Hello my friends
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and
didn’t eat too much. We had TV dinners.
Yeppers, Hungryman turkey, potatoes
and gravy TV dinners 🙂 We had a good
day. We watched a Christmas movie and
just enjoyed being together. The weather
is getting even more wintery as each day
passes by. It snowed yesterday. We got
about an inch or so. We’re expecting a
little more snow Monday and Tuesday 🙂
Not much though, but snow none the less.
It’s a little chilly right now with a temp of
21 F degrees. I took a few pictures of the
snow yesterday. It’s not that much, but
it’s a start hehehe. I’m sure a ton of snow
is on its way 🙂 It’s just running late LOL.
There’s not much going on here at the
Pearce’s Place. Nope, Judy’s watching
videos on doing other crocheting items
and I’m doing this LOL. We might find
us something to watch on TV later, but
for now, this is it. LOL ain’t we exciting!
It doesn’t take much to entertain us. We
enjoy the smaller things in life, which is
good, being we are broke hehehe. That’s
OK, being we have plenty of food and
nowhere we need to be. The boys are
sleeping in their doggy beds between Judy
and I and the only sounds I can hear are
of me typing on the keyboard. In other
words, it’s pretty darn quiet. That will
end when the boys start wanting a treat
or need to go out to go potty LOL. Yep,
they tend to get noisy then. I’m gotta
start saving up, because we’re going to
have to have the front brakes on the car
replaced the first of January, because
they’re in a bad way, but they’ll last
until then hopefully. We just a month
ago or so got the rear brakes and rotors
replaced. This week seems to be a lazy
one, being neither of us have doctors
appointments or anything. We did all
of our grocery shopping last week 🙂 so
we should be OK. We’re not rich on the
money scale, but I think we’re rich on
love and God’s blessings. Yes we have
quite a few not so great times, but God
always pulls us through. LOL darkness
has crept up upon us as night’s wielded
its sword. Yeppers, it’s 6:30 and dark.
Of course it’s been dark since 4:30 PM,
so it seems as nighttime. I stopped for
a moment to check to see what’s on TV
tonight and the Wonderful World of
Disney is on at 7, so we might watch
that, but there are a few of our favorite
TV programs on that we might prefer.
We plan on having a peaceful evening
together watching TV and eating dinner
later on. Many blessings have come our
way. We are so very thankful that God
has kept His mighty hand over us with
His protection and love as well as all of
the angels He has sent to help us and all
of kindly spirits that stay with us to give
us strength to continue on. God is good.
He never gave up on me even when I had
given up on myself. Thank You God for
all that You’ve done and all that You will
most surely do. AMEN and AMEN……..
Now I do believe it is time for me to start
my journey back, reading through all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use for a
title for today’s brand new poem. So it’s
away I go, to that magical place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may of
stumbled upon a fairly decent title pert
near the middle of my rambling which is
the TV program and now after checking,
I see that it has not been used as of yet,
so used it shall be today. Here goes…..
Wonderful World
Right now may seem
as a hurricane
as life moves passed
and drives us insane.
Yet if we’ll remember
a distant view
one that you thought
you’d not get through
you might see hope
of a different sight
a wonderful world
a bright shining light.
The past has a way
of opening eyes
as now and thens
hellos and good-byes.
Take a step back
and remember well
the times you thought
you were living in Hell.
Let God come in
and bless your life
in the wonderful world
with lesser of strife.
Don’t let sadness
be always unfurled
look for the joy
in this wonderful world.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 28, 2021
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling LOL.
I do tend to ramble , don’t I hehehehehe!
Yeppers, I be a rambling man. Anyways,
I at least entertained ya for a short brief 🙂
So I reckon it’s time for me to tell ya what
I tell ya every week and that is, I wrote a
few more poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find 1 or
2 of either or both that you like. Now with
that said I believe it’s time for me to start
my search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a joyful blessings
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. Now, where in the heck can
that ornery off switch be trying to hide this
time???? Hmm, where is that silly thing?
I think I see something that’s seeming to
move a tad when it should not be moving
at all. LOL are ya thinking of taking some
Melatonin hehehe? The bottle seems to be
sliding forwards just enough for me to see.
Yeppers, there ya are. Hehehe you don’t
need any. I think you were nodding off
and leaning on the bottle. Nope, you do
not need it. You just need to learn how to
hide LOL, but then if you ever learn how
to hide, it might delay me in getting this
done LOL, so thanks for being lazy hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Rainbows of Stories
Through a looking glass
a moment’s reflection
might show a timeless
rainbow perception.
Life becomes echoes
of a time and a place
with rainbows of stories
our heartbeats embrace.
Maybe within a photo
of a second’s scenes
there may be reflections
as looking glass dreams.
You might see a time
you remember so well
as rainbows and stories
of a time which to tell.
Told as mere illusions,
but as a beating heart
a story of a moment
as life’s work of art.
Look inside of time
and find you a prayer
a story of a moment
with a breath of air.
God sends blessings
like reflections of time
as rainbows and stories
to live in our mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 22, 2021
Winter Ends
Sights created
as scenes allure
brings us views
of a winter tour.
Melting of snow
a scenic display
becomes a time
life on the way.
Springtime’s hue
enhances scenes
as winter ends
creating streams.
Life’s a pattern
an open door
so many sights
as times before.
Mallards finding
places to swim
as spring begins
and winter ends.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 23, 2021
Evening Flight
The day meets end
as evening appears
creating moments
our heart endears.
Opening windows
to the inner mind
an evening flight
is a magical find.
It unleashes stages
within the sky
as a path is made
as a bird shall fly.
We might look up
and catch a glance
of an evening flight
a song and dance.
It might look like
a dream come true
this bird in the sky
so high above you.
You might begin
to feel its vibe
within your heart
as it lives inside.
It might be love
a wondrous sight
as God enhances
an evening flight.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 23, 2021
Blessings Displayed
Heavenly pictures
that we come unto
so often are photos
that we later view.
We might envision
a moment in time
as only a picture
or scenic design.
Yet in our photos
God might create
times to remember
that become great.
Living as a dream
of a time or place
blessings displayed
as somebody’s face.
You may even see
a trace of yourself
within the photos
that lay on a shelf.
Wipe off the dust
that time’s applied
and find blessings
that may live inside.
For within pictures
time is portrayed
often as moments
blessings displayed.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 23, 2021
Breathing Believing
Seeing life’s emotions
becoming points of view
all that we’re believing
may be old thought anew.
As we begin our journeys
that now has made clear
our breathing believing
might fill full of fear.
Afraid of the heartbeats
and afraid of the times
that the unknown delivers
often deep in our minds.
Words of a doorway
or a window within view
that opens real widely
for me and for you.
Breathe in the blessings
and breathe in the style
then believe in a moment
that might give a smile.
A moment of winter
might display some snow
that heads to Christmas
with scenes to bestow.
Open up your heart
and let God’s love in
as breathing believing
of a blessing’s filled wind.
Like an ocean of pictures
that time’s conceiving
brought then to life
as breathing believing.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 24, 2021
Sky of Minds
Beyond a blue sky
holds many a sight
as things we may see
with colors of light.
Heavenly portals
open up to release
a sky of beauty
filled full of peace.
Colors transposing
from blue to pink
formed in a turnstile
to make us to think.
A deep sky of minds
becomes as a gift
that God has given
to help to uplift.
It’s better than gold
a time to enthrall
when with a picture
helps us to recall.
Bringing back peace
of seasons designs
unleashing blessings
in a sky of minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 24, 2021
Gazing Days
Looking far across
into a dreamer’s sky
you might see a scene
or a moment fly by.
Maybe a little hazy
as a depiction of time
blowing in a breeze
and creating a rhyme.
God given moments
to gaze thereupon
days such as summer
that slowly move on.
Leaving living trails
upon a distant view
becoming memories
as then thereunto.
Scented of moments
that came and went
as so many memories
may be Heaven sent.
Blessings filled sights
encompass a dream
in the gazing days
each wonderful scene.
Brought as a second
moves passed today
creating the moments
to give time to pray.
Essence of emotions
lives on in a haze
providing blessings
as many gazing days.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 25, 2021
Watching Storms
When within waves
of troubled times
storms can envelop
the scenic designs.
Watching waiting
for another view
storms might pass
and not hit you.
Have faith in God
for He can create
a moment’s peace
to a time and date.
Yet we might need
to move faraway
of the storm of life
of a troubled day.
For as the clouds
come closer to you
the path in life
may bid you adieu.
So look and pray
for life when found
watching storms
that come around.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 25, 2021
Drifting Views
Beyond our thoughts
are drifting scenes
sights that we think
should be as dreams.
Water seen rushing
as a river gone wild
might form minutes
that times compiled.
Yet for a moment
your drifting views
might be impatient
with all you choose.
For as our moments
become so discerning
they might also be
things we’re learning.
Just like the visions
of a watery sight
life’s drifting views
are in day and night.
Let them to form
what’s meant to be
blessings as dressings
on a mindful sea.
Pay close attention
to choices you choose
for they may become
only drifting views.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 26, 2021
Looking back a bit
I can see my face
smiling compiling
a warm embrace.
Time was becoming
a clock on the wall
as then met now
not standing so tall.
The views I had
my youth entwined
creating the stages
that I now find.
They live with me
as ages of thoughts
weathered emotions
that time had cost.
Ages are gathering
creating a place
weathered from life
with a smiling face.
Having knowledge
of happy things
creates a portal
to many dreams.
For then and now
have been tethered
with the lessons
that I’ve weathered.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 26, 2021
for Nov 27, 2021
Alone in sadness
can magnify the moments,
so seek for a friend.
Trading illusions
for some other illusions
creates more problems.
The tides of a dream
can often seem magical,
but leave you as beached.
Thriving emotions
that we have no leash upon
can be obnoxious.
Today and the past
have a connection in time
that we might not see.
Too many choices
can overload decisions
and cause confusion.
Time is a doorway
with many living windows
that might not show truth.
Some circumstances
can be avoided with knowledge,
but it’s something gained.
Trials by fire
can often feel like the end,
but lessons are learned.
We are as shadows
when our memories are seen,
but shadows with flesh.
An ocean of time
might become too deep to swim
with too much baggage.
Many tomorrows
can be as our yesterdays
if we never learn.
So many people
can seem like they’re honest,
but steal life away.
The questions we ask
might unlock many answers
that we do not want.
Within a journey
there might be a few problems
that you’ll have to solve.
Daytime and nighttime
have a joint relationship
that helps time move on.
Having and owning
are of two separate things
if they are not yours.
Through timeless dreamworlds
the essence of seconds lives
as reality.
Steaming through a book
not knowing the words you read,
each page may be blank.
Remembering times
that you had so long ago
can help you to smile.
Glancing at the clouds
you might see some images
that you remember.
Drawing your visions
upon a piece of paper,
it might become art.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: November 2021
Stay Busy
Hello my friends
It’s little ole me once again with more of
my incessant rambling hehehe. I hope you
have been staying well. We’re still hanging
in there. Yep, life is Pretty much the same
old same old here at the Pearce’s place LOL.
We’re keeping our eyes peeled for snowflakes
as we do every winter. We got a little snow
last week, but we haven’t had enough days
in a roll of freezing and below temps to get
the ground cold enough to hold the snow,
so it melted quickly as soon as the snowing
ceased. I’m sure the true snows of winter
will come forth soon to paint the landscape
with textures of white. It could be this week
or next week, but only God truly knows 🙂
The weathermen can only make guesses on
what they see in the distant weather. They
rarely hit it on the button LOL. Judy has
been knitting more and more and has done
many Christmas gifts. I of course am doing
basically the same as always with my poetry
and such. Yep, I be rather boring. Judy’s
the exciting one in our relationship. All I
have to offer for entertainment is poetry and
conga drum music LOL. Nah, the truth is,
we’re both at times may seem a little boring
to others, but we enjoy what we do. I love
that gal. I enjoy just being with her. We
have our favorite TV programs that we like
to watch together as well as taking pictures
and other things. LOL we were outside
late last night with our cameras trying to
take a picture of the moon. Judy had her
cell phone trying to take a picture of the
moon and she actually got a better picture
of the moon, so I may share one of her
pictures in the stationery 🙂 Mine came
out with a glare. I had the camera setting
on indoor and that may have been the
problem along with the humidity in the
air. The moon seemed to have a halo
around it. So, yes we have many things
in common aside from her crocheting 🙂
I used to crochet when I was younger and
lived alone, but I didn’t do near what she
has been doing. She’s made hats, scarves,
gloves, shawls and other things that I am
unable to think of the name of at this time.
Yep, we stay busy we our little hobbies.
Well it’s 30 F degrees right now at 5:30 PM
and showing 19% chance of snow tonight
followed by 91% rain and then 99% rain
all day Monday. It’s supposed to be a
high of 50 F Monday and 34 on Tuesday.
Yeppers, the weather is a tad confused 🙂
It’ll get its head on straight soon enough
or at least I hope it does hehehe. These
weather changes are playing heck with
my body and my voice :). Judy and I
love the snow. Of course there is a bad
part that comes with it, but isn’t that
the way it is with anything. Along with
the good, comes a little bad. That’s
how life is. If it weren’t for the bad in
life the good would get boring and that
is the truth. I’m sure you see many days
that you are miserable with, but when
the good comes about, you are filled
with joy. Sort of like the days that it
might rain for days, but then on the
days that it doesn’t rain and it starts
getting hot, you will be thankful for
the rains. I feel blessed to be able to
see snow in abundance and be able to
go out and play in it and take pictures.
I have even gotten to where I kind of
like to snow blow, but only our drive,
not the whole enchilada hehehe. That
is more than this old body’s able to do.
I do not plan on pushing myself to have
another stroke LOL. The last time that
I tried to do the long drive going to the
main road I ended up in the hospital
and that was earlier this year. Judy had
to call 911. Fortunately I am OK, but
I’m not pushing myself that hard again.
God has been good to us. He has sent
many angels our way as well as allowed
many kindly spirits to watch over us as
each day comes to pass. Yes we have
our share of problems, but it’s with the
problems that we become stronger and
are thankful for the good times. Judy
and I have found a place in each others
heart and we take care of one another.
Marriage isn’t about one doing it all.
It’s about doing what you are able and
then when one is down, taking up the
slack. Some days may be 50-50 and some
will be 80-20 or 20-80. That is how it is.
We are so thankful that God brought us
together and He has watched over us
protecting us from what He knows we
cannot handle and allowing what that
He knows that we can handle or we need.
Thank You God for always being there
for us and hearing our complaints, but
still loving us the same. AMEN. Now, I
believe it’s time for me to be reading back
through all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So it’s away I go to that place of
my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may of
found a decent title near halfway in my
rambling and now after checking, I see
that it has not been used yet, so used it
shall be today. Here goes…
Stay Busy
Don’t become stagnant
within your life
allowing your heart to
be filled with strife.
Stay busy with things
or maybe just prayer
allowing the peace
to be a breath of air.
Let yourself blossom
and grow with time
as you stay busy to
strengthen your mind.
Don’t let storm clouds
to wash you away,
seek for the blessings
as you kneel and pray.
Stay busy with living
the best that you can
and don’t let others
to mess up your plan.
Yet take some rest
when feeling real dizzy,
but still allow prayer
to help you stay busy.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2021
There ya go 🙂 I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a bit of my rambling. Yes,
I know, I do tend to bounce around from
topic to topic hehehe. Judy is behind me
crocheting more Christmas gifts. My hands
would of already died from all of the needle
work. Arthritis knows my name well LOL.
It seems that I’ve run out of things to tell
you other than what I tell you every week
and that is, I wrote some more poems and
haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems and 22
more haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like. Now I do believe it
is time for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch, but not before
I wish you a blessings filled week and a
Happy Thanksgiving day. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now 🙂
where can that ornery off switch be trying
to hide today? Looking around the room
in all of the places it’s hidden before and
I see no off switch, but HEY, I see you
peeking out of Judy’s crocheting bag hehe.
Ya just couldn’t help to peek to see if I
could see ya could you LOL. You’re silly.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Traveling Views
Passing moments
might become
that of blessings
seasons of sun.
Views that move
as traveling times
open the doors
to many designs.
Some as roads
and distant hills
as eyes transfix
on all that instills.
Times own fusion
of then and there
traveling views
go everywhere.
Sequenced styles
formed on a path
time transforms
a shadow’s cast.
Bringing essence
of timeless hues
found on the way
to traveling views.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 15, 2021
Autumn Remembers
Seen within shadows
of time’s yesterdays
are leaves with colors
with scenic arrays.
Summer’s a glimmer
within scenes of gold
as autumn remembers
when seconds unfold.
Minutes bestowing
what time has begun
as changes of seasons
shine in the sun.
God is the painter
creating from mind
as autumn remembers
a perfect design.
Seeming as jumbles
leaves gold to brown
the painting is made
to fall to the ground.
Then with a moment
the scenes transform
as autumn remembers
how leaves were born.
They greet winter
as heartbeats of style
as autumn remembers
to put on a smile.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 16, 2021
Beginnings of Peace
Fuel that of echoes
becomes as a sight
endings beginnings
as day unto night.
The moon may come
and transform time
into a mere dream
to live in the mind.
Trees might reach
and seek the moon
branches stretched
time comes attune.
Creating a scene
that comes in view
with the beginnings
of moments anew.
Let lose of anger
and let it to cease
and allow the scenes
beginnings of peace.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 16, 2021
Endless Tales
The roads of life
that we walk on
might show ways
of then and gone.
The memories
that come in view
might be only
what’s living you.
Yet for a moment
wheels of time
might roll upon
the things to find.
Seasons of scenes
so often of dread
become the tales
of days ahead.
Lessons created
of what prevails
within a journey
of endless tales.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 16, 2021
Driven Miles
Rhythms heartbeats
are as scenic stars
driven as a journey
to Venus and Mars.
Found upon a road
the miles gather dust
becoming reflections
as seasons pass us.
Traveling concepts
with scenic desires
form life’s emotions
each second acquires.
Looking on through
seeing spring become
moments transposing
a bright season’s sun.
Summertime scenes
will pass us on by
becoming autumn
as the colors apply.
Leaves as artwork
become as the smiles
found upon the roads
of our driven miles.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 17, 2021
Dreams in Disguise
Looking like waves
some times may be
but only the actions
of you and me.
Find the moments
the best to become
dreams in disguise
in a seasonal sun.
Don’t let the waves
to carry your mind
into that of torrent
nightmares design.
Look in the waves
and find a dream
a sight so divine
as a magical scene.
Listen for echoes
of a heart’s desires
found in the waves
of illusions empires.
For so very often
within our own eyes
are only nightmares
dreams in disguise.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 17, 2021
Dog eared Pages
So many memories
become as a glance
times you remember
a song or a dance.
Scenes such as time
as an old red barn
held the sock hops
of past days charm.
Seasonal memoirs
become stories told
as dog eared pages
the ages of old.
Dancing having fun
in an old barn of red
becomes reflections
of a living thread.
Sewing together
the seasons of time
as dog eared pages
to somehow remind.
Seeming as dreams
of the distant ages
we may remember
the dog eared pages.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 18, 2021
Bridge of Echoes
Walking in memories
scenes become found
just like the echoes
of a sight or a sound.
Many walking bridges
may accumulate years
as seasons of sights
of laughter and tears.
Traveling concepts
unleash what we know
as ages we perceive
with life to and fro.
We might cross over
a bridge that we see
and find it’s illusions
of all that will be.
With so many echoes
of passed days views
we may lose ourselves
in yesterdays shoes.
Look for the blessings
in the highs and lows
and learn the lessons
on a bridge of echoes.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 18, 2021
Shadows of Ourselves
We might one day
look back upon time
and see ourselves
in a different mind.
Seasons may pass us
leaving memories
shadows of ourselves
as the deepest seas.
So often in pictures
portraits may hang
shadows of ourselves
we wish to attain.
Formed as memories
fluctuate through
bringing about life
of then thereunto.
The images recreate
themselves in a scene
found in a turnstile
that’s now a dream.
The minutes may sit
upon dusty shelves
as pictures of a time
shadows of ourselves.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 19, 2021
Close Your Eyes
Take now the time
to imagine a place
a time that you find
wished to embrace.
See in your mind
as you search within
peace that can be
as a moment’s wind.
Blowing as a breeze
with a heart so pure,
now close your eyes
find seasons allure.
Search the minutes
that seconds create
within closed eyes
of a time and date.
Find now the peace
in a season’s skies
as you stand still
and close your eyes.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 19, 2021
for Nov 19, 2021
With only a breath
life can become an echo
of our yesterdays.
Living in your head
you might discover lessons
that you need to learn.
Dreams of illusions
formed from imagination
can become regrets.
Today’s decisions
either create or destroy,
so choose them wisely.
Breathing in troubles
and exhaling your worries
doesn’t solve problems.
Glancing at people
you might see some reflections
that look just like you.
The pages of a book
might have many words written
you don’t understand.
Catching a glimmer
of the moonlight in the night
you might find a prayer.
Scenes within summer
become reflections of time
dreamed of in winter.
Thoughts that come to life
can fuel the moments ahead
so make sure they’re good.
Singing songs of love
can bring it into your life
if you keep the faith.
Raindrops of heartbeats
can become a raging flood
filling up your life.
Willingness to change
gives hope for a better you,
but it might not work.
Tomorrows of life
might not ever come to be,
so take care of now.
Trees in a forest
are homes for animals
and air for our lungs.
Changing directions
can be either good or bad,
so take care the change.
When quickly thinking
your commonsense is weakened
and may cause problems.
Pages of a book
might have some that are dog eared
to help to return.
Laughing at someone
that has tried their very best
lowers you in life.
Looking side to side
you might miss what’s in front
and fall in a hole.
Many memories
of the voices that we’ve heard
can become teachers.
The legs of minutes
need the steps that seconds make
to travel hours.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 19, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Whatever That Happens
Hello my friends
I hope you had a nice passed week and
the weekend did you well. We’ve been
just doing the bare minimum. Penny
pinching penny’s as we make it through
this month. The vet bill for Rocky kind
of cut into our finances LOL, but he’s
worth it. He is doing great. The weather
is slowly but surely getting more wintery,
but still no snow. It’s really weird too.
because by now we’ve always had many
days of snow in the past. I guess it’s due
to climate change. Although if you look
back in time, the weather’s always been
with many changes. So, who knows 🙂
We took the boys out for a little field trip
last Thursday. They of course loved it as
they always do. When I tell them we’re
going for a field trip and then point out
at the field, they head out like the wind,
running as fast as they can only to stop
time and again to look back to see where
we are and wait for us to catch up hehehe.
They are silly. Judy and I took a lot of
pictures of them as well as a few of each
other LOL. It’s 40 F degrees right now
at 5:30 PM. We’re expecting snow this
coming Tuesday. Not much, but snow
none the less 🙂 I doubt seriously that
it will stick to the ground, being that
the weather has been just a little too
warm and it needs to be below freezing
for at least a week or more to make the
ground cold enough for the snow to stay
put and not just melt on contact. Today
is just a lazy day for Judy and I. We are
planning on watching the first episode of
season 9’s The Blacklist later on today
after I finish with this mess LOL. Then
we will watch whatever that happens to
be on at the time that we like. We might
go shopping sometime this week to pick
up a few things that we’ve run out of and
a few extras that we’re needing. Other
than that, Judy has a scheduled doctor
appointment for Tuesday. It’s just a
check up. I need to set an appointment
with my doctor/PA sometime soon, but
I see nothing she can do to help me with
my everyday health issues. But I will be
sending her a message soon for her to
sign a refill for my blood pressure meds.
I am running low on them and have only
about enough for a week and half. I’ve
got plenty of Advair and my respirators.
Through the years I learned how to sort
of control my breathing, but it does get
out of whack sometimes especially with
the weather changes. I have had asthma
all of my life, but it has gotten worse as
the years come multiplying on my butt 🙂
Oh well, to breathe or not to breathe,
that is congestion LOL. It makes it real
hard to sneak up on anybody hehehehe.
They can hear me breathing a mile away.
I’ve done a few music videos and other
types and people have asked me, “are
you OK, I can hear you breathing hard”
which leads to the reason that when I
post a video I tell them I’m an asthmatic
and yes I breathe loudly LOL. LOL and
now with the Covid epidemic, people hear
me breathing and may shy away hehehe.
Anyways, my life is what it is and I do my
best with what I have. When life gives
you lemons, you try to change them into
watermelons and spit out seeds LOL.
I’m in a silly mood, but then Judy says
I’m always in a silly mood hehehe. It
helps to keep me sane. I wish it did not
get dark so freaking early. It seems that
there is hardly a separation between day
and night anymore LOL. Morning comes
and then ya blink and then it’s nighttime.
Yep, that’s one of the bad things about
wintertime :). It doesn’t give ya time to
do anything during the daylight hours.
Morning comes and ya gotta run outside
real quick and snap some pictures as you
see the sky becoming dark hehehehehe.
Oh well, I do love snow and when that
begins I will get as many pictures of it
as I’m able, even if they are in the midst
night LOL. Life at the Pearce’s Place
is pretty laid back. Judy and I enjoy the
peace as well as watching many of our
favorite TV programs together. She
spends much of her time crocheting and
I spend much of my time writing and
designing poetry pictures when we’re not
watching TV. LOL did I hear you say
EWW, exciting hehehe. Ok so it’s not
so exciting, but it’s what we enjoy doing.
God has been good to us and allowed
us to share our blessings together as the
days and years become a lifetime. We
are so very thankful for all that God has
done for us and for what we are sure that
He will do. He has sent many angels to
watch over us as well as allowed many
kindly spirits to walk side by side with
us as we face each day ahead. Thank
You God for never wavering. AMEN.
So, now I reckon it’s time for me to be
reading back on all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem and with that
said, it’s away I go to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I found
a decent title about a 2 3rds of the way
back in all my rambling and now after
checking, I see that it hasn’t been used
yet, so therefore, it shall be today 🙂
Here goes…
Whatever That Happens
Life has its downfalls
potholes so deep
that give the lessons
that cause us to weep.
Some as of sadness,
but some then as joy
whatever that happens
the moments deploy.
Times misunderstood
might seem as doors
opened for a moment
curiosity explores.
Yet many doorways
are just but a game
sent to entice you
and drive you insane.
Look for the truth
in all that displays
and find the blessings
in the future days.
For still there will be
bad joined with good,
so do your very best
to do what you should.
The blessings survive
no matter the place
whatever that happens
you’re saved by grace.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 14, 2021
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling LOL.
I know I tend to drift from topic to topic,
but I hope I entertained you for a moment
and maybe even put a smile on your face
through my humor. I guess it’s time for
me to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yep, I wrote 10 more poems,
but this week there are 6 Christmas poems
in the mix. I also wrote 22 more haiku for
all of the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. So now I do believe it’s time for
me to begin my search for that silly hardly
elusive off switch, but not before I wish
you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now with
that said, where can that ornery off switch
be trying to hide this time?????????????
Hmm, where oh where can that silly thing
be, that is so bad at hiding from me LOL.
Oh my heavens, you pick the silliest and
most obvious places to hide hehehe. You
did know at some point and time I was
going to pick up my Mountain Dew and
drink it , didn’t you? Try harder next
time. Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Coming of Christmas
A white snowy road
becomes as a tale
displaying stories
for moments to tell.
Scenes come to life
as traveling minds
coming to Christmas
in winter’s designs.
The season’s aroma
unleashes thereunto
as a taste of beauty
with a magical view.
Christmas creations
lives in the heart
to share with others
as true works of art.
Found as a blessing
connecting a glow
coming of Christmas
in winter white snow.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 8, 2021
Wintertime’s Blessings
Snow that’s billowing
becomes as a view
as a time and place
from old to anew.
Ages become journals
written in the mind
wintertime’s blessings
in an awesome design.
The pages are turning
and creating a look
found within binders
of a wintery book.
Scenes are transposed
into now and again
wintertime’s blessings
Christmastime’s wind.
Blowing as creations
of a heavenly white
snow is a doorway
to a magical sight.
The season unleashes
snow covered dressings
found as a view of
wintertime’s blessings.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 8, 2021
Through The Way
Years may pass
and leave a style
as a time of life
of a simple smile.
Leaves may seem
to block the view
through the way
to a sight anew.
An old moment
might be there
standing waiting
a breath of air.
You might recall
a similar time
through the way
within your mind.
It might be of
another fine day
that you found
through the way.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 9, 2021
Heading To Christmas
Tracks of emotions
trails of design
heading to Christmas
that magical time.
They are the stories
and all of the tales
that become words
the season entails.
Maybe as train tracks
provide ones a way
to discover blessings
a Christmas array.
Seasons connections
are found in a breeze
within a train track
a heart does believe.
Imagine a journey
that moments expose
heading to Christmas
on wintertime’s nose.
The journey extends
to a time and place
one of a memory
that hearts embrace.
The tracks may fade
as time moves on,
but the trail still lives
as a Christmas song.
Sung in harmony
as a track of style
heading to Christmas
as blessings compile.
Then with a whistle
the train toots away
nearing the station
to a Christmas day.
It ends its journey
with a horn to blow
heading to Christmas
tracks in the snow.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 9, 2021
Days Away
Shadows may form
as a time and place
some days away
with a smiling face.
Minutes transform
with snow of white
the sights we see
from day to night.
We might perceive
a moment of life
a Christmas theme
a husband or wife.
It may be an image
that you dream of
found days away
with so much love.
Within a picture
time might compile
a Christmas heart
with a big smile.
Held by a glimmer
held by a glance
a seasonal scene
as song and dance.
It comes from time
as Christmas day
that might be now
just days away.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10, 2021
Stood on a Bridge
As Christmas time
comes in view
it brings a certain
wondrous hue.
With just a glance
a standing place
shows its face.
Though it might
be only a sight
a beating essence
snow of white.
Seen just standing
watching a dream
that comes to life
within the scene.
A Christmas view
as a snowy ridge
is seen one day
stood on a bridge.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10, 2021
Time Says Hello
As the minutes pass
time is created
formed from minds
that anticipated.
A Christmas glow
that falls in place
found as a moment
of a hearts embrace.
Peace is upon you
as the season dawns
heard on the radio
as Christmas songs.
So many memories
that we remember
as time says hello
amidst December.
Spilling snowflakes
all over the ground
with love and cheer
seen all around.
It might be but only
within your heart,
but it can become
as a work of art.
Sharing the feelings
with ones you know
as Christmas comes
and time says hello.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 10, 2021
Sky of Stories
Written in clouds
of so far away
a sky of stories
has much to say.
Words as scenes
that times create
becoming stories
ones anticipate.
A book of style
with a breeze
high in the sky
above the trees.
Shadows of time
that we embrace
a sky of stories
as a cloudy face.
It becomes words
as moments swell
becoming pages
as stories to tell.
Painted up above
as heavenly art
that God creates
as a living heart.
It beats of nature
it beats of style
a sky of stories
mile after mile.
Time is a pattern
a turn of a page
a sky of stories
the coming of age.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 11, 2021
Painting’s Begun
With light of sky
in sunshine’s phase
there might be art
within the days.
Times remembered
that came to be
as a painting’s begun
with a sight to see.
Ventures of light
of colorful hues
gifts from above
that times infuse.
A sky of magenta
can form a design
as a painting’s begun
for our eyes to dine.
The colors uniting
to create a dream
as a painting’s begun
transforming a scene.
Look now and see
what God has done
as new days begin
and painting’s begun.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 11, 2021
Living Pages
Rivers of scenes
flow like a mind
stages of ages
time after time.
Becoming sights
of a magical way
stages of time
of day unto day.
Seen as turnstiles
gateways of light
formed to create
a day and night.
Seasons pass us
leaving trails
giving a breath
in many details.
Becoming peace
in a book of ages
creating scenes
as living pages.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 12, 2021
for Nov 13, 2021
Minutes will gather
as the seconds pass us by
and might be wasted.
Through times illusions
shadows may become as flesh
and we’ll see ourselves.
Miracles of clouds
display artwork in the sky
that become photos.
Living for a age
and not for what it gives you
can become sadness.
Threading a needle
through the eye of a moment
may take some patience.
History of minds
lives on in our memories
formed from passages.
Patience is a gift
that impatience might give us
as we grow older.
Through our emotions
we might find many pathways
that become lessons.
A camera lens
only sees what it’s aimed at,
so seek for blessings.
Fires that burn us
might be the flames that teach us
leaving a few scars.
Beyond what we see
holds tomorrows destinies
that we know not of.
Listening to rain
as it splashes to the ground
can hypnotize you.
The works of many
can be seen as combined thoughts,
but be separate.
With leaves of autumn
there is a painting painted
with colorful hues.
Years destinations
are so often repeated
lessons forgotten.
Worrying daily
about our future events
only makes them worse.
Within a lifestyle
holds a lot of perceptions
that may be dead wrong.
The rains of seasons
often display their stories
as rivers run wild.
Trials and errors
can teach us the best lessons,
for they’re remembered.
The limbs of a tree
hold the leaves which that feed it
as they catch the rain.
Walking up a hill
you might weaken in your stride,
but strength is within.
Paths we travel on
can become tombstones of time
if we don’t take care.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 13, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
No Jealousy
Hello my friends
The passed week turned out to be fairly
nice. Though mid week Rocky had a lil
problem with a cyst on his right front paw
and it made it hard for him to walk, so
we took him to the vet Friday and the vet
popped the cyst and checked him over real
good. It seems Rocky was also running a
bit of a fever, so he gave us a prescription
to deal with that. Rocky is back to his old
ornery self. It’s 52 F degrees right now at
4 PM. Tonight’s low is supposed to be 31 F.
Yep, we’ve been having some cold nights
being of course that winter is nearing and
soon snow will be falling 🙂 We didn’t do
much this passed week other than go and
pay bills and do a little grocery shopping.
Judy told me earlier on that she wanted
Chinese food for her birthday, so that is
what she got. Of course Friday after we
took care of Rocky, we went and bought
her an ice cream cake, which we still have
half of it left LOL. Then Saturday on her
birthday we went to Tang’s Chinese and
had a nice dinner. I had our waiter take
our picture. He did pretty good 🙂 The
food was awesome. We had pupu platter
for 2 and then our main orders which
were fried scallops for me and general tso
for Judy. Yeppers we had to take most
of the pupu platter in take out boxes 🙂
That was a lot of food LOL. Judy said
she had a great birthday. I did the best
that was able to do. I’m glad she enjoyed
it. I also wrote her a poem and made it
into a poetry picture as I have done often
for her birthdays and our anniversaries 🙂
I might share the poetry picture in my
stationery, but of course it will be very
tiny. Although the text version of it will
be in with the poems. The very last poem.
So what else is going on around this place?
Well, that stupid time change came and
messed up our sleeping being that to dogs,
the time change means nothing. Their lil
internal clocks are still at the regular and
when they want us to get up or are ready
to eat is still the same time as always LOL.
They know not of daylight savings time.
LOL they can’t read a clock. Rocky is
real good about taking his meds. Judy
just holds it out in the palm of her hand
and he eats it up. They are chewables for
his fever. Now Benny is heck to take a
pill or anything of that nature, but he
has no problem with getting shots for
his diabetes and arthritis being he knows
he will get a treat afterwards LOL. Of
course Judy gives them both a treat so
that there is no jealousy or growling 🙂
I’m glad that Judy doesn’t mind giving
Benny his shots, because I am scared I
will hurt him. I don’t mind getting shots,
but not giving them to myself or another.
That’s just something I do not feel good
about doing. I fear of making a mistake
and a costly one at that :). I know there
may come the day that I will have to give
Benny his shots, but hoping it’s a long
time from now. Judy is still crocheting.
Now she’s making some headbands or
head warmers as she calls them 🙂 She is
so gifted with talent. I am so very proud
of her. It’s getting to the point that I’m
having trouble taking pictures, being it
gets dark so freaking quick. It’s dark
by 4 PM LOL. Pretty soon, there will
only be like about 4 hours of daylight
or near that and the nights will seem
endless, but I’m sure it is not as bad as
it is in Alaska, but pert near it hehehe.
Oh well, there’s good with the bad and
bad with the good. I try my best to look
for the good and not let the bad to get
me down, but there are times it cannot
be helped. God has been good to Judy
and I. He has provided all that we need
and given us the strength to make it in
life through the struggles. Yes we often
fall apart at the seams, but God is there
to put us back together. Thank You God
for all that You do and all that You will
most surely do. AMEN. Now I do believe
it’s time for me to be reading back over
all that I’ve written here and see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title of this week’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have stumbled upon
one about the halfway point of my rambling
and now after checking I see that it has not
been used as of yet, so here goes…
No Jealousy
What life gives you
to achieve your goals
might be much less
than others unfolds.
We might but only
see another’s gain
and not see all that
drives them insane.
For allowing greed
to thrive and run
might create stress
of an inpatient sun.
Letting jealousy
to motivate you
might expose times
that you never knew.
You might find hate
within yourself
sitting and breeding
lesser of wealth.
Turn loose wantings
and let things be
filled with acceptance
with no jealousy.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 7, 2021
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the poem
and it spoke to ya. I also hope my rambling
didn’t put you to sleep LOL. Anyways, Judy
is now the same age as me. Our ages are but
only 2 months apart. I turned 65 August 31
and she turned 65 November 6 🙂 I guess that
makes me her elder LOL. So it seems as I’ve
told you all there is to tell other than what I
tell you nearly every week and that is I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers 10
more poems and 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there. I hope you can find
1 or 2 of either or both that you like. So now
I do believe it’s time to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch, but surely not
before I wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Okey dokey, so now where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide the week??????
Looking in all the regular hiding spots and
no switch. Hmm, what is that dangling off
of the left PC speaker on the wall??? LOL
I see ya. You couldn’t quite find a place to
hold on could ya. Next time ya might want
to scope out for how you’re going to hold
on before dedicating a spot to hide LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Scenic Passages
Timeless colors
become our views
seasonal scenes
of magical hues.
of life unto death
changing colors
giving a breath.
Time forms scenes
that will magnify
scenic passages
as leaves that fly.
The autumn winds
may open a door
giving perspective
sights to explore.
Scenes as colors
that slowly change
as the moments
that all rearrange.
Becoming sights
of love and style
as scenic passages
give us a smile.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 3, 2021
Echoing Memories
Seeming as dreams
time may become
a written memoir
of a seasonal sun.
Formed as minutes
fade from sight
echoing memories
daylight to night.
We may remember
a time and place
that we forgot to
surely embrace.
It may of become
just another day,
but now memories
come out to play.
Bringing to life
joy and laughter
echoing memories
in the hereafter.
So take the time
to remember today
before it is gone
and fades away.
Life can be found
as crashing seas,
but then be missed
echoing memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 3, 2021
Within Time
Sometimes things
that we forget
might be the best
to recollect.
Scenes so peaceful
times so sweet
found deep within
a moment’s feet.
Take a picture
to help remember
times and places
a burning ember.
Let the moments
become a trace
a sweet memoir
upon your face.
Don’t let moments
to pass you by
leaving but only
rivers run dry.
The best of then
might live in mind
remembered when
and within time.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 4, 2021
River’s Quest
Waters of time
flow everywhere
some as a breath
some as prayer.
A quest of life
as a river flows
becomes a path
a time bestows.
Flowing minds
pour as streams
as a river’s quest
endless dreams.
Hearts become
as beating minds
many memories
from many times.
Let life’s rivers
to create a path
as God gives way
for good to last.
Becoming seen
as time run wild
time moves on
and is reconciled.
Times will pass
as many scenes
with the changes
of our dreams.
Find the good
the times attest
locked within
a river’s quest.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 4, 2021
Many Reflections
Time upon a log
becomes a glance
seasons counted
as song and dance.
So many reflections
become as a dream
found as perfection
in a living scene.
Life is a doorway
swinging thereunto
sometimes fulfilled
as a magical view.
It might be simple
this view in time
reflecting moments
of a great design.
Scenes as smiles
within memories
found as a dream
our future sees.
Created from past
of our affections
time can display
many reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 4, 2021
So Long Ago
With but a breath
a new day dawns
give of the essence
of past days songs.
Sung as a memory
sung as a sight
when so long ago
was times delight.
Scented emotion
as a dreamers view
times remembered
of then thereunto.
Found as shadows
seeming mirage
of so long ago
as days montage.
Pieced together
as a magical time
as so long ago
becomes a rhyme.
Time’s recollection
of days that glow
become shadows
of so long ago.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 4, 2021
Your Reflection
The views we see
within a mirror
might show life
a little bit clearer.
We may not see
the wrongs we do
when we look on
and don’t see true.
Life can become
a passing phase
found forgotten
in future days.
Yet in a mirror
time might recall
an essence of life
we stood to fall.
Within those days
we may of seen
a time or place
a passing dream.
It might reflect
what’s gone away
in your reflection
of another day.
Creating scenes
needing correction
of then and now
in your reflection.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 5, 2021
Seascape Desire
Life is a moment
a passing fling
as many aromas
that seem to sing.
Seascape living
in seascape years
create a memory
that time adheres.
Maybe an ocean
on a sailing ship
a seascape desire
is a distant trip.
Years are written
as words of time
found as recorded
within the mind.
Moments pass us
leaving memories
of seascape desire
within a breeze.
We found a place
a distant home
now a memory
dreams to roam.
Scented of a time
we did acquire
now remembered
a seascape desire.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 5, 2021
Morning’s Glory
It forms a sky
of colored light
a scene of style
the end of night.
A wondrous sky
that time begins
joins with life
within the winds.
It creates time
a wondrous view
morning’s glory
fresh and anew.
A breath of color
to then become
the sight of life
a seasons sun.
It’s as a blessing
formed from sky
morning’s glory
that seems to fly.
A magical flight
becoming a story
it is the sight of
morning’s glory.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 5, 2021
Birthday For My Love
The years have passed
leaving shadows to see
of you and I together
within scenic history.
Time is just a portal
a doorway to another
birthday for my love
a wife and a mother.
Leaving in the midst
a memoirs collage
gathered all together
as a dreamers mirage.
Formed as a window
we can look through
the ages that gather
within all that we do.
You and I together
walk on into the world
watching the new days
to become unfurled.
We’re joined together
by The One up above
with years presenting
a birthday for my love.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 6, 2021
for Nov 6, 2021
Time is just a place
that’s waiting for its moment
to become alive.
Wisdom of a dream
can often be a nightmare
formed from confusion.
Gazing at the stars
you might see a few moving
that aren’t stars at all.
Trivial moments
often become important
in trivia games.
Things we remember
might need to be forgotten
if they cause problems.
Thriving on others
can create weakness in you
if you do not try.
Living in a lie
will one day become nightmares
as ones learn the truth.
So many travels
are but only in the mind
as time moves ahead.
Seeking for answers
from the emptiness of lies
shows some illusions.
Varying lifestyles
might be unstable pathways
without any goals.
Living in the past
can prevent you from growing
and learning new life.
Tomorrow’s hurtles
are often made much larger
amidst our worries.
Autumn to winter
seasons form their connections
to be remembered.
The threads of desire
can entangle emotions
and create a storm.
When skipping a step
you might look back later on
and think of that step.
The cents and dollars
that a lifetime might cost us
compares not to love.
Reading ones faces
searching for what is the truth
you might find some lies.
Moments remembered
often need to be dealt with
if they cause you pain.
When following trails
you might encounter footprints
that resemble yours.
Today is anew
as tomorrow fades from view,
so let the past rest.
Seeking for sunshine
when storm clouds are upon you,
you must look within.
Hazards of hurry
can bring troubles as potholes
that knock you around.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 6, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂