Hello my friends
How have you been? We’ve been doing pretty well, with
only a few little stumbling blocks :). We went to put up our
Christmas tree only to find that the whole lower half of the
bulbs were not working. The tree was a bit dingy looking
and all, so we decided to buy a new tree. This one is Green
with lights unlike the old one that was white with lights. Also
our old tree was 6 foot tall and this one is 7 foot tall. It was
a close call to be able to get the star on top of it hehehe, but
we managed. LOL we live in a single wide mobile home and
the ceiling isn’t but about 7 1/2 feet or so ;). Anyways, we
got it up. We love it :). It’s still white outside. We haven’t
had any new snow lately though, but who knows, we might
get a little bit this week. It tends to come unannounced from
time to time LOL. It’s only 35 F degrees right now which is
warm for up here, but tomorrows high is supposed to be in
the upper 20’s. Benny and Milo are doing well. They are
as ornery as ever LOL. I just let Benny back inside and
he was in a feisty mood hehehe. I gave him and Milo some
duck jerky because they’ve been good, plus it will maybe
make them leave me alone for a bit so I can finish writing.
It looks like I may have to fill up their water jugs in a bit,
but for now they’ll be OK. They’ve still got a little water
in them. Next topic :). I called my doctors office to tell
my doctor that my Advair wasn’t working too well and he
called in a prescription for a higher dosage and he also
prescribed me a rescue inhaler like I had been using for
many years. So now my breathing is sort of under control.
Bronchial Asthma is something I’ve been dealing with all
my life. Often when having an asthma attack I sound like
a steam ship whistle when I’m breathing hehehe. Judy
says it’s loud and I told her, you think it’s loud, how’d
ya like to be inside my head hehehe. Anyways, it seems
to be helping with the Advair and rescue inhaler. Now,
if I could only find some relief from this darned diarrhea
and arthritis LOL. I guess that’s something I’ll always
have to deal with being I was born with arthritis and I’m
lacking a colon and some small intestines hehehe. That’s
my life. Gotta love it LOL. I would swear that Milo is
trying to empty the water bowls just to make me have
to fill both of the water jugs hehehe. I think he’s part
leaky camel because he has to keep refilling :). He’d
never make it in the desert LOL. He drinks for a while
and then scratches on the door to go outside and pee.
Go figure hehehe. One thing for sure, he gets flushed
out. The vet said Milo’s OK, he’s just old and has a
weak bladder. I guess it’s something that many of us
have to deal with so Judy and I take turns letting him
outside to go pee and whatever else he might need to
do. Benny on most occasions goes out with him just to
play in the snow, but even he’s gotta go sometime LOL.
Milo is lying in the floor right behind me. Benny must
be in the living room on his favorite recliner or maybe
even lying under the Christmas tree looking up at the
lights. He does like to look at the lights. If ya haven’t
already figured out our schedule by now, it’s just me
and the boys again today as it is almost every Sunday.
I just went to check on Benny and he is lying on the
recliner where he can see the Christmas lights hehehe.
I took a picture of him while I was in there :). Milo
started to follow me until he saw me lean down and
pick up the camera. He then went back to his bed in
the floor and laid back down LOL. It didn’t work LOL.
I took a picture of him in his bed :). They have figured
out how to get their sweaters off. When they get tired
of wearing them you will see them slowly but surely
slipping them off LOL. Now if we could just teach them
to put them on and feed themselves. I’m pretty sure
that expecting them to turn the doorknob and open the
door to go out and potty is asking just a bit too much
huh hehehe :). We can’t install a doggie door for a few
reasons. One of which we are renting and another is
that the doggie door would be flapping in the breeze
being we have no wind break and another reason is it
would be snowing in the house and lastly it would be
useless because we never leave the front door opened.
So a doggie door in the screen door would be senseless.
Benny and Milo can’t manipulate the steps in the back
of our house. They’re just a tad too steep. Even I have
a bit of trouble going up and down them, so they don’t
get used much. There’s also more snow back there
being it is never plowed back there and the sun rarely
shines back there which means less snow to melt LOL.
Judy and I got up early Saturday morning or should I
say, I just stayed awake and we headed off to the new
Hannaford Grocery store opening that was at 7 AM.
They were handing out some cash cards for the first 200
customers. We got a 10 dollar cash card and Judy had
a 5 dollar off coupon that she had been saving so we
did our Christmas dinner shopping. We only forgot a
few things such as pumpkin pie, etc etc, but we can get
them another day. This is our favorite time of year.
We’ve been watching Christmas movies and listening
to Christmas music as well as sleeping to Christmas
music hehehe. This has always been a special time
to my family. My dad and me used to go and sing at
the candle light service Christmas Eve night. I miss
him tons, but I know that he is always watching over
me. Thank You God for all of the blessings that You
have given us. Your One and Only Son gave way for
all of us sinners to find a place in Heaven when our time
on Earth is done. I do not fear death, but welcome it
when it is time for me to shed this worn out body and
be with all of my friends and family that have gone on
before me. I know that You are always here for us
with Your Helping Hands to do what we are not able.
Now, I believe it’s time for me to stop my rambling
and begin my search for a word or phrase through all
that I’ve written here that I can use as the title for
today’s brand new poem. So, it’s away I go to that
little place of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I might of found me a
good title and now after checking, I see that I have
not used it YET, but now it shall be used hehehehe.
Here goes. I hope the poem makes sense.
Your Helping Hands
Days that we’ve struggled
to be what we’re not
often leaves doorways
to what we forgot.
God with Your Glory
You help us to find
the much better pathways
for all of mankind.
Yet there are many
that just look away
and do not seek You
in their day to day.
Your Helping Hands Lord
are there just awaiting
for us to lessen
our bad anticipating.
So many people
are like rubber bands
seeking their own way
not Your Helping Hands.
With times repeated
that snap in their face
Your Helping Hands are
still filled with grace.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 14, 2014
Ok, so there ya go. I hope you weren’t bored to death
with my rambling and the poem at least made a little bit
of sense to ya. My stomach is talking to me saying feed
me hehehe. I might feed me and the boys as soon as I’m
done with this. They’re not starving. They have 2 pans
in the floor with 2 different types of dried food if they are
hungry LOL. They aren’t crazy about it, but they’ll eat
it when they get hungry enough hehehehe. Begging for
treats will not always get them a treat. Sometimes it will
get them yelled at hehehe with me pointing at the pans in
the floor. Milo has learned that barking at me does not
work, so he will wait patiently, but there are times that
he will forget and bark at me which gets a look from me
that says, KNOCK IT OFF hehehe. Anyways, I think
it’s time for me to tell you what I tell you almost every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems, but this week with 9 of them
being Christmas poems :). I also once again wrote 22
haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope you
find one or two of either or both that you like. Now it’s
time for me to begin my search for that not so great at
hiding off switch, but not before I wish you a blessings
filled weekend or what that’s left of it and a safe and
God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. OK, so where are ya hiding this week ya silly
off switch? Hopefully you have tried just a little bit
harder at hiding. LOL Nope, just as lame as always.
Hiding behind my respirator ain’t so great, being that
I do use it from time to time ya know hehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless fro Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Northeast Full Moon
Through the wintery clouds above
this big ball does appear
high in the sky so late at night
this seasons time of year.
It glows as a big white snowball
that’s floating full of love
as December brings us Christmas
through the clouds up above.
The flavorful times emotions
are painted large and round
with twinkling stars of rhythms
and a magical Christmas sound.
The essence of that big round ball
is that of winters night
found within a moonlight dream
with Christmastime in sight.
The glowing ball of white above
seems to play a tune
Christmastime in New England
a sweet northeast full moon.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
Lost In Christmastime
Windows of children
are enhanced by their heart
created by believing
in a Christmas work of art.
The sadness of the past
is then laid to rest
as they’re lost in Christmastime
in their wintery quest.
Snowmen stand awaiting
for the scenes of such delight
while ones lost in Christmastime
seek that wondrous sight.
The stories of old Santa
and his reindeer will be told
while ones lost in Christmastime
watch it to unfold.
The pages turn to Jesus Christ
and manger filled with hay
with children lost in Christmastime
and thoughts about that day.
It’s that magical time of year
that comes alive with glee
and brings God’s joy and blessings found
in ones like you and me.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
Bells Of Christmas
With Christmas comes sounds
of jingling bells
found in the songs
that Christmas foretells.
The bells of Christmas
with a sleigh in the sky
ring that of Santa
with reindeer that fly.
Joyful the songs are
sung of much peace
while bells of Christmas then
give their release.
Scenes found so beautiful
as lights in the night
along with some displays
of God’s Holy Light.
Houses all decked out
with wonderful things
as the bells of Christmas
are Heavenly scenes.
It’s with this magical
time of the year
that the bells of Christmas
will ring so sincere.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
Looking For Hope
While many struggle
they seek for a sign
looking for hope
that’s in Christmastime.
Yet there are many
that struggle to breathe
looking for hope
that they can perceive.
They need some helpful
found in their view
looking for hope
that’s in me and you.
Sometimes one smiling
can enhance ones heart
looking for hope
then finds ways to start.
Don’t let those struggling
to not get a hand
looking for hope
needs help to withstand.
Often just a glimmer
of Lord God through you
looking for hope
can become brand new.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
At But A Glance
Some find a glimmer
and some find a glance
found within Christmas
with true song and dance.
Moments are counted
as glances are made
while some see lemons
and some lemonade.
Christmas comes surely
with its wondrous flare,
yet there are many
that don’t really care.
Sometimes ones passed days
will destroy their view
and then their Christmas
is dulled in its hue.
Often ones heartfelt
love can enhance
ones view of Christmas then
at but a glance.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
One Flake At A Time
The snowflakes fall
as passionate scenery
while they soon cover
the leftover greenery.
One flake at a time
they fall down and land
helping some children
with snowmen to stand.
Soon every hillside
from here thereunto
one flake at a time
creates such a view.
Magical moments
are gathered in place
one flake at a time
that falls on my face.
The scenes become life
in a Christmas design
as the snow falls
one flake at a time.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
Winds Of Christmas
As the seasons change
from summer to fall
winter comes surely
with Christmas to call.
Then as if magic
the moment is laid
with winds of Christmas
that Heaven has made.
Time becomes portholes
with ones looking through
finding with amazement
what Christmas can do.
The winds of Christmas
will blow in with joy
often with snowflakes
that then might deploy.
Painting the scenery
white as can be
some see the artwork
as divine history.
Yet there are many
that snow never falls
but winds of Christmas
still comes and befalls.
Maybe through artwork
of Christmas designs
the winds of Christmas
lives in their minds.
Heartbeats of beauty
of what we remember
the winds of Christmas
come in December.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
The Closer It Gets
Each day is counted
as time moves along
with every thought of
the last dusk to dawn.
Some view the endings
as all that there is
while the closer it gets
they see their abyss.
Yet I see a future
with times that begin
when life has ended
I then start agin.
A life that is wondrous
without any pain
the closer it gets
my heart can’t abstain.
So joyful the moments
I’m joined with my friends
the closer it gets to
what then never ends.
Life in our bodies
are not meant to last,
for they will only
be times in the past.
Do the best that you can
with lesser regrets
then await Heaven
the closer it gets.
Don’t let your carnality
lead you to Hell,
for the closer it gets
your path will foretell.
Seek now for Jesus
as He pays your debts
then you’ll find Heaven
the closer it gets.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
Christmas Garden
A snowy hedge
from distant sights
is now lit
with Christmas lights.
Even a tree
out all alone
shines so bright
from dusk to dawn.
A Christmas garden
made with snow
displays white
a tree that grows.
It has colors
white and blue
that which glimmer
their own hue.
A Christmas garden
grows so tall
an evergreen
that soon will fall.
It will find
a smiling face
found beside
a fireplace.
Lit up nicely
truly so
the Christmas garden
now in snow.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
The Stillness of Night
In the stillness of night
some sounds might be heard
Christmastimes stories
with word after word.
Some about Santa
and some about God
as some are maybe
a little bit odd.
Scenes might be blinking
white, blue. green and red
in the stillness of night
with ones in their bed.
Christmastimes glory
might then come alive
with but a moment
of joy in the sky.
The stillness of night
might hold a few things
such as the sound of
an angel that sings.
Singing about Christmas
and Jesus delight
with many sleeping
in the stillness of night.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
for Dec 13, 2014
Tomorrows journey
begins with footsteps today,
so don’t just sit there.
Life in memories
often includes colored sights
that we have made up.
Looking for the truth
might find you not wanting it
after it is found.
So many shadows
only display the heartaches
due to all the lies.
As winter winds blow
they also show personality
found in the season.
The bush that’s protected
will not be covered with snow,
but another dies.
A butterfly’s life
begins inside a cocoon
from another life.
Links to our problems
are often found in our lives
through many choices.
Knowing your limits
could prevent you from failure,
but then maybe not.
Doing things your way
might find your own destruction.
Listen to the wise.
When we are in doubt
we might need to search our hearts
to find out what’s true.
Leftover insight
might show dull on situations
that display today.
Our pages will turn
as the book of life opens
to expose the truth.
Shortsighted people
will not see what’s before them,
but only see now.
With every person
there’s different perceptions
with opened and closed.
Today brings chances
for a better tomorrow
through our lessons learned.
As things are repeated
the truth becomes much clearer
and hard to deny.
Sharing a mere breath
could help another to breathe,
but don’t smother them.
Only through Jesus
can a heart find peacefulness
through all the thunder.
As a snowflake falls
it might choose its place to land
and become happy.
With every minute
a second leaves some traces
of it’s own design.
Heartbeats in the snow
might shine on as some children
building a snowman.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2014
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂