Hello my friends
Yeppers, it’s me once again with the Pearce
report. We have been doing well, although
with the weather changing back and forth it
is messing with my allergies and the ability
to talk. So I can’t get too loud and but of
course Judy loves that LOL. If the weather
ever makes up its freaking mind of what it
wants to do, my allergies should calm down
a little bit and my voice should return. I’ll
forever be tormented with allergies, being
I have them year round, but the constant
weather changes don’t help. Today’s high
is supposed to be 60 which is what it is at
this very moment. It’s supposed to rain a
bit this evening on into Monday evening.
One thing I do not miss about Texas is the
hot weather. We have a little hot weather,
but nothing like Texas and thereabouts in
the southern regions 🙂 Not much has gone
on around this place. It’s quite the dulls
ville LOL. Judy went to the Memorial Day
cookout at her daughter’s house Saturday.
I was wanting to go, but I wasn’t feeling
good and had not gotten any sleep, so I
stayed home with the dogs. After I rested
a bit, I was wishing to God that I had a
way to get to the cook out, but I had no
car and even if I did, I wouldn’t of known
where to go. We’ve only been to Mandy’s
house once since they moved and of course
Judy drove, so I would not know how to
get there, because I am always with my
camera taking pictures of the drive. So it
was just me and the boys/dogs Saturday till
late at night when Judy came home. I was
almost in tears much the evening. I wanted
to see everybody, but mainly the grandkids.
I haven’t seen anyone in so very long and
I am feeling left out. I wish my health was
better and I could travel to Texas to see my
mom, sister, daughter and granddaughter
as well as few of my friends. Oh well. life
goes on. I try not to think about all of that
too much and focus on my poetry writing.
So now to find a smile through all of that.
I did write a couple of poems and designed
a couple more poetry pictures yesterday,
but the poems, I think I’ll do as I’ve been
doing for the passed few weeks and post
the extra poems in next week’s ramblings.
LOL yes I know, I write too much, but
that is about the only thing that keeps me
sane Mwahahaha. Judy and I took a little
drive to town/Walmart today to pick up a
few prescriptions and a few much needed
groceries. We were out of milk and sodas
as well as ice cream LOL. Anyways, we
are doing well. It’s looking like things are
finally getting back to normal up here and
that’s a blessing. Of course Judy and I will
continue wearing our masks to Walmart
and other places for a while until we are
more sure of how things are going. We
got our Covid shots better than a month
ago, but it’s still better safe than sorry.
Living out in the country we don’t see
that many people. We’ve got only one
neighbor, but rarely see them. We see
one that lives in the house behind us, at
Walmart when we go shopping. She’s
one of the checkers LOL. So, yeppers
we live an exciting, not so exciting life 🙂
God is still watching over us as is also
the many angels and friendly spirits 🙂
We do have our share of bad luck, but
for the most part life is good. We are
planning on taking some picture taking
adventures this summer and fall as well
as going up to play miniature golf again.
We had a blast playing miniature golf
last year for my birthday, but this year
we might go a few times. I thank God
for all that He has done for us and all
that He will do. He has surely blessed
Judy and I with each moment that we
have together as well as our families
and these 2 little boys/dogs which we
also consider family. Thank You God.
Amen and Amen. Now I do believe it’s
time for me to be reading back on all
that I’ve written here to see if I can find
me a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go, to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have found a decent title right near the
halfway mark of my rambling and now
after checking I see that it has not been
used yet, so used it shall be. Here goes.
Our Masks
A face may hide
what lives within
as fact or fiction
beginning to end.
We might attempt
to hide the truth
with masks of lies
as a painful tooth.
The truth prevails
as time is passed
for all of the lies
are shadows cast.
For in the light
the truth displays
what all our masks
hid many ways.
Let God guide you
now and again
to tell the truth
let time transcend.
The truth will give
a much better task
than always hiding
behind our masks.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2021
There ya go. I know the poem’s not great,
but it was what I thought of when I found
the title. I hope you got something out of
the poem and I also hope you enjoyed my
rambling. Yep, I can ramble can’t I LOL.
I did some mowing early last week and
I took a lot of pictures which there will be
in my stationery along with pictures that
Judy took yesterday at the cookout. So,
for those of you not getting or seeing the
stationery format, sorry. Anyways, I
guess that’s all I have for you. So, now I
do believe it’s time for me to be telling you
what I tell you every week and that is I
wrote some more poems and haiku. Yep,
10 more poems, but no Christmas poems
this week. Maybe next week. I also wrote
22 more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now I think
it’s near the time that I need to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings filled
week and a safe and happy Memorial day.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Okey dokey, so now to find that ornery
off switch. Where oh where can that silly
thing be, that is so bad at hiding from me?
I think I see a little movement behind my
nose spray LOL. It reminds me about a
silly thing from the past. Weebles wobble
but they don’t fall down. Ok so my nose
spray fell over. It still brought back a few
memories hahaha. Will you ever learn
to stay still if ya don’t wanna be found?
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Living Perceptions
Sands on a beach
design and create
living perceptions
as waves integrate.
Forming passages
windows to wade
just like doorways
to life’s lemonade.
There may be life
as a bird that flies
or one that walks
before our eyes.
Walking so slow
admiring a sight
sandcastles built
that many delight.
Open your eyes
and see the stages
formed before us
from many ages.
Found as a dream
often deceptions
waves bring forth
living perceptions.
©By Bill Pearce
May 22, 2021
Painted Dreams
Colors of time
become our gaze
flavors of life
as painted arrays.
Maybe of flowers
the scenes infuse
scented of paper
we may confuse.
Life’s passages
become as doors
time as paint
our mind adores.
Colors transposed
wonderful scenes
into the style of
painted dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
May 24, 2021
Glittering Trail
Windows of waves
become a design
that of a heartbeat
an ocean of mind.
Waves speak words
of a timeless view
as the momentum
of an ocean of blue.
Glimmering scenes
in glittering waves
unleash the views
of summer’s arrays.
Many a hoof beat
of a horse’s stride
become the essence
of an ocean ride.
Ridden near waves
on an ocean beach
the minutes unveil
a time within reach.
A horses tail sways
as riders prevail
their ocean journey
on a glittering trail.
©By Bill Pearce
May 24, 2021
Tracking Around
Trains of emotion
chug on with delight
as a life’s locomotion
with changes in sight.
Following the rails
to a so distant view
finds and unveils
what might be anew.
It might be a place
that times unleashed
as a moment or face
for our eyes to feast.
There might be snow
left over from winter
with a seasonal glow
seen front and center.
You may slip a little
on the tracks of time
as your train whistle
takes form in mind.
Take heed the quest
to not fall aground
and look for the best
when tracking around.
©By Bill Pearce
May 24, 2021
Highway of Words
Driving on a journey
to a distant memory
highways can become
a new sight to see.
Words forming time
as echoes of desire
created by emotions
of a heartbeat afire.
Seeing time stirring
an old cooking pot
a highway of words
is a little and a lot.
Spoken as whirring
when tires go around
as stories unfolding
a magical sound.
It begins with time
a moment incurs
creating a storybook
a highway of words.
©By Bill Pearce
May 25, 2021
Still Moving
Moments pass
leaving glimmers
timeless as a
shadow simmers.
Fields of vision
come in view
seen still moving
from thereunto.
Disabled sights
become the gaze
as wheels rolling
wondrous ways.
Not giving up
on how and when
continue moving
like the wind.
Let your echoes
be heard saying
I’m not giving up
as I’m praying.
Even within mind
keep on rolling
trying your best
times unfolding.
Continue on now
not just losing
striving onwards
while still moving.
©By Bill Pearce
May 27, 2021
Casting Wrongly
Seeking waters
ways to wish
to catch a view
of a certain fish.
Needs to look
and see the sight
all that’s wrong
all that’s right.
Yet so often
many cast away
facing wrongly
from day to day.
Don’t let people
to pull you back
and let waters
become black.
Cast your line
out to the waves
and try to catch
the better days.
Let life’s lessons
become a tool
preventing life
as a daily fool.
Seek to not be
casting wrongly
learn to use
the living sea.
©By Bill Pearce
May 27, 2021
Timeless Passages
A moment ripples
as an evening star
reflecting seasons
from near to afar.
Maybe as scenes
echoes of a day
timeless passages
in awesome array.
Maybe as a dream
or season’s illusion
the pages may turn
creating confusion.
We might be seen
as shadows of time
like living passages
of endless rhyme.
Synced as a puzzle
with pieces galore
steadfast as ages
for us to explore.
Seek for a dream
eyesight can gaze
timeless passages
for the future days.
©By Bill Pearce
May 27, 2021
Prayerful Size
So many prayers
we may not see,
but God is aware
of you and me.
He sees our heart
our daily desires
before we start
our days life fires.
We may not know
He’s looking true
watching us grow
to do what we do.
Yet when we pray
to Him on high
God gives grace
as angels fly.
We may not find
that daily door
we’re wanting in
to then explore.
Size of a flower
can grow beyond
minute and hour
of dusk to dawn.
So take the time
to open your eyes
and kneel to God
a prayerful size.
©By Bill Pearce
May 27, 2021
Life’s Simplicity
Within the waters
of now and again
simplicity thrives
as times transcend.
Forming a window
to then thereunto
of simplistic nature
from old to anew.
Find a perspective
a true blue scene
that lives within
as an ocean dream.
It might be a time
with a certain bay
nearby the ocean
on a summer day.
Breathing gently
the moments attain
a life’s simplicity
as sight of a crane.
It begins with time
that’s uncounted
often as minutes
hours surmounted.
Maybe as ripples
these sights we see
might be a sign of
life’s simplicity.
©By Bill Pearce
May 28, 2021
for May 28, 2021
Resting on laurels
you might find yourself falling
and losing your grasp.
Painting a picture
needs knowledge of the colors
and how they connect.
Changing directions
in the midst of a battle
might confuse you both.
Times territory
is often formed in our minds
as we make puzzles.
Today is a path
that many fail to perceive
and so they stand still.
Waiting for a chance
can be like waiting on air
as breaths pass us by.
Nature enlightens
when we fail to see its worth
as it creates fear.
Doorways to choices
are often muddied by greed
and diminish life.
Counting the minutes
can make time seem forever,
so learn some patience.
Trials encountered
can become tools for later
and then as our strengths.
Now is just a time
that we might let slip away
because we’re busy.
Want is mistaken
for what many think they need
and end up empty.
Tomorrows journey
begins with footsteps today
making the imprints.
The true scent of life
may be a non scented place
with true love within.
The actions of pain
can form a turnstile in life
that leads to lessons.
Thinking of a time
that you really should forget
can create anger.
Love is a lesson
that may continue teaching
after ones are gone.
Listening for teardrops
in the calmness of a storm
you might hear laughter.
A passing storm cloud
might become a work of art
as it floats on by.
Cherished memories
can become tarnished in time
if lies were within.
Fireworks of the mind
can become as spectacles
that we might regret.
Tormented by time
as the seconds move quickly
gray hair might be seen.
©By Bill Pearce
May 28, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: May 2021
Anxious To Get
Hello my friends
Well, first off, this passed week has
been a pretty good one. It’s not been
too warm. Right now it’s 56 degrees
which is pretty nice and the high for
today’s supposed to be 65 F. It looks
as though I will have to mow again a
bit Monday and Tuesday. There’s no
way that I will be able to mow it all
in one day. LOL it might take me 3
days, but I don’t mind. I need the
exercise. So what’s been going on in
this part of the woods? That’s a good
question. It’s been pretty nice. It’s
looking as though things are getting
back to normal with most things as
people get vaccinated and still take
precautions. Next weekend we have
plans on going to a family cookout.
It’s been a long time since we have
been able to have a get together like
that. Of course those that have not
had their shots are told to not come.
Better safe than sorry ya know. Life
at the Pearce’s Place hasn’t changed.
Being it’s just Judy, I and the boys
we have nothing to worry about as
far as the Covid in our home. Judy
and I got our shots a month or so
ago. We went to Walmart yesterday
to get some necessities and then we
went to the Houlton Farms Dairy
and got us some ice cream 🙂 YUM.
Judy got a banana split and I got a
hot fudge sundae. We’ll make a few
more trips for ice cream this summer.
I’m looking forward to us doing a
few picture taking drives this summer.
I’m anxious to get some new pictures
to use for poetry. I do get a few pics
off and on our drives to town, but
I want some of different locations 🙂
Anyways, I have the oven heating so
that I can fix Judy and I biscuits and
gravy for brunch. Yep and I let the
boys out of here and it seems they
went in and woke Judy up hehehe,
so I’ll be doing food pretty quick.
Judy just told me that she wanted
biscuits and butter, no gravy and
I told her I was thinking of putting
jelly in mine and she said do hers
that way too. So, when I’m done
here, it’s off to the kitchen hehehe.
The wind is blowing pretty briskly
and it sounds and feels good. God
has been good to us. He is still with
us watching over us as are angels and
friendly spirits. We feel very blessed
to have one another and the grace of
God. I guess it’s time for me to be
reading back on all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So, it’s
off I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I believe I may have found me
a decent title near the halfway mark in
my rambling and now after checking
I see that it has not been used as of yet,
so used it shall be today. Here goes…
Anxious To Get
Trials from hurry
and worrying about
can often be seen
as in ways and out.
Just like a turnstile
a doorway to time
if we’re too anxious
the bad we may find.
Take time to look
to see if it’s good,
for things may be
a bit misunderstood.
Look with hopeful,
but also with peace
and don’t be anxious
to get the release.
For often our hurry
can get us all wet
so have patience
not anxious to get.
©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2021
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked
the poem and maybe even a little of
my rambling. So, that’s about all I
have for ya this week other than what
I tell you nearly every week, which is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems and 2 of them
are Christmas poems 🙂 I also wrote
22 more haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find
1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now I do believe it is time for me to
be searching for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you
a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now
where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this week? It didn’t
even put forth any effort in hiding
last week LOL. Yet, now as I look
around the room I see no signs of it.
Hmm, I wonder if it finally decided
to hide? Well, it at least this time
it’s looking as though it tried to hide,
but failed to do anything about it’s
impatience LOL. I saw my external
hard drive sort of in a different spot
and that made me look and that’s
when I saw it hiding behind my little
infrared ghost camera. You still have
a problem peeking to see if I see you
and that gives ya away ya silly LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Images Remain
The past has a way
of reflecting sights
the times long ago
our memory ignites.
Often as a smell,
pet, person or place
textured of styles
wished to embrace.
Time is recorded
as snowflakes fall
while images remain
as time standing tall.
We might see things
that live deep inside
while images remain
as an ongoing ride.
Pictures of moments
that live and breathe
when images remain
our minds conceive.
Created from life
that time did attain
we might find love
as images remain.
©By Bill Pearce
May 17, 2021
Holiday Dreams
Now may be spring,
but with memories
of holiday dreams
your heartbeat sees.
Beating as a drum
when snowflakes fall
dreams come to life
and gather over all.
Christmas reflections
as a seasonal kiss
wonderful dreams
with a wishful list.
Wanting for things
to magically appear
thinking of presents
in this time of year.
It might be illusions
of a distant array
those holiday dreams
of a Christmassy day.
©By Bill Pearce
May 17, 2021
Waves of Emotion
Life is like ripples
so often as waves
filled with emotions
that so many gaze.
Looking to the sea
of a timeless view
waves of emotion
may open to you.
Giving of options
as reflected dreams
often so emotional
as distant cuisines.
So many turnstiles
tasting so sweet
emotional stages
good enough to eat.
Yet they’re dreams
of a distant phase,
a reflection in time
that’s only a gaze.
It might be recalled
as a true blue ocean
formed in the mind
waves of emotion.
©By Bill Pearce
May 18, 2021
Pages of Fame
Seemless sights
timeless days
encounter times
of life’s arrays.
Pages of fame
may be to you
a time that finds
a magical view.
It might be only
famous to some
pages that turn
a new day’s sun.
Formed in ways
hearts acquire
pages of fame
a moment’s fire.
A scene of love
a scene of peace
that helps pain
to find release.
Find the pier
the times attain
Godly blessings
pages of fame.
©By Bill Pearce
May 18, 2021
Country Style
Living a breath
to surely keep
might be dreams
within ones sleep.
A country charm
a horse to ride
a scenic passage
that lives inside.
It may be times
that we recall
a country style
standing so tall.
It might even be
a dream or two
a country style
that lives in you.
Often mirrors
will show a fact
a country style
that’s not intact.
Yet it may be
a wishful smile
a God filled life
a country style.
©By Bill Pearce
May 18, 2021
Driving To December
The roads we travel
might be infused
with many turnstiles
some as bemused.
Driving to December
might hold the keys
on through a door
to a wintery breeze.
Seen as a pattern
a place to become
driving to December
to a seasonal sun.
Born from memories
created as a smile
on a wintery road
of a dreamer’s style.
Christmas in view
as time moves along
found in a dream
of a seasonal song.
Life is a journey
times to remember
moments come alive
driving to December.
©By Bill Pearce
May 19, 2021
Rains of Color
Creating a pattern
that simulates sky
raindrops become
as colors up high.
Maybe a grayish
or maybe of blue
they bring alive
an autumn hue.
Forming windows
of a distant day
the rains of color
create a display.
Scenes transform
becoming a light
colors of time
raindrops ignite.
So many blessings
change to another
brought into view
as rains of color.
©By Bill Pearce
May 19, 2021
Simple Shadows
Within our journeys
time might instill
a shadow of a day
on your windowsill.
It might come alive
as simply a view
a time that remains
in me and in you.
It might be a dream
or a passing star
formed within you
of near and afar.
It might be a place
remembered so well
a time that lives on
as a story to tell.
Written as ripples
of a scenic embrace
a simple shadow
of a time and place.
It may come to life
as a time that glows
created within you
as simple shadows.
©By Bill Pearce
May 20, 2021
Hidden Struggles
A hidden moment
you may not see
might be paddling
immense degree.
Yet what’s seen
might seem calm,
but yet struggling
to move on and on.
So many will hide
a moment in time
of all they struggle
within their mind.
The paddling ways
they try so true
to move ahead
and do as they do.
The waters of life
may show a slight
of how they try
with all their might.
We all have times
with some troubles
so many living with
hidden struggles.
©By Bill Pearce
May 20, 2021
Imagination’s World
Seeing our reflections
imprinted in the waves
life can be a window
with timeless displays.
Sought as a dreamer
so many might view
imagination’s world
as reflections so true.
Sunlight of flavors
with taste of a sight
create imperfections
as heaven’s delight.
With an imagination
you might find peace
rolling in the waves
as moments release.
The lines on our face
might mimic a dream
of imagination’s world
such a magical scene.
It might be a place
that seconds unfurled
that lives within our
imagination’s world.
©By Bill Pearce
May 21, 2021
for May 22, 2021
Life’s variations
are formed within our choices
of pathways to stride.
Leaning on a horn
just honking at everyone
makes ones ignore you.
Focusing on things
and not seeing importance
can dwindle your life.
Now is a doorway
to another point in time
that becomes the past.
Searching for the truth
you might uncover some lies
that you thought were true.
Storms of existence
are often in shape of peace
with a hidden storm.
A bicycle chain
helps to create momentum,
but you must pedal.
The leaves of autumn
create stories from colors
and their life and death.
Mysteries of life
come from windows of our mind
as we seek answers.
Walking in a field
you might discover yourself
within your footsteps.
Time is a doorway
that can open up choices
if we choose rightly.
Leaves of existence
change colors and fall to Earth
preparing new life.
Looking too closely
you might see many errors
that were not that bad.
Lifting heavy weights
that you’re not prepared to lift
can cause you much pain.
Close minded people
will often not see the truth
and miss all the facts.
Trials we encounter
often give us many tools
to use later on.
Leftover pieces
of something you created
might be important.
Thrills of illusions
can magically appear
if we don’t look close.
Brains of a person
do not guaranty they’re smart,
for they may be dumb.
Jumping in puddles
and splashing all around you
might get others wet.
Fuel of arguments
is often from our egos
not admitting wrongs.
Blowing in the wind
you might not notice your breeze
due to all the wind.
©By Bill Pearce
May 22, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Needs Are Met
Hello my friends
I hope you had a great weekend. It was yet
another slow weekend for us. Not much of
a ball game LOL. Not here 🙂 Our home is
game show titled Crocheting Poetry hehehe.
Yeppers, Judy has been busy crocheting more
and more. She finished with her basket that
she crocheted to hold her extra bit of yarn and
she has done a few shawls. She has quite the
collection of things she has made. Not me :),
I’m still doing my thing, writing poetry and
designing/creating poetry pictures. I have yet
to of published anymore, being I am waiting
for the 12 books I already have published to
start selling. Anyways, I’ll continue writing,
being that’s what I do and I enjoy creating
poetry pictures. It keeps me busy. At the
moment, it is raining and thunder is roaring
telling the tales of its life. Yeppers, I haven’t
seen any lightning as of yet, but I’ve heard
the thunder, which means the lightning is
somewhere around, but I am unable to look
out the window and write at the same time 🙂
I’m saving every line that I write just in case
the electricity is knocked out LOL. I don’t
want to have to rewrite everything, if ya know
what I mean hehehe. I was thinking about
doing a little mowing Monday, but it seems
I may have to wait till Wednesday or even
Thursday. It’s supposed to rain Monday
and Tuesday. Not much, but rain is rain 🙂
and it’s not good to mow wet grass. WOW,
now that was some thunder roar. That was
loud. I felt it in my feet. I’m still expecting
the electricity to go out any time hehehehe.
The CDC up here is moving that those that
have been vaccinated are no longer required
to wear mask come the end of the month,
but Judy and I will continue to be safe and
wear ours when we go shopping or whatnot.
We figure it’s not that much of a big deal
for us to wear them to the store and other
places. Better safe than sorry. Anyways
next topic. I bought me a one foot long
LED light for under my desk to help me to
be able to see my keyboards that plugs in.
The light has a dimmer on it that is done
by just touching it. I love it. I had been
using a battery LED lamp that I had to keep
changing the batteries in LOL. Benny and
Rocky are doing well. Benny is back to his
old self since we began giving him his insulin
shots or more to the point, Judy giving him,
being, I don’t do shots LOL. I’m always
afraid I’ll goof up and I don’t want to hurt
or kill the little guy. So Judy does all of the
needle stuff being she’s diabetic and has to
give herself shots. Though I do know how,
but I prefer not to have to do that hehehe.
We’re a strange bunch, but we fit together
like a puzzle 🙂 LOL OK so a few pieces
might be a little out of whack, but that’s
how it is in any relationship. It’s learning
how to use the differences as a tool to make
life better. We’ve combined our skills to
do many things. God performed a magic
feat when He put Judy and I together 🙂
I can still hear my dad’s voice saying Bill
there is someone out there that God has
waiting to become part of your life. I just
wish he would of told me that she might
live 2100 miles away LOL. No matter 🙂
we found one another and here we are
soon to be celebrating 20 years together
this coming October 2 🙂 Yes it’s still a
few months away, but the day of our very
first emails was April 1 2001. That was
when the ball began rolling so to say 🙂
It’s been a real experience. Judy got to
see dolphins in the ocean for the first
time in her life and I got a chance to see
many feet of snow, but not for the first,
but the first time to live through it LOL.
I’ve grown quite accustomed to the snow
and now prefer it to the heat of summer.
I do like the summers up here a whole
lot more than the summers in Texas 🙂
We don’t have the triple digit heat waves
that Texas has. Of course we have a few
days in the 90’s but on those days I stay
inside near our portable air conditioner.
I know I hurt all of the time, but I feel
blessed to have Judy in my life. We enjoy
much of the same things thankfully. We
do have our bad times, but they are far
outweighed by the good times. God has
been good to us. He makes sure that we
have all that we need. Surely not all that
we want, but our needs are met. He has
kept His mighty hands over us protecting
us from the evils that could destroy us.
Also we know that there are many angels
and friendly spirits watching over us and
guiding us. Thank You God for all that
You have done for us and surely all that
You will do. AMEN. Now, I think it’s
time for me to be reading back on all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem. So,
off I go to that place of my recollections
that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I found a fairly decent title just a
few lines back and now after checking
I see that it has not been used as of yet,
so used it shall be today. Here goes…
Needs Are Met
Within without
we might despair
wanted wishes
without a prayer.
So many directions
become a glance
as needs are met
with song and dance.
Sung as a blessing
sung as a song
what that happened
and helped us along.
Time is a window
a doorway too
where needs are met
as we pass through.
Leaving a shadow
of then and there
when needs are met
answers to prayer.
Time comes alive
we cannot forget
the lessons learned
as needs are met.
©By Bill Pearce
May 16, 2021
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling. My old
mind tends to drift time to time hehehe. Yep,
but at least I stay on track most of the time 🙂
Anyways, I think I have told you all there is
to tell other than what I tell you every week
and that is, I wrote some more poems and
haiku. Yep, 10 more poems and 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there 🙂
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like. So now I believe it’s time for
me to begin my search for that silly hardly
elusive off switch, but not before I wish you
all a truly blessings filled week. Remember.
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now, where
can that ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time LOL? Oh I see, this time you’re
claiming to be exhausted from hiding huh.
Are you kidding me? You barely ever hide
and now I see you just sitting on top of my
aspirin bottle just staring at me flipping
your switch on and and off LOL. SILLY.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Cherished Emotions
The clouds of desire
can fill up the skies
and become dreams
we see with our eyes.
Seeming as illusions
the clouds overhead
display many things
as many words said.
Spoken as clouds
forming displaying
cherished emotions
the time’s conveying.
Creating portraits
of things we recall
floating up above
and standing so tall.
Maybe in a skyline
with scenic notions
the clouds may form
cherished emotions.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2021
Beneath The Rocks
When we are walking
we might expose
the rocks of troubles
that hide a rose.
You might even find
a moment or two
beneath the rocks
that walks with you.
It might tag along
on your journeys way
unfolding moments
that seem a bit gray.
Beneath all the rocks
you might find peace
needing be displayed
as moments release.
There’s many rocks
that may hold scenes
written as turnstiles
found in our dreams.
Yet many moments
of past day walks
hold to the memories
beneath the rocks.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2021
Journey’s Sky
Blue sky of splendor
the minutes procure
become the essence
of a scenic allure.
Found as a dreamer
so many look above
to see what is there
in a sky full of love.
Seeming like seasons
as clouds drift away
a sky full of clouds
is a wonderful day.
It’s as a dreamworld
with a taste of light
as a journey’s sky
is day unto night.
Creating a landscape
in a skyline of blue
it becomes pictures
of an old and anew.
Scenes within scenes
as a magical world
unveil the pictures
as life is unfurled.
Becoming a window
to a time to embrace
as a painted picture
of a scenic place.
A dreamer may see
many scenes fly by
as living heartbeats
in a journey’s sky.
©By Bill Pearce
May 11, 2021
Colors of Dreams
Leaves as artwork
create many times
as colors of dreams
inside our minds.
Creating a potion
that pours as gold
with autumn colors
and stories of old.
Enhanced memoirs
in scenic displays
as colors of dreams
in so many ways.
You might see life
of a flavorful sight
transposed in time
an autumn delight.
The leaves may form
the essence of style
which that creates
a memorable smile.
Look with your eyes,
see with your heart
the colors of dreams
as a work of art.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2021
Ocean of Breath
Morning’s arrival
breathes in deep
a breath of waves
for time to keep.
Filling the crevices
with watery ways
words of moments
within the days.
Perplexing minds
as waves roll in
an ocean of breath
blows in the wind.
So take in the view
that seconds instill
and breathe deeply
with lungs to fill.
Search the waves
of timeless tales
an ocean of breath
within the swells
Find your path
of more or less
as you awaken to
an ocean of breath.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2021
Journey Across
Footsteps on walkways
on bridges of desire
may often be journeys
that might soon expire.
The pathways of life
may hold many scenes
as water beneath them
of underground springs.
Seeming a dreamworld
that time might display
like a journey across
to yet another day.
There may be buildings
with clouds up above
formed from a moment
and filled full of love.
It may seem as shadows
this sight that you see,
but be as a doorway
with heart as the key.
Lessons are remembered
each gain and each loss
as we walk onwards
on the journey across.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2021
Dreams Begin
Beginnings of time
formed on our face
might surely find
a memorized place.
As a taste of honey
or a dreamer’s hue
more than money
such a magical view.
You might even see
within hearts desire
a place in history
as a passionate fire.
Time that’s passed
and left just a gaze
shadows that cast
the so distant days.
Scenes still living
of a time and again
a heartbeat is giving
as our dreams begin.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2021
Enhanced Visions
Leaves on the trees
create perceptions
a little enhanced
timeless directions.
Trails that become
a seasonal doorway
with our memories
of a distant array.
Enhanced visions
become as a place
or moment in time
that you embrace.
Look even deeper
see what’s bestowed
on a leaf filled path
or old country road.
Find the directions
that you wish to ride
or walk on smiling
with peaceful stride.
Lose all your anger
in the midst of time
with enhanced visions
within your mind.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2021
Moonlit Desires
Nighttime clouds
might float on by
and let the moon
to shine in the sky.
Glimmers of hope
and that of peace
as moonlit desires
give their release.
Becoming dreams
and nightmares too
the moonlit desires
may thrive in you.
There may be stars
well hidden above
as moonlit desires
filled full of love.
You might see life’s
rekindled scenes
that come so alive
as cosmic dreams.
Look even deeper,
see what transpires
formed within time
as moonlit desires.
©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2021
Living Mirror
Reflections reflected
become as a glance
of past and present
a living romance.
Dancing as desires
reflected in our eyes
are as living mirrors
clouds in the skies.
Scents we remember
that time may expose
as the ripples of life
that smell like a rose.
Life’s mirrors reflect
the things we recall
maybe of summer
or maybe of fall.
Distilled emotions
create different views
as our perceptions
are choices to choose.
Forming the artwork
of time seen clearer
this is a memory
in a living mirror.
©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2021
for May 15, 2021
Through many echoes
you might hear yourself speaking
all that you regret.
Turbulent waters
may have peace deep within them
hidden from your view.
Beyond our worries
we might find peace in a flame
that’s burning brightly.
Time is the keeper
of so many memories
we’re wanting forgotten.
Trails that we journey
may often hold our heartbeat
within the footsteps.
A new day will start
even if it look’s bad now,
for change makes better.
The calming of seas
can make ones forget the waves
and end up drowning.
Summer’s blades of grass
become obstacles of life
with some dull lawn mower blades.
Troubles of the past
can become lessons in life
if we don’t give up.
Times might seem stupid
when seen with unweathered minds,
but the past teaches.
Portions of heartache
might exist in our actions
of all that we caused.
A listing turnstile
may one day fill with water
as it tips over.
Flavors of a food
can often become pungent
as time has its way.
Living in the past
can cause you to drown in tears
that today could dry.
Heat of a moment
can inflame a bad mistake
that needed put out.
The trains we ride on
in our imagination
may one day derail.
Patterns of a bridge
might seem structurally sound,
but be very weak.
Seeking for true love
you may also find liars
that are playing games.
Faith moves us forward
while doubting will hold us back,
so have faith in God.
Hands held together
are stronger than all alone,
so find some true friends.
Minutes that pass us
can often become shadows
of our yesterdays.
Knowing right from wrong
gives us choices we can choose
that can be better.
©By Bill Pearce
May 15, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
That Means
Hello my friends
First off I want to say Happy Mother’s Day
to all of the moms and mainly to my mom.
I love you mom. Thank you for being there
for us when we’ve needed you. Judy is still
sleeping at this moment, but when she wakes
I’ll fix us some breakfast. It looks like today
will be a nice day from the looks of it outside
my window. The high for today is supposed
to be 60 F and it’s 57 right now at 2:35 PM.
So, it might not make the 60, but that’s OK
with me. Judy and I watched Buck Rogers
last night for a few hours. I added the app
TUBI to our smart TV and we’ve been busy
watching Buck Rogers of the 25th Century
for the passed few nights LOL. We’ve still
got many episodes yet to watch. Time is
something we a lot of so we watch a lot of
TV along with our projects that we each
do. Of course I write every day and Judy
here lately has crocheted quite a bit, but
she also does painting and making crafts
as well as does a little bit of writing time
to time. Me, well I only do poetry and
photography that I also use to design and
create my poetry pictures. Boring huh 🙂
Yeppers, I’m a boring person, but I think
Judy kind of likes that about me hehehe.
Life in the country with the Pearce’s is like
watching the snow fall and the grass grow.
So, what’s happening around this place?
Hmm, well, Benny is doing much better.
He has learned to use what teeth he has
left to chew his food and treats. Yes he
had 10 bad teeth pulled but he still has
32 LOL the same amount as humans or
at least ones that have not lost any or
all which is my case hehehe. Yeppers,
little Benny is doing well and Rocky is
also doing well. He’s as ornery as ever.
He started getting into Judy’s yarn the
other day and I tried to pull him away
and he bit my thumb. I’ll live, but he
might not LOL. No it’s OK. Anyways
they are both asleep in the floor beside
me. I might have to go and wash dishes
in a bit before I make Judy and I some
breakfast. I think I’ll do that now 🙂
I’ll be back. I’m back, No it’s not a
Mother’s Day thing, being I do all of
this also on Father’s Day. Anyways,
Judy is still in bed. I will wake her in
a bit although I just strolled in to ask
if she had taken her medicine that she
has to take before eating. My daughter
just called to wish her a Happy Mother’s
Day and I took the phone in to her. So,
she’s up 🙂 That means I’ll be headed
to the kitchen again after this is done
and fix us something to eat. Yep, this
place is exciting LOL, NOT. But I do
enjoy living out here. It’s quiet out
here in the country. God has blessed
us with each other and these little boys
of ours as well as family and friends
that have come into our lives. God
has surely blessed our home. We fill
His presence all around us as well as
the many angels and friendly spirits
that are watching over us. Thank You
God for all that You have done and
all that You will do. AMEN. Now I
do believe it’s time for me to begin my
journey back through all that I have
written here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem and
so it’s away I go to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have found a workable title that I’ve
not used yet, but the proof is in the
pudding LOL. Here goes.
That Means
Thinking sinking
moments despair
many may think
they have no prayer.
Yet as a moment
passes us by
that means in life
shows Adonai.
He gives us hope
He gives us peace
that means at times
we need to cease.
Quit all the fighting
and arguing about
what that’s in ways
and what that’s out.
Look for the lessons
look for the tools
that many forget
and become the fools.
Find the rhythms
within living scenes
God given moments
found as that means.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2021
Well there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little of my on
going rambling 🙂 I think I’ve told you
all that there is to tell other than what
I tell you every week and that is I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers
10 more poems with 1 of them being sort
of Christmassy and I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like. Now with that said
I believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a good and
truely blessings filled week. Remember
Jesus loves you and we do too. OK 🙂
now to find that silly off switch. Hmm,
looking in the places it’s hidden once
or twice before. Nope, but hey, my
battery tester seems to be moving on
its own LOL. I just happened to look
down where I had moved my battery
tester and saw it sort of rocking back
and forth. You still can’t stay still huh.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Springtime Array
Grayish overcasts
depict and transform
sometimes into signs
that may seem forlorn.
A springtime array
in a midday overcast
can become a season
with a shadowy cast.
Seen as a photograph
found within the sky
as a springtime array
where seconds fly by.
Green grass below
with dandelions hue
combine all together
to create a great view.
Patterns of a hillside
as moments romance
with a springtime array
that begins to dance.
Spring is its music
that creates a display
bonded all together
in a springtime array.
©By Bill Pearce
May 1, 2021
Evening Rain
Time is a morsel
that many extend
as an evening rain
a time to contend.
Seconds passing
become our view
raindrops falling
upon me and you.
Time in a distance
might seem to say
we better prepare
for a rainy day.
It may pass over,
but also may not
and rain heavily
on all we’ve got.
So look up above
and say a prayer
for help from God
as a breath of air.
Look for the good
in times you attain
and find blessings
in an evening rain.
©By Bill Pearce
May 3, 2021
Living Breathing
Amidst a day
may be a frame
as a photograph
in a windowpane.
Many a scene
becomes as time
living breathing
within the mind.
Love is a place
seconds bestow
as life and times
of to and fro.
Seeming alive
what we behold
living breathing
our eyes unfold.
Within a heart
may be grieving,
but there’s hope
living breathing.
©By Bill Pearce
May 3, 2021
Saturn’s Journey
Roads of travel
times we see
may have places
sights for free.
Scenes displayed
to far and wide
all the planets
a journey’s ride.
We might stop
and look a while
at the sights
that did compile.
There may be
a moon or two
Saturn’s orbit
within view.
We might find
a place to stand
beside the planet
oh so grand.
So many wires
hold in place
Saturn’s journey
time’s embrace.
©By Bill Pearce
May 4, 2021
Minds Pathways
Autumn’s colors
create a phase
a time and place
within the days.
Textured leaves
colors bright
emit a portion
of life’s delight.
Seeming roads
short and sweet
create a stage
for eyes to meet.
Forming breath
times to breathe
scenic pathways
eyes perceive.
Moments give
and open door
seasons scenes
we can explore.
Found as dreams
in many ways
life becomes as
minds pathways.
©By Bill Pearce
May 4, 2021
Summer Skies
Living scenes
become found
when we choose
to look around.
The sky above
within the blue
might be clouds
a whitish view.
They may hold
a moment’s rain
to fall down on
our windowpane.
Minutes heard
a summer song
may be moments
to sing along.
Living scenes
thrill our eyes
with a season’s
summer skies.
©By Bill Pearce
May 4, 2021
Within Your Mind
In fields running
times might sway
creating patches
of a season’s day.
June unto July
a summer dream
opens a window
to a scented scene.
Through the mind
we might envision
a timeless sight
within decision.
Heartbeats beat
to seasons of suns
passionate times
rhythms of drums.
Life is a doorway
with windows too
that may be fields
of seasons to view.
Look on beyond
what now can find
and envision it
within your mind.
©By Bill Pearce
May 5, 2021
Morning Breeze
Dawn’s arrival
is such a sight
with beginnings
a scene’s delight.
An ocean breeze
a scene of time
as our memories
within the mind.
They come to life
as ships and sails
a morning breeze
that time entails.
Within a frame
a camera’s view
sunlight shines
a day brand new.
Birds might fly
in many scenes
within the waves
inside of dreams.
A passionate life
that gently roles
becomes a sea
with many goals.
Creating stories
we can believe,
it all begins as a
morning breeze.
©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2021
Photographic Times
The passing of ages
becomes as a place
as the times we find
with a scenic face.
It may be an echo
of a life yesterday
photographic times
a reflected array.
Seeming as dreams
with photography
within the pictures
you once again see.
Photographic ages
as life’s pages turn
unfolding memories
for us to discern.
As time comes alive
with a photograph
it also unleashes
times from the past.
So a mere moment
can become rhymes
about an old barn’s
photographic times.
©By Bill Pearce
May 7, 2021
Winter Journeys
Traveled roads
distant minds
winter journeys
snow designs.
Rolling wheels
timeless scenes
that of winter
in our dreams.
We might see
snowflakes fall
upon the trees
standing tall.
There might be
a time or two
seeming as a
Christmas view.
A timeless path
a road to drive
becomes a time
that’s so alive.
Wheels of life
enhance a sight
winter journeys
snow of white.
©By Bill Pearce
May 7, 2021
for May 8, 2021
Patience forms minutes
from seconds that pass us by
and create chances.
Scenes that we may see
might only be illusions
of a wishing well.
Throughout the seasons
there may be some reflections
that are reminders.
Life is a doorway
with many views to partake
with many choices.
Green leaves of summer
will become colors of life
that death intervenes.
Living on the edge
you might trip and fall over
and land on your head.
Through a small mouse hole
you might only see a mouse
where it sees a home.
Time’s always ticking
even when we are sleeping
so use it wisely.
Before and after
are always joined with right now
as then fades away.
Trivial moments
can become many problems
if they are ignored.
Seasons in the sun
often portray many smiles
that might be sunburns.
Impatient efforts
might cause more problems than good,
so learn some patience.
The pages of a book
might have a few memories
dog-eared for reason.
Sheltered emotions
can become as dynamite
if they’re gone un checked.
Years may pass us by
leaving regretful heartache
that could of been fixed.
Time is not a clock,
but a clock displays the time
that minutes procure.
Doorways and windows
become passages in life
fueled by our choices.
Scented illusions
can become our reality
deep inside our minds.
Joining ones fighting
needs you to know the reason
if it’s good or bad.
Tomorrow’s turnstile
might need a little greasing
with lessons you learned.
Giving up the ship
might be a premature act
that still had chances.
Harboring hatred
for ones you know little of
displays ignorance.
©By Bill Pearce
May 8, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Times That We Fell
Hello my friends
It’s looking to be a rainy day today as
the clouds come floating through. Yep
it’s springtime. I love the rain. I love it
when it rains and there’s thunder and
lighting. That’s the stuff that helps me
to write and also to relax. Yes of course
I love snow too, for it also has a way of
delivering peace to my heart and mind.
Anyways, its those things along with the
sunny days and all the changes that help
me to think and create. A versatile mind
comes from a variety of existence. So on
with my rambling LOL. Benny was able
to get in to see the vet Thursday morning
early about his bad teeth and they had
to extract 10 teeth. Of course being dogs
have 42 teeth, he still has 32 so he will be
OK. He has already begun chewing stuff.
LOL Think of it, we as human have only
32 teeth, or at least the ones that have
not had them pulled or what not hehehe.
They also found that Benny is diabetic
as his blood sugar was at 400, so the lil
guy is now on insulin and they prescribed
a couple of prescriptions to help him to
heal from the teeth extraction’s. He has
arthritis and we’re giving him shots for
that as well as his diabetes. Poor little
guy. You can tell he takes after his mom
and dad LOL. Judy has the diabetes
and I have arthritis and missing teeth 🙂
We’re one big happy family hehehehe.
Benny has one more vet visit coming this
Thursday for a glucose reading and such,
but other than that our week is not that
eventful. Of course we’ll be heading to
town to get some groceries that we’ve
run out of, but not much other than
that. It’s supposed to rain Wednesday
and we can use the rain, being we are
on well water 🙂 I love it out here in
the country. I hated living in the city
being that you have very little privacy
in the city. There are some problems
with living in the country though such
as town is 8 miles away and the Pizza
Hut will not deliver this far out of town.
Bummer LOL. Oh well, there’s good
and bad in any view. It just depends
on how we’re viewing it. We can look
for the good or nit-pick on the bad that
is often just a moment. Life is a mixed
up bundle of moments good and bad
that work for one another, for without
the bad, the good often goes unnoticed.
Yep, we might hate all those miserable
times that we fell on our face, but they
might of been needed to teach us. I’ve
fell on my face more times than I can
count hehehe. So I use my mistakes
as words for poetry 🙂 God has pulled
me through each problem and helped
me to become stronger, maybe not in
health, but in mind. God’s hands are
always over us protecting us from the
evils that could do us harm. He knows
what we can handle and sends help to
us when He sees we are in dire need of
a helping hand. We’re very thankful
for all of the angels and spirits that
watch over us and guide us. Thank
You God for always knowing what’s
best for us and being there for us 🙂
AMEN. Now I do believe it’s time
for me to be taking a little trip back
through all that I’ve written here to
see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title of
today’s new poem. So it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have found
a fairly decent title near the halfway
mark of my rambling and now after
checking I see that it has not been
used yet, so used it shall be today.
Here goes…
Times That We Fell
So many problems
found hand to hand
might seem a beach
without any sand.
Oceans of hopeful
can often be scenes
with empty wells of
nightmarish dreams.
Formed perspectives
our times interweave
can be of the greater
if we will believe.
Losing negativity
and finding the good
the times that we fell
we misunderstood.
Seeing the lessons
we learned from pain
finding the rainbow
that’s after the rain.
Open your eyes up
on life’s carrousel
and find the lessons
in times that we fell.
©By Bill Pearce
May 2, 2021
There ya go 🙂 I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even my rambling a little bit 🙂
The clouds have cleared up a little bit or
at least it seems like it by my view outside.
It’s 57 F degrees right now and supposed
to get down to 29 F by tomorrow morning.
That’s about all I have for ya other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 poems with one being a little bit
Christmassy. Also I wrote 22 more haiku
for all of the haiku lovers out there 🙂 I
hope you are able to find 1 or 2 of either
of both that you like. So now I believe
it’s time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch, but surely
not before I wish you a truly blessings
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you
and we do too. Now, where can that
ornery off switch be trying to hide this
time? Hmm, looking in all of its many
regular hiding spots hehehe. Hmm, is
there a breeze in here? I wonder why the
light over my head is swinging. Oh for
heaven’s sake, I see ya dangling from
the cheap chandelier LOL. Almost a
Tarzan moment huh hehehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Morning’s Glow
Waves of morning
create a style
a venturous view
sights to compile.
Seen on a beach
waves a crashing
a morning’s glow
is dimly flashing.
Whispering words
of times storybook
a glowing horizon
deserving a look.
A stage is created
as waves rolling in
forming a memory
of time and again.
Search your heart
for a place in time
as a morning glow
that’s oh so divine.
It might be a sight
on a beach faraway
that you remember
of a so distant day.
Find that memory
and let it to grow
becoming real as
a morning’s glow.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 23, 2021
Train Tracks of Time
Memories upon us
become as a path
train tracks of time
as shadows we cast.
Minutes chugging
as choo choo trains
creating journeys
each second attains.
Becoming artwork
of year after year
train tracks of time
that many endear.
You may see things
that jar your mind
helping you recall
a momentous time.
A time that lives on
in seasons of style
found on the rails
of mile after mile.
An endless journey
to then and beyond
train tracks of time
that go on and on.
Breathing as a life
that seconds pursue
the train becomes
our old and anew.
Memories living
as times intertwine
becoming shadows
train tracks of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26, 2021
Frosty Memoirs
Wintertime brings
some snowy scenes
frosty memoirs
as seasonal dreams.
Found as minutes
with a holiday song
of Christmas snow
sung on and on.
Wonderful scenes
of magical sights
a seasonal flair
in days and nights.
Holiday moments
become enhanced
created when the
snowflakes danced.
You may perceive
a moment or two
creating sights
that thrive in you.
Wintertime words
of written designs
frosty memoirs
as seasonal rhymes.
You may find that
time transcends
frosty memoirs
four legged friends.
You may see dogs
as true little stars
standing watching
frosty memoirs.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26, 2021
Destinations Beyond
Beyond the distant hills
there may be illusions
that times might show
as a life’s confusions.
Predestined journeys
through a timeless door
might be new pathways
that we need explore.
Maybe with reflections
of our yesterdays stride
destinations beyond us
that live deep inside.
Maybe as roadways
with pavement of gray
withered by the miles
of each passing day.
A yellow stripe showing
where you’re to drive
on destinations beyond
where time stays alive.
There may be a sight
that makes you to yawn
which seems as a dream
destinations beyond.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27, 2021
Uphill Strolls
Walks of a moment
can become a thrill
even if they seem as
to be more up hill.
The thrill of a climb
or an uphill stride
can create blessings
that live deep inside.
Venturous heartbeats
become as a glance
with an uphill stroll
as a song and dance.
Sung as a reflection
of our inner feelings
as an uphill stroll
beneath sky ceilings.
Green grass of time
might tell of a tale
of days that exposed
what seconds prevail.
Seasons of scenes
created with emotion
walking in a way
that time is an ocean.
Look for the sights
with wonderful goals
blessings from God
as uphill strolls.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27, 2021
Desired Reflections
Memories beckon
a time and place
desired reflections
our hearts embrace.
There may be snow
of a small amount
laid on a pathway
telling an account.
Maybe in April
as time melts away
desired reflections
remember a day.
Words of a story
may speak of time
recounting photos
desired sublime.
You may see life
as a friend walking
words of a way
a season is talking.
Telling us a tale
of many directions
found remembered
desired reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2021
Raging Waters
Thoughts can expose
a stormy memory
of a time long gone
that is now history.
Raging perspectives
flowing as a time
waters of yesterday
may be as a rhyme.
Seen as reflections
of what lives inside
as raging waters
our baggage applies.
When not letting go
of a time and place
you might discover
an old withered face.
It might have a scar
deep in the skin
raging on and on
beginning to end.
Turn loose the pain
of yesterdays stride
letting raging waters
to no longer reside.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2021
Summer of Gold
Waves of morning
crashing ashore
display the sounds
that I so adore.
Sunlight shining
as a perfect star
beaming brightly
from near to afar.
Seasonal sunshine
glistening bright
then by evening
speaking of night.
Telling a story
of timeless tales
as summer of gold
in bright details.
Scenes come alive
as waves roll in
leaving their mark
rolling out again.
Windows of life
so gently unfold
forming a picture
a summer of gold.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 29, 2021
Spring Awakens
A small bike rider
that time beholds
becomes the view
when life unfolds.
Spring awakens
becoming a view
living memories
timeless so true.
Wheels a rolling
time moves along
spring awakens
a scenery song.
Sung as memoirs
words of a time
a little bike rider
becomes a rhyme.
Written as stories
traveling views
spring awakens
what time ensues.
Minutes passing
becoming a phase
as spring awakens
wonderful days.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 29, 2021
Hidden Minds
Seasons of sights
hidden and not
unleash desires
a little or a lot.
Stages changing
become a glance
as hidden minds
song and dance.
Time is an artist
painting away
hidden designs
from day to day,
Scenes of life
in a minute scale
becomes a sight
a timeless detail.
Hidden views
a house may be
moments in time
real hard to see.
Seasons of style
wonderful times
might exist in
hidden minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 30, 2021
for Apr 30, 2021
Beneath our anger
there might be an illusion
stoking the fire.
Temptations of life
can become fuel for moments
that we might regret.
Throughout history
time tends to repeat itself
in the things not learned.
A field’s emotions
may seem as nonexistent,
but the grasses tell.
Time is a river
that flows as a moment’s mind
discovering pathways.
Stages of actors
perform in our memories
creating new views.
Trails we discover
might have a few thorns on them
that may slow us down.
Now’s just a moment
that will soon be history
so do your very best.
Open mindedness
allows new ways to view things
that could be better.
Thriving as fire
life can become persistent
igniting more flames.
Flowers of springtime
awaken as winter fades
and loses its grasp.
Lost within nowhere
somewhere is always around
that’s needing a name.
Pages of a book
might have a lot of numbers
the same as our lives.
Thinking too deeply
can unleash many monsters
into your shadows.
Searching for answers
in a question filled array
can create problems.
Windows of our minds
can often need some cleaning,
for filth has cluttered them.
Behind a doorway
might be a hidden monster
in form of your mind.
Trivial troubles
can become mountains in time
if we ignore them.
Many passing clouds
can become as memories
that you imagine.
Limited footsteps
might be from too much caution
and not stepping out.
Now is just a page
in our book of living minds
filled with many thoughts.
Becoming yourself
needs you to step out in life
and learn who you are.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 30, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂