun with
mornings glory.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Hints of Sunshine
The clouds moved in
and hid from view
the blue skies glimmer
there and to
Yet some sunshine
finds its way
seeping through
the clouds of gray.
Hints of sunshine
bring us light
with its beauty
now in sight.
The clouds still move
and try to hide
what they hold now
deep inside.
Yet they burst then
with some rain
that falls from
our windowpane.
Hints of sunshine
then will grow
with the sight of
its rainbow.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Curtains Blow
I feel a breeze
of to and fro
as I watch
the curtains blow.
As if breathing
in and out
all the breezes
make their route.
Curtains blow
with every frame
as they come
and go again.
I feel its breath
upon my face
as it blows
with little trace.
Only curtains
blowing true
shows the breezes
daily view.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
Many Wishing
Some are found just
wishing for
empty dreams
upon a star.
Many wishing
not so good
for what all
they know they should.
Empty wishing
only shows
settings for
a lot of lows.
Let God guide you
as you wish,
making prayers
of His delish.
He can turn your
wish to prayer
as you search
with love and care.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
for July 28, 2012
Wanting a blessing
needs your eyes to be opened
so you can see it.
Flowers of summer
await for moments of rain
to water their roots.
Billows of white clouds
float by as hot air balloons
seen across the sky.
Acorns fall abundantly
in the Texas summertime
as gifts from oak trees.
Scenes of a river
flow as magic in daylight
and sounds heard at night.
Withered perception
brings the wrong view to be seen,
so look with new eyes.
Onlooking people
often see what has happened
and not what caused it.
Beyond this moment
lies chances for better days
written in blessings.
Nobodies perfect
and we all will make mistakes,
so don’t point fingers.
The heat of summer
brings the hope for wintertime
with cooler weather.
Sometimes a dreamer
only sees a misconception
of what that is true.
Patterns of daylight
bring some shadows to be seen
as some wanted shade.
Gliding through mishap
leaves some troubles to be found
when you cease gliding.
Having some patience
doesn’t mean just waiting now,
but for anything.
The looks on a face
might show you a deception
that they are hiding.
Beyond confusion
are the answers that we need
if we will just look.
A dirt path of time
might sometimes kick up some dust,
hiding what is there.
Watermelon seeds
help the melon reproduce
what that taste so sweet.
Flavors of living
come as sunshine and some clouds
along with some rain.
Someone’s agitation
could start a large commotion
that could of been doused.
Admiring artwork
needs you to understand it
and search for the view.
While we are living
there are others not so well
that are needing help.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2012
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂