His Fingerprints


Hello my friends

I hope you have been staying well or as well as possible. The
weather up this way has been still on the cold side and so we’ve
yet to of needed to use our brand new air conditioner hehehehe,
but in June I’m sure it will warm up a little bit. The high for
today is 52 F degrees which it is at this very moment. Benny
and Milo are doing well. Milo was a bit sick yesterday, but he
is OK today. I think he caught him an old fashioned cold, but it
seems to have run its course. He got some good sleep last night
as Judy and I kept and eye on him. Benny is still his same old
cantankerous self LOL. He was even worried about his big bro.
Benny crawled in Bed with Milo and cuddled with him yesterday.
They normally sleep side by side, but in their own beds hehehe.
It’s been raining pretty much off and on for the last few days.
Had flash flood warnings for most of Maine LOL. Oh well, it’s
pretty much a regular thing for up here. We’re never affected
by any of it, being we’re on high ground. Judy is brushing Milo
right now and Benny is waiting his turn LOL. Our neighbors just
fired up their four wheelers. Oh joy, now I’ve gotta listen to
those things running back and forth LOL. They’re gonna get
muddy hehehehe. Milo is back to his old self. He’s wanting
attention. Benny keeps coming in here trying to get Milo to
chase him hehehe and he succeeded 🙂 Milo chased him out
of the room LOL, but Benny will be back again to coax him
into chasing him again. Those two are real characters hehehe.
Benny’s at the door now shaking his tail at Milo trying to get
him to chase him again LOL. That will be going on until they
are ready for their naps. Judy’s headed into the kitchen to
get us each a Cheese Danish for our breakfast, so I might
have to pause for a bit until I finish eating 🙂 being my hands
get really sticky when eating those things hehehehehehehe.
Ok, I’m done. Mmmmm mmm good. Judy makes the best.
I took our plates to the kitchen and Benny was wanting me
to play with him, so I got in the floor and wrestled around
with him for a bit up until Milo strolled in and wanted me to
play with him too hehehe. I then wrestled with them both for
a bit until I got the notion that I had wrestled them till they
were needing to pee, so I let them outside to do their thing.
Judy just now went to let them both in. LOL I could hear
Milo barking at the door saying “I Want In”. Benny likes
to stay outside for a bit, but is usually ready to come back
in after a short while, plus, he hates the rain hehehehehe.
They are funny boys. Benny came running in here with his
electronic collar on and I said go back to momma so she can
take your collar off. He ran back into the living room. Now
Milo is in here wanting me to pet him. Good boy, lie down
in your bed and let daddy finish writing. It’s 2:42 PM and
it’s still 52 F degrees. It’s supposed to get down to around
39 F degrees tonight. It still don’t feel like spring hehehe.
LOL I saw where New Hampshire and Vermont got some
snow yesterday hehehe. Although I reckon it has melted
away by now, being it’s not quite cold enough for it to stay
on the ground. We’ve been known to still have snow in May,
but not this year. I’m glad about that. I love the sight of
snow, but it does get old after a while especially when it is
followed by ice. I have enough fractured body parts and
I don’t need any more. Our front steps tend to ice over
without me knowing it and well, you know the rest hehehe.
My external hard drive is still in Texas being worked on
and I miss all of my pictures and videos. I sure hope they
are able to get it fixed. In the mean time I will continue
taking pictures and using a few to make my stationeries.
I took a few on Benny and Milo yesterday while they were
lying down together in the same doggy bed. Benny knew
his big brother was feeling ill, and so he snuggled up to
him hehehe. I guess the weather affects Milo the same
as it affects me. I’ve been ill in bed most of the week.
Also my allergies have been wearing on me and making
me sneeze my head off while either keeping my nose
running or stopped up at all times LOL. It’s an all year
thing with me. It never finds an ending and nothing will
make it cease. I’ve tried everything. It has been this
way most of my freaking life LOL. Come on Heaven 🙂
I need some relief. So what else I going on around this
place? Hmmm good question! Judy and I might have
to make a run to WalMart soon. She’s almost out of
Pepsi’s and we’re getting low on other things as well.
The boys have pooped themselves out and Milo is now
sleeping in his bed. Benny’s lying in one of his favorite
spots under a chair in the living room. He loves that
spot and on the recliner hehehe. He makes his way in
here when he’s rested up wanting to play some more.
He often sleeps in here with Milo, but he likes to be
alone at times. Milo does too and will often go and lie
down in his doggy bed in our bedroom or lie on the end
of our bed. When they get rested up, they will be ready
to play again. We bought some professional shears so
we can shear them one day when it eases up on the rain
a little LOL. I want to shear them outside if possible,
but we might just throw a sheet on the floor or bed and
shear them inside the same as we did when we trimmed
their hair a month or so ago. This time we’re shearing
them to maybe only an inch of hair or less. Yeppers,
don’t want them to have heat strokes. Their hair will
all grow back by wintertime. When we got them, their
hair had been trimmed. Thank You God for blessing
our home and filling it with joy. We awaken each day to
those happy little faces as we look at one another and
smile knowing that God is at work with His Miracles.
Yes things go wrong day to day, but for the most part,
we are happy and we have each other. I still find times
that I miss my family and friends, but I have had it much
worse in the past which makes me realize that right now
isn’t all that bad. Judy and I enjoy watching all of our TV
programs together as well as playing Farm Town and
our computer games. We also enjoy going out time to
time and taking pictures of the scenery. And, well you
know that we enjoy these boys. They bring us a smile
every time they enter the room 🙂 Yes God has blessed
our home. Have you taken the time to notice the many
blessings that God has given you. You might have let
the problems of life to cloud your vision to where your
blessings are hard to see. Look passed the problems
and see all that God has helped you through or given
you when you were not aware. If you look closely, you
might even see His Fingerprints. Yes, sometimes our
situations can prevent us from seeing the blessings.
Take the time right now to find His many blessings that
you have overlooked. Now, I believe it’s time for me
to begin my little journey back through all that I have
written here to see if I can find a good word or phrase
that might work well for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So it’s away I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. OK,
I think I found a good title, but now I’ve gotta try and
put some words to it hehehe. Here goes nothing!

His Fingerprints

When problems occur
God brings us a way
found as His blessings
in our day to day.
Within His fingerprints
are signs of the times
found as His blessings
in many designs.
Sometimes a problem
will turn into good
for then that moment
was misunderstood.
Within His fingerprints
are so many hours
we found as weeds
that turned into flowers.
Often our viewpoints
are just a bit gray
within His fingerprints
found day to day.

©By Bill Pearce
May 26, 2013

Well, there ya go! I hope that made at least a little sense
to ya. LOL it’s still 52 F degrees at 3:48 PM. Benny just
barked right behind me and scared the tar outta me LOL.
I think he heard our neighbors. I wish he would hold off on
barking until he gets out from behind me hehehehehehehe.
He’s in the living room now. OK so now he’s back in here
lying in his doggy bed beside me. He’s our little over active
doorbell LOL. I miss the days that he would not bark LOL.
Ok I am glad that he let’s us know if someone is at the door,
but that’s the only time 🙂 Oh well, he’s our baby boy and
Milo is his good old big brother. They always look out for
each other. They’re now lying side by side in their little
doggy beds right in between Judy and I. To Judy’s right
and to my left hehehe. So, welcome to our little home in
the boonies called The Pearce’s Place. It’s gone down 2
degrees. Now at 4:00 PM it’s 50 F degrees. Nope, if it’s
springtime, it sure is hiding it well LOL. It don’t matter 🙂
We’ll survive. I want you to continue to pray for both
of my brother in laws. DD is hanging in there while him
and my sister Peggy try to enjoy their time together, for
none of us truly knows when our time is up. We could
be hit by a truck or struck by lightning etc, etc, etc.
My brother in law David is doing well. He is home now.
They did a few bypasses on him due to the blood clots.
God is in control. At times you might not be able to
see it, but His Hands are always at work. Have faith
and trust that all will be well as long as we do the best
we can to do His Will. We will most surely falter, but
His Son’s blood was shed for our many mistakes. Now,
I believe it’s time for me to be telling you what I tell
you every week and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems, but no Christmas
poems this week HoHoHo. Also yes I again wrote 22
haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope you
find a few of either or both that you like. so I guess
it’s about time for me to be searching for that old off
switch, but not before I wish you a most wonderful
God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. Now to find that off switch. Ok ya silly little
contraption, hiding underneath my soda can is one
of the dumbest places to hide. I tend to pick it up
to get a drink time to time LOL. I see ya there 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

The Passing Rains

A simple time
when winds will blow
the passing rains
will come and go.
Those are moments
that I recall
the passing rains
will surely fall.
Gentle breezes
blow on through
the passing rains
of thereunto.
Seasons blessings
find a way
the passing rains
that now display.
A simple time
where summer plays
the passing rains
are coming days.
These are blessings
in disguise
coming down from
northern skies.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

The Still of Night

When nighttime comes
it brings some fear
with what’s hidden
that ones hear.
The still of night
is often found
the very same as
days around.
Yet the darkness
many find
creates visions
in their mind.
The still of night
can be so great
found as peaceful
times await.
So if darkness
scares you true
learn to look with
peace in you.
The still of night
can become seen
as a wondrous
moments dream.
Let your prayers to
find a way
to make your nights
as bright as day.
Seeing only
what that’s true
the still of night
gives sleep to you.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

When Morning Comes

As clouds of night
move overhead
the signs of morning
fill my head.
Thoughts of sunrise
find a place
inside my mind
as just a taste.
When morning comes
I’ll search to find
the painted scenes
of time to time.
But now it’s nighttime
as I write
while awaiting
end of night.
When morning comes
I might just see
my own shadow
fancy free.
Yet I now just
twiddle my thumbs
seeking for
when morning comes.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

Snowflakes Remembered

While winters winds
have lost their trail
I remember when
snowflakes fell.
Wintertime’s pages
turned as a book
giving each day a
seasonal look.
Snowflakes remembered
so timeless to see
I now recall them
as so gracefully.
Then as time’s turning
the snow builds a scene
that many only
see in a dream.
The transfer of snowflakes
as winds blow around
paints many pictures
found on the ground.
Snowflakes remembered
are now just a ghost
waiting to blossom
in wintertime’s most.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

A Betting Man

The sooner times
of what we want
a betting man
might find and flaunt.
Yet a betting man
of time
might incur
a bad design.
Sometimes wages
put on things
can make nightmares
out of dreams.
A betting man
that enters through
might just find
a dismal view.
So don’t go betting
time agin
seeking just to
always win.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

As People Change

Each day we see
someone will change
to maybe someone
very strange.
As people change
they might display
a different view
from day to day.
It’s our minutes
counted on
that give changes
dusk to dawn.
While ones might just
seem the same
they might hide
as people change.
So if people
that you know
change the places
that they go,
you might witness
pages turned
as people change
to what’s discerned.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

The Grace of God

When peace is void
in now and then
the grace of God
can then begin.
Let Him come and
bring to you
a better day
within your view.
The grace of God
can make each day
filled with blessings
wondrous way.
Scenes encountered
nightmares found
the grace of God
gives solid ground.
With each shadow
sadness shows
the grace of God
can heal our woes.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

Thinking Clearly

Confused insight
what you see
can create your
Thinking clearly
before going
might show better
what you’re knowing.
Don’t let hurry
guide you true
or you’ll maybe
end up blue.
Let your patience
grow in stride
as you let Lord
God inside.
Find your thoughts
as rivers flow
thinking clearly
where you go.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

Stress of Time

Assorted moments
gathered around
often bring us
not so sound.
As our passed days
come in view
the stress of time
might also too.
With remembered
segments seen
stress of time
might just demean.
Just remember
then and there
cannot repeat
It might seem as
just the same,
but will have
a different name.
Stress of time
can surely grow
if we never
change the show.
Change the many
thoughts in time
to some lessons
in design.
The stress of time
will then be seen
as a moments
blessed scheme.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

The Force of Nature

When days collide
with scenes we see
the force of nature
drives it free.
Trees are displayed
far and wide
with the force of
time applied,
Wind then blowing
quick a breeze
makes a dancing
of the trees.
The force of nature
gives a breath
as each seasons
right and left.
Sometimes rainclouds
fill the skies
as the forces
show their size.
The force of nature
comes and goes
with its many
wondrous shows.
Snowflakes fall and
land with care
on through winter
here and there.
Natures format
changes true
with each season
there and to.
The force of nature
shows its mind
when it wishes
time to time.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2013

for May 24, 2013

The better moments
evade our recollection
when troubles arise.

Storms filled with raindrops
often disperse over land
that does not need rain.

A forest of thought
fills up a mind full of trees
leaving too much shade.

Winter is a time
that so many recognize
as just ice and snow.

Thoughts can make journeys,
that are found as vacations
walking on a beach.

So many thinkers
do not take a breath from thought
to hear someone else.

Simple little words
can start up an argument
through mere confusion.

Labels on people
are most often misconceived
due to ignorance.

When summertime displays
it exposes many sights
that people enhance.

The weather you hate
will change as time goes forward,
so patiently wait.

A gun in a hand
will react with the finger
and how it is pulled.

An opened window
allows sunshine or raindrops
depicting the time.

Beyond what we see
is the beating heart inside
that we may not know.

Love is a venture
that is often mistaken
for just a moment.

Minutes are counted
as we walk the face of time
with our choices made.

Many will forget
what ones had done physically,
but remember words.

The sight of trouble
is evaluated time
viewed by another.

As today concludes
it brings forth many chances
for another day.

Nobody is flawless
except of course Jesus Christ,
so get over it.

We all have bad days,
but ours might look as the worst
through our perception.

A single storm cloud
can become a tornado
if more are gathered.

Letting anger thrive
for what another has done
gives them full control.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

His Hands At Work


Hello my friends

How’ve ya been? It’s been hectic over this way. One problem
after another. We finally got our car fixed, but it cost us $670.
Of course it took the guy a while to get the clutch lines bled so
that our clutch would work properly. My external hard drive on
my PC quit working and it had all of my pictures and videos on it
not to mention all of my software downloads. I’ve sent it to my
good friends Ron and Mandy in Texas at Century Computer and
I’m hoping they can repair it. I think the power supply might of
quit and I’m hoping that is all. If not, I will be in a world of mess.
Oh well, that’s life. My darned allergies have kept me sneezing
continually every day along with my nose running or stopping up
at all times LOL. Nothing works to stop it. It’s been a lifetime
of problems as my allergies drive me mad all year long without
any letup. I bet nobody even noticed that I didn’t write last week.
LOL I mean, who reads my stuff anyways!? I’m sure that you
would not miss me if I were to stop huh! Oh well, I guess I’ll
continue on as I have, being I write most of the time to try to
find myself some peace. The passed week has been not too bad
temperature wise. This morning it was supposed to be in the
20’s, Fahrenheit that is, but I don’t think it got quite that cold
thank God. Right now at 2:20 PM it’s 59 F degrees and tonight
is supposed to get down to 46 F degrees. The rest of the weeks
day temperatures are forecasted to be in the upper 50’s to the
middle 60’s with a couple of days in the upper 60’s. So it still
doesn’t feel much like springtime up here LOL. Nope, Texas
this is not hehehe. I’m thinking that it won’t be up until maybe
next month that it begins showing signs of warming just as it
has done time again in the past. We have been known to still
have snow in May ya know LOL. June is actually the month
when it begins to warm up a little bit and we’re ready for it :).
Yeppers, it would be nice to not have to use these darned
radiator heaters for a while. Although the humidity levels
up here combined with the heat of summer tend to make it
impossible to sleep. I’ve ordered us an 8000 BTU portable
air conditioner to use in our bedroom and in here in the PC
room, so come on summer, we’re ready for ya. My mom
and sister might make it up here this summer and that will be
GREAT. I haven’t seen anybody since 2008 when they came
up. I sure wish some of my friends could make it up, but
I’m beginning to think I haven’t got many friends down there
anymore. The phone never rings other than for WalMart to
call to tell Judy that she has prescriptions ready. I had been
calling my friends most of the time, but that seemed to be a
little one sided, so I stopped. I’ve tried to call a few time to
time, but always get their message recordings or whatever.
Oh well, I’ll survive. I have a couple of friends up here that
I see once in a while. Brian and me are getting ready to go
fishing this year. He also ever so often brings his RC planes
over to fly in our field. So I’m stoked about all of that hehehe.
I have many friends that I have never met in person and it
would be great to meet them face to face. I’m hoping that
one day that will happen. It’s 3 PM and it’s still 59 F degrees.
Judy’s in the kitchen making pancakes or something for us
eat 🙂 Neither of us has eaten anything yet today. By the
amount of food that I eat, you’d think I would not weigh as
much as I do LOL. My weight is due to one of the doctors
I had overdosing me on prednisone when I came down with
Ulcerative Colitis that in time turned into Crohn’s disease
which almost killed me. My intestines we’re bleeding and
perforating. This was back in 1994-95. So now I’m weighing
in at about 230 lbs. Oh well, hehehe more to love 🙂 Judy
doesn’t seem to mind 🙂 I can smell the pancakes cooking.
Mmmmmm I’m hungry. I guess this means it’s my turn to
cook tonight LOL. We take turns with everything. Even
with the feeding and washing of Benny and Milo hehehehe.
The Pearce’s Place is still alive with commotion as each day
brings a new journey. The boys love to watch all of the kids
at play outside, but Milo still prefers to be inside. He’s
strictly an inside dog. Benny on the other hand prefers to
stay outside and watch all of the commotions of the day,
but when it has ended, he’s ready to come back in hehehe.
They will often play a game of chase throughout the house.
Right now the boys are in there watching Judy cook which
I might add she has finished and bringing them in here for
us to eat, so food time. Be back! I’m back, but for only
a brief hehehe. Hey, food runs right through me nowadays
being I’m missing my colon and a 3rd of my small intestines.
They were unable to do a successful colostomy on me so
they hooked what I have left of my intestines to my um 🙂
derriere. It’s 61 F degrees now at 3:43 PM. It’s supposed
to get up to 63 today and it’s almost there hehehehehehe.
Milo has been barking steadily saying he wants to come
back inside, but it’s such a pretty day today. I can’t see
how they would be better off inside. Benny is enjoying it
as always. Although in time he’ll be on the porch ready
to come back in. They are our boys. God has most surely
blessed our home. We have our fair share of problems,
but God pulls us through. There has been many times
that we saw no light at the end of the tunnel, but God
opened a door through prayer. Judy has written another
book. This time it’s a children’s book titled Hello My
Name is Benny. It should be out on the market sometime
in the next month. She is a great little writer. We can’t
wait to see what the book looks like 🙂 I might one day
in the future compile my poetry and do a book, but it’s
not something I’m aching to do at this moment, being
it will mean a ton of editing and searching to find the
right poems to put in each chapter. Remember, I have
well over 7000 poems. Actually closer to 8000. In any
sense, maybe one day if I get motivated enough hehehe.
God led me to write these journals and I feel that if He’s
leading me to publish some books, then it will happen.
God is always looking out for Judy and I, for there are
many times that we can see His Hands at work. So often
when we are at our wits end, God intervenes with His
answers. If you’re at your wits end and feel that you are
suffocating from problems, take it to Him in prayer.
Don’t let your pride to keep in a situation. There’s no
weakness in asking for help, but do your part in life,
for God will not do what we are able to do for ourselves.
Now I believe it’s time for me to be doing that little
searching thing hehehe. So it’s away I go back through
all that I’ve written here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that will work for the title for today’s brand
new poem. Back to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I
may have found a good title, but we shall see huh LOL.
Here goes nothing, which it might just be hehehehehe.

His Hands At Work

The storms of life
might roll on through
displaying troubles
for me and you.
Yet those storm clouds
that display
will move on
and fade away.
Often troubles
seen at glance
leave us staring
in a trance.
It’s the storms that
teach us ways
for our futures
distant days.
So when you feel
you’re in the dirt
remember that
His hands at work.
God give answers
we might view
what that we don’t
want to do.
But His hands
at work in time
can make good
from nows design.

©By Bill Pearce
May 19, 2013

Ok, so there ya go. I hope you enjoyed my rambling and
maybe even the poem. I have a prayer request for Judy’s
sister Barbara’s husband, (another brother in law). He is
in the hospital with blood clots. He almost had to have his
foot amputated due to gangrene, but they saved it and have
got him on the way to recovery. He had many blood clots
that he was not aware of. David, I’m praying for you my
friend. My other brother in law DD is doing fairly well as
him and my sister Peggy enjoy their time together. I wish
that DD could come up with mom and Peggy. It would be
great to see him. Love ya DD. Hang in there. Now it’s
time for me to tell you what I tell you most every week
except of course for last week LOL and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. I wrote them all Tuesday
the 14th. Yeppers, I once again wrote 10 more poems
with 2 of them being Christmas poems. Also I wrote 22
more haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope
you find a few of either that you like. Now, it’s about
time for me to be searching for that silly off switch that
loves to play hide and seek, but not before I wish you
a most wonderful God filled week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Now to find that confounded
off switch. There ya are you silly thing! Get over here
and don’t make me have to reach down in the floor to
get ya. Hiding under the dog bed will never work hehehe.
I can always see a lump LOL. Git up here right now!
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

When Troubles Come

As days go by
a sight might seem
to be a bit of
nightmares dream.
When troubles come
in certain times
they might seem
the worst designs.
Yet when thinking
back real clear
you might see
worse yesteryear
Things we’ve been through
times before
give us lessons
When troubles come
with each new day
we might learn
a better way.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

The Sight of Spring

The winter winds
are ceasing blowing
yet they’re still with
cold bestowing.
The sight of spring
is yet to come
as remembered
Texas sun.
In new England
Northern Maine
the sight of spring
just seems insane.
With the night air
chilling through
the sight of spring
seems not so true.
Maybe soon
the winds will cease
and then give
a little peace.
The sight of spring then
might display
the beginning of
a summers day.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

As I Remember

So many memories
that I remember
often burn bright as
that of December.
As I remember
those Christmassy nights
I find I’m drifting
with colorful lights.
Twinkling with visions
found there and to
as I remember
the way that I do.
Seasonal singing
songs full of joy
as I remember
I was just a boy.
Those cheerful cartoons
that still do exist
as I remember
were high on my list.
That Christmas tree
with a train running under
filled up my dreams
with Christmas of wonder.
Watching it running
here there and about
as I remember
I’d joyfully shout.
Merry Christmas dear sister
and mother and dad
as I remember
it’s the best that I had.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

With Many Thoughts

While time might tick on
with glimmers to find
with many thoughts
might weigh on your mind.
Not seeking action,
but just seeking words
with many thoughts
is just feathers of birds.
So don’t let your thinking
to be all you do.
Use the good thinking
to motivate you.
Look passed the moments
of then to and fro
and seek the best way
that you are to go.
With many thoughts
in a pattern of time
you can make better
your daily design.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

The Ones In Love

Scenes in a story
that many will read
find two together
as God’s planted seed.
The ones in love
with deep true passion
might seem as
a bit old fashioned.
Rhythmic heartbeats
beat as one
when they’re found
within God’s Son.
The ones in love
find time to share
as they’re filled with
love and care.
Now has found
the ones in love
you and I
from God above.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

To Judy Pearce
From Bill Pearce

Summer Comes Slowly

I watch and I wait
most every day
for sights of springtime
found in May.
Yet while watching
I find none
with each days
new rising sun.
Summer comes slowly
for it to begin
hoping for warmer
so we can go swim.
Often the weather
looks like it will be
a little bit warmer
for summer to see,
but it gets colder
for then once agin
I am awakened
with cold winters wind.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

A New Day Comes

A bright new day
is found to breathe
when in God
you do believe.
When your worries
fill your vision
a new day comes
with your decision.
Letting God fill
you with joy
that was once
just to destroy.
Let Him help you
find some peace
as you learn to
then release.
A new day comes
when then is found
with Lord God
on solid ground.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

When Winds Will Blow

The seasonal showers
of springtime’s array
display the blessings
that minutes portray.
Raindrops are falling
as springtime’s prelude
bringing us scenes of
the times to conclude.
June follows springtime
with summer close by
when winds will blow
the clouds in the sky.
Teams of wild birds are
then found flying home
together in flocks found
each not so alone.
The seasonal changes
are found high and low
in all the pages found
when winds will blow.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

The Wings of Love

With many in flight
so many won’t see
the wings of flight
of you and me.
The soaring blessings
in the sky
the wings of love
will fly so high.
With mere patterns
filled so true
the wings of love
are me and you.
We fly the oceans
waves in sight
on through day
and into night.
The wings of love
I write about
are you and I
without a doubt.
We’re companions
which will fly
the wings of love
with Adonai.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

To Judy Pearce
From Bill Pearce

The Christmas Train

This little train
of Christmastime
is found on track
of number 9.
Chugging down
that railroad track
here and there
and then on back.
The Christmas train
is found with snow
upon the tracks
just going slow.
It chugs and chugs
its way on through
to Christmas town
that’s now in view.
The town’s a speck
for eyes to see
with visions found
so Christmassy.
It’s awaiting
the Christmas train
as ones look through
a window pane.
Some watch and wait
in deepest snow
to see ones dressed
as HoHoHo.
Santa’s helpers
all aboard
the Christmas train
in one accord.
They toss presents
low and high
as the Christmas train
chugs by.
Then they hear
so clearly sung
the blessings are
from God’s Own Son.
Merry Christmas
to you one and all
now it’s time
for this train to haul.
Returning home
on this track of 9
to be with loved ones

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

for May 14, 2013

With wisdom that’s gained
there’s also stupidity
found that was not learned.

A flower of spring
finds a way of which to bloom
surviving winter.

Many times of trouble
come as waves that crash our shore
leaving their imprints.

Beyond what we see
is what’s often mistaken
as reality.

Too many people
seek only personal gain
not caring who’s harmed.

A withered doorknob
might need a little oiling
or it will seize up.

Without a lesson
you might find many mistakes
with embarrassment.

Shadows of ourselves
are partaken by others
maybe not clearly.

Without wintertime
we would not appreciate spring,
summertime or fall.

Lines found on a face
depict the lifestyle of ones
as happy or sad.

Changing direction
is the needed correction
to often make good.

When your heart is low
let it find a peaceful thought
in a little prayer.

The ages that we’ve seen
can often be repeated
as time goes around.

A youthful insight
can often show better ways
we never thought of.

Time is a moment
that cannot be repeated
the way we want to.

Windows that are closed
prevent the scent of springtime
from entering in.

Truth is a factor
that must be part of your life
for true love to thrive.

A temper destroys,
but a small bit of patience
can repair damage.

Another’s insight
might look as though they are smart,
but they might be dumb.

A morning shower
brings alive many flowers
as they start to bloom.

A tree stood alone
might be perceived as lonely,
but it might not be.

While a cloud floats by
it changes into some shapes
that we recognize.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Gained Through Troubles


Hello my friends

Yes I know, I‘m a day late. LOL I’m also a dollar
short hehehe. OK a tad bit more than a dollar short.
How have you been? Our car has been giving us a
few problems. The clutch petal has been sticking
making it hard to drive. I’m taking it to a mechanic
tomorrow morning to hopefully get it repaired and
hopefully not cost too much. Oh well, that’s part
of life. So it’s on with the journal. The weather has
been very nice the last few days. It’s great to not
have to use to heaters and run up our light bill 🙂
Although the nights are still on the cold side LOL,
but it’s getting warmer. Tonight’s supposed to be
around 50 degrees by morning. Right now it’s 70
degrees. Not too bad 🙂 There’s a nice breeze
blowing also that makes it rather comfortable 🙂
We’re having fire warnings for the state of Maine
due to the low humidity levels. I hope that changes
soon. It’s out of my hands. Judy and I are thinking
about buying another wading pool for summer. I’m
sure Benny and Milo will enjoy it. The one that we
bought last year must of blown away LOL. It’s
either that or someone was being weird in the
cold of winter and stole it, because that was when
it became missing LOL. Oh well, they are fairly
cheap. For now, it’s still a tad too cold for us to
get in a wading pool hehehe brrrrrrrr. Judy and
I have been having our share of aches and pains
as the weather does its changing. Although many
of our aches and pains are an all year thing LOL.
Benny and Milo are doing well. I’m preparing to
one day soon take them both outside to sheer off
more of their hair to get them totally ready for
summer. We’ve already cut off tons of their hair.
LOL could of made two dog sized dolls using all
of the hair we got off of them hehehe. They are
our babies. Judy and I are still playing our games
on Facebook. Farm Town to be more precise 🙂
We haven’t played our hidden object games in
a while. Last week sometime was the last time,
due to us both getting stumped and not being able
to find what we’re needing, but maybe this week
we will take a looksee again hehehehe. We might
even find it. LOL I can’t even remember what it
was that we were searching for. Oh well, it will
come back to us 🙂 Nothing has changed in our
daily schedules. We pretty much do the same ole
same ole as always. Deadliest Catch has begun
a new season and we enjoy that every Tuesday
evening 🙂 Yeppers we do enjoy our TV programs.
I hope and pray that the mechanic tomorrow is
able to get our car fixed without it costing us too
much. Oh well, we have to have our car. We’ll
do what we must. I’m sure God will give us a
hand. He has always been there for us in our times
of need. Of course we will often think He is not
helping, because He is not doing what we want.
Yet God always does what that is needed and
what we are unable to do. He does expect us
to do our part though. There’s strength to be
gained from troubles. When we learn how to
solve many problems, we become stronger and
God sees us and smiles. Yet, we should never
step on another to try to better ourselves, for
that only ends up down a bumpy road of regret.
It will come back to haunt you. Learn to seek
what is needed and not let your greed to get in
the way. It’s OK to want things, but use good
judgment on what you strive to get. Sometimes
the things we want are very unnecessary and
we need to change our views. Let God help
you through prayer. So I guess before today
is over and it’s Tuesday, I better begin my lil
search for a word or phrase that I can use for
a title for today’s brand new poem through all
that I’ve written, so it’s off I go to that place
of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may have
found a good title, but I guess we shall see.
Here goes nothing 🙂

Gained Through Troubles

Life and its problems
become many tools
sometimes discerning
the presence of fools.
So often many
will just look away
as they’re repeating
their troubles each day.
Yet gained through troubles
the lessons are learned
as ones continue
to use what they earned.
Life has a way of
changing its view
from all the things
we say and we do.
Often ones problems
are just seen as doubles
as all the lessons that
they gained through troubles.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

So there ya go 🙂 I hope that I didn’t put ya to
sleep hehehe. Did the poem make any sense at
all to you? I hope so! There’s not much else to
report from the Pearce’s Place. My brother
in law is doing OK. Him and my sister Peggy
are enjoying their time together. God is still
in control as always. I’m not supposed to be
alive according to the doctors, so only God
knows when DD’s last days will be. None the
less, death is just the beginning of another
life. A life of eternity for the path that you
have chosen for yourself. Are you walking
with Jesus, or are you busy pointing out all
of the flaws in others and not looking at your
own. Remember, we are human and we will
make mistakes, but with Jesus there is still
hope for us. He gives forgiveness if we will
just let Him in our hearts. GOD is GREAT.
So now I believe I need to be telling ya what
I tell ya every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more poems
with one of them being sort of Christmassy.
Also I wrote once again 22 haiku for all of
my haiku lovers out there. I hope you find
one or two that make you smile 🙂 Now it’s
time for me to begin my search for that old
off switch that loves to try and elude me,
but not before I wish you a most wonderful
God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves
you and we do too. Now, where’s that silly
off switch hiding at this time? I see ya you
silly little contraption. Milo rolled over and
exposed ya hehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Without Memories

When time has passed
as rolling seas
you’ll find hope
in your memories.
To have no moments
within your mind
you might be
without design.
It’s the good times
and the bad
that create our
certain fad.
Things we’ve been through
can become
life of lessons
found and done.
Without memories
times detail
might just be a
dried up well.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

A Simple Day

A time way back
without so much
as cell phones now
to stay in touch.
A simple day
that filled the sky
was just clouds
as they’d float by.
The pages read
were in a book
without PC’s
to have a look.
The worries of
identity thieved
then were found
with less achieved.
The viruses
of then of old
were maybe just
a common cold.
A simple day
of way back when
is in my eyes
much better then.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

Within A Thought

As time will pass
a thought will thrive
to a way
to walk or drive.
Minutes arranged
in now and then
within a thought
will become wind.
Blowing as a
dusty mind
minutes change
from time to time.
Within a thought
a single sight
might just be
of wrong or right.
Looking for the
deepest views
might leave you found
with lesser news.
Many ventures
that we’ve sought
might just be
within a thought.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

When Morning Came

I found God
when morning came
in the shadows
Jesus name.
I found blessings
in the sight
when morning came
with bright sunlight.
I saw Jesus
on display
in my sight
of each which way.
Greatest things
from big to small
when morning came
it showed them all.
The many things
of which I saw
were with God
and filled with awe.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

When In A Dream

When you’re asleep
or wide awake
you might find
a life to make.
The sight might be
a running stream
as you’re found
when in a dream.
The things we wish
each day to do
within a dream
can become true.
But do not let
your dreams run wild
and end up found
with pain compiled.
Use the truth
in now and then
to help your dreams
to then begin.
Yet if truth
does not comply
don’t just let
yourself to cry.
God has many
plans for you
to make some dreams
to then come true.
So when a dream
is never seen
look for blessings
running stream.
The dreams we have
might just be peace
to help some sad
to then release.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

When Christmas Comes

As time goes by
with setting suns
joy is found
when Christmas comes.
So many thoughts
of Christmas time
are found within
a days design.
Christmas blessings
without snow
and old Santa’s
Scenes of seasons
far and wide
are often found
with gifts applied.
When Christmas comes
it brings to view
the memories
of Who’s so True.
That day of wonder
none compare
is always found
within a prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

Today’s Blue Sky

Right now today
the sights I seek
are found within
my week to week.
Today’s blue sky
is very bright
giving me
a wondrous sight.
The morning came
with sun to show
that once was found
with deepest snow.
Today’s blue sky
has greatest charm
with the feelings
very warm.
Yet as the night
becomes the view
today’s blue sky
will cease its blue.
But surely so
when morning’s come
today’s blue sky
will have begun.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

Finding Joy

Waters running
as our steps
can become
so many breaths.
Finding joy
in places found
might need faith
to look around.
Often people
will be sad
wanting things
of which they had.
Finding joy
is then not seen
but as a troubled
running stream.
Let your wanting’s
be your needs
finding joy
within the seeds.
Let God plant
the very trail
in your life
away from Hell.
Finding joy
is not so hard.
It only takes
a prayerful shard.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

Against The Wind

Troubled fractions
end to end
are often found
against the wind.
Times remembered
we’ve bestowed
might have been
a heavy load.
Against the wind
of then and there
might of seemed
without a prayer.
But the troubles
we’ve gone through
now can shine
a different view.
Things we learned
from end to end
were things we earned
against the wind.
Yet some moments
that we see
are meant to be
what they’re to be.
Often problems
come around
because of life
of sight and sound.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

In A Moment

Now might seem
a similar view
but in a moment
it will be new.
Time will pass
as minutes tick on
as there is soon
a brand new dawn.
The values seen
in many sights
might be found
in wrongful lights.
In a moment
time could change
into something
not so strange.
Let your vision
look for good,
for now might be

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

for May 6, 2013

Now might be the end
so make the best of right now
doing what you should.

A long way away
might be inside of your mind
as it’s distorted.

New is a viewpoint,
for it might be new to you.
Old to another.

The length of minutes
is viewed by circumstances
that many go through.

Shelter is a roof
that’s often what ones can’t see
such as Lord Jesus.

Our wishful thinking
often gets us in a mess,
as the truth is lost.

Patience is virtue
for it gives empowering strength
to not become stressed.

The latest device
will soon become memories
as new things will come.

Willpower is great,
but only used correctly
so don’t get confused.

When windows are closed,
they do not block out the sight.
Curtains are for that.

Leading a blind man
needs one that’s able to see,
or it’s blind leading.

Sometimes a moment
becomes the shadows of then
as time moves along.

With ventures down stream
you might just find a waterfall
that pours into pain.

Looking for trouble
could find more than you wanted
and with no way out.

In today’s story
are the words that many read
with much deception.

In many doorways
stands the hope for a future
with the good and bad.

Beyond a cool breeze
is the change that will occur
as new days blow in.

White snow is a dream
that often becomes nightmares
when there is too much.

A sideways venture
can lead to off road travels
that become bumpy.

Many will follow
if you prove that you know best,
but many will not.

Nighttime brings starlight
that’s often hidden from view
by the clouds above.

Today is the day
to make the changes you can,
then try tomorrow.

©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂