Hoping and Praying


Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice weekend.  We didn’t
do much.  We got done with cleaning out
the house and under the porch putting it all
in the dumpster that Judy rented and they
came and picked it up Friday.  So we’re not
doing a whole lot now,  but just resting for
what life has to throw at us in the future 🙂
Anyways,  on with the journal.  Today is the
first day of Autumn.  The colors are slowly
coming in view although we’re not expecting
a colorful year.  It could pull a miracle and
the leaves expose colors abundant for all we
know LOL.  If so,  then I will hopefully get
a few pictures that time exposes.  I’ve quit
mowing for the year.  I finished up a little
bit of mowing yesterday,  but I don’t think
the grass is going to be growing that much
now that the weather is cooling.  I just had
a tiny patch of grass that I had left to mow
of which was what I did yesterday.  Soon it
will be snow blowing time.  I’m feeling in my
bones that winter might be here a little early
this year.  I hope my body can hold out for
another year of snow blowing.  As long as
the guy with the snowplow comes and does
our driveway,  I can more than likely handle
the rest,  but if he doesn’t come and clear it
when we need to go somewhere,  I might be
in a jam.  So,  here’s hoping and praying
that God sends a snowplow our way when
we need it.  As years and poor health creep
up on me,  my ability to do much lessens.
So,  what else is going on around the place?
As far as I can tell,  this passed week was
wearing on Judy and I and we’re looking
to have a more relaxing week as autumn
takes place of summer.  She’s got a few
doctor appointments,  mainly for updates,
but nothing serious,  at least not that we
know of.  Rocky’s doing fairly well.  He’s
getting older with each passing day,  but
he’s still with us.  He enjoys watching
me mow or snow blow.  Most times he’ll
follow me everywhere I am mowing and
I’ll stop to bend down and pet him for
a while.  We don’t think we’ll get another
pet when the day comes that he passes on,
but we might change our minds.  We’re
hoping to be able to make a trip to Texas
to see family and friends as well as take
a trip down to one of our favorite places
called Port Aransas Texas when we have
no pets to be concerned over,  but time
will tell.  God is still watching over us
as we move on to future episodes of our
lives.  We are very thankful for all that
He has done for us.  We feel blessed to
have one other.  I pray that you have
God in your life.  God I pray that you
watch over all of our family and friends
as well as all of the people that we know
not of.  Thank You for the many blessings
that you have given us.  Amen and Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I have written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title of
today’s brand new poem.  So,  it away
I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I found me a decent title near the
middle of all my rambling and now after
checking I see that it has not been used
yet,  so used it shall be.  Here goes…

Hoping and Praying

So many prayers
get lost within time
when looking at life
seeing sad in design.
Not seeing hopeful
in any time any way
we might lose a view
of an awesome array.
Blessings from God
that He’s given to us
come from the blood
of His Son Jesus.
So take unto heart
what all He is saying
keep your life alive
hoping and praying.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 22,  2024

Well there ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little of my rambling.  Yes
I can ramble can’t I LOL.  Well I don’t think
I have much else to share with you other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.  Yep 🙂
10 more poems with one a tad Christmassy.
Also 22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there.  Now I do believe it’s nearing the
time to begin my search for that silly hardly
off switch,  but not before I wish for you all
a blessings filled week.  Remember,  Jesus
loves you and we do too.  Now,  where can
that ornery off switch be attempting to hide
this week????  Hmm I’ve spent a good few
minutes searching all of its run of the mill
hiding places,  but nope,  ain’t there.  LOL
Oh OK,  I see ya now as you dangle from
our high speed DSL line.  Did ya lose your
grip.  You seem to be sliding down a little.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

 God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

P.S  A link to our brand new books
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂

Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

 Scenic Prelude

Some days our dreams
may become as a sight
pictured as doorways
into wintertime white.
Displayed as shadows
that our eyes recognize
creating a reflection
of the wintertime skies.
You might even smell
what a season compiles
scented as snowflakes
with a child’s smiles.
Time paints us pictures
that minutes conclude
remembered as echoes
of a scenic prelude.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 16,  2024

Evening of Desire

The sky becomes dim
as pictures are made
seen as living artwork
that God has inlaid.
Minutes become alive
as the scenes appear
introducing paintings
like life’s chandelier.
Clouds might enhance
a scene in its entire
as time transforms to
an evening of desire.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17,  2024

Time’s Perspective

Entering doorways
of roads thereunto
transforms illusions
to a singular view.
Life creates stages
of artwork in design
perceived as photos
of moments in time.
With imagination
so many might see
the times as rhymes
that’s like history.
Our eyes may find
a living collective
thriving in ages of
time’s perspective.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 17,  2024

Clouded Moon

The signs of times
might seem to be
as clouds above
in a moonlit sea.
Created as a stage
that passes us by
within the view
of nighttime’s sky.
Evening’s design
brought us a sight
as clouds up above
in a moonlit night.
Seeming a dream
that lived in you
as a picture portal
to a magical view.
Darkness prevails
but just for a gaze
as the moon glows
in wonderful ways.
Minutes come alive
as skylight attune
seen as a window
to a clouded moon.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 18,  2024

Summertime Noon

The yellow of a field
in grasses of green
display God’s beauty
as a timeless dream.
There may be a barn
that stands in view
trying for a moment
to give smiles to you.
It might be of olden
days that have past
only with a shadow
that times may cast.
Becoming a memory
that’s maybe of June
a month of dreams
in summertime noon.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 18,  2024

Only Shadows

Minds of doorways
with window views
create the pathways
for times to infuse.
Illusional shadows
convey of a scene
as time so sublime
it seems as a dream.
Perceived as the art
of seasonal shows
life might conclude
it’s only shadows.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 19,  2024

Striving Towards

Driving into town
it’s often a sight
within wintertime
in snow of white.
It might be early
for sights to see
the life of winter
a colder degree.
Yet it might form
a picture to view
one of Christmas
as old and anew.
You may envision
Christmas cards
headed to town
striving towards.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 19,  2024

Autumn Falls

Seeming as a window
that opens real wide
the season of autumn
takes a trip inside.
Creating the designs
death brings in sight
as leaves transform
and the colors ignite.
Becoming as a story
our eyes can read
planted as a magical
illuminating seed.
Leaving in its place
what a season installs
the magical colors
that’s as autumn falls.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 21,  2024


The day bids adieu
as evening begins
with seconds ticking
as time transcends.
The pictures of life
might be enhanced
in an eveningscape
as time advanced.
Maybe as a dream
that unveils desire
an opened window
may seem as a fire.
Burning emotions
seeming to reshape
into times of rhyme
as an eveningscape.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 21,  2024

Life Memorized

Going here to there
we might lose our way
when struggles of life
create so much dismay.
Scenes may transform
to regret and despair
as our doorways might
seem void of prayer.
Yet life is most often
just an illusional trip
while we are in reality
on a Heaven sent ship.
God answers prayers
as His words contrived
while memories of ones
are life memorized.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 21,  2024

for Sept 21,  2024

Left in the spotlight
many things might not do well
so find you some peace.

Life saving choices
might not look as the smartest,
but they might just work.

Years of emotions
can become sad reflections
if they’re not contained.

Living in a lie
you will surely be exposed
as the light prevails.

Tomorrows doorways
might not be as what you thought,
so prepare yourself.

Many of our trials
are brought on by our own paths
which might need changing.

Winners and losers
often have the same journey
and may end the same.

Hearing birds singing
can create a dreamer’s view
if they close their eyes.

Focusing on things
that are only things we want
can hide answered prayers.

Clouds up above us
may at times seem to create
artwork for the mind.

Yearning for items
that belong to someone else
you might find regret.

Having your heart broke
does not mean life is over
because doors open.

Love without friendship
may soon become just sadness,
for we need friendship.

Laughing at others
when they need a helping hand
karma will react.

Walking on a beach
you might hear the waves roaring
as heartbeats unite.

Today comes to rest
as God awakens nighttime
to kneel down in prayer.

Counting the moments
that you spent with your loved ones
you might want some more.

When with lack of sleep
our minds might just drift away
into a daydream.

Losing ones we love
always brings pain to our hearts,
but thru God they’re watching.

Walking all alone
you might become disheartened,
but God is with you.

Yesterdays of life
can often seem much better,
but that was back then.

Hearing an owl hoot
you might think it’s watching you,
but it’s just its voice.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 21,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill