Hello my friends
How has your weekend been. I seem to be still down
with the flu or something. I am literally drained, but
I will survive LOL. Judy is doing well. I think she has
finally gotten rid of her so called flu thank God. The
boys are doing great. Milo stole my place in bed when
I got up to come in here to write LOL. I think Benny
is still lying in his bed on the floor hehehe, but you can
bet he’s thinking about jumping up and getting in our
bed LOL. It’s 10F degrees right now at 9:10 AM this
morning. It might get up to 14F if it’s lucky hehehehe.
Tuesday has a chance for snow, but Wednesday and
Thursday (get this) are supposed to be 50F degrees or
thereabouts and it’s supposed to rain. Yet Thursday
night it’s supposed to drop back down to 12F and then
Friday a high if 27F. Weird huh! It’ll be just enough
to melt some of this snow and then refreeze it making
it a Hell fire skating rink. Yeppers, I’ll be having to
wear my cleats for sure every time I walk out to check
the mail LOL. Yet more snow is forecasted for next
week so that should even it out again hehehe. Benny
and Milo might wanna play outside Wednesday and
Thursday being it will be so warm hehehe. But then
they don’t like rain, so that might put a damper on
there playing hehehe. I got my CD of the concert
for the Sandy Relief yesterday, but they didn’t do
a very good job recording it, because I have to turn
my speakers up as loud as they’ll go on my PC to be
able to hear it. No matter, all of the money I spent
on it went to the Sandy Relief Funds. Judy bought
the MP3 version of it which all of the money for it
as well went to the Sandy Relief Fund. It might not
be much, but it was all we could afford. I sure feel
for all of those that lost everything and yes even all
of those that were hit by all of the other turmoil’s of
life. It’s times like that which make Judy and I feel
that we are lucky to have what we have. I think I’m
needing to change topics now 🙂 Judy’s been on a
cleaning binge and worn herself out. She said she’s
gonna take a stab at the living room today hehehe.
I’ll try to help as much as I can, but I can barely walk
anymore. I’m hoping that whatever it is that’s going
on with my hip will soon give me a freaking break 🙂
The unfortunate thing is that both Benny and Milo
love to lay on my lap and it hurts and I have to make
them get off. Hopefully though soon my hip and leg
will get better. Well, what else is going down at the
Pearce’s Place? Not much of nothing. Judy and I
watched the Dog Whisperer and The Incredible DR
Pol as well as Cesor Millan’s Leader of The Pack last
night, but I think we were both nodding off a bit when
Celebrity Ghost Story’s was coming on. We didn’t
miss anything. Most were reruns anyways hehe. Sorry,
I gotta stop and sneeze my head off. Aaaaaacheew!
My heads rolling across the floor. I’ll catch it later 🙂
Judy’s gotten back to writing poetry again and that
makes me happy. She’s an exceptionally good poet.
I may in the future publish some of her poetry in my
journal, with her permission of course. In the mean
time you’re stuck with my bits of ramblings hehehe.
I just peeked in on Judy and the boys and Benny’s still
lying in his bed on the floor and Milo of course is still
lying in my spot on the bed. I don’t think Judy even
knows I have gotten up LOL. She will when she gets
dog breath hehehe. I just thought I would try to get
this written early so that when Judy did get up, she
could read it through with me and help me find the
typo’s. Yet we often miss the very same ones hehe.
LOL I just found my head that I sneezed off a little
bit ago hehehe. Screwing it back on now. Squeaky,
needs some oil hehehe. Now it’s easier to type when
I can see what I’m typing LOL. So, it’s on with my
rambling. My brother in law DD is not doing well
at all. The doctors are now trying to find out how to
treat his cancer. It has advanced to his esophagus
as well as his liver, stomach and digestive tract.
Please keep him as well as my sister in your prayers.
Peggy is totally distraught which is understandable
when the love of your life is in such a terrible way.
My mom has been keeping in touch and letting me
know what’s happening as she finds out. Poor DD
feels so bad, he doesn’t want anybody around him.
He can’t hardly talk if at all. Anyways, keep him
in your prayers. Now, it’s onto a maybe brighter
subject. Judy and I are still enjoying our little boys
Benny and Milo. They bring us joy every day. We
can’t imagine our lives without them now. They
are part of our family. They can tell that I am sick
and they come to visit me in bed often to give me
a kiss and snuggle. So many times I catch myself
calling them my boys. Hehehe, OK so I am hairy
and growl from time to time LOL and even bark
when being silly. My nick name is ANIMAL ya
know! Yeppers, I can communicate with them
pretty good hehehe. When I say NO, they go to
their beds and they don’t bother us again LOL.
Benny though is slow to respond to me, but Milo
instantly heads to his bed and lies down without
any further arguing about getting a treat hehehe.
Yeppers, God gave us two good little boys and
they shine happiness on us every day. God works
in mysterious ways. He often gives us things that
we don’t really want, but in time the reasoning
will be obvious. Yes, we will often want beyond
what we really need and it will burden our minds
with grief if we don’t get those things. Let God
help you to find the things that you are needing
and find the joy of life abundant as you grow to
see more of His reasoning. Now, I think I have
gone and rambled enough. It’s time for me to
be taking my little venture back through all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that might work well for the title of
today’s brand new poem. So, it’s off I go, to that
place of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I found a good
title just a few lines back. Now let’s see what I
can do with it, if anything at all hehehehehehe.
Here goes!!!!
When you are feeling
that no isn’t right
yes might be truly
Lord God’s to delight.
Often our wanting
is out of control
when yes is confusion
and it should be no.
Some days our ventures
are found out of sync
when yes is not how that
we know we should think.
Yes is a good thing
if it is God’s Will
found as the doorways
that you’re to fulfill.
Yet often wanting
can tear up the flow
making yes problems
when it should be no.
Lessons are found as
our yes and no words
when we allow them
as times flock of birds.
Don’t let your wanting
to tear you apart.
Let God to guide you
as His work of art.
Yes might seem silly,
but time will prevail
to show all the blessings
of Jesus detail.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2013
Ok, so there ya go again. Yes, I know, it’s not one
of my better poems LOL. Yet, I do think it wasn’t all
that bad hehehe. So, what else is there to talk about?
I think I’ve said just about all that could be said in the
rambling part of the journal hehehe. Or should I say
the most rambling part of the journal 🙂 It’s still 10F
degrees at 10:50 AM. LOL. It ain’t changed much at
all hehehe. It’s cloudy, but no snow or rain/sleet hehe
and that’s a good thing 🙂 Well, I need to start telling
ya what I tell ya every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems and
22 more haiku. I hope you are able to find something
I said in either my rambling or poetry that brings you
a smile. So it’s time for me to begin searching for that
old confounded off switch that just loves to irritate me
with it’s games of hide and seek, but before I do that
I need to wish you a most wonderful and God filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now to find that off switch! Found it hiding under
my K2 meter hehehe. I saw ya peeking out. No
you are not a ghost ya silly LOL. You’re visible!!
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Won’t Repeat
Today’s a day
to change our mind
from the bad
of time to time.
Tomorrows view
from now today
should be found
a better way.
Deep within
our daily sight
today can be
a different light.
Scenes found true
in now and then
can teach how
we’re to begin.
Then the future
things we see
won’t repeat
bad history.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Heaven’s Doors
When our time
on Earth is done
Heaven’s doors
will shine The Son.
Then His Glory
seen by sight
will determine
wrong from right.
So each breath
of which you breathe
make it true
to Him Believe.
Let not shadows
of your past
prevent you from
a new to cast.
Heaven’s doors
await us all
some with enter
some will fall.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Many Breaths
Seasons change
with stages set
some with snow
and some all wet.
Many breaths
will breathe each sight
with each seasons
day and night.
Sometimes flowers
within June
become breaths
we find to bloom.
With each season
is a change
that will often
look real strange.
Maybe dewdrops
early morn
will be found
a bit forlorn.
For those dewdrops
which had fell
might be hard
as icy hail.
Many breaths
of which we breathe
can be changed
how we believe.
Letting patterns
fall in place
while the seasons
make their face.
Many breaths
from thereunto
can become
a greater view.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Winter’s Cold
Minutes pass by
cold with snow
now with temps
of far below.
Winter’s cold is
far and wide
and is sometimes
found inside.
Each days glimmer
is with glaze
found so wondrous
winter’s days.
Winter’s cold
might seem to be
found as seasons
Yet so often
winter’s cold
is found when
the snows unfold.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Left Sided Mind
As many think
so many might find
people with just
a left sided mind.
Not using fully
all that is there
while they walk daily
without a prayer.
Often our journeys
will turn into gold
from all the dust
that we let unfold.
Yet often people
will not find so true
the sights and the sounds
much better to view.
They don’t see the scenes
far greater in time
for they don’t see right
with a left sided mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Tiny Footprints
I see footprints
in the snow
in the places
our dogs go.
Tiny footprints
tarry through
in and out
my every view.
I then see them
running fast
making snowy
whitish casts.
Tiny footprints
here and there
our two dogs
are everywhere.
They climb snowbanks
and run down
as they both just
run around.
Tiny footprints
in the snow
lead to where all
that they go.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
To Benny and Milo 🙂
Starry Eyes
True love ventures
time and space
starry eyes then
find a place.
Minutes tick fast
and move on
starry eyes
from dusk to dawn.
When two heartbeats
came together
they were found then
as forever.
Starry eyes then
seconds found
decades moving
sight and sound.
These two eyes
of starry sight
found a moment
to ignite.
Yes two starry
eyes of time
are of yours
and are of mine.
We have counted
time together
lasting now
and then forever.
Even when our
heartbeats die,
Heaven will agin
Two together
starry eyes
will be found
within the skies.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
To Judy Pearce
I love You
Waiting For Dinner
My stomach rolls
and thoughts ignite
what my mind
puts in my sight.
Waiting for dinner
soon on my plate
I am assuming
I haven’t yet ate.
I can’t remember
when I ate last
and my poor tummy
sees it as fast.
So I think surely
I need to go
and see what dinner
I can bestow.
Looking through cabinets
and anywhere else
seeking for something
good for myself.
My wife knows what
she wants to eat.
It’s spaghetti
with balls of meat.
Yet I am needing
a much different style
that which my beard
won’t fill all the while.
I think I’ve found
something to fill
my empty tummy
round and real.
Cheesy macaroni
with butter and bread
will do the work
to make me fed.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Look At Me
If you see a smile
you might see a lie,
for many will hide
what all that’s inside.
Look now and see
what faces display
and listen clearly
to all that they say.
Often a face will
hide what that’s true
leaving deception
within every view.
Look at me now
and know that I will
often be found
with thoughts to conceal.
Yes we will all
at times not show true
who that is me
and who that is you.
Often emotions
gathered so quick
make us to hide them
feeling so sick.
So if you’re judging
by what you see,
remember you’re vision
might be helplessly.
Not seeing truly
how that ones feel,
because they are holding
in what that’s real.
Look at me now
and know my heart.
Time holds the feelings
as momentous art.
I’m a mere person
maybe like you,
but with some different
points of view.
Don’t let the sadness
from a mere minute
leave you as empty
all there within it.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
Beyond Right Now
The gradient days
that times expose
beyond right now
might be a rose,
but some moments
which we find
might be just
deceptive mind.
Beyond this moment
we can’t see
time that’s turning
fancy free.
Beyond right now
the pages turned
might just be
wrongly discerned.
God gives minutes
in each day
for the time
to kneel and pray.
Beyond right now
we cannot see.
Only God knows
you and me.
He knows what
we’re meant to do
beyond right now
in every view.
So let Jesus
be your sail
to take you
and never fail.
Sailing oceans
times endow
God gives peace
beyond right now.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 25, 2013
for Jan 26, 2013
The light of daytime
might hide behind a few clouds
and deceive our sight.
Learning how to fly
needs first a manner of flight
then a good teacher.
People’s connections
are not always clearly seen,
but we all have them.
Wintertime’s pictures
will often look as pure white
as snow falls to Earth.
Holding a feather
could present a big problem
if it’s on a bird.
Today’s discipline
comes in form of the answers
we often don’t seek.
Breeding an action
without first thinking it through
could bring you much pain.
When blazing a trail
make sure that you have knowledge
of where you’re going.
White snow is blinding
as sunshine beads down on it
reflecting it back.
Quivering footsteps
walk within the dark of night
not wishing to fall.
Reading a story
will often bring it to life
within your own mind.
A breath from someone
might be the thing your feeling
that’s bringing you fear.
Giving a heads up
could prevent someone’s falling
if they will listen.
Various doorways
will open and close often
with new perceptions.
Trivial onslaughts
can cause much larger warfare
if they’re allowed to.
Free falling issues
can land hard on your lifestyle
if you aren’t careful.
Time seems to be short,
but it might be much longer
than it is perceived.
Lives of forgotten
are not really forgotten,
but just by someone.
Doorways we’ve entered
could hold many descriptions
of all that we see.
Glancing at today
you might find your reflection
in the things you see.
Looking for trouble
could find more than you wanted.
It might just find you.
When thinking too hard
your thoughts might become headaches,
so give it a rest.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2013
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂