Hello my friends
I hope yall are doing well. We’re still among
the living LOL. Winter is slowly overriding
autumn as it keeps getting colder and colder.
Yeppers, we’ve even had snow in the forecast,
but none yet to fall in our area. It’s just a bit
cool right now with a temp of 40 F degrees at
2 PM. Judy just strolled in and so I think it
might be time for me to fix her and I some
breakfast 🙂 I got up before her because my
old body was aching and I wasn’t getting any
sleep anyways. Of course those of you that
may be reading my journal for the first time
may be saying to yourself, 2 PM breakfast!
Yeppers, Judy and I are night owls and we
normally don’t go to bed till early morning.
So, yes we get up around noon and eat our
breakfast. Well we got done with breakfast
and it seems I forgot what I was doing and
began browsing Facebook LOL. So. I’m
back now. I’m listening to some peaceful
music on my PC right now. It helps me to
relax. It’s a pretty day today even if it’s a
little cold. It’s 42 F degrees now at 4 PM.
I think that might be as warm that it gets
today 🙂 Judy and I went and voted early
last Thursday, so that’s done. Now I will
be happy when the political commercials
die off. I’m sick of them. OK next topic.
There are still a few trees hanging onto
their leaves, but most have lost them due
to the high winds that passed through here
a while back and also the fact that it’s that
time of year, but there’s still a few holding
tight. Yes, of course the evergreens are
still with their leaves, limbs and whatnot.
The Christmas tree farms are all getting
ready for the season. We might drive to
take a few pictures of them when the snow
commences. They’re beautiful with snow
on them. Of course, it might be a while
before we can do that. Maybe a few weeks.
Hopefully though we can get some more
rain before all of that begins. We’re still
in dire need of some rain, but I welcome
the snow with open arms :). It is always
so very beautiful with snowflakes floating
down from the sky. As they land one by
one they begin painting pictures upon the
landscape that create art where there was
none before. I call them blessings from
Heaven. Of course that’s until there is
way too much and then it’s a pain from
Hell LOL. Yet for the most part, I love
snow. I’ll be going out to lie in it time
to time using it for an ice pack on my old
aching body hehehe. Yep, it does come
in handy LOL. Judy and I haven’t any
plans for this week. We might do a little
grocery shopping if we find that we need
anything, but that might be all unless
something else comes into the play. Yep,
we plan on taking it easy this week, like
we don’t already do that 🙂 Activities in
this house are left mostly to the dogs 🙂
They keep us busy hehehe. Anyways,
God is still watching over us protecting
us from what He knows we can’t handle.
Thankfully He has sent many angels to
be with us and guide us. Thank You God
for all that You have done for us and all
that You will do. AMEN. Now I believe
it’s time for me to be taking a little read
back on all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So, it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I believe I found
a decent title just about halfway through
my rambling and now after checking I
see that it has not been used. So, Used
it shall be. Here goes…
Blessings From Heaven
Many see raindrops
as pain from the sky,
but others see it as
help when it’s dry.
Rivers of a lifetime
may need a little rain
blessings from Heaven
and not just complain.
Time may show snow
as flakes fluffy white
then as a blessing
to create a scenic sight.
Formed compilations
the breezes may blow
blessings from Heaven
to display the snow.
Then as it’s melting
it becomes wet again
blessings from Heaven
just like fallen rain.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 25, 2020
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling 🙂
So, that’s about all I have for you aside
from continued prayers for my friends
Sara and Sandy. I think I’ve told you
all there is to tell other than what I tell
you every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more
poems with 4 Christmas poems mixed in.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there. I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
I guess now, it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you all a blessings
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you
and we do too. Alrighty then, where is
that ornery switch hiding this time?????
Hmmm, no, that couldn’t be you again
hiding amongst my face masks, could it?
Surely not hehehe, but there ya are LOL.
What’s the matter, did claustrophobia
get the best of you? Hehehe, ya got a
bit buried under there huh. How about
this, try to find a good hiding spot next
time and don’t be stupid. You are silly.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Our Reflections
Some might see
themselves as plain
in their reflections
times they attain.
Yet they might only
be comparing views
looking at others
striving their shoes.
We all have a walk
a subsequent phase
creating reflections
in our life’s waves.
Maybe as a ripple
or maybe a rhyme
reflecting our views
for others to find.
Look where you are
and see every fact
that our reflections
may want to retract.
Look for the good
and bring it in place
with our reflections
a true smiling face.
Open your eyes up
and let in a view
to be our reflections
of love me and you.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 19, 2020
Stories Unfold
Created from time
a stage will form
weathered designs
may be reborn.
Found as a ghost
of a yesteryear
times may become
what many fear.
Formed from wood
a weathered array
as a story ones told
of a distant day.
Unleashing times
seconds procure
as old rotten wood
of scenic allure.
Changing the views
from bad to good
is done by learning
what you should.
Seeing the patterns
that can become
a Christmas scene
for a toy drum.
It could be a sight
a manger scene
with holiday style
sweet and serene.
Just like a book
of days of old
Christmas becomes
as stories unfold.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 19, 2020
Sky of Illusions
Blue skies above us
become as charades
forming a story
as each cloud fades.
Creating an illusion
of time with words
while it’s depicting
the flight of birds.
Illusions of seconds
the minutes become
opening doorways
to life’s shining sun.
Breathing a breath
of changes galore
while showing times
eyes can explore.
Becoming a rhythm
with a poetic dream
formed up above
within aquamarine.
The sky rearranges
it’s colorful hues
seeming as illusions
of various blues.
Allow your dreams
to discover a phase
moments of life
with magical ways.
Let your mind find
a dream to thrive
in sky of illusions
as a bird flies by.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 20, 2020
Christmas Whispers
Words in a scene
become as a flight
snowflakes falling
each day and night.
Whispers of times
can create a world
of scenic designs
as time is unfurled.
Places with traces
of Christmas views
found in a breeze
that seconds infuse.
Snowflakes dance
like tiny ballerinas
performing life
in winter’s arenas.
Displaying sound
as a peaceful array
Christmas whispers
of wintertime’s day.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 21, 2020
Blessed Memories
Snow filled days
as echoes of style
seen as a dream
of a child’s smile.
Written in flakes
white snow falling
blessed memories
time keeps calling.
Artwork of love
as a seasonal hue
as sounds of life
a wonderful view.
Christmas scenes
may surely become
distant memories
a daughter or son.
Children playing
in winter’s breeze
as time creates
blessed memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 21, 2020
Eve of Enchantment
Life finds a moment
that it can enhance
scented with aromas
evenings romance.
Seeming so magical
as it creates a dream
eve of enchantment
a wonderful scene.
Within the sunshine
is a wonderful glow
as yellow to orange
of an evening show.
Painting the skyline
with left over paint
to then by nighttime
become very faint.
The minutes tick on
with so many sights
as minutes entwine
the days and nights.
Seeming enchanted
the sky transforms
unlocking doorways
to seasonal storms.
Maybe a dreamworld
or just a nightmare
as a skyline becomes
a moment of prayer.
Look and find peace
within the displays
eve of enchantment
is a magical phase.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 22, 2020
Summer Surrenders
We might remember
a time and a place
as summer surrenders
what all we embrace.
Unleashing shadows
of wonderful scenes
as summer surrenders
some magical dreams.
Some might discover
some hopeful arrays
as summer surrenders
some fun filled days.
Filled with emotions
of a memory’s song
as summer surrenders
and then it is gone.
Changing to shadows
from now unto then
as summer surrenders
an oncoming wind.
Autumn will awaken
with webs it weaves
as summer surrenders
the falling of leaves.
Time’s just a window
from old to anew
as summer surrenders
the next within view.
Remember the good
when other displays
as summer surrenders
the passing of days.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2020
Venturing Winter
Walking through life
of a seasonal view
time can be found
with a wintery hue.
A snow filled bridge
of a walking essence
displays a phase
a time to commence.
Created by a bridge
of a venturing mind
with winter’s decor
of Christmastime.
Snowy crossroads
to the other side
a wintertime venture
that time’s applied.
Look for the view,
the seasonal signs
when walking across
to other designs.
Let God guide you
and show the reason
as you’re venturing
winter the season.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2020
Sights We See
Seconds ticking
passing views
times we find
green and blues.
The sky above
creates a shroud
formed in time
a passing cloud.
The sights seen
open up doors
some discerned
as time’s actors.
Formed of life
times transcend
as sights we see
around the bend.
Leaving scenes
within a mind
to then become
a time’s design.
Looking deeply
you might see
moments of life
that set you free.
Find the beauty
in each sight
passing scenes
our eyes delight.
Blessings are
as a daily show
sights we see
our times bestow.
God does bestow.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2020
Memoirs Silo
Time’s a keeper
of many views
sights and sounds
things we choose.
So many things
that we embrace
might be but only
a time or place.
With memories
as seeds of life
we may discover
the good or strife.
Allowing scenes
to enter the mind
continuing on
to points in time.
Forming paths
to thereunto
in our memories
of a magical view.
Find the times
that gave a smile
within the silo
the times compile.
Remember life
of better days
sceneries shadows
heartfelt arrays.
Seek for peace
and help it grow
within your heart
as memoirs silo.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2020
for Oct 24, 2020
Essence of a dream
begins with a hopeful mind
and often a prayer.
Sometimes meets doorways
unlocking ventures of time
that might not be good.
Passages of time
can find ways of returning
when they’re not wanted.
Listening for echoes
needs first to have a moment
of which to echo.
Fields of perspective
will bloom from within our eyes
as we look around.
Pictures on a wall
might be hung by only nails,
but their beauty thrives.
Hearts beating of anger
can become as dynamite
just waiting to blow.
The heat of summer
becomes wishes for winter
and then more complaints.
Looking for the good
while the bad is all you find,
many close their eyes.
Autumn leaves may die,
but they give us many colors
to take pictures of.
Letters to the heart
can be written within words
and shared with loved ones.
Anger only grows
when it’s fueled with memories
that you should let go.
Playing a fools game
as you argue with liars
can leave you in pain.
Living in the past
can create a wall of time
that becomes regret.
The minutes may pass,
but still leave portions of time
that can be relived.
Regretful are ones
that never listen to facts
and only hear lies.
Moments recorded
can become a glimpse of time
we can watch again.
Challenging liars
only exposes their truth
as they then compete.
Now gives us chances
that many may pass on by
looking back sadly.
Seasons of winter
give many the sight of snow
and some only grass.
Beyond the blue sky
holds a future of beliefs
and times of wonder.
Echoes will return
as the recording begins
and faintly repeats.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: October 2020
There Are Many
Hello my friends
Well to begin with, we finally got some
much needed rain and our rivers have
water in them again. Of course we still
need some more rain, but at least the
rains may of helped some of the water
wells and replenished them. Judy and
I are doing well. I haven’t done much
picture taking, but I took a few. I may
share a few in my stationery along with
a few previous pictures from weeks past.
Next week I might take a little drive to
take a few pictures of what it looks like
now as leaves have fallen from all but
the evergreens which do not lose their
leaves. It rained all day yesterday and
it sure felt good. It’s bright and sunny
today and 53 F degree at 1 PM with a
high supposed to be 59 :), but I don’t
think it’ll quite make it to 59. The boys
went out a little bit ago to potty and I
think they enjoyed being outside for a
while being it’s a sunny day, but as it
is always, Rocky was soon ready to
come back inside and he had coaxed
his brother Benny into coming in with
him LOL. I believe the reasoning for
it was they wanted their morning treats.
I give them each an Old Roy rawhide
dumbbell and they love them. They’re
good for them. Anyways, Judy just
walked in. I couldn’t sleep any longer
due to my left hip throbbing so I got
up near noon. It took me a while to
get in the mode for writing hehehehe.
Well I just fixed us some breakfast 🙂
Oatmeal Yummy. I hear the train in
the distance. I heard the train whistle
and asked Judy where the music was
coming from and she said it was the
train. I listened again and yep, that’s
what it was LOL. The train has made
it into a few of my music videos with
it tooting its horn while I was playing
my conga drums hehehe. It’s not all
that near us, but we can hear it in the
distance. It’s warmed up a little. Now
it’s 56 F degrees at 2 PM. It got down
to 31 F degrees last night. Just a little
chilly hehehe. It’s supposed to be in
the mid 50’s for most of the week. Of
course, that’s during the day. I’m sure
it will be a little cooler at night, but
still not winter. Maine has already got
some snow in the higher elevations, but
we haven’t seen any YET. We have had
snow in October before. We do though
always look for it to begin in November.
I’m ready for it. I am always enthralled
when seeing the first snowflakes to fall.
It’s a beautiful sight. At least I think
it is. There are many up here that hate
the snow and I’m always wondering
why they don’t move if they hate it so
much. But then, there are the other
sights that Maine has to offer and the
temperatures are not that bad during
the summertime. Plus, when autumn
comes, it creates artwork out of the
leaves that make it all worth its while.
Yep, but I myself love the snow the
most. I said SNOW, not ICE. I hate
it when the snow starts melting and
turns to slush to only become as an
ice sheet when it refreezes. That part
of it, I can do without hehehe. Yep,
as long as it’s snow and not too much
if we need to go somewhere, but other
than that. Let it fall 🙂 It’s taking me
a while to write this being my hip is
hurting and makes it hard to sit for
any length of time. I might have to
get a cortisone shot in it like Judy’s
been getting in her knees 🙂 I’ll ask
my doctor what she thinks. Oh well,
I’m almost done with this. The boys
are sleeping in their doggy beds right
between Judy and I. Judy’s watching
painting videos trying to learn other
styles to do. She’s a great artist in my
view. I love to use her artwork for my
poetry. God put her and I together
knowing that we were meant to be.
Yes, we have our share of squabbles,
but we always work passed them as
we apologize and grow. I can’t even
imagine being without her in my life.
Thank You God for always taking
care of me as well as us. You have
always been there for me. Through
thick and thin I could always depend
on You. Thank You for all that You
do and will do. AMEN. Now I Believe
it’s time for me to be reading back on
all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s new poem.
So, it’s away I go, to that place of
my recollection that I always like to
may have found a decent title about
halfway in my rambling and now after
checking I see that it hasn’t been used
yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
There Are Many
Life is bewilderment
filled with digressions
while there are many
so filled with obsessions.
There may be snow
on a wintertime’s day
while so many complain
with every which way.
Seeing the sunshine
and even summer’s rain
there are many people
that but only complain.
Look for the beauty,
look for the styles
found in the seasons
that can create smiles.
Open your heart up
and look at the scenes
for there are many
that are magical dreams.
Let God to guide you
to each wondrous place
for there are many
that you should embrace.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 18, 2020
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a bit of my rambling 🙂
I have a couple of prayer request. One
for my friend Sara W. She is still not
doing well and another request for my
ex wife Sandy P. She is struggling with
cancer. Please keep them both in your
prayers. So, I can’t think of anything
other to tell you accept of course what
I tell you almost every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku 🙂
Yep, 10 more poems and 2 of them
are Christmas poems. I also wrote 22
more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like. Now,
I believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves
you and we do too. Okey dokey, so
where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this time LOL????????
Hmmm, where oh where can you be
hiding?? LOL You have to be kidding.
Hiding behind or better yet, trying to
hide behind my ANIMAL figurine. It’s
not that big, as a matter of fact it’s
kind of small. Do ya think you might
wanna start finding something a little
larger to hide behind. Try harder.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Autumn’s Doorway
We often may view
a scene so serene
as time we may find
as an autumn dream.
It might come alive
with a seasonal taste
as a stage of an age
that came with haste.
The colors of autumn
become as the sun
to gleam as a dream
that can’t be outdone.
Autumn’s doorway
displays its romance
dancing and prancing
a momentous glance.
Life comes in view
as time finds a way
exposing decomposing
autumn colors at play.
We often may view
this moment in time
as ages flipping pages
to recall in the mind.
For within pictures
and ones photographs
an autumn’s doorway
shows future and past.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 12, 2020
Tracking Autumn
A train might be
just waiting to roll
on down the tracks
as moments unfold.
Tracking onwards
with visions mind
seasons as dreams
as seconds unwind.
Being well aware
of the fallen leaves
as autumn’s beauty
a leaf fairy weaves.
Seeming as echoes
of times long ago
the clickety clacks
of times to and fro.
Watching change
many colors become
tracking autumn
the season is done.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 12, 2020
Winter Comes Knocking
With just the essence
of cold and snow
winter comes knocking
to tell us hello.
It breathes in deeply
to let loose a sign
one of a moment
nearing Christmastime.
It opens up its mouth
to unleash a phase
as snowflakes becoming
the essence of days.
Then as they’re falling
they become a song
magic of Christmas
so many sing on and on.
The song creates style
as joy from within
forming our perspective
for life to enter in.
Becoming as a journey
that we can embrace
as wintertime scenes
show a Christmassy face.
The sky may be blue,
but time will tell
as the clouds will form
with snowy detail.
The sky will unleash
snowflakes talking
floating gracefully
winter comes knocking.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 13, 2020
The Ocean Beyond
Beyond the moment
waves might roll
telling their stories
as times unfold.
We may not perceive
the distant view
the ocean beyond
as a deep sea of blue.
As the changes begin
creating a form
seconds move on
as time is born.
Seeming as windows
to cosmic scenes,
yet in the darkness
it’s only our dreams.
Minutes might move
to become a wave
hidden in darkness
of future days.
Yet our perspectives
may not be clear
as all of the sights
may seem very near.
Open up your mind
and let it hear
the sounds of now
and yesteryear.
For it’s as a doorway
continuing on
telling the stories
of the ocean beyond.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 14, 2020
Sands of an Hourglass
Burning grains of sand
scenes might become
a summer of long ago
with rays of the sun.
Watching the waves
as they roll in and out
while people continue
a beach trodden route.
Life can be as windows
or doorways to find
that heads destinations
of a momentous mind.
Leaving conclusions
that become as a view
with times transfixing
as a deep sea of blue.
Change within the sand
is as grains of desires
formed from the waves
of our wanted empires.
Seeking for the sands
of a wonderful allure
we might fill our hands
with but only manure.
Look for the blessings
that times withstand
and hold them tightly
as gold filled sand.
Time gives chances
to learn from the past
as an ocean and waves
sands of an hour glass.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 14, 2020
Sat upon a chair
that times unveil
life can be of air
a breathed detail.
Just like a bird
sat waiting away
time transcending
creates a new day.
Syncing seconds
to stay or to fly
time is a journey
to do or to die.
Becoming a door
with a clear view
displaying times
from old to anew.
Windows open
displaying a sight
as a bird that sits
awaiting its flight.
It’s only dreams
so never-ending
forming journeys
as transcending.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 15, 2020
Praying For Peace
Life is confusing
with all that I see
as peace got lost
in all that is free.
So many people
take anger to core
kicking their peace
right out the door.
Let God to guide
your daily voice
praying for peace
and life to rejoice.
Look up to heaven
and find a place
a moment of peace
that’s Godly grace.
Pray for passion
and pray for love
peace that can be
from up above.
Allow your heart
to let anger cease
while your kneeling
praying for peace.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 15, 2020
We Imagine
Oceans of dreams
become our view
in times we find
we’re wanting anew.
Just like the waves
that roll in and out
so many imagine
what others doubt.
Time’s as illusions
a painting of God’s
as moments reality
each wave applauds.
Becoming as dreams
that many wish for
just as we imagine
and wanting more.
Find the blessings
truly God given
that is beyond
what all we imagine.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 15, 2020
Road To Winter
The seasons start
and end in place
giving so many
times to embrace.
Often as windows
many will view
all we remember
as a seasonal hue.
Winter is one that
so many perceive
as times they find
and wish to leave.
Yet, there’s others
that see the sights
happy memories
in days and nights.
Dreamers of lights
on Christmas trees
a road to winter
shows all of these.
The scenes delight
as many explore
the road to winter
that many adore.
It may seem long
this scenic drive
road to winter
that comes alive.
It gives us a view
front and center
Christmas details
a road to winter.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2020
Cloudy Minds
Seeming as dreams
of cloudy arrays
time is often seen
as whites and greys.
Life is like a canvas
brushstrokes galore
painted as emotions
that so many adore.
So often as blue sky
and so often as rain
with cloudy minds
of a windowpane.
Look deeply inside
and locate a flow
found within clouds
a timeless rainbow.
Open up your mind
and see what’s there
found as a moment
time’s breath of air.
Breathing blessings
a new day done
to clear the cloudy
and show the sun.
So look on beyond
a simulated sky
and find a dream
as the clouds fly by.
Open your window
and see the designs
that many confuse
with cloudy minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16, 2020
for Oct 17, 2020
Time is a healer,
but can also create pain
if it’s not let go.
Beyond what we see
might be all of the answers
that we want to know.
Looking for a clue
amidst many illusions
you might find a lie.
With truth and fiction
holds many different views
that could be the same.
Life in the fast lane
can wear out the best of us
as time does its thing.
Various viewpoints
can become clouded with want
and not what’s the truth.
Limited gateways
show just a portion of paths
that could be the best.
The links of a chain
can become weathered in time
and one day may break.
A blossoming rose
needs sunlight, water and soil
to become its best.
Knocking at a door
you might find that it opens
and scares you to death.
Listing your failures
you might end up forgetting
what you succeeded.
The windows not washed
can become more like doorways
that are made from glass.
Never is a word
that many might overuse
speaking of mistakes.
Belief in spirits
can create a perspective
that lets you hear them.
Life is like a door,
for some continue knocking
even when it’s answered.
Cherishing a doll
that you had in your childhood
you might not grow up.
A mixture of time
can become fluid of style
flowing as a breeze.
Chance may come knocking
when you find you’re not ready,
so it’s best to wait.
Our struggles of life
might show themselves as blessings
Dreaming too deeply
of things that you wish to be
can create nightmares.
When playing head games
you might end up the loser
as the game is changed.
When looking upwards
you might see clouds passing by
that could be Heaven.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 17, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Tomorrow Morning
Hello my friends
It’s been a slow week these passed few
days. Not much has gone on. I have
been going through all of the pictures
that we took when Jamye and Sami
were here trying to find some I can use
for poetry pictures. I’ve found a few 🙂
We enjoyed having them here with us
and I miss them terribly now, but we
have tons of pictures to remember the
moments. As I said before this passed
week has been rather slow. Judy and
I did some grocery shopping and I even
had our heating oil tank filled, so it is
FULL and ready for winter. Now to
start building the oil tab again for the
day that we need more heating oil and
I’m sure we will LOL. Winters often
last 6 months up here. Right now at
4:30 PM it’s 48 F degrees with a high
of 49. It’s supposed to be 23 F degrees
by tomorrow morning, which might
concluded that I turn on the heat late
tonight hehehe. Our radiator heaters
manage to keep us fairly warm, but
we need the furnace going to keep the
water from freezing. Then as the temps
start dropping and staying in freezing
mode, we’ll have to leave the furnace
on because our radiator heaters can
only do so much LOL. So, what else
is there to tell ya? Well, Judy went to
craft night last night and she painted
her ceramic dog and she did a pretty
good job of it. She has it sitting on
the boys doghouse that’s on the porch.
I’ll include a couple of pictures of it in
my stationary. It almost looks real 🙂
We had a storm come through here
last night while Judy was gone and I
was afraid we were going to lose our
electricity with all of the wind blowing,
but all we lost was TV reception LOL.
Fortunately Judy didn’t drive home
during the storm. God has been good
to us. He’s allowed what all that we
needed in our lives and held back the
storms He knew we could not handle.
Thank You God for always looking
out for us. AMEN. Now I believe it’s
time for me to be reading back over
all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that will
work for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So it’s away I go to the place of
my recollection that I always like to call
have found a decent title halfway back
through my rambling and it seems that
after checking that it has not been used
yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
Tomorrow Morning
Today meets journeys
we might of delayed
with our tomorrows
our moments inlayed.
Forming a turnstile
that swings with ease
into procrastination
that seems as a breeze.
A tomorrow morning
might not be right,
for it might be but only
a stick of dynamite.
The yesterday you had
might of held together
the chances you had
for a time to endeavor.
So don’t procrastinate
and lose what’s there
for tomorrow morning
it may just be air.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 11, 2020
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even my rambling which this
week was a smaller scale 🙂 Anyways, I
do have a prayer request and it’s for my
good friend in Texas Sara W. I am real
worried about her. I cannot contact her
being she never answers her phone. Her
health has been real bad, so please pray
for her. Ok, so that’s about all I have
for you other than what I tell you every
week and that is 🙂 I wrote some more
poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more poems
with three wintry Christmastime poems
mixed in. I also wrote 22 more haiku for
all of the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now with that said I believe
it’s time for me to start my search for
that hardly elusive off switch, but surely
not before I wish you a blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. Okey dokey, so where can
that ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time???? Hmm, I distinctly recall
that my nose spray bottle does not dance,
so you wouldn’t be trying to hide behind
it would you LOL? If you could ever
learn to be still and not be fidgety and
all, I might not find ya so quickly, but
then I reckon that’s a good thing hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Perpetual Minds
Time is but a cloud
floating in the sky
that many discover
as it drifts on by.
Not seeing the life
up within a breeze
as they dream of
what they believe.
Looking to the sky
you might fall prey
to a gasping wind
that times portray.
You may even see
a cloud from afar
strumming a song
on a skyline guitar.
Life can be as rain
with a rippling hue
falling from above
as each day’s anew.
Bringing new days
with new scenery
to help remember
a cloud of history.
Clouds are artwork
with fluffy strokes
formed as illusions
a moment evokes.
Lingering breezes
a blessing unwinds
found up above as
perpetual minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 5, 2020
And So We Wait
Just like a stream
a river of time
we wait for waters
a pouring design.
With just a breath
of a scenic path
the minutes move
as future to past.
Becoming the age
that we desire
while searching for
more to acquire.
We wait for stages
changing views
with dusk to dawn
and scenic hues.
So many venture
to find a date
a river of dreams
and so we wait.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 6, 2020
Gazing upwards
at the night sky
you may discover
a sight to fly by.
It may be seen
as a falling star
a meteor flying
from here to afar.
Yet it might be
an alien being
a tiny little visitor
that you’re seeing.
Flying in the sky
a saucer type ship
a special design
for a long trip.
There may be two
or more inside
friendly visitors
on a scenic ride.
From so far away
maybe from Mars
they might just be
friendly visitors.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 6, 2020
Midnight Sky
Clouds of a night sky
might hold a breeze
floating up above us
in the nighttime seas.
Waters of the skyline
become as a dream
in the midnight sky
as a cloudy stream.
Flowing as an ocean
creating certain sights
a scenic painted stage
with portions of lights.
A painted masterpiece
in the skyline above
seeming to be poured
with essence of love.
Heaven’s own artwork
on a canvas of time
as a midnight window
to an awesome design.
Opened as a pathway
for us to look through
as the midnight sky
tells us peekaboo.
Showing us the beauty
of a dreamers gaze
within a midnight sky
of a magical phase.
It’s always changing
as the clouds fly by
this magical moment
in a midnight sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 6, 2020
Winters of Time
Snow laden pictures
create sights to see
winters so delightful
within our memory.
Time can be painted
on a canvas of white
as the winters reveal
a Christmassy sight.
Recorded as minutes
that seconds portray
the winters of time
will never fade away.
For as life’s window
a time seeps through
maybe of Christmas
of an old and anew.
White snow delivers
a Christmas design
found as snowflakes
in winters of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 6, 2020
Many Thoughts
Skies of beauty
that seasons expose
may surely unveil
a time that glows.
It might be seen
as but only a glance
a timeless scene
of living romance.
Many a thought
may seem as a trail
a glistening pond
of wondrous detail.
Imagine a scene
as a page that turns
creating a sight
that time discerns.
Life’s reflection
shows many things
so many thoughts
wildest of dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 7, 2020
Dreamer’s Illusion
An ocean of mind
might seem very blue
waters of a moment
a transcending view.
Flowing on beyond,
but seeming so shy
streaming illusions
that’ll never run dry.
They create sights
for minds to perceive
webs that of water
dreamers can weave.
Looking for dreams
within the display,
but finding illusions
of a magical way.
A dream of waves
lives on in our minds
as shallow waters
depict of the times.
Dreamer’s illusions
can come in view
and create a window
for me and for you.
You may only see
memories that thrive
times that passed,
but yet still survive.
Yet looking closer
it may be confusion
hiding a smile in
a dreamer’s illusion.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 8, 2020
Seeming Translucent
Revived with photos
some pictures live on
seeming translucent
as a seasonal song.
So many viewpoints
become memories
scents we remember
grasses and trees.
Some times fade off
that once were there
seeming translucent
as a breath of air.
Breathed out deeply
giving life a flow
that forms a picture
for times to bestow.
A moment may echo
what cannot be seen
seeming translucent
as memory’s dream.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 8, 2020
After Christmas
Lifetimes continue
as seconds tick on
seasons changing
and some as a song.
Sung of the beauty
as well as the time
life after Christmas
lives on in the mind.
Textured with love
that we remember
formed on a stage
within a December.
It’s a window view
into distant scenes
for after Christmas
continues in dreams.
Living as blessings
a season displayed
is after Christmas
with Heaven inlaid.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2020
Soon Comes Winter
Daylight meets dark
as nighttime prevails
showing its doorway
to timeless details.
A bridge for walking
creates a destination
as soon comes winter
in time’s acceleration.
Snowflakes of white
become as the scene
scented of Christmas
a wondrous cuisine.
Autumn’s gone away
with snow in its place
providing a window
with a seasonal face.
The heart of the sky
unleashes its design
as snowflakes falling
within wintertime.
Creating the passion
with a timeless stage
formed within waters
of wintertime’s page.
Now may seem dim
as the days pass on,
but soon you’ll sing
a Christmas song.
A life of amazement
God front and center
Christmas beginnings
as soon comes winter.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9, 2020
for Oct 10, 2020
The days that pass by
may become as reflections
that can help us grow.
Reality’s worth
is found within the shadows
of what that is true.
The length of a chain
will hold many perspectives
with some broken links.
Colors of autumn
often transform scenery
into that of art.
Life of a storm cloud
changes as the breezes blow
and the raindrops fall.
Minutes become days
as the seconds multiply
creating journeys.
Passionate flowers
might bloom as a rainbow
enhanced by colors.
Time can become locked
in the vault within our mind
and prevent our growth.
Windows of the mind
can become cluttered with filth
if we don’t clean them.
Expressions of life
often become our doorways
found as confusion.
Many illusions
can become as the real thing
living as nightmares.
The past is the past,
for even if it returned
it would be as changed.
Behind many lies
is truth that time exposes
leaving ones heartaches.
Pointless is gossip,
for it’s often built on lies
that others made up.
Forming perspectives
needs the truth to be displayed
to enlighten fact.
Counting your blessings
can open your eyes to hopeful
as you see the light.
Looking out windows
you might see a mockingbird
that’s singing its song.
Blissful is Heaven
as we form a connection
while saying a prayer.
Now is a doorway
to choose if we will enter
or to walk on passed.
Classifying life
as but only a breath
does not hold water.
Existence of life
lives on far beyond our sight
and what we can feel.
The winds of time blow
giving life a chance to breathe
and create a stage.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 10, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
We Survived
Hello my friends
It’s been a great passed week. Judy and
I had a great visit with my daughter and
granddaughter. We took a scenic drive
and got some great pictures. I of course
2 days before took a little picture taking
drive to try and see where the best colors
of autumn were depicted. I took a lot of
great pictures then, but we had a storm
to blow in the very next day which blew
off many of the leaves. Thankfully there
were still some trees holding their leaves
in the branches. We got a lot of great
pictures and a lot of them of us together.
I brought my tripod and Jamye had her
selfie stick so yes, we got a lot of pictures
of us all together. It was raining off and
on, but we survived. We had planned
on going mini golfing Friday, but the
weather was not allowing it, so we took
a drive up to Caribou Maine and visited
with Judy’s eldest daughter and her kids.
Judy’s youngest daughter wasn’t home.
Anyways, we had a good visit and got
some great pictures of us all together 🙂
Oh yea, the day before when we went
driving we stopped and had dinner at the
Governor’s Restaurant in Presque Isle 🙂
Friday on our drive we looked for a few
souvenirs for Jamye and Sami to take
home with them so we stopped off at a
few places in hopes of finding something
good for them. They found a few things
they liked, one which was many bottles
of Maple syrup hehehe. Yep, we had a
great time together, but they had to be
heading home early Saturday morning.
I hated for them having to leave so soon,
but she had to be back at work Sunday.
So, fortunately we have a lot of pictures
and memories from the visit. Hopefully
they can com back again one day soon.
I’d love for us to be able to make a trip
to Texas, but on top of health issues we
cannot afford it, but who knows, it may
happen one day. LOL I believe I may of
walked a bit too much this passed week.
My legs are aching bad. Oh well, we had
a great time. I didn’t do a lot of writing
last week, but then I was busy. I almost
started crying when Jayme and Sami were
driving away. I will miss seeing them 🙁
Anyways, onto the next topic. Judy and
I celebrated our 19 year anniversary also
on Friday October 2nd and Jamye had
her 41 birthday on Sept 29th so we kind
of just bundled them up together into
one celebration. We had planned to go
mini golfing, but that got sort of rained
out, so we just made do. Other than
all of that, Judy and I spent the earlier
part of last week getting ready for them
to get here. We’ve been having a little
problem with mice and we’ve got mouse
traps set up here and there throughout
the house. It seems the mice want to
come in out of the cold. LOL Benny
and Rocky are giving them a run for
their money hehehe. We had forgotten
to start putting the boys food dish up
on the table at night and that I’m sure
attracts them, but I started last night
by putting it off of the floor in hopes
of discouraging the lil varmints LOL.
As long as it’s during the day, the boys
are in here and the mice don’t dare go
near the food hehehe. I’m hoping that
between the lack of food and the traps
the mice will soon be gone from here 🙂
It’s 50 F degrees right now at 4 PM and
the high for today is supposed to be 54.
Tomorrows high is supposed to be 60
so it’ll be a little warmer LOL. I had
to turn the heater on for Jamye and
Sami in the living room because they
were getting cold at night. Yep, it’s
not quite the Texas weather they know
so well 🙂 Anyways, God has kept His
mighty hands over us protecting us as
always and the many angels and spirits
have continued to watch over us. We
most surely feel blessed. Thank You
God for all that You do and all that
You will do. AMEN. Now, I believe
it’s time for me to be reading back on
everything I’ve written here to see if
I can find a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s new
poem. So, it’s away I go, to that little
place of my recollection that I like to
may of found a decent title about a
quarter of the way from the beginning
of my rambling and now after checking,
I see that it has not been used as of yet,
so used it shall be. Here goes…
We Survived
We’ve each had trials
and will find more
time and again
sometimes as before.
They may look vague
the passing sights
that we survived
the wrongs and rights.
Look for the lessons,
look for the tools
within the journeys
we’re acting as fools.
Learning the hard way
what not to do
can often be what that
sticks with you.
So use what God gave
to be revived,
for it is through Him
that we survived.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 4, 2020
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and hopefully even a little of my
rambling entertained you hehehe. That’s
about all I have for ya other than what I
tell you every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers,
but only 6 poems this week and 1 of em
is Jamye’s birthday poem and there is
1 Christmas poem as well. Hey, I was
busy. I did though write 22 more haiku
for all of the haiku lovers out there LOL.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like. Now I do believe it
is time to start my search for that hardly
elusive off switch, but not before I wish
you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Okey
dokey, so where can that ornery switch
be trying to hide this time? LOL getting
lazy are ya. Just having a little camp out
on my cloth face mask huh. You forgot
what day it was hehehe. It’s Sunday 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
6 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
White Winged Tern
I’ve seen a bird
a familiar sight
found near water
always in flight.
It’s like a gull
seeking for fish
and other things
it finds delish.
It’s not common
to see it up here,
but ever so often
it might appear.
Found so scenic
these birds fly
time and again
to do or to die.
Sufficing to fill
a day’s concern
this is about a
white winged tern.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 28, 2020
My Daughter
You’ve come far
as life went astray
learning from then
to see another day.
Years have passed
leaving a glance
life that may seem
as song and dance.
Ages of turnstiles
opened with views
giving us chances
to change the news.
Finding heartbeats
from near to afar
you my daughter
are my shining star.
I hope the years
bring time to attain
for you and I
much more to gain.
This day is so great
for now me and you
can share your day
with a better view.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 28, 2020
Dreamer’s Train
White snowy tracks
with a train in mind
will wait every day
in a seasonal design.
It’s awaiting to hear
the chugalug sound
as a train continues
to gain more ground.
It blows its whistle
as a singer’s song
telling of its presence
moving on and on.
Christmas may come
as a clickety clack
as the train rolls on
the railroad track.
Dreams come to life
as a scenic destination
creating pathways of
a trains acceleration.
Becoming as a story
from northern Maine
as a scenic reflection
of a dreamer’s train.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 29, 2020
Flow of Creation
Sights become alive
as a story unfolds
created with images
that a time beholds.
Moments reflections
may come into view
as a flow of creation
from old to anew.
You may sense time
as a flowing river
a time that displays
a sight as a giver.
Giving us the essence
of a hopeful flow
one that is peaceful
for time to bestow.
The seasons of style
are magnetic days
attracting the views
of magical phase.
An answer to prayer
a time to perceive
the flow of creation
for life to achieve.
Flowing like desire
with creative hue
life is like pictures
and hypnotic views.
Some are as dreams
filled with elation
that’s given by God
a flow of creation.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 30, 2020
Waiting on events
to fall into place
might seem forever,
but only a waste.
Yet our perception
might only perceive
essence of autumn
as a colorful weave.
Woven as blessings
sewn into place
as a page to forever
God’s saving grace.
We might lose time
as the minutes pass
and then become
as shadows to cast.
Seeming as a path
to another day
as a time and place
ones kneel to pray.
Woven are desires
of wondrous scenes
found written on
a tomb of dreams.
We may never see
the way we view
when crossing over
from old to anew.
Make use of today
in all you endeavor
the best you can,
for soon is forever.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2020
Shades of Autumn
Within a moment
time might display
a passing of scenes
to yet another day.
Seconds grow life
as a scenic design
formed as a style
as a magical find.
Autumn becomes
as a window to see
a beautiful passage
that is so heavenly.
It brings into view
a seasonal stage
one that enlightens
the turn of a page.
Minutes uncover
time’s photograph
seconds portrayals
of future and past,
Opening a passage
to then thereunto
becoming as a page
with a better view.
We’ve all seen life
to change its mind
and become wind
to blow away time.
For with seasons
days can become
shades of autumn
a new day begun.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2020
for Oct 3, 2020
Tomorrows memoirs
can be horrid reflections
as now passes on.
Minutes of a clock
might seem to go by quickly,
but be just seconds.
Directions we choose
can often seem confusing
if we cannot read.
Leaning on others
often creates disturbance
when leaning too much.
Lost in a tunnel
in search for a little light
you can find blessings.
Our basic instincts
can often get us through life,
but not without flaws.
Flowing like water
a river will often cease
when life is no more.
Tickling fancies
can often create problems
as ones expect more.
Looking to the west
watching the sun fade away
you might see some stars.
Life is confusion
while death also confuses
creating questions
Mind over matter
often loses direction
with matter of mind.
In summer’s doorway
holds many different views
in fractions of time.
Winds of desire
may blow of many breezes,
some of destruction
We are as actors
on a stage of creation
that each day designs.
Giving ones advice
needs be done understanding
you might not be right.
Someone’s universe
might not have room for your views,
so don’t force beliefs.
Thinking too deeply
ones can drown themselves in grief
over what that’s done.
When overworking
you might end up with nothing
if you do not rest.
Challenges of life
can be the size of mole hills
and seem as mountains.
Today has a plan
that might not include your wants,
so don’t be surprised.
Praying selfish prayers
can often create a wall
between you and God.
Holding onto things
can become anchors in life
that prevent your sails.
©By Bill Pearce
Oct 3, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
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and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
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Your frosty friend Bill 🙂