Hello my friends
I hope you have been doing well. Last
week was rather slow. I didn’t take any
pictures being we had a few problems.
Judy had a colonoscopy a couple of weeks
ago or thereabouts and last Wednesday
her intestines began to bleed and I took
her to the ER and they admitted her in
the hospital for a couple of days. What
it was is, she had a large polyp removed
when she had the colonoscopy and the
scab that had formed must of came off
starting to bleed a little. Anyways, she
seems to be OK now. She was released
from the hospital Friday. So the only
pictures I got last week were ones when
we got home from the hospital of Judy
and the boys/dogs 🙂 Benny and Rocky
were thrilled to see their mom again 🙂
Yep, there hasn’t been much going on
around here other than that. I sent a
message to my doctor about my feet
and ankles being badly swollen and
the tumor on my right shoulder that is
beginning to hurt. Hopefully she can
get me in for an appointment soon so
I can get those taken care of. It hurts
to walk more than normal and that
tumor is causing me a lot of pain that
I really could do without LOL. Now,
a change of topic. My computer chair
busted Friday night and I pulled an old
regular sitting chair over to use for a
bit, but it was causing me a lot trouble
being it sat much lower and I couldn’t
do my work on top of having to scoot
it around side to side to do anything.
Judy traded me with her chair until
I can buy another one next month 🙂
It actually works pretty well for her.
She doesn’t have long legs and she
uses her laptop PC. She just turned
it around and set it on her painting
table. Anyways, I’ll give her chair
back to her in a few days. The end
of the month is Friday 🙂 Thankfully
I had already gotten all of my poetry
pictures done by Thursday so I didn’t
have to mess with them. God is still
looking out for us as also are many
angels and friendly spirits. We feel
blessed. Thank You God for all of
the things that You do for us and all
that You will most surely so. AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
begin my quest back through all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find
a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new
poem and so it’s away I go, to that
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE 🙂
It looks as though I may have found
a decent title just a few lines back and
now after checking I see that it hasn’t
been used as of yet, so used it shall
be. Here goes…
Most Surely So
The past has ways
to bring in view
rights and wrongs
of me and you.
Yet so many will
look away
and not see them
day to day.
Most surely so
the truth will come
as that of life
of a beating drum.
Heard by many
as just a sound,
while many others
see them profound.
Seeing the rhythms
the daily flow
teaches us lessons
most surely so.
©By Bill Pearce
July 26, 2020
Well there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling 🙂
There’s not much else to tell you aside
of what I tell you every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers 10 more poems with 1 of them
being sort of Christmassy. I also wrote
22 more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now, I do
believe it’s time to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you a most awesome week
filled with blessings. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Okie dokie 🙂
so where can that confounded off switch
be trying to hide this week????? Hmm,
is my foot file moving? Yes, but there
is nothing there, LOL OK, so you’re
hiding under my batteries huh. Did ya
bump my foot file by accident hehehe?
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Peaceful Flow
Taking a journey
to now and then
life’s as water
and as the wind.
Time is as pictures
counted and true
so often peaceful
for me and you.
Yet with a breath
of troubles array
all of your peace
can be blown away.
Leaving only time
as a mere memory
lost in the waves
of a timeless sea.
Find the blessings
the times bestow
given from God
as peaceful flow.
©By Bill Pearce
July 18, 2020
Believing in Time
Time has a way of
rearranging views
often to a story
choices to choose.
Words as renditions
as scenic details
that are as seconds
hopefuls and fails.
Look for the signs
of a silo or scene
believing in time
just like a dream.
Form a perspective
your eyes can see
be born of belief
a door with a key.
Open that door up
and look inside
and see the sights
that time applied.
Look in your mind
and find the view
one that’s of peace
that lives in you.
You might not see
the blessings there
until you kneel
and say a prayer.
Let Jesus guide you
to peace of mind
as patience grows
believing in time.
©By Bill Pearce
July 18, 2020
A Fond Memoir
Life gives displays
times to recall
places and faces
that stand so tall.
Memories reliving
in a photograph
become as words
times that passed.
Written of a place
as waves may roll
is a fond memoir
of times of old.
Becoming essence
within a scene
as timeless sights
live on in a dream.
Many might recall
a time from afar
that now lives on
as a fond memoir.
©By Bill Pearce
July 20, 2020
Sunbeams of Style
Scenes of sunshine
beams of light
bring us illusions
with fire in sight.
Burning brilliantly
light from above
scenic sunshine
as a sight thereof.
Painted with times
that come and go
sunbeams of style
that seem to grow.
Becoming moments
times memories
maybe of winter
a time to appease.
Try and remember
a passing smile
someone’s love as
sunbeams of style.
©By Bill Pearce
July 21, 2020
Standing So True
Time is artwork
displaying scenes
pictures as portals
in cosmic dreams.
All our memories
might form a face
times recollection
of a distant place.
Maybe a special
four legged friend
standing watching
the time transcend.
It may be a photo
of a joyful smile
standing so true
as times compile.
Life might seem
as a turning page
a moment to view
the changing stage.
Scenes may seem
as our reflection
standing so true
within perception.
Memory’s times
become enhanced
within our minds
as times advanced.
Searching for joy
within each view,
you might find it
standing so true.
©By Bill Pearce
July 22, 2020
Two hearts found
one heart grows
bonding together
true love flows.
Life’s connections
come into view
entwined in times
of love so true.
Just like a dream
now a memory
time is recorded
for you and me.
It might be songs
on an old radio
singing memories
of a time ago.
As eyes memorize
a faraway mind
life’s remembered
times entwined.
©By Bill Pearce
July 22, 2020
Evening’s Become
Often like ripples
or as a fantasy
moments become
as a sight to see.
Seasons of dreams
created in time
become as hearts
moments to find.
Exclusive as life
seconds display
evening becomes
as a stage of day.
We are as readers
describing views
moments in time
of gradual hues.
Ages may glisten
time on the run
as it shows what
evening’s become.
©By Bill Pearce
July 22, 2020
Shining as Gold
Told as a story
the minutes tick on
adding descriptions
as words of a song.
Sung then of beauty
sung then of time
life gives moments
to fill your mind.
Life’s creations
are as tumble weeds
formed in turnstiles
as timeless seeds.
Becoming as essence
of a mere mystery
tasted in our eyes
many things we see.
Breathing deep
within our perception
we might just find
times perfection.
Pouring the sunshine
upon distant hills
becomes a picture
as a moment fulfills.
Seen as dreams
of wondrous arrays
a glimmering sunset
is that of a phase.
It’s formed by time
as minutes unfold
displaying sunlight
shining as gold.
©By Bill Pearce
July 22, 2020
Distant Rain
The distant hills
of history
give us sights
to surely see.
Becoming times
a scenic friend
displaying sights
to comprehend.
Found together
in the days
formed of life
a scenic phase.
Godly blessings
Heaven sent
becomes sights
of life’s intent.
Breath displays
a photo view
many blessings
tried and true.
Find within it
time to gaze
that of beauty
Heaven’s ways.
See the patterns
in the light
showing times
a scenic sight.
Time may seem
a window pane
with the sights
of distant rain.
©By Bill Pearce
July 23, 2020
Hidden in Snow
Seen as illusions
seen as a time
formed from then
seen in the mind.
Hidden viewpoints
of now and then
become so alive
as echoing wind.
Time as minutes
grows beyond
becoming lessons
right or wrong.
A snow filled sight
might display
a seasonal scene
from day to day.
It might unleash
a time or two
remembered well
a timeless view.
A Christmas scene
within a sight
a moment of old
in snow of white.
An old red barn
a scenic place
may show the love
of Heaven’s grace.
It may be but only
as a mere echo,
but it continues
hidden in snow.
©By Bill Pearce
July 23, 2020
for July 24, 2020
Life is as doorways
swinging giving us choices
of pathways to choose.
Today’s as a yard
to become as a blessing
or but only weeds.
Time is a number
that so many misconceive
and lose track of love.
Breathing in choices
of many new directions
can keep time fulfilled.
An ocean of style
is as waves of emotion
conceived from boredom.
A moment’s wisdom
might be formed from stupidity
that you saw or did.
Shadows of a time
can often live in others
that are close to you.
Partaking of lies
only guaranty’s karma
to come with vengeance.
Pages of our life
are as ripples in water
flowing as a breath.
Trivial thinking
can disperse many white lies
thought unimportant.
A field of flowers
might be only dandelions
beauty of a weed.
Journey’s of lifetimes
often encounter speed bumps
to slow our footing.
Stems of a flower
hold the beauty within them
to seed another.
Grave site emotions
can unleash many spirits
that follow you home.
When dragging your feet
you might find many doorways
that time took away.
Blue skies of ventures
a dreamer recognizes
as what that could be.
The scent of mowed grass
is that of the emotions
the grass leaves behind.
Thresholds of our pain
are as windows into life
and how much we feel.
Flowing as a stream
our memories might flourish
to become a lake.
Searching tomorrow
for what that is in today
you might find regrets.
Patience is a strength
that many have little of,
but yet they must wait.
Destroying pictures
of many moments in time
might unleash sadness.
©By Bill Pearce
July 24, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: July 2020
Through The Pictures
Hello my friends
It’s been rather warm off and on up this
ways. Though we did have a couple of
nights that were quite cold which made
us have to put the blanket back on the
bed. It got down to about 30 F degrees
one night last week. Right now it is a
cool 80 F degrees LOL. The weather is
bouncing around like a super ball LOL.
It’s supposed to be a high of 88 degrees
Monday and then beginning Tuesday
be in the mid to upper 70’s for the rest
of the week, I need to mow again, but
it’s been too rainy and too hot for me.
So, what else has been going on up this
way? Well, Judy’s sister Barbara lost
her hubby Monday night. He passed
away late in the night. Also my ex step
daughter Missy passed away last week
and my daughter is really sad. Please
pray for her and of course Diana Lee
which is Missy’s daughter. Missy was
just a few years younger than me. It
seems to of been a week for souls to go
home to meet their maker. So, what’s
going on up here? Well, Judy and I
are just enjoying life as best that we can.
I’ve still been real busy with my poetry
writing and designing poetry pictures.
My daughter Jamye went to Oregon
a week ago and when she got back she
sent me many of the pictures she took
while there. I have already used a few
of them for poetry pictures and signed
her name as the photographer on them.
Judy went to her sister’s house Saturday
and they went through the pictures that
belonged to their mom. Judy of course
didn’t come home till after midnight :),
but then I expected that hehehehehehe.
Yeppers, it’s a real lively place here at
the Pearce’s Place LOL. Benny and
Rocky sat at the front door the whole
time Judy was gone as they waited and
waited for her to come home only to
bother me time to time to tell me that
they needed to go out and go potty 🙂
LOL when Judy did get home, Rocky
came running in here with one of his
dog toys in his mouth just squeaking
it endlessly telling me MOM’S HOME.
Those boys keep us going with their
silly antics LOL. God has been good
to us as He has kept His mighty hands
over us protecting us as well as sending
a multitude of angels to watch over us.
We thank You Father for all that You
do for us and all that You will surely do.
Thank You. AMEN. Now I believe it’s
time for me to read back on all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find me
a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
I may have found a fairly decent title
just about halfway in my rambling and
now after checking I see that it has not
been used as of yet, so used it shall be.
Here goes…
Through The Pictures
Just like a trail
of a path of time
so many pictures
can fill the mind.
Times remembered
in a photograph
through the pictures
then has passed.
Seasons gather
to then fade away
and leave their mark
on another day.
Within our photos
the times recall
winter to spring and
summer to fall.
Through the pictures
time moves on
from dusk to dusk
and dawn to dawn.
Becoming permanent
lifetime fixtures
of which is found
through the pictures.
©By Bill Pearce
July 19, 2020
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling.
I guess that’s about all I have for ya this
week. I can’t think of anything else that
I can tell ya, other than what I tell you
almost every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers,
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for
all of the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now I do believe it’s time for
me to begin my search for that hardly
elusive off switch, but not before I wish
you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where can that ornery off switch be at
this time. Where can it be hiding?????
Oh for heaven’s sake, could you be any
less inconspicuous hehehehehehe. Just
sitting there on my desk flipping your
switch back and forth is not trying LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Formation of Mind
Time on a pedestal
changes its views
seen as we dream
and maybe confuse.
Forms of emotions
interlocking keys
become our designs
of oceans and seas.
Seen for a moment
a time on display
might form dreams
of a summer’s array.
Challenged by sight
as time moves on
formations of mind
become as a song.
Sung as a dreamer
seen as a style
sewn as a blanket
our seconds compile.
Becoming artwork
of a distant day
timeless formations
come out to play.
Creating a journey
blessings exposed
heavens emotions
that time disclosed.
Scented of passion
seen time to time
these are God’s gifts
formation of mind.
©By Bill Pearce
July 13, 2020
Wintertime’s Memories
It could be a snowflake
or a passing style
as clouds in formation
giving you a smile.
Memories as reflections
are scenic emotions
found as a dreamland
of cosmic devotions.
Life becomes a fraction
that many perceive
as but only minutes
for them to believe.
Choices that we choose
can become as snow
just like that of winter
and a seasonal show.
Find within a landscape
a time to become
wintertime’s memories
a bright shining sun.
©By Bill Pearce
July 13, 2020
Hidden Worlds
Seen as dimensions
a magical sight
worlds of wonder
may become light.
Glowing of beauty
shining of bliss
moments awaken
to give us a kiss.
A spectator’s scene
a timeless event
in hidden worlds
of scenic intent.
Views of windows
within a glance
may become as a
time’s romance.
Formed as a dream
as time unfurls
life shows way
to hidden worlds.
©By Bill Pearce
July 14, 2020
Just a Memory
Many remember
what some forget
times importance
seemed pirouette.
Dancing memoirs
written within time
become a fragment
formed in the mind.
Life might expose
a moment’s daylily
seeming materials
as lace of Chantilly.
Scenes will reflect
as a timeless stage
with just a memory
as a turn of a page.
Our eyes may be
like camera lens
as just a memory
of ageless blends.
©By Bill Pearce
July 14, 2020
Moon Shadows
Nighttime awakens
scenes in disguise
times illuminating
clouds in the skies.
Portioned as peace
a seascape motion
as clouds that form
an skyline ocean.
Dispersing changes
becoming dreams
moon shadows pour
as rushing streams.
Essence of illusion
becomes so divine
as minutes continue
to form each design.
Clouds are as artist
painters in the sky
designing pictures
as they float on by.
Moon shadows grow
becoming as a haze
cherished by many
in a nighttime phase.
Watch them create
their ways of scale
painted in the sky
in awesome detail.
Sometimes a face
of times windows
can become seen
in moon shadows.
©By Bill Pearce
July 14, 2020
Country Afternoon
A day fades way
and leaves in place
a cloud filled sky,
afternoon’s grace.
Patterns exposed
as country miles
passings scenes
that time compiles.
Some as a gleam
of a sunny day
and some become
as another array.
A country aroma
textured with time
creates the sights,
a country rhyme.
Words within us
become desires
within July skies
a true hearts fires.
Burning of love
and true passion
is an afternoon
a country fashion.
Minutes prevail
becoming as more
with that of love
oh so many adore.
As music playing
a wonderful tune
time displays a
country afternoon.
©By Bill Pearce
July 15, 2020
Embraceable Times
Windows and doors
as time passes by
become as memories
that seem as to fly.
Transforming scenes
to wondrous views
as a stage handler
of awesome hues.
Donning their wings
as moments form
creating timelines
to then be born.
Giving an existence
a form of peace,
a time and place
for pain to cease.
Found as a turnstile
a gateway of style
life as embraceable
gives ones a smile.
Initializing seasons
pages to discern
like a good book
sightwise to learn.
Heavenly heartbeats
beating as one
moments to embrace
as second to none.
Times we think of
as erasable finds
might be found as
embraceable times.
©By Bill Pearce
July 15, 2020
The Last Thought
A traveler’s mind
may become ages
found on journeys
as a road of stages.
Leaving the sight
of a track of time
the last thought
as rhythms rhyme.
You may become
as real old tales
that of a story
found on trails.
We might display
a season of life
that remembered
cuts like a knife.
Living hindsights
that you forgot
may just become
as the last thought.
©By Bill Pearce
July 16, 2020
Waters Become
Living as ripples
living as waves
as waters create
many displays.
Becoming scenes
lifetimes allure
flavorful sights
as waters pour.
Formed emotion
heaven’s delight
textures compile
as day to night.
Becoming a view
a river of time
heard as ripples
seen as a rhyme.
Life is with hope
of a rising sun
displaying what
waters become.
©By Bill Pearce
July 17, 2020
Glow of Night
Heavens passages
become as a show
lighting the night
with a scenic glow.
Showering us with
light from above
moonlight glowing
an essence of love.
Time is as a stage
as seconds tick on
creating a window
seen within dawn.
The moon begins
a journey around
as a glow of night
many have found.
Some see answers
in horoscope signs
the moon at night
of so many minds.
Yet many see it
and think of sleep
that glow of night
in dreams so deep.
Look at it closely
and seek surprise
the moon above
in the starry skies.
Search for dreams
in that large light
found in the sky
a glow of night.
©By Bill Pearce
July 17, 2020
for July 18, 2020
Hopes of a garden
are that of a gardener
to water the seeds.
Challenging footsteps
will create their own design
found in the lessons.
In search of dew drops
you might discover morning
as a love affair.
Discipline of time
is formed through many failures
as patience is gained.
The lines on our face
show our laughter and our frowns
that keeps ones confused.
Living for moments
can find many misconceived
as the moments change.
Lasting impressions
can form without knowing it
and be remembered.
Cleaning out closets
might expose some skeletons
you had forgotten.
When painting pictures
the view within your minds eye
might be judgmental.
Life as a portrait
can become unbreathable
living on a shelf.
When pushing too hard
you might push into problems
so give time its space.
Letters in a word
may be silent by nature,
but still have meaning.
When creating lists
many will leave off their needs
and only write wants.
Doorways through our life
will open and close with time
that might need avoided.
Listening to sounds
determining what you hear
can give surprises.
Organizing time
to create a structured life
can form much boredom.
God provides a way
to move passed your saddened soul
and that is through prayer.
Windows of our soul
exposes darkness within,
so it’s not hidden.
The wind as it blows
creates words within each breath
telling its stories.
Tomorrow’s journey
might hold many reflections
that we’ll remember.
Creating pathways
needs knowledge of directions
of best ways to go.
Now’s just a second
that will most surely pass on
leaving us choices.
©By Bill Pearce
July 18, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Smiling Faces
Hello my friends
I hope yall are doing well. Judy and I are
still among the living. We’re enjoying the
not so hot weather today. It’s 76 degrees
right now at 6 PM. It’s supposed to be a
high of 82 today, but it might not make it
that high 🙂 which I am not sad over in no
way LOL. Our landlord mowed our lawn
and I’m glad for that, because my feet and
ankles are still swollen from the last time I
mowed. We’re expecting rain tomorrow and
that will be good. We’ve just been hanging
around the house lately. Judy’s gotten back
to painting and she’s already painted a few
pictures that I might use for my poetry 🙂
My daughter took a trip to Oregon last
week and she took a ton of pictures 🙂 and
she sent me quite a few to choose from to
use for poetry pictures. She got some great
pictures. Beautiful country. Pictures will
be all I see of Oregon, but good enough
for me. Yes, I’m still writing those darn
poetry pictures LOL. I might publish 2
more books in the next few weeks. Yep,
it seems I cannot stop writing those darn
poetry pictures hehehe. Yet though they
do keep me busy and kill the boredom 🙂
They also keep my mind thinking which
is a good thing. So I reckon I’ll keep on
keeping on until I can continue no longer.
LOL hard to believe I have done a few
thousand poetry pictures since I began
writing and creating them in 2016. I did
a couple earlier than that, but I was just
messing around. 2016 is when I started
getting actually focused on them, but
I had no plans of writing this many LOL.
Since Judy has bought new shelves and
done some reorganizing in here, she’s
gotten back into painting although I’ve
already told ya that hehehe. The boys
are in here with us and lying in front of
the fan. Life’s good. We have our share
of problems and health issues, but for
the most part we are happy. We have
each other and these boys of ours with
there smiling faces fill the house with
joy accept when they start bugging us
for treats or waking us up when we’re
not ready to get up LOL. In any case
we love them. God has surely blessed
us and our home. We know that many
angels are watching over us and we are
so grateful. Thank You God for all that
You do for us and all that You will most
surely do. Thank You also for allowing
us to experience what we need to help
us grow. AMEN. Now I believe it’s time
for me to be reading back on all that I
have written here to see if I can find a
good word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem 🙂
So it’s away I go to that lil place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have found a decent title just a few lines
back and now after checking I see that
it has not been used as of yet, so used
it shall be. Here goes…
Smiling Faces
Clockwork rhythms
creates time
a place a face
a memoir’s rhyme.
Written heartbeats
scented peace
smiling faces
a moment’s release.
We’ve got glimmers
shining scenes
that can become
our evening dreams.
Smiling moments
can begin
as a memory
of peaceful wind.
Sometimes churning
winds of desire
burns too brightly
wantings fire.
Let God help you
find that glow,
one of peaceful
not just show.
Seasons counted
become traces
as our blessings
smiling faces.
©By Bill Pearce
July 12, 2020
Well, there ya go 🙂 I hope that my poem
brought you some peace and my rambling
didn’t bug ya out too much LOL. Judy’s
headed to the kitchen to find something to
make us for dinner. So I reckon I’ve told
you all that there is to tell other than what
I tell you every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers,
10 more poems, but this week there are
a couple of Christmas poems in the mix 🙂
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there. So with that said
I guess I need to start my search for that
hardly elusive off switch, but not before
I wish you all a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do
too. Now, where can that cantankerous
off switch be trying to hide this week????
Hmm, I think I see movement behind my
pills and now I even hear them rattling 🙂
Hey, you’re gonna have to learn to be
still if you don’t want to be found so easily.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Sights Unite
As life begins
it shows its face
a time of love of
Heaven’s grace.
Creating time
to then become
sights united
unto the sun.
Colorful hues
display a theme
as a porthole
created dream.
Life shines on
as sky of clouds
formed to be
scenic shrouds.
Passing times
a season’s light
displays Heaven
as sights unite.
©By Bill Pearce
July 6, 2020
To Christmasville
We might discover
a road through time
a scenic journey
such a magical find.
It might show sights
of glistening snow
to Christmasville
a town all aglow.
Coming over a hill
you might see dreams
this scenic town
of wonderful things.
Just like a storybook
of a timeless tale
a wintertime sight
of a Christmas bell.
Heard as blessings
such a Heavenly tune
ringing of peace
as heartbeats attune.
Connecting rhythms
of fragrant arrays
to that of magical
Christmas holidays.
Enjoy the journeys
that come into view
as light of day
displays times anew.
Look for the scenes
on a journeys hill
as you travel on
to Christmasville.
©By Bill Pearce
July 6, 2020
Times of Life
Things we’ve seen
and heard so well
might be emotions
of a timeless tale.
Maybe even times
we’ve often found
passing as shadows
on solid ground.
We may even find
a point and time
illuminating dreams
within our mind.
Those times of life
that become alive
rolling as an ocean
to surely survive.
Life might display
some colorful hues
within times of life
choices to choose.
©By Bill Pearce
July 7, 2020
Anticipating Christmas
Waiting and watching
seeking for a sight
of Santa and reindeer
real early in flight.
Thinking that old Santa
may of flew to the sky
to get an early start
with a gleam is his eye.
Seeking to get it done
earlier than before
the chimney climbing
going door to door.
Our two dogs waited
while searching around
to see Santa Claus
with his jingling sound.
Looking high and low
with puppy dog eyes
seeking for old Santa
up high in the skies.
Yet they both waited
and pondered of a view
that of their owner
that seemed Santa too.
He has a loving heart
and a beard of gray
with red suit like Santa
of a Christmas array.
He was also real jolly
and real big and round,
anticipating Christmas
old Santa they found.
©By Bill Pearce
July 7, 2020
Tiny Flower
The smallest sight
can become seen
as a tiny flower
in midst of green.
There just may be
another view
a time’s delight
with another hue.
Yet the tiniest
view of them all
can become best,
better than all.
A little tiny flower
can illuminate love
when it’s viewed
from then thereof.
Yet so many will
walk right passed
and only see their
shadows cast.
The tiny flowers
on the ground
will wait and wait
to then be found.
Seek the beauty,
seek each sight
that a flower
can ignite.
For their glisten
becomes power
showing large
in a tiny flower.
©By Bill Pearce
July 7, 2020
Memories Pond
Splashing as water
flowing like wine
moments enlighten
a time after time.
Some as a season,
some as a place,
some as a turnstile
so many embrace.
Forming a dream,
time comes in view
creating a scene
of then thereunto.
Moments memories
might come to life
displaying peaceful
in moments of strife.
Living as a breath
with time to breathe
memories become
as a gentle breeze.
As a pond of water
with life displayed
memories are as
a time’s lemonade.
Found in the waters
as ducks carry on
scenes so transfixing
as memories pond.
©By Bill Pearce
July 8, 2020
Faded To Fall
Life’s as a picture
formed of design
created as moments
seen time to time.
Colors perception
begins with a scene
time ticks onwards
fading from green.
The leaves become
as a changing phase
autumn as colors
that a time displays.
When time’s faded
it becomes as more
a place of grace
that ones do adore.
Such as a pageant
of colorful leaves
seeming as a web
that a spider weaves.
It lives as colors
of a magical place
heavenly blessings
a time to embrace.
Look for the changes
from large to small
coming from summer
that faded to fall.
©By Bill Pearce
July 8, 2020
Waters Glisten
Sunlight shining
scenes to gaze
brings a sight
of wonderful days.
Glistening views
waters shine
scenic moments
pure as wine.
Seeming as gold
a shining affect
gleaming as love
times reflect.
Becoming sights
glittering true
within memoirs
a timeless view.
Find the beauty
life’s precision
reflecting time
as waters glisten.
©By Bill Pearce
July 9, 2020
Tales of Summer
Riding waters
holding tight
behind a boat
will create flight.
Forming ripples
forming waves
tales of summer
times arrays.
Living ecstasy
in reflections
forming trails
many directions.
Remembered as
a time’s embrace
tales of summer
a scenic taste.
We might ride
watery roads
times designs
that life bestows.
Allow the scenes
to open up wide
tales of summer
times applied.
Search for life
from within
and let it grow
a breath of wind.
Breathed as life
times of wonder
scenes so sweet
tales of summer.
©By Bill Pearce
July 9, 2020
Mirages of Ages
Finding blessings
good to prevail
might seem as if
life’s gone to Hell,
Yet with rhythms
heaven’s designs
scenes as dreams
form in the mind.
Becoming artwork
within emotions
seeming as mirages
within our oceans.
Time plays a part
of a tambourine
keeping rhythm
in life’s cuisine.
God’s watching us
our daily stages
even what we see
as mirages of ages.
©By Bill Pearce
July 10, 2020
for July 11, 2020
Today might seem bad,
but our view might deceive us
as good is exposed.
Within our shadows
holds some facts about ourselves
that show in the light.
Essence of beauty
is often formed in our minds
as we distinguish.
Stories that we read
can often have hidden words
that we read over.
Patience gives strength
as waiting can open doors
that hurry closes.
Many that deceive
will find karma awaiting
as time passes by.
Leaving bitterness
in places that should be smiles
might show our regrets.
The storms of our life
often come from our own greed
of what we don’t need.
Searching for the truth
might uncover many lies
that you wish were true.
Mirrored images
can often be distorted
with ages of time.
Looking to the stars
you may see your reflection
within the starlight.
Formed as our bridges
decisions create our life
as doors and windows.
The vastness of time
can be measured as the wind
and how far it blows.
Lessons are as tools,
yet many tools are nightmares
we might wish to void.
A too sheltered mind
can become life as a fool
without experience.
Dreaming of others
and wanting what all they have
can create nightmares.
A trivial lie
can grow to great proportions
if truth’s never told.
Leaning out windows
can become as your ending
if you lean too far.
Generic lifestyles
might not bond with the others
through differences.
Tomorrow’s today
might look just like yesterday,
because it once was.
Perceiving people
as each one identical
unites or destroys.
The winds of today
might blow of a sudden breeze
that seems familiar.
©By Bill Pearce
July 11, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Grateful For All
Hello my friends
I hope you had a nice weekend and a safe
4th of July. Judy and I did as we always
do and just sat at home watching TV as we
enjoyed each others company. Benny and
Rocky kept us entertained LOL. We were
going to watch one of our videos, but the
DVD/Blueray player must of gotten ruined
in one of our power outages, so we’ll have
to buy another one. So, the video will have
to wait until then 🙂 We might buy another
one Monday. It rained a lil bit this passed
week. The wind blew quite hard LOL. So
hard that it blew our lighthouse off of its
perch and it was standing at an angle 🙂
Judy went over and put it back. I’ll get
out there one day this week and see what
I can do about stabilizing it a bit. But it
doesn’t move until we have a 40 mph and
above gusts of wind hehehe. I’m going to
have to climb up on our porch and do a
few fixes, being that when the wind blows
briskly from the north it tends to find a
few places to leak water into the porch.
So I’ll head up there and find the places
and seal them up. The only thing that I
hate about doing that is the fact that I’m
scared of heights ever since 2000 when I
fell at work and rammed 3 one inch steel
rods into my skull and had to have my
skull stapled and stitched back together
again. Thankfully it did not kill me, but
it did leave me with a fear of heights and
now I tremble with fear to get on a step
stool and much more so with a latter.
Today is nice and cool with a high of 69.
It’s 67 F right now at 5 PM. I can handle
days like today 🙂 Yeppers, if it would
stay just like today temperature wise, I
would be in Heaven 🙂 I love it when it
rains too. The air is so stimulating. It’s
a true gift from God. There’s not much
going on around here. I’m trying to get
this written before our TV programs
come on this evening. LOL I believe I
may of gotten a good start. I’ve got 3
hours to finish this LOL. It’s supposed
to rain today and it may of even rained
a little, but I just wasn’t aware of it 🙂
No matter, we’re going to enjoy the day
and just relax. I did manage to take a
few pictures this week when we went to
town to do some shopping. So I’ll be
putting a few in my stationery. We’re
still hanging in there as we pray for life
to get back to a more even keel. God
has been good to us. We have all that
we need and even a few of our wants 🙂
The boys (Benny and Rocky) are doing
well. We’re hoping and praying that
life gets better and the virus fades away
so that my daughter and granddaughter
can come up for a visit this fall. I miss
them. I miss all my family and friends,
but I doubt any will ever be able to make
their way up here for a visit. But Jamye
had already made plans for coming up
this fall before the COVID hit. Please
keep that in your prayers. We’re still
very grateful for all that God has done
for us and all that He will most surely
do. Thank You God. AMEN. Now, I
believe it’s time for me to be reading
back on all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE…….
I believe I may of found a fairly decent
title just a few lines back and now after
checking I see that it has not been used
as of yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
Grateful For All
Life gives us struggles
some in the mind
times we encounter
as an uneven line.
Courses we followed
from left unto right
that made us stronger
to fulfill the fight.
Each breath partaken
may seem real hard
as we continue
to seek a new yard.
Finding the pathways
of good to unfold
giving us the lessons
from young unto old.
Don’t let regretful
to be what stands tall.
Learn to be thankful
and grateful for all.
©By Bill Pearce
July 5, 2020
There ya go hehehe. I hope ya liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling hehehe. It looks like it could
rain any moment right now, but so far,
nothing. No matter, the air is filled with
the aroma. So I guess that’s about all I
can think of to tell you other than what
I tell you every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yep, 10
more poems, but no Christmas poems
this week. Maybe next week HoHoHo.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there. I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like. So with that said, I reckon I need
to start searching for that hardly elusive
off switch, but surely not before I wish
you a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where can that ornery off switch be at?
Hmm, I thought I saw movement from
behind my camera, but it was just the
air blowing the strap. LOL I see ya you
little whippersnapper. I was looking in
the right direction, but the strap through
me off. I see ya, you’re hiding behind
my SONY Handy Cam that is behind my
Canon camera LOL. Did ya slip. I saw
it shake just enough for me to look again.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Lighthouse of Love
Searching for signs
of heartbeats desires
a lighthouse of love
most surely acquires.
Bringing its glisten
as the light of a star
and shining so bright
from near to afar.
Time gives chances
to become as a glow
that’s of heartbeats
with love to bestow.
It may seem vague
as flight of a dove,
but life is giving with
a lighthouse of love.
©By Bill Pearce
June 29, 2020
Winter’s End
We often view
a sight of spring
with winter’s end
as songs to sing.
Living as time
and living in grace
winter’s end
so many embrace.
Scenes display
some other views
seeming timeless
as life to infuse.
Turning pages
sights and sounds
winter’s end
will come around.
Within a sight
winter fades away
to leave its mark
on another day.
Change of face
a moment is gone
winter’s end
time moves along.
Time displays
changes of heart
that which begins
as a work of art.
A melting show
scenes transcend
times of life
with winter’s end.
©By Bill Pearce
June 29, 2020
Watching a moment
to slip out of view
displays the remains
of old and anew.
An old house of time
displays as a ghost
reminiscent finds
that are missed most.
So often what we see
is but only a shell
a time that we find
as a wishing well.
Created from wonder
and wantings too
reminiscent scenes
are found in view.
Reminding of a time
as a fragrant rose
what’s remembered
of highs and lows.
A wintertime moment
might then display
reminiscent sights
of a wonderful day.
Scenes become alive
when seasons pass
so often of thoughts
that move too fast.
Leaving just a phase
of a timeless friend
as reminiscent styles
that come to an end.
©By Bill Pearce
June 29, 2020
A Winter’s Day
Just like a picture
of a dreamers eyes
winter begins with
a wondrous surprise.
Scenes of a magical
place within winter
a day that displays
time front and center.
That of a moment
and that of a style
scenes transfixing
on a wonderful while.
Unlike our dreams
of a nightly phase
a winter’s day sees
much brighter to gaze.
A wintertime view
becomes as more
as snowflakes fall
from sky to the floor.
The sight becomes
a magical scene
a moment in time
as a wondrous cuisine.
Tasted as seasons
of perpetual sights
winter’s emotions
each moment invites.
Photographer scenes
a wondrous display
is time come to life
on a true winter’s day.
©By Bill Pearce
June 30, 2020
Country Living
Life of the country
brings into view
things we imagine
things we can do.
So many blessings
God given times
may seem magical
wondrous designs.
Each day counted
can be perceived
as many blessings
Heaven conceived.
In a country style
with distant paths
many ages become
as times overcast.
So many memories
of passing days
are country living
in fields to graze.
©By Bill Pearce
June 30, 2020
Poetry’s Emotion
With passing times
becomes a view
the sight of life
from old to anew.
Poems of stages
poems of designs
create the emotions
of special times.
A life’s work of art
as cloudy scenes
poetry’s emotion
as floating dreams.
Ages with actors
formed in the air
timeless perceptions
as oceans of flair.
Seasons of surprise
as a cloudy array
poetry’s emotion
as skylines display.
Forming as life
the clouds may be
creating the artwork
for our eyes to see.
Seeming as dreams
with flying waves
as scenic sights
displayed to gaze.
Clouds of desire
just like an ocean
which then becomes
poetry’s emotion.
©By Bill Pearce
July 1, 2020
Moonlight’s Romance
Romancing the stars
and us down below
the moon gives a sight
with a romantic glow.
It starts a dreamworld
as a glow from above
moonlight’s romance
that’s filled full of love.
It unleashes its world
as a scenic doorway
displayed as a window
of wondrous array.
Time is an imagination
as a moonlight reply
moonlight’s romance
as some clouds fly by.
Becoming an essence
of a time’s fantasy
as moonlight displays
a sight we can see.
Challenged by minutes
as time moves along
moonlight’s romance
creates its own song.
It’s a song of beauty
a song of the loon
a bird that sings along
with sight of the moon.
Then as the loon sings
the stars start to dance
as the clouds display a
moonlight’s romance.
©By Bill Pearce
July 1, 2020
Views of Land
Striving forward
in waters blue
time commences
with a view.
Scenic moments
come along
a time unleashes
a season’s song.
A song of joyful
shadows cast
within a journey
futures past.
Perceived scenes
as thereunto
our views of land
may come anew.
Becoming sights
times to stand
life gives hopeful
views of land.
©By Bill Pearce
July 2, 2020
Winter Remembers
White snowy memoirs
perfections of past
bring forth emotions
that most surely last.
The seasons reflections
live on as a design
formed as a doorway
to a dreamers mind.
Winter is a dreamworld
that becomes alive
breathing its existence
that’ll surely survive.
Transcending the years
as a paradise time
living as our emotions
that may just rewind.
Becoming as a version
of burning embers
blessings come alive
as winter remembers.
©By Bill Pearce
July 3, 2020
Gray Skies of Time
Life’s point of view
is often hard to see
as gray skies above
seem like eternity.
Evolving emotions
in a moment of gray
can create windows
Heaven’s display.
The skies will form
a moment passing
as white unto gray
times everlasting.
Within the seconds
each minute creates
its own perfection
of times and dates.
Seen with our eyes
the sky may form
as a sudden breeze
for time to adorn.
Cloudy formations
connected in a style
displayed in the sky
as a cloudy smile.
Look up above you
with new days eyes
and find some peace
in the grayish skies.
Let God guide you
in a prayerful mind
when you encounter
gray skies of time.
©By Bill Pearce
July 3, 2020
for July 4, 2020
In our tomorrows
are what become yesterdays
as time passes by.
Throughout our journey
we will discover ourselves,
but maybe blurry.
The seams of our life
are as problems encountered
that made us stronger.
Life as a story
is often with pages lost
that no one will see.
Planting a flower
in place of a mound of dirt
can create beauty.
Thriving as a weed
so many only spread lies
when the truth is clear.
Within a doorway
may be chances for better
or chances for worse.
Time is a giver
that will often take away
what it has given.
Living for a breath
can unleash things not to breathe
that prevent our breath.
Today gives a choice
to choose a destination
for better or worse.
When riding the fence
you might slip and fall over
on the poisoned side.
Counting the seconds
can obliterate the hours
as patience gets lost.
Pointing at others
often draws view of yourself
and not the other.
With open windows
comes chances to fly right in
that you may not want.
With trial and error
may come many hurt feelings
that fill up your heart.
Desires of lifetimes
can become as our poison
if they’re not needed.
Moments are money
as many pay for themselves
through the good and bad.
A forest of thoughts
can get lost within the leaves
as the minutes pass.
Eluding people
can become very lonely
if it’s not resolved.
Each day’s a challenge
that might come as deception
and learning the truth.
Behind many doors
there are illusions of life
that wish to come in.
Within our shadows
we might discover ourselves
and how we have changed.
©By Bill Pearce
July 4, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂