Hello my friends
It’s getting near to Christmas with each
passing day. Yeppers, next Sunday is
Christmas Day. Judy and I are enjoying
the season. We went yesterday evening
for a little Christmas light search to take
a few pictures. I got a few good ones. I
had to snow blow today just in case we
need to get out for something. We got
quite a bit of snow and it’s still snowing.
It’s looking as though we will have snow
for Christmas HoHoHo. That always
makes me happy. We’re gonna go and
spend Christmas Eve with some of the
kin folks if the weather is not too bad
for traveling, but I doubt it will be too
bad for us to drive. We’ve managed in
many conditions. We just slow down
and don’t get in a hurry. I love all of
the scenery that comes in view with the
snow upon it. I know that many don’t
like the snow, but that is maybe due to
them having to drive in it every day to
work and back, but we’re retired and
only have to drive in it time to time such
as to the grocery store, pay bills or to
the clinic for doctor visits. Speaking of
clinics, Vision Care called me and told
me that my glasses were ready, so we
drove to town and got them Thursday.
I love my new PC glasses. My others
were a tad bent out of proportion and
I had to always look up to see through
them. That was killing my neck LOL.
Yep, I love my new glasses. It makes
it much easier to do my poetry pictures.
Judy is doing well other than a tooth
ache and we’re trying to find a dentist
that will pull it, but dentist are hard to
find up here. We went to the walk in
clinic Friday for Judy to see a doctor
about prescribing her some antibiotics
and she now has them and they are
helping a bit, but she still needs that
tooth extracted. I truly understand
the toothaches LOL. I have had my
share of them in the past. Anyways,
other than that, we are doing well as
we excitedly await Christmas HoHoHo.
Monday of last week, Judy stopped at
the walking bridge in town so that I
could get out and take a few pictures.
LOL I busted my butt as I stepped off
of a curb that I did not see, but I am
OK. I just banged up my knee and
both of my hands. It’s nothing that
I haven’t had happen in the past and
I survived. Anyways, my hands are
still a bit sore, but otherwise they’re
OK. My right hand is still a little
swelled, but I’ll live LOL. If it were
not for the slips and falls I’d think
I was dead hehehe. I have learned to
not let them to hold me back. I will
continue to do what I do, until God
says no more and I haven’t got that
from Him yet 🙂 I did though get the
fact that I will never be able to work
again due to health, but that gives
me time to do what I enjoy doing and
that is write and do photography as
well as spend time with my beautiful
bride and our ornery little boy/dog 🙂
Rocky loves the snow too. He and I
went out together this afternoon so I
could do some snow blowing and he
enjoyed watching me as he ran around.
For all of you that do not know what
snow blowing is, it’s using a machine
called a snow blower to blow the snow
off of the driveway or walkway. It’s
got turbines that turn and as you push
it through the snow it picks it up and
tosses it through a tube away from the
area you are clearing. Anyways, that
is what I did a lot of this afternoon and
then I decided to take a few pictures of
the scenery as well as a few selfies LOL.
Yep, I even walked down to the river
or what used to be a river that is down
the road from our house and took a
few pictures. It was beautiful. I got a
lot of great pictures/shots. I had to do
the penguin walk there and to being the
road was slick as snot and I didn’t want
another fall this soon after my last one 🙂
LOL I sound like a klutz don’t I hehehe.
Trust me, vertigo does not help in the
least LOL. God is still looking out for
us and doing for us what we are unable
to do for ourselves. Thankfully He is
always watching over us as are many
angels and kindly spirits. Judy and I
fill blessed to have found one another.
It was through God that we connected
with her up here in Maine and me down
south in Texas. We weren’t looking for
anybody, but God saw that we were a
couple that needed joining. So if you
are all alone now today, then let God
to be the chooser of whether you need
someone or just need to love yourself
and enjoy your life. The threads of life
can often get tangled as we search for
what we do not need. We thank You
God for always being the greatest life
seamstress and sewing together what
needs to be sewn together. AMEN…
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem. So, it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I might have found me
a decent title just few lines down from
the beginning of my rambling and now
after checking I see that it hasn’t been
used yet, so used it shall be. Here goes.
Scenery That Comes
Life is as a painting
artwork in the midst
seasons of emotions
many keep on a list.
Scenes come in view
that many never see
due to only looking
at the passed history.
Sunrises and sunsets
create such a sight
as many paintings
of daylight and night.
Yet many look on
and never find love
scenes pure as gold
from heaven above.
Take the time to look
and find what’s there
as times so divine
as answers to prayer.
Breathe in heartbeats
of the seasonal suns
and find beauty in
scenery that comes.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 18, 2022
Well, there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling. I haven’t much else to tell you
other than what I tell you every week and
that is, I wrote some more poetry and
haiku. Yep, 10 more poems and three of
them are Christmas poems. I also wrote
22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like. Now, with that said
I reckon I need to begin searching for that
hardly elusive off switch, but not before I
wish you a blessings filled week as well as
remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now, where can that silly off switch be
trying to hide this week LOL. As if it is
ever trying to hide Hahaha. Well, as I
look around the room, I don’t see any
sign of it, but Hmmm. what is that my
eyes see trying to hide behind my camera
again Hahaha? It didn’t work for you the
last time did it? No it didn’t. So why
did ya hide there again? Oh you were
attempting to take a selfie while I looked
for you LOL. Well, let’s see it. Oh you
couldn’t get the camera on because you
are only an off switch Hahahahahahaha.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Travels of a day
might remember
echoes of a time
within December.
Scenes reflecting
of a timeless view
life envisioning
the old and anew.
A dreamers drive
to a distant place
a point in time
that you embrace.
It might be paths
that eyes perceive
Christmas views
with snowy seas.
Tomorrow’s sky
may seem to sing
of Christmastime
when envisioning.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 12, 2022
Blessings Within
Thriving as dreams
time finds a way
to come into view
in a passing display.
It might be a sight
of an old decor
such as a moment
for eyes to explore.
Maybe a blessing
that God gave time
as a tattered scene
of a country mind.
It might seem dead
as shadows begin,
but living memories
blessings within.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 12, 2022
Glimmer of Peace
Light of an evening
may shine of gold
leaving us windows
to gently unfold.
Becoming darker
as nighttime begins
a glimmer of peace
gently transcends.
Clouds might seem
as a texture of time
seasoned with love
from Jesus divine.
Time is a doorway
swinging thereunto
letting in glimmers
of a magical view.
So look within you,
find some release
sent from Heaven
a glimmer of peace.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2022
Sentiment of Style
Roadways of life
can accumulate time
and create patterns
as rhythm or rhyme.
Sentimental stages
as ages of dreams
become an equation
of scenic cuisine’s.
Tasted by our eyes
on a country road
styles are as stories
that time’s bestowed.
Blessings from God
of a timeless view
become sentimental
and live within you.
Forming a season
as a Christmas sight
within a little snow
glistening of white.
It may be memories
of a long driven mile
that lives of a time
sentiment of style.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 13, 2022
Time is Alive
Within minutes
seconds pass
creating times
shadows to cast.
making artwork
scenes of bliss
as time is alive
to reminisce.
It might only be
seconds in view
Christmas cheer
for me and you.
Snow all around
as stories to tell
within the pages
of a living well.
Scenic emotions
magical designs
memories of our
Pages are turned
to surely revive
a season of bliss
as time is alive.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 14, 2022
Bridge of Requests
Found in a thought
seen within time
a bridge of requests
creates a design.
Seen as a moment
that becomes more
a bridge of requests
is there to explore.
Seeming as a well
of wishful thought
a bridge of requests
is a little and a lot.
Providing dreamers
a moment to view
a bridge of requests
of old and anew.
Scenes of winter
a glittering phase
a bridge of requests
in wonderful ways.
Seek for yourself
a peaceful rest
that’s found upon
a bridge of requests.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 14, 2022
Gathered Around
Cold ice of winter
might be as a pond
frozen with images
of a seasonal song.
There may be ducks
in quacking arrays
singing a song of
the Christmas days.
They might of lost
their sense of time
and stuck around
in winter’s design.
The water’s frozen
and they can’t swim
as they slide around
again and again.
Ducks up above
had heard the song
sung upon the ice
of a frozen pond.
They made decision
to join the sound
singing together
all gathered around.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 15, 2022
Reflected Upon
God given memories
created in time
become as a window
found in the mind.
We might remember
a time and a place
that’s reflected upon
with a smiling face.
Standing together
with love in view
becomes a reflection
of me and of you.
We might envision
this time of year
as a seasonal sight
that we love so dear.
It might even seem
as a dusk to dawn
a moment displayed
we reflected upon.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 15, 2022
Profiles of Age
A turn of a page
as a scenic delight
often has stages
of snow of white.
Yet many seasons
are found to be
within beginnings
of things to see.
Winter might be
waiting to begin
as profiles of age
might transcend.
Creating pictures
a camera’s view
as our memories
then thereunto.
Seen as tracks
of trains of time
they may just be
a scenic design.
Seeming just like
a season’s stage
time may display
profiles of age.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 16, 2022
Walking in Dreams
Moments remembered
are often transpired
by that of time frames
that now has desired.
Seeking a glimmer
of a moment in time
as walking in dreams
just like sweet wine.
Poured as a memory
that’s an ocean of gold
dreamers might find
true love to unfold.
Scenes within our life
might be our view
seaming as thresholds
to the old and anew.
Links to a shadow
of a memorized day
can become a dream
in wondrous array.
Synced with passion
filled with love scenes
life can rekindle it
walking in dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 16, 2022
for Dec 17, 2022
Living for today
can often become problems
within tomorrow.
Years of illusions
often creates misery
because of the truth.
Holding onto time
and not allowing a change
can lead you to fail.
Glimmers of artwork
can blossom inside our minds
if we help it grow.
Frequency of heart
might be heard within silence
and felt in a breeze.
Gazing at the moon
there may be dreams gazing back
seeking your slumber.
Shadows of a time
can become repetitious
if we never change.
Traveling mindsets
create multiple journeys
that can be confused.
Windows and doorways
are like portals in the mind
with moments to choose.
Scented aromas
of a moment remembered
can illuminate time.
Stages we set up
can become devoid of life
if we just give up.
Life’s scenarios
might seem like moving pictures
often without sound.
An eve of desire
is like fuel for a daydream
that might not come true.
Trivial thinking
can leave all that’s important
in shadows of fact.
Throwing away things
that you hate for a moment
can come back to haunt.
Dismal perception
often leads to much sadness
that might not be there.
When hearing thunder
many fail to see the lightning
until it strikes them.
Ships that sail blindly
might crash in shallow waters
and become lessons.
Seasons of summers
are remembered by a few
as sunburns of time.
Various pathways
are as foothills decisions
that we might regret.
Years of our heartbeats
may seem to be reflections
in ones that we see.
Counting your blessings
often gets lost in sadness
as time goes its way.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 17, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Monthly Archives: December 2022
In Darkness
Hello my friends
I hope you are staying warm this winter.
We’re staying somewhat warm. The temp
seems to not of made up its mind just yet.
Yeppers, It was 8 F this morning and now
at near 4:30 it’s 19 F degrees. Tomorrow‘s
high is supposed to be much the same as is
our temperature for tonight, so that means
the water will continue dribbling in the spare
room to keep the water from freezing. Our
light bill is rather high due to that as well
as us using electric heaters to keep us warm
and leaving the furnace thermostat set as 55
just to make going into the kitchen to cook
doesn’t freeze us. We’re trying to cut down
on our use of heating oil being that it cost
so much nowadays and it’s getting hard to
come by also. We’ll survive, but we feel
very sad for ones that are in worse shape
than us. All we can do is pray for those
that are less fortunate than us. Life can
always be worse, so be thankful for the
blessings that you receive. So, what is
going on around this place? Well Judy
and I bought us a ham to have for our
Christmas dinner. We figured we better
get it early, because they may soon be
sold out LOL. I plan on going out one
day when it’s snowing and do a little bit
of Christmas light picture taking. If I’m
lucky, Judy will drive. If not then I will
and I will stop the car every so often if
there’s nobody behind me and take some
pictures of the houses all lit up that are
on our road to town. I might end up
just going on a day that it has snowed
though LOL, None the less, I will try
to get some good pictures. Judy just
told me that the other day when she
drove to Monticello to help her sister,
she said she saw some awesome lights,
so she said she’ll drive when we find a
good day to go picture taking and take
me so that I can take pictures. That
sounds great to me. I have run out of
Christmas light pictures to use for my
poetry pictures LOL. I enjoy doing
poetry pictures. I’m not so into doing
then for books now, being I already
have 14 books for sell on Amazon 🙂
If I ever get a whim, I might publish a
few more in paperbacks, but I am in
no hurry. They’re not selling all that
well LOL. Maybe when I am dead
and gone, they will start selling LOL.
Isn’t that how it works? No matter,
Judy was the one that wanted me to
publish my poetry pictures in a book.
We weren’t thinking of making money
from them, but it would most surely
be freaking nice, being SS doesn’t
pay all that much. We had a visit
from our neighbor Bernard today 🙂
He brought us some food. We didn’t
need it, but he likes to help us out
when he can. If they move, we will
surely miss them and the probability
is pretty good, being we never seem
to keep neighbors long for some odd
reason. Anyways, He helps me when
I am unable to snow blow or mow the
lawn, being he knows that my health
is not all that great at times. I do get
out and do it, when I am able to. I
do not like having to depend on him
or anyone else to do my chores. So,
life continues on at the Pearce’s Place.
Rocky is doing well. He’s still driving
us crazy LOL. He cannot ever make
up his mind of if he wants a treat or
needs to go outside to go potty. He is
not that bright. OK I will come right
out it say it, He’s stupid LOL, but we
love the little boy. He’s been with us
for 7 years now. Right now he’s in his
doggy bed right beside me sleeping 🙂
I’ve been wandering around the net
exploring while I’ve been writing this,
so I have killed a few hours hehehe.
It’s now near 6:30 PM and the temp is
16 F degrees. I reckon I need to get
this done so that Judy and I can see
what’s on TV for us to watch. It’s as
dark as dark can be right now being
I see the moon nowhere. It must be
hidden behind a few clouds. There’s
not much else to tell ya. God is still
watching over us as are many angels
and kindly spirits. We feel blessed as
we look at life and see how we have
managed through many troubles and
are still moving forward. Thank You
God for all that You have done for
us and all that we are sure that You
will do. I ask for You to watch over
all of our friends and family as well
as the ones that we know not of and
protect them. Thank You Lord for
never leaving us in darkness. AMEN.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
be reading back over all that I have
written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go to that little place
of my recollection that I always like
I found a little phrase that I think
will work and it’s just but a few lines
back. I just checked I saw where I
had sort of used it, but not in the
same sense, So here goes…
In Darkness
Scenes within night
might form a fear
as light is devoid
and worry is near.
Darkness can create
many forms of life
some as a dream
and some as strife.
Find in darkness
a better sight to see
that is within you
and given for free.
Blessings from God
reside as a place
that can help you
find a smiling face.
Let time discover
love as hearts rest
filled with blessings
found in darkness.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 11, 2022
Well, there ya go. I hope the poem
made ya smile. I know it’s not that
great of a poem, but it’s what I came
up with at the moment. I’m trying to
get this journal done, so that I can get
this thing email and uploaded hehehe.
My sister Peggy had a birthday last week
and I did her a little poetry picture for
her birthday. I might share the poem
along with the others. So that’s about
all I have for ya other than what I tell
you every week and that is, I wrote a
few more poems and haiku. Yeppers,
10 more poems with 7 of them being a
slight Christmassy 🙂 I also wrote once
again 22 haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. Of course my poem to Peggy
will make 11 poems 🙂 I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like. Now I do believe it’s time for me
to start searching for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you all
a truly blessing filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Okey
dokey now, where can that ornery off
switch be attempting to hide this time?
LOL I have one and only one D cell
battery sitting in front of me and that
silly switch thought it was a good place
to hide Hahaha. Nope, not good at all.
I can see over the battery ya silly thing.
Gotcha See ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
11 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Across and Beyond
Searching the fields
of wintertime white
you might perceive
a Christmassy sight.
It might interweave
a season’s perception
of a moment in time
in a scenic direction.
Life as of artwork
with a magical view
across and beyond
to here thereunto.
You may think it is
but only a dream
that lives as a time
of a wintery scene.
Yet it might display
a Christmassy song
sung in the breeze
across and beyond.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 5, 2022
Holiday Minds
Pictures are taken
colorful shows
some so magical
Christmas bestows.
Scenic emotions
created in style
as holiday minds
may reconcile.
Finding the love
that was hid away
lost within anger
of a passing day.
Let Christmastime
to open the door
allowing heartbeats
of moments before.
Remembering life
and smiling faces
finding forgiveness
within God’s basis.
Look for the love
found in designs
living as Christmas
in holiday minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 5, 2022
Kin To Me
(Peggy’s poem)
This December day
on the 6th of time
my loving sister
is a birthday mind.
Born so long ago
as she and I met
with I 4 years later
I shall never forget.
We weren’t so close
a sister and brother,
but we most surely
loved one another.
I’m thankful years
we had in the past
as they’re now only
a shadow that cast.
Yet now and today
I feel closer to you
as the years passed
from old to anew.
I wish for you life
fulfilled with cheer
my loving kin to me
my sister so dear.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2022
Snowy Night
Wintertime’s sights
of snowfall appear
showing the life of
a season of year.
In a snowy night
there might just be
sights displaying
of a distant tree.
You may perceive
some faces within
snowflakes falling
times transcend.
Deep in the night
the darkness finds
flakes of winter
in Christmas minds.
It might be a scene
of a glorious white
a Christmas dream
in a snowy night.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2022
Tracks to Christmas
Many times doorways
may look just like trails
as seasons of pathways
within timeless details.
Train tracks may seem
as our ageless memories
while our perceptions
are like oceans and seas.
Flowing as a heartbeat
or as a river in time
the tracks to Christmas
might live in our mind.
Portrayed as a picture
that moments impart
the tracks to Christmas
shall never depart.
For if our memories
don’t just fade away
the tracks to Christmas
will be here to stay.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2022
River of Minds
Coldness of journeys
time finds a way
to discover memoirs
written in a day.
Journals of minutes
might seem as ice
flowing as a river
that seasons entice.
Lose the conformity
of an anger filled life
and don’t let time
to fill up with strife.
Look for the light
at the end of pain
and then see clearly
some good to attain.
Seek beyond trees
of hateful designs
and locate peaceful
in a river of minds.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 7, 2022
Images Transpire
Windows of illusions
may become real
as seasons of scenes
upon a windowsill.
So many snowflakes
of wintertime come
and land all around
like a heartfelt sun.
Glowing so brightly
time comes to be
as images transpire
becoming history.
Christmastime’s life
becomes a story
as ages are written
about God’s glory.
Thriving as breaths
breathed in deep
seeming as dreams
found within sleep.
Christmastime finds
a time and place
to remind of peace
and a smiling face.
We must remember
the very reason
for the time of day
and of the season.
Our life is a journey
and not just desire,
for God is the truth
as images transpire.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 7, 2022
Yearning For Peace
Living as a train track
a mind is a path
created by journeys
and shadows we cast.
Life can be fantasy,
life can be dreams
yearning for peace
in wintertime scenes.
Thriving life’s wishful
entices the times
while ones dream of
some snowy designs.
Hidden train tracks
amidst white snow
become as a dream
that life does bestow.
Pictured with photos
of life’s memory
time is like artwork
for the future to see.
Pictures remember
the views of a time
good recollections
of a face and design.
It may be a moment
or a scenic song
of a time and place
that’s now long gone.
Christmassy dreams
in winter’s release
open our mindsets
yearning for peace.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 8, 2022
Santa Claus Hill
Finding the feelings
of Christmas desire
often needs help of
a winter warm fire.
Along with the time
is a Christmas tree
to shine so bright
for others to see.
The Christmas glow
needs you and I
to shine and share
as time goes by.
On Santa Claus hill
trees stand true
to soon find a home
with me and you.
To share the spirit
of Christmastime
they wait each day
for us to find.
Yet the very spirit
trees don’t fulfill
for it is more than
Santa Claus Hill.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 8, 2022
Wisdom of Time
Living out lessons
learned from pain
often teaches better
thoughts to attain.
Time can be rough
as lessons hold true
giving us wisdom
of what not to do.
So many bestow
the roads of life
continuing anger
and living in strife.
Learn to discover
lessons in stride
and don’t lose them,
let wisdom reside.
Keep the memories
of lessons design
and learn to use
the wisdom of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 9, 2022
Clouds of Dreams
Harnessing thoughts
of a seasonal place
can become stages
of a dreamer’s face.
Leaving the misery
down on the ground
as clouds of dreams
are floating around.
Let loose the sorrow
and lessen the pain
while letting clouds
to give you a gain.
Allow the raindrops
to wash over you
and display a better
moment to view.
The clouds may be
but only a page
written within time
to give us a stage.
Providing rainbows
to flow as streams
coming from above
as clouds of dreams.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 9, 2022
for Dec 10, 2022
Searching for the truth
you might find a few pages
of lies in a book.
Seasons of memoirs
may be written in our minds
that help us to smile.
Living in a dream
you might find a few nightmares
hidden deep within.
Our trials and errors
are the tools that help us grow,
but some never learn.
Life is an ocean
with many waves we can see
with heartbeats below.
Skies of illusion
often create many views
that may confuse us.
Leaving emotions
in the midst of a storm cloud
you might find regret.
When chasing a dream
you might be surprised if caught
that it’s a nightmare.
Seeking a doorway
that you know nothing about
might lead to trouble.
Stages of heartbreak
are often filled with anger
and then some sadness.
Time is a keeper
of all of our memories
that become shadows.
The fire of a heart
that burns without love within
might not find true love.
Needles in haystacks
are often our views of quests
that we think too hard.
Traveling down roads
we might hit a few speed bumps
that are much needed.
Trying out new things
may often show our limits
on what we can do.
When driving forward
don’t look too much at what’s passed
or you might just crash.
Tree limbs within time
can often sway in a breeze
creating much noise.
Gazing at the sky
you might see some clouds pass by
that remind of life.
Struggling for your steps
you might need to slow your speed
and let others pass.
Years of emotions
can become forms of echoes
heard within our minds.
Flavors of ice cream
are like lifestyles of many
and choices of things.
Pages of a book
might not have any numbers,
but still be numbered.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 10, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂
Raise My Head
Hello my friends
Yet another week has passed us by and we
still have yet to see too harsh of weather 🙂
Though we know all too well that the things
can change very quickly. Right now it’s 27
degrees outside and that is Fahrenheit, not
Celsius or Centigrade. So it’s a little cold,
but not too bad yet. The temp is supposed
to drop to 19 F degrees tonight so I reckon
I will need to get the hot water trickling 🙂
so the water doesn’t freeze. I won’t have
to do that for the most of this week being
the day temps will be in the 40’s and the
night in the mid 30’s and 20’s, but as it
gets in the lower 20’s I might need to turn
on the hot water to dribble just to be safe.
So, what else is going on around here??
Well, we had yet another non eventful
week to come and go other than me at
the eye clinic getting my eyes tested so I
can get me some new computer glasses
being the ones I am wearing have been
sat on and for the passed 2 years I have
continued to wear them, even though
they are bent down to where I have to
look down and raise my head up to be
able to see through them and it gives
me a neck ache LOL. My insurance
is paying for them thank God. Friday
Judy and I went to Walmart and did a
little shopping and then stopped off at
SUBWAY and got us some sandwiches.
So, yes I did take a few pictures being
we went early enough Friday to pay
bills and what not. We had to get to
the HWC lights to pay the electric bill
before 4:30, because it closes then and
also had to get to DOC’s to put money
on our heating oil tab due to the same
time frame. Things in this small town
do not stay open long LOL and in the
little town of New Limerick where we
live it is even worse, being we only
have one little store that only carries
the basics and the prices are very high.
Yep, we live in a little one horse town
and all the farmers are fighting over it.
LOL me just being silly, but we do live
in a tiny little town with a population
of maybe 500. It goes up and down 🙂
The town of Houlton where we go to
buy groceries and pay bills is a little
bit bigger though, but it’s still small
with population of 6000 or so. Life
in the big world LOL. It has been an
interesting change of life from that of
my life in Texas. I never thought for
an instant that I would move out of
Texas and more so never had a thought
of moving to Maine LOL or anywhere
up north, being I was born and raised
in Texas, but here I am. As old Gomer
Pyle would always say LOL – surprise,
surprise, surprise. Yeppers Shazam,
look at me now. By golly I am up here
where the moose are, but I rarely see
them LOL and have yet to of seen a
male moose with its antlers and we’ve
lived up here for 15 years now. Maybe
one day hehehe. Hopefully one day
before I die I’ll see a male moose with
its antlers and more so hopefully I’ll
have my camera to take a picture of it.
Well it’s 5:30 PM now and pitch black
outside. The temp has dropped a few
degrees. It’s now 25 F 🙂 Still not too
awful bad 🙂 I am sure that the more
that winter grabs hold, the lower that
the temps will drop as well we’ll get
snow coming at a regular pace LOL.
I never believe the weather man due
to it being only a guess or forecast 🙂
I do though look out the window and
if I see clouds rolling in and the temp
dropping I will prepare accordingly 🙂
I do keep tabs on my trusty computer
weather radar and all. LOL my dad
used to tell me that I could forecast
the weather pretty good. Now even
better with my body acting up with
the changes in weather conditions :).
So, what else is going on around this
place? Not much, Oh yea, we got
a package yesterday that was from
my daughter and it was a wonderful
surprise. A beautiful blanket with
their pictures on it and sayings. I’ll
put a couple of pictures of it in my
stationery. Of course most of you
won’t see them, but in that case just
paint a picture in your imagination 🙂
Judy is behind me doing what she’s
been doing for quite some time now
and that is crocheting. Yep, we’re an
exciting bunch LOL. Rocky’s lying in
the floor in front of the door. I think
he’s resting up to irritate us later LOL.
Anyways, God is still look out for us.
We feel very blessed to have Him and
many angels as well as kindly spirits
watching over us and giving us help
when we’re in need and we cannot do
it ourselves. Thank You God for never
giving up on us and also thank you to
all of the angels and kindly spirits for
all that you do. We know that we can
make it with You and God always here
with us and God I pray that You will
always watch over all of our friends
and family as well as those we do not
know of. Thank You for the blessings.
Amen and Amen. Now I do believe
it’s time for me to read back over all
that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go, to that lil
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE…
I think I may have found me a good
title just about a quarter of the way
down from the beginning of all of my
rambling and now after checking, I
see that it has not been used yet, so,
used it shall be. Here goes…
Raise My Head
Seeking sunshine
in the rain
often finds life’s
Viewing moments
seeking true
I raise my head
to see the view.
Yet so often
troubles form
creating portals
in a storm.
Then I need to
seek God’s love
from the heavens
up above.
Not allowing
withering sights
to give nightmares
days and nights.
So I now seek
what God said
there’ll be peace
if I raise my head.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 4, 2022
Well there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling 🙂 Hopefully I made ya smile.
Our landlord is out of the hospital and
now sitting in his home with his wife and
daughter. He’s still not out of the woods
being the stroke made it hard for him to
use his left side, so please continue with
prayer for him. Well, that’s about all I
can think of to tell you this week aside
from what I tell you nearly every week
and that is, I wrote some more poetry
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems
with 3 of them a little bit Christmassy.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all the
haiku lovers out there. I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like. So now I reckon it’s near the time
for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly allusive off switch, but surely
not before I wish you a blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you
and we do too. Okey dokey, so now
where can that ornery off switch be at
this time. Its hiding skills sort of suck,
but then that’s a good thing, or getting
this thing done and sent would become
a long drawn out process even more so
than it already is hehehe. Looking high
and low for that silly contraption I think
I might have seen movement inside my
bag of greeting cards that’s hanging on
the wall in front of me. Yep, hehehe,
you still have trouble staying still huh.
I was beginning to think the bag had
turned into a pendulum as it swayed
back and forth, but then I saw ya peek
out trying to see if I could see ya and
well yeppers, I saw ya you silly thing 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Shrouds Up Above
Time’s enlightenment
can become a home
a place you discover
as a cloudlike poem.
Written up above you
life’s stories are seen
seeming like shrouds
in a sky of dream.
Living as a journey
a pathway to the stars
driven as a roadway
in many cloud cars.
Roaming across time
as a venture unveils
shrouds up above
display many details.
Created by dreamers
seeking signs of love
many find blessings
in shrouds up above.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 28, 2022
Christmases Within
Driving on journeys
of seasons abound
winter shows scenery
in sights all around.
Scenes within snow
and a cloudy sky
create Christmases
in a dreamer’s eye.
Heartfelt moments
become every sight
found as a doorway
to a winter of white.
We might encounter
blessings from above
Christmases within
truly filled with love.
Seeming as shadows
a snowy romance
God gives blessings
our prayers enhance.
Created for a path
to lead us to Him
white of forgiveness
Christmases within.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 28, 2022
Clear The Way
When getting ready
to begin your path
you may not need
to travel too fast.
For if you hurry
you may fall down
and become lying
upon the ground.
So take a moment
and look and see
the view that God
gave you and me.
There might be ice
upon your road
with a lot of snow
of a heavy load.
So take the time
to kneel and pray
and God will help
to clear the way.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 29, 2022
Dreamful Places
Mesmerizing scenes
time might bestow
as seasonal pictures
when life says hello.
We may view times
that don’t seem real
as dreamful places
upon a windowsill.
The view may form
a scenic emotion
that breathes of life
as a cosmic ocean.
It might be a picture
of a passing array
of a time and place
of a distant day.
A momentary sight
that you remember
that’s a living dream
as a burning ember.
An answered prayer
giving smiling faces
the scenic portrayal
of dreamful places.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 29, 2022
Forgetting To Fly
When in a moment
we might not see
the seconds ticking
for you and me.
We might just sit
and drift around
in a scenic moment
or timeless sound.
The splashes of life
a hypnotic scene
might be illusional
found in a dream.
So don’t let things
to fool your sight
such as some water
in snow of white.
It may seem pretty,
but yet be awry
and be the reason
for forgetting to fly.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 30, 2022
Catching a Phase
Inside of a vision
so many things flow
time as a storybook
swinging to and fro.
Seasons with pages
that turn in a mind
as catching a phase
to moments in time.
Travels of lifetimes
can become ageless
endless reflections
of momentous ages.
Time is a window
we may see through
finding only stages
of old and anew.
Not seeing hopeful
in a distant wave
many miss the view
of catching a phase.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 30, 2022
Wintertimes Before
Throughout the seconds
time may pass us by
leaving only memories
of snowflakes that fly.
Becoming a perspective
of a winter’s array
scented of a moment
that children will play.
There might be scenes
as dreams and illusions
giving the heartbeats
of grandest conclusions.
Centered around life
of a time and place
that for a moment
gives a warm embrace.
It might seem busy
within times you adore
centered around many
in wintertimes before.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 1, 2022
Snowflakes Desire
Seek for a blessing
in a whitish style
that brings a glow
of a magical smile.
Take time to look
and see each sight
that might display
as winter of white.
A Christmas story
may live as dreams
snowflakes desire
as living cuisines.
Tasted by our eyes
time might acquire
blessings of flavors
snowflakes desire.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 1, 2022
Time is a Road
Travels of lifestyles
become as a flame
burning so brightly
as times to attain.
Candle lit windows
wax dripping down
creating a journey
heartbeats abound.
We might see time
as an endless stage
while time is a road
to seasons of age.
It might be a sight
a memory’s scene
as mere reflections
of a timeless dream.
Lessons of echoes
find place to recoil
if we only travel
within wanted soil.
Look beyond now
and today’s load
for life is a journey
as time is a road.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 2, 2022
Finding a portal
to a time and place
might show signs
a warm embrace.
It might expand
to a dreamer’s hue
becoming alive
as a magical view.
Seasons change
and create designs
fortunate sights
memorable times.
Look within you
and find God’s key
that may enhance
your serendipity.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 2, 2022
for Dec 3, 2022
Leaving reflections
within the wrong state of mind
can be destructive.
Days and weeks of life
can often become as our
seasons of regrets.
Looking too deeply
into the problems you have
you might just find more.
Trivial insight
might become your only view
and lose sight of good.
The changes in time
often become as moments
that many will fear.
Laughing at a dream
that a person wishes true
might give you nightmares.
Many dreams and nightmares
crash into one another
and wake us from sleep.
Yesterdays of life
might seem as the very best,
but time loses sight.
Shadows of others
can often live within us
as the good and bad.
Seeking for sunshine
in the midst of thunderstorms
you may find rainbows.
Long lists of options
might give unneeded choices
that bring us trouble.
Lessons from heartbeats
can become as drum solos
if they are not shared.
Seasonal doorways
are often like saloon doors
swinging in the wind.
Wasting a moment
can come and haunt the future
and create despair.
The length of a day
doesn’t always show time frames,
for they’re within us.
Within a forest
many trees might hide a few
keeping them from harm.
When searching a road
you might need to see the line
drawn in the middle.
Raindrops of lifetimes
often fall from needed clouds
to make us stronger.
Clinging to the past
can prevent you from growing
and finding new life.
Greeting a stranger
needs to be done with a smile,
for they might need it.
When hearing thunder
you might of missed the lightning
that came times before.
Thresholds of anger
often become holding tanks
that need emptying.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 3, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂