Hello my friends
How’ve ya been? We’re still hanging in there day to day
waiting for it to warm up. We had but only one day a few
weeks ago with 87 degree F temperatures and all other
has been in the 50’s, 60’s and lower 70’s during the day LOL.
Yeppers, the nights are still a bit frigid. Judy and I have
gotten caught up into those virtual world games like Pet
Society, YoVille and Farm Town hehehe. We are actually
having fun doing it. Although most of my crop died at Farm
Town because I forgot to reap the harvest LOL. Oh well,
that’s life. I planted some more hehehe. We’ve also been
playing a game called Virtual Family from Big Fish games
and that has killed a little time. Other than that, Judy and
I still play our hidden object games off and on. We play
those games when we can’t find anything on TV to watch :).
Yep, here at the Pearce’s household it’s just a rockin with
excitement hehehe. The Houlton Farms Ice Cream shop
has opened up again for the summer and Judy and me have
already paid it a visit to get Shake a Sunday’s LOL. Yes
we are silly. So if ya can’t be silly once in a while, what
can ya do to make the boredom to cease. I think being
silly is great in the correct timeframes LOL. We must be
serious also when necessary. There is such a thing as
over doing it hehe. Judy gets a kick out of the weirdness
that comes out of my mind at times LOL. I will make up
new lyrics to songs and turn them into goofy town LOL.
I’ve always had a poetic mind. God saw fit to give me a
very enlightened way of wording. Judy will sit over there
and just watch as I write multiple poems at the drop of
a hat. LOL she calls me the haiku master :). I ain’t, but
it’s nice of her to think so hehe. Well other than all that I
have already told ya about, there ain’t much else going
on around here. My daughter called Friday night and we
talked for a long time. Her daughter (my granddaughter)
Sami is having health issues. It’s sad to say, but she will
have health issues all her life being she was born with
Spinal Bifida. She’s getting around like a champ. She
has even been riding horses in contests. Jamye said we
will have to find a way to get me down there so I can
watch Sami ride. I hope that day comes to be. Yet now
days it doesn’t seem to be in our funds, plus I don’t do
planes well due to my health issues. Yet we will try to
find some method one day of getting there to watch her.
On that day and time, I will most surely be visiting as
many of my friends and family as I can before having
to return home. One day, yes one day! On a brighter
note, On Judy’s next two days off on Wednesday and
Thursday, we are heading back to Houlton Farms
for some more ice cream LOL. Of course that is only
8 miles away. Yet when we decide to eat our sweets
at home, I have to hold the melting ice cream in hopes
of it not falling in my lap on the 8 mile journey LOL.
Yes our life is exciting ain’t it hehe. God gives us ways
of dealing with the boredom as well as the troubles that
life throws our way. We will many times forget to
seek for the tools to use. Don’t forget to look. God’s
Hands are there to pick you up when you fall down.
With that said I reckon it’s time for me to be taking my
little visit to that place of recollection from past things
written to that place I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE
and see what word or phrase I can dig up to use for
today’s brand new poem. So it’s away I go like a flash
of lightning. OK maybe just a little flicker hehehehehe!
I believe I found a good title. Now let’s see what I can
do with it. Here goes nothing hehe yet I hope not!!!
Hands Are There
God’s Hands are there
in the midst of a storm
to heal you in moments
that you feel forlorn.
His Hands are waiting
with Jesus design
as we each walk on
in our time to time.
When you are weary
and scared half to death,
let Jesus help you
to gather your breath.
His Hands are there
even when we can’t see,
for they may look
like someone like me.
His Hands are waiting
each day that you breathe
and you can bet that
He will never leave.
His Hands are there
in test after test
to send you an angel
when you’re needing rest.
©By Bill Pearce
May 31, 2009
Well, I sure hope that made some sense to ya. Hopefully
I worded it clearly. I know, many times I didn’t see the
answers, but it was only due to me not wanting what God
had sent me. You do remember the story about the man
with his house being washed away and he shunned all the
help that came his way saying God will save me. He then
ended up at the gates of Heaven and asked, why did you
not save me and God said hey, I sent ya a man in a row
boat and a man in helicopter, but you turned them down.
That’s life! We often look for the wrong answers. Let
Jesus help you today as some angels come your way.
I guess I need to be telling ya what I tell ya every week
and that is, I wrote some more poems and haiku as well
a brand new Christmas poem to add to all the others :).
I wrote em all yesterday (Saturday). Hope you enjoy em.
Ok, it’s time for me to be hushing and trying to find that
old off switch on myself hehe, but before I do that, I want
to wish you a most wonderful week. Remember Jesus
loves you and we do too. Ok now where’s that off switch
at this time???? Found it this time where I left it LOL.
See ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems.
Let Not The Dwindling
Dwindling are memories
that time has forsaken
while days move onwards
just like eggs and bacon.
Links to the thoughts
that memories provide
sometimes will dwindle
on times ticking ride.
So take the memories
of today and tomorrow
and paint some pictures
without any sorrow.
Be thankful for all those
of day after day
that live as the memories
of a wonderful way.
Don’t let them die.
Keep them always alive
by providing the moments
that live deep inside.
Let not the dwindling
of goodness you’ve seen
to fade from your mind
and also your dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
When The Flowers
Till timeless flowers
are grown in the spring
all of the moments
will show anything.
Maybe some weeds
in a certain array
will then just paint on
in their certain way.
Maybe some hillsides
with trees they’re bestowing
just might paint pictures
of all that is growing.
Times in a bottle
the scenes may be found
when they’re unleashed
to here there around.
Till timeless flowers
are painted so right,
God will just display
another day and night.
Yet when the flowers
of colors arrive
they will show surely
that spring is alive.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
The Winds Fine Design
Winds in performance
will blow things around
and they are sometimes
a different place found.
Winds as they’re blowing
in April May June
will make the patterns
of what’s coming soon.
All of the pictures
in real times parade
will be found blowing
the new days outlaid.
I try to follow
with camera in hand
as each performance
is found oh so grand.
Winds of a turnstile
are blowing so true
in with the blessings
from here thereunto.
Clouds seem to follow
the winds fine design
painting the skies up
most every time.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
No Matter Born
Friends are a family
as family is friend
that are not needed
the bloodlines depend.
Sometimes a friend
is much closer found
deep in the heartbeat
of love that’s around.
Friends are a family
gathered so true
as time is counted
to me unto you.
We are the portholes
to family and friends
as we’re connected
to time without ends.
No matter bloodlines
and no matter born
a true friend that’s gathered
will not be forlorn.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
Before You Go Through
Sometimes doorknobs
will need to be turned
so as to enter
with lessons well learned.
Sometimes windows
will need better seen
so it’s important
to take time to clean.
Sometimes minutes
will seem to rush on
leaving beginnings
without any dawn.
Yet it’s the doorknobs
of patterns so well
that give the lessons
to help us to tell.
Sometimes the windows
that we’re looking through
will show the lessons
what we are to do.
Yet many doorknobs
just need left alone
so to be moments
that we’ve never known.
Thank God for guidance
as time moves along
and all the doorways
that made you more strong
and when you find then
those doors thereunto
ask God for guidance
before you go through.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
My Daddy’s Lessons
Heard as an echo
is a voice from the past
lessons from daddy
that I learned then at last.
Heard are the pages
I turned all too quick
that were the reasons
the times were so sick.
I heard an echo
of my daddy’s words
that seemed as lessons
of times flock of birds.
Daddy’s fine judgment
was found in a time
not as the greatest
for my point and time.
Yet I am older
and know now today,
that my daddy’s lessons
now show me the way.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
Godly Restraint
Where is the picture
and where is the paint
when all that’s displayed
is cannot and ain’t?
Where is the wisdom
from not trying to
when in fact lessons
are needed to do?
Where is the journey
and where is the force
when ones refuse to
let time run its course?
Where are the hopeful
and where is the love
when ones will walk on
and just push and shove?
Where is the picture
and where is the paint
when ones don’t use some
Godly restraint?
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
Let Today’s Journey
Open the window
and let in the view
of all the flavors
that God gave to you.
Open your minds eye
and look deep inside.
You might find journeys
to times greatest ride.
Open the window
and hear every sound
that is the accent
of all there around.
Let in the blessings
that God has displayed
and let them blossom
and be Heaven made.
Let today’s journey
to be oh so sweet
as you let Jesus
to come and complete.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
Dusk Unto Dawn
I am now waiting
for summer to end
and bring December
to me as a friend.
I am now waiting
for Christmas and more
to come in singing
on through seasons door.
I am now watching
the seasons prelude
as May is ending
with coming of June.
I am now standing
with arms stretched out wide
while I am waiting
that Christmas time ride.
I am now dreaming
of seasons to come
such as fall’s painting
the seasonal sun.
I am now waiting
as time marches on
while I am dreaming
from dusk unto dawn.
©By Bill Pearce
May 340, 2009
Love Keeps Me Alive
Hard are the times
when loneliness lives
as time is displayed
what takes and then gives.
Hard are the moments
of so far away
as time is displayed
in my day to day.
My friends and family
are echoes I find
that make the lonely
to live in my mind.
So many miles
from this point and on
seem to remind me
of all that is gone.
Hard are the times,
yet I will survive,
because I have found
love keeps me alive.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
for May 30, 2009
Ways are a journey
needed with some direction
to fulfill the path.
Glances of eyesight
might be found as perturbing.
Take care where you look.
Let’s not be the judge,
but let Jesus guide your heart
while watching someone.
Hazy is the day
that shadows over sadness.
Look for the sunshine.
People come and go
as we make friends here and there,
and some stay intact.
Dandelion days
are the patterns of pictures
with sneezes to come.
Gradual inclines
will strengthen the body and soul.
We need resistance.
Many will follow
if you make your path to shine
and not to just brag.
Many temptations
will come with each dawning day.
Harness your wanna.
Kindling’s of fire
seem to imitate the scenes
of love and money.
Life down a river
might be floating for a while
until it finds land.
Tomorrows findings
may be surprises good and bad.
Just hope for the best.
Yesterday is gone.
Let the lessons live inside
as you move ahead.
Do not and will not
are words many over use.
Use them all wisely.
Jumping in the wind
leaves the moments to be hurled.
Keep good foundation.
Some are the jesters
while others just watch and wait
to look for a laugh.
Seeking a minute
leaves the hours to be yearned
when waiting for time.
Our likes and dislikes
are the foundation of sorts.
They make me and you.
Some see things half full
when others see half empty.
Choose which is better.
A fun bit of day
makes the time go by faster.
Take time to enjoy.
A boys skinned up knee
will later become lessons
to help another.
Let your mind to dream
when some troubles come to you.
A dream can revive.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2009
God bless from Bill and Judy.
my friends page below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂