Not The End


Hello my friends

Another week has passed us by and the
weather has bounced all around.  It was
high of 72 F yesterday and a high of 85
for today LOL.  Go figure.  With temps
like that,  I’ll be staying inside under the
air conditioner or at least in front of it 🙂
Yep,  I am hot natured,  so I cannot do
80 degrees and above well without taking
a chance on a heat stroke.  It is what it is
and so I do what I have to do.  I’m glad
I got much of the mowing done the other
day when it was cooler.  According to my
weather program it’s supposed to start
cooling down again Wednesday after the
rains and be back in the 70’s and even the
60’s.  Hopefully we don’t have too many
hot days this summer.  So far there’ve
not been too many hot days, thank God.
Judy’s still crocheting.  She just got done
with a summer cardigan and now she’s
working on a scarf.  She’s making a lot of
things for Christmas gifts,  but has yet
to of decided who she will give them to.
Me,  I’m  still doing my poetry and ever
so often playing my conga drums and
mowing the lawn.  So far I’ve made a
couple of conga drum music videos 🙂
I’ll do a few more this week I’m fairly
sure.  Judy and I went Miniature golfing
last Thursday.  The weather was nice
and we had an awesome time.  Yes we
kept score,  but not for anything but
for the fun of it.  Judy looked as if she
would win most of the game,  but in
the last hole I got a hole in one which
surpassed her by 4 strokes.   We were
only playing 9 hole mini golf,  but the
next time we go,  we might play the full
18 holes like we played last year when
we went on my birthday 🙂  We got us
some ice cream after we played and then
went home to look at all of the pictures
that we took.  We took quite a few of
each other golfing 🙂  We even took a
few of us together in selfies.  Now for
a bit of sad news.  Judy’s sister Barb
is having more outbreaks of cancer
popping up.  Please put her in your
prayers and ask for God to intervene.
Now to try and lighten the subject a
little.  Benny and Rocky are doing
well.  They’re as ornery as ever.  We
feel blessed to have these little boys
to share our home with.  My daughter
Jamye called me up to wish me Happy
 Father’s Day on Father’s Day and that
made me smile.  The only problems
was that my voice had gone due to
my allergies after mowing the lawn
and I could barely talk.  I still loved
hearing from her.  I hope to see her
again soon.  I love and miss her so
very much.  I also love and miss my
mom and sister as well as my many
friends that I consider as my family.
There are so many that I have known
for decades and have been a part of
my life that I consider as brothers
and sisters.  Family doesn’t have to
be blood relatives.  Heck,  our dogs
are a part of our family.  We do love
them as our boys 🙂  They are in here
with us near the air conditioner and
enjoying it.  We need to give them
both another haircut,  but neither of
us has felt up to doing it lately,  but
we will give them a lil haircut soon.
Rocky’s hair is the hardest to cut.
His hair is very coarse,  but we have
some professional grooming shears
that we bought just for dealing with
such things as that.  We have such an
exciting life LOL!  Yea right.  Maybe
if you call writing poetry and taking
pictures as well as crocheting exciting.
Yes we do more,  but not what many
would call adventurous or exciting 🙂
We live what some may call mundane
lifestyles,  but it is what that we have
grown to learn to enjoy being we are
both disabled and unable to do many
things that we used to like to do.  It’s
learning how to find enjoyment in the
smaller things in life.  Also learning
how to live on a smaller income than
you used to have.  Many parts of life
are in need of acceptance and learning
to be happy with the things you have
and the things you’re now able to do.
I used to love to go for walks,  but I
cannot walk as far as I used to be able
to,  so I do what I am able.   I am glad
that God put Judy in my life.  I can’t
imagine my life without her,  but we
all know that those days do come for
death is a part of life that often comes
when we least expect it.  Be thankful
that death is not the end,  but it is
the beginning of a life of eternity and
we will all find one another again and
be happy to never have feel pain or
suffer again.  So until then do your
best to enjoy life and find blessings
in the now and again of time.  God
has most surely blessed me with this
wonderful woman that shares her life
with me and our families that we have
conjoined together in our lives.  Time
has played the guessing game with me
as I have gone up and down the many
roads of life to find misery and pain,
but through it all,  I found my best
friend and her name is Judy.  God
was always with me and He helped
me through each turnstile I happened
to come across.  Thank You God for
always being there for me and now
always being here for Judy and I as
we come to many roads in life that
might be with many bumps.  AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
be reading back on all that I have
written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new
poem.  So it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I like
looks as though I may have found
me a fairly decent title about a third
of the way back in my rambling and
now after checking I see that I have
not used it yet,  so used it shall be.
Here goes…

Not The End

Living essence
seasons sights
may be wrongs
may be rights.
We might see
a time and place
to become formed
as minds retrace.
For after times
may come and go
it doesn’t stop
their seasons flow.
So many memoirs
living as seas
flow on as water
in many degrees.
Time continues
to then transcend
deaths beginning
not the end.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 27,  2021

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling.
I hope it wasn’t to morbid for you. Well,
I can’t think of anything else to tell you
other than what I tell you every week and
that is I wrote more poems and haiku.
Yeppers,  10 more poems,  but none of
them are Christmas related.  Maybe next
week.  I did though write 22 more haiku
for all of the haiku lovers out there.  I
hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  Now with that said,
I do believe it’s time for me to start my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves
you and we do too.  Okey dokey now,
where can that ornery off switch be at
this week?  It’s such a great hider LOL.
Hehehe I didn’t even have to look this
time.  I just glanced under my desktop
and saw my watch and it seemed the
switch was trying to do the hula with it.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Coming Storms

Life awakens
as times become
seasons scenes
within each sun.
Clouds may form
within your eyes,
but soon become
a rainbow size.
Look within you
see what’s there
in coming storms
a moment’s flair.
Breathe in deep
the best of times
coming storms
of life’s designs.
Let the moments
a time conforms
to be as blessings
coming storms.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 21,  2021

Now and Again

Stories we come by
that tell us some tales
often become as our
wins and our fails.
So often doorways
become as a view
with now and again
and old and anew.
Seasons of colors
transform the sights
of now and again
into days and nights.
Sometimes a window
will open up a scene
of now and again
as a magical dream.
So many moments
may seem so small,
but in the future
be best of them all.
So don’t let the best
to blow in the wind,
enjoy the smallest
of now and again.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 21,  2021

Boarding Flight

Taking in stride
the paths we fly
might often form
hello,  goodbye.
Seasons of time
may come in view
as we board flight
to then thereunto.
Seconds tick on
as pages become
stories of a time
of a distant sun.
Formed as a style
a scenic display
found on a flight
to another day.
Remember well
a wonderful sight
of thereafter then
boarding flight.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 22,  2021

Sea of Life

Sitting floating
within time
a sea of life
can form a mind.
Creating scenes
timeless views
a sea of life
that times infuse.
See each ripple
find its face
a sea of life
to then embrace.
Find the scenes
deep within
a sea of life
beginning to end.
It may seem as
time of strife
but be truly
with a sea of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 22,  2021

Living Doorways

Crops of pathways
doorway scenes
create journeys
as many dreams.
Living doorways
open and close
that of choices
that we’ve chose.
We are planted
seeds of desire
in the doorways
times acquire.
Pathways forming
seasons signs
living doorways
to our minds.
We are the seeds
God has planted
that become as
so enchanted.
Find your purpose
and then grow
in living doorways
times bestow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 23,  2021

Flight of Birds

Ocean minds
within the waves
might become
as timeless days.
Flying briskly
within a breeze
time moves on
as mindful seas.
A salty ocean
becomes forms
a flight of bird
in coming storms.
Minutes form
a timeless place
synched of love
and scenic taste.
Waves of life
become as words
found as peace
a flight of birds.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 23,  2021

Times Lemonade

Pouring as water
times may flow
that of a journey
which way to go.
Found as a ripple
found as a time
scenes lemonade
form in the mind.
Becoming photos
of day after day
time shows signs
of a magical way.
Ripples as water
flowing as peace
times lemonade
gives us release.
Often a memory
and often a sight
found still living
timeless delight.
Becoming alive
with hearts inlaid
seconds can pour
times lemonade.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 25,  2021

Within The World

Emotions projected
into that of time
create perspectives
that live in the mind.
A sparkling essence
becomes so alive
that it may look as
it’s a gigantic size.
Within the world
live so many things
seasonal thresholds
within many scenes.
A dandelion’s sight
will turn into seed
thought as a flower,
but truly a weed.
It displays worlds
to spread around
as seasons of seeds
all over the ground.
It’s as we should be
with love unfurled
sharing and caring
within the world.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 25,  2021

Bear Necessities

Living as a bear
in a seasonal plane
makes that of life
a days windowpane.
Striving for food
and place to live on
with its necessities
before they’re gone.
We need to learn
to not look away
when need is a seed
to plant day by day.
So many people
with so many views
only think daily
to use and abuse.
Find importance
of trees and things
for a breath of air
and magical scenes.
The animals truly
have living needs
such as the sight of
bear necessities.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 25,  2021

Hidden Places

Living doorways
windows too
often hide some
scenic view.
Maybe moments
or maybe times
hidden places
in hidden minds.
Forms become
a sight to see
in places of faces
within history.
We might notice
a few changes
minutes passing
time rearranges.
Look for beauty
of certain traces
found so often in
hidden places.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 26,  2021

for Jun 26,  2021

So many moments
will come and go in our lives
filled with good and bad.

Tears of a moment
might be of ones happiness
with hidden sadness.

Yearning for others
that you really do not need
can create problems.

Doorways and windows
are as passages through time
to help us along.

Many of the weeds
that we see within our life
are really needed.

Time is illusion
as we have created it
to determine life.

Pathways we travel
often have many turnstiles
that try to confuse.

Beyond our doorstep
many things wish to enter
that should never be.

Scenes of importance
might not look so important
until much later.

The past is the past
and will always be the past
so live in today.

Cherished memories
can often prevent our growth
if we don’t let go.

Tarnished yesterdays
can become great tools of life
if we learn from them.

Fields full of daisies
joined with many dandelions
can create pictures.

Memories of fall
are as a photographers dream,
shades of life and death.

Treasure troves of life
are found deep within the Earth
that need left alone.

The passing of days
leaves changes awaiting chance
and someone to change.

So many problems
are but only in our minds
as we create them.

Hardships of others
might seem real easy to us,
but we are not them.

Green grass of summer
always seems to aggravate
the one that mows it.

Seeds of a flower
need water,  soil and sunlight
to help it blossom.

News worthy moments
might only be ones gossip
that’s not so worthy.

Watching a bird fly
you might find yourself dreaming
of flying with it.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 26,  2021

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Days Become Years


Hello my friends

The passed week has been pretty good,
but I’m paying for over doing it on the
mowing LOL.  My body is recovering
very slowly from it.  I have a problem
with not being able to stop until I have
finished,  but the problem with that is
it’s usually my body that is finished and
not what I am doing LOL.  I guess the
price for getting old huh.  My daughter
called me today/Sunday to wish me a
happy Fathers Day.  My voice though
was rather struggled being I was still
suffering from my mowing and all of
the bugs and grass that I might have
swallowed LOL.  If it had been a windy
day like it was the other time I mowed
I would not of had the problem as the
wind tended to blow the bugs away and
the grass wasn’t as bad either.  Oh well,
I’ll survive.  Our one and only neighbor
is weed eating around his house at this
very moment.  I’m glad I got done with
our mowing and weed eating.  It’ll give
my old body a chance to recover.  Judy
and I have decided to go mini golfing
this week.  I can’t wait.  I’m sure we’ll
take a ton of pictures as we did the last
time we went.  We have sort decided to
go more than one time this year,  being
when we went the other time the only
time we went was for my birthday.  We
found that we loved playing mini golf 🙂
So we may go mini golfing a few times
this year.  It doesn’t cost that much and
it’s fun for a couple of us old people to
do without too much effort.  They do
have benches at each hole to sit and
rest LOL.  Yep,  we also have plans
on doing some picture taking drives.
We didn’t do much other than when
my daughter and granddaughter came
up last October.  I’m hoping that they
make it up here to see us again soon.
The boys are doing well.  Judy and I
took them for a little field trip last
Thursday and they had a blast.  I had
mowed us a little path to go out and
Benny loved that.  Unlike Rocky,  he
is not that fond of running through
the tall grass.  The funny thing is that
Rocky does not like to go off of the
steps to potty in the tall grass LOL.
Go figure.  Rocky especially hates
to go out if the grass is wet or it is
raining,  but then even Benny hates
the rain.  I can sort of understand
why they don’t like the wet grass.
It does feel yucky on my bare feet,
so I can imagine that it feels worse
on theirs,  but they have to do their
business outside LOL.  That’s the
rules.  So what else has gone on at
the Pearce’s Place that is worth me
telling ya about?  Well,   Judy’s big
sister Barbara is home now and the
doctors are going to try radiation
in hopes to slow down the cancer
to give her more time.   I pray to
God that they are successful.  God
has watched over Judy and I and
kept us from harms path or at least
what He knew we could not handle.
Thank You God for all that You do
and I all that You have done for us
as the days become years.  We are
grateful for the many blessings we
have received.  AMEN and AMEN.
Now I do believe that it is time for
me to read back on all that I have
written here to see if I can find me
a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand
new poem.  So,  it’s away I go to
that place of my recollection that
I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I though think I may have found
a decent title just a few lines back
and now after checking I see that
it has not been used yet,  so used
it shall be.  Here goes…

Days Become Years

Life is as doorways
swinging in the wind
as time’s bestowing
scenes that transcend.
Becoming as echoes
a memory’s delight
sought as a window
daylight and night.
Days become years,
time becomes gold
while many blessings
may gently unfold.
Displaying patterns
of a memoirs words
time becomes seen
as a flock of birds.
Flying in the sky
as Heavenly sights
God gives passages
a moment excites.
Bringing us blessings
a heartbeat endears
as time becomes life,
days become years.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 20,  2021

Well,  there ya go.  I hope ya liked the
poem and maybe even a little of my on
going rambling 🙂  Hopefully I put a lil
smile on your face.  I haven’t much else
to tell you other than what all I tell you
most every week and that is,  I wrote a
few more poems and haiku.  Yeppers
10 more poems,  but this time there are
4 Christmas poems in the mix HoHoHo.
I also wrote 22 haiku for all the haiku
lovers out there.  I surely hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  With that said,  I guess it’s time
for me to start my search for that hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
all of the dads a happy Father’s day and
for you all a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Now,  where can that ornery off
switch be trying to hide this time and I
use the term hide loosely as it sucks at
hiding hehehe.  Looking around the
room in its old hiding spots.  LOL I’m
even looking at the light switch on the
wall to see if it is attempting to overlay
it,  but nope,  but then while looking
over that way I happened to see a bit
of movement atop of our portable AC.
Yep,  there ya sit thinking I would not
look back there LOL.  You need to
learn how to hide,  but then if you ever
do get good at hiding,  it might make
my sharing my journal become a long
winded episode,  so keep it up hehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Passing Prayers

Times and places
connect our minds
as the passing of
scenic designs.
Prayers of seasons
prayers for peace
joining together
to give us release.
Minutes may form
a union of hearts
joined together
as hope imparts.
Maybe as scenes
with waters waves
prayerful unison
for passing days.
Displaying scenes
that life impairs
which were healed
by passing prayers.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 15,  2021

Sublime Destinies

Change is a moment
a pathway of eyes
seen by so many
as where’s and why’s.
Flowing like a river
as waters may pour
sublime destinies
might seem demure.
Playful as heartbeats
flowing like wine
so many destinies
are only in the mind.
Looking within you
there may be a glow
a destiny of wantings
as a river may flow.
Let your heart glisten
and let it to shine
the fabulous destinies
you see in your mind.
Don’t let your health
to be a sad breeze,
but let it to create
sublime destinies.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 15,  2021

Within a Snowball

Within a memory
within a time
minutes creation
live within mind.
Within a window
within an door
time gives a way
for life to explore.
Within a passion
within a page
life is a snowball
of age unto age.
Within a portal
within a heart
two will connect
as mindful art.
Within a turnstile
seasons stand tall
within a memory
within a snowball.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 16,  2021

Mounds of Snow

Christmas cheer
as seasons sight
mounds of snow
so fluffy white.
These are things
we remember
timeless scenes
within December.
Dreamers dream
of Santa Claus
with so many
oohs and awes.
Mounds of snow
to play within
creating a place
of time and again.
Just like a gift
the snow will fall
to cover the trees
standing so tall.
It all becomes
a scenic show
beginning with
mounds of snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 16,  2021

Winter’s Tracks

We might one day
see tracks so cold
lying in place
of times of old.
They might just be
a distant trail
as winter’s tracks
a timeless tale.
You might recall
a Christmas dream
a time and place
a wondrous scene.
The tracks may be
a mere memory
that lives within
your history.
It might even be
a wishful sight
of winter’s tracks
in snow of white.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 16,  2021

Sky Peeks Through

Clouds might form
and create a wall
or a ceiling above
that rain may fall.
There is some blue
behind the clouds
that might just be
as daily shrouds.
The clouds drift on
to other places
so often creating
a memoir of faces.
Some look above
and simply gasp
as clouds drift on
slowly and fast.
The wind might be
a speaker of words
showing the sign
of a flight of birds.
Then in a moment
you might see blue
as clouds give way
sky peeks through.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 16,  2021

Swimming in Sync

Life is a journey
a pathway to swim
as an ocean of time
beginning and end.
Don’t let the waters
to hold you back
sync up and swim
with mindset intact.
Often a ship may
seem to get close
and cause reactions
fear may expose.
Sync up your path
and then carry on
swimming in sync
as a seasonal song.
Let not your worry
to cause you to sink,
find your directions
swimming in sync.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 17,  2021

Wintery Places

Living for a moment
living for a time
many places as faces
might then unwind.
Becoming a dream
or subsequent sight
in wintery places
that moments unite.
Seasons of words
become as a phase
with wintery places
on cold snowy days.
Christmas awakens
many memories
seasonal moments
as oceans and seas.
Waves of reflections
may form a style
created as a breeze
of a living smile.
Found as snowflakes
Christmastime faces
the season becomes
as wintery places.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 17,  2021

Illusions Fantasy

Within the clouds
may be a scene
a place that holds
a certain dream.
It might behold
a certain sight
within the frame
of fluffy white.
There may be life
of sudden rain
within the void
that times attain.
A fantasy world
of illusions realm
giving scenes that
may overwhelm.
Clouds that float
across the way
doing their thing
from day to day.
Giving us sights
paintings for free
from near to afar
illusions fantasy.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 17,  2021

Seeking Santa

Snow of white
within my view
displays a sight
of thereunto.
Two dogs watch
and wait a while
for old Santa
to give a smile.
A HoHoHo
heard up high
flying in the
Christmas sky.
These two dogs
bark and howl
as they’re on
a Santa prowl.
Within the snow
they are waiting
yearning Santa
As snow falls
it creates a time
seeking Santa
sought to find.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 18,  2021

for Jun 19,  2021

Time is a moment
that many will throw away
for stupidity.

Leaning too greatly
in any times direction
can cause you to fall.

The power of love
has no knowledge of distance,
for love can expand.

Lessons of today
might be added to the tools
we use tomorrow.

Finding a penny
and bending to pick it up
will give exercise.

Leaves of yesterday
might bestow within today
as our memories.

Shadows of our past
may form a reality
within our today.

Seasons of sunshine
become glimmers of hopeful
as an ocean swells.

Retracing footsteps
can uncover the pathway
that you went so wrong.

Trivial doorways
can often become mountains
we think we should climb.

Limits on ourselves
are often but only fear
and not our limits.

Patience is gathered
as many things may arrive
that we cannot change.

Living for a breath
can become much more than that
as the breath expands.

Traveling stories
are often as rubber bands
that may stretch the truth.

The seam in the sky
might be edge of perception
seen as Earth goes round.

Fantasy pathways
may be only in the mind
but live as a dream.

Fuel for a fire
might be as many regrets
that burn on and on.

The winds of a storm
can blow in some sunshine
after it passes.

Need is not needed
when it is confused with want
and becomes our stride.

Letting loose of time
that has passed on from today
can help tomorrow.

Various people
will only respond to death
and not the living.

Pages of our lives
are often found repeated
when we forgot them.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 19,  2021

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

One Another


Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice passed week and
the weekend went well for ya. It went not
too bad for us.  Judy’s sister is supposed
to be coming home from the hospital in
the next few days,  hopefully Monday 🙂
although her diagnosis is no better and
they see no sense in keeping her in the
hospital being they cannot do anything
for her to prevent the end from coming.
But the way I look at it death is not the
end,  but the beginning of a brand new
life without pain and suffering.  It seems
that the weather has gotten back to the
normal temps thank God.  Today’s high
is 74,  which it is right this moment.  I
am thinking about doing some mowing
tomorrow/Monday.  The grass is growing
quickly due to the many little rains we
have gotten here and there.   It might
rain a little this week according to my
weather program,  but it doesn’t look
as though it will rain much,  but maybe
enough to soak the ground a little bit.
Anyways,  next topic.  I took the boys
for a little stroll in the field while Judy
was in Bangor visiting Barbara at the
hospital last Wednesday and the boys
loved it,  but I do think that maybe
Rocky loved it a bit more than Benny
did,  being it seems Benny’s arthritis
may have been acting up,  but he came
out and sniffed around as he often does.
He has to smell of everything hehehe.
Though when I said lets head back to
the house,  Rocky came running and
smiling all the way.  Benny ran a little
and would stop to smell everything
he has already smelled before.  He did
that for a while. I thought his arthritis
might be slowing him down so I came
and reached down to pick him up and
he almost jumped in my arms and I
carried him back to the house where
Rocky was waiting for us.  I think he
wasn’t in pain, but just wanting me to
carry him LOL.  They both love for
me to hold them and carry them,  but
I cannot hold them both at the same
time 🙂  Yes I took a few pictures of
our little field trip and yes many of
them will be in my stationery LOL.
I am so glad the hot days are gone at
least for now.  I know we might have
a few more days in the above 80’s, but
not many hopefully.  The next few days
and weeks are supposed to be in the
60’s and 70’s 🙂  I love that <3  Yeppers
I can handle that.  Last Friday I went
out to check the mail and took a few
pictures of the boys and a couple of
selfies of my ugly mug hehehe.  I’m
guessing that I could maybe make a
lot of money being a Reverse Stripper.
You know,  people paying me to put
on my clothes LOL.  Just kidding of
course,  being I would never take them
off in public LOL.  It would scare the
animals hehehe.  Off of that sickening
subject and onto another,  hopefully
not that bad LOL.  Well Judy went to
craft night last night/Saturday and was
going to build a tin man using little
tiny buckets,  but none of them were
in craft moods so they talked all night
and Judy finally came home around
midnight 🙂  They are all planning on
making tin men on next months craft
night.  God is still watching over us as
we go from day to day to year to year.
I’m also sure that He has sent many
angels to watch over us and there are
many friendly spirits also watching
over us.  We truly feel blessed to of
found one another and joined our
families together.  Many miles may
separated them,  but love knows no
distance.  Heartstrings can reach the
furthest distances.  Thank You God
for always watching over us as we
encounter struggles in our daily life.
We are always so very thankful for
all that You do for us and all that
You have done.  AMEN and AMEN.
Now I do believe it is time for me
to read back on all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find me a good
word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem.
So,  it’s away I go to that little place
of my recollection that I always like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE and it
looks as though I may of found a
decent title about a 3rd of the way
back through my rambling and now
after checking I see that I have not
used that variation of that title yet,
so here goes…

One Another

Days and weeks
months and years
time transcends
hopes and fears.
Scenes become
a journey’s ride
as one another
times abide.
Formed as winds
a blowing breeze
as one another
just like leaves.
Rustling sounds
as leaves will blow
we one another
come and go.
Showing artwork
of our paths
sometimes seeming
a shadow’s cast.
Yet we travel
sister and brother
hopefully loving
one another.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 13,  2021

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling.
I never have a clue to what all I will write
until I begin and then it’s a word game 🙂
Whatever I think of at that moment gets
written aside from all of the gory stuff 🙂
Judy’s headed over to her sister Dena’s
house to meet up with her brother Arty.
She might be gone a few hours,  so it’s
just me and the boys hanging out for a
little bit.  So I guess that’s about all I
have for you other than of course what
I tell you nearly every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku 🙂
Yep,  10 more poems,  but once again
no Christmas poems.  Maybe next week.
I did though write 22 more haiku for
all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  Now I do believe that
it’s time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you all a blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you
and we do too.  Now,  where can that
ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time?????  Um :),  that can’t be
you again hiding behind my glasses,
can it???  You silly thing.  You hid
there a couple of times before and
should know that I can see through
the glass LOL.  Sheesh,  talk about
hiding behind a clean window LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

God’s Work of Art

The colors of time
created from leaves
become works of art
at first on the trees.
Then as a painting
time comes in view
God’s works of art
so fresh and anew.
Painted as passages
with life unto death
art work of blessings
as that of a breath.
Breathed in softly
moments transpire
creating the beauty
as colors of fire.
Leaves become life
even when they die
as the color green
then says goodbye.
The stage is painted
as moments depart
displaying the style
of God’s work of art.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 7,  2021

Drifts On

Seconds and minutes
become much more
drifting as moments
as a window or door.
Scenes come to life
as time moves along
leaving the essence
of a seasonal song.
Words are pictures
formed in the mind
as time drifts on
with its own design.
Maybe as a dream
or a time’s mirage
drifting as driftwood
forming a collage.
All joined together
with the living glue
as time drifts on
for me and for you.
Look for the beauty
before it is gone
as time never stops
for it just drifts on.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 7,  2021

Voices Heard

Living as ghosts
of a time and place
voices may speak
of all they embrace.
They might recall
of a different time
words as a window
to a state of mind.
Heard as the wind
maybe as a breeze
the voices heard
might be at ease.
They may be happy
within the walls
peaceful memories
that time enthralls.
It might be only
within your mind
the voices heard
from time to time.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 7,  2021

Serenity’s Realm

Clouds of illusion
form as a smile
creating serenity
of a timeless style.
A realm of sights
that comes in view
within a window
of then thereunto.
Blessings of life
as scenic hills
become so alive
as a time instills.
Living moments
form in the clouds
creating serenity
as scenic shrouds.
Transposing time
to a moments helm
creating passion
of serenity’s realm.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 8,  2021

Dreaming of Passion

Emotional pictures
as portions of flow
can become images
of memoirs show.
Like waves crashing
on a distant shore
dreaming of passion
as moments before.
Counting the ripples
reflections of time
passion becomes as
a memorized mind.
Seen as a doorway
to a time and place
dreams to remember
that you embrace.
Maybe as an echo
of a heartbeat awry
time might unleash
hello and goodbye.
Leaving just a trace
of a certain fashion
found as a window
dreaming of passion.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 8,  2021

Ages of Art

Various colors
come into view
scenes so alive
fresh and anew.
Autumn’s colors
may find a way
to formulate art
as times display.
Scenes so alive
pages will turn
creating pictures
we can discern.
Paintings of life
seconds become
seasons acquired
new days begun.
Ages of changes
colors impart
creating autumn
the ages of art.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 9,  2021

Walk Away

When anger comes
don’t let it grow,
by letting words
to fluently flow.
Search within you
and find a place
a moment in time
of a better taste.
Sip upon peaceful
and let it sink in
as you walk away
from certain sin.
Sometimes silence
is better to hear
instead of anger
becoming a tear.
Seek the footing
of a peaceful day
when then in anger
you walk away.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 9,  2021


Fantasizing places
pictures in the mind
becomes as dreams
scenes time to time.
Scenery’s creation
formed as a sight
a time we imagined
daylight and night.
There may be snow
as dreams come true
within the scenery
of wintertime’s view.
Seen as a dreamery
a subsequent place
formed as illusions
dreamers embrace.
Focus within you
and look all around
and find the beauty
dreams can astound.
An imaginary place
with living scenery
can become as a
timeless dreamery.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 10,  2021

Sailing Within

A sea of time
a journey forms
as waves of life
often in storms.
Within a sight
the times become
as now and then
new days begun.
Waves of style
create their path
sailing within
a shadowy cast.
Forming a time
a second’s breath
seasonal dreams
with more or less.
A sea of time
may be as wind
blowing briskly
sailing within.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 11,  2021

Hidden Dreams

Found in clouds
might be a place
a dream a scene
a smiling face.
There may be
a scene’s memoir
written within
a shining star.
It may be views
of timeless skies
hidden dreams
within our eyes.
We might find
an ocean of blue
hidden in clouds
a moment’s view.
Passing sights
timeless scenes
may be moments
hidden dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 11,  2021

for Jun 12,  2021

Sense of becoming
is our creativity
forming its first breath.

Now is a doorway
that can either be opened
or shut real tightly.

The realms of darkness
are exposed by the glitter
of heavenly light.

Windows illusions
can look like destinations,
but be only lies.

Scenes of a wheatfield
can look like living brushes
tending to the ground.

Forces of nature
become as the designers
that change and create.

The past has a way
of becoming the present
creating a storm.

Songs of a moment
might seem a little off pitch,
but the correct sound.

When burning bridges
do not forget the lessons
or you will rebuild.

Trivial minutes
can make seconds to look large
when they are tiny.

Sentimental times
may become only nightmares
if we do not grow.

Long and awaited
are many of our choices
that we should not choose.

Beyond what is seen
is often the memories
as spirits of time.

Shadows of a dream
might flourish when we’re awake
and create a task.

Life’s variety
is something many don’t see
because of closed minds.

Short sighted vision
may only see the problem
and not the answer.

Doorways to changes
needs ones to release others
to make the changes.

Breathing in a breath
of a disgusting moment
can suffocate you.

Shouting at storms
might only make them larger,
so take them to prayer.

Analogies form
when a few do not agree,
but see some likeness.

Windows of the mind
can become cluttered with dirt
that life has acquired.

With many answers
to but only one question
can cause conundrums.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 12,  2021

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Look For Good


Hello my friends

It’s been a sad few days this passed week.
Judy’s sister Barbara found out that she’s
got stage 4 spinal cancer that has spread to
other parts of her body including her ribs
and lungs.  It was not caught in time.  So,
the doctors give her not but a few months
to live.  Judy is trying to be strong,  but I
can see the tears.  I wish that there were
something I could do to help,  but all I’m
able to do is be here for her and praying
for Barbara.  All of the other sisters have
been visiting Barb when able and brother
Arty is coming up to see her soon.  This
was all a bad surprise.  Anyways,  She is
in God’s hands as we all are and He will
bring us each one home when our time
comes to be.  So,  until then,  find the
blessings in life.  Laugh at the silly stuff
and smile even if you’re not feeling like it.
Sometimes a faux smile can become as a
real one when reflected from others.  Often
I will look in the mirror and make weird
faces and make myself laugh at my own
self LOL.  Don’t focus too heavily on the
negativity in life.  Look for good things
that have come to be.  Yes I am talking
to myself as well as you.  I need to tell
myself all of that as well,  being that I
will often get caught up in the misery of
the world and forget to look for the joy.
Judy and I went Saturday and got the
car inspected.  It passed,  though the
air filter on it needed changing and so
I told them to put another on it.  LOL,
I don’t want our car to catch COVID 🙂
Anyways,  we went and got ice cream
at the Houlton Farms Dairy after we got
the car inspected.  YUMMY!  There were
a lot of people getting ice cream.  It was
a nice day,  although a heavy rain came
through later in the evening.  Judy and
her sisters had gone to see Barbara again
and Judy got caught in the rainstorm on
her drive back home.  She said she could
barely see to drive so she drove real slow.
Benny and Rocky are doing well.  They
are lying in the floor in front and back
of Judy LOL.  They know better then to
park themselves behind me.  My legs will
often start throbbing and I have to push
my chair back to stand up and if they’re
parked to close to me,  they can get run
over and they have learned that hehehe.
It’s sort of warm today with a temp of
78,  but tomorrow’s high is supposed to
be 92 and Tuesday’s high is supposed to
be 89,  but after that it looks as though
the temps will drop back to the 60’s and
lower 70’s.  Those are my kind of temps.
I haven’t published any more books yet,
being I see no sense in it,  but I might
one day get in the mood.  I have 5 books
worth of poetry pictures ready 🙂  I write
a lot huh.  The writing is just part of it.
Designing and creating poetry pictures
using pictures we’ve taken or paintings
that Judy has painted is also a big part.
Many do not realize how hard it is to
make them.  I do not have designs that
are ready made.  I have to pick the right
fonts, size them and choose color scheme
as well as location to put the poems as
well as the background color and often
the brackets around the poems which
colors to use.  I measure it all with a
tape measure to get it all looking right.
I also often do a lot of photo correcting.
Yeppers,  it’s quite a work out with my
old thinker.  I enjoy making them as
they keep my mind busy and give me
something to do that is positive.  Judy
just now left to go and visit Barbara
at the hospital.  She said when she gets
back home and I am done with this,
she wants me to read my last week’s
journal to her and then this week’s 🙂
Due to many things,  I forgot to read
last week’s to her LOL and she likes
for me to read it to her.  We feel that
God has His mighty hands over us
watching over us as also many angels
and friendly spirits are also watching
over us..  Thank You God for all that
You have done for us and all that You
will surely do.  AMEN.  So,  I reckon
it’s time for me to be reading back on
all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new
poem and now as I read back I think
I found a decent title about a third of
way in the beginning of my rambling
and now after checking,  I see that it
has not been used yet,  so used it shall
be.  Here goes…

Look For Good

Don’t let sadness
live and breathe,
find the blessings
to interweave.
Seek the joyful
times and places
look for good
in many faces.
Don’t let anger
to fill your heart,
seek for peaceful
works of art.
Within reflections
of our minds
look for good
and great designs.
Open your eyes
to all that could
be God’s blessings
look for good.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 6,  2021

There ya go.   I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling 🙂
Judy is still at the hospital with Barbara.
It’s just me and the boys here now.  They
are both sat waiting for Judy at the front
door.  So,  that’s about all I have for you
other than what I tell you most every week
 and that is,  I wrote some more poems and
haiku.   Yeppers 10 more poems,  but once
again,  no Christmas poems.  Maybe next
week 🙂   I also wrote 22 more haiku for all
of the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now,   I do believe it’s time for me
to begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch,  but not before I wish you all a
peaceful blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Alrighty
then,  so where can that ornery off switch
be trying to hide this week?  Looking high
and low,  side to side,  front and back 🙂
Where is that thing hiding???? LOL How
in the Heck did you get in my medicine
bottle?  I hope you were not taking my
blood pressure meds hehehe.  They might
mess ya up,  but then you ain’t got blood.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

 God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Our Recollections

Doors as windows
paths we find
become as echoes
within our mind.
Moments recorded
on a windowsill
times recollections
as seasons appeal.
Created within us
as a magical sight
mere recollections
daylight and night.
There may be snow
of a winter’s day
formed on the road
in wondrous array.
It might show signs
of our connections
we found within
our recollections.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2021

Calmer Waves

Troubles may seem
too grand to ride,
but may be illusion
with peace inside.
The waves of life
might hold the key
to now and again
good times to see.
Look for the sights
that times compile
in the calmer waves
with a little smile.
You might discover
a brand new day
as a time and place
of another way.
The waves may roll
and create a path
as a picture taken
of times aftermath.
It might seem like
a double feature
at a movie place
of a scary creature.
Allow the moments
a peaceful phase
found within life
of calmer waves.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2021

Happy Thoughts

Water in a creek
is just like a mind
flowing as a dream
of a happy time.
Seen as a memory
of a long time ago
that we relive now
as a magical flow.
Happy and playing
from week to week
these are the scenes
as water in a creek.
Change is a breath
a time to believe
as happiness finds
times to perceive.
Find the memories
that time had lost
and smile of a day
the happy thoughts.

©By Bill Pearce
May 31,  2021

Mr Scarecrow

He leans upon
a timeless scene
as he’s awaiting
for Halloween.
A tree may stand
to give him rest
as seconds pass
with his protest.
Time has passed
for him to scare
as Halloween is
no longer there.
Mr Scarecrow
watches a while
with a weathered
seamed up smile.
A thriving breath
of now and again
this sewn fellow
is like the wind.
He might stand
in winter’s snow
waiting a while
Mr Scarecrow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1,  2021

Memories Memoirs

Found in the dirt
of a time long ago
memories become
as a seasonal flow.
Years pass us by
leaving living trails
memories memoirs
of written details.
Tombstones words
written of a time
held as memories
 that some may find.
Ghostly memoirs
of words that dwell
upon a tombstone
as stories to tell.
Pictures are taken
to be a reflection
remembering times
of our connection.
Ones we remember
bright shining stars
now are as echoes
memories memoirs.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1,  2021

Smaller Waves

Sometimes our life
can seem like Hell
as time comes by
 we slipped and fell.
Look for the waves
that can be tools
maybe from when
we acted like fools.
Within those times
you might awaken
the smaller waves
you had mistaken.
Ride the rhythms
the lessons of life
upon smaller waves
learned from strife.
So often the small
will help you along
to not make large
a very sad song.
So look within time
and find the days
the lessons within
the smaller waves.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 2,  2021

Gift of Light

Dreams of things
that we remember
may be fragrances
as burning ember.
The light of scenes
become as a form
within memories
that minutes adorn.
As a page of time
it turns and twist
as the gift of light
may tighten its fist.
To hold in its grasp
the sweetest memory
within the pages
the greatest to see.
It might be a time
of a passing stage
as the gift of light
of a different age.
The heavenly love
within God’s grace
as the gift of light
for us to embrace.
Find the blessings
in day and night
that God gave freely
as a gift of light.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 2,  2021

Autumn’s Reflection

Seeming to repeat
inside of our minds
autumn’s reflection
is wondrous designs.
It forms as colors
leaves on the trees
patterns partaking
what the season sees.
Seeming as windows
and doorways too
autumn’s reflection
of an old and anew.
Colors transcending
becoming as gold
found within photos
as blessings of old.
Time’s a conveyor
that many eyes see
portraying passages
of life’s history.
Creating turnstiles
timeless connection
within the season of
autumn’s reflection.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 3,  2021

Anywhere Begins

Moments evolve
to become history
within anywhere
sometime may be.
Paved as illusion
that places become
maybe as a dream
a new setting sun.
Colors enlighten
the textures of time
as anywhere begins
with nowhere minds.
A photograph life
might form a view
as a season’s song
ones sing as anew.
Maybe as scenes
of passing trends
we may discover
anywhere begins.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 3,  2021

Lupines of Prayer

Walking down roads
to find some peace
I found the blessings
of a timeless release.
Created in the colors
of purple and pink
a moment passed by
to help me to think.
A prayerful discovery
as a passing dream
found in the lupines
a mesmerizing scene.
It brought me alive
with thoughts so true
as I said a prayer
for a lifetime anew.
I kneeled right beside
this colorful sight
and felt the presence
of God’s Holy light.
He gave me a smile
with a breath of air
as I kneeled beside
the lupines of prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 4,  2021

for Jun 5,  2021

Our tomorrow dreams
might become as our nightmares
that should not come true.

Often becomes not so
as time forms many roadblocks
steering us away.

Love can create life
from shadows of misery
as seed of a smile.

Doorways to chances
might be only illusions
of what we’re wanting.

Life’s diversities
can become as many tools
gathered from mistakes.

Trials of a moment
can pour into a river
to create answers.

Breathing of a breath
that came from timeless sorrow
can awaken tears.

Storms of illusions
might look like reality,
but thrive in our mind.

Finding an answer
in the midst of fuses lit
might only explode.

Fields of persuasion
might become as only weeds
taunting as daisies.

Links to each other
can either grow much stronger
or become unlinked.

Seen as a dreamer
ones might only see facade,
but dreams do come true.

Shattered emotions
can create walls of desire
living in ones world.

The pages of life
often become only words
that some never read.

Harbingers of death
can often be reflections
of humanity.

Today’s tomorrows
might become our yesterdays
if we do not change.

The rains of sorrow
may be needed to move on,
so let the tears fall.

Lost in illusions
we might not see what is true
and only see lies.

Heard as a mallard
a duck speaks of many things
that we do not know.

With storms of silence
comes a crazy bird in flight
soon to land in poop.

Boredom of disease
can awaken ideas
that cause much trouble.

A seasonal sight
can create life’s reflections
in our memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 5,  2021

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
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Your frosty friend Bill 🙂