See And Hear


Hello my friends

It looks as though spring has finally made
it and winter has left to await its return for
the end of the year to start its seasonal way
once again.  Yep,  we’ve even got a few small
patches of green grass.  Very small I might
add,  but none the less green grass and the
weather has begun to get a little warmer, but
not too warm.  Today’s high is supposed to
be 63 F and right now at 12 noon it is 59 F.
We are supposed to have a few days in the
low to mid 70’s this week.  I don’t mind it
as long as it doesn’t get up above 80 degrees.
My old hot natured body cannot handle it
that warm.  On a sad note,  one of my good
friends passed away last Thursday morning.
Don Adams was a great friend and I always
enjoyed talking with him.  He is with The
Lord now.  I’ll miss his kind words and all
of his wisdom,  although I know his spirit
will visit us from time to time.  Next topic 🙂
I have ordered a proof copy of my newest
book and I should receive it no later than
Wednesday.  I’ll give it the once over and
make sure it looks as it should then if all
goes well,  I’ll go approve it for publishing.
Last week was pretty uneventful aside from
our landlord finally coming and putting a
little more foundation on our porch and
repairing the roof leaks on it.  Oh yea,  due
the snow melt,  the river below our house
was roaring with life.  I had taken a few
pictures of it earlier in the week Apr 23rd
and then Judy came home from town and
said she could see and hear the river as
it was roaring and so I took a little trip
down to it and took a few pictures.  The
amazing thing is I was able to get a shot
of the river that was almost exactly of
the same vantage point as the one I took
Monday and so there are comparison
photos before and after LOL.  It’s calmed
a bit since then.  No worries.  The river
is way too low from our house to affect us.
LOL It would have to pull another Noah
adventure to get up this high hehehehe.
So,   what else is happening over in this
part of the country?  To be honest,  it’s
been quite peaceful.  Judy went to craft
night last night and did a little painting.
I am definitely using it to make a poetry
picture 🙂  That’s if of course she ever
makes it where I can down load it to use
it LOL.  So,  other than those few things,
the passed week as been pretty lazy.  I’ve
written a few more poetry pictures and I
have already begun work on volume 8
of my books LOL.  I have no idea of how
many books I will do.  LOL I reckon I’ll
continue until my well of thoughts runs
dry,  which could be soon,  or could be
on my death bed.  God only knows LOL.
Benny and Rocky are doing well.  They’re
as ornery as ever.  We have most surely
been blessed.  God has kept His mighty
hand over us protecting us as many of
His angels watch over us and guide us 🙂
We do though have problems that catch
us off guard from time to time,  but we
survive,  being problems are a part of
life.  Without struggles,  one never grows.
Thank You God for our struggles and
the peace that intervenes.  I guess it’s
time for me to be taking my little trip
back through all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go to that lil place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I believe I may have found a
decent title and now after checking I see
that it has not been used as of yet,  so
used it shall be 🙂  Here goes…

See And Hear

The things in life
we see and hear
might not be
so very clear.
They might hide
within their time
a sight and sound
within our mind.
We might perceive
a certain day
to see and hear it
our own way.
For as we struggle
with what we see
the sounds of life
might not agree.
So take the time
to look around
and seek to hear
each wondrous sound.
For as time passes
from yesteryear
we might lose sight
to see and hear.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 29,  2018

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even understood it hehehe 🙂
I also hope you enjoyed all my rambling.
LOL I do ramble don’t I!  Judy’s making
breakfast this morning 🙂  She’s making
omelets,  yummy!  LOL the boys are in
there watching her while I assume they
think they’re gonna get some hehehehe.
They might get a couple of sausage links,
but no omelet Hahaha.  So I reckon it’s
time for me to be telling you what I tell
you almost every week and that is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yeppers,
10 more poems,  but no extras this week.
Though 2 of the poems are Christmas
poems.  I also once again wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  I’ve gotta stop here
and eat.  Omelets mmmmmmmmmmm.
That was yummy for my tummy.  Now,
back to this.  Though now it looks like
I need to be searching for that hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
you a most wonderful weekend or what
that is left of it and a blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Ok,  so where can that ornery off
switch be trying to hide this time??????
Hmm,  looking to my right I seem to see
one of my caps moving which should not
be moving at all.  Sheesh,  can you ever
find a hiding spot and just sit still and
wait?  I reckon not and for that matter
I guess it would mean me spending more
time looking for you instead of getting
this journal published LOL.  So thanks,
for being unable to sit still hehehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Crossing Over

A life of worries
and a life of pains
ends its journey
as Heaven proclaims.
Scented with love
on streets of gold
time is a blessing
that God’s foretold.
The end’s beginning
is time to tell
hopeful to Heaven
and not unto Hell.
Within our pathways
and life’s scenery
we’ll cross over
to be what will be.
Clouds of sorrow
will fade from view
and display love
with a wondrous hue.
Then as an ocean
filled full of clover
the best can be made
when crossing over.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 25,  2018

Continue Your Dreams

Time can be turnstiles
of a calming day
as life can become as
a magical way.
Continue your dreams
to a wondrous design,
an ocean of scenes
that lives in your mind.
Scenes of oceans
with a calming sunrise
can be the beginnings
of joy in your eyes.
Continue your dreams
to a new day’s sun
as you release sadness
that can’t be undone.
Seek for the seasons
of wonderful scenes
as you move forwards
continue your dreams.
Yet don’t get lost in
the dreams of time
and lose perception
of truthful design.
But still then continue
your dreams of a day
a time so wonderful
that’s lesser of gray.
Find a little hopeful
in life’s flowing streams
as you seek blessings
continue your dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 25,  2018

Alive In Spring

Within a moment
the dandelions grow
replacing winter’s
white fallen snow.
Coming alive surely
as a magical view
that’s alive in spring
and fresh and anew.
Butterflies flutter
amidst every sight
as the yellow colors
are seen so bright.
So alive in spring
the blossoms bloom
as seasonal things
then come attune.
As but a portion
of time in its place
alive in spring is
filled full of grace.
Displayed as life
of yellow and green
dandelions grow
creating each scene.
Scented as summer
as spring proceeds
it plants the visions
of so many seeds.
Within the distance
some birds will sing
as the beginnings
alive in spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 25,  2018

Snow Of White

Life of grandeur
scenic views
Christmas scenes
of whitish hues.
Blankly showing
times fulfill
snow of white
on a winter hill.
As a stage set
found in snow
life becomes as
winter’s glow.
Those memories
of times before
snow of white
that I adore.
Life of pages
books of time
becomes essence
God’s design.
Blankly showing
a whitish hue
Christmas scenic
times come true.
Look within those
scenes of seas
as snow of white
in winter’s breeze.
Find the beauty
to then delight
as a memoir
snow of white.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Mallards Rest

Upon a winter’s
snowy scene
mallards rest
to find a dream.
Beneath a bench
they may perceive
sights of winter
soon to leave.
They might often
swim and play
in the waters
near that day.
Time to gather
bringing views
mallards rest
in whitish hues.
Seasons life
amidst the snow
awaiting time
to start the show.
As they soon
will be in flight
mallards rest
in winter’s sight.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Spirit Kingdom

The soul creations
inside our gaze
can then become
some better days.
Heartbeats seek
to find a time
within their spirit
inside their mind.
It is a journey
to spirit world
a kingdom found
that times unfurled.
It might be seen
as age to age
a spirit kingdom
of Heaven’s stage.
Throughout scenes
of life defined
this spirit world
might then unwind.
Displaying sights
of timeless gaze
a spirit kingdom’s
wondrous ways.
True blue skies
with clouds of white
as certain scenes
come into sight.
A spirit kingdom
brought to life
found as Heaven
without strife.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Cold And Wintery

As hills expose
their certain flair
across the scene
of winter’s air
the season shows
a certain sight
cold and wintery
snowy white.
It might be seen
a Christmas view
that seasons show
to me and you.
It might display
a distant gaze
cold and wintery
seasonal days.
Look on beyond
the sight you see
and find a view
so wondrously.
It might just seem
to come alive
cold and wintery
within your eyes.
Now look closely
at the view
and find a sight
that is so true.
A scene that brings
your mind attune
cold and wintery
Christmas soon.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 26,  2018

Weathered Ways

Years will pass
as days meet end
while time moves on
to then transcend.
Weathered ways
become a style
with a point of view
for a little while.
Life falls prey
to song and dance
of minutes sung
and their romance.
Years make do
with all they can
as time moves on
for our fellow man.
We might perceive
some certain days
as our memories
weathered ways.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27,  2018

Summer Scenes

A true blue sky
with clouds of white
becomes as a view
a magical sight.
A scene to become
as a dream of time
summertime days
as rhythm and rhyme.
Scented with grasses
green as can be
those summer scenes
a land driven sea.
Bike riders riding
enjoying the while
as they look onwards
to many a mile.
Found as an echo
from our yesteryear
those summer scenes
we remember so clear.
The flavors of life
in a scented array
become as a dream
in a magical way.
Those summer scenes
from our distant past
are what we remember
that went by too fast.
They left a heartbeat
and many other things
found in the past as
our summer scenes.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27,  2018

The Taste Of Life

Beginnings occur
when time defines
the taste of life as
lemons and limes.
Within our standards
life might consume
the taste of life as
our favorite tune.
The sounds of joy
from smiling faces
the taste of life in
so many places.
We might remember
we might recall
the taste of life
that wins over all.
We might perceive
a mere memory
as the taste of life
within you and me.
Maybe a painting
or maybe a sight
still lives and breathes
the taste of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 27,  2018

for Apr 28,  2018

Beyond what we see
there may be an illusion
or that of the truth.

Shadows of ourselves
live within those that mimic
and follow our paths.

The sun gives us life
as it helps grasses to grow
and trees to give air.

A challenge is growth
that pushes us to learn more
about what we can do.

Time is a painter
that provides artwork of years
that moments expose.

A shower of rain
might get you really angry,
but it is needed.

Planting life of seeds
so they don’t turn out worthless
needs a little love.

Nearing confusion
can embark on illusions
that rest can resolve.

Shouting in anger
only provides a doorway
to words regretted.

Many words spoken
will often be as water
that poured too quickly.

Blessings of our youth
are wasted on ignorance
that adults have spread.

Time is often lost
in the minutes of the day
that we spend counting.

Walking too quickly
can end with useless struggles
that need no hurry.

Boundless are worries
that we bring onto ourselves
that might be useless.

Seeking for a breath
in a day of exhaustion
peace is found in prayer.

Food for the hungry
is not always what ones eat,
but what ones will learn.

Manners of a rose
are that of a timeless gaze
that we remember.

A passing moment
might be a breeze of heartbeats
that becomes much more.

Relying on friends
needs a little trust and love
filled full of patience.

When in a storm cloud
that life has poured upon you
look for a rainbow.

The seasons of time
release their moments journeys
in our memories.

As a tree grows tall
it speaks words of lifetimes
that others grow from.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28,  2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Once Was Covered


Hello my friends

It’s been a sad few days around here.  My
loving wife has been spending a few days
up north joined with her sisters and oldest
brother as they each spend as much time
with their mom as they were able.  Judy’s
mom passed away a few hours ago and she
is now with her husband Clyde that passed
many years before.  On a good note now
they can meet my dad and see all that have
gone before them and greet those that are
coming as time marks their journey.  So,
now onto a hopefully happier note.  Judy
came home this morning and me and the
boys were joyfully surprised.  The snow
is finally melting of course at a rather slow
rate.  There were flash flood warnings for
yesterday in the areas up north from us
at the Washburn bridge due to an ice jam.
Judy said she heard about it,  but when
they come home they take a road that is
off to the side of it.  That had all passed
by the time they decided to come home
this morning.  We’re now seeing a lot of
the ground exposed that once was covered
with snow 🙂  As I’ve said many times,  I
love snow,  but even I get tired of it after
4 or 5 months of it LOL.  That being it
starts melting and refreezing turning into
slabs of ice that are not so pretty and not
so easy to walk on.  Many times I have
to put my cleats on my shoes just to go
and check the mail.  LOL our neighbor
was out yesterday (Saturday) with his
lil gocart playing around on the ice and
snow out in the field in front of our house.
I took a few pictures of him and may use
1 or 2 of them for a poetry picture 🙂
Yesterday I finally worked on my book
7 and got it converted into PDF.  I picked
out some good pictures for the front cover
and the thank you page.  Of course the
front cover picture will also be used for
the inner dedication page.  So I’ve got it
ready to upload to the createspace site
and get started on publishing the book.
I might do that some time this week 🙂
I’ve already gotten started on book 8
with 34 poetry pictures LOL.  Only 126
more and I’ll be ready to start converting.
Hehehehehe,  when Judy talked me into
publishing a book of my poetry pictures,
I never thought I would be doing this
many books LOL.  I thought maybe 1 or
2 at the most maybe 3 Hahaha.  It seems
I have a knack for these things and of
course writing poetry 🙂  So what else is
going on around here?  Well Judy is
going to go to her sister’s and join her
other siblings for a wake in honor her
mom.  Me and the boys will wait here
and I might write a little.  There’s not
much else going on around here.  It’s
going to be a week of realization as my
loving wife has what I had when I lost
my dad,  such as a few periods of crying
and sadness.  Although,  Judy knows
that her mom is in a better place now
and is no longer hurting and unable to
walk or see.  She has been made whole
and is joined by her husband,  family
and friends.  Thank You God for all
that You do in giving us a breath of
peace as this life ends.  For this is but
only a blink of an eye as we walk upon
the Earth in our fleshly bodies.  There
are far greater things awaiting when we
reach the end of the road here.  Thank
You God.  Now I believe I need to be
taking a little trip back through all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find a
good word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s away I go to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call,
have found a decent title just 2 thirds
of a way back and now after checking
I see that it has not been used,  so used
it shall be.  Here goes…

Once Was Covered

Life times discovered
we might fall prey
to times remembered
of a so dismal day.
Troubles may of seemed
to begin their quest
putting our lifestyles
to a gruesome test.
When once covered
with portions of hell
we might remember
a story to tell.
A story of a moment
that we now recall,
a time when angels
answered our call.
Yesterdays doorways
opened real wide
allowing the future
to then coincide.
For when once covered
with troublesome views
God gave us blessings
with choices to choose.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 22,  2018

OK so it might not be the greatest poem,
but hopefully you liked it a little bit LOL.
Anyways,  maybe my rambling kept you
entertained.  Please keep my wife and her
family in your prayers.  I know how hard
it is to lose a parent.  Judy just left with
her sister for the wake with the rest of
her sisters.  So it will be just me and the
boys again.  This week though, we should
slowly get back into our rhythm of life 🙂
Benny and Rocky can sense something is
wrong.  They were good boys while Judy
was gone of course other than barking at
every noise they heard thinking Judy was
home LOL.  But I can’t really blame them.
That’s pretty much the way I was, but on
a much lower scale LOL.  Anyways,  it
looks as though it is time for me to be
telling you what I tell you every week
and that is,  I wrote some more poems
and haiku.  Yep,  10 poems with 2 extras
and 2 of them are Christmas poems 🙂
Also I once again write 22 haiku for all
of the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now with that said,  I reckon it is
time for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you a wonderful weekend or what
that is left of it and a truly blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  OK,  so I wonder where that
silly off switch has chosen to hide this
week?  Hmm,  I don’t remember putting
my aspirin bottle on the 2nd shelf of my
desk.  LOL I see ya hiding behind it LOL.
Why the heck did you move it?  Oh,  you
thought the aspirin was in the wrong spot.
Hahaha it was,  but I knew I didn’t move
it.  Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+2 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Scenes Of Spring

Children playing
riding through
bikes of life
a distant view.
As a doorway
opens wide
scenes of spring
come inside.
Such as patterns
young and old
scenes of spring
are stories told.
Some as photos
time records
as the blessings
life’s rewards.
Look beyond it
and see true
scenes of spring
of thereunto.
As a window
life displays
scenes of spring
the greatest days.
Now look on
and see the sights
scenes of spring
days and nights.
Allow your eyes
to see everything
the light of life
scenes of spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 16,  2018

Painted Life

Seeming painted
life surrounds
wondrous workings
sights and sounds.
A painted life
or so it seems
a moment’s image
just like dreams.
Heaven’s artwork
here on Earth
might seem painted
for its worth.
Time’s a blessing
life instills
found to glisten
trees and hills.
The earth is painted
season’s sun
from day to night
as rivers run.
All sorts of scenes
then come in view
to display times
for me and you.
The hands of a clock
can’t hold the past
the painted life
that shadows cast.
For in the journey
we might gaze
at a painted life
of distant days.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 17,  2018

Sounds Of Words

Silence gathers
time displays
sounds of words
in many ways.
Scenes as water
glistening true
sounds of words
in wondrous hue.
Each with value
time entails
sounds of words
that never fails.
In the silence
time moves on
sounds of words
are never gone.
They might hide
within a gaze
sounds of words
a certain phase.
A scenic glance
of thereunto
sounds of words
can come in view.
As the moments
gather time
sounds of words
are so divine.
Most surely as
a canoe drifts on
sounds of words
will sing a song.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 18,  2018

Road Of Time

We might find
a time and place
a road of time
to then embrace.
It might end with
wondrous views
scenes we see
that times infuse.
A shack may be
within your sight
a road of time
that you delight.
A heavenly scene
from God above
that brings to life
an essence of love.
We may discover
the greatest find
that came alive
a road of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 18,  2018

Timeless True

The slight of time
begins its view
with that of life
a timeless hue.
Autumn’s colors
begin their voyage
colors changing
taking charge.
Minutes passing
becoming days
so timeless true
and within phase.
Eyes of seekers
search for a sight
deep within
a day and night.
Timeless true
the season shines
colors changing
their designs.
Glistening waters
reflect the scenes
times remembered
wondrous dreams.
Autumn’s window
opens real wide
allowing moments
to come inside.
It is God’s beauty
a wondrous view
essence of Heaven
timeless true.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 18,  2018

Memorized Spring

As time begins
it finds its place
a season’s life
a time’s embrace.
Life’s memories
of certain times
there is a scene
of wonderful finds.
Memorized spring
a certain phase
filled with minutes
for ones to gaze.
Springtime wonders
a picturesque view
seen as a moment
a time come true.
Heavenly blessings
of a smiling face
memorized spring
is time to embrace.
Scented with sights
a seasonal scene
this is found in
memorized spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 19,  2018

Awaiting To Cross

Paths to Christmas
remembered so well
become as a story
so timeless to tell.
Lines are created
as ones seek to cross
awaiting anticipating
that snowy white frost.
Seeming as a drawing
Christmas enhanced
awaiting to cross then
is their own romance.
Timelessly striving
to begin their stride
awaiting to cross
their wintertime ride.
We might envision
the sights that they see
as a timeless venture
through their history.
Christmas is displayed
as stories of white
found as a venture
that many delight.
Snowmobiles gather
to begin their quest
while we’re watching
as they are at rest.
Their motors churning
in white snowy sauce
are found anticipating
awaiting to cross.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 19,  2018

Reflected Dreams

Deepened emotions
found within time
become the artwork
found in the mind.
Scenes as reflections
we find as we sleep
become our blessings
so timeless to keep.
For when we’re sad
and nightmares arrive
dreams can begin
and help us survive.
Life’s full of mysteries
that minutes display
often as a dreamer
kneels down to pray.
Don’t let the sadness
be all that you see,
for there is hopeful
in a prayerful degree.
Found as reflections
our memories of old
can be the blessings
that God has foretold.
Using your memories
you can smile again
finding the best days
with good to begin.
Using your lessons
of passed days scenes
can be the blessings
as reflected dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 19,  2018

Lost In Fantasy

Thriving on moments
life moves along
lost in whirlwind
of right and of wrong.
Seasons of grandeur
become as a scene
mountains displaying
a magical dream.
When lost in fantasy
time can stand still
seeming as a turnstile
an unrolling wheel.
Magically appearing
are flavors of time
seasons we remember
that were so divine.
We might encounter
a moment so sad
a memory recorded
you now wish you had.
Yet as a reflection
you can look inside
and find all the lessons
to now be applied.
Times thought fantasy
might become hell
a dream of a scene
that did not work well.
Look for the beauty
of lives poetry
times that were once
lost in fantasy.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20,  2018

Crashing Thoughts

Waves of life
that times expose
crash ashore
with what we chose.
Times we found
to be our gaze
might have changed
their will and ways.
Crashing thoughts
of when and where
can become as
another flair.
Then recalls those
different hues
crashing thoughts
we sought to choose.
Yet as time frames
change their place
moments might just
lose their face.
Becoming scenes
we don’t remember
as their time’s
a weakened ember.
Burning dimmer
than yesterdays
an ocean of life
another gaze.
Crashing thoughts
an ocean’s style
can be enhanced
into a smile.
For as we struggle
with waves of time
we grow wiser
within the mind.
And so the scenes
we thought we lost
can grow again as
crashing thoughts.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20,  2018

Hidden Meadow

Silent pages
turn with style
often hidden
for a while.
Hidden meadow
comes in view
as pages turn
from old to new.
Silent stages
become found
when we take
a look around.
Minutes passing
become gazed
in our eyesight
so amazed.
In the silence
ones might view
hidden meadow
fresh and new.
Viewing closely
you might find
a river flowing
peace of mind.
Then the trees
might display
autumn’s colors
in a way.
Hidden meadow
comes alive
in a dreamer’s
sleepy eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20,  2018

Times That Pass

Seasons greetings
becomes the past
that of Christmas
gone too fast.
So many emotions
come in view
when I think of
Christmas true.
I can still feel it
alive and well
Christmas season
the stories tell.
Even the movies
watched with glee
are the times that
live and breathe
Times that pass
become so missed,
Christmas snow
the season kissed.
It’s a heartbeat
time deploys,
a special time
for girls and boys.
Within my mind
I surely see
the sight of our
own Christmas tree.
This is the view
my shadows cast
Christmas scenes
the times that pass.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20,  2018

for Apr 20,  2018

In the summer rain
time begins a new story
written in raindrops.

Deception is change
that many think that they see,
but it’s only them.

Lost within a lie
a liar will dig a hole
deeper in their words.

Seen as illusions
many see magic as fake,
while others see life.

Trying times of life
can become the needed things
in our tomorrows.

Each one of our dreams
is a needed tool of life
maybe just for peace.

Meddling in lives
could create many problems
for what you knew not.

Tomorrows journey
might need some help from today
with rest and planning.

Searching for  a smile
could turn up a few problems
hidden in a smile.

A dusty doorway
reveals that it’s not been used,
so find the reason.

Seeking the unknown
could display all that you’ve known,
but just denied it.

The stains on our lives
might be hidden from our view,
but others see them.

Corn stalks when ready
will stand high above the ground
with food to harvest.

Checking your status
on how that ones think of you
could reveal hatred.

Displayed as rhythms
the motion of a drummer
gives time for a song.

As clouds float above
they provide not only rain,
but a days beauty.

Time is a doorway
that allows seconds to pass
to grow into life.

Misery will grow
as others join together
sharing misery.

The future is ours,
but we often destroy it
with our bad judgment.

Renditions of life
are done by the onlookers
that imitate us.

Now is a moment
that will become the lessons
for our tomorrows.

Living on the edge
can one day cause your demise
as you fall over.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20,  2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂



Hello my friends

It’s been another off and on wintery week
over here.  Today’s high is supposed to be
30 F,  but right now it’s 27 F at 3:30 P.M.
Not very spring feeling LOL.  The snow is
slowly melting,  but we still have a lot of it.
According to my weather programs,  it’s
supposed to snow a little bit early Monday
morning and the transition into a wintry
mix in the afternoon LOL.  Yep,  it’s our
April weather hehehe.  It’s a little bipolar
or schizophrenic LOL.  I will though be
glad when springtime finally kicks in gear
and this snow is gone.  I love snow,  but
after about 4 or 5 months of it,  I’m ready
for something other than white hehehe 🙂
I am hoping that our landlord gets the
roof leak fixed on the porch before the
heavy rains begin.  He’s sort of lazy and
puts things off.  Oh well,  I reckon we’ll
survive.  We’ve been through worse LOL.
Judy has been busy rewriting her very
first book,  fixing typo’s and designing
a new cover photo for it getting it ready
for republication.  As I said last week,
the company went out of business that
was publishing it in the beginning.  So,
she is getting it ready to put it back on
the market.  I love Judy’s writing.  She’s
my favorite writer 🙂  So,  she has been
hard at work with her book.  I’ve been
busy writing more poetry pictures,  but I
haven’t yet begun reformatting my poems
for book 7 to get it published hehehe.  I
am sure I will soon.  🙂 Maybe sometime
this week.  Anyways,  I’m sure it will be
done soon.  I guess the reason I hesitate
is because it is so much of a headache to
do all the reformatting turning them into
PDF and all LOL.  It wears out my one
good eye 😉  We’ve gotta do all the work
ourselves being we can’t afford to pay
anybody to do it.  No matter,  we can do
it 🙂  So, what else is going on around the
Pearce’s Place?  Hmm,  good question.
We went up to Presque Isle Tuesday for
Judy’s doctor appointment to get some
cortisone shots in her knees.  While she
was in the doctors office I walked around
and took pictures of the ducks down at
the pond near the office.  LOL a couple
of the ducks began following me all over
the place.  We stopped and got us some
Tacobell tacos and KFC chicken on the
way home.  We don’t have those places
in Houlton.  Nope,  we don’t have much
of a choice.  Of course we live 8 miles
out of Houlton in a tiny little town called
New Limerick,  so we only get take out
once in a while.  So what else have we
done?  Well,  we gave the boys haircuts.
Poor little Rocky could barely see due
to all the hair in front of his eyes LOL.
Benny’s was not as bad,  but it would of
been if we hadn’t of cut it soon.  So,  the
boys have been trimmed.  They still hate
having their paws messed with,  but we
are hoping that after a few haircuts,  that
they’ll get used to it as well as us cutting
their underbelly hair.  Judy managed to
get their toenails clipped.  That’s about
it for the excitement in this place hehehe.
God has been good to us and watched
over us allowing only what we need to
happen in our lives as well as a few of
our wants 🙂  God is good.  Thank You
God for protecting us and watching over
us as well as sending angels to look after
us.  We feel most surely blessed.  Now,
I reckon it’s time for me to take a little
trip back through all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I may have found a
decent title real near the beginning of
my rambling 🙂 and after checking,  I
see that it has not been used as of yet,
so used it shall be.  Here goes…


Time is but a sector
of a personal view
that many continue
to do as they do.
Yet many actors
in time frames of life
rewrite their stories
to try to end strife.
Rewriting lifetimes
needs futures gaze
found in a moment
of much better days.
Allowing the lessons
of yesterday’s views
to be as the teachers
of life to infuse.
For if you continue
your own daily course
you might just end with
a bit of remorse,
but by rewriting
you might also find
a much worse scenario
for your point and time.
So let the rewriting
be done with a clue
of what that is better
for you then to do.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 15,  2018

Well,  there ya go.  I hope it makes sense
to you.  If not,  then oh well hehehehehe.
I also hope that you enjoyed my rambling.
Yes,  I know I tend to drift from one topic
to another LOL.  My old brain tends to
do that.  I never have a clue about what I
will write about until I start writing and
then even I’m surprised LOL.  Now to see
if I have forgotten to tell you anything 🙂
Nope,  can’t think of anything that you
would be interested in hehehe.  Judy and
I are quite boring hehehe.  Anyways,  it
looks as though it’s time for me to tell you
what I tell you every week and that is,  I
wrote some more poems and haiku.  Yep,
10 more poems with 1 extra and 2 of the
poems are Christmas related.  I also wrote
22 more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like.  Now I believe
it’s time for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you a wonderful weekend or what
that’s left of it and a blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do too.
Ok,  now where is that ornery off switch
trying to hide this week?  Hmm,  where
can it be?  Oh,  I think I see movement
from behind the Mountain Dew that Judy
just brought me.  Yep,  I see ya.  LOL was
the can a bit cold?  I guess that’s why you
moved away from it hehehehe.  Brrrrrrr.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+1 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Daylight’s Embrace

As morning comes
it brings a glimpse
with day’s sunrise
and things to sense.
An ocean breeze
and walk of time
daylight’s embrace
within the mind.
The waves of life
in certain sights
begin their journey
days and nights.
Just like a page
from a timeless book
daylight’s embrace
is another look.
It brings the senses
alive for a dream
daylight’s embrace
a magical scene.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 9,  2018

Faded White

Months are gone
as memories
Christmas essence
snow of seas.
Winter’s turnstiles
come to play
faded white
from day to day.
The winter winds
blow on through
playing games
like peekaboo.
Hiding journeys
behind each scene
faded moments
winter’s bring.
Some as doorways
there and back
found at nighttime
faded black.
Yet some displays
come in view
with a Christmas
winter’s hue.
Life then beckons
with a wave
the signs of life
on coldest days.
The seasons show
the greatest sight
sometimes seen as
faded white.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 11,  2018

Time’s Serenity

As we strive
with oars of days
we might encounter
timeless waves.
Some as struggles
seeming to be
the hardest things
for you and me.
Time’s serenity
will fall in place
when we seek
a better taste.
The taste of love
and life of times
that can be found
within our minds.
Sometimes ripples
will seem to grow
and leave but only
fear and woe,
but the moments
can bring peace
time’s serenity
moments release.
Just as seasons
show their path
time’s serenity
will then cast.
Scented as seconds
found then to be
a breath of air
as time’s serenity.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 11,  2018

Certain Tracks

Times we’ve lived
to gathered speed
certain tracks
would then mislead.
Leaving sight
of now and then
certain tracks
might just dead end.
Time is changed
as paths are crossed
certain tracks
would leave us lost.
Finding journeys
to thereunto
certain tracks
are not so true.
Showing but only
their little trail
certain tracks
might end in fail.
Look for the truth
to travel on
certain tracks
from dusk to dawn.
Allow your ventures
to teach you well
certain tracks
of each detail.
Our lives are trains
of future and past
so find the truth on
certain tracks.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 11,  2018

Various Eyes

Longing for visions
so many will see
only perceptions
that they wish to be.
Various eyes will
only see sights
some as illusions
the moment delights.
Sometimes their eyes
will only see scenes,
realities time frames
that are just dreams.
Don’t let illusions
to become your life,
for they can so often
stab like a knife.
Look for reality
the bad and the good,
but don’t let moments
be misunderstood.
Challenge viewpoints,
how they’re perceived,
for they might surely
be misconceived.
Life is a journey
in passages of time
as scented memories
a lemon and lime.
You might see bridges
beneath blue skies
that are so different
in various eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12,  2018

Melting River

Winter’s grasp
is letting go
with melting ice
and melting snow.
Rivers flowing
once again
as the ice melts
very thin.
Melting river
comes in view
waters flowing
free and true.
Time’s a doorway
spring to come
with the seasons
warming sun.
Winter’s grasp
is soon to find
melting river
change of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12,  2018

Shallow Waters

Striving through
to different minds
we often carry
other times.
Some as shadows
days gone by
shallow waters
that went dry.
So many questions
fall in place
as we’re wading
face to face.
Often our journeys
bring us down
shallow waters
that we drown.
Seek for footings
to carry on
through the waters
right and wrong.
The shallow waters
times entail
can become a
ship at sail.
Seen as a moment
that came true
found as a dream
that lives in you.
Scenes discovered
distant days
in shallow waters
different phase.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13,  2018

Plowing Through

Winter’s memoir
written in white
becomes a story
times delight.
A snowmobiler
plowing through
snow of white
within my view.
A scenic wonder
found in snow
winter’s threshold
Christmas glow.
Mere memories
of distant days
as a joyful
time displays.
Seeming scented
plowing through
a time divine.
As reflection’s
snow of white
it is written
a timeless sight.
A sight of winter’s
Christmas cheer
in flakes of white
a time of year.
We might find
in me and you
a blessed moment
plowing through.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13,  2018

Essence Of Spring

A dancing child
the midst of spring
becomes a sight
as angels sing.
The essence reveals
a brand new day
a time divine
of April and May.
Just like a page
from a story book
essence of spring
gives another look.
A sight of passion
as flowers grow
that once was seen
with winters snow.
So many moments
become so real
the sweetest aroma
and time to feel.
Essence of spring
is that of a heart
beating as trueness
a work of art.
A little child dances
to show her love
for blades of grass
from Heaven above.
It’s as a story
that’s written to sing
portioned with love
essence of spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13,  2018

The Ripples

We are the ripples
in waters of time
many a heartbeat
rhythm and rhyme.
Seen as a second
some just walk on by
leaving our ripples
to just wonder why.
Many are reflections
of now and again
found as the ripples
to end and begin.
Yet as a beacon
our ripples become
sights that are seen
as life’s beating drum.
Showing our visions
some too dim to see
only as fragments
of our true reality.
We are the ripples
in waters of life
sometimes revealed
as filled full of strife.
So take the waters
that’s poured on you
and make it better
in the things you do.
Seek to be stronger
as you kneel to pray,
for we are the ripples
of day after day.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13,  2018

Autumn Infused

We’re as autumn
colors of time
displayed together
inside each mind.
The outer level
is just but a scent
lifestyles portrayals
and their intent.
Our skin is seen
as the color we are
timeless discovered
from near to afar.
Yet we’re alike
more ways than one
as autumn infused
in each day begun.
Life is but a story
a time frame to read
as autumns colors
are planted as seed.
We are the morsels
of true living wine
began as a moment
from Lord God divine.
Yet many try to
act as they’re better
seasoned with hatred
and hearts as leather.
Lose all the colors
and being abused.
Find the connections
as autumn infused.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14,  2018

for Apr 14,  2018

Looking for the truth
might uncover many lies
that you accepted.

Love is a moment
that surpasses many sights
due to illusions.

We are tomatoes
that are waiting to ripen
and find our purpose.

Beyond our limits
are motivators of life
that bring us further.

A shared perception
can become as a friendship
or as a battle.

Trivial moments
are often seen much larger
as we’re viewing them.

Many see winter
as a cold desolate time
and others see snow.

Life as a rose bud
blooms as a new horizon
from winter to spring.

Our journeys begin
as we breathe in our first breath
and open our eyes.

Looking beyond now
can lose sight of the moments
and how they’re gathered.

might be our shadows dancing
showing who we are.

Springtime’s perception
is often but just a flower,
but yet it’s much more.

Various people
in many situations
might become as one.

The hearts of liars
are often filled with hatred
of what that is true.

Challenging someone
can often show your weakness
found within your pride.

Summer’s sun awaits
as springtime concludes its phase
leaving memories.

Life is but a time
that we count by the moments
that turns into years.

Our situations
are brought by many choices
which are right and wrong.

Lost in illusions
the truth can become hidden
beneath our shadows.

Counting the minutes
only slows down the seconds
to where time stands still.

Teaching a student
needs you first to understand
who you are teaching.

Pointless is anger
when without healthy resolve
to find the answers.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14, 2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Life Beyond


Hello my friends

Well it’s looking like we might one day
see spring LOL,  Though it did snow a
little Friday and Saturday hehehe.  But
today’s high is 35 F degrees.  Tomorrow
looks to be about the same,  but the rest
of the week is supposed to be in the 40’s.
So,  the snow should be melted away in
a week or so at that rate LOL.  Unless
it starts snowing again,  which has been
known to happen in the past 🙂  Oh well.
I’m sure spring will get here when it gets
here.  Though it might be summertime
by the time it does get here Hahahaha.
Yep,  gotta love snow or at least like it
a bit to live up here LOL.  Though,  even
I have grown tired of it after about the
4th month of it or so hehehe.  I’m sure
that after a month or so of summer,
I’ll be ready for that lovely white stuff
once again.  So,  time for next topic 🙂
Judy and I have been fairly idle around
here the last few days aside from her
playing taxicab giving our grandsons
girlfriend a ride to work and picking
her up when she’s done and ready to
go home.  Their car died and they are
trying to buy a new one or should I say
new to them 🙂  They should have one
soon.  In the mean time,  we’ll do as
we have.  There’s not much going on
here at the Pearce’s Place.  Judy has
done some more awesome paintings
and I’ve been busy writing,  creating
more poetry pictures.   Tuesday when
we went grocery shopping we decided
to buy us some Pizza Hut pizzas so we
didn’t have to cook dinner.  Actually it
made it so we didn’t have cook dinner
for 3 days LOL.  We both got a medium
pizza.  2 pieces each for dinner.  LOL,
yes I know,  lazy,  but we love pizza 🙂
We recorded Trading Spaces yesterday
so that we can watch it today.  Oh and
Deadliest Catch is coming on tomorrow.
We might have to record it being we’ve
got other programs we love to watch
as well,  but that’s what the DVR is for.
We’re going to give our boys a haircut
Wednesday or that’s what’s planned 🙂
Rocky’s eyes are hidden somewhere
under all that hair LOL.  I don’t see
how he can see,  but then sheep dogs
do it all the time hehehe.  Have you
ever watched the cartoon of the wolf
or coyote and the sheep dog Hahaha?
Anyways,  Judy and I love to watch
the Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry.
Yep,  we’re old,  but young at heart 🙂
We ain’t dead in other words hehehe.
I just looked outside and I’m regretting
doing so LOL.  Now I am snow blind.
OK,  my eyesight is slowly coming back.
Sheesh,  it’s bright!  At night when the
moon is shining bright it reflects off of
the snow and makes it almost look like
daytime LOL.  That of course is on
those small occasions that there are no
clouds in the sky which are very few 🙂
I’m sure that after we trim the boys
hair,  they’ll be doing a lot of squinting
when they go outside to go potty LOL.
Yep,  there’s not much going on around
the Pearce’s Place.  I might sometime
in the next few days begin working on
publishing my newest book volume 7.
LOL I’ve already begun writing for
volume 8 🙂  Maybe 1 day or another,
my books will begin selling,  but in the
mean time I’ll continue writing being
it’s what I enjoy doing.  If it were not
for photography and poetry,  I would
go freaking nuts LOL.  They’re a big
part of what keeps my head straight.
Yes,  Judy and the boys help as well,
but I always need something to do with
my over active thinking patterns that
often kick into high gear and start to
burn up the track LOL.  I counted my
poetry pictures yesterday and I have
written over 1100 of them in the last
couple of years.  I never dreamed of
writing more than maybe a 100 or so.
Although it looks as though I may not
be at end for a long while.  Many more
to write 🙂  God has blessed me with
this gift of writing and so I’ll continue
as long as I’m able.  It seems that each
time I write,  I am relieved of a little
stress.  I am thankful for God putting
Judy in my life,  for she has helped me
to see a whole new life beyond anything
of which I had known.  God has also
put my daughter and Judy’s daughters
in my life and they have shown me love
and compassion.  Plus all our grand kids
have woven in a joy that makes growing
old a blessing.  Thank You God for all
that You do for Judy and I,  as well as
our family and friends.  Now I reckon
it’s time for me to be looking back on
all that I’ve written to see if I can find
a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s away I go to that lil place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I believe I may
have found a decent title just a few lines
back and now after checking I see that
it has not been used as of yet,  so used
it shall be.  Here goes…

Life Beyond

Now’s a doorway
with lock and key
to open up one day
or to let it be.
For our life beyond
on yet another day
might be the answers
for something we pray.
Seen through windows
some life’s might seem
that of a much better
timeless dream,
but yet it’s perception
and how we perceive
anothers life beyond
a web they weave.
So let all the minutes
within your own way
become life beyond
the best you can pray.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 8,  2018

There ya go.  LOL it might not make a
lick of sense to you,  but it does to me 🙂
So, if you don’t understand it,  I’m sorry.
Anyways,  I hope you enjoyed all of my
rambling and maybe even the poem even
if you didn’t understand it Hahahahaha.
Judy is now busy redoing one of her books
getting ready to republish.  The people
that were publishing it before went out of
business.  So Judy has a couple of books
to redo and republish.  I know she’s happy
to be able to put these books back on the
market.  That should keep her busy for
a long while 🙂  I’m so very proud of her.
Writing is something that brought her
and I together back in April 1st of 2001
and we have found tons of other things
that we have in common.  Yea,  we do
have our bad days,  but we all have our
share of bad days.  Actually it’s the bad
days that make the better days to shine.
Before I get into rambling mode again
I guess I need to tell you what I tell you
every week and that is I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more
poems with 4 extras and 2 of the poems
are Christmas poems.  I also wrote 22
more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like.  Now,
to find that confounded off switch that
is the worst at hide and seek hehehehe,
but not before I wish you a wonderful
weekend or whatever’s left of it and a
truly blessings filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  OK so,
where is that ornery off switch hiding
this time?   Hmmmm.  searching high
and low.  Aha,  I see ya hiding behind
the doggie hair brush.  You might want
to look for something that is not lying
down flat to hide behind next hehehehe.
The wire bristles hardly hid you from
view.  Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+4 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Then At Peace

An apple of time
with core of seeds
gives many blessings
filling our needs.
Seen in a moment
painted with love
is then at peace
a time from above.
Scented with flavors
a momentous find,
points to remember
of a wonderful time.
As birds fly away
and moments cease
an apple is tasted
when then at peace.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 2,  2018

Journeys Through

A beaten path
of timeless toil
begins its groove
in moments soil.
Journeys through
summer to fall
we might uncover
a moment so tall.
Breath of life
and scenic ways,
journeys through
give much to gaze.
Though so many
may close their eyes
to the beauty
of autumns skies.
Seamless scenes
become our views
as ongoing times
that minutes infuse.
Providing a sight
of moments peace
as we discover
each turning leaf.
Journeys through
on a gravel mile
on a country road
with a little smile.
Time can be victor
with a wondrous hue
blessings united
journeys through.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 2,  2018

Dream Of Spring

As winter ends
and leaves its place
a certain scene
then shows its face.
Flowers blooming
weeds then too
become colors
springtime hue.
A dream of spring
becomes a glance
a time and place
of life’s romance.
As birds unite
to sing their songs
a dream of spring
becomes so strong.
It then beacons
sights and sounds
dreamers essence
time abounds.
A dream of spring
then becomes true
as the flowers
come in view.
Seeming as magic
that comes alive
a dream of spring
before my eyes.
Yet this moment
is just a scene
found in winter
a dream of spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 2,  2018

Water Pours

Life’s a faucet
pouring so true
the likes of me
and likes of you.
We might so often
just misconceive
how we’re pouring
you and me.
Water pours
as wine of gold
like you and I
from young to old.
Seasons faucets
become alive
as water pours
into our eyes.
Life’s a doorway
a faucet in time
as water pours out
our design.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 3,  2018

Distant Skies

Winter’s white
with skies of blue
becomes scenes
a Christmas view.
A blue horizon
falls in place
bringing patterns
clouds of lace.
Seeming sewed in
clouds become
distant skies
of evenings sun.
Joyful blessings
come and go
as the patterns
keep their flow.
Forming scenes
from day to night
distant skies
set time in flight.
Fluffy clouds
become a dream
as we look on
all we’ve seen.
Life’s a blessing
sometimes hidden
in the moments
God has given.
Christmas hues
of distant skies
can find home
within our eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 4,  2018

Autumn’s Bliss

Memories passion
scented designs
displays autumn
as magical times.
Blissful emotions
painted in place
leaves as a pattern
with a colorful face.
Time then awakens
as leaves fall down
into autumn’s bliss
as seen all around.
Life then is scenic
as minutes tick on
within all the colors
there then and gone.
Leaving just a trace
of a season’s kiss,
this is what’s known
as autumn’s bliss.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 4,  2018

This Little Doggie

This dog of ours
he loves the snow
to run and play
both high and low.
He often finds
the highest place
in snow of white
to then embrace.
This little doggie
just loves the scene
as snow of white
his favorite dream.
For when it melts
and gone from view
this little doggie
will seek anew.
Then when winter
returns its sight
and brings the view
of snow of white
this little doggie
will give a big smile
and run in the snow
and jump in a pile.
Smiling so brightly
as times before
this little doggie
will play some more.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 4,  2018


Sometimes a moment
has hidden within
many illusions
and a time to begin.
Maybe a mountain
or a distant foot hill
displays illusions
of a time to fulfill.
Looking in deeply
might then display
a moment, a minute,
a magical way,
Seen as a rhythm
that times interweave
lacing them together
for time to deceive.
The clouds may form
to hide from you
the illusions of life
in a fantastic view.
We might not perceive
what minutes portray
for what that’s illusion
might be a bit gray.
Hidden from our eyes
and a feeling to feel
we might find a sight
that’s not really real.
Look for the trueness
in all that is there,
see through illusions
the answers to prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 4,  2018

Shadows Of Fall

A glimpse into time
with a heartbeat’s eyes
becomes a doorway
a time in disguise.
Shadows of the mind
created by a thought
display the moments
that cannot be bought.
The shadows of fall
of a subsequent view
found behind summer
becomes as anew.
Even through winter
the memories exist,
as shadows of fall
in a leaf turning mist.
Scented with flavors
of colorful leaves,
time begins painting
what eyesight perceives.
Some leaves are red
and some then are gold
that now are shadows
of autumns of old.
Winter might display
some snow fluffy white,
as memories of fall
are still within sight.
Maybe just a memory
that lives within you
as shadows of fall
that wonderful view.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 5,  2018

The Crossing

Minds may discover
a life that’s seen
timeless minutes
maybe a dream.
Within the crossing
of tracks of time
life might display
a moment’s mind.
The scenes may go
to there and back
at the crossing
of a railroad track.
It might be found
a Christmas sight,
a page from a book
of day and night.
Within the crossing
a pathway’s laid
scented of Christmas
as life’s marmalade.
Hold to the beauty
of the sights you see
found at the crossing
of history.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 5,  2018

Momentary Emotions

Embraced by waves
of life and times
we might perceive
some fathomless finds.
Lost in the depth
of a momentous sight
an emotional scene
of wrong and right.
God filled times
of there and then
found momentary
as the days begin.
Blowing up masses
as waves of style
some with a frown,
some with a smile.
Listing in the waves
a ship might sail
as a breath of life
and story to tell.
It all comes alive
as scenes will grow
bringing into view
what times bestow.
Some as a lesson
to teach what’s right
and some as answers
that waves ignite.
These are the ventures
in our daily oceans
found as our turnstiles
momentary emotions.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6,  2018

Faraway Places

A distant time
and distant view
becomes alive
in me and you.
As we search
within our minds
the distant days
a moment finds.
Faraway places
that time reveals
becomes our view
in windowsills.
A distant dream
you found inside
life and times
that never died.
They live on
within your heart
faraway places
times impart.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 7,  2018

Distant Dreams

Passing views
that life’s displayed
become the times
life’s lemonade.
Those distant dreams
that times release
can find the times
a moment’s peace.
Just like the days
that passed us by,
the future comes
to say goodbye.
Those distant dreams
become our past
with hearts alive
that shadows cast.
The scene might die
for a moments view,
but then one day
we might pursue.
Those distant dreams
might live again
just like a kite
in evenings wind.
Flying briskly
in winds of time
our distant dreams
we’ll surely find.
Those distant dreams
will then become
a timeless scene
a setting sun.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 7,  2018

Coral Skies

We’re the wind
in evenings breath
a time and place
of more or less.
We strive to find
a view to see,
a sight of times
for you and me.
Maybe a scenic
view up above
of coral skies
and full of love.
The wind may blow
a certain array
as leaves of time
from day to day.
Yet we are often
seeking to find
some skies of blue
from time to time.
But as minutes
gather their speed
we might get
what all we need.
Some scenes begin
with more or less
north and south
or east and west.
Yet for a moment
to fill our eyes
we might discover
some coral skies.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 7,  2018

for Apr 7,  2018

Lost in perception
many will see what they want
and it’s just a dream.

Springtime’s persuasion
comes as grasses filled with weeds
that look like flowers.

Without the sunshine
the rain does the plants no good,
for they need them both.

Chances that we make
become lessons or burdens
that time shows the truth.

Seconds are something
that many will sit and count,
before getting up.

Need is confusion
that is often just our wants
piled in a dream.

Reviewing the past
we might see things that we missed
that were hurried through.

Some relationships
are often misconceptions
that weren’t meant to be.

Challenges of life
can often show weaknesses
and how we’re to grow.

Through our life’s window
we can view each perspective
and choose directions.

Modernized doorways
can become mere confusion
losing what we need.

Daffodils grow wild
while they’re disguised as flowers
in a sheep’s clothing.

Plagued by ignorance
many choose stupidity,
as their own excuse.

Time is just a scene
that waits for its daily cue
to display what’s there.

A mere bumblebee
does more than many will do
within a life time.

Looking at shadows
you might find portions of life
that look like yourself.

Beyond a dream world
there might be a moment found
that could be nightmares.

The truth of our life
is often hidden from view,
but seen in mirrors.

Reflecting on spring
it gives a glance through winter
that’s seen as snow melts.

In just a moment
a second can pass us by
showing our regrets.

Hate is just a word
that many use for answers
instead of the truth.

Misleading ventures
can land us in much trouble
so take heed your stride.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 7,  2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

We Thank You


Hello my friends
Happy Easter

Judy and I are planning a quiet day here
at home watching Jesus Christ Superstar
and feeding our faces.  This passed week
has been on a warming trend.  Right now
it’s 45 F degrees at 3 P.M.  Although we’ve
still got a ton of snow and it’s gonna take
a few weeks maybe for it all to melt away.
But,  it will one day be gone and our little
boy Benny will still be outside searching
for a left over patch of snow to sit in LOL.
He does love snow.  Rocky,  not so much.
Rocky is more like Milo used to be.  He
prefers to be inside no matter the weather.
It can be the most beautiful day outside
and he’ll be found barking at the front
door saying let me in LOL.  Benny will
come back in when he is finally tired of
being outside or when either Judy or I
go and holler,  Benny get your booty in
here and he’ll come,  but slowly hehehe.
Even in the snow,  he’ll be out jumping
through the mounds of snow and often
sitting on top of the highest snowbanks.
He’s our snow dog LOL.  Rocky often
follows Benny around like a shadow.  He
is soon to be ready to come back inside
and play with the doggy toys.  Life at
the Pearce’s Place is sometimes a little
entertaining,  but more often it’s as it
is now,  fairly quiet with both of our
boys lying in the floor asleep.  LOL and
Benny snores when he’s sound asleep.
LOL often it sounds like both of the
boys are talking in their sleep hehehe 🙂
Hahaha,  you can almost hear words
or the sounds of words.  It looks as if
we might get some more snow this week
according to my weather programs,  but
not much and being that the weather is
on a warming,  it surely won’t stick on
the roads or our driveway.  It though
will stick on the snow that is still in an
abundance outside right now though.
Oh well,  I have gotten used to it.  We
have lived up here for over 10 years now
and I’ve seen snow even in the month
of May LOL.  So nothing surprises me.
Judy’s making brownies and I’m going
to make chocolate chip cookies after I
get done writing this and get it sent 🙂
Judy got done with the brownies just
a little bit ago and so I just now went
in and set the oven on 375 for when I
get done here and can get started on
the cookies 🙂  Boy the wind is blowing.
Looking outside we can see all of the
trees swaying in the breeze.  Some of
the gust are over 40 MPH.  Yep,  it’s a
windy day,  but it’s a beautiful day 🙂
LOL I told Judy I oughta through a
few unpainted eggs out in the snow
and have the neighbors kids go on a
Easter egg hunt hehehe.  I doubt they
would find them until the snow melted
and then there would be a lot of rotten
eggs hahaha.  🙂 Not the kids,  the eggs.
God is still watching over Judy and I.
He’s allowed everything to happen as
it should and I’m sure He has prevented
the worst from happening to us.  For
that oh Lord,  we thank You.  We are
always thankful for Your unending
love and compassion that You have
given us through Your Son.  We do
have our fair share of problems,  but
for the most part,  we have become
much stronger through the struggles.
Now I believe it’s time for me to take
my little trip back through all that I’ve
written here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem.  So
it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I found
a decent title just a few lines back.  Now
to see if I can do anything with it LOL.
Here goes…

We Thank You

Time might seem
to be unglued,
but life is often
God has ways
of changing times
into much better
daily designs.
We might not see
the changing phase
as minutes pass
within the days,
but surely times
are often changed,
the Hand of God
has rearranged.
Hearts that once
were saddened hue
are found with peace
Lord we thank You.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1,  2018

Well,  there ya go.  I know it’s not all
that great,  but it’s what I felt compelled
to write.  Trust me,  I never know what
I am going to write or how it is going to
come out.  It’s a surprise to me as well.
The boys are still asleep in the floor and
it sounds like they are talking in their
sleep LOL.  They might be having doggy
dreams.  Hahaha Benny’s dream I can
imagine is of him running and playing in
the snow.  Who knows what Rocky is
dreaming of LOL.  He might be having
a dream of eating or playing with all of
the doggy toys.  Maybe even running
and playing with Benny.  In any case,
they are both sound asleep.  Benny is
snoring now hehehe.  So I guess that’s
about all I have for ya aside from the
regular and so I guess it’s time for me
to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is,  I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more
poems with 2 extras and 2 of them are
Christmas poems.  I also once again
wrote 22 haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there.  I hope you can find
1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now I believe it’s time for me to begin
my search for that hardly elusive off
switch,  but not before I wish you a
most joyful weekend as well as a
Happy Easter and a truly blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves
you and we do too.  Ok so where is
that confounded off switch hiding
this week?  LOL better to the point
where is it dancing at Hahahahaha.
I see ya you little whippersnapper.
How about finding a spot that even
if you cannot stay still,  you can be
hidden LOL.  Hiding behind my
aspirin bottle sort of gave you away
being the bottle was sounding like a
maraca which caused me to look 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+2 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Ocean’s Moon

Summer scenes
of sights and times
begin the dreams
within our minds.
An ocean’s moon
might surely show
a sight you see
in evenings glow.
Above the ocean
at end of day
an ocean’s moon
might then display.
Becoming life
to raise the tide
and then allow
the times inside.
A certain phase
becomes a glimpse
as ocean’s moon
becomes intense.
With every sight
of which appears
it describes
the seasons years.
It paves the way
for day’s arrival,
the ocean’s moon
with its survival.
As the minutes
from afternoon
the tide will swell
with ocean’s moon.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 27,  2018

Distant Past

Time might echo
a sight you see,
a distant past
of our history.
Living shadows
come into view
with a distant past
of time so true.
A weathered book
of moments minds
shows the past
for future finds.
We might miss
the view displayed,
a distant past,
life’s lemonade.
Poured so pure
a tasty treat,
the past might be
for eyes to eat.
Allowing the view
to come to be
a great memoir
of history.
The faded scenes
of timeless age
might show signs
the turn of a page.
Each scene found
to somehow last
can give a view
of the distant past.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 27,  2018

Bridge Of Water

Inside of a view,
a certain sight
an ocean of scenes
can come to life.
A distant scene
that seems to say
it has the essence
of a wonderful day.
A bridge of water
to glide upon
as ones walking
or skimming along.
We might perceive
this certain sight
as but a scene
from day to night.
It’s the connection
that waves foretell
a bridge of water
for thoughts to sail.
Becoming scenic
these times we see
a bridge of water
might be history.
For ones to sail
or tarry through
as each day comes
and brings a view.
A bridge of water
to stand upon
with help from life
and right or wrong.
We might sink
beneath the waves
but God is there
on top to gaze.
Giving us moments
to find release
a bridge of water
with love and peace.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 28,  2018


Remembering life
as an Christmas tree
a time so divine
within history.
The seasons move on
and life portrays
Christmas beginnings
from day unto day.
A mere memory
of a distant time
as an epiphany
Christmastime rhyme.
Hearts all glistening
love and compassion
giving of blessings
maybe old fashioned.
Yet as a dreamer
a Christmas desire
ones get a heartbeat
burning as fire.
An epiphany of love
and passing days
that we remember
in wonderful ways.
Some as shadows
of glimmering hues
found within scenes
a moment accrues.
Life is a blessing
so wondrous to see
as that of Christmas
a true epiphany.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 28,  2018

Remembering Fall

Looking back one day
and finding another
I then remember
an autumn with color.
Seeming as a dream
of another fine day
I remember fall
in a magical way.
Revisiting pictures
taken so long ago
I’m remembering fall
as leaves cease to grow.
Creating a turnstile
a doorway of time
I find that autumn
gives a wondrous design.
Seeming as painted
on a canvas of white
the leaves I remember
shine bright in the light.
Becoming the essence
of a glimmering view
colors so awesome
with a magical hue.
Shining in the sunlight
as memoirs of old
I now see photographs
of colors so bold.
That of a memory
which I now recall
while I am sitting here
remembering fall.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 28,  2018

Mermaid Moon

Glistening nights
of sights to swoon
brings alive time of
a mermaid moon.
Found as a dreamer
seeks out to find
a mermaid moon
to live in their mind.
Maybe as a painting
of a sweet sight to see
scented with portions
of the deep blue sea.
Time is but an echo
of ventures within
as a mermaid moon
then begins to swim.
Found within the waves
in the bright moonlight
a mermaid might rest
in the dark of the night.
Seen by many sailors
with a song to swoon
this is what’s found
in a mermaid moon.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2018

Streaming Through

Rowing diligently
in ripples and waves
life becomes segments
time’s passing days.
The blue of the water
in a certain time frame
becomes as a instance
of pleasure and pain.
We might discover
some misleading views
while we are reading
the time’s daily news.
Each story we hear
might fill up our minds
when streaming through
to some other designs.
Allow for a moment
of your rowing to begin
learning from the past
to let new within.
Grow on beyond now
to some better displays
while streaming through
all the yesterday’s ways.
Don’t let your struggles
to become all you see.
Look for the lessons
in your own history.
Seek to grow wiser
with each day anew
in the waters of lifetimes
while streaming through.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2018

White Road

Beyond a journey
of a snow filled road
time begins pathways
of which to unload.
Becoming a scenic
view on display
with a white road seen
in a Christmassy way.
When looking deeply
into all of the snow
you might see a sign
of a Christmassy flow.
Scented with snowflakes
and seasons own wine,
flavored as emotions
in a Christmas design.
Some only see it
as a road colored white,
but others that see it
see a Christmas delight.
A time that’s exploding
into such a stage,
actors as snowflakes
of age unto age.
Time is just a format
that minutes tick on.
A white road continues
its wintertime song.
Life begins pathways
of a timeless abode,
the home for memories
upon a white road.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2018

Moments Unheard

Seen through morning,
and a dawning of day
moments might whisper
the words that they say.
Unheard by many
as a boat out to sea,
the minutes tick onwards
to be what they’ll be.
The moments unheard
are as flavors of time
often as a journal
inside of the mind.
Some seeking seconds
allow minutes to pass
not paying attention to
shadows they cast.
So many will often
look the wrong ways
in the moments unheard
and distant displays.
Not seeing the truth
in the patterns they make,
the moments unheard
become an earthquake.
Take heed the lessons
of a wave full of life
and use them for growing
with lesser of strife.
Time can be a joker
and seem to be absurd,
but there is still hopeful
in the moments unheard.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2018

Love Filled

Enhanced by time
and age divine
the stage is set
for things to find.
A little child
a time so mild
becomes the scene
of life compiled.
Two dogs seen
as Heaven’s dream
a time divine
in living stream.
A love filled day
within a way
that’s found with joy
and child at play.
Together they find
a point in time
that brings together
a love filled mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2018


Strokes of time
a painted view
wondrous hue.
Scenes become
a sight to see
a time and place
for you and me.
Painted scenes
of many a sight
maybe a swan
within daylight.
Somebody’s view
unlike no others
painted with style
and watercolors.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30,  2018

Just Like Leaves

We’re all connected,
but maybe apart
sometimes a moment
of life’s work of art.
We’re just like leaves
of a destination
growing and falling
within times gestation.
We might perceive
a point of view
that many believe
not the same as you.
As the seasons
become as a mind
they begin painting
a point in time.
Within God’s artwork
a timeless phase
we’re just like leaves
of distant days.
We might not seem
the same as others
a moment in time
our sisters and brothers.
We each were born
to be who we are
as a family of leaves
from near to afar.
But yet we’re connected
as a spider weaves
the bleeding hearts
we’re just like leaves.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30,  2018

for Mar 31,  2018

Beyond our viewpoints
are some other perspectives
that might be better.

As we seek answers
we might find many questions
within each answer.

The waves of lifetimes
are often filled with burdens
that help us to grow.

Deep within our eyes
holds a view that is hidden
that some never see.

The life of springtime
divulges flowers to bloom
that slept through winter.

Dreams of a moment
in imaginary views
often ends sadly.

Green grass of summer
becomes a torment of time
to ones that mow it.

As a teardrop falls
it begins a healing phase
to bring ease to pain.

Inside a dreamworld
many lies can come alive
that need remained dreams.

Moving too quickly
you might stumble over time
that gets in the way.

When doors close tightly
it means it’s time to move on
and seek other doors.

Looking for springtime
while winter snow’s still present
might show confusion.

Hiding Easter eggs
in the snow left from winter
needs them all painted.

Trials of time
can often seem redundant

Naming your auto
silly names such as The Bomb
can make you lonely.

Looking to the sun
without some eye protection
could leave you sightless.

When throwing snowballs
always pack them up tightly
or they’ll just be flakes.

The ground holds our lives
as a keeper of our hearts
to give rise to food.

Summertime memoirs
are the seasonal moments
we soon wish to pass.

Changes of our views
come from growth of perception
and a change of heart.

Saddened memories
can turn into our future
if we do not learn.

Knowing and belief
are different perspectives
on what we perceive.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2018

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
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or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
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My Animal’s Greetings site below
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Your frosty friend Bill 🙂