Hello my friends
It’s been a rather eventful week here this
passed week. Yeppers, we got our car door
fixed and then we ran out of heating oil LOL.
So, being we couldn’t afford to order more
heating oil, we decided to borrow gas cans
from our landlord and go and buy us enough
kerosene that would last us until Tuesday of
next week. LOL It took three trips to the
gas station being we only had two five gallon
cans and one 2 1/5 gallon can. We were able
to get 5.4 gallons in the 5 gallon cans so we
were able to get 39 gallons or thereabouts 🙂
I’m guessing that when the furnace was not
working well earlier this month and it was
gassing up the house, it was using a whole
lot more fuel than it should of. 100 gallons
of fuel were burned rather quickly. That
made this month rather costly being that it
cost us about 300 dollars for 100 gallons.
Anyways, we just spent about 114 dollars
on 39 gallons being we went and got it. So
we’re good hopefully till Tuesday of next
week and then we’re going to have hundred
gallons delivered. I pray to God that it last
us a lot longer than the previous 100 gallons.
Life goes on. My side and shoulders are in
much pain from holding those gas cans up to
pour the fuel into that oil tank. I had to hang
over it standing on our deck ledge while not
allowing myself to fall. In other words, I am
sore as all get out. I can barely breath due
my side aching. I’m sure that will pass, so
on with the journal. Next topic. It’s snowed
off and on throughout the week. As a matter
of fact it snowed a little today, but nothing
of any bragging LOL. Right now at 5:30 PM
it’s 29 F degrees. It’s supposed to be 13 F by
morning. It looks like this week is going to
be a little cold with nights in the single digits.
The boys are doing well. Benny still loves
the snow. LOL the other day him and Rocky
came in and Benny was covered in snow, but
Rocky barely had any on him which tells me
that Benny must of been playing in it as he
always does LOL. Rocky is more like what
Milo was and he prefers to be indoors no
matter what day or season it is, but he does
like snow and will bounce around in it for a
while. If I go outside with them, they will
both run and play like there’s no tomorrow.
Life in the midst of Maine LOL. It’s one
that can become a wonderful picture, but
maybe a slightly cold one hehehe. Yeppers
it’s a whole different world up here from the
one I grew up with in Texas. One of the
things I love is the fact that the summers
are cooler. We don’t have those triple digit
days like I remember down south, plus we
have had a white Christmas every year so
far since we moved up here Dec of 2007.
We’ve been up here 9 years now. For some
reason it doesn’t seem that long maybe due
to my enjoying the scenery and all. Judy
and I have still been busy with our poetry
and paintings. We’re going to begin work
on volume 2 of Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
this week. I may even get started on some
more picture poems for volume 3 this week.
It’s something that I’ve found that I have a
knack for 🙂 When I did one years ago I had
no idea that I was starting a trend hehehe 🙂
In any case, I wrote 164 for volume 2 and
Judy has a few of hers she is going to put
in it as well. We’re hoping that maybe one
day we can make enough with our books
to make a living, but it looks like that will
be a while away being the sales are not that
great yet. Maybe one day. Until then we
will continue doing as we’ve done. Writing
and painting enjoying each others company.
LOL I just took my clothes out of the dryer
that I washed 3 times yesterday due to them
being saturated with kerosene when I was
pouring it into the tank. Yep, it poured on
me too LOL. My coat, shirt and pants seem
to be OK, but my gloves still smell pretty
strong of kerosene. Oh well, they were old
gloves anyways. They were what ones would
call extra large gloves, but I have double X
large hands and my fingers had ripped through
as well as other parts of the gloves 🙂 When
I see gloves that say one size fits all, I laugh,
because NOPE they won’t fit my hands LOL.
I cannot buy a watch that will fit my wrist and
most places don’t sell size 14 rings. If I buy
a long sleeve shirt, I often have to buy a size
larger to accommodate my arms. Of course
here lately that’s not much of a deal being I’ve
put on a few extra pounds, but when I was
thinner, I had to buy shirts or coats that were
for much larger persons just so I could get
my Popeye arms in them LOL. It’s almost
as bad as me buying shoes, but not quite 🙂
I know guys that have much larger feet than
me 🙂 Some of my friends of old made my
feet look small hehehe. OH well, God made
me how am and I try to do my best at what I
am able. LOL though it is funny that what I’m
best at is writing. Judy and I have a connection
that I have never known with anyone else 🙂
We love to watch the same TV programs and
we both enjoy taking pictures, writing and
combining our gifts to create another such as
picture poems. Thank You God for all of the
miracles that You have put into our lives and
made them to grow into a flower of beauty.
I’m still so amazed at how Judy and I came
together from her living in Maine while I
lived in Texas. God knows nothing of miles.
They mean nothing to Him. He was able to
connect the dots from me to her and create
a picture that became her and I. Thank You
once again Father for never giving up on me.
Now I believe it’s time for me to begin my lil
quest back through all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So, it’s away I go to that place
of my recollections that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may have
stumbled on a good title about a third of the
way back in my rambling hehehe. Now to
see if I write anything that makes any sense
using it. Here goes.
Maybe One Day
Mind over matter
might bring into play
times of successful
maybe one day.
It often takes some
bitter sweet pills
to see the connections
that timeless reveals.
Maybe one day
the doorways you find
will be so much better
to fit your design.
Yet many moments
will come into view
displaying portholes
you need not look through.
Time is a pattern
of confusions array,
but God will enlighten you
maybe one day.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2017
There ya go. I hope the poem made at least
a little sense to you and my rambling didn’t
bore you to death 🙂 There’s not much else
to tell you. I think I have spilled the beans on
about every thing that has gone on up here at
the Pearce’s Place LOL. The boys are in the
floor sleeping right now. Benny is sleeping
to the left of me and Rocky is right behind me.
Judy is browsing Facebook. We’re fixing to
watch Finding Bigfoot at 9 PM. Yes we like
to watch that among many other programs 🙂
We also like to watch game shows such as
Family Feud, The Chase and a whole bunch
more. They’re better than some TV programs
they have out there. Anyways, I guess I’m
needing to wind this up, so I need to tell
you what I tell you almost every week and
that is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers, 10 more poems with an added 3
which brings the count to 13. Also I once
again wrote 22 haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either r both that you like. So now it’s
time for me to begin my search for that not
so great at hiding off switch, but not before
I wish you a most joyous week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now, where
is that dadgum off switch hiding this time or
better to the point hanging out LOL? Hmm,
it hid pretty good this time, but even still
needs to learn to quit peeking to see if I can
see it. I see ya you little varmint. Hiding
behind my Halloween crazy eyes again hub 🙂
I saw ya peeking around one of the eyes.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new book
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our book 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+3 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
An Old Haunted House
One day on a drive
we passed by a sight
an old haunted house
displayed on our right.
It seemed as a story
right out of a book
written with mysteries
that many mistook.
An old haunted house
of my own photograph
shows through windows
a scene from the past.
A scene from a painting
alive in its walls
an old haunted house
with ghostly enthralls.
The minutes are hours
in an old haunted house
even by the viewpoints
of a cat or a mouse.
A picture of a portal
my mind does explore
an old haunted house
with an old haunted door.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2017
Abandoned Church
Lives of a moment
display as a fact
timeless a pattern
a little off track.
An abandoned church
of a scenes portray
depicts such a story
of a life’s dismay.
The inside is living
without anyone
to give it emotion
from God’s only Son.
An abandoned church
finds peace in its walls
a story to venture
that timeless recalls.
It might be a painting,
it might be a thought,
but the church relives
what Jesus has bought.
Forgiveness from sin
as sadness would search
Memories live within
this abandoned church.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2017
The Melting Of Snow
On a wintery drive
down a old melted road
a scene comes alive
with a moment bestowed.
The seasonal melting
before there is more,
snow to come falling
for us to explore.
The melting of snow
is a pattern we see
when we look now today
and in our history.
Soon will be falling
more snow day and night
to land then becoming
a wonderful sight.
Houses we pass by
on drives to the store
display all the melting
to soon snow some more.
So as we’re watching
the scenes that bestow
we’re seeing winters
the melting of snow.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2017
A Walk Upon The Beach
Morning sun comes shining
as two feet then hit the sand
walking making footprints
that are patterns on the land.
A moment passing slowly
as I take the time to see
someone surely walking
in the scene in front of me.
The dawn of day is wondrous
as the minutes tick along
while I watch ones walking
in the midst of oceans song.
The waves are gently crashing
on the sunrise mornings floor
singing of the sunshine
that the ocean does explore.
A magical moments journey
that the minutes do beseech
are found within a portal
of a walk upon the beach.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2017
Indian Roller
A bird with colors
of ochre and blue
an Indian Roller
is seen in the view.
A painted picture,
a bird within sight
an Indian roller
is ready for flight.
Perched on a log
it awaits its prey
to come along
from day to day.
The Indian Roller
calls like a crow
also some others
they wish to bestow.
They feed on bugs
and other things
the Indian Roller
as it sings.
This fabulous bird’s
acrobatic flight
is a wonderful scene
a magical sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 26, 2017
A Sky Of Blue
A summer’s day
a sky of blue
is face to face
a wondrous hue.
Seasons patterns
come in sync
a sky of blue
a little pink.
The day begins
and paves a scene
a warm array
of blue and green.
A summer’s day
begins so sweet
often dawning
what can’t repeat.
The summer’s sun
is a memory
a photograph
that I can see.
For now is winter
scenes to find
a sky of blue
within my mind.
Yet with winter
snows that fall
a sky of blue
awaits them all.
A picture taken
now in view
is summer’s day
a sky of blue.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
Fun In The Sun
A summertime morn
with waves of time
creates such a vision
that lives in the mind.
An old photograph
brings back a sight
the scenes of a dream
in mornings light.
The times recorded
as fun in the sun
displays many moments
that had then begun.
Waves come to life
while singing a song
fun in the sun
of mornings own dawn.
A picture taken
that brings it to life
a sweet memory
with I and my wife.
We sat on the shore
watching the waves
fun in the sun
the summer’s days.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
An Old Red Barn
Weathering decades
become such a sight
as an old red barn
amidst the daylight.
Time is a speaker
of words within days
as an old red barn
of a seasonal phase.
As minutes gather
becoming a scene
there’s an old red barn
with grasses of green.
Cloudy skies waiting
to rain down below
on an old red barn
of a seasonal show.
Time is the painter
as age does its thing
on an old red barn
from winter to spring.
Aged as an antique
with lifetimes of yarn
time has created
an old red barn.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
Failing Eyes
Life’s a prankster
scenic skies
things seem dimmer
failing eyes.
Minutes gather
showing sights
old age displays
lesser heights.
Failing eyesight
brings to view
less of patterns
me and you.
Yet with prayerful
God bestows
better viewpoints
smelling rose.
Seasons prosper
age of time
failing eyes
a new design.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
Heaven’s Memoir
Lives pass on
and leave a trace
a memory
a loving face.
Timeless thoughts
of then and there
Heaven’s memoir
with a prayer.
Many echoes
come and go
repeating ones
we used to know.
As a memoir
many view
life and times
of thereunto.
A mere journey
to The Son
Heaven’s memoir
then is done.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
Stormy Skies
Moments clouding
scenes become
stormy skies
with lesser sun.
Raindrops falling
on our hearts
might just be as
time imparts.
As a picture
many find
stormy skies
are in the mind.
Torrent segments
become wet
with the peaceful
we forget.
Past is there to
clear our eyes
as remembered
stormy skies.
Finding portions
we lived through
stormy skies
create a view.
With us learning
from heartache
stormy skies
bring eyes awake.
A scenic view
within our time
stormy skies
have peace to find.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
A Drive To Town
With tires rolling
with a roar
there are moments
to explore.
A drive to town
in winters wake
displays sights
there’s no mistake.
It’s wintertime
the moments show
with its patterns
white as snow.
Though it may not
snow that day
we know snow
is on its way.
A drive to town
like times before
sees the sights
the tires roar.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 27, 2017
Snowy Mountain
Snow of white
in distance scenes
a picture taken
fills with dreams.
Snowy mountain
shares its view
with the landscape
Seasons pictured
as a blessing
with white snow
upon it resting.
Snowy mountain
with some paths
becomes doorways
shadows cast.
As a moment
counted true
snowy mountain
shares its view.
As a painting
snowy white
snowy mountain
is in sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2017
for Jan 28, 2017
Life’s a mystery
as each day brings surprises
to enlighten us.
Fondness of a dog
is beyond that of humans,
for we hold grudges.
Reason is a path
that many will lose themselves
as fact shows the truth.
Illusion is life
with deceptions metaphor
that becomes the sight.
Lifetimes romantics
are different perceptions
that bring ones to love.
Snowflakes of winter
bring forth their destinations
to become a scene.
A butterfly’s flight
is a flutter in the breeze
as others join in.
A horse that gallops
might stumble in a moment
and then lose control.
Without our mistakes
we would learn very little,
for they are lessons.
Beyond a blue sky
holds a world of mysteries
that time will reveal.
Seeking for tomorrow
when today is plain to see
can lose perception.
Our challenges found
come from the journeys of life
we did not expect.
Without a doorway
our entrance would be useless,
for we would be there.
Time gives us choices
that might be filled with struggles
found with confusion.
A rose is a rose
as humanity’s human
from our blood of red.
Heartbeats of true love
find their pathways together
when the time is right.
Lost in a whirlwind
a breath of air is exposed
as a passing breeze.
Scenes that come in sight
will often be misleading
while the best evades.
A simple story
can become as deception
as a larger fish.
Within the night sky
there can grow a brand new world
we can imagine.
The ground beneath us
holds many versions of life
that keep us alive.
A bird within flight
displays its prime directive
with life in the wind.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 28, 2017
Our Newest book
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
and if you are not in the USA
you can buy it here at Amazon
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂