Hello my friends
How has your weekend been? I hope your weather
was nice enough to allow you to go out and enjoy it.
Even with rain there can be fun ya know. Of course
when it’s hailing, it’s not particularly the greatest
time to go out and do anything LOL. The weather
up this way has been OK. It’s snowed, sleeted, and
rained all one after the other. Last night it snowed
a little more. Not much though, but then we do still
have quite a bit of snow outside. Just enough that if
you look outside when the sun’s shining you will go
snow blind LOL. Not much has gone on differently
in our daily escapades. Judy and I are still taking
each day as it comes and doing the best that we can.
We’re still playing FarmTown on Facebook. They
once agin up the final score level. Judy had finally
managed to get to the final score of 285. It’s the
first time for her. She was thrilled, but then a little
agitated as I had been being I was at 285 for some
time and watching my counter move, but my score
staying put at 285. Well they up the final score
to 310, but being I had been at 285 for so long
and my points had been adding up hehehe, that
made my score reach the 310 final score. Now
I’ve gotta wait again LOL. They did give us each
1 Farm Cash for each level we went up when they
upped the final score. Judy got 10 farm cash and
I got 25. Since then, Judy has leveled up twice :).
Ok, so onto another topic hopefully not so farm
related LOL. Judy’s sister is doing well. I saw
her the other day when she came to pick up Judy
to head to Brewer for her radiation treatment
with her. I know she’ll be glad when all that is
said and done. I’ve got an epidemic that I’ve
gotta go to tomorrow (Monday). Not going
to say what it is, but I need your prayers. Life
tends to throw a few curve balls ever so often
and catch us off our guard. Well, what else
is happening up here in Frostbite Falls LOL?
It’s 30F degrees right now and supposed to get
down to 21 with a 28% chance of snow tonight.
Beginning Tuesday evening, it’s supposed to
begin snowing again possibly until Thursday.
We shall see! It’s not been nowhere near what
it has been it the years passed. Right now I’m
drinking a Yoohoo drink hehehe. Yummy in
my tummy 🙂 Judy and I haven’t played any
of our hidden object game in a long while.
We might do that a bit this week. I’d like
that! All in all life has been tolerable. Not
the greatest, but it’s the down times in life
that make us notice and enjoy the up times
a bit more. Otherwise the up times might
just get boring and turn into the down times.
Thank God for what He gives you each day.
If it be good or bad, it’s still necessary for
life. There needs to be two sides of the coin
to help us notice the good times. With both
sides heads or tails, the moments would be
without lessons and experiences that bring
us the good times that shine so very bright.
Search and find the good in today from all
of the bad that you remember from the past
as God answers your prayers the way that
He knows best. Ok with that said, I guess
it’s time for me to be heading back through
all that I’ve written here to see if I can find
a good word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem 🙂 So
it’s away I go to that place of my recollection
that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE….
I think I might have found a good title, but
the proof is in the pudding hehehehehehehe.
So here goes……
Heads or Tails
Now and then
we might be seen
heading down
a wishful stream.
Heads or tails
might be found
when we’re headed
daily bound.
Often moments
that we find
later change
our frame of mind.
Heads or tails
is stumbled on
end of day
to start of dawn.
For it’s choices
that will drive
where we sometimes
will arrive.
Yet there’s often
just details
that are found
as heads or tails.
God gives both
to see what’s true
with the different
sort of hue.
Lessons found
from each we see
help build better
you and me.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2012
I hope my rambling didn’t bore ya to death hehe.
Did that poem make any sense to ya? I will have
to reread it to myself in a bit, being I haven’t any
clue of what I wrote. Have you heard of automatic
writing? Well that’s what I do. It took me every
bit of a minute to write that and I don’t remember
any of what I wrote LOL. That’s the way that
God has always spoken to me. There are times
I will step out on my own mode and write things
that I’ve seen, heard and smelled and the poems
will take me a little longer. Maybe a few minutes,
but when I set my writing into autopilot and give
it to God, the words just spill out. Go figure 🙂
Oh yea, my friend Tiny/Donald is still needing
your prayers. I haven’t talked to him in a few
days. He can’t seem to hear his phone when it
rings and the nurses won’t go and tell him to
listen for my call when I ask them dad gum it.
Oh well I’ll try and again this week. Ok so
with all that said I reckon it’s time for me to
be telling you what I tell you every week and
that is I wrote some poems and haiku. 10 more
poems with this time 2 haiku from Jan 24th
and 10 from Jan 28th and 6 from early this
morning at 1 AM 🙂 All in all 28 haiku hehe.
Now it’s time for me to be searching for
that freaking off switch that loves to play
hide and seek with me, but not before I
wish you a most wonderful God filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now to find that off switch. Found ya you
little whippersnapper. Hiding behind my
Yoohoo can won’t save you hehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 + 8 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Scenic Snow
Crystals fall here
to and fro
seen now as some
scenic snow.
Stages pondered
are of white
seen through day
and also night.
Scenic snow
is found displayed
as the crystals
are then laid.
Each one landing
softly found
to make scenes then
on the ground.
Snowflake pictures
from the sky
become artwork
as they fly.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2012
The End of Times
The end of times
could come today
leaving ones
found in dismay.
Surely then
with sight and sound
ones will seek
for higher ground.
Do not wait
too long to seek
God’s Own Son
each day and week.
Let your daily
life to be
life of Jesus
that one’s see.
Now and then
might seem insane,
but Lord God
will give you gain.
Then as days
and weeks conclude
you’ll find Heaven’s
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
Sights of Beauty
Out the window
my mind soars
seeking what
my heart adores.
Sights of beauty
white and free
that Lord God
gave me to see.
All the segments
painted true
are a scenic
wondrous hue.
Found as heartbeats
daily seen
that live on
within a dream.
Window moments
all around
now show scenes
of which astound.
Sights of beauty
for and wide
that Lord Jesus
has applied.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
Beyond Now
Beyond this minute
seconds thrive
giving hope
to come alive.
Now might only
show you sad
from what all
you one day had.
Yet beyond now
life begins
found in sight
of times herein’s.
Look for blessings
found in phase
of the coming
future days.
Beyond this minute
seconds live
with some hope
of which to give.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
Frozen Streams
Snow bound journeys
come and go
leaving footprints
in the snow.
Throughout winters
snowy dreams
there might be
some frozen streams.
And below those
streams of ice
there might be
a sight so nice.
Magical moments
found in view
that which ones
wish to accrue.
So to seek
what’s then below
they saw through
the ice and snow.
Then they fish
their wishful dreams
the frozen streams.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
Lord God’s Awe
Life is painted
sometimes sad
while we only
see what’s bad.
Let the moments
that you see
be but only
For today
is given true
better chances
which to view.
Yet sometimes
it takes a choice
to change up
the moments voice.
Life might seem as
not so sweet,
but with Jesus
you’ll defeat.
Then those sad times
that you saw
will be filled with
Lord God’s Awe.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
A Little Fear
Fearless people
give and take
what they may just
then forsake.
Leaving truthful
seen and heard
as just times
a bit absurd.
So don’t let yourself
just to lie
about what all
you can’t deny.
A little fear
for what is done
might prevent
a loaded gun.
Don’t be stupid
thinking true,
can’t harm you.
Let Lord Jesus
live inside
as you take your
daily stride.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
What Surely You Really Need
Heartbeats in prison
leave only sights
found as conclusions
no one delights.
So if you’ve had a
broken heartbeat,
don’t let it daily
then to accrete.
Let it to learn from
all that you found
so to do better
the next time around.
Don’t put in prison
your heartbeats desire.
Let it to burn with
Jesus entire,
for He will help you
to then succeed
to get what surely
you really need.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
Don’t Redouble
A simple time,
a simple rhyme
finds so many views.
A scenes design
of lemon lime
shows what ones accrue.
A page is turned
that ones discerned
leaving only guesses.
Bridges burned
that ones concerned
form some of our messes.
A simple stage
of timeless age
could become our place
as a page
of minutes rage
found upon our face.
Let the troubles
in your rubbles
be what all you learn.
Don’t redouble
busted bubbles
give Lord God a turn.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
Thoughts For Today
Today gives chances
to begin
found to lose
or maybe win.
Hopes desires
can be found
as a circle
going round.
A simple thought
for now today
can become
a better way.
Let your thinking
thoughts of time
find a better
days design.
Let Lord Jesus
help you view
what is really
good to do.
A simple thought
of which you think
might discern
a better link.
Let God’s Will to
live a breathe
the way you think
and then believe.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
A Few Haikus
for Jan 24, 2012
A storm may display,
but turn to cloud like flowers
with rainbows to see.
May God be with you
as your journey turns to years
with lessons to learn.
©By Bill Pearce
A Few Haikus
A storm may display,
but turn to cloud like flowers
with rainbows to see.
May God be with you
as your journey turns to years
with lessons to learn.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24, 2012
for Jan 28, 2012
Life needs a journey
not just staying in one place.
A path makes lessons.
Seams of a doorway
are sometimes merely hinges
gathered throughout time.
Once found in trouble
you might see your tomorrows
filled with much regret.
I is a pathway
that might find deception
if not with true friends.
Looking passed today
the scenes might seem too bumpy,
but be illusion.
Ships sailing at sea
ride the waves of to and fro
as rhythms of time.
Winter’s snow filled days
bring blinding white scenery
displayed in sunlight.
Caging your anger
could cause a large eruption.
Learn to deal with it.
Today’s forgiveness
makes chances for tomorrows
found without vengeance.
A true friend you’ve found
brings hope for your tomorrows
with someone to share.
Let not your worries
to be as gloomy shadows
haunting everyday.
Beyond what we see
is the formula for love
that’s found in God’s Grace.
When speaking of love
let it shine of God’s blessings
within every word.
Through winter’s windows
are some scenes filled with snowflakes
landing in the trees.
The shadow of you
could be seen doing wrongly
what you meant to do.
The answers we seek
might not be the right answers,
for they may be wrong.
Curtains that are pulled
hide the sunlight from morning
until we are ready.
Ones graveyards of lies
will become a haunted page
with ghostly words.
Leaving emotions
as just hidden desires
could find you empty.
The truth of yourself
needs to be as the echoes
that others will see.
Flowers are waiting
for winter to dissipate
and welcome springtime.
Sadness is trouble
when it’s held as an anchor.
Let happiness sail.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2012
for Jan 29, 2012
People find patience
through their unwanted issues
that life throws their way.
Sometimes a moment
is only just a moment
seen in the wrong light.
So many journeys
are often just misconceived
not knowing what’s true.
Life with a snowflake
is a whitish essence found
building a snowman.
When winter ceases
it slowly welcomes springtime
as snow melts away.
Today brings choices
to change the things that we do
or to accept them.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2012
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂