Hello my friends
Another week has passed us by leaving but
only a shadow of itself in its wake as autumn
comes knocking on our door. Yep, we are
already seeing a few fall colors up here. Not
enough though to go on a photo drive, but
soon. There are a few trees that got a jump
start on autumn and they’re already losing
their leaves LOL. This week has been a sort
of slow one being we’ve not had any place to
go other than to the store a couple of times
and Judy’s doctor appointment Thursday 🙂
Yep, we just hung around the house writing
and painting. I did finally get my 5th book
published and am now waiting for the proof
copy, but I also did it in Kindle version and
went back and did book 4 in Kindle as well.
They’ll still be available in paperback, but
I thought there are many of you that only
read stuff on your phones, tablets and stuff.
Plus the Kindle versions only cost $9.99 🙂
I’m going to in time, do up all of my books
in Kindle version as well. So I guess I have
been a little busy but not too much huh LOL.
The weather keeps bouncing back and forth
as today the high is 84 of which it is right now.
Yeppers it’s warm, but according to my old
weather program it’s supposed to be back in
the mid 70’s 🙂 by Wednesday and then the
lower 60’s by Friday. We’ll survive. We do
though worry about all of those that are now
without utilities for possibly 3 months or more
due to Hurricane Maria. Also we pray for
those that were hit by Hurricanes Harvey and
Irma. It has been a wicked beginning to the
hurricane season. I know that the ones that
got hit by Hurricane Harvey are still picking
up the pieces. Judy and I are also in prayer
for Mexico as it has been hit with numerous
earthquakes that have taken many lives and
wounded many others. Now onto a hopefully
more cheerful part of my journal. We have
the freezer in the addition plugged in and it
seems to be working OK. Though I am afraid
of what it will do to our light bill being that the
addition does not have air conditioning and
so it is hot in there. Oh well, time will tell 🙂
The boys are not enjoying this warm weather.
They are both lying in the floor in here with
us where we have our portable air conditioner
keeping it nice and cool. Though soon it will
be just reverse hehehe at least for Benny. As
the temperature drops and snow begins falling
Benny will want to stay outside and play in
the snow hehehe. Rocky, not so much. He is
a lot like Milo was. He prefers to be inside at
all times, but of course he must go outside to
potty the same as Benny hehehe. I’m excitedly
looking forward to the first snow. I simply love
to watch it snow and also play in it. It could be
due partly because of the fact that I grew up in
Texas and didn’t see much snow. Plus this year
I bought a brand new snow blower that should
do a lot better than that battery operated snow
shovel. The snow shovel threw the snow right
in front of where I was going and also had a
habit of blowing it right back on me making me
have to where my coat over my head to keep my
head/face and whatnot from become buried in
snow hehehe. This new snow blower has a funnel
that you can aim which ever way you want to
blow the snow and you can aim it with just a
touch of a switch 🙂 Yeppers, I believe I’m ready
for the snow. Now all we have to worry about is
heating oil. We’ve still got over a quarter of a
tank of heating oil left over from last winter, but
that will not be even close to enough to get us
through the winter which often last for 6 months
and has been known to last into May LOL. Yep,
if you don’t like snow and cannot handle the cold,
you won’t like it up here 🙂 I actually prefer the
cold to the heat. I am apt for heat strokes due to
my health issues. If you look through my many
photos, you will see many of them of me playing
in the snow and tons of snow pictures. It makes
even the ugliest house a sight to see. God is the
greatest artist. He can create beauty from but
only a cloud. It’s us that tend to destroy all of
the beauty with our ways of life. Don’t let your
eyes to fall blind to God’s blessings. Find the
artwork and give God the glory. Now I believe
it’s time once again for me to take a little trip
back through all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem. So, it’s
away I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. So,
as I search through what I’ve written, I think I
may of found a decent title just a few lines back
and now after checking I see that it has not been
used. So away we go…
Ways Of Life
As a journal
times are found
ways of life
we look around.
Scenes becoming
less to see
found as only
Ways of life
are surely known
timeless pages
heartbeats sown.
As a farmer
plants his seed
ways of life
give what we need.
Yet ones careless
will destroy
ways of life
that times employ.
Certain footsteps
will begin
leaving footprints
in the wind.
Then as heartless
ends with strife
ones are seeking
ways of life.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24, 2017
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem and my
rambling didn’t bore ya to tears. Hopefully you
understood the poem. I’m sure many will find a
different meaning from the poem, but most will be
near the same I’m guessing. So, is there anything
that I have forgotten to tell you other than what
I tell you every week? Hmm, me thinks not LOL,
so I guess I need to tell you that I wrote 10 more
poems, no extras and no Christmas poems. Also
I wrote once again, 22 haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now, I believe it is
time for me to begin my search for that off switch
that is the worlds worst at hiding, but not before
I wish you a most wonderful weekend or whatever
is left of it and a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. So, where can
that off switch be hiding this week hehehehehehe?
Oh for the love of Pringles LOL, could you at
least put a little effort in your hiding spots LOL.
Hiding behind a flashlight that is sitting right in
front of me and I might add, rolling back and
forth due to you not being able to stay still for
even a moment is not a good hiding spot hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
and Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Somewhere Sometime
As images of the past
come closer to mind
they will become as
somewhere sometime.
A point of perception
that then brought to be
as a scene of alignment
of a lake or a sea.
True are the reflections
that echo loud and clear
as we look onwards
seeking same to be near.
As life is remembered
and time runs its course
we might find somewhere
sometime with remorse.
Time is of placement
when doorways are swung
allowing our heartbeats
as bullets from a gun.
Moving too quickly
the moments of mind
become as our reflections
somewhere sometime.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 18, 2017
Daisies Premise
Seen from the distance
of yellow and white
daisies are blooming
a wonderful sight.
Bringing a little smile
on a summertime day
as weeds turn to beauty
in a magical way.
Life is but a moment
of times that we see
as the daisies premise
turns so eloquently.
Bringing forth blessings
of minutes to pass
shining as sunshine
on an old trodden path.
They bring the stories
of time for the eyes
beginning by springtime
as daisies premise.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 18, 2017
Autumn Lives
Distant scenes
of yellow and gold
are as autumn
does unfold.
Living thresholds
make a view
as autumn lives
in old and new.
Leaves all gather
painting times
living breathing
autumn signs.
Some leaves fall
onto the ground
making paintings
all around.
Autumn’s story
brings surprise
as autumn lives
within our eyes.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 22, 2017
Liquid Dreams
As oceans swells
become alive,
scenes of beauty,
waves arrive.
Liquid dreams
within the air,
life’s a doorway
wondrous flair.
The days ahead
might surely show
a path of life
that lies bestow.
Yet as pages,
an oceans book,
liquid dreams
give another look.
Pouring waters
timeless gaze,
liquid dreams
begin their phase.
As a doorway
opens wide,
scenes will pour
what times divide.
As morning comes
within our view,
liquid dreams
might seem askew.
Seasons story
might be rain,
liquid dreams
for time to gain.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 22, 2017
Atop A Bridge
In the distance
you might see
life and times
of history.
Atop a bridge
of distant days
time might show
another phase.
Faintest scenes
come into view
atop a bridge
of thereunto.
So many sights
our mind recalls,
standing times
and many falls.
Life’s a story,
day and night,
atop a bridge,
we daily write.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 22, 2017
Time Drifts By
Life’s unfolding
as a wave
times we’re born
and gone to grave.
It’s the minutes
counted true
that make or break
our daily view.
Sometimes seconds
seem as more
as time drifts by
another shore.
We might just sit
on a pole of time
to watch and wait
for yours and mine.
Our own lifestyles
might be seen
by ones in time
a rushing stream.
God gives chances
to then apply
as some just watch
as time drifts by.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 22, 2017
Thoughts May Soar
Life might become as
a seasonal flight
experiencing journeys
day unto night.
Time might encompass
a misleading day
becoming as lessons
learned the hard way.
Thoughts may soar
through thick and thin
ending in pathways
lost in the wind.
Losing your footing
on life’s dusty trail
will often seem sort of
like headed to Hell.
Let God The Father
to help you explore
pathways of doorways
your thoughts may soar.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2017
Reflected Waves
Looking within the mind
of timeless travels
we just might find
how our mind unravels.
Found as reflections
our heartbeats might seem
appearing redundant
as an ill gotten dream.
Don’t let the passed days
to tear you apart
while seeing reflections
of an unhappy heart.
Look deep within you
and see what can be
while reflecting on lessons
that time helped you see.
Time is a teacher
that often will hurt
sometimes occurring
as to make you alert.
Find a better you
in the coming of days
learned from the lessons
of the reflected waves.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2017
Hidden Storm
Through a blue sky
might release
times of troubles
less of peace.
A hidden storm
might hide in sight
well camouflaged
in day and night.
We might only
see weather vanes
and not see all
the coming rains.
So don’t let clouds
to hide from you
a hidden storm
that might hurt you.
Look more close
at now today
and take heed
when skies are grey.
Let the blessings
to transform
even within
a hidden storm.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2017
Flight To Life
Our Earthly wings
need spread to fly
in time and place
when chance gets by.
Prepare yourself
for when and where
your flight to life
with a little prayer.
Don’t let problems
to wear you down.
Seek the answers
and not a frown.
A flight to life
might start one day
across the waters
times display.
The minutes passing
might hold true
a different sight
of which you view.
Your wings may be
the spread you know,
but hold you down
the way you go.
Life can deliver
a scenic sight
that might be wrong
or might be right.
Let your journeys
be less of strife,
by taking God
on your flight to life.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2017
for Sept 23 2017
Short sighted people
will often find directions
away from lessons.
Beyond the skyline
is a place waiting to be
that time discovers.
Winter’s awaiting
to lose spring, summer and fall
within its season.
Flowers of summer
prepare themselves for winter
as they fall asleep.
A guiding lighthouse
is a beacon in the night
the same as angels.
Moving too quickly
can become a bumpy road
headed to trouble.
Morning brings sunshine
as a brand new beginning
for new decisions.
Dandelions of spring
find a new life in summer
that soon turns to seed.
Within a forest
is a world that many miss
due to lack of care.
Looking to the stars
you might find your reflection
within your eyesight.
Timeless memories
might seem as everlasting,
but they do find change.
The need of many
often becomes blinded wants
when many have greed.
Seasons of lifestyles
become the pages of life
in a book of time.
Nobodies pathway
is without a few lessons
that greediness bought.
Torrents of rivers
are as motions of people
in hurried array.
A scent of springtime
lives on in our memories
until it returns.
Counting the minutes
can make a day seem longer
when it is the same.
The rolling of wheels
of a car down a highway
can become endless.
So many choices
can become better in time
or lost in a realm.
Today brings chances
to learn many lessons
from our yesterdays.
Trying to please ones
can become as dynamite
with a real short fuse.
Packing up baggage
to take it with you in life
might hinder your growth.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2017
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
and if you are not in the USA or would just rather buy
them at you can buy them all below.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂