Hello my friends
I hope the heat has not melted you too much.
It’s even a lil bit warm up this ways, but not
too bad. Saturday had a high 85 and it’s the
same for today, but at the moment it’s a bit
higher than that. My weather program says
that it’s 86 F degrees, but starting tomorrow
the temp’s supposed to drop to the mid 70’s.
In any sense, we’re camping in front of the
air conditioner LOL. There’s nothing that’s
needing done outside today 🙂 Yeppers, we’re
staying inside and staying cool. Judy’s been
busy crocheting anything she can and she’s
gotten pretty good at it. I of course am still
doing my boring poetry pictures that nobody
wants to read LOL. Writing creating them
helps me to keep my sanity whether anybody
reads them or not hehehe. Although I’m sure
there are many that enjoy them 🙂 Next topic.
Actually it’s pretty much the same as always
here at the Pearce’s Place. Last Thursday
we went to town and got us each a pizza
from Pizza Hut and they fed us for 3 days
as we only eat like 2 to 3 slices of pizza a
day. So, they are cheap dinners, but being
that we ate the last of our pizzas last night,
we will have to figure out something to fix
for dinner tonight LOL. I’m sure that we’ll
think of something. We always do 🙂 So,
what else is there to talk about? I ordered
me some more T shirts being many of mine
are old and ripping or the fact that I have
out grown them hehehe gut wise, but most
of them are just old. Yes I do most of my
non grocery shopping on the internet. I can
often find better deals there that I can’t find
in our local Walmart or other stores. The
cold of winter has left us to not return until
October or maybe even September 🙂 Yep,
summer is a short lived epidemic up here 🙂
and I like that. Of course heating oil has
gone up a whole lot, but we’re hoping and
praying that it goes down before winter gets
here. Oh well, I reckon we’ll survive one
way or another. We live such an exciting
life hehehe. It’s looking as though all the
birds that were in the bird house outside
have flown the coop. The baby’s learned
how to fly. We might put up yet another
bird house or 2 for birds to make homes
in. The birds had gotten used to us and
poked their heads out and let us to take
their pictures. Our little boy/dog Rocky
is doing well. He hates the heat as well 🙂
So we all stay camped out in the computer
room. It’s the coolest room in the house
and when we go to bed I aim the AC to
where it splits the vents to the bedroom
and the computer room and then have
a fan in the bedroom that blows the cold
air from the computer room into the
bedroom. LOL hey, it works. I can’t
let the computer room get too hot or the
computers will fry. It happened one time
long ago and I’m doing all I that I can
to prevent it from ever happening again.
Thankfully we only have a few days of
summertime heat in the 80’s and a bit
a above. Most of our summers are in
the mid 70’s thank God or I wouldn’t
be able to do much outside and I like to
take pictures. We’re planning on taking
the drone out that Judy gave me for a
Christmas present and giving it a little
test flight and see how many times that
we crash it LOL. Neither of us has ever
flown a drone or flown anything for that
matter hehehe. Yep, I’m not psychic or
anything, but I see many crashes in the
drones future hehehe. Oh well, Judy
said it didn’t cost that much. If we get
a little enjoyment from it, that’s great.
It has a camera on it so we can take a
few pictures in flight if we don’t crash
it first and break the camera Hahaha.
We’ll have to keep it flying low until
we sort of get then hang of it. Anyway,
that’s our plans. God is still watching
over us. We can feel His presence with
us as well as many angels and kindly
spirits that watch over us and help us
when needed. We’ve most surely been
blessed to have each other and to be
able to share our experiences in life.
We’ve had good times and bad times,
but it’s the bad times that make the
good times to shine. Thank You God
for never giving up on us and never
wavering in Your ways. You are our
hope and love for the future. AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
be reading back on all I have written
to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So, it’s
away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have found me a decent title near the
center of my rambling and now after
checking I see that it’s not been used,
so used it shall be. Here goes
The Birds
The days and weeks
that fly on by
might leave echoes
of when and why.
Thinking of times
we let fall away
as birds that fly
to yet another day.
We need to seek
the blue sky above
with eyes of hope
and Godly love.
Look on beyond
the now and again
and find the best
within the wind.
Seek the beauty
beyond ones words
and find the joy
just like the birds.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 26, 2022
There ya go. I hope you liked to poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling hehehe.
So what else is there to tell ya? Well please
continue to keep my friend Sara W in your
prayers. She is not doing well. I guess that’s
all I have for you other than what I tell you
nearly every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find 1 or
2 of either or both that you like. Now with
that said, I reckon it’s time for me to begin
my search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you all a wonderful
blessings filled week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Okey dokey so
where can that ornery off switch be trying
to hide this time. So far, it seems its been
rather lazy in the hiding department LOL.
Hmm, Searching old hiding spots and the
ones that were not hiding spots. Where
can that silly thing be? LOL doing a lil
climbing today huh. I saw you peaking
around the top of the little statuette that
some of our previous neighbors gave us
that says, “I think you’re nice” 🙂 Yep,
I saw ya cresting the top of it hahahaha.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Dreamers Boudoirs
Sentimental dreams
of a time’s location
can become a sight
of our eyes vacation.
Scented of emotion
the places we recall
become a boudoir
in a timeless wall.
Windows exposing
times and places
often as reflections
a heart embraces.
Seasons transfixing
on window frames
dreamers boudoirs
with many names.
Textures unleashing
a season of stars
living as heartbeats
dreamers boudoirs.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 20, 2022
Sentimental Stage
Life becomes recorded
deep in our minds
often as a time frame
of wondrous designs.
Seeming as a dream
sentimental is a breeze
time is a doorway
within our memories.
We may for a moment
see time run away
becoming a reflection
of a distant day.
Recollecting a pet
or a friendly face
becomes as teardrops
our hearts embrace.
Remember the times
and smiles of age
while letting them live
in a sentimental stage.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 20, 2022
Ode To June
Time draws near
as June’s soon gone
becoming memories
often sung as a song.
June has emotions
that become designs
synchronizing ages
to live in our minds.
The green of a field
or blue sky above
textured with clouds
that are full of love.
Seeming as painted
the artwork reveals
June in its essence
with scenic appeals.
Time then becomes
as a musical tune
sung as a moment
I call ode to June.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 21, 2022
Advancing Echoes
Looking ahead
the road may seem
as just but an echo
of a passing scene.
A blue sky of time
might form a sight
as a cloudy essence
a wintertime white.
There might be life
of a different array
seen as a passage
in a magical way.
Mysterious stages
are set up in time
as that of blessings
seeming so divine.
So many see them
as a passing frame
becoming echoes
of time so insane.
Look for the joy
in all that bestows
heavenly blessings
advancing echoes.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 21, 2022
Illusionary Sky
Life is perplexing
as pages are turned
a book of illusions
our eyes discerned.
Seasonal grandeur
becomes fantasies
scented of grasses
with a living breeze.
Seeming a window
that creates views
times so illusionary
might then infuse.
Life’s living stories
words in the wind
become as blessings
moments transcend.
Timeless perception
unleashes a smile
growing prospering
a seasonal style.
Heartbeats beating
help seconds to fly
living in breezeways
of illusionary sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 22, 2022
Dreams of The Past
Snowscapes of time
create many things
loved ones of life
within winter scenes.
The sight of a heart
that beats of love
evolves in dreams
from high up above.
Dreams of the past
that shadows unveil
come full of stories
so timeless to tell.
Remembering life
as times history
a dream of design
now wishing to see.
It brings me a smile
that shall surely last
thinking of the love
dreams of the past.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 22, 2022
Tomorrows Become
Thresholds beginnings
become as the miles
that moments display
as certain styles.
Seeming as the tracks
to a distant array
our tomorrows in life
might seem as today.
The very same rails
leading to memories
as pathways conjoined
as a distant breeze.
Blowing the same way
as a time long ago
the tomorrows become
as a repeated flow.
Traveling mindsets
still holding to a few
many will carry on
the way that they do.
Don’t let reflections
to become as a drum
beating of the misery
as tomorrows become.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 23, 2022
Glimmer as Gold
Held as a memory
time can unfold
ages of reflections
of days of the old.
Scenery enhanced
as a timeless view
shining so brightly
as moments anew.
Remembering life
as a distant dream
can create stardust
a magical scene.
Sunshine beckons
with a little style
displaying sights
showing its smile.
Waters may ripple
of young and old
giving an essence
a glimmer as gold.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 23, 2022
Troublesome Flows
So many problems
flow as a river
becoming senseless
that times deliver.
Troublesome sights
of now and then
become the echoes
the waters begin.
Flowing as anger
and flowing as hate
time becomes alive
and our daily trait.
Listen to the water
as it flows through
and let it become
peace within you.
Living in the mind
as a peaceful rose
and not letting in
troublesome flows.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 24, 2022
Dreamers Fantasy
Life’s a storybook
written within time
that seems magical
in scenes so divine.
Pages upon pages
of words in a way
written in grasses
of a cloudy array.
Stages are entailed
as ages of scenes
artistically found
timeless dreams.
Forming illusions
creating a path
storybooks telling
future and past.
A sweet sky of blue
that clouds entwine
becomes as a story
living in the mind.
Enveloping a heart
in a classic style
opening windows
showing a smile.
The grasses of life
may be concealed
waiting to be then
moments revealed.
Creating mirrors
reflected desires
minds remember
time acquires.
Doorways of time
may surely become
as fantastic dreams
of a new day’s sun.
Each scene of life
is real clear to see
for it’s become as
dreamers fantasy.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 24, 2022
for Jun 25, 2022
Then’s a memory
that becomes a reflection
as time moves along.
Patience is gathered
as impatience is beaten
allowing a breath.
Challenging others
for what you know little of
can show you a fool.
Temptations of life
can create many problems
if we don’t resist.
Travels remembered
become as the memories
found when disabled.
Waterless rivers
are as minds without thinking
becoming deserts.
Lost within moments
seconds can become mountains
creating worry.
Stretching your chances
can become thinner in time
leaving slim chances.
Irritations grow
as echoes of history
dig into our mind.
Our blessings in life
become the best memories
when troubles are near.
Thought creates hopeful
if we let God to help us
and we don’t give up.
Yesterdays of life
become as lessons to learn
or times to repeat.
Storybook settings
of seasonal memories
can create a smile.
Yearning for things
that are not truly needed
can envelop you.
The changes in life
might be filled with confusion
that creates a storm.
Living for moments
could leave you in much despair
as time takes its toll.
When guarding your heart
you might prevent the goodness
from entering in.
Seconds and minutes
become as our reflections
when hours multiply.
A distant sunrise
can awaken the flowers
and make them to bloom.
Deep beneath a lie
holds the truth of a moment
awaiting to be seen.
The passing breezes
that cool down a summer’s day
are often not felt.
Complaining always
keeps the negative alive
leaving emptiness.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 25, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: June 2022
Obstacle Course
Hello my friends
I hope all is well in your part of the world.
We’re doing well enjoying the rain as well
as the cool temperatures. Yeppers, today’s
high is 49 F degrees and it’s 47 degrees now
at 8 PM. Monday’s scheduled high is 56 F.
This is passed mid June folks. I turned the
heat on this morning. We’re hoping that
the price of oil goes down soon, because
we need it to stay warm. Oh well, we’ll do
what we can do. It’s supposed to be in the
70’s by the end of the week. It’s raining
today and supposed to continue on into
the night. There’s not much going on in
this house. We’re just doing as always 🙂
which in your world might be considered
BORING hehehe. Yep, we spend a lot
of time doing our hobbies and watching
TV together. Yes I know it’s Father’s Day,
but nothing changes for me. Life goes on
its daily path. Tonight we’ll watch one of
our TV programs that is our favorite and
it’s called Holey Moley. It’s a miniature
golf that is full funny obstacles that the
contestants must complete while golfing.
So far it’s in its 4th season. We also like
to watch Wipeout which is another type
of obstacle course game. LOL Judy and
I wonder how many contestants end up
in the hospital after they have played 🙂
We have many different types of TV
programs that we love to watch together.
Our landlord got out with his riding
lawnmower the other day before the rain
and mowed, so I won’t have to mow it
for a few days. I don’t mind mowing,
but there is a limit to how much that I
am able to mow. My old body gets tired
quickly. No matter, I shall continue on
until I can continue no longer. That is
also how I deal with snow blowing or
for those that do not know what snow
blowing is, it is clearing the driveway
blowing the snow aside. It does tend to
wear me out pushing the snow blower,
but it can’t do it by itself LOL. I’ve
gotta get out one day or another when
I am up to it and see about replacing
some of the underpinning to our house
that blew away in a storm last year, but
there is no hurry in that. I ordered me
3 new T-shirts today from Amazon. I’ve
been needing to get some new shirts,
but this time different colors, such as
orange, dark green and lime green. I
figured they’d be a gift to myself LOL.
There’s not been much going on here
at the Pearce’s Place. Nope, it’s quite
dead around here LOL. Hahaha ghosts
might think we’re ghosts too, but only
the kind that people can see without
being psychic hehehe. 🙂 no actually
we do a few things active, such as go
to the grocery store, shop and do our
hobbies as well as the times I mow the
yard or snow blow hehehe. So, Ghosts
might not think that we’re deceased 🙂
Judy and I do enjoy our time together
although there are times we do get on
each others nerves, being we are both
retired, but for the most part, we do
love doing things together. I wish our
health was better so that we could do
more things together, but it is what it
is. God is still looking out for Judy
and I as we travel life together. Also
many angels and kindly spirits are still
watching over us and helping when we
are in need. We are thankful for all
that You do for us God. You have
never failed us. Thank you, we are
blessed with Your love. AMEN….
Now, I do believe it’s time for me to
read back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So it’s
away I go to that little place of my
recollection that always I like to call
have found me a decent title near a
third of the way down from the start
of my rambling and now after I have
checked I see that it’s not been used
yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
Obstacle Course
Life’s obstructions
come and play
as time finds
a moment’s way.
Often as holes
within our step
an obstacle course
with times inept.
Creating anger
patience loses
when we find
the shorter fuses.
Look to Heaven
and say a prayer
for a moment’s
breath of air.
God will send
a wondrous force
to help you with
an obstacle course.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 19, 2022
Well there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling 🙂
Hopefully I didn’t bore you too awful
much hehehe. No matter, Judy is right
behind me doing her thing, crocheting
and Rocky is asleep in his lil doggy bed
that sits between Judy and I. I guess I
have told you all there is to tell, other
than what I tell you every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems and 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now, I do believe that it’s time
for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly elusive off switch, but not before
I wish all the dads a great Father’s Day
and for everyone to have a blessed week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do
too. Okie dokie, so now where can that
off switch be trying to hide this time???
LOL it’s just a pill bottle, not a place to
hide. My Potassium pill bottle isn’t the
best place to hide being it sits right in
front of me. Take a pill and look for
a better place to hide next week LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Seeking Today
Striding in the surf
with an ocean breeze
we might discover
a time so at ease.
Placed within scenes
time is romance
scented of the ocean
and song and dance.
Seconds of the day
might tick on ahead
creating reflections
inside of our head.
Memories heighten
as time moves along
becoming turnstiles
of a scenic song.
Sung as the waves
create and display
forming blessings
when seeking today.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 13, 2022
Alone in The Sea
Time might encounter
a lonely perception
that seems all alone,
but yet it’s deception.
A sea of moments
might float our way
seeming as a turnstile
that’s Hell to pay.
Search for the times
life’s brought ashore
when alone at sea
a long time before.
See all the blessings
that came from then
and find the lessons
that then did begin.
It’s not all that bad
to be alone at times,
for it helps us to see
the awesome designs.
Look on beyond
and locate the key
as God comes along
not alone in the sea.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 13, 2022
Stages of Blue
Throughout the ages
stages are born
becoming turnstiles
seconds transform.
An old blue photo
of timeless scenes
might live within
heart filled dreams.
Throughout seasons
windows may show
times so divine
that we wish to go.
Memories blossom
within the waves
as ones continue
to the future days.
Becoming artwork
with a seasonal hue
life is remembered
as stages of blue.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 14, 2022
Seen up above us
are often as sights
clouds transforming
the days and nights.
Mornings may seem
as paintings of time
found in the clouds
forming in the mind.
The fingers of God
moving them around
designing the sky
often without sound.
There might even be
a crack of lightning
followed by thunder
that’s so exciting.
Yet it might only
be God decorating
the sky for a view
to shout and sing.
Find within the sky
true admirations
watching the clouds
create formations.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 14, 2022
Living Reflections
Words of moments
memoirs of time
become that of life
living in our mind.
Reflecting beyond
what now recalls
might be magical
times standing tall.
Living as echoes
of a time long ago
reflecting as wind
that life may blow.
Becoming as faces
the places recall
time is as artwork
that stands so tall.
Painted heartbeats
of heavenly terms
blessings united
that time discerns.
Love is a moment
that never will end
scented reflections
minutes transcend.
Life is a doorway
within connections
timeless blessings
living reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 15, 2022
Brightly Shining
The sky of life
shines down true
often as glimmers
of a yellowish hue.
Brightly shining
a beacon of times
it creates shadows
wondrous designs.
Formulated scenes
as days of quests
so often blinding
for eyes to digest.
Bequeathing stars
as night enters in
the sun exposes
a time to begin.
Illuminating life
as a passing gaze
an evening comes
in wondrous ways.
Past and present
God is designing
within glimmers
brightly shining.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 15, 2022
Summers Reveal
Days and weeks
before our eyes
become as sights
of such surprise.
Leaves of style
might portray
a magical scene
within the day.
You might even
notice a time
that seems as a
scenic rhyme.
A poetic stage
written in green
a seasonal page
of time’s cuisine.
It becomes alive
a breath of air
reflecting within
a daily prayer.
Seasons record
so many to view
within memories
of old and new.
Compiling time
within a style
that life reflects
as a little smile.
Each leaf seen
is really so real
as life evolves
summers reveal.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 16, 2022
Cooling Memories
As summer’s heat
comes to your door
remember the times
of winters before.
Place in your mind
that cooling breeze
of a winter’s snow
on evergreen trees.
Open up your mind
and see the sight
maybe of a picture
of a winter of white.
It might not exist
in your hemisphere
this sight of time
of ones yesteryear,
but you can enjoy
the wintery scene
with a wishing well
of a living dream.
Carry it with you
in summertime heat
and let it give you
a moment’s retreat.
Seen as an island
of snow filled seas
this can be your
cooling memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 16, 2022
Seconds Await
Minutes concurring
as ripples in time
might have within
a moment to find.
Just like a pond
of life’s memories
the seconds await
seasons to breathe.
So many reflections
are shadows arrays
often as a breeze
of a magical phase.
Moments uniting
to a time and date
become the essence
as seconds await.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 17, 2022
Peaceful Surmise
Sunbeams of glory
shine very bright
as morning arises
within the daylight.
God is the painter
in wondrous detail
He creates artwork
that time sets sail.
Thriving of beauty
moments displayed
with all the colors
that God has inlaid.
Seen as an ocean
life might be found
waves of rhythms
scenic with sound.
Adorning seconds
with times surprise
minds can discover
a peaceful surmise.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 17, 2022
for Jun 18, 2022
The weeds in a yard
do not discern who lives there,
but who accepts them.
Some of our moments
can become as our habits
if we’re not careful.
When leaving too soon
you might find many regrets
left on the table.
Windows of today
might be filled with yesterdays
that tomorrow wants.
Within a mirror
some don’t see their reflection,
but who that they are.
Answers to questions
often come in form of time
as seconds unveil.
Patience can be bad
if waiting for illusions
that never happen.
Years might pass us by
leaving doorways and windows
chock full of regret.
Heroes of our lives
are not always obvious
for they may be small.
The paths we travel
often leave our reflections
that others may see.
Now will become then
as then becomes memories
of what we miss most.
Harnessing anger
is like becoming a cloud
awaiting a storm.
Struggles that come in life
are often the best teachers
that we remember.
Life’s varieties
give many choices to make
that may not be good.
Through an open door
may walk chances and problems
so guard what enters.
Many hands of time
have the blisters that they earned
and others have none.
Traveling mindsets
create many ways to think
that might just confuse.
Many things in life
might seem as mere illusions,
but be really real.
Waves of an ocean
create songs within a breeze
that can give us peace.
Limits on choices
can form a tunnel effect,
so look more widely.
Many things in life
can ricochet back on us,
so take care your aim.
Daffodils of life
might display only beauty,
but be only weeds.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 18, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
It Seemed
Hello my friends
It’s a rainy looking day today and the forecast
is for rain beginning later on this evening and
continuing on into Tuesday. So it looks like I
will not be mowing until afterwards when it has
dried up a little bit. Our lawnmower is in need
of a new lawnmower blade, but it seems that
the dummy’s at Snowojoe/Sunjoe have ceased
making that size blade for our mower, so I’ve
had to buy a generic one that hopefully works.
I was flabbergasted to find they quit making
the replacement blades. I went and looked at
the complaints and it seems I am not the only
one complaining. I mean, who quits making
lawnmower blades for a lawnmower that they
still freaken sell???? Anyways, I called them
and complained and told them they were going
to lose a lot of business because of this. The
guy I was talking to said, “your lawnmower
is old and not in warranty” and I told him I
am not asking for a free blade. I want to buy
one and for yall to quit making the blades for
a lawnmower that yall obviously still sell is
very un business like and that I would be
spreading the word about yalls ignorance.
He said, “would you like to be put on an
email list for when we have them in stock”
and I said yea sure, but tell me, how are
you going to have them in stock if yall do
not make them anymore LOL. Anyways,
I hope this replacement blade that I bought
from Greenworks suffices. If it doesn’t, I
reckon in time we will be buying us a new
lawnmower elsewhere maybe even from
Greenworks LOL. So you can see what’s
been going on around here hehehe. I’ve
got 2 lawnmower blades, one of which I
bought for the lawnmower a couple of
years ago and with me sharpening them
they should last a little while longer, but
not indefinitely. So, what else is going
on around this place??? Hmm that’s a
good question. This week has been sort
of slow. We got the car inspected last
Monday and then did a little shopping
at Walmart. LOL ain’t we exciting :)!
Yeppers, we are a lively bunch hehehe.
We watch a lot of TV when we’re not
busy with our hobbies. Judy’s doing
hers at this moment. Yeppers, she’s
crocheting. Rocky just now strolled
over to lay down in his lil doggy bed.
He’s a silly boy. Every night before
we go to bed, he will come over to me
on my side of the bed to be petted and
tell me good night and then he’ll head
over to Judy’s side to be petted and
to tell her goodnight. Although on
many occasions we’ll think he’s done
and he then feels he needs to go out
and go potty. Why he doesn’t do that
when we ask him over and over again
if he needs to go outside before we ever
sit on the side of the bed to climb in I
have no clue LOL. Oh well, that’s our
boy , silly as he may be :), but we love
him. So, what else is going on around
this place. Well, Friday Judy and I went
to Houlton Farm’s Dairy Bar and got us
some ice cream. It seemed many people
had gotten the same idea 🙂 It was a nice
day for ice cream. Yesterday which was
Saturday, we watched a lot of TV after
I got done with my haiku and the rest
of my poems for the week. It’s great
that we love to watch most of the same
type of TV programs. There are a few
that we do not have the same likings
for, but very few. God put us together
knowing that we were made for each
other. We were both content with our
life before, but God made us better.
I see so many out there trying way too
hard to find a relationship and ending
up miserable. I was one of them years
ago, but then I ceased looking for a
relationship and just sought friendship
and God did the rest. Thank You God
for all of the blessings and all of the
lessons that You have allowed into my
life to make me stronger and wiser.
We are grateful for all that You do
and all that You have done AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So it’s
away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have stumbled upon a fairly decent
title pert near the halfway mark in my
rambling and now after checking it
looks as though it has not been used
yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
It Seemed
Living in the past
as the present is clear
might create problems
within a time or year.
Though it might seem
the answers displayed
seeming as doorways
to life’s lemonade.
Forming conclusions
that we misunderstand
though as it seemed
it was shifting as sand.
Similar emotions
might come from time
reflections of desires
we had on our mind.
We might even think
that the now of today
is but only a moment
to soon fall away.
Yet in our journeys
that may seem gleamed
it might not be all that
you thought it seemed.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 12, 2022
Well there ya go LOL. I know it’s not one
of my better poems, but I hope you liked
it and maybe even a little of my rambling.
I can’t think of anything that I might have
forgotten to tell you other than of course
what I tell you nearly every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems, but this time
there is a Christmas poem mixed in with
them. I also wrote 22 more haiku for all
of the haiku lovers out there. I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like. Now, I do believe it’s time for me
to start my search for that hardly elusive
off switch, but surely not before I wish
you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Alrighty
then, where can that ornery off switch
be trying to hide this time. LOL I just
happened to glance over at my stack of
books to my right and caught Mr switch
peeking from behind them. So, are ya
reading my poetry or just looking at the
pictures? Yes I know, you don’t read 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Clouds Transpire
Living as a breath
in an evening sky
time paints a way
to reach up high.
The colors of gray
in timeless detail
become as a ship
with a skyline sail.
Leaving memories
within every view
clouds transpire
from old to anew.
Creating the rain
that falls to Earth
often as lightning
tells of its birth.
Sounds of thunder
are heard to roar
speaking of words
heard evermore.
We might recall
this as our desire
within memories
clouds transpire.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 6, 2022
We often travel
unknown roads
carrying lifetimes
heaviest loads.
Times we struggle
to get around
paths we follow
that we found.
Often they’re not
with truth inside
while telling tales
that’s often lied.
The truth is alive
if God is there
within the paths
of daily prayer.
Let not wanna
to walk too fast
leading you down
some seedy paths.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 6, 2022
Morning Arises
Calmness of waves
enhances a dream
as morning arises
in a magical scene.
Sounds come alive
as the waves flow
creating turnstiles
that seem to grow.
Opening pathways
journeys in time
to thrive within
a dreamer’s mind.
Living as windows
views to record
seasons of sights
from our dear lord.
Scenic emotions
become as a stage
as morning arises
a turn of a page.
So many rhythms
that time apprises
come into view
as morning arises.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 7, 2022
Floating as a bobber
so many bestow
their journeys in time
that seem so slow.
They always await
for times to become
all that they wanted
up under the sun.
When always wanting
things of a time
your life can become
a real bad design.
So when awaiting
for new things to see
open your eyes up
and see what can be.
So often our life can
become as an ocean
with wave after wave
seeming slow motion.
Become as a painting
while anticipating
and make life greater
while you’re awaiting.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 7, 2022
Gloomy Thoughts
Today might seem
as gloom and doom
as passing thoughts
might just consume.
Yet within moments
time might appear
with new beginnings
to see and to hear.
Don’t let a moment
to spoil your view,
for time is ticking
from old to anew.
Clouds might form
above your world,
but life moves on
to be unfurled.
So let the passed
to be just a time
filled with memories
and lessons in mind.
The bad may seem
to envelop you,
but God can make
a much better view.
Find you a smile
in times far across
and try to lose the
gloomy thoughts.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 8, 2022
Winter’s Past
Time is a scepter
magic to perform
seasonal greetings
new days are born.
Life of reflections
becomes our view
as a winter’s past
is springtime anew.
Days we encounter
might show so true
minutes and hours
of old and anew.
There may be snow
in scenic memoirs
written on pages
of ages of stars
Maybe with ducks
waddling about
within a moment
a wintertime route.
With snow melting
awaiting for spring
the time might be
a season to sing.
Shadows of then
might then unmask
spring to summer
as winter’s past.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 8, 2022
Christmas Dreamers
So many remember
the seasonal cheer
within Christmastime
year after year.
It’s a heartbeat’s gold
passages and places
as what a dreamer
most surely embraces.
Within snowflakes
the time might seem
as only a moment
found in a dream.
So many reflections
of timeless details
might seem as echoes
within wishing wells.
Blessings uncountable
may fly as streamers
seen as snowflakes of
Christmas dreamers.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 9, 2022
Emotional Sights
Life as flowers
bloom to become
seasons of choices
as said and done.
We get emotional
over many things
that may be silly,
passing scenes.
It may be a flower
or a scented array
within our mind
of a yesterday.
Life is a bloom
that shows a style
emotional sights
a frown or smile.
Don’t let sadness
in days and nights
to become weeds
emotional sights.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 10, 2022
Illusions of Mind
With just a glance
time might expose
a place or a face
as a timeless rose.
So many scenes
may come in view
seeming illusions,
but really so true.
Passing emotions
in a country style
seeming illusions
making you smile.
These are the days
that go by too fast
seeming illusions
shadows they cast.
Look deep within
a moment in time
and see the beauty
illusions of mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 11, 2022
Moments Romance
Times hand in hand
together can grow
romantic blessings
as an old radio.
Songs of our stride
moments romance
can become scenes
of song and dance.
Walking in unison
as a timeless view
love lives forever
as old and anew.
Memories heighten
the scenes we saw
and recreate them
in a wondrous awe.
Found as blessings
now as a glance
continuing onwards
moments romance.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 11, 2022
for Jun 11, 2022
Hearts of a moment
might be but only desire
within attraction.
Time is a doorway
filled with many things to see
that are good and bad.
Living in the past
can become as our mistakes
found in tomorrow.
Many chances we take
might have horrors within them,
but then maybe not.
Sought after moments
that are only illusions
can find emptiness.
Winds of yesterday
might find ways into today,
so hold tight with life.
Our yesterdays trials
can become tools for today
if we use them well.
The thoughts many have
might seem to be only weeds,
but become flowers.
Throughout our lifetime
we might come across choices
that neither are good.
When chasing shadows
you might catch reality
that’s hidden within.
The rains of desire
often fall as drops of time
that have some changes.
When pulling up weeds
we might pull up some flowers
that were yet to bloom.
Many hear voices
as their conscience tells what’s right
and they ignore them.
Seeking attention
from ones that will never care
leads to empty wells.
The stages of time
are as pages of a journal
written in our lives.
Our errors in life
can either become lessons
or some more errors.
Life without struggles
is a life without lessons,
for they are teachers.
Living with baggage
is just like a ships anchor
that can hold you back.
Thought of always right
can prevent you from knowledge,
we all make mistakes.
Years that have passed by
often have many regrets
that we should let go.
Glistening sunlight
can be wonderful to see,
but yet be blinding.
Seasons in the sun
become as our reflections
that went by too fast.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 11, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
One Tired Soldier
Hello my friends
I hope your weekend went well and all. We
are now into the month of June and hoping
that it goes better that May LOL. I’ve set
up an appointment to get our car inspected
Monday and hoping it passes without too
many things needed such as tires and other.
So, Rocky got all of his shots Friday and
then we went to get Judy a new cell phone.
Her old one was many years old and many
of the apps had quit working on it. So now
she has been learning how to use the new
phone. It’s a cheap one or should I say as
cheap as we could get and afford. But it
is up to date with apps now. Her other
phone was an LG which they don’t make
anymore. Next topic LOL. I did lot of
mowing when we got home from town,
because I knew it was going to rain soon.
I got sprinkled on a little while mowing,
but I managed to get the bulk of it done.
I was one tired soldier after mowing the
yard. I felt as though I had walked a
few miles, which I may have being all
of the yard that I mowed LOL. Our little
lawnmower is a 16 inch mower that takes
many passes to get it done. As well as
a few battery charges. It took all four
of the 40 volt ION batteries to get the
yard mowed, but they did the trick 🙂
It’s supposed to start raining again by
Tuesday evening, but that’s merely a
forecast/guess and it could change at
any moment 🙂 Rocky is lying in the
floor at the foot of Judy while she’s
doing her crocheting. Judy went to
her sister’s house last night for some
girl time with her sisters while Rocky
and I sat here at home and I did some
poetry writing. The weather has been
fairly nice, as at the moment it is 60 F
degrees. The high today was supposed
to be 66 and the high for tomorrow is
forecasted at 68, but only God knows 🙂
I do not miss that Texas heat which as
I look at my weather program it’s 78 in
Greenville TX and 90 in Midlothian TX.
Talk about variations LOL. Anyways,
as I said, I do not miss the spring and
summer heat of Texas. Of course I do
love the snow up here, but even I after
a few months of it, get tired of it LOL.
Though I am sure that any place you
live has its downfalls/dilemmas that we
must deal with as best that we can. So
I can deal with the cold a lot better than
I can deal with the heat. Even with the
temperature of 60, I have the fan on,
because I am very hot natured. So, what
else is going on around this place other
than the same ole same ole LOL? Well,
to be honest, We’re not that exciting :).
We did though go and get ice cream at
the Houlton Farms Dairy Bar last week
I believe it was Wednesday. Now I have
a curious question. What idiot decided
to spell Wensday like the WEDNESDAY?
LOL English language has no problem
making words spelled one way and to be
pronounced another way… Hooked on
Phonics didn’t have a chance hehehehe.
Anyways, Judy and I are doing well and
enjoying being together as we face each
new day that comes our way. She loves
my poetry and I read it to her every day
so she can help me to spot my typos 🙂
She loves how I combine my poetry into
the pictures creating art. I’m her biggest
fan of her crocheting as well her writings.
Though she doesn’t write much anymore
or paint, but I am still her fan and I love
all that she does. God put us together as
He knew we would compliment each other
with our ways. 2 peas in a pod 🙂 Yes we
have our bad times, but we look beyond
them. God is always with us watching over
us as is also many angels and kindly spirits.
We feel blessed to have one another and to
have the connections that we have. Thank
You Father God for never turning us away.
Please keep Your mighty hands covering
all of my family and friends. We praise
Your Name. AMEN and AMEN. Now
I do believe it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s new
poem and with that said, it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that I like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I
may have found a decent title just about
a quarter of the way from the beginning
of my rambling and now after checking
I see that it has not be used yet. So used
it shall be. Here goes…
One Tired Soldier
We might encounter
an army of life
filled with problems
filled with strife.
Yet Lord Jesus
is always there
to help you to find
a breath of air.
We each have things
we wish not to tell
times we may find
we’re an empty shell.
Facing struggles
with day after day
often forgetting
to kneel and pray.
Let God to help you
as life gets older
to not be alone
as one tired soldier.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 5, 2022
Well there ya go. Yes I know it’s not that
great of a poem, but it’s what that came
to me at the moment. Anyways, I hope
you liked the poem and maybe even a lil
of my rambling :). Judy is still learning
how to use her new Samsung Galaxy cell
phone. It makes weird sounds that she’s
not used to hearing and is trying figure
out how to change them or disable them.
I know that she’ll figure it out. She’s very
smart 🙂 Hey, she married me didn’t she 🙂
So that’s about all I’ve got for ya other
than what I tell you every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems and 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like. Now I do believe it is
time for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch, but not before
I wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do
too. Okie dokie, so where can that silly
off switch be trying to hide this time???
Looking around the room in all of its
previous hiding spots and not seeing it.
Hmmm, I think I see a little movement
from behind the Christmas Ferris wheel
sitting next to the telephone. LOL are
ya trying to catch a ride. I’m pretty
sure that the batteries are not charged.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Distant Days
Memories glimmer
and shine in scenes
becoming as magic
that creates dreams.
Sights such as ships
passing in the night
we may see evening
as glimmers of light.
The distant minutes
found within time
become reflections
of a special design.
Scenes with stages
of waves thereunto
distant as seascapes
of the old and anew.
Time becomes alive
as a breathing day
forming its ripples
in an awesome way.
We might be ships
on an ocean voyage
to soon be together
as God takes charge.
While letting waves
enhance our view
we might then find
there’s love so true.
Oh so many travels
God’s given to gaze
are blessings of time
within distant days.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2022
Time’s Photograph
Throughout life
we might unveil
mere photographs
of time’s detail.
It might be found
as only a view
a timeless scene
that God gave you.
Bringing to life
a certain style
time’s photograph
as a little smile.
Love enhanced
its very existence
with seasonal life
time’s consistence.
Creating a stage
of future and past
found within view
time’s photograph.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2022
Within and Beyond
A simple drive
as a timeless song
becomes a venture
to a season’s dawn.
Sung as a moment
and felt as a breeze
within and beyond
the seasonal seas.
Driven as turnstiles
that miles display
lifetimes discover
a brand new day.
One that is worded
with a fragrant kiss
seasoned memories
of an unending list.
Scenic reflections
will live on and on
inside our dreams
within and beyond.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1, 2022
Walking Bridge Dreams
Searching for life
within a distant place
a moment’s time
may be a smiling face.
We might discover
some pages as turned
walking bridge dreams
our times discerned.
Seeming as reflections
the minutes display
life becomes artwork
with day after day.
Living and breathing
as heartfelt streams
we might discover
walking bridge dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1. 2022
Somewhere in Mind
All of the times
taken for granted
might be the times
heaven enchanted.
Many of the faces
we used to know
now are reflections
in time to and fro.
Seen as a dream
that once was true
somewhere in mind
that lived with you.
We may remember
a four legged friend
as a glorious time
that did transcend.
It brought a smile
to a saddened face
somewhere in mind
with loves embrace.
Watching moments
to pass us on by
as they are joined
with tears we cry.
Yet within spirit
the memories stay
beating with love
for a distant day.
These are the faces
reflected in time
found in a moment
somewhere in mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1, 2022
Winter’s Escape
Like flakes of snow
time falls away
creating moments
of a scenic array.
Landing becoming
a magical view
as winter’s escape
says hello to you.
It might be a sight
as a timeless place
to escape within
with a smiling face.
You may even find
a moment’s stage
set in the minutes
of a distant age.
As a road of time
displays its style
a winter’s escape
the times compile.
Snowflakes falling
might form a shape
as a seasonal quest
in winter’s escape.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 2, 2022
Stride of Life
Country emotions
become much more
striding inside of
a life’s living door.
Swinging profusely
the door might seem
just like wintertime
soon to be spring.
There might be time
displaying a sight
as a horse of stride
within winter white.
Maybe even clouds
up above that flow
as a stride of life
with a wintery glow.
Blessings uniquely
exposed as a dream
giving the flavors
of winter’s cuisine.
We might envision
blades of a knife
slicing displaying
the stride of life.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 2, 2022
Once Upon Spring
Now might be only
the passing design
awaiting changes
of a seasonal time.
Seen as reflections
prayerful is found
times we struggled
to just get around.
Once upon spring
scenes may appear
creating destinies
from a yesteryear.
Life is the seconds
as time moves on
once upon spring
as we sing along.
Sung as heartbeats
prayerful arrays
our life is a story
of wonderful ways.
Heavenly moments
to shout and sing
found as memories
once upon spring.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 3, 2022
Stage of Time
Some only dream
of winter’s snow
while some others
only wish it to go.
Yet there’s beauty
in a winter dream
as a stage of time
in a magical scene.
See the pictures
as snowflakes fall
in a time so divine
so many recall.
Winter’s fragrance
becomes so alive
as a stage of time
on a scenic drive.
Find the flakes
in a winter white
and then dream on
of a magical sight.
A sight of beauty
a hopeful design
can live in you
as a stage of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 3, 2022
Hills and Trees
Now might be seen
as just a memory
time on your mind
your heart can see.
It might be a place
within your mind
with hills and trees
an awesome find.
We might envision
an ocean of waves
as just a moment
in passed displays.
A dream or two
of a distant past
might now breathe
a shadowy cast.
As a breath of time
becomes your view
scenes might find
they live in you.
The moments pass
leaving memories
within the times
as hills and trees.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 4, 2022
for Jun 4, 2022
Thinking too deeply
can lead you into problems
that were never there.
Beyond what we see
is a microscopic world
that goes unnoticed.
Fishing for true love
you might catch a few glimpses
of what that is not.
Walking a straight line
does not mean you will not fail,
for you might hit holes.
Traveling through life
we might discover lessons
we wished not to learn.
Checking ones motives
does not always show the facts,
for they might be lies.
Time is a doorway
that often have surprises
you did not expect.
Pages of a book
that have no words upon them
might await our words.
The answers in life
are not always definite,
for they might be changed.
Looking out windows
we might see the wind blowing
leaves of life away.
Seeking for wisdom
you might find some ignorance
in transformation.
The dreams that we have
might influence destinations
that lead to nowhere.
Focusing on things
and not what created them
can lead ones astray.
Many only seek
for the fish in a barrel
and not that of time.
Texting a story
needs ones to know how to read
or it is senseless.
Living in the now
without preparing yourself
might not end so well.
Waves of emotion
often flow in the moments
that don’t continue.
Sought after dream worlds
can become as our nightmares
when we awaken.
Trivial thinking
can prevent many problems,
but can cause some more.
Years that pass us by
leave shadows within themselves
filled with love and hate.
Yesterdays anger
might be today’s dynamite
if it’s not released.
Desires of the heart
can often become sadness
while wants are confused.
©By Bill Pearce
Jun 4, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
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My Animal’s Greetings site below
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Your frosty friend Bill 🙂