Growing Every Day


Hello my friends

It’s been a rainy day today, but I’m sure it
has been nothing compared to what Mexico
got and of course Texas and thereabouts.
My mom said her rain gauge showed that
she got a little over a foot of rain. That be
a lot of water. She said she didn’t see any
signs of flooding though and that was good.
Not much has gone on in a spectacular way
up here. From snow to no snow to cold to
not so cold. I wish it would make up it’s
freaken mind LOL. I got a prediction from
the Farmer Almanac that shows that we
might get well above normal snowfall this
winter 2015-2016. So it’s a good thing I
bought this snow blower hehehe. My old
aching arms and shoulders aren’t getting
any younger hehehe. I’ll still have to shovel
a little bit, but the snow blower will cut
down on the amount hopefully. I have yet
to of been able to use it. I’m a little bit
anxious to see how well it works LOL. So,
winter, bring it on hehehe. Today’s high
is supposed to be 51 F and right now it’s
50 F. Tomorrow morning it’s supposed to
be 28 F hehehe. Actually that’s not that
bad. The nights are always colder than
the days. Of course, there have been
a few exceptions in the past hehehehehe.
Yep, ye ole weather does have a mind
of its own. The weatherman might try
and predict it, but what it actually does
will be proof or not in the pudding LOL.
So, what else is going on up this way?
Well, my Aunt Anna’s birthday was last
Thursday and I wrote her a little poem
for her birthday and called her and read
it to her. I’ll send it to her as soon as
we make it to Walmart to buy a folder
to ship the picture in that I put the poem
in. I thought she might want to see what
I look like nowadays. Anna has always
been my favorite aunt. She’s my moms
older sister. I may or may not include
the poem in the journal hehehe. Only
time will tell. So it’s onto another topic.
It started raining early this morning
and the winds picked up quite a bit,
but nothing blew away hehehhe. We
put the picnic table and chairs away
a long with the boys doghouse and pool
and strapped a tarp over them so they
ain’t going nowhere. The winds will
have to take them all together, being
they are all strapped together with the
tarp strapped to them. Last year with
winds of 50 miles an hour and above
they didn’t budge an inch, so I reckon
it will be the same this year hehehehe.
Benny and Rocky are lying down in the
floor between Judy and I. They were
wrestling around a little bit ago, but
I think they wore themselves out LOL.
Judy’s brother Ricky has finally got
a temporary prosthetic leg to learn to
walk with until he gets his permanent
leg. The nurses sent a picture of him
practicing walking and he was smiling
so proud. I am so happy for him. He
needs some good in his life. I think
this struggle in his life has brought him
out of his shell a bit. He’s always been
a loner. Anyways, I am happy for you
dude. Keep up the good work. You’ll
make it. OK, next topic. I didn’t take
many pictures this week, but I did take
a few. It’s been a bit too rainy to take
the boys out for a field trip, but I did
manage to take them earlier last week.
I’m sure we will take them out in the
field a few days this week. Calvin our
landlord has finally got the mobile homes
moved. Although he parked the old one
right in the middle of the freaken field.
I hope he pulls it a little further out. It
looks bad. He is supposed to bring us
some more front steps for our house,
being our old ones are old and rickety.
He came the other day to try and get
them a bit more stable until he can get
us our new steps. I hope they last and
we don’t go tumbling to the ground,
because then I’m afraid there will be
a lawsuit, but hopefully it doesn’t lead
to that. So, what else is happening up
this way? Hmm, well, Judy has been
putting together a large scrapbook of
childhood pictures for Ricky’s birthday.
That should make him happy 🙂 Oh yea,
Judy has finished writing her sci fi novel
and is now editing it. I will try to help
as much as I can with proof reading,
but my right eye gets tired quickly due
to not having much sight in my left eye
and so I do what I can. I am so proud
of her. She’s a great writer and I hope
good things come from her writings 🙂
She has really been a take control gal
helping with all of her brothers finances
and issues. She has power of attorney
to do what needs to be done. Yep, she
has really stepped up and I’m proud of
her. We do have our bad moments that
we get on each others nerves, but that
is to be expected when two are living in
the same home. We’ve learned to not
let the bad moments to become all we
see, for we’ve had a great life together
with much more to see. Struggles are
a part of our growth, for they make us
stronger. I know for a fact that if I were
to have to face the struggles of today
without the things I have already gone
through, I couldn’t do it. Right now
seems like a small issue, but without
past lessons, they would be mountains.
I look back on my past from time to
time and wonder how I ever made it,
but the fact is, God was with me all
the while. Yes, even on my darker
days, His Son was walking with me
allowing what was needed to get me
from point A to point B. I can see a
few times that it’s obvious that He had
stepped in, because He knew that I
was in trouble and He knew that I had
many gifts that had not yet come to
surface. So my time to die was not
yet to be. Often many will only see
an empty shell within them, but God
knows that there is much more to be
found inside of us. We each have our
unique gifts that God has given us,
but sometimes they are hard to see in
the midst of a crowd. Sometimes we
need to find ourselves in our own way
while not trying to be like everybody
else. Just as storm clouds come, they
each have their own style and path
of flowing. Some can be good and
some can be bad. We need to look
beyond the sight and see what that’s
within it to find the journey. I have
seen many a storm throughout my
life and been faced with many trials,
but they did not destroy me but only
made me stronger. Thanks to my
weird sense of humor, I’ve been able
to find the levity in many of the things
that at the time were hideous LOL.
But of course there are still a few
things that cause me nightmares
and Judy is aware of them. Maybe
one day I will be able to let those
to become just a shadow of my life.
I’m human and not perfect in any
way other than in God’s Eyes. Yes
I make mistakes and yes I often will
allow others to cause me pain with
their lies, but I am growing every
day. That’s what we all should do.
Ok so I reckon I’ve rambled quite
enough hehehe. Now it’s time for me
to be taking my little journey back
through all that I’ve written here to
see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. And
so it’s away I go, to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
though I found a decent title just a
few lines back. So here goes. I hope
it comes out making sense hehehe.

Growing Every Day

The stamps upon turmoil
are often well seen
found as a moments time
nightmare or dream.
For with the daily sights
time goes its way
while giving lessons for
growing every day.
Sometimes our troubles will
turn out so dark,
but then in our futures day
great to embark.
For with those troubled times
we might surely see
that we’re growing every day
to a greater degree.
Even in rain storms
of troublesome times
we’re growing every day
in unique designs.
God provides pathways
to choose or to not,
which give us growing days
a little or a lot.
Yes we are most surely
growing every day,
but growth can be better
when kneeling to pray.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 25, 2015

There ya go. I hope my rambling didn’t
put you to sleep hehehe. Oh yea, I hope
you liked and understood the poem. Yes,
I know, it wasn’t all that great 🙂 but
it’s the best I could do today or for that
matter in this moment. I probably could
do better if I took a little more time with
it, but I want to get this out today LOL.
If ya didn’t like that poem, then there
are many more to read below. Benny
and Rocky are wrestling around right
behind me again 🙂 All of that noise is
making it hard to think hehehe. They
must of gotten their second wind hehehe.
Those silly boys 🙂 Gotta love em even
if they drive us batty every once in a
while hehehe. Judy’s over on her PC
editing her book. That will take quite
a while being it’s 90 chapters. It’s not
a short novel by no means. At least it’s
not as short as some that I’ve read 🙂
LOL it looks like the boys are pooped
again. They are both lying down in
the floor again resting. Thank God!
Hehehe, they were bumping against
my chair making it hard to think. So
what else is there to tell you that I
forgot to tell you before? Hmmmmm,
it looks like I’ve said all that I can
think of, other than what I tell you
almost every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yep,
10 more poems, but 2 of them this
week are Christmas poems. I also
wrote 22 more haiku, but due to me
not paying attention just listening
to music, I wrote 2 extra haiku 🙂
So you’ve got 24 this week hehehe.
I listen to Moodscapes on Dish TV
often while writing. The music is
relaxing with no words to clutter
my mind. I will also often listen to
Spa radio on Dish as well. It’s
also very peaceful. In Texas I used
to listen to Musical Starstreams
and Spa radio is almost like that.
Oh well, enough with the rambling.
Time to begin my search for that
not so elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you a most joyful
weekend or whatever is left of it
and a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. OK, where are you
hiding ya little varmint? So far
your hiding places have been sort
of lame. Hmm, let’s see how you
did this week 🙂 Oh for crying out
loud, and I’m not supposed to see
you behind a CLEAR bottle of eye
wash. Sheesh, try practicing at
your hiding skills, because as of
now you seem to have none LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22+2 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
plus my Aunt Anna’s birthday poem

Birthday For Anna
Happy Birthday Oct 22

This day brings sunshine
as time frames unfold
a birthday for Anna
with memories of old.
You’ve been a blessing
to share of your days
and love me as family
giving your praise.
A birthday for Anna
my aunt that I love
for sharing your blessings
from Lord God above.
This day is so wondrous
that finds you in prayer
a birthday for Anna
with God’s love and care.
True we haven’t always
been close now and then,
but time brought together
our heartbeats agin.
My loving mothers sister
and sweet aunt to me
takes on a journey
throughout history.
So I wish for you Anna
the best time this day
a Heaven sent journey
as life goes its way.
I’m sure time will find us
as our life adjourns
and the book of life opens
with new found discerns.
So happy birthday Anna,
I hope it’s the best,
for you are most surely
an aunt that was blessed.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 21, 2015

A Timeless Scene

An escapade
to timeless where
becomes a dream
to see an share.
A timeless scene
that comes alive
finds the rhythms
in the tide.
A simple place
where time recoils
to the sights
of different soils.
Places faces
gathered true
a timeless scene
the greatest hue.
Things remembered
long ago
a timeless scene
is a picture show.
Photo albums
seem alive
a timeless scene
that does survive.
Now as shadows
filled with glee
a timeless scene
is history.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Years From Now

Blessings come
and time moves on
as they turn
to here and gone.
Years from now
we might recall
a time of joy
we had a ball.
Yet that doorway
is now closed
with a new door
to propose.
Life might seem
to be unfair,
but we might be
Many moments
come to be
as confusion
we can’t see.
Just like oceans
waves of time
years from now
might be divine.
Those memories
that come and go
years from now
might find their flow.
Blessings displayed
then and able
might just find
a different label.
Things we thought
that were so true
years from now
have different hue.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Salt And Pepper

Different colors
black and white
often are
ones only sight.
Salt and pepper
shake around
many flavors
to be found
God’s creations
many colors
black and white
and some others.
Brothers sisters
you and I
should not wish
for ones to die.
God gave us
a chance to live
salt and pepper
to forgive.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Doorway Of White

Morning comes open
as a doorway of white
when winters snowflakes
create their own sight.
Floating down one by one
landing in place
the doorway of white
is there to embrace.
Each one created
uniquely to see
in a doorway of white
that God gave for free.
Each tiny snowflake
gives me a smile
a Christmastime sight
to land and compile.
A doorway of white
shows joy from above
a Christmastime scene
as white as a dove.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

On The Walls

Markings are displayed
as our emotions
sometimes concoctions
of our own notions.
Found on the walls
are markings of time
scenes recognized
as a wondrous design.
Yet many markings
are just a sight
seen on the walls
in a moment of light.
Our mind might create
what seems to appear
found on the walls
what seems to be clear.
Yet looking closely
you might surely find
the markings on the walls
are just in your mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Tomorrow’s Breeze

Winds of emotions
display in the trees
found as beginnings of
tomorrow’s breeze.
Today brings the chances
that tomorrow holds
found as the second hand
surely unfolds.
Minutes are gathered
as breezes will blow
found as tomorrow then
comes into flow.
Winds of emotions
find their own way
to display as a moment
connecting each day.
Then as the second hand
shows with much ease
the sights are ready for
tomorrow’s breeze.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Pint Sized Dreams

Seen so small
some dreams of time
might just hide
a large design.
Hidden within
a moments sleep
a simple dream
might be so deep.
Maybe pint sized
seen by you
a dream might be
much bigger true.
A dream at night
or found at day
might seem pint sized
in a way.
Yet some times
our largest themes
might just be
some pint sized dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Winter’s Smile

Found through winter
winds will blow
then with Christmas
some see snow.
Winter’s smile comes
with a phase
cold winds blowing
nights and days.
Christmas journeys
come in place
with the footsteps
seasons taste.
Beginning with a
cold design
then is displayed
Seen by Christmas
for a while
is the sight of
winter’s smile.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Silent Wings

Across the sky
a bird is seen
flying like
a distant dream.
Winds of time
beneath it flow
as silent wings
go to and fro.
Fluttering as
a speechless word
silent wings
carry the bird.
Distant places
come alive
as silent wings
then to contrive.
Flying like
some distant dreams
the bird is found
with silent wings.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2015

Deep Still Blue

With clouds of white
in distant sky
there is some blue
with its reply.
A deep still blue
with phases seen
some found flowing
like a stream.
The open sky
displays its game
with blues and grays
that times attain
Seasons find
so many days
a deep still blue
in many ways.
The daily sky
discerns its hue
often as
a deep still blue.
Yet so often
it is seen
only in
a moments dream.
The deep still blue
is always there,
maybe hidden
days affair.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2015

for Oct 24, 2015

The winds of journeys
display their efforts in time
as the leaves will blow.

Misty morning days
often find themselves as life
to water the plants.

Dismembered choices
from delusions of grandeur
might one day be right.

Between you and I
holds some pathways united,
but might never see.

A storm cloud of change
can turn into a rainbow
if it’s meant to be.

Looking for true love
might find you in confusion
when you awaken.

Walking down a road,
shadows can become footsteps
as fear in the night.

From now unto then
our lives might find mysteries
that time makes more clear.

As the sun rises
it gives way for a new day
to be discovered.

is the pathway to rainbows
through our hurricanes.

A rose found in spring
might last through summer and fall,
but die in winter.

Ones lost perception
will leave them looking downwards
and not looking up.

Misleading people
build their stories through fabric
that’s woven from lies.

Countless are snowflakes
that find themselves falling down
searching for others.

Mindset illusions
are as a desert of time
found as mirages.

A stargazers sight
finds a story up above
that many don’t see.

Within ones heartbeat
holds the patterns of a drum
with its own rhythm.

Beyond the starlight
many worlds are awaiting
to be discovered.

Life is not as clear
as we would like it to be,
for we still don’t know.

God helps our journeys
to find the right directions,
but we must listen.

A doorknob to turn
might have problems sat in wait,
so look for the signs.

Various chances
come with good or bad choices
to lose or to gain.

When loved ones pass on
it often tears at our hearts,
but they are not gone.

Sea dreams of passion
come forth as waves of hopeful
seeking completion.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2015

My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Crashes Ashore


Hello my friends

It’s been a bit of a weather change for us
up this ways. Yep, it started snowing a bit
yesterday and has been snowing off and
on today. LOL Fall was a short visit LOL.
Rocky got to get his first glimpse of snow.
I took him and Benny out for a field trip in
it yesterday. of course it was only about
an inch deep at most, but it was still his
first sight of that white stuff. It seemed
that Rocky loved it. Him and Benny made
a mad dash out to the field leaving me in
my snowy tracks hehehe. Rocky would
stop ever so often to let me catch up, but
Benny wasn’t waiting for nobody hehehe.
Judy took pictures of us from inside the
house. I took a few pictures as well as
a video of them playing and running in
the snow. It will be interesting to see
how Rocky reacts to the deep stuff that
will come later on LOL. Only time will
tell. Anyways, as I told you in my last
journal, Judy and I took the boys and
headed up north of us a bit Tuesday to
find some fall scenes to take pictures of.
Of course there are a few right outside
our door and no sooner than we hit the
road we started seeing great fall colors.
Yep, we made a day of it riding around
looking for places to park the car and
get out to take pictures. I took pictures
Wednesday of our drive to town as I do
every time we head to Houlton to do a
bit of shopping or whatever and I got
quite a few nice fall pictures. So this
time my stationery will be full of fall
pictures. I’ve already uploaded a few
to my Facebook profile. This little bit
of snow that has fallen might just melt
away in a day or so, being it has not
been a steady freezing temperature for
long enough to keep it from melting,
but it’s getting there LOL. My weather
program says that it’s supposed to be
23 F degrees by tomorrow morning 🙂
So far our radiator heaters are doing
well at keeping our bedroom and PC
room warm. We’re not too concerned
about the rest of the house, being it
isn’t cold enough yet to freeze the pipes
and we spend most of our time in the
PC room on our computers when we’re
not in bed trying to get some sleep or
watch TV. One of my buddies that I
used to work with at Weatherford in
Greenville sent me a message a few
days ago saying that he might pop up
here to see me while he is on his own
picture taking drive looking for fall
foliage. I gave him our phone number
to call if he makes it up so we can go
and lead him out here or maybe give
him directions how to get out here 🙂
He called about an hour or so ago and
said he might not make it up this far
north, but he was in New Hampshire
headed for Portland Maine. So, we
shall see. It would be nice to see Curtis
and visit with my old friend. We had
a nice chat on the phone. LOL Benny
is right behind me talking to Judy and
it’s getting hard to think and write. He
has turned into quite the little talker 🙂
We’ve got a few videos of him talking
to us. He talks mostly to Judy trying
to get her to give him treats hehehehe.
Rocky is often yammering at Benny 🙂
He changes the octaves of his voice
trying to say come and play with me,
but it never comes out right hehehehe.
These boys are some little gabbers and
we love them. It looks like the sun has
made itself known as it is now partially
peeking out from behind the clouds 🙂
Oops, it’s gone again. LOL it comes
and it goes. All I can say is, winter is
knock, knock knocking on our front
door. Milo’s birthday is Oct 31 which
is Halloween. We miss him. He was a
good brother and teacher for Benny.
Benny learned quite a lot from his big
brother. Now it’s Benny’s turn to be
the teacher. LOL but it seems Rocky
is not wanting to learn. Sort of like
Benny was, but maybe he’s learning,
but just not letting on the fact hehehe.
One day this week we’ve gotta get out
and put away the dogs kiddy pool and
doghouse along with our picnic table
and chairs. Time to put them under the
tarp for next year before the water in
the pool freezes solid LOL. I just got
done fixing Judy, I and the boys some
breakfast. We’re all done eating and
now it’s back to my rambling. LOL
Judy turned up the radiator heater
when I left the room to fix breakfast,
because it was a little chilly in here,
but when I came back in to bring in
our breakfast it was a little too warm
so I had to turn the heater down a bit.
It doesn’t take much to heat this room
being that our PC monitors put out
a bit of heat as well. So, this is one
of the reasons we hang out in here so
much especially during wintertime 🙂
God has kept His Mighty hands over
us protecting us. I feel blessed to be
able to see and enjoy the scenery that
comes into frame as the seasons all
take shape. Me being a photographer
helps me to look even closer to see the
smallest of things that so many never
see, because they’re too busy to look.
Often the obvious beauty is not the
best, for something tinier can out do
the beauty of the obvious. Look closer
at the world and find the beauty that’s
not all that large. A tiny snowflake
or a leaf floating in the wind. Watch
the ripples of a pond and see how they
might seem alive at times. An ocean
wave can become a mesmerizing sight
as it crashes ashore. Don’t let the big
things to prevent you from seeing the
smallest of beauty. God has given us
so very much to find peace within.
Now I believe it’s time for me to be
taking my little trip back through all
that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title of today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that place
of my recollection that I always like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think
I may have found a decent title just a
few lines back, but now to see if I can
write a poem that makes any sense
using it hehehe. Here goes…..

Crashes Ashore

Scenes of an ocean
come into play
with waves becoming
a magical way.
The sounds they make
with each new tide
are dreams of scenes
an ocean wide.
They give the essence
of God’s Own world
that crashes ashore
with times unfurled.
Bringing in peaceful
to fill up the pain
that crashes ashore
with times to attain.
The oceans depth
becomes but a wave
that crashes ashore
on distant days.
Each scenes connected
to that of much more
the waves are creating
with crashes ashore.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 18, 2015

So, how was that hehehe. As you might
have guessed, I’m reminiscing our times
down at Port Aransas Texas as well as
the year that I lived down there. Judy
and I always loved the sights and sounds
of the waves crashing ashore. We took
many pictures and videos each time we
went down there and we both miss that
place terribly. Maybe one day we will
return to stroll in the waves and watch
them crash ashore again. I haven’t much
else to tell you at least that I can recall
other than our landlord finally got the
old mobile home moved and the newer
one put in place. LOL it’s not new by
a long shot, but it’s in a little better
condition than the old one was hehehe.
Anyways, that’s about all I have to
tell you, of course aside from what I
tell you almost every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, I wrote 10 poems, but this time
I seem to have gotten caught in a little
whirlwind of thoughts and wrote 2 extra.
3 of the poems are sort of Christmassy.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all of
the haiku lovers out there. I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. So, now I believe it’s time
for me to be searching for that not
so illusive off switch, but not before
I wish you a most wonderful weekend
or whatever’s left of it and a truly
blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where are ya hiding this time you
little whippersnapper? I know, you
think you didn’t have time to find a
good hiding spot because I wrote
my last journal but only 4 days ago,
but if you recall, you didn’t even try
to hide. So, now as I search my desk
it seems that I see something moving
from behind my orange juice glass 🙂
For Heavens sake, there are plenty
of good hiding spots, but you choose
a glass of orange juice of which I’m
drinking LOL. You can be so dumb
at times. Try harder next week, OK.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+2 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Beneath A Word

A simple thought,
a simple word
might just be
a bit misheard.
Beneath a word
of something said
might not be
what’s in ones head.
Hidden meanings
not so true
beneath a word
might be askew.
Simple patterns
phrases found
might be heard
a wrongful sound.
Beneath a word
might be confused
with what all
you’ve always used.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Times Forgotten

Long ago
from where and when
times forgotten
did begin.
Things so precious,
yet now found
times forgotten
sight and sound.
Then some photos
come in view
times forgotten
show so true.
Often with
a lack of color
times forgotten
are no other.
Echoes seeming
like a stage
times forgotten
withered page.
But the moments
comes alive
times forgotten
will survive.
Living in
a photograph
times forgotten
Patterned pictures
bring the joy
times forgotten
girl or boy.
Life moves forwards
leaving some
times forgotten
beating drum.
So don’t let
your life fall pray
times forgotten
better day.
Take the time
to look to see
times forgotten
A picture taken
can enhance
times forgotten
song and dance.
Childhood days
of good and rotten
might bring joy from
times forgotten.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

A Sky of Praise

Beneath the sky
there is a sight
times of darkness
and of light.
A stage is set
for ones to see
a sky of praise
so wonderfully.
Each passing day
becomes a view
with mornings sun
to times anew.
A sky of praise
becomes what’s seen
often found
within a dream.
The seasons show
a time to be
a sky of praise
for you and me.
Enhanced by God
so high above
a sky of praise
is filled with love.
Even storm clouds
give a show
when they’ve left
a big rainbow.
A sky of praise
is Heaven sent
seen as many
times accent.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

A Winter Smile

With Christmas music
coming soon
a winter smile
will come in tune.
The sight of snow
upon the ground
a winter smile
will then be found.
Christmas essence
till that day
comes in view
a wondrous way.
The sight of snow
so pure and white
will show scenes
of Santa’s flight.
A winter smile
with many scenes
twinkling lights
reds, blues and greens.
Songs of Jesus
and His joy
a winter smile
then does employ.
Joyful thinking
many find
a winter smile
of Christmastime.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Dreaming Of Snowflakes

The seasonal echoes
of all that I know
are found in my mind
with dreams of white snow.
Remembering passed days
of seasonal hues
with me mesmerized by
my wintertime view.
Dreaming of snowflakes
and Christmas to come
gives me the heartbeat
of Jesus The Son.
Each mornings sunrise
is found to recall
things I had dreamed of
summer to fall.
True in the springtime
my dream is still there,
but I’m enjoying
the sights everywhere.
But starting in summer
my mind comes alive
dreaming of snowflakes
a Christmastime size.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

A Life Of Mysteries

Hearts of a moment
connect with a while
a life of mysteries
bringing a smile.
Discerning a heartbeat
as what that’s there
might be a mystery
maybe not fair..
A life of seasons
with mysteries true
is often mistaken
for yesterdays view.
A life of mysteries
might clearly be seen
when it’s the time
to know what it means.
Yet as a minute
an hour goes by
a life of mysteries
continues to fly.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Above And Beyond

Life as a doorway
opens and shuts
giving some blessings
and often some cuts.
God gives us passage
above and beyond
blessings to find when
our life moves on.
Searching for glimmers
of blessings unique
God’s Son Lord Jesus
will give us a peek.
Yet many pathways
our lifestyles alight,
above and beyond
is a well hidden sight.
But as we wonder
what goodness can be
above and beyond
might show sights to see.
Then with good choices
our lives can be found
above and beyond
on God’s Solid Ground.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Withered Passages

A long list of choices
of withered emotions
is often displayed as
sharks in our oceans.
Passages baggage’s
carried for miles
can become heavier
stealing our smiles.
Each thing remembered
without any peace
shows withered passages
needing release.
God is with prayerful,
we just need to pray
and let those withered
to find peace today.
Search for the lessons
that should of been learned
in withered passages
that you’ve discerned.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Windowsill Snow

The taste of winter
finds a flight
scenes of snowflakes
in my sight.
Upon my daydreams
I can find
windowsill snow
of Christmastime.
A journey of eyes
within my dreams
windowsill snow
enlightens the scenes.
The passage of time
with snowflakes of white
a taste of winter
I do so delight.
My heart is beating
in a wanting array
for windowsill snow
of that winters way.
Christmastimes scenes
then falling in place
my windowsill snow
with a happy face.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Then Is Gone

Time has passed
and then is gone
as life finds
another dawn.
Good and bad
from days ago
might just be
what need let go.
Then is gone
and now is here
time has found
another year.
Don’t let then
to hold you back
and leave you now
a bit off track.
Find the strength
to just move on
to better days,
for then is gone.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

I Have Found

My life has grown
through troubles path,
I have found
as aftermath.
Lessons learned
from what I’ve done
I have found
a better sun.
Life through ages
in and out
I have found
what they’re about.
Though so rocky
were the roads,
I have found
my lessons loads.
With each day
I’m giving praise,
for I have found
the better days.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

Fall Fades Away

Winter is here now
as fall fades away
bringing its snowflakes
and their great display.
Floating so brilliantly
down from the sky
fall fades away
with winters reply.
Scenes come alive
as snow billows on,
on through the day
from dusk unto dawn.
Leaves that had changed
to colors so bright
found they were seasons
faded from sight.
Many took pictures
of autumns display
to remember through winter
when fall fades away.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 17, 2015

for Oct 16, 2015

Mornings emotions
can make or destroy your day,
for it is your choice.

The sight of a bird
will give us thoughts of springtime
found after winter.

A simple pattern
might become what’s good or bad
if it is needed.

Breathing in a breath
needs you to exhale the old
to make room for new.

Life is many things
that we might not understand,
for they are not us.

Seen through binoculars
a distant star might amaze,
though it is long gone.

Patience in others
is often very painful,
for some never learn.

Milestones of journeys
often display memories
of the days gone by.

An ocean has waves
with many stories to tell
that we can’t perceive.

Knowledge of others
does not mean that you know them,
but you know of them.

Various ideas
will come together as bombs
exploding with egos.

Love of a moment
can prevent you from changing
and finding better.

A glorified mind
might not be as smart as thought
when truth is exposed.

A hair follicle
holds a persons DNA,
not personality.

Tornadoes of life
display their destruction
often much later.

Hoping for better
needs some action on your part
to help it along.

The words on a sign
do not always speak the truth,
for they might be lies.

Tomorrow morning
needs us to release today
and look for the smiles.

Farmers harvesting
show a pattern in their styles
with what they planted.

Venturing outdoors
you will need to be prepared
for what that awaits.

Pages of our life
might display some weathering
through paths we’ve chosen.

Listening for wind
could find you staring blindly
not seeing the sights.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2015

My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Moments Perception


Hello my friends

Well, the weekend was hectic being that our
landlord accidentally cut our DSL line and left
us without internet. He was trying to move the
old mobile home from behind us and he snared
our internet line with his backhoe. We are waiting
for Pioneer to come and get us reconnected. So,
I put off writing all of this until today (Monday).
They are supposed to come tomorrow morning
and see about getting us back on line and if they
charge us, our landlord will most assuredly be
hearing about it and it will come off of our next
months rent. I hope that’s not the issue, being
I would prefer not to cause a scene. Anyways,
hopefully I will be able to send this tomorrow
(Tuesday). If not, then I’ll get it out whenever.
Anyways, other than that, life has been fairly
well. Our Grandson Christian came over and
spent Saturday and Saturday night with us. We
watched Dragon Ball Z videos for most of the
evening Saturday LOL. Being we could not
get on line, we watched DVDs. We had a nice
visit. Today I moved our VCR player into our
PC room. That way if we want to watch some
of our old movies, we can. We’ve gotten to
where we watch more TV in here than we do
in our bedroom. Especially now that we can’t
get on the internet LOL. Hopefully though that
is rectified soon. Friday night along with the
loss of our internet, our electricity was knocked
out due to a wind and rain storm. They got it
back online in a few hours. I keep flashlights
and a battery powered lantern ready for such
encounters. Right now our landlord has the
replacement mobile home stuck in the middle
of the driveway heading to the main road LOL.
We’ve gotta drive around it. I hope he gets
that fixed soon 🙂 So, other than all of that,
I guess life has been pretty good. Judy went
to her sisters house Thursday and all of her
sisters have a craft day once a month. They
made photo albums this time. Next month
will be dream catchers. Me and the boys
always just hang out together. Sometimes
I’ll take them out for a field trip or just sit
in the house and enjoy the day. They keep
me entertained with their running around
playing chase and wrestling LOL. Right now
Judy and I are watching Family Feud hehehe.
The Voice comes on at 9 PM EST. We love
to watch that, although we had problems
watching it last week due to NBC being put
into hiatus for about a week, but it’s back
now, but it’s not a local NBC. It’s NBC
out of New York, but none the less it’s the
same time zone as us. We do love to watch
our TV programs LOL. We managed to do
some catch up on The Voice last week with
Dish On Demand, but even that ceased due
to the loss of our internet. Oh yea, here’s
some news. Benny has been learning how
to talk and he is getting better every day 🙂
He tries really hard to pronounce syllables.
LOL he is so cute. The different octaves
that he reaches trying to say words. Milo
used to try to talk also, but Benny has gone
and surpassed him 🙂 Benny was paying a
lot of attention to Milo and he learned a lot.
Now if Rocky would just start learning from
Benny hehehe. I guess in time he will learn.
We’re watching The Voice right now and I’m
writing a little during commercials hehehe.
I just stopped to go and look and see what
the temperature outside is. According to
the thermometer it’s 48 F degrees right now.
I have no clue to how cold it’s supposed to
get tonight or tomorrow, being without
my weather programs on my PC that need
internet. I watched the Weather Channel
on TV earlier, but I’ve forgotten what it
said LOL. I probably should just forget
about this weeks journal and write one
next Sunday, but I’ve done got started 🙂
so continue I shall. Rocky is behind us
now playing with his squeaky toys 🙂 Him
and Benny have been wrestling around in
the floor behind Judy and I. Those little
boys truly love one another and Rocky
totally loves the doggy toys. Benny and
Milo had one or two of their favorites, but
Rocky seems to love them all. LOL we
have to take them back to the toy boxes
quite often, because this room gets filled
with them. Rocky brings them in one at
a time until everywhere you step, there’s
a squeaky toy hehehe. Judy and I are
planning on a fall color drive soon. We
do that every year. Hopefully we can find
some great colors to catch on camera.
We’ve caught many in the past. I’m sure
that the winter snow isn’t faraway. Judy
thinks I’m crazy to be excited to see the
first winters snow LOL. Hehehe I want
to test out my new snow blower, plus
the snow gives everything a magical glow.
I also love the fall colors, because they
give the distant scenes a Walt Disney feel.
This year seems to have just flown on by,
but then earlier this year it seemed to be
going in slow motion hehehe, so I guess
it’s just the moments perception. The
shadows of then often find themselves
with things that we had forgotten, but
bring us memories. I thank God for all
of the things I have experienced up here.
Of course much of it was painful, but
it helps me to remember the good times.
We’ve each got a time or 2 in our lives
that we remember as only nightmares,
but it’s with those nightmares that we find
the blessings uncovered. I will often find
myself wishing that my past hadn’t of
happened, but then remember that it’s
with my past that I have become stronger
and I would not have anything to share.
I do regret taking paths that I took in my
life, but I realize that there is nothing
that can be done about them except to
learn from the bumpy roads. My future
is a path with brand new footsteps to
be made. You can make a better life
for yourself, by not allowing the past
to become your daily nightmares, but
turn it into dreams through the lessons.
Thank You God for all that you have
done for Judy and I. You have blessed
us so much and these 2 little boys that
You put into our lives bring us peace
when stress is so alive. Have you got
a past that tends to haunt you and fill
you with despair? If so, then why not
let God to help you find the lessons
and the joy that you have overlooked
due to the hauntings. Blessings are
present, but you might not see them
due to your focus on the past. OK, so
I just called Pioneer up and they said
they will have to merge with our phone
company in efforts to fix what our dear
landlord messed up, so it means that
we will be without internet for at least
2 more days. In this case I might not
be able to send until maybe Friday, so
I might just wait and skip last Sundays
and send it this Sunday 🙂 . I just got a
call from Pioneer and they said that they
will be working with our phone company
tomorrow and get us back on line, but
we shall see LOL. In any case, I might
not publish this until Sunday, but time
will tell. Judy and I are fixing to head
out for a drive to search for some fall
colors to take pictures of. We’re back.
We went up north of us and found some
great fall colors though we ran into a bit
of rain hehehe, but that didn’t stop us 🙂
If we get back on line tomorrow which
is Wednesday, I might just go ahead
and finish and send this and get ready
to start on more poems and haiku for
next Sunday hehehe. Once again, we
shall see LOL. Well we’re back on line
today (Wednesday). I might go ahead
and send this today LOL. I have a few
pictures from last week that I’m wanting
to use for stationery. I’ll wait and use
the fall pictures we took in this coming
Sundays Journal that I picked out from
all of the pictures we took yesterday
(Tuesday) on our fall drive. I hope you
don’t mind :), but if you do, so sorry :).
So, I guess it’s time for me to begin
my search for a word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. Therefore it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that I
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I hope it comes out making sense 🙂
Here goes……

Moments Perception

With but a minute
a moments perception
might be because of
a times recollection
Scenes we remember
from decades ago
a moment might display
as on going woe.
Yet many viewpoints
are seen as surprise
a moments perception
with shadowy eyes.
Sometimes a minute
a moment displays
brings us conclusions
found distant days.
A moments perception
might just be found
with someone looking
filled with confound.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 14, 2015

There ya go. I hope you understood the
poem and my rambling didn’t lose ya LOL.
Hehehe I began my rambling Monday so
that makes this a 3 day journal hehehehe.
The weather is fairly nice today, but still
a little cloudy. It was misting on me a bit
when I was outside with the internet guys.
The temperature is going up and down as
each day goes by hehehe. Right now it’s
61 F degrees and supposed to get down
to 36 F by Thursday morning. We have
a chance for some snow this weekend,
but that could all change with the drop
of a hat LOL. So, start dropping your
hats people 🙂 We’re not quite ready
for wintertime. I still need to put some
more money on heating all, before we
will get a delivery. They don’t deliver
less than 100 gallons without charge.
If you want less it will cost 30 dollars
to deliver it. We live a long ways out
of town hehehe. The phone company
had trouble finding our road, being
that our dear not so dear landlord
knocked the road sign down and has
never put it up. I take that back, he
put it back up a while back before he
pulled this trailer in and knocked it
down again and he has yet to of put
it back up again. The phone guy
was just a tad upset. He said that
he drove passed our road 3 times
before he got notice of the trailers
and got curious. He asked the guy
across the road where our road was
and he pointed across the road. He
said it’s not actually a road, but a
long driveway LOL. It’s looking like
Calvin (our landlord) has almost got
the mobile home backed into its spot.
LOL the pioneer guy said it’s not the
first nor second or third time that he
has messed up the wires with his
bad backhoe driving LOL. He keeps
us entertained for sure. So I reckon
it’s time for me to tell you what I tell
you almost every week, but not so
late in the week hehehe and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems, but none
are Christmas poems. I might right
some next time. I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. So now
I guess it’s time for me to be searching
for that not so illusive off switch, but
not before I wish you a most wonderful
week or the next day or 2. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where is that confounded off swtich
hiding at this time. LOL, it looks as
though he wasn’t aware that he was
supposed to hide being so late in the
week hehehe. He’s sitting right on top
of the F8 button on my keyboard LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

The Far Sky

With every distance
a scene is displayed
some as a painting
so Heavenly made.
Some might be found
a little obscured
filled with the presence
of God reassured.
The far sky is seen
sometimes as pure blue
filled with the blessings
of Lord God so True.
So many moments
might not be so clear
the far sky above
of year after year.
It takes a little faith
to unlock many doors
and find what can be
as a true heart explores.
The far sky above
is a place filled with love
with a stairway that leads
to Heaven above.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Reliving The Years

Time in a bubble
floats to the skies
and might just burst
as tears in ones eyes.
Scenes of a decade
or more that are found
might just dissolve
to the dirt on the ground.
Then as an echo
you might find a day
that seems the same
as ones faraway.
Having a picture
with time stamps upon
helps to remember
the times that are gone.
Some as a heartbeat
filled with your tears
and ones with smiles
reliving the years.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Indigo Skies

Morning brings glimmers
of indigo blue
with a little purple
found in its hue.
The beauty becomes as
a photo to take
of indigo skies
as a beautiful lake.
Waves of a passion
attracting a glance
of indigo skies
with colors romance.
Each minute passing
brings more to see
of indigo skies
that God gave for free.
My eyes are locked on
and can’t look away
from indigo skies
of a blessings filled day.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Little Thoughts

Beyond a sentence
words are said
little thoughts
inside our head.
Things we’ve thought,
but did not say
little thoughts
from day to day.
Those little thoughts
might seem to come
as the sound
of a beating drum.
Though sometimes
those thoughts might need
a sound in time
to help succeed,
but so often
thoughts we find
might just need
a rested mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Answers To Come

Winds of questions
blow around
seeking answers
up and down.
Answers to come
might be so slow
within our patience
needing to know.
Words spoken quickly
might not be right,
as the days change
from day to night.
Answers to come
are as ticking clocks
second hands moving
a minute walks.
Hours and days
might surely succumb
lessons from life
as answers to come.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Living For Others

Allowing another
to be all you are
will limit your life
to minutes by far.
Living for others
and not for yourself
might put you on
an old dusty shelf.
It’s OK to love
and want to display
your life for someone
a wonderful way,
but don’t lose yourself
in passings of time
and then forget how to
make up your mind.
If you need change
to let go of trials
change for yourself
and you’ll last the miles.
For if for someone
you change who you are,
then the path of change
won’t go very far.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

The First Snowflake

Soon winters mornings
will be paved with white
as the first snowflake
meets more in flight.
The glistening essence
of snow floating down
becomes as a painting
seen all around.
The day will blossom
more snow to fall
as the first snowflake
connects with them all.
The season will become
a magical scene
white snow to gather
on most everything.
The first snowflake finds
a family so grand
as it is joined
with more where I stand.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Peace In The Mirror

When filled with anger
a peace can be found
when looking in the mirror
and seeking higher ground.
Let God to guide you
and help you see clearer
as you seek blessings
peace in the mirror.
Don’t let your anger
to reflect all the while.
Look in the mirror
and then give a smile.
Let that smile blossom
into the real thing.
Peace in the mirror
will help you to sing.
Lose that old frowny face,
let smiles be clearer
as you find life with
peace in the mirror.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Filled With Stars

Night brings blessings
filled with stars
seeming like road maps
magical cars.
Driving through the sky
with starlight cuisine
and some with a twinkle
of a bright tangerine.
Sought by a gazer
the night sky of black
has there within it
stars smiling back.
The sky’s filled with stars
that make up the night
sometimes becoming
a magical sight.
Often the night sky
seems to display
things we can look at
to God as we pray.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

Fear Of The Dark

Many will worry
and fear in the night
what that is hidden
without any light.
Yet often darkness
holds all the same
as that in daylight,
but without flame.
Fear of the dark
can be understood
if what you fear
is just not no good.
But many times though
fear is just there,
because of the darkness
found everywhere.
Remember a blind man
lives in the dark
not seeing daylight
or faces remark.
So think of darkness
as just but a phase
maybe with the same
that’s seen in the days.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

for Oct 9, 2015

Each day has doorways
that have good and bad in them,
so choose them wisely.

An ocean of life
comes as a pathway so deep
that’s beneath the waves.

Discerning faces
might find you making mistakes
with what that you thought.

Love can be crazy
as people are united
with different styles.

When catching your breath
you’ll need to lose the old one
to get a new one.

Beyond mysteries
lives the excitement ones find
in being surprised.

Adding one and two
does not always get you three,
for sometimes it’s one.

Looking for peaceful
in the backyard of right now
might need you to pray.

Various turnstiles
will open and close with time
showing good and bad.

Changing your lifestyle
could find you with confusion
from what you don’t know.

Energy of life
can be much stronger with God
and decreased without.

Stepping stones of now
will often find us stumbling
teaching us lessons.

The need of ego
is that of a lesser thing
than being happy.

A flower that grows
leaving others just to die
will be real lonely.

Money causes pain
as its value grows too large
and loses what’s best.

Within a shadow
there might be another one
needing to be seen.

Reliving past days
could turn into a nightmares,
due to bad timing.

Mornings beginning
comes with new choices to make
and dealing with them.

A deer that frolics
finds harmony in its life
as it is grazing.

We as humans seek,
but often have not a clue
of what we’re after.

Inside of a song
could be different meanings
that others perceive.

When some awaken
they start the day off angry
without good reason.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2015

My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Little Paws


Hello my friends

How have you been? Judy and I have been
doing fairly well. We had a nice day Friday
on our 14 year wedding anniversary. All we
did was went to Burger King and bought us
some burgers LOL. We’re having to sort of
conserve on money being I’m going to have
to put 400 dollars on heating oil. I’ve gotta
start now putting money on our oil so that
we will have enough heating oil to last us for
a while. Winter is knocking loudly on our
front door hehehe. This morning it was a
tad cold at 30 F degrees. I think we have
seen the last of warm weather this year 🙂
We might still have a day or so that slips
into the 70’s, but it’s not in the forecasts.
5-Day Forecast for New Limerick, Maine

Today: Partly Cloudy, High: 60 F, Low: 35 F

Mon: Partly Cloudy, High: 63 F, Low: 38 F

Tues: Sunny, High: 64 F, Low: 40 F

Wed: Mostly Sunny, High: 64 F, Low: 37 F

Thurs.: Sunny, High: 54 F, Low: 34 F

So that’s about all we will see for the next few
days until it starts getting colder which will most
assuredly happen as the weeks move along LOL.
Yep, even the leaves on the trees have begun
to change, but they still have a few days before
reaching their peak in changing. Judy and I are
preparing for our yearly drive to see if we can
find some nice colors to take pictures of. I hope
we find some great ones. Anyways, that’s our
future plans. Last Sunday night we managed
to get some good pictures of the super moon
and the eclipse/blood moon. The pictures are
not the greatest, but they are pretty good :).
We’ve posted a few on Facebook. I’ll put a
few in my stationery. We took the boys out
for another field trip early last week and they
have grown to love to do that. They’ve been
doing a lot of wrestling around in here. They
will roll around in the floor and play for hours.
If we open the door to let them out to run in
the house they’ll play chase back and forth
until they both drop in their tracks hehehe.
Yep, they act just like brothers. You might
look and think they are fighting, but they
are only playing. They’ll stop from time to
time to catch their breath and get a drink
of water and then they’ll be at it again LOL.
If Benny is resting and Rocky still wants to
play, Rocky will commence talking to him
in his little voice as we call it that sounds
sort of like Betty Davis LOL. Rocky is
slowly but surely grasping the concept of
going potty outside as he has begun his
own way of saying he’s gotta go potty
by either going to the door and staring
at it and then looking back at us or at
times when we are still asleep jumping
up and licking Judy on the face to tell
her hehehe being she’s on that side of
the bed LOL. I guess if he can’t get her
to wake up he’ll end up on my side of
the bed 🙂 He has also begun barking
at the front door when he is done and
ready to come in, almost the same way
Milo used to do 🙂 I wonder how he’s
gonna like snow? Hmm, Milo didn’t
care for it too much, but at times he
would go exploring in it. We shall see.
We got a bit of rain beginning late in
the night Monday which prevented us
from taking the boys out for another
field trip that week, but we’ll take
them out a few days this week as we
have planned. There’s no rain in the
forecast. The boys were doing their
wrestling a little while ago, but now
they are resting. I’m sure that they’ll
resume again with the wrestling match
later hehehe. Rocky will often just let
Benny win, but we both know that
Rocky can kick his butt if he wants
to LOL. We love to watch them play.
It makes our hearts sing. This house
would seem empty without the sound
of little paws running and playing 🙂
Judy’s daughter Helena finally got
a new car. Ok it’s not totally new,
but it’s newer than ours. Her old car
was falling apart. The doors were
barely hanging on and the windshield
wipers fell off and she put them in
the trunk, so yes, she needed a new
car. She bought a 2010 Mazda 6 🙂
I’m sure it will keep her on the road
for many years. I bought my Mazda
Protege in 1995 and it lasted us till
last year when we took a trip down
south to Texas in it and then it lost
a cylinder in Massachusetts and had
to drive the rest of the way to Texas
on 3 cylinders LOL. Through the
Appalachian Mountains yet hehehe.
We made it in one piece, old red
not so much LOL. Anyways, my
mom gave us her 2009 Nissan Rogue
and bought her a new one after her
saying there’s no way yall are going
to drive that Mazda back to Maine.
I miss my little red Mazda. It was
a part of my life for 19 years, but
it had done all that it could do and
it was time to let it go. We love
the Nissan. We started calling it
the Phantom, being phantom white
is the color of it 🙂 The boys love
to go for rides in it just as Benny
and Milo loved to go for rides in
old red. I stopped writing just a bit
ago and drove down to Cameron’s
Market which is just a little ways
down the road from us and yes I
took the boys. Judy and I wanted
some chips to eat. I almost shut the
door on Rocky not knowing that
he was headed out the door with
me hehehe. So I stuck my head
inside and said, who wants to go
with me, and Benny hopped off of
the recliner and joined Rocky as
they ran down the steps to the car.
I opened the back door and they
hopped right in. Gotta love them
boys 🙂 Anyways, during the rains
of last week we put the boys rain
gear on to help to keep then sort
of dry when they went out to go
potty hehehe. Their heads and
tails still got drenched LOL. Oh
well, we did our best. When they
came inside I towel dried them
which concurred to a little tug of
war between me and them. Both
of them tugging, but it seemed
they were having not only a tug
of war with me, but they were
having a tug of war with each
other LOL. That went on for a
while and Judy took pictures of it.
The towel was in a v formation as
I had the middle and they had a
hold of two corners LOL. God
has most surely blessed our home
as we have found another boy for
Benny that has turned out to be
a blessing. Thank You Lord for
all that you have done and shall
do in our lives. We might ever so
often take things for granted, but
we always remember Your Name
and how You have brought us all
together. If you have not allowed
God into your life yet, why not do
it today. You will still have many
struggles, but you will have God
to give you strength to make it
as He sends blessings your way.
Now I believe it’s time for me to be
taking my little trip back through
all that I have written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title of today’s
brand new poem. So, it’s away I
go to that place of my recollection
that I seem to always like to call
found a good title just a little ways
back. Now let’s see what I can do
with it hehehe. Here goes………

Little Paws

Tiny footprints
in the sand
run around
like hand in hand.
Little paws
without a grasp,
still grab hold
to do the task.
Both are brothers
different breeds
joined together
with their needs.
Loving brothers
their hurrahs
bounce around with
little paws.
Often playing
grasses green
then they might be
sights unseen.
In the bedroom
on our bed
bouncing around
the pillow head.
Pillows flying
to the floor
little paws then
play some more.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 4, 2015

Hehehe there ya go. That’s all I could
think of using that title hehehe. So, it
might not be one of my better poems. It
was what that got written. I hope you
enjoyed my rambling. If not, Oh well,
maybe next week! My friend Brian still
needs your prayers. He and his family
are going through some rough times
as he bouts with cancer in his brain
and elsewhere. I have lost so many
friends to that nasty disease. But, I
do know that there is a place waiting
for us each one when our time is up
within these fleshly bodies and that
is Heaven or Hell as the case might
be. It’s all up to us and our choices,
so choose wisely my friends. Hell is
an unending place of torment that
provides no peace. I happily await
my time for Heaven bound being
I know that I will see all those that
have gone on before me and those
that will be joining when their time
comes. My wife and our little boys
will be together again joined with
many others. LOL, OK Bill cease
the preaching. Better yet, stop now
before I get locked into rambles ville
once again. So, I guess it’s time for
me to be telling you what I tell you
almost every week and that is, I
wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems with one of em
being sort of Christmassy and one
being to Judy. I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now I
believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that not so elusive off
switch, but not before I wish you all
a most joyous weekend or whatever
is left of it and a blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. Ok, now where are you ya
little varmint? Last week and all the
previous weeks you’ve not seemed
to even try to hide. Hmm, looking
and searching as serious as a one
eyed dude can search hehehehehe.
Aha, I see ya. You did a little bit
better than normal, but still, it’s
not that great. Hiding behind my
glasses case would of worked if you
could possibly try and fight the urge
to poke your switch up to peek at
me LOL. You are so freaken silly 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Belief In True Love

Two hearts in an ocean
of true loves desire
found a sea vessel
with time to aspire.
The depth of the heartbeats
was found on display
as belief in true love
guided their way.
Two then in the waves
were sailing through time
hearts found concurring
in a wondrous design.
Belief in true love
was ripples in space
two found together
found face to face.
Two hearts in an ocean
found life the same
belief in true love
with the same name.
Joined with God’s blessings
the two became one
belief in true love
through Jesus God’s Son.
Then as their passageways
then gathered speed
belief in true love
gave all that they need.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

To Judy Ann Pearce
From William Earl Pearce II
Married October 2, 2001
I love you Judy <3

Shadows Of Joy

Seasonal moments
of so long ago
are now as shadows
with that Christmas glow.
Me as a young boy
with seasonal sun
singing of Christmas
and Jesus God’s Son.
Some songs of Santa
are sung day and night
joyful so joyful
a Christmas delight.
Wishing for such things
as white Christmas snow
and to hear sounds of Santa
with his HoHoHo
Dreaming of blessings
my favorite toy.
These are the things
that are shadows of joy.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015


Searching through the stars
a lonely soul flies
a voyager, a dreamer
in so distant skies.
The voyager might be
just searching in dreams
bouncing through the stars
that look just like streams.
A river is flowing
inside of their mind.
The voyager is seeking
a new life to find.
Searching through the stars
in a sequential pattern
sometimes real close
to the large rings of Saturn.
The voyager of nighttime
dreams of the stars
sometimes of Venus
and sometimes of Mars.
Then when awoken
in the darkness of night
the voyager looks up
and sees the starlight.
The cosmos partaken
that dreams had brought clear
the voyager saw as
their future year.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

A Moments Swan

Upon the ripples
of a wondrous pond
there just might be
a moments swan.
A picturesque scene
from dusk to dawn
the ripples display
a moments swan.
Pages are inlaid
as ripples so long
painted as Heaven
a moments swan.
The journey across
might be to spawn
within a season
a moments swan.
What’s seen and heard
is then soon gone
for it is done
a moments swan.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

Restful Soul

Peace is found
when in forgiveness
done before
the time to rest.
A restful soul
of now and then
is found amidst
the less of sin.
Yet a sinful
life occurs
with each life
each day concurs.
A restful soul
finds through some prayer
love of life
without despair.
The seasons found
might take their toll,
but prayer can find
a restful soul.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

A Candle In The Room

The lights might cease
with rain and wind blowing
and a candle in the room
show where you’re going.
A storm that’s displaying
scenes of such sights,
a candle in the room
provides us with lights.
For in the darkness
eyes have some trouble
finding a pathway
through all the rubble.
A candle in the room
prevents many scenes
like falling over stuff
and breaking many things.
The candle is the light
to display what’s true
like God and His Son
through things that you do.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

A Rising Tide

The moon at night
brings forth a plan
a rising tide
to where we stand.
The moments gained
with certain sights
as the waves are
in the nights.
The moon above
gives oceans rise
seeming as a
different size.
A rising tide
can seem to be
much more there
for eyes to see.
Yet the moonlight
closer found
brings the tide
much more aground.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

Reflecting Time

Some in sections
might just be
a minute ticking
that we see.
Times reflections
might become
a sight to see,
a beating drum.
Reflecting time
in its own way
might be lessons
day to day.
Some are speed bumps
some are walls
times reflections
trips and falls.
Reflecting time
is better seen
stop on red
and go on green.
Learning patterns
which to find
found within
reflecting time.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

Mist Of Dawn

When morning comes
and night moves on
there is the sight of
mist of dawn.
Dew drops dripping
from the plants
answers from their
nighttime chants.
The mist might seem
to be as rain,
but without
a clouds domain.
The mist of dawn
is great to see,
for it is
a gift for free.
A gift from God
to help display
a flowers bloom
April and May.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

The Mood Of Now

Within a second
moods might change
to a moment
seemed so strange.
The mood of now
might not be then,
for the path
might just transcend.
When in a moment
we might mistaken
what that’s good
to be partaken.
The mood of now
can surely be
the guiding path
to what you see.
Use the lessons
then has shown
the mood of now
that were so blown.
The mood of now
can change its face
as time moves on,
a different place.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

for Oct 3, 2015

Tomorrow’s journey
begins with steps made today,
so start your walking.

Life in a story
can be discerned many ways,
but the truth exist.

Summertime’s doorway
soon finds itself with an end
as Autumn begins.

The displays of love
will get misinterpreted
by ones they don’t know.

Bonding two heartbeats
needs God to be the true glue
to hold them intact.

Living on the edge
could cause you your destruction,
because you might fall.

Making tracks in snow
often loses its details
due to snow falling.

Echoes of summer
often come as memories
held deep within us.

Often perception
is confused by a moment
and how it happened.

Losing your marbles
over things that are long gone
will not give you peace.

Change is a story
that’s written as life goes on,
pages begun blank.

Flavors of ice cream
are for our differences
the same as we are.

Beyond the starlight
holds an imagination
that might just be true.

Morning with sunlight
is a door to the future
beginning right then.

Various people
discern things in their minds eye
that are just made up.

Frolicking with life
can turn around and bite you
if you’re not careful.

Beneath starry skies
holds a place for dreams to thrive
as you fall asleep.

Not teaching the truth
can one day become problems
that you might regret.

In a field of dreams
there is a chance for changes
that can come alive.

Yearning for what’s wrong
and following that feeling
might cause destruction.

A small country road
might seem to lead to nowhere,
but that is somewhere.

Deciphering meanings
often ends with confusion,
for the words are wrong.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2015

My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂