Hello my friends
We’ve had some weird weather up this
way for the passed few weeks, but it’s
looking as though the temperatures are
getting more of a normal mode, being
today’s high is supposed to be 56 F and
right now at 2:30 PM it’s 53 F degrees 🙂
Yep, I can handle these kind of temps.
It’s supposed to be in the 60’s and lower
70’s all this week. I mowed some early
last week and it’s looking as though I’ll
have to mow again maybe tomorrow or
Tuesday. It’s forecasted for rain late in
the week beginning on Wednesday and
on into Thursday. The mosquitoes are
driving Judy crazy. They only bother me
when they start flying in front of me or
my computer screen, but it seems that
they are attracted to Judy and drive her
crazy. Anyways, next topic. We had
a heck of a rain storm come through
early last week and it knocked out our
electricity a few times which crashed my
computer time and again, so I was not
able to write any Tuesday and had to
wait till the storm passed us so I could
turn my computer back on and then do
a little writing and designing. Anyways
today we are having isolated showers.
We had to use our air conditioner last
week being it got up in the 90’s and I
can’t handle those temperatures. Nope,
they can kill me. The weather up this
way is one of the reasons I prefer it up
here. I can handle cold weather a whole
lot better than I can hot weather due to
my health issues. I just took me a little
break and went out to fix an opening in
the side of the porch that a bird made.
I closed it up. I sure hope it was not
in there nesting, because if so, oh well.
It should have found elsewhere to do
its nesting. Our porch is not going to
be used for that. I may have to get on
our porch and check to see if I need to
do any repairs after that storm came
bustling through with wind and rain.
The porch leaked a little right at the
steps, but otherwise did pretty well.
It held up through the winter snows
and last years rains. Judy and I are
both doing well. She has craft night
next Saturday with her sister’s and
daughters. I know she’ll be glad to
be able to do that again. They’ve all
been wearing their masks protecting
themselves from COVID-19 and that
is important. Our boys/dogs Benny
and Rocky are doing well. They are
as ornery as ever. Especially Rocky 🙂
I’m going to go on and
find us another bug killing light like
the one I have in the bathroom. That
one seems to be doing a good job and
Judy is needing a reprieve from the
mosquitoes 🙂 God is still with us as
we face each and every day. We’ve
got many angels watching over us as
well. We are so very thankful for all
that God has done for us and all that
He will do. Thank You Jesus. So
now I believe it’s time for me to begin
my search back through all that I’ve
written here for a word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. And with that said it’s off
I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have found me
a good title just a few lines back and
now after checking I see that it has
not been used yet, so used it shall be.
Here goes…
Thankful For All
Yesterday’s problems
become today’s views
often after time frames
that we win or lose.
Use all those problems
for tomorrows tools
learning many lessons
from yesterday’s fools.
Be thankful for people
that come into view
and become as angels
for me and for you.
For as the minutes pass
time might become
the sight of so many
of Heaven therefrom.
Unknown as angels,
but known as a friend
times can be better
as lifestyles transcend.
Growing as a blessing
found large or small
smile and be grateful
and thankful for all.
©By Bill Pearce
May 31, 2020
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked
the poem and maybe even enjoyed my
ramblings LOL. I just stopped writing
for a brief so to order a bug zapper for
Judy from Amazon. It should be here
by June 10 🙂 I’ve gotta take care of
my beloved 🙂 I don’t want her to get
carried off by the mosquitoes. So that
seems to be all that I have for ya this
week, of course aside from what I tell
you almost every week and that is, I
wrote a few more poems and haiku 🙂
Yeppers, 10 more poems and 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now, I
believe it’s time to start my search for
that hardly elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you all a blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. Okie dokie, so where can
that off switch be trying to hide this
week???? Hmm, where can that thing
be hiding? LOL now that’s new hehehe.
You turned on my ghost meter and I
saw it light up, but for some reason
it made no sound. LOL no matter, it
is sitting right in front of me and hard
not to see hehehe. Maybe you should
scan to find better places to hide and
not make it so easy for me to find you.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Ocean Blue
Gentle waves
toss and tumble
rolling bestowing
time so humble.
The blue of sky
bonds the sea
sight and sound
within history.
Time becomes
as sorted stages
with ebb and flow
as waters ages.
As an hourglass
life displays
the sands of life
of distant days.
Sight’s bonded
as a time or two
with pages turned
a book to view.
Dog eared ages
life becomes
stages portrayed
as setting suns.
Now bestows
a flavored mind
the waves create
a life’s design.
Timeless scenes
of life so true
found as waves
an ocean blue.
©By Bill Pearce
May 26, 2020
Swimming For Shore
Leaving the security
of a moment’s boat
you might find times
that you’re just afloat.
Swimming in ripples
as seeking to reach
a distant advantage
that might be a beach.
The pebbles you see
on the shore of time
might display desires
that live in your mind.
Scented of moments
so timeless so true
swimming in ripples
to a much better view.
Create new lifestyles
a new way to grow
swimming in waters
that moments bestow.
Let yourself become
a life of much more
textured of the trials
as swimming for shore.
©By Bill Pearce
May 27, 2020
Pass Between
Ocean’s glimmer
and oceans shine
passes us daily
with its design.
A bay’s desires
to create a sight
a pass between
a day and night.
It begins flowing
showing the way
as it finds time
a different array.
A portion of sky
becomes as gold
as its reflections
time to behold.
Seconds multiply
a reflective glare
a pass between
a breath of air.
©By Bill Pearce
May 28, 2020
Winter Resumes
Formed as a river
found as a sign
times continuance
as snows outline.
Resuming scenes
sights come alive
wintertime’s views
seen on a drive.
We might perceive
the times foretold
as that of life
the times of old.
Found as a river
a frozen desire
still found flowing
for ones to admire.
Winter resumes
as a timeless page
turned to become
our center stage.
Sights and sounds
a river flowing
becomes our mind
a time’s bestowing.
A quest for sights
as scenic dreams
is found in rivers
or frozen streams.
The times of life
each sight attunes
is snow and ice
as winter resumes.
©By Bill Pearce
May 28, 2020
April Came
The seasons sights
change in views
from white snow
to colorful hues.
We might not see
the changes there
as April comes
so debonair.
As years continue
creating themes
sights become as
wondrous scenes.
With but a breath
of life’s designs
the minutes pass
to other times.
Becoming as views
of decent arrays
grass beginning
it’s growing phase.
Time may unleash
a certain detail
a sight that seems
a wishing well.
With the seasons
a moment exposes
winter may leave
the sight of roses
We may of found
a time to attain
pleasures of life
as April came.
©By Bill Pearce
May 28, 2020
The Ice Deceives
A frozen pond
of time’s romance
might hide sights
as waters dance.
They may ripple
and they may flow
as the ice deceives
covered with snow.
Time may seem
as unmoving days
as it’s well frozen
in a wintery phase.
You might find
you’re stood there
upon the moment
without a prayer.
Yet the moment
might show cracks
as reality’s formed
within frozen facts.
Search for truth
as a ship with sails
and stand firmly
what time entails.
Within waters
of now and then
there are problems
as timeless wind.
For we’re lifestyles
as fallen leaves
seeking the truth
as the ice deceives.
©By Bill Pearce
May 28, 2020
Fish Tank Rhymes
Floating perspectives
as scenic directives
swimming to and fro
in a fish tank of flow.
Waters that ripple
the times may triple
a scene creates hours
a moment empowers.
Life creates a flavor
for our eyes to savor
as sights that delight
each day and night.
With just but a gaze
we may see a phase,
a moment that begins
as rippling winds.
Scenes that of oceans
as tank sized notions.
Pouring as a dream
such a watery scene.
Seeing fish swimming
in a tank brimming.
Rippling memories
in their tiny seas
as they begin times
of fish tank rhymes.
©By Bill Pearce
May 29, 2020
Thoughts Adrift
Through the sky
the seconds move
as minutes gather
to form a groove.
Time is a painter
an artist of sight
as thoughts adrift
from day to night.
Our eyes may see
a certain detail
seeming as a ship
with a cloudy sail.
We may perceive
a timeless stage
as minutes pass,
the turn of a page.
A breath of time
is then conceived
as now and then
becomes believed.
Heavens window
opens with sky
as thoughts adrift
that times apply.
Many a dreamer
can find and see
the clouds of time
within history.
They are as ages
a heavenly gift
our dreams of life
as thoughts adrift.
©By Bill Pearce
May 29, 2020
Time at Rest
Finding peace
amidst a place
may give hope
a smiling face.
Finding a sight
a time to view
can show life
to hold onto.
Don’t let ones
to become pain
as you continue
time and again.
Look for signs
of better views
as time at rest
to then infuse.
Becoming life
the very best
time of prayer
time at rest.
©By Bill Pearce
May 29, 2020
Styles of Minds
Lifestyles desired
can become details
as times that seem
as horrific gales.
Look for the times
that can be the best
styles of the mind
for hope to digest.
Locate viewpoints
in a lake of desire
finding within you
times to admire.
Change your mind
and how you view
and locate a style
that truly is you.
Maybe as a dream
of wondrous array
or as a time frame
that faded to gray.
Time may become
as seedless styles
repeating dreams
our life compiles.
Now breathe deep
a brand new sight
with scenic dreams
which do delight.
Find within prayer
life’s better designs
heavenly blessings
in styles of minds.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2020
for May 30, 2020
Living and breathing
can be mistaken for life,
but can lead to death.
Tempting a tempter
can often be a mirror
reflecting right back.
With daily speed bumps
lessons are better noticed
when they are painful.
The scent of a rose
is its enticement to live
as it shares its life.
Grass within a field
might be smothered by the weeds
if ones do not care.
Cherishing hours
might lose the minutes within
that made hours shine.
Prolonging journeys
might create a few road blocks
that your mind evolves.
Believing in God
needs you to believe in life,
that He created.
With only a breath
one can give hope to succeed
with a few kind words.
Spectrums of lifestyles
are often as times rainbows
shown within a storm.
Counting your blessings
you might discover angels
as people you knew.
Passing up chances
could find you in much regret
within your hindsight.
Loosing your doorway
in the midst of your travels
could create new views.
Today brings chances
as the morning begins time,
but some sleep through it.
Some that window shop
might not commit to buying
for they feel no worth.
Age old mysteries
are created by some that dream
and wake up their minds.
Many dreams that we dream
are meant to be only dreams
to help us survive.
Deep within oceans
are things we never knew of
and may never see.
Answers to questions
often have many questions
for us to answer.
Doorways to dreamland
might live within day dreamers
with eyes opened wide.
Glancing at a cloud
you might see familiar sights
that your mind creates.
Tomorrow holds hope
as a path within a path
that leads to choices.
©By Bill Pearce
May 30, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Cannot Understand
Hello my friends & Happy Memorial Day
It’s a beautiful day today with a high
of 68 F degrees. It’s 68 F right now at
5:30 PM and it looks as though it will
drop to 42 F degrees by early Monday
morning. Yeppers, it looks as if dear
spring has finally kicked Mister Winter
out the door LOL, but we’re quite sure
that after summer and fall, Mr. Winter
will return and disperse tons of snow
as he has done every year that we have
lived up here LOL. Yeppers keeping
Mr. Snow Blower handy and waiting
to do his duty, as well as his smaller
counterparts. Well, I’m tuckered out
from mowing and weed eating and so
I figure I’ll finish it up tomorrow. It
looks as though tomorrow will be a
high of 73 F, My computer weather
program says it will be partly sunny
with intervals of clouds. So it seems
that it’ll be a great day for yard work.
Judy went to town to do a little bit of
shopping at Walmart while I was busy
with the lawn work today. LOL when
she got home I was sitting on a bench
in front of our house literally tuckered
out. My body would not let me do any
more. I was having the feeling that I
had earlier this year that landed me in
the hospital and so I just sat and rested
and drank my drink to get me feeling
better. Fortunately I noticed the same
feeling that I had when I was busy snow
blowing earlier this year, so I stopped.
I’m not young anymore and my body
has been through tons or stuff which
has weakened it, so I’ve gotta slow up
a tad LOL. I have my dad’s genes in
me and he also had trouble stopping
when he got started doing stuff hehehe.
Oh well, I’ve began noticing when I
need to stop and rest and doing that.
LOL I know I need to get the lawn
finished before Tuesday, because the
high for Tuesday is supposed to be
84 F degrees and me being hot natured
I don’t do well with hot temperatures.
Yes anything in the 80’s and above is
hot to me. Even the upper 70’s tends
to make it hard on me. I guess I was
meant to live up here and not in Texas
where I was born and raised 🙂 Most
people cannot understand why I love
the snow. Well I do have a time that
I am tired of it and ready for it to go
and that’s near the 3rd or 4th month
 of it 🙂 When the snow starts melting
and becoming slush and then ever so
often refreezing becoming a deadly
ice that makes it hard to drive or to
even walk without cleats. So, yes I
do get tired of snow. Just not as soon
as others LOL. Judy and I are still
doing as we’ve done most every year,
but this time wearing masks when we
go to do any shopping or pay bills 🙂
Hopefully that will all be a thing of
the past soon and we can go back to
living without fear of that disease 🙂
God has kept His mighty hands over
us protecting us along with His many
angels that He has sent to watch over
us as they help and guide.  When I
was sat on the bench resting trying to
gather more strength to do a little
more mowing I asked the spirits from
heaven and friendly spirits around us
to give me some strength so I could
at least mow around Judy’s plants
that she has hung outside and then
in a whoosh I felt a mighty breeze
come upon me and I felt revived for
a moment enough to finish. They
gave me all that they were able and
I thanked them. Thank You God
for all that You’ve done for us and
all that You will most surely do. We
are forever grateful. Now, I believe
it’s time for me to begin my search
back through all that I’ve written
here for a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE 🙂
I believe I may of found me a fairly
decent title just about halfway back
in my rambling and I see now after
checking that it has not been used.
So, used it shall be. Here goes…
Cannot Understand
Many times we find
some clueless paths
as assorted scenes
that leave us aghast.
We might be found
looking in a mirror
sought to understand
or to see life clearer.
Blessings may come
with driven disguises
leading us around
as impatience rises.
So many turnstiles
that we walk through
might be but only
to teach me and you.
Sometimes we may feel
we’re sinking in sand,
yet they are lessons
we cannot understand.
©By Bill Pearce
May 24, 2020
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling 🙂
Hopefully the poem spoke to you and
you understood its meaning. Anyways,
I’ve a special prayer request for a dear
friend of mine. She had me praying for
her mom, but now her mom’s passed
on. Keep my dear friend Sara in your
prayers. Her health is not good either.
So with that said, I guess that’s all
I have for ya except of course what I
tell you almost every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems and 2 of em
are sort of Christmassy 🙂 I also wrote
22 more haiku for the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now, I
think it’s time for me to try and find
that ornery off switch, but not before
I wish you a Happy Memorial Day 🙂
and a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where can that off switch be trying to
hide this week? Hmm, searching in
it’s obvious hiding spots. Nope, not
there. LOL, OK, I see ya. Hiding
behind my new prescription of blood
pressure meds. Yes, that bottle does
rattle and yes it does when you start
moving about LOL. Stay still and I
might not find ya so freaking easy 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.SÂ A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Memories Reflections
Life is as a doorway
that swings to and fro
sometimes as raindrops
and sometimes as snow.
Reflections connections
might become disarray
as we remember them
from day unto day.
The memories recorded
in minds time again
might show snowflakes
that blow in the wind.
Yet other memories
might then thereunto
show that of Christmas
in a wintertime view.
Memories reflections
might surely become
as a blissful scenario
of Heaven therefrom.
Find a new perspective
from sadness of time
and allow blessings
to fill up your mind.
Open your heart up
and let God enter you
as memories reflections
and forgiveness so true.
©By Bill Pearce
May 18, 2020
Times That Yield
A field of vision
brings a sight
ticking essence
wrong and right.
Life’s becoming
a stage to see
formed by time
within history.
Seen as windows
seen as doors
times that yield
all life explores.
Maybe of grass
as trees collide
the scenes we see
that live inside.
Like a heartbeat
a rhythm played
times that yield
are as a parade.
A sight we find
might unleash
a certain design
a time of peace.
It might be signs
of a life’s guitar
picking sounds
as near to afar.
Just as a tractor
plowing a field
life might show
times that yield.
©By Bill Pearce
May 18, 2020
Bridging Life
Forming a walkway
a bridge thereunto
life can become
an ice covered view.
Hazy perceptions
of a timeless array
when bridging life
from day unto day.
Scenes might freeze
in a river’s vice
and become times
that seem as ice.
Bridging a scene
that past exposed
might then unleash
a story enclosed.
Words as a window
winds of design
can bridge the life
of another fine time.
Many perceptions
might only see
the ice that forms
upon you and me.
Use your heartbeat
and find a view
one with blessings
of old and anew.
Don’t let emotions
to fill you with strife.
Look for the beauty
when bridging life.
©By Bill Pearce
May 18, 2020
Sky of Clouds
Living breathing
the sights we see
may be as times
a passing degree.
A sky with voice
as a windy day
giving a breeze
a magical way.
Becoming water
oceans designs
flowing desires
passing of times.
The sky awakens
with certain seed
life’s a journey
want and need.
In jittery vision
many look on
missing the view
of a scenic song.
Time has reasons
that create paths.
seeming illusion
shadows we cast.
Yet, up above us
the patterns flow
within blue skies
above us below.
Becoming sights
shifting shrouds
life comes alive
a sky of clouds.
©By Bill Pearce
May 19, 2020
Distant Friends
Rolling minutes
memories flow
dispersing times
our minds bestow.
Becoming scenes
remembered well
stories envisioned
as times to tell.
Maybe as riddles
maybe as rhymes
our distant views
are a life of times.
We may never see
the faces of few
the distant friends
so dear and true.
Yet as a heartbeat
time can become
lifestyles together
up under the sun.
Forming in time
as seconds pass by
friendships inlay
a wondrous ally.
So many minds
connecting views
as seasons of skies
which times infuse.
Becoming as one
from so far away
a distant friend
can ease the gray.
For miles become
a boat with oars
as a lonely bird
on distant shores.
Love’s uniqueness
surely extends
to become life
of distant friends.
©By Bill Pearce
May 19, 2020
As Night Awakens
Dreams of scenes
become a tone
as essences seen
found all alone.
Many will beckon
the still of night
as some look on
within moonlight.
Time is a window
with many a hue
as a sky of night
essence of blue.
Peace finds a way
to be as the light
as night awakens
a moon so bright.
©By Bill Pearce
May 21, 2020
Many Miles Away
Walks on a beach
strolls in the sand
time is an ocean
moments in hand.
Memories heighten
as life continues on
displaying shadows
of a distant dawn.
Seeming timeless
a morning displays
artwork of heaven
within distant days.
We hold as dreams
perception of then
that seem as gold
of times back when.
We read the ages
as pages of a book
moments perceived
a memorized look.
Leaving as memoirs
a journey in time
many miles away
a wondrous design.
The special views
of a distant breeze
are our echoes
now as memories.
As hearts entwined
in wondrous array
we still remember
many miles away.
©By Bill Pearce
May 21, 2020
River Wide
Colors we imagine
on an autumn day
reflect in the waters
many words to say.
Speaking of times
within a river wide
an essence desired
goes on for a ride.
There may be signs
of aromas to smell
stories heartbeats
with times to tell.
Our sight is eluding
as senses take hold
unleashing waters
as times we’ve told.
The river may seem
as a lake in places
formed as a holder
a second embraces.
Filled full of love
of moments in time
the passion unveils
an awesome design.
Beginnings endings
connect as a sight
forming mysteries
daylight and night.
As a page we read
that times confide
there are reflections
within river wide.
©By Bill Pearce
May 22, 2020
Tiny Bridge
Bridge of thoughts
might hold true
the scenes we see
of me and you.
Times may unfold
as a water puddle
as an scenic sight
that minds befuddle.
Displaying ripples
of a timeless test
formed as designs
our minds ingest.
The passing sights
of a bridge of time
might be seasonal
a reflection’s design.
Ones might become
as a earthly ridge
placed in a time
of a tiny bridge.
©By Bill Pearce
May 22, 2020
Winter’s Expression
Snowflakes artwork
creates many things
sights of Christmas
and magical scenes.
Winter comes alive
as an ageless smile
created with snow
as flakes compile.
Joined by emotion
of time day to day
winter becomes as
a wondrous array.
Cherished by many
as Christmas hues
scented of candles
that create views.
A fireplace crackling
its own impression
within the style of
winter’s expression.
©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2020
for May 23, 2020
Now might elude us
as focus walks out the door
leaving us sightless.
Memories reflect,
but so often it’s reversed
as we see the past.
The door to our heart
might often seem to need oil
as it squeaks loudly.
Tomorrow holds fact
as it changes perception
on what that is true.
Trials of our lives
can seem to be ongoing,
but lessons are learned.
Leaning towards lies
most often exposes truth
as lies are revealed.
Cherishing money
can create an empty heart
as moments are spent.
In search of Heaven
you might discover problems
that seem just like Hell.
Anchoring in place
becoming immovable
you might miss living.
What you think’s better
might not be but just a lie
that’s only weeds.
Losing direction
can often become a gift
as you find yourself.
Life of a turnstile
is that of a decision
to enter or leave.
Patience grows in time
as life shows us its journeys
that we each must wait.
Spring may seem to shine,
but within its deception
many storms will brew.
Shouting at the sky
when you’re angry at the clouds
will give no resolve.
Need is confusion
as want becomes the fuel
for things not needed.
Beyond our shadows
there are times that we dream of
and those of nightmares.
Timing’s everything
when it comes to a few things
that choices involve.
So many challenges
are as strengtheners in life
that may seem senseless.
Various moments
might seem to hold ideas,
but be empty thoughts.
Sharing perspectives
and learning from others views
promotes new insights.
A valley of time
can enlighten many dreams
as waters flow through.
©By Bill Pearce
May 23, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Changing It Soon
Hello my friends
I hope you’re staying clear of that nasty
old virus. Judy and I are. Actually our
life has not changed much as of yet. We
don’t live around a lot of people and the
only time we see anybody is when we go
shopping or for a doctors visit and yes we
wear our masks for both occasions. Yep,
we live an exciting life. Judy had to drive
to Presque Isle for a doctor’s update the
other day and I was without any sleep, so
I stayed home and caught about an hours
worth of rest so I wouldn’t be a zombie for
the rest of the day 🙂 It’s looking as though
winter has finally released its grip on us 🙂
Right now it’s 68 degrees at 2 PM and it
looks as though according to my weather
program that it will be near the same all
week long. It’s clear and sunny outside 🙂
My mom called a little while ago to check
up on us. We try to always keep tabs on
one another. It seems she forgot that I
called her last week and the week before,
but that’s OK. I always like to hear from
my mom. Judy just got up and joined me
in here. Now I reckon I need to fix us a
bite to eat. I just fixed us some oatmeal.
Yep, it’s our breakfast being we go to bed
around 4 AM and don’t get up till around
noon LOL… Judy stayed in bed a little
bit longer today being I think she didn’t
get much sleep. Of course I never get much
sleep, but I am sort of used to it hehehe.
So, what else is going on in this neck of the
woods? LOL good question. I figure one
of us needs to walk out and check the mail,
but after checking my USPS notification
email, I see that there’s not much there.
We didn’t go out and get it yesterday, so
I figure it’ll still be there tomorrow. Yes
I get an email telling me that I have snail
mail in our mailbox LOL. Hey, when we
have to walk all the way to the county road
to check it, we needed a little help notifying
us so the trips were not wasted on nothing.
Anyways, that’s how we survive 🙂 hehehe.
I might have to share some old pictures in
my stationery from a couple of weeks ago,
being I didn’t take any pictures this week
other than a couple of selfies of me in my
mask LOL. I’m using one of my selfies
as my Facebook profile picture right now.
I’ll be changing it soon 🙂 No matter, I’m
sure it makes no difference to anyone but
me LOL. God is still looking out for us.
We’re so very thankful for all that He does
for us. If it were not for God, we would
have no hope. Thank You God for all that
You do and all that you will do. Thank
You also for sending many angels to keep
an eye on us and protect us as each day
comes to pass. AMEN. Now I do believe
it’s time for me to read back on all that I
have written here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I believe I may of stumbled upon a decent
title about a quarter of a way back in all of
my rambling and now after checking I see
that it has not been used as of yet, so used
is shall be. Here’s goes
Changing It Soon
Time is a window
a daily cuisine
cooked as morsels
often as a dream.
Change is a sight
a timeless array
ways come attune
for another day.
Allow your sight
to see what’s true
the better of now
and better for you.
Give God the reins
of how you move
and let Him then
show you a groove.
One that is better
than today’s stride
one that is better
to then live inside.
Find what is real
and bring it attune
for life has ways of
changing it soon.
©By Bill Pearce
May 17, 2020
There ya go 🙂 I hope you understood the
poem and maybe even liked it as well as my
rambling. LOL I can ramble can’t I. Yep,
I can find the weirdest things to talk about.
Whatever LOL. If I gave you a smile or
even something to take your mind off of
your daily struggles for a moment, then I
did my job. So, I guess that’s about all I’ve
got for ya, other than what I tell you every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems.
Yeppers, 10 more poems. I also wrote 22
more haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like. Now with that said,
I reckon it’s time for me to begin my little
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. Now, where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this week and
I use the term trying loosely hehehehehe.
Well, that’s new LOL. Climbing on my
PC speakers trying hide, but also not to
fall off hehehe. There’s not much to hold
onto huh! I could hear ya slipping and
sliding around back there LOL. Do ya
think it might of been a bad hiding spot?
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Epic Thoughts
Thinking of winter
times that passed
scenes remembered
that did not last.
Maybe melted away
as ice and snow
the winter scenes
that come and go.
The past is shadows
glimmering true
a season becomes
a moment to view.
Life becomes sights
of yesterdays sun
beating of times
that now are done.
Seasons may begin
as a chill of frost
or the snow melting
as epic thoughts.
©By Bill Pearce
May 11, 2020
An Empty Well
So many hearts
are seen obscure
showing all that
they’re unsure.
They might show
in many frames
the lack of faith
their heart attains.
Being on empty
as time moves on
they might only
be a sad song.
Sung as a well
that has no rope
without a bucket
to help them cope.
Time may seem
an unending race
pouring within
a saddened face.
If it’s yourself
or just someone
then say a prayer
for a brighter sun.
Prayer for good
and better days
scenes to become
a brighter phase.
Find the blessings
to help you excel
and fill the void
of your empty well.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2020
Rocks of Ages
Past and present
tend to bind
forming patterns
in our mind.
So many views
become perceived
as that of time
a web we weaved.
The ages we live
become a stage
as times designs
of a turning page.
We are shadows
of the scenes
echoes lifetimes
many dreams.
Repeating sights
we see and tell
rocks of ages
time’s ink well.
We are the feet
that travel upon
then to there
and dusk to dawn.
So many moments
become our stages
holding within
the rocks of ages.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2020
The designs of times
might hold displays
found as an ocean
and daily waves.
It might look fluid,
it might look fine
as life’s unfolding
an awesome design.
Swift as designations
with evening’s breeze
time then envelops
sights of the seas.
Becoming a dream,
becoming a style
of the beginnings
waves can compile.
Scented of memories
as the salt air unfolds
giving a fragrance
a sailor beholds.
Life is as moments
minutes become
rhythms of waves
neath a rising sun.
A dawn’s devotion’s
a wonderful sight
seen as a memoir
seagulls in flight.
Time is a reflection
of an endless sea
that we can use
to find tranquillity.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2020
Lesser of Views
God given times
that we ignore
may be the times
that open a door.
They may unlock
a window of time
seen as a moment
a sight so divine.
Our view may be
only reflections
scenes we devised
many deceptions.
The lesser of time
may be hard to see
for they’re hidden
within our debris.
Grasses of living
green of desire
can become life
as a burning fire.
Look passed want
and find your need
the grasses of life
and plant a seed.
Now’s a new day
so look and see
what God’s given
to you and me.
Now say a prayer
for God to infuse
much better times
in lesser of views.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2020
Essence of Dreams
Waters of emotion
can awaken a time
becoming as dreams
rhythms and rhyme.
Simplistic moments
can unleash desire
in essence of dreams
with times in entire.
Exposing the view
of scenic emotions
painted so blissfully
just like the oceans.
The water’s so blue
reflecting the sky
as light of day flows
while minutes fly by.
Becoming portions
our eyes do not see
scented of an aroma
to set our eyes free.
Life giving scenes,
a dreamer’s array
become as a moment
from night unto day.
Within our illusion
we may see the past
reflections doorways
that leave us aghast.
Moments of beauty
become as cuisines
textured of lifetimes
essence of dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2020
Sudden Tracks
Heaven’s hallway
a scenic path
presents a chance
for a better past.
Thoughts as scenes
streets of gold
times may surely
then unfold.
Maybe the tracks
of trains desires
in a snowy scene
which inspires.
Displaying trails
of now and then
stages of ages
that did begin.
Let God help you
find your way
before the tracks
just fall away.
Lessons are there
for you to learn
times to find
bridges to burn.
Don’t continue
your deadly acts.
Learn before
the sudden tracks.
©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2020
Xanadu of Summer
Dreams within dreams
scenes come alive
times that we find
reflections that survive.
Seeming as an illusion
time and place collides
crashing into reality
where truth coincides.
So many summertimes
display connections
as that of viewpoints
within our perceptions.
Times just like Xanadu
might seem an illusion
or as picture paintings
that create confusion.
Limitless are the scenes
as Xanadu of summer
created from a dream
a heartbeat of thunder.
Those heavenly sights
that become as dreams
are known as Xanadu
or as magical scenes.
They’re as imagination
reality poured in
designed by minds
of a summertime friend.
Scented of a dreamer
a sight that we behold
Xanadu of summer
from young unto old.
©By Bill Pearce
May 15, 2020
Times We Forget
We may grow old
and forget a day
as timeless scenes
a wondrous array.
We may even see
reflections again
the times we forget
of way back when.
Yet as a moment
becomes our view
what we remember
may also then too.
As a passing page
of a written design
the times we forget
may then rewind.
Friendly gestures
of someone true
as times we forget
become as anew.
©By Bill Pearce
May 15, 2020
Visible Fantasies
Sometimes illusions
might become real
our scenic desires
time might conceal.
Hills within dreams
of a fervent array
may unleash times
of a magical day.
Formed from desire
textured of time
life may encompass
a valley of rhyme.
Just like a doorway
to other places
filled with windows
a soul embraces.
Scented that of love
which time fulfills
life creates patterns
of distant hills.
Blossoming essence
time finds a way
to display windows
with words to say.
Hills may be rolling
on a distant stage
becoming a rhythm
a turn of a page.
Readers of the book
see oceans of seas
our pictures taken
visible fantasies.
©By Bill Pearce
May 16, 2020
for May 16, 2020
Seemless emotions
might be but only fiction
as an actor acts.
Living for right now
can give tomorrow problems
as right now meets end.
The midst of a storm
might hold many mysteries
in form of some clouds.
Searching through the weeds
trying find true signs of grass
you might encounter dirt.
Stories one’s written
can often be true and false
according to views.
Heard upon a stage
there might be lonely actors
in need of others.
Patience is a gift
that many are lacking in
as they get anxious.
Descriptions ones give
determine understandings
who, what, where and why.
As our pages turn
they may leave stories bookmarked
to then remember.
Lessons of desires
can become times of karma
created by fools.
A dreamer’s heartbeat
can be described as hopeful
even in a storm.
Stupid reflections
are found in the hearts of greed
as seasons will pass.
Doorways to the truth
find ways of being opened
when lies fall apart.
Shadows of ourselves
might be seen as reflections
within others minds.
Shaking off the dust
that the past has put on you
might shake off lessons.
Many images
are but only our desires
formed by what we want.
A mere glancing blow
might create repercussions
that bounce back at you.
The leaves on the trees
within autumns state of mind
might be colorful.
Changes in lifestyles
are the fears of so many
afraid of anew.
Our designations
are found in our wants and needs
creating our path.
Different windows
show different sights to see
and some might be bad.
Pouring emotions
as a sea of deep regret
can leave you empty.
©By Bill Pearce
May 16, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
When We Mess Up
Hello my friends
It’s been a non spring summer week
these passed few days LOL. We got
over a foot of snow Saturday. The
snow had finally all melted away and
then boom, here’s some more hehehe.
It’s melting though almost as fast as
it fell being the temperature has been
warmer which in turn gave the ground
a chance to warm up as well. Though
I did have to get out and snow blow
the driveway a bit because Judy and I
needed things from the store and the
driveway was still hidden beneath a bit
of snow that had not melted yet. The
snow blowing was a work out due to
the snow being wet and packing in the
ejector tube of the snow blower and
me having to tilt it up and unplug it
multiple times LOL. Not to worry,
the snow blower is 80 volts and will
only run if I’m holding the handle.
Once the handle lever is released it
turns off. It came with a little tool
to dig out the snow if it gets packed.
LOL I was fixing to holler get your
snow cones here hehehe. Being that
the snow was so wet it made the snow
blower to pack it often just like those
old snow cone makers hehehe. I was
wore out after that, but still had a
little to do so I got the snow shovel
and finished it. The roads were clear.
The snow’s melting quickly. We may
yet have spring and summer in one
lump hehehe. It’s having a bit of a
problem making up its mind LOL.
It seems Benny loves for me to blow
snow on him. He gets right in my way
and just waits for me to blow the snow
on him Hahaha. He is so silly. His
brother Rocky is often with Benny as
the snow blower is blowing, but I
think he was ready to go back inside.
He did though come back out time
to time to walk around with Benny.
LOL even he in his little doggy mind
is probably saying, “my brother is
crazy”. LOL Benny is maybe saying
the same about him being when Rocky
gets excited he begins spinning around
in circles 🙂 When Judy and I said to
them do yall wanna go for a ride when
we were heading to town, Rocky spun
so much and so fast I thought he was
going to make himself throw up LOL.
Hehehe it gets weird around here at
times, but all in all we’re doing well.
It’s looking as though we might have
a few more wintery days. 50% chance
for snow on Tuesday, but as long as
the temperatures don’t remain in the
freezing range the snow should melt
quickly. There’s 50 to 80% chance
of rain on Monday LOL. The war of
the seasons has begun hehehe. Which
will win? Only God knows 🙂 I’m sure
that what’s meant to be will be as for
as that’s concerned. God is still with
us watching over us as are many angels
that He has sent or allowed to be with
us and guide us. Thank You God for
always being with us and not giving
up on us when we mess up. AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
begin my little journey back through
all that I’ve written here to see if I
can find a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s new
poem. So, it’s away I go, to that lil
place of my recollection that I like to
may of found a decent title just a few
lines back and now after checking I
see that it has not been used as of yet,
so used it shall be. Here goes…
When We Mess Up
It’s through failures
that strength becomes
the brightest of lights
as our shining suns.
We might mess up
and create a design
one that is inlaid
deep within our mind.
We might even find
we’re doing it wrong
when we find out
it’s taking too long.
The lessons of time
are often as air
given for a moment
as answers to prayer.
For it’s with stumbling
we learn how to stand
those God given times
that turn out so grand.
We need to look within
and find a living cup
filled full of lessons
when we mess up.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2020
There ya go :). I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even my rambling.
I want to take this time to wish my
mom a happy Mother’s Day. I just
called her on the phone and did just
that 🙂 So I reckon that’s all that I
have to tell other than what I tell you
every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers 10
more poems with 1 of them being sort
of Christmassy. I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now with
that said I believe it’s time for me to
begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish all
of the moms a Happy Mother’s Day
and for you all to have a wonderful
week. Remember, Jesus loves you
and we do too. Now, where can that
ornery off switch be trying to hide :)?
Hmm, I think I see some movement
right behind my keys and I believe
I can hear a slight jingling hehehehe.
For Heaven’s sake can’t you sit still
for even a second? Must you always
be doing the find me if ya can dance?
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Heading In
Yearning discerning
waters of blue
becomes so distant
as lifetimes accrue.
Within our vision
we might see sights
when heading in
from many delights.
Water might ripple
within our path
as moments bestow
shadows we cast.
Time becomes alive
with a passing gaze
leaving the ripples
so many appraise.
So many challenges
are that of a fish
moments we sought
we thought delish.
Venturing outward
in our boat of life
we may find times
filled with strife.
Look for the beauty
within the waves
the ripples of times
of wondrous arrays.
Say a little prayer
to help you begin
and find answers
when heading in.
©By Bill Pearce
May 5, 2020
Remembering Dawn
Beginning a venture
of summertime days
time gives reflections
an ocean of waves.
Life can seem horrid
with echoes of wind
found in memories
of beginning to end.
We’ve each got times
we remember so well
the moments we find
with a magical spell.
Hypnotic emotions
become as our view
remembering dawn
of an ocean of blue.
Search your memory
and locate the scenes
timeless recollections
within living dreams.
Created from waves
of a so distant shore
that lives within you
for time to explore.
Found in a memory
of yet another day
each scene holds fast
in its own little way.
It becomes a mirror
of time that lives on
as echoes repeating
remembering dawn.
©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2020
Snow Comes Alive
Short sighted people
see only the pain
when the snowflakes
for down time again.
Yet, there’s a portion
of ones like me
that see snowflakes
so fluffy and free.
Each flake that lands
a life is created
minutes fall in place
that I anticipated.
As instilled pageants
created in white
the snow comes alive
as a magical sight.
A Heaven sent view
It’s a Heavenly view
that does so revive
my heart and soul
as snow comes alive.
©By Bill Pearce
May 6, 2020
Pink Flowers
Moments that gather
minutes consume
seeming as timeless
life comes attune.
We’re as the flowers
that so many see
within connections
of you and of me.
We may be of colors
gathered in place
that of pink flowers
a timeless enlace.
We’re as the oceans
counted as days
formed of a concept
so often as waves.
Our life is a journey
a pathway to trod
as moments expose
the gifts of God.
We may see but only
the times ahead
and not see so clear
our daily bed.
We may find chances
that we must take
which might recoil
seconds mistake.
Yet many that pass
change into hours
which might become
as our pink flowers.
©By Bill Pearce
May 7, 2020
Beneath The Ice
We might see
a frozen scene
flowing waters
hidden stream.
Just as peoples
flowing minds
beneath the ice
of their designs.
Time may be
a counted day
beneath the ice
another way.
We might only
find ones style
timeless smile.
Seasons mind
may only show
beneath the ice
the waters flow.
People tend to
hide their view,
but be frozen
a little askew.
Living waters
yet oh so cold
may be hidden
as times unfold.
They may need
a helping hand
in cold waters
shifting sand.
Give a prayer
for an icy soul
to be as waters
of greater goal.
Help them find
what is so nice
as life and love
beneath the ice.
©By Bill Pearce
May 7, 2020
Christmas Reflections
Through my eyes
I see such a sight
as snowflakes fall
daylight and night.
Time becomes gold
in wondrous decor
reflecting displays
of all that I adore.
Scenes come to life
as billows of snow
fall to the ground
and begin to grow.
Creating an essence
of a Christmas view
reflecting desires
as moments accrue.
Joining landscapes
becoming as one
Christmas reflections
are second to none.
They harness power
of Heaven’s displays
blessings delivered
in God filled arrays.
White as a blessing
that God did begin
moments arrival
forgiveness of sin.
Creating the styles
of many collections
this is what’s called
Christmas reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
May 7, 2020
Summer’s Dock
Then and now
create a phase
as fishing gear
awaits its ways.
Lobster traps
a sight to see
become a tool
a fishing spree.
Scenes appear
a scenic sight
within summer
moments unite.
Becoming life
of a fisherman
the path begins
away from land.
Within scenes
some will flock
to begin from
summer’s dock.
©By Bill Pearce
May 8, 2020
Sunset Peace
Beams of heaven
show their sight
evening’s view
the start of night.
Sunshine shines
as streaks of gold
creating scenes
as times unfold.
Sunset glimmers
evenings style
sense of wonder
as clouds compile.
Painting scenes
as art of time
the sun displays
a great design.
Seeming scented
a sunlight rose
evening begins
what time bestows.
Creating magic
within the sky
like a doorway
windows sigh.
Blissful moments
of timeless views
become sights
of wondrous hues.
Giving glimmers
of light’s increase
scenic blessings
of sunset peace.
©By Bill Pearce
May 8, 2020
Just Like Hills
Within a frame
of now and then
time displays
where and when.
Stages become
as times mirage
memories of
a life’s montage.
Maybe a scene
to ease your pain
just like sights
the falling rain.
Pages will turn
becoming more
a window view
of an open door.
Find the sights
much better days
scenes recalled
in bright arrays.
Then look deep
into your design
and find peace
of time to time.
Look up above
perceive the fact
and then find
what all is exact.
Let your sight
to find the skills
designing life
as just like hills.
©By Bill Pearce
May 8, 2020
Awaiting For Stride
The blue of water
ripples and churns
timeless reminds
an echo discerns.
Becoming scenes
reflecting a door
which opens wide
with life to explore.
Stride’s awakened
as time takes ahold
becoming rhythms
that surely unfold.
Life is a moment
that boats sail on
as evening becomes
a passage to dawn.
Waiting for stories
to become as words
with waters of life
as a flock of birds.
Created as dreams
of a timeless desire
filled with emotions
an ocean’s empire.
Moments we view
might be as a glare
counted as ripples
in water and air.
Displaying a sign
our times coincide
we are as minutes
awaiting for stride.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2020
for May 9, 2020
Lost in perception
many confuse emotions
with their desires.
Sought after moments
can become many nightmares
if they’re wrong for you.
Trying times of life
can awaken strengths within
that we never knew.
Signs of illusions
can come from wishful thinking
about what that is not.
Trails that we’re leading
might not be good to travel,
for they may have holes.
Counting your blessings
needs you to count your mistakes
to see the journey.
When without errors
there can be no growth of life,
for we learn from flaws.
Hurry of wantings
creates doors of confusion
that needs not be there.
Green grass of summer
might have many discretion
to mow or let grow.
Winter might hold tightly
as it delivers more snow,
but it will find end.
The leaves of autumn
find flavors within colors
that our view can taste.
Beyond illusions
reality might begin
in form of belief.
When seeking for facts
the journey might show falsehoods
that look like the truth.
Many will tell lies
when the truth is much better
because they’re liars.
Possessing the facts
you might discover something
that makes you question.
Mind over matter
does not work when counting sheep,
for they may be goats.
When changing your mind
you might be filled with questions
of better or worse.
Seeking for sunshine
in the darkness of the night
you might find moonlight.
So many may dream
of times that should not exist
and it destroy them.
Windows of our souls
tend to open for people
that we do not know.
Flowers of springtime
bring light to a darkened heart
and ignite passion.
Sharing your stories
with ones that never listen
is a waste of time.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
New Directions
Hello my friends
It’s a rainy looking day today with a temperature
of 50 degrees. It might get up to 59 today. The
rest of the week temps are forecasted as near the
same other than Tuesday which has a bit of rain
and snow in the forecast LOL. Yeppers, this is
Maine hehehe. So, what else is happening up
this way? Well, the snow has finally melted in
places that the sun shines, but there are still a
quite few spots where the sun doesn’t shine that
have snow lingering about LOL. Our grass is
finally turning green which means I’m going to
have to put our snow blowers away and pull out
the lawn mower. Yep, time to get my summer
workout mowing the lawn around our house 🙂
Judy and I went to Presque Isle Friday for her
doctor visit and we stopped off at KFC/Tacobell
and got some dinner to last us a couple of days.
It was a nice ride as I took pictures there and
back like I usually do. Last week I finally took
the time to reformat book 13 and get it ready to
be published and then I worked on getting book
11 published. Right now I’m waiting to receive
my proof copy to check out for errors and if it
is good, I’ll click to publish and then I can start
working on 12 and 13. Of course due to all of
that I didn’t get much poetry writing done, so I
only managed to write 6 poems LOL, but that’ll
keep ya busy hehehe. Yea, I know, I’m sure it
doesn’t matter much to you, but I always like to
stick with a format. That’s how I work hehehehe.
Anyways, that was pretty much our week. Not
much excitement. Nope, it’s fairly mundane in
our tiny abode. This abode will be ours come
October as our landlord has told me that he is
signing it over to us being we have lived here for
over 12 years paying rent. Of course we’ll still
pay him for the land that we are living on, but
it’ll be a few hundred dollars less than we pay
now. Of course Judy and I know that he could
change his mind if so wished, so we’re not going
to hold our breath hehehe. He has become part
of our family along with his wife. I have lived up
here longer than I have lived anywhere :). Yep,
I moved around quite a bit in my past. Of course
that’s not counting my younger years 1-12 when
I lived in Dallas. Of course that’s the only other
place that I have lived that long in one home 🙂
Yeppers, life has a way of slowing you down as
the years put gray hair upon you hehehe. Now,
I look more like Santa Claus than ever HoHoHo.
Monday I’m going to take our car in to get some
work done on it using our stimulus check and
then going to put some money on heating oil and
have them come and top off our oil tank so we
will be ready for next winter. I’m also going to
go to Walmart and do a little shopping for a few
things we’re needing. LOL One of the things is a
doorknob for our computer room being that the
one on the door now is just about to the point of
not working at all and the bathroom doorknob
is almost in the same predicament. God knows
we don’t wanna get trapped in the bathroom or
computer room and have to beat down the door
to get out hehehe. Anyways that’s my plans for
tomorrow. LOL Like I’ve said many times, we
live such an exciting life. I’m sure it seems like a
roller coaster ride to you 🙂 NOT. No matter, it
suits us and we can feel the hands of God as He
watches over us as do many angels in our daily
life. We feel blessed to have one another as we
know that it was God that put us together and
gave us new directions to grow. Thank You God
for all that You do for us and all that You will do.
We are very grateful for Your guidance and love.
Thank You Lord. AMEN. Now I believe it’s
time for me to be taking a look back on all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So, it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollections that I always like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE. I believe I may have
stumbled on a fairly decent title just a few lines
back and now after checking, I see that it’s not
been used as of yet, so used it shall be today 🙂
Here goes…
New Directions
Pathways stride
journeys ways
become of us
in future days.
Many people
might connect
new directions
to intersect.
Points of vision
may be seen
often nightmares
often dreams.
Yet perspective
churns a course
new directions
ways of force.
Let your journey
find corrections
lessons learned
in new directions.
©By Bill Pearce
May 3, 2020
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling hehehehe.
LOL I do ramble don’t I. Yeppers, in midst
of silence I can utter gibberish and make it as
things to read 🙂 or not LOL. I think I’ve told
you all there is to tell though, aside from what
I tell you almost every freaking week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku. Yep,
as I stated before earlier in my ramblings, I
only wrote 6 poems this week, but I did write
22 haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like. Now I do believe it is time for
me to begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you all that
celebrate Cinco De Mayo, a happy and safe
1. The rest of you, have a great and blessed
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do
too. Now, where can that freaking off switch
be hiding or better yet trying to hide this time?
LOL I see ya you silly thing. Hiding behind
my other bottle of blood pressure meds LOL.
Hey, that bottle is no larger or smaller than
the other 1 that is sitting right beside it hehehe.
You still do not get the point of size and ratio
as well as understand you must be still or else
rattle the bottles LOL. Try harder next time.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
6 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Evolving Echoes
Past remembered
becomes alive
as many echoes
jump and jive.
Evolving scenes
to there and then
becoming pages
seconds transcend.
Moments recalled
as our memories
become a sight
or ocean breeze.
Maybe even then
time moves on
dawning dreams
of then and gone.
We might become
bouncing balls
timeless moments
that life recalls.
Maybe a memoir
time wrote down
written in colors
green and brown.
Time’s a turnstile
a sight to see
always evolving
as a mystery.
Becoming times
that life bestows
within patterns
as evolving echoes.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 30, 2020
Love is Magic
As an endless ripple
a timeless wave
love begins flowing
with a life to save.
Beginning a journey
of a heart’s desire
true love is magic
as a wondrous fire.
It burns of emotion
it burns with fuel
of time that defines
the heartfelt rule.
Just like a painting
as an artistic style
love begins growing
and giving a smile.
Love can be a sight
or a feeling to feel
or moments delight
a wondrous appeal.
Finding the blessings
that God gave you
shows love is magic
from old to anew.
You may see a wave
that gently rolls
just like a heartbeat
that time unfolds.
A wave that creates
moments dramatic
showing the truth
that love is magic.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 30, 2020
Chill of Frost
Frozen waters
times consume
scenes we see
to come attune.
Sights of snow
winter’s design
create a path
within the mind.
Pictures taken
life finds way
to show designs
from day to day.
Lighting a fuse
a heartfelt fire
burning love
of wanted desire.
We are rivers
we may be lost
life consumed
as chill of frost.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 30, 2020
Distinct Arrays
Forming springtime
flowers bloom
from April to May
and then to June.
Beginning passages
of a seasonal stage
God provides time
from age to age.
Becoming a window
time moves on
created from seeds
of a living song.
It forms emotions
of a seasonal quest
as distinct arrays
for time to attest.
It may seem to glow
of certain light
as pictures of style
shining so bright.
Springtime begins
with magical scenes
time comes alive
essence of greens.
Formed as decisions
scenic surprise
waiting out winter
to open its eyes.
These are the times
of springtime days
that are unleashed
as distinct arrays.
©By Bill Pearce
May 1, 2020
Memory’s Doorway
Seen as reflections
windows enter in
doorways of design
as times transcend.
Mesmerizing times
that come and go
becoming memoirs
written in a flow.
Just like a portrait
of ripples of time
the doorways open
moments to find.
Becoming a dream
of true blue skies
as seasonal stages
seen as surprise.
Time opens widely
with much to say
that’s recollected in
memory’s doorway.
©By Bill Pearce
May 2, 2020
Unending Views
When through time
we get a glimpse
as times so divine
so timeless intense
there may be hills
of a distant day
a scene so serene
as a magical way.
Views that become
as a windowsill
scented of sights
that we cannot feel.
Like a stage of life
that’s there beyond
found as a sight
going on and on.
Times so unending
as a seasonal sun
found perception
as moments begun.
Seeming as times
that we can explore
unending views
with an open door.
Times can continue
in a photograph
picturesque scenes
a timeless contrast.
Presenting scenes
for you to infuse
times remembered
of unending views.
©By Bill Pearce
May 2, 2020
for May 2, 2020
Through life we may find
that so many alibis
are without the truth.
A cloud’s reflection
within a pond of ripples
might become alive.
Living for today
can bring many miseries
as tomorrow comes.
Many challenges
come in form of reflections
and how they’re perceived.
Bringing illusions
to reality’s table
can cause a failure.
Yesterday’s trials
can be the tools for today
helping tomorrow.
Various pathways
contribute to the future
and some take away.
Listening for sounds
that the darkness unleashes
can create much fear.
The lines on ones face
can determine your laughter
or age of your smile.
Beginnings we find
are the endings of others
connecting their stride.
Belief in values
opens doors to others minds
and how they perceive.
Lengthy discussions
can create stories to tell
as ones get confused.
Counting your blessings
in the midst of your struggles
can provide your peace.
Within your worries
you might find many answers
that are best not done.
Looking deep in life
some shallow times may appear
that show you the truth.
Grief of a lost soul
needs prayer to open their eyes
and help them to grow.
Mystical scenes
open doors to illusions
that many believe.
Fields of a dreamer
are as magical journeys
awaiting a stride.
Beginnings of time
often hold many visions
that some determine.
Breathing in life
as a breath of deception
can suffocate you.
Cherishing money
is what emptiness blossoms
unleashing sadness.
Need of a moment
might be but only a want
within disguise.
©By Bill Pearce
May 2, 2020
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂