Needs To Be Changed


Hello my friends

I hope you’ve had a good passed week
and the weekend went well for you.  We
are experiencing a rather mild winter and
praying that it does not cause us to have
an over abundance of bugs this summer,
but I fear that we will.  Oh well,  the bug
spray will be used as well as our bug lights.
Right now at 7:30 PM it’s 19 degrees and
that’s rather warm for this time of year.
Tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 34 F,
but Tuesday’s high is supposed to be 45 F
and that my friends is springtime weather
if I have ever seen it 🙂 or least it is for up
here LOL.  We in most of the passed years
have had winter on into April and ever so
often into May.  So,  yes the weather we
are having this winter is lacking on the
cold and snow that we’re used to getting.
Of course it should save us on heating oil,
but we still have to use it to keep us warm.
Anyways,  that’s the weather for up here.
I’m starting back to my conga playing and
already done a few music videos,  but I’m
going wait until I get a little bit of practice
in before I upload any videos.  The ones I
did yesterday were not very good and I am
thinking about deleting them,  but might
save them to reflect on to see what needs
to be changed.  I haven’t done much conga
playing since last year and even then I did
very little.  I’m going to try and do a lot
more this year than I’ve done in the past 🙂
There’s no guaranties or promises though
being they do wear me out LOL.  Hey I’m
old and not the young whippersnapper that
I used to be hehehe,  but I’ll do the best I
can.  Judy is doing well.  Her hair’s begun
to fall out gradually,  but that’s Ok.  It’s
just a side affect to the chemo and she only
has 2 more doses to take.  She has a wig to
wear and some chemo hats that she has
been crocheting.  I am also ordering her
a few cute wigs to wear that don’t cost too
much money.  I try my best to take care
of my Judy 🙂  I know that I’m not that
great of a husband,  but I do my very best
to take care of her.  Rocky is still being his
little ornery self,  but he’s tired now being
that he was up with me every time I had to
go to the restroom or I stood to stretch and
walk around due to my body aching.  Yep,
I do not get much sleep and often Rocky
doesn’t get much sleep as well.  Thankfully
Judy is a sound sleeper and she rarely even
notices me getting up.  Me on the other
hand,  I am a very light sleeper and it takes
very little to awaken me thanks to one of
my ex’s LOL.  Judy and I are enjoying the
milder winter,  being it means I don’t have
to clear the driveway of snow as often as
I had to in previous winters 🙂  Oh yea,  our
hot water heater died on us early last week
and I called around to plumbers to ask how
much to get it fixed and the price was WOW,
but thankfully our landlord’s daughter and
her boyfriend came and replaced to heating
elements in the heater and it’s back up and
running.  I had called her to only ask where
the water shut off valve was or if I was going
to have to turn off the well,  and she said
don’t worry about it,  she’ll take care of it.
Our landlord is incapacitated as his health
has continued to drop.  We actually only pay
for the land we rent,  but he figured that we
had paid for the mobile home since living
here for 16 years,  So now I am responsible
for all the repairs,  but his daughter I guess
thinks of us as family.  When I pay rent I’m
going to give them some money for all that
she and her boyfriend did.  At least what I
can afford to give.  Life in our fast lane of
life is like a slippery road of ice LOL.  You
never know what’s gonna happen,  but God
does and I’m thankful for that.  He continues
to watch over us as we continue our stride
thru life.  Thankfully,  He has sent us many
angels and kindly spirits to give help when we
are in need.  Troubles are guarantied to come
into our life,  but we have help from above
to get us by.  Remember,  you are never all
alone,  for God is always there.   Of course
He only does what He knows is needing to
be done and not what we think He needs to
do.  Thank You God for never wavering in
Your being.  We pray that you watch over
all of our family and friends as well as the
many people that we know not of.  Amen.
Now,  I think it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find me a word or a phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So,  it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I found me a fairly decent
title near a third of the way from the start
of my rambling and now after checking I
see that it has not been used as of yet,  so
used it shall be.  Here goes…

Needs To Be Changed

The wants we’re wanting
we may think as needs,
but often it’s our visions
that plants those seeds.
Seeing what another has
and wanting the same
not realizing what all
things might then attain.
For problems may gather
as wants are fulfilled
not being as the needs
your life needs instilled.
Look beyond wantings
and find what is true
the things that you need
to make a better you.
Open up your eyes now
let life be rearranged
finding all the wanting
that needs to be changed.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25,  2024

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling.  I haven’t
got much else to tell you other than what I tell
you nearly every week, which is,  I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yep, 10 more poems
and 22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers out
there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  Now with that said I think
it’s time for me to begin searching for that silly
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
you a truly blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Now,  where’s
that ornery off switch hiding this time??????
Hmm,  LOL hiding amidst my meds would of
been a good hiding place,  but I believe you
may have forgotten that just because you are
hiding behind my non aspirin PM,  it doesn’t
mean you are behind my Allergy Relief.  In fact
you are in front of my Allergy Relief hehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Wintertime’s Delights

The memories of days
we remember so well
become a long journey
with stories to tell.
A moment’s perceptions
that seconds unfold
as a stage of attractions
that glitters as gold.
A pathway remembered
as a time and place
sights of our loved ones
our hearts embrace.
Scenes as picture books
with seasonal sights
loved ones within as
wintertime’s delights.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19,  2024

Trails of Time

So many dirt roads
might display a way
a path to a dream
with words to say.
The words are seen
as a story to read
unveiled with trails
that many stampede.
Found as perspective
of a writer’s rhyme
a journey’s pathway
as trails of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19,  2024

Yesterday’s Gaze

Emotions of memories
create life’s supplies
yesterday’s reflections
hellos and goodbyes.
Moments we remember
as a faraway dream
that’s gazed from afar
like a hypnotic scene.
With an ocean of desire
there may be a sight
seen as the perspective
that so many delight.
Transforming memories
to wonderful ways
remembered times
with a yesterday’s gaze.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 20,  2024

Gleam of Sunshine

A sunny interface
with an eve of night
creates a doorway
with beauty of light.
Scented of a breeze
with magic of breath
transforming scenes
to wondrous finesse.
Textured with clouds
enhancing the view
filled with the colors
that seconds accrue.
Becoming as blessings
seen oh so divine
as heavenly portals
a gleam of sunshine.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 20,  2024

Pictures Become

Lost in a moment
life is displayed
as the pictures
a season has made.
Waters of ripples
beneath the skies
become windows
seen with our eyes.
Hearing the sound
of natures scenes
becomes as a flow
of cosmic streams.
Creating pathways
as natures drum
is what happens
as pictures become.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 21,  2024

Springtime Dream

We might remember
a season of bliss
sights and sounds
as a fragrant kiss.
Life becomes sight
of moments in time
scented of blessings
a season’s design.
Found as doorways
a lifetime’s cuisine
seeming stardust
a springtime dream.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 21,  2024

Echoes of Sight

Reflections memories
bring forth a view
times we remember
that seem so anew.
Moments as shadows
of a distant array
echoes of heartbeats
of a so distant day.
Lifetimes as pictures
we took long ago
providing blessings
with times all aglow.
Glimmering moments
of a sweet memory
found in a picture
of time’s history.
Still with the aroma
of a timeless delight
living with memories
of echoes of sight.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 22,  2024

Waves of Style

Often our emotions
might seem as waves
growing bestowing
an unpleasant phase.
Allowing the ripples
to be filled with hate
can become all ones
find as your trait.
Learn from times
that life went wrong
and become a wave
with a healthy song.
Sung that of beauty
of a harmonic smile
finding the blessings
in the waves of style.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 22,  2024

The Road Ahead

Travels of scenery
that we journey thru
often have pathways
that lead to a view.
Views might be faint
as a wintertime trail
or as scenic windows
with a snowy detail.
Roads we’ve driven
might even become
as a time and place
of a seasonal sun.
It may seem a story
with words of praise
a gift from Heaven
of Godly displays.
Transcending scenes
to become our path
creating blessings
our shadows to cast.
Giving us messages
as yarns of thread
sewing lives together
with the road ahead.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 23,  2024

Becoming Surreal

Looking out windows
when riding along
you might see scenes
that are of a song.
Sung as a snowflake
that joined a few
becoming surreal
as blessings to view.
Thriving as scenery
becomes as a sight
stages God sent us
becomes snow white.
Creating doorways
as an essence of love
forming pictures
as gifts from above.
Scenes grow large
on time’s windowsill
while creating beauty
becoming surreal.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 23,  2024

for Feb 24,  2024

Now’s a perspective
that we might not understand,
but answers will come.

Transferring ideas
to a mind that doesn’t hear
is a waste of time.

Sitting all alone
in a room full of people
might be in your mind.

Tomorrow’s problems
might begin as reflections
from things you ignored.

Chasing a moment
could be like reaching for stars
that cannot be caught.

In search of pages
that you can read peacefully
might be fictional.

Scenic emotions
of a day of illusions
might display hopeful.

Holding onto times
that have passed with the seasons
can hold back your growth.

Looking in mirrors
we might see a perception
that others don’t see.

Hearing things at night
can form delusional fears
not knowing the truth.

When we are in need
a prayer can give you hopeful
with strength to succeed.

Sharing a moment
you can often see yourself
within others eyes.

Traveling life’s doorways
there might be a few windows
to stop and look thru.

Painting with your mind
using memories as paint
you can create time.

Mindsets of worry
can only see the problems,
so lose the worry.

Walking thru snow
you will leave an impression
with each step you take.

A mere breath of air
can bring life into a heart
and create blessings.

Glancing at darkness
you might think you see moments
that are only leaves.

In search of progress
many only see failure
if they’re closed minded.

Sleeping with anger
creates nightmares by morning,
so peace before sleep.

Treading life’s water
needs us to know how to swim
or we’ll drown in time.

Reading between lines
you might get the wrong story,
so take care your mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Come Your Way


Hello my friends

Another week has passed us by leaving less
than 2 weeks left in this month and this is
leap year.  Yep,  that extra day has made it
to the calendar this year.  I know there are
people born on February 29th,  but I stay
confused on how they celebrate and have an
idea of their age LOL.  Yes I know they’ve
gotta celebrate their birthdays on a different
day either February 28th or March 1 hehehe.
LOL if you only celebrated your birthdays
on February 29 and thought of it that way
then if they were 67 like me they would only
be 16.75 years old LOL.  Thankfully I was
born on August 31 🙂  It’s 18 F degrees right
now at 6:40 PM and expecting a few snow
showers tonight with a low of 16 F degrees.
It snowed a little bit Saturday,  but not a
lot.  Just enough to cover the driveway up
with snow again.  It was slowly melting off
of the driveway,  but oh well LOL.  This
has been an unusually mild winter for us
and it might be the cause of a bug infested
summer.  Not much we can do about that,
so we must deal with it.  I remember oh so
well the summers in Texas with the bugs
that were large enough to carry you off 🙂
I can also remember the sweltering heat
which I do not miss and hope that it does
not make it up this way.  If it does,  then
I will be staying indoors quite a bit,  being
I can’t handle anything near or over 80 F
degrees for very long.  I’m hot natured in
the worst way LOL.  Although I still do
the mowing,  but have to go inside often
to cool off.  Thank God for our portable
air conditioner 🙂  Winter’s not done with
yet though.  It normally last till April and
sometimes May,  but God only knows how
long it will last this year.  Judy and I have
been just enjoying life as best that we can.
Rocky is about to drive us loco LOL.  He
has gotta be one of the dumbest dogs I’ve
ever seen.  He doesn’t know if he’s gotta
go out to potty or something else other
than such as something to eat or water 🙂
Yeppers,  we’ve got a dumb dog hehehehe.
We love him,  but he drives us crazy LOL.
Other than that,  we’re doing pretty well.
Judy’s still busy crocheting and of course
I’m still busy writing poetry and creating
poetry pictures.  I’ve got quite a few books
ready for me to get started formatting and
publishing,  but I am still sort of waiting
on the 14 books that I have published to
start selling.  I though might one day get
an inkling to get to work formatting a few
and get them published,  you never know.
I have done well over 4000 poetry pictures
since 2016 🙂  One might say that I write
a lot huh hehehe.  That of course doesn’t
count the thousands of poems that I wrote
long before I began doing poetry pictures.
In any sense,  that’s been my hobby for
many decades.  I’m very boring if you’ve
figured that one out yet LOL,  but Judy
loves me for some odd reason.  I am so
very grateful that God put her in my life.
It doesn’t seem like we’ve been together
for over 22 years,  but we have and if we
survive,  we’ll see 23 years this October 🙂
Judy is doing well.  She’s done her 2nd
chemo now and she only has 2 more to
go.  Then they’re going to start a course
of immunotherapy for a year on her.  So
all in all,  I believe she’s going to be OK.
God is always watching over us.  He and
His many angels are always protecting us
as well as the many kindly spirits that we
have around us and that come into our
life.  We have our fair share of problems,
but we keep on keeping on.  I pray that
you have God in your life and that many
blessings come your way.  Father God I
pray that you continue to watch over us
as we continue our stride thru life and
You also watch over all of our family
and friends.  Amen and amen.  So now,
I do believe it’s time for me to read over
all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find me a good word or phrase that I can
use for a title for today’s brand new poem.
and so it’s away I go to that little place of
my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I may have
found me a fairly workable title just about
a 4th of the way back in my rambling and
now after checking I see that it has never
been used,   by me of course hehehe and
so used it shall be.  Here goes…

Come Your Way

Seeking for blessings
within your stride
you might not see all
that lives inside.
Often when we hurry
we create a path
as a road to illusions
wanted too fast.
Blessings from God
will maybe be found
when we allow them
a sight or a sound.
Many times blessings
are a breath of air
breathed in existance
in a moment of prayer.
Open up your heart
and let it display
all of God’s blessings
that come your way.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 18,  2024

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling.  I think I’ve told you all that
there is to tell other than what I tell you
nearly every week and that is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10
more poems and 22 more haiku for all
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now I do believe it’s time for me to
begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch,  but not before I wish you all
a truly blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Okey
dokey now,  where can that ornery off
switch be trying to hide this week?????
LOL I see ya you silly thing.   Hiding
behind my harmonica case is not that
great of a hiding spot being it’s nearly
right in front of me on the second tier
of my desk.  Maybe find something a
little larger to hide behind
next week 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Watery Ripples

Just like threads
the waters of time
flow on and sew in
a timeless design.
A rippling essence
as reflected scenes
creates a window’s
ocean of dreams.
Transforming life
into living trickles
all from moments
of watery ripples.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 12,  2024

Searching Memories

Becoming a breath
that breathes a smile
can transform life
to a wonderful style.
So many blessings
can open up doors
as we move along
footsteps on floors.
Not just sitting idle,
but seeking a sight
within our mindset
of a day and night.
Many might see us
as just but a breeze
if we continue just
searching memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 12,  2024

Miracles of Blue

Seeming as illusions
moments might portray
time as just a passing
of a ocean’s passageway.
With breezes of salt air
blowing in the wind
 a living miracle of ages
might then transcend.
Becoming as a doorway
to another point in time
transforming windows
into rhythm and rhyme.
Scenic are the moments
that come into our view
when stood by an ocean
within miracles of blue.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 13,  2024

Time Peeks Thru

Created from seasons
time is a doorway
to scenes we see
with wondrous array.
They may seem faint
these sights of time,
but seen closer
they most surely shine.
Distance may seem
as time’s photograph
seen thru a place
as a shadow that cast.
Mirroring heartbeats
of a passing view
life might come alive
as time peeks thru.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 13,  2024

Time as a Place

We might remember
a time long ago
swimming memories
a heartfelt flow.
Scenes seeming faint
as a season’s seas
with time as a place
in our memories.
Life is like magic
as it unveils delights
seeming uncountable
as magical sights.
Look in the shadows
and then retrace
seconds doorways
with time as a place.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 14,  2024

Clusters of Snow

Sometimes a story
has words of a way
sentences gathering
with much to say.
Life can become as
a window with style
found as a cluster
that it does compile.
Begun as snowflakes
that life displayed
wintertime’s essence
as snow’s lemonade.
God creates dreams
so wondrous to view
maybe as snowflakes
for me and for you.
Showing the beauty
the moments bestow
as heaven’s blessings
of clusters of snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 14,  2024

Time Comes Attune

Our dreams at night
can often become
as times and places
second to none.
They might be sights
we’ve seen above
the sun’s reflection
as moonlight of love.
We might even see
some clouds up high
that pass the moon
in the starry sky.
It might be darkness
helping your dreams
transforming time
to magical scenes.
Bringing forth life
a sight of the moon
that comes to life as
time comes attune.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 15,  2024

River of Life

The transformations
that water becomes
might form pictures
of times illusions.
With a living breath
the times might flow
displaying the places
we might wish to go.
A river of existance
as a web time weaves
flows like heartbeats
of a summer breeze.
Transforming sights
to time without strife
as it becomes a portal
in a river of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 15,  2024

Passing Right By

When within travels
we might miss sights
such as the blessings
that Heaven incites.
Moments as pictures
that lifetimes prevail
so often scented with
a blessing’s exhale.
Scenes as heartbeats
below a clouded sky
are often as moments
passing right by.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 16,  2024

Witnessing Eve

In search of wonders
a road might display
a train track crossing
to an
evening of day.
Transforming scenes
into blessings to find
in an eve of shadows
of a wondrous design.
Moments seem to be
as but only a stage
with a sky of beauty
that reflects a page.
Words of a wanderer
find times to believe
scented of a window
when witnessing eve.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 17,  2024

for Feb 17,  2024

Simple times of life
might seem boring to others,
but they brought us peace.

Living too quickly
you might find many problems
time brought abundant.

Within winter’s snow
might live a lonely snowman
that soon melts away.

Traveling heartbeats
create a rhythm of beats
that some never hear.

Reflecting on time
you might discover moments
that you’re glad are gone.

Various patterns
may hold secrets within them
that we’re following.

In search of the truth
there might be a lot of lies
you have to get thru.

Sentimental minds
hold onto many ages
that may hold them back.

Train tracks of passage
can unleash many details
that look like the past.

Tomorrow holds life
as a breath for us to breathe
with choices to choose.

Echoes of ourselves
may be found within our minds
as our memories.

When treading water
it helps to know how to swim
or your just splashing.

Looking to the sky
you might see a lot of clouds
that look like your dreams.

Wandering thru minutes
the seconds will accumulate
becoming hours.

Stepping in puddles
you might just splash some water,
but they might be deep.

Seeking a true love
in the midst of loneliness
you might find some rain.

Whispers in darkness
are so often only lies,
so stay on your guard.

Glancing at the sun
you might lose what sight you have,
so don’t look too long.

Cherishing a time
needs you to let it become
times sweet memories.

Sands of an hourglass
might expose all the delays
within deception.

Transforming your life
into another heartbeat
you might still be you.

We’re the reflections
of so many that we meet,
often a bit warped.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 17,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Changing Much


Hello my friends

I hope you’re doing well.  We’ve been
enjoying a mild winter,  but of course
I’m fairly sure that we will not enjoy a
summer of a high magnitude of bugs
that might be corresponding from the
mild winter LOL.  Maybe it won’t be
that bad,  but I have got a feeling that
it will.  Oh well,  that’s why we have bug
spray hehehe.  We haven’t gotten a lot
of snow as of yet this winter,  although
winter isn’t over with up here for a yet
another month or 2 🙂  We’ve still got a
lot of snow left over from the previous
times that it snowed.  I have to wear my
cleats to go out to check the mail being
that our driveway has a lot of ice on it 🙂
Yep,  that would not be the case if we
were having a normal winter,  because
the driveway would be covered in snow.
I didn’t take many pictures this week due
to nothing changing much,  but I did go
out and take a few pictures of our house
and our driveway LOL as well pictures
of our burn barrel while I was burning
some boxes in it.  I had a thought of
using a picture of the burn barrel with
fire coming up the top of it through the
fire screen and writing a poem using it
as a context.  Well I did just that and it
came out pretty good LOL.  I get weird
thoughts time to time on how to use my
photos and sometimes they work pretty
good 🙂  Right now at 6:30 PM it’s 38 F.
The low for tonight is supposed to be 25.
So,  that to us is not a normal winter.
We’ve had winters in the past that were
in the single digits all through January
and into March.  Even last February
our driveway was full of snow and I had
to snow blow often on into April hehehe.
So,  this winter is a surprise.  Although
with the
sun shining we can still go snow
blind looking outside without shades on.
I am seeing that there are a lot of places
in the states and elsewhere that have been
getting more than their share of snow as
winter continues on.  They might ought
to start investing in snow blowers and
shovels as well as maybe a few snowplows.
Up here they are set and ready for what
winter has to dish out.  Judy’s still doing
her crocheting.  She’s making an afghan
to put on our futon.  Other than that,
there’s not much going on around here.
God is still watching over us as well as
the many angels He has sent and kindly
spirits.  I pray that you have God in your
life and are finding blessings from time
to time that He’s given you.  Thank You
Father God for never changing in Your
ways.  Amen and Amen.  Now,  I believe
it’s time for me to be reading back over
all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I seem to always like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I may
have found a fairly decent title near a
third of the way from the beginning of my
rambling and now after checking I see
that it has not been used yet,  so used it
shall be.  Here goes…

Changing Much

We might struggle
with our minds
seeking pathways
life’s designs.
We might discover
a lot of trails
scenic journeys
times details.
Yet our choices
might only become
as the rhythms
of a wanting drum.
Not with willingness
to seek what’s best
we might only find
a distasteful test.
So seek for needs
and not of wants
or find a ghosts
of choices haunts.
Learn to always
stay in touch
finding viewpoints
changing much.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 11,  2024

Well there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem.  I got less sleep last night that I
normally do and I’m having a difficult
time keeping my focus as well as keeping
my eyes opened LOL,  so bear with me.
It looks as though I have told you all
there is to tell other than what I tell you
nearly every week and that is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yeppers,
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for
all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  So,  now I believe it is
time for me to start my search for that
silly hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you a truly blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  OK so where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this week?
Searching high and low, left and right
as well as a few of the other directions 🙂
Ummm aha,  I think I spotted it hiding
under the picture of my mom and dad
that I have on my desk.  Yep,  I see ya.
What’s the matter,  was the picture too
heavy.  LOL it’s only 640×480 hehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

A Sky’s Designation

Various doorways
of timeless views
create and elate us
as a scenic fuse.
The fuse of time
that’s lit with fire
seen as a skyscape
for us to admire.
Clouds intervene
creating a stage
with a designation
a turn of a page.
We might see time
as scenes to read
formed up above
from a sky of seed.
Transforming life
into a destination
as paintings above
a sky’s designation.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 5,  2024

Within The Ripples

Our dreams may drift
within times of flow
becoming as ripples
wherever we go.
Scenes become found
as echoes of time
when times continue,
but stay in our mind.
Thriving as waters
that flow as a dream
life becomes windows
to a reflection’s scene.
Often our heartbeats
become as trickles
like a goose swimming
within the ripples.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 5,  2024

Wondrous Doorways

Roadways of wonder
may go on for miles
displaying the artwork
that hands out smiles.
The beauty of creation
enhanced with love
maybe of wintertime
snowflakes from above.
The moments gather
in front of your view
displaying the scenery
that God gave to you.
You might perceive
the passage as a stage
as heartbeats of time
that we might engage.
Becoming memories
of a timeless phase
found as reflections
of wondrous doorways.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 6,  2024

Endless Dreams

Looking within us
we often find sights
seeming so endless
that it oh so excites.
Ages remembered
as heartbeats desire
that’s now a dream
we wish to acquire.
Bringing alive sight
of time’s yesterdays
the seasons of ages
wished now to gaze.
Yet the moments
are faraway scenes
found in perspective
as endless dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 6,  2024

Embracing The Sky

The times we remember
might only be small,
but with years passing
they stand oh so tall.
A moment’s perception
might recall a place
as a life’s timeless scene
with a warm embrace.
Transformed as a breath
that fluttered to fly
a time you remember
when embracing the sky.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 7,  2024

Paintings of God’s

The living works of art
that Lord God displays
shows true dimensions
with wondrous arrays.
The scenes that we see
might find home within
as a timeless recording
living within the wind.
It blows in a memory
with a shadow to cast
when we are looking at
a real old photograph.
A pond might be appear
as our memories trods
that seems as a window
in paintings of God’s.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2024

Winter’s Matinee

Seen thru daylight
may be ice and snow
as a living matinee
with a seasonal flow.
It’s a taste of beauty
with a wintery flair
like season’s cuisine
as a taste of fresh air.
The trees shimmering
as pictures of glass
seen in the sunshine
with shadows to cast.
It’s a moment in time
a wondrous display
that gives us a show
as winter’s matinee.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2024

Winter’s Matinee

Seen thru daylight
may be ice and snow
as a living matinee
with a seasonal flow.
It’s a taste of beauty
with a wintery flair
like season’s cuisine
as a taste of fresh air.
The trees shimmering
as pictures of glass
seen in the sunshine
with shadows to cast.
It’s a moment in time
a wondrous display
that gives us a show
as winter’s matinee.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 8,  2024

Learn From The Bad

So many hold grudges
on things long gone
the words and the ways
of right and wrong.
The errors of another
may live in your mind
as the fires churning
of a passed days design.
Time’s been recorded
leaving sad memories
with scented stagnation
of a shadowy breeze.
Look for the answers
forgiving of an age
letting loose the anger
as a turn of a page.
We’ve all done things
that now make us sad,
so remember the good
and learn from the bad.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 9,  2024

North To Winter

The sights of a time
might unleash scenes
living as a doorway
deep within dreams.
Timeless passageways
to a dreamer’s view
that’s north to winter
with a snowy hue.
Seeming as a window
that opens real wide
allowing in the ages
that time has applied.
You might hear songs
of a heartbeats style
beating as a seasonal
wintertime smile.
Displaying scenery
sights full of splendor
when traveling roads
of north to winter.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 9,  2024

for Feb 10,  2024

Finding yesterdays
as all that you’re thinking of
welcomes today’s flaws.

Seeing reflections
within the images of time
you might find failure.

Throughout history
many things have been mistaken
and displayed wrongly.

The years of our life
often create confusion
on how we survived.

Thinking of problems
does not solve any problems,
so seek the answers.

A forest of time
shows many trees of thinking
that have hidden roots.

Patience is a place
that many can’t understand
as they just complain.

A slice of Heaven
might be within your vision,
but you can’t see it.

Lecturing people
on things that you know not of
shows your ignorance.

Life awakens time
that provides a breath of air
that some do not breathe.

Limiting your views
can become as much regret,
for you closed your eyes.

The needles of time
might need a little sewing
with us as the thread.

Looking for answers
in the midst of your hurry
you might find much flaw.

Glancing blows on life
can often create ripples
that live in our minds.

The efforts of ours
can become lessons we learned
even if they failed.

Revolving moments
can become our tornadoes,
so know when to cease.

Our priorities
need to have true importance
and not just wanting.

Clinging to the past
often becomes illusions
of what we thought true.

On top of a hill
you might see a passing cloud
that some saw as rain.

Years that pass us by
may leave us many regrets
wished to do better.

Many roads traveled
have a whole lot of side roads
that could change our course.

Windows we look through
might show a few wrong details,
because of our eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 10,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Walking Thru


Hello my friends

It’s been another mild wintery passed week.
Yes we got a little snow time to time,  but
nothing in a grand scale as we have gotten in
the passed few years.  It snowed a little last
Thursday,  but not too much.  Wednesday
we went to town and returned cans at the
redemption center and then went to do a
little shopping at Walmart.  Other than that
we’ve been hanging out around the house.
I walked around and took pictures of our
frozen landscape and then yesterday which
was Saturday I took the snow blower out
and finished clearing our driveway where
the guy with snowplow was unable to get to
due to our car.  Judy went and had dinner
with her daughters Saturday and I used that
time to finish up on the driveway while the
car was gone.  Rocky enjoyed watching me
use the snow blower.  I sprayed the snow
blower with some nonstick polymer so that
wet snow would not stick and clog up the
snow chute and the snow blower blades 🙂
It worked great.  Normally if I happen upon
any wet snow or packed ice it clogged up the
snow blower,  but I didn’t have any problems
with that.  So the clearing went rather quick.
It just mowed right through the snow.  So,
there’s not much else that has gone on here
at the Pearce’s Place.  We live such a fast
paced life LOL.  Judy is behind me doing
her crocheting as she does most of the time
nowadays.  Yep, we’re an exciting bunch 🙂
I went walking thru the snow yesterday to
see how deep it was and it came up just
above my knees and neared my waste in a
few spots.  It was bright yesterday and was
bright again today and so looking outside
for any amount of time without sunshades
made me snow blind LOL.  When going
back inside I had to feel around for walls
and such,  because I could not see hehehe.
I do though love the snow.  It creates a lot
of beauty that otherwise would only be an
old withered moment.  God’s still in control
as He allows what He knows that He should
allow for us to learn and grow and steps in
when He feels it’s necessary.  I pray that
God is in your life and mind.  Thank You
God for all that you do in our lives as we
may struggle to see the blessings,  but know
that they are there.  Thank You for never
changing,   Amen and Amen.   Now I do
believe it’s time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find me a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s off I go to that place of recollection
that I seem always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I may have found a decent
title near the halfway point of my rambling,
although I have used one variation of it,
but this one is a bit different.  So here goes.

Walking Thru

Points and places
times recalled
hearts and minds
are then installed.
Memories thriving
of old and anew
make the doorways
a different view.
Remembering times
we came and went
packing our bags
with life’s intent.
The ages portrayed
might surely show
all the reflections
we used to know.
So now and again
we wish to view
the same as then
when walking thru.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 4,  2024

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling.  There’s
not much else to tell you other than what all
that I tell you nearly every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.  Yep,
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for all of
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope that you
are able to find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  Now,  with that said,  I reckon it’s
time for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before I
wish you a blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Okey dokey,
so where can that silly contraption be trying
to hide this time LOL or not?  Hmmmmm,
looking around the room, that silly thing did
good at hiding this time :),  but then again
maybe not that good hehehe.  As I glanced
up to my left where I have a bag few of my
greeting cards that I have received I noticed
movement at the top of it and lo and behold
there ya are.  We’re you hiding or reading my
cards?  Both,  you say.  Hehehe you’re silly.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Page of Snow

Winds of illusions
create sights to see
time as a doorway
with a seasonal key.
It becomes a book
with worded arrays
a journey’s design
in a wintery phase.
The words are seen
as a timeless stage
speaking an essence
that’s age unto age.
Seeming numbered
the pages will turn
as we look onwards
to what we discern.
Many are seeking
a summertime show
while all the others
seek a page of snow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29,  2024

Living Art of Life

A season’s perception
might be portrayed
as a doorway to ages
our God has displayed.
Showing as reflections
of times that transcend
as smoke of a chimney
blowing in the wind.
Time is our perspective
that seconds contrive
as it transforms scenes
into living art of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29,  2024

Rustic Emotions

With age after age
comes times to see
seeming so rustic
as time’s memory.
Life is as artwork
of painted designs
as rustic emotions
in seasonal minds.
Years might show
a doorway’s view
scented of seasons
from old to anew.
Flowing as a river
or as scenic oceans
time may continue
as rustic emotions.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 30,  2024

But Only a Dream

The scenes that we see
might only be designs
found when imagined
deep within our minds.
We might see a river
or a moment’s stream
flowing as perceptions
of a time’s scenic scene.
Scented of a blessing
that opens up to you
displaying wonderful
things for you to view.
Created from nothing
to become much more
life becomes a journey
for us all to explore.
The magic of the ages
becomes as a stream
that flows like a river
that’s but only a dream.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 30,  2024

Blissful Domains

Sight of our memories
might lay dormant  in you
as the seasons of scenery
enhances from old to new.
Memories as reflections
create doorways thru time
as the blissful domains
of all the magical designs.
Winter’s trees dancing
within life’s winds of phase
echoing the landscape
with life’s rhythms arrays.
You can still remember
what the heartbeat attains
as it recalls the existance
winter’s blissful domains.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2024

Traveling Paths

Speeding thru journeys
our life can become
as a wintertime’s trail
beneath a seasonal sun.
There might be clouds
of moments in the sky
seen in a perception
that just passes you by.
Slow down and enjoy
all the shadows that cast
while you continue on
just traveling paths.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2024

Ocean and Sky

The ocean’s thoughts
become as waves
while time moves on
from phase to phase.
The sky creates sights
for us to perceive
as the ocean below
may display a breeze.
Waves of perception
might fly right on by
leaving many scenes of
an ocean and sky.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 1,  2024

Time on The Rails

Footsteps of lifetimes
create and become
as the timeless details
rhythms of a drum.
Clickety clack minds
on train tracks of life
become as a painting
that many will strive.
Sought after pathways
that thinking entails
creates our journeys
of time on the rails.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 1,  2024

Chills Awaken

The ages of slumber
may awaken in time
displaying windows
found within mind.
A doorway thru life
might open up wide
allowing thoughts
to take a long ride.
Traveling pathways
that may be of snow
with scenic moments
becoming a show.
Living arrangements
moments partaken
as wintertimes images
that chills awaken.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 2,  2024

Art of Perception

Searching around us
we might perceive
some scenic sights
the times did weave.
Woven in the fabric
of the ages of age
transforming sights
to a seasonal stage.
Heavenly paintings
moments astound
perplexing sights
seen oh so profound.
Giving us blessings
a Godly connection
found as heartbeats
the art of perception.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 2,  2024

for Feb 3,  2024

Leaving our hopeful
in the doorways of doubtful
you might surely fail.

Legions of worry
can create many problems
that were never there.

Our lanes of travel
are often full of potholes
as lessons of life.

Searching thru the waves
that seconds create in life
can become artwork.

Treating ones wrongly
can become how ones treat you
just like reflections.

Becoming a breeze
we might blow in a few storms
that weren’t intended.

Thresholds of anger
corresponds with our patience
and how we get by.

Hourglasses of sand
often provide deception
within many grains.

Many of our paths
are filled with a few side trails
with choices to choose.

Within life’s shadows
there might be a few illusions
that look very real.

Leaping over time
and not dealing with right now
can create regret.

Many views of life
are seen in the wrong moments
and not the beauty.

Marks we leave in life
might not show good intention,
but still do your best.

Grinding to a stop
when you need to keep going,
can cause disaster.

Showers of blessings
might look like many problems
within the wrong light.

Life creates portals
that our eyes might not perceive,
but yet they are there.

Digging too deeply
in the soils of emotions
you might find much pain.

Sought after heartbeats
can become regretful times
found as memories.

Gazing at the moon
as a few clouds drift on by
you might find a dream.

The stars in the sky
might of expired years ago
as the light travels.

Many of our views
are but only images
that we wish to see.

Glancing at the ground
you might see many footprints
that lead to nowhere.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 3,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill