Hello my friends
Well, it’s another day of winter, but it
seems to be warming up a bit. The snow
is melting away, although we could still
have another few days of snow, but it’s
not in the near futures forecast. Right
now at 4 PM it’s 29 F degrees and we’ve
still got tons of snow outside. It looks
like there will be a lot of floods down in
the lower lying areas as always due to the
melting snows and rain. It happens every
year. We’re on high ground so we have
nothing to worry about, unless of course
there’s a massive flood that we have yet
to see. So it’s on with the journal. The
winter season is seeming to be wending
its way to springtime a little earlier than
normal. Usually we have cold and snow
all the way through March and there’ve
been a few times on into April hehehe.
Benny and Rocky have been having fun
playing in the snow. It seems we’ve got
a couple of snow dogs LOL. If it were
not for the price of heating oil, I would
not mind winter staying around a little
longer. I love the snow and love to go
out and play in it especially with the boys.
It’s a windy day today. The wind’s been
blowing quite briskly all morning and is
still with its gusto 🙂 Judy’s still doing
a lot of painting and getting better with
every stroke of the brush. Her and her
sisters, daughters and family are going
to start a paint night March 5 which is
next Sunday. They have been just doing
their paintings at their homes the same
as Judy, but now they’re going to all
get together one night a month and do
painting together at Judy’s daughters
house. I wish there were something that
I was able to do with others that I like
to do such as play music or even fish,
but it doesn’t look like that will happen,
at least not now. Maybe one day, who
knows 🙂 I’m still busy working on new
picture poetry. I’ve already got 56 new
picture poems. Believe it or not, they
aren’t that hard for me to do. It seems
to be a knack of mine. Our books are
slowly but surely being purchased, but
they’ve got a long way to go before we
will see much of any income with them.
That’s OK, I enjoy writing them and
Judy enjoys painting as well as writing.
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been writing
poetry for over 50 years huh LOL. Yep,
and I’ve been writing this journal for
more than 20 years. I’m sure there are
a few of you that remember near the
first publication of it LOL. It wasn’t
near as wordy as it is now. I guess I’ve
gotten a bit more rambly hehehehehe.
Plus I write a lot more than I used to
being, then I was working and now I’m
retired. Well since I began writing, the
temperature has dropped a couple of
degrees 🙂 Now it’s 27 F degrees and the
wind is still talking to us 🙂 It looks as
though tomorrow will be a mirror image
of today, temperature, wind and all :p
So what else is going on around here?
Hmm, well to be honest, it’s not been
too exciting. Nope, it’s pretty much
been the same old same old. Though
a bit different than other weeks I did
not take many pictures, being it was
way to bright and hard to see with the
sun reflecting off of the snow. Plus
Judy and I didn’t do many drives to
town and when we did go, the sun was
already going down making it hard to
get a good picture. But I did take a
few around the house. Remember the
lighthouse that Judy and I made last
year? Well it weathered the winter and
the light is still shining. I built it pretty
sturdy so I figured it would survive 🙂
Some of the paint has peeled, but that’s
an easy fix. All in all, it still looks nice.
and lights the way. So I reckon that’s
about all that’s going on around here.
God has kept His mighty hands over
us protecting us. Of course we have
had a few trying times, but nothing
that was going to tear us down. Our
two boys keep us entertained. They
were most surely a blessing from God.
Now I believe it’s time for me to begin
my journey back through all that I’ve
written here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem. So,
it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. It looks like
I may of found a decent title just a few
lines back. Now to see what if anything
at all I can write using it. Here goes.
Trying Times
A page from a moment,
a book that’s inlaid
is trying times minutes
of life’s promenade.
The seasons of thresholds
display in their gate
times we’ve been bitten
by when we can’t wait.
Mornings we’ve awoken
and gotten out of bed
to seek without thinking
to try and get ahead.
Sometimes our efforts
are without any prayer
as we waltz out the doorway
to times all aglare.
The problems become as
a weed that begrimes
when we went without praying
and found trying times.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 26, 2017
Ok there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even understood it.
Also I hope you enjoyed my rambling.
I’m sure a few of you read it while you
scratched your head saying, what????
I do have a busy mind and it does tend
to drift from time to time LOL. Oh well,
at least it gave ya something to read that
was clean hehehe. Well, as I said before,
I have been busy with picture poetry and
getting ready to have volume 3 published
maybe sometime in April. I have found
that I enjoy writing picture poetry. It’s
something that makes me have to write
outside of the box more often to find a
story in a photo or painting. Most times
writing a poem, I just find a title and
write using it. So, I hope many of you
will go and buy our books. It would sure
help us out. Judy and I have put a lot
of work into them. I guess it’s time now
for me to be telling you what I tell you
almost every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yep, 10
more poems with only 3 extras this week.
11 of them are picture poems 🙂 without
the pictures of course hehehehe. Oh and
yes I once again wrote 22 more haiku for
all of the haiku lovers out there. I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like. Now I believe it’s time for me
to begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you a
most joyous weekend or whatever is left
of it and a most truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Alrighty then, where is that off switch at?
Where can it be hiding this week? Hmm,
I think I see something out of place that
is behind my tape measure. Yep, there
ya are. You had to push it out a bit so
you could fit behind it huh LOL. You’re
getting better, but still, no cigar hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new book
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our book 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+3 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
A Storm
A time of sadness,
a time of grief
a storm becomes
a fallen leaf.
The pitter patter
raindrops make
can become
a hopeless lake.
But the moments
a storm finds
can bring hopeful
peace of minds.
Using lessons
times have shown
a storm can be
a times atone.
With the raindrops
seasons show
a storm has seeds
for you to sow.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
The Imagination
Those special times
that we come to
the imagination
within our view.
They are our dreams
our hopes desires
to extinguish
sadness fires.
So many things
that we bring forth
east to west
and south to north.
The many dreams
that come alive
a timeless scene
our hearts contrive.
Maybe a painting
of a unicorn
that comes to life
as fleshly born.
The imagination
can blossom true
a magical place
for me and you.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
Country White
Scenes of winter
country white
become paintings
God’s delight.
Mornings display
timeless shows
country white
a scene bestows.
As a painting
photos taken
I find pictures
come awaken.
Through the sticks
a scene is found
country white,
I look around.
Life’s a blossom
found in sight
a winter scene of
country white.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
Reaching For A Star
Midnight fantasies
of heated desires
seek for the starlight
and what that transpires.
The twinkling essence
of a distant place
brings ones a smile
to display on their face.
Reaching for a star
of a distant memory
a time far away
at night you can see.
Painted emotions
might surely be seen
a time that is found
as just but a dream.
Found as illusion
this painting has filled
colors of emotion
with heartbeats instilled.
Yet in the painting
of near and afar
there displays someone
that’s reaching for a star.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
A Lonely Heart
Life with stories
ones can tell
finds ones living
near to Hell.
Without seeing
knowing true
a lonely heart
might be with you.
Often without
actions seen
a lonely heart
might have a dream.
A dream of life
that they succeed
found in pages
books they read.
Yet we often
do not know
that they’re there
and feeling low.
A lonely heart
might be so clear,
but you’ve sought
to never hear.
So ones teardrops
might just fall
without no one
they can call.
Don’t let someone
fall away,
a lonely heart
of day to day.
Seek for friendship,
show them true
love and life
for them to view.
Don’t let someone
fall apart
always being
a lonely heart.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
House Of Memories
Amidst a long drive
of so long ago
we came then upon
a house within snow,
It seemed to be alive
with many memories
as windows of time
of oceans and seas.
This house that we saw
was a shadows cast,
a story, a journal
found from the past.
It held in its walls
a scented array
seeming as haunted
in a wondrous display.
There was no fear,
not a moments unease
as we drove on past
the house of memories.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
Beside The Tracks
An autumn stroll
through mystery
was found one day
a sight to see.
Beside the tracks
of thereunto
there was my stride
a wondrous view.
An autumn day
with photographs
was beautiful
beside the tracks.
Footsteps made
as minutes form
waiting to hear
a trains loud horn.
Beside the tracks
the season shines
an autumn stroll
the moment finds.
Just like a page
of memory
beside the tracks
is history.
A time unfolded
for me to share
a photograph,
a breath of air.
The autumn leaves
are on the path
while I am seen
beside the tracks.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
A Timeless Pier
So long ago
in times so warm
a photograph
was then and born.
Upon a pier
was fishermen
a moments scene
to then begin.
It’s now recorded
a timeless pier
with deep blue seas.
The stage is set
as shadows cast
the echoes of
a photograph.
Within the scene
my wife adheres
my photograph
a timeless pier.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
As Life Begins
With morning glories
oh so blue
a life begins
a day anew.
Bluebirds landing
there in place
the day is found
a wondrous face.
A smiling essence
God has shown
morning glories
birds have flown.
Blessing filled
to give a smile
as life begins
to then compile.
Some bluebirds fly
with wondrous grace
and land so gently
to embrace
the morning glories
time has shown
as life begins
and birds have flown.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2017
A Heavenly Day
Clouds as a painting
shimmering sight
display the beauty
of heavenly light.
A day within portions
of sunshine of love
pours out like liquid
from Heaven above.
A heavenly day
with a beautiful sky
finds ones the motive
a photograph high.
A farm in the distance
is displayed so fine
while clouds all billow
their wondrous design.
The scene is as magic
of a blessings array
as a great memory
a heavenly day.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25, 2017
Bridge To View
Evening is displayed
sometime in sight
with a bridge to view
the evenings delight.
Often a moment
will come into view
a time so special
that enlightens you.
With a bridge to view
a wintertime scheme
from our car one day
such a wonderful scene.
Snow driven pathways
to a distant time shore
become as the essence
that many adore.
A picture of a moment
that then comes alive
with a bridge to view
that so many drive.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25, 2017
Snowscape Painting
Scenes come alive
in the snow of white,
a moment painted
is pure delight.
A snowscape scene
of wintertime’s love
finds in a painting
timeless thereof.
Two dogs posing
in a picture of snow,
now just a painting
that seems all aglow.
Trees in the distance
become as the heart,
all covered with snow
as times work of art.
Time’s remembered
as a magical theme,
found now as painted
with light all agleam
A snowscape painting
with our two boys
is found in a moment
as winter employs.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25, 2017
Within The Cold
As if a story
that’s written in time
there is a farm house
a picturesque rhyme.
Within the cold
of wintertime’s grasp
there is a story
of future and past.
Scented with snowflakes
timeless the essence
within the cold
is winter’s candescence.
A flag is blowing
in wintertimes breeze
as it shows near it
a tree without leaves.
With autumns pathway
to winters behold
there is a farmhouse
within the cold.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25, 2017
for Feb 25, 2017
Shadows of dewdrops
come as echoes of the day
displayed in silence.
Without a heartbeat
life is just a memory
found in existence.
A flower’s beauty
is depicted by the time
and date that it blooms.
A storm of today
could become your memories
that seem as much less.
Within our thinking
holds the choices of many
that have changed our thoughts.
Living fantasies
can become many nightmares
that weren’t meant to be.
A desires flaw
can be enhanced by actions
as truth is revealed.
Inside life’s doorways
holds the chances for new life
or passed reflections.
Mornings of sunshine
may be hidden behind clouds,
but the sun is there.
A glimpse of starlight
can become a wondrous dream
that’s filled full of hope.
Allowing anger
to become all that you are
makes you dynamite.
Seasons of snowflakes
will melt away in springtime
with rivers to flow.
A mere emotion
can bring forth much destruction
if it is sour.
As life has begun
it shall also find demise
if we lose the truth.
Plants that are watered
also need sunshine and Earth
to become stronger.
Beyond ones thinking
holds the factors of belief
or ones lack thereof.
Sliding down a hill
puts grooves in the footings
that others will see.
Searching too harshly
will only find you much despair,
for your search is null.
The leaves on a tree
will fall off during autumn
but decorate well.
The glance of a friend
can be filled with joy for you
and still be real sad.
Deceptive people
leave a trail of misery
when truth is revealed.
The term perfection
is what ones misinterpret
as being the best.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25, 2017
Our Newest book
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
and if you are not in the USA or would just rather buy
them at you can buy them both on my page
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂