Leaving Shadows


Hello my friends

Another week has passed us by leaving
shadows of itself in the future.  Judy and
I drove down to Cutler Maine Saturday
and we took a load of pictures.  It was a
beautiful day with a high of 71 degrees 🙂
Cutler is about a 115 miles south of us.
It’s a small fishing town by the ocean bay.
We had a good time.  We stopped off at
a few places to take pictures along with
taking pictures of the bay.  It was filled
with boats.  I took a walk on the docks
and took a lot of pictures.  Judy didn’t
walk near as much as me being that she
doesn’t walk so good.  None the less we
both took pictures.  We brought Rocky
with us and he enjoyed getting out of
the car and exploring of course while on
his leash.  He loves to ride in the car and
is very sad when we have to leave him at
home when it’s either too hot or too cold
for him to wait in the car for us when we
go shopping or something of the sorts.
Anyways,  Other than our drive Saturday,
we didn’t do much.  I have been giving
mowing a break being every time I have
mowed,  my health would drop a notch.
My voice is gradually returning for some
odd reason.  LOL maybe it’s because I’m
fixing to kick the bucket or something 🙂
I used a throat spray last night that I
used most of the time when I had a case
of pneumonia and my throat had gotten
sore from coughing and when I used it
last night,  my voice began returning
gradually.  It had gotten to the point
that I could barely speak loud enough
for Judy or anybody to hear me and
the more I tried to speak, the more my
voice weakened.  So,  now after using
my throat spray a couple of times,  my
old voice is gradually returning and my
wife then can tell me to be quiet LOL.
I believe you might recall our phone
line being down in the passed week.
Well,  they finally came out Friday and
did what they should of done in the
first place and replaced the line coming
into the house.  I kept telling them that
the line that was outside was not good,
but they wouldn’t listen.  OH well,  I’m
hoping that we do not have any more
issues with it or our internet.  We told
them we were not paying the bill until
it was fixed and were going to deduct
5 dollars a day from the bill until it
was repaired.  I think they could tell
that I was miffed in great extreme LOL.
Yet,  with the phone repaired we were
able to have a nice joy ride down south
to the ocean and take pictures.  On the
way down we stopped off at the Million
Dollar View and took pictures and we
had a guy to drive up and park and ask
us if he could take our picture using my
camera.  It was very strange,  being after
he did so,  he handed my camera back
and said have a great day and he drove
back the same way he came hehehehe.
So,  Judy and I got our picture taken
standing in front of the Million Dollar
View :).  The picture turned out great.
Of course it was a windy day and our
hair was blowing all over the place :),
but the picture still came out very well.
I’ll put that picture along with many
of the pictures that we took while we
were on our drive.  I was more like on
a ride,  being Judy does the bulk of the
driving.  I don’t drive much anymore,
but I can if I need to.  For a while we
thought our car was having problems
making a whirring noise,  but we soon
figured out after we got on a different
road that it was the road causing the
noise,  so that was a relief 🙂  God’s still
watching over us as we experience new
things in our life.  We’re sure that many
angels and kindly spirits are also with
us watching over us,  giving help when
they see it’s needed.  We most surely
feel blessed.  The storms of life cannot
defeat us as long as God is in control.
We’ll have problems and struggles,  but
what’s meant to be will be.  I pray that
you have God in your life.  May God
always be with you as you cross many
thresholds of life.  Father God ,  please
keep Your mighty touch on our family
and friends as well as people that we do
not know of.  AMEN and AMEN.  Now
I believe it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to try
and find a word or phrase for the title of
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away I
go to that place of my recollection that I
always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
Well it seems as though I may have found
me a nice title on the first and second
line of my rambling LOL and now after
checking I see that it has not been used
yet,  so used it shall be.  Here goes…

Leaving Shadows

Thoughts and actions
will show their paths
within the moments
that come to pass.
Liars will formulate
stories to fact
with all their words
on a deceiving track.
Don’t let the truth
to be hid away
and become reality
when night meets day.
Locate the patterns
that truthful shows
and then say a prayer
for better flows.
Find the perspectives
that are truly real
not leaving shadows
you wish to conceal.

©By Bill Pearce
July 21,  2024

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even little bit of my
 rambling.  I haven’t anything else I can
think of to tell you other than what I tell
you nearly every week which is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10
more poems and 22 more haiku for all
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now with that said,  I think  that
it’s time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you a truly blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Okey doke,  so where can
that ornery off switch be trying or not
to hide this time???  Hmm and Hmm
again LOL.  Where in the heck is that
silly contraption??  LOL Oh I see you
now.  You just couldn’t contain your
excitement that you hid fairly well this
time, huh.  Well I see you now being
that you starting dancing behind my
bifocals glasses holder.  You sort of
made it to move about and make it
easy to see you.  Congratulations
on a good hiding spot,  but I take it
away being you still suck at hiding 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Searching To Find

Roadways as doorways
might open and display
the ages of memories
that went the wrong way.
Time shows our choices
thru now and again
that become our echoes
bestowing as the wind.
Try to find answers
in the pathways of time
and don’t stop thinking
while searching to find.

©By Bill Pearce
July 15,  2024

Seeming as a Mirage

Wintertime’s scenery
can often be found
within our memories
as time looks around.
Seeking the moments
our hearts embrace
scents of Christmas
with a scenic taste.
Becoming reflections
of a wintery dream
in a snowing desert
as a holiday theme.
Time as an ornament
like a snowy collage
found within a dream
seeming as a mirage.

©By Bill Pearce
July 15,  2024

Tracks Unending

Days of travels
times might find
tracks as trails
of scenic design.
Daily memories
created from life
might be found
to later arrive.
Unleashing sight
a time attains
such as dreams
of distant trains.
Beckoning styles
times ascending
growing beyond
tracks unending.

©By Bill Pearce
July 16,  2024

Edge of Eve

The day may seem
to show a sight
glimmering truly
as an eve of light.
Time conveys life
as windows views
with scenic colors
and changing hues.
Opening doorways
to life’s interface
blessings from God
as heavenly grace.
Giving perspectives
we can perceive
found in moments
of an edge of eve.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

With Just a Thought

Beginnings and endings
might align as a breeze
blowing in directions
that are hard to believe.
Transcending shadows
that become as a breath
with timeless reflections
that heartbeats attest.
Created from memories
moments had bought
transferred to daydreams
with just a thought.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Life in Contrast

Tempting a stage
to become a heart
can be confused
as a work of art.
Losing the vision
in dreamers views
can create scenes
of mystical hues.
Created rhythms
in a style of love
can unleash life
in the sky above.
See the reflections
of future and past
and let them grow
as life in contrast.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Green of Growth

We might often hurry
to try and complete
the things in our life
we can’t stand the heat.
When watching others
we might try to find
the passage to hurry
to be in their time.
We all need to grow
in our own time frame
not seeking hurry
just because of a name.
Let yourself to learn
of the best way to be
with green of growth
that’s just you and me.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Time’s Memoirs

There might be times
we find we remember
that still burn bright
as a firelight’s ember.
The flame is still seen
as a reflection surreal
found within a photo
that dreams can feel.
The scent still exist
as a time and place
thriving loved ones
that hearts embrace.
It might be a moment
that lives in the stars
of love that passed on
within time’s memoirs.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Autumn Reminds

Seconds of colors
created from time
may become living
as autumn’s design.
The stages awaken
becoming so bright
within moments
of autumn’s delight.
Seasonal pictures
taken to remember
harness the colors
on thru November.
Seeming as a book
in a worded detail
ending with colors
as leaves all set sail.
Colors might seem
a dim point of view,
but still give sights
for me and for you.
Textured with styles
of colorful times
is life’s reflections
as autumn reminds.

©By Bill Pearce
July 19,  2024

Traveling Doorways

Following memories
into living details
might find a photo
of old dusty trails.
Roadways pathways
might open wide
allowing memories
to live deep inside.
Becoming reflected
within our memoirs
traveling doorways
now seen as stars.

©By Bill Pearce
July 19,  2024

for July 20,  2024

Mysteries of life
often appear in our dreams
as reality.

Methods of learning
may be a few realms to teach
that might be painful.

Living for others
can become your kryptonite
as ones might deceive.

Our now and again
might seem as a reflection
of what we once were.

Some tender moments
might seem as not so tender
when they’re happening.

Efforts of lazy
only provide excuses
with no good reasons.

Thinking you’re needing
when want has taken over
can create problems.

You can create doors
that your life may hide behind,
but one day exposed.

Seeking for a dream
that others might seem to live,
you might find nightmares.

Nursing your mistakes
not learning what not to do
you might make them worse.

Flavors of a life
may often have many tastes
due to who’s tasting.

Ripples in our lives
can often create doorways
into confusion.

When wielding a sword
it pays to know how it’s used
or you will get cut.

Regretful moments
that we still see in ourselves
might need adjustment.

Visions of dreamers
might see beyond reality
thinking it is fact.

The patterns we make
as we walk within our life
need Lord God’s guidance.

Blindly stepping out
into a time’s tornado
you might blow away.

Venturing thru life
that has not been made for you
can create demise.

Moving too quickly
can unleash many problems
you’re not ready for.

Opening a door
that is not ready for you
might give a backlash.

Often a movie
will show actors in a scene
that you think as you.

A liar will lie
even when truth is better,
but they still do it.

©By Bill Pearce
July 20,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Love and Grace


Hello my friends

It’s been another few rather hot days,
but we’re surviving with our portable
air conditioner.  This passed week has
been a sort of regular one.  Wednesday
Judy went up to Presque Isle for her
immunotherapy,   but I wasn’t feeling
very well,  so she had to go it alone.
She made the trip OK and brought
us home some soft tacos for dinner
from Taco Bell :).  This hot weather
is getting the best of me.  Of course
I am aware that it’s not as hot as it
is in other places,  but as I have told
yall many times,  I am hot natured
in the worst way.  I mowed a little
bit today,  but had to stop often and
turn on the car AC and cool off  a
bit in-between mowing episodes :).
I’m going to try and mow a little bit
Monday and possibly Tuesday,
but I’ll have to do the same as I did
today being it’s going to be the very
same temperatures as it was today
which was a high of 86.  We’re still
waiting on the phone company to
repair the short in the line so that
I can call to check on my mom and
a few other friends.  The phone has
been down since about Wednesday
or Thursday.  I noticed it Thursday
when I was fixing to call and check
on one of my friends in Texas.  I do
hope that the line is repaired soon.
Anyways,  we didn’t drive down to
Cutler Maine last week,  but have
made the decision to surely go this
week.  We’re hoping to get some new
pictures that are different than the
ones we took a few years ago.  It’ll
give me more to work with for my
poetry pictures 🙂  I’m still waiting
for the 14 books of mine that I have
published to start selling before I
waste my time formatting and doing
all the work to get anymore of my
books published.  I have 12 ready
right now to begin the publishing
process,  but as I said,  there’s no
hurry.  Judy and I have been still
doing our normal day to day things,
such as her crocheting and my on
going poetry writing and designing.
at night we pick a couple of
movies or such to watch and then
when we head to bed,  we watch a
few cartoons before trying to get
some sleep.  I rarely get any sleep,
but I try.  We are grateful to have
each other and God in our lives.
We have a few struggles that tend
to wear on us,  but we both know
that we will be OK,  being God is
always watching over us as are
many angels and kindly spirits.
I pray that you have God in your
life.  Father God,  I pray that You
keep Your loving touch upon our
family and friends as well as all of
the people that we do not know
of that are in need.  Thank You for
Your love and grace that You give
every day.  Amen and Amen.  Now
I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I have
written to see if I can find me a
word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s new poem 🙂
So it’s away I go to that place of
my recollection that I always like
Well it looks as though I may of
stumbled upon a decent title just
a few lines back 🙂 and now after
checking I see that it has not been
used yet,  so used it shall be today.
Here goes…

Love and Grace

The essence of God
lives with time
found in the ages
with Holy design.
God gives blessings
we might not see
until within a time
of our history.
When looking back
we might see peace
that at the time
was amidst release.
The ages bestowed
might surely show
the blessings in life
and how they flow.
So say a prayer
and seek the face
of God’s own glory
with love and grace.

©By Bill Pearce
July 14,  2024

I hope you liked the poem and maybe
even a bit of my rambling thoughts :).
Yep,  I can ramble can’t I hehehehe!
Well it seems as though that I’ve told
you near all there is to tell that I can
think of,  other than of course what I
tell you nearly every week,  which is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep,  10 more poems and 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like.  Now I
do believe it’s time for me to begin
my search for that hardly elusive off
switch,  but surely not before I wish
you all a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we
 do too.  Now where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this week?
LOL now that’s humorous. You just
figured I would not see you behind
those 2 lonely C batteries sitting on
the box of AA rechargeable batteries
that I have to the left of me next to
the wall.  Well of course I saw ya
being you were making your usual
ruckus causing the batteries to sort
of slide around :).  Learn to be still.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Life’s Perspectives

Sights that we see
might hold in place
the ages upon ages
times we embrace.
Life’s imagination
can create a breeze
making it as real
as oceans and seas.
Formatting scenes
into snow of white
a wintery moment
that many delight.
Scenic landscapes
we may find as art
might become life
as a beating heart.
Displaying scenes
that time unveils
found as a stage
with many details.
Timeless memories
winter’s collectives
displaying stories
life’s perspectives.

©By Bill Pearce
July 8,  2024

Solitude of Mind

Sometimes in life
we’re rustling leaves
traveling mindsets
as a passing breeze.
Found in branches
of an echoing view
scented moments
within old and new.
We might fantasize
a time and place
living in memories
of someone’s face.
The leaves on a tree
create life’s design
that becomes peace
solitude of mind.

©By Bill Pearce
July 8,  2024

Clouded Visions

Our gazes in life
can often become
reflections of time
 in a seasonal sun.
Cloudy emotions
can create rains
falling from eyes
of windowpanes.
Transforming life
into skies of blue
heartbeats united
in me and you.
With God’s grace
within the clouds
showing us love
that He endows.
Envisioned scenes
in days decisions
can create peace
in clouded visions.

©By Bill Pearce
July 9,  2024

Times To Remember

Standing and waiting
for now and again
time may encompass
a life that of wind.
Pictures as doorways
to remember a place
time becomes alive
with a seconds pace.
Ticking as clockwork
to transform scenes
into that of windows
seeming like dreams.
Stood in a picture
a time might entail
the words of a story
like a magical spell.
Giving us memories
as a burning ember
reflecting in photos
times to remember.

©By Bill Pearce
July 9,  2024

Moments Views

When inside dreams
we might find fear
as passages places
that are not clear.
The seconds of time
might seem an hour
as moments views
bloom as a flower.
It may seem longer
as times perceive
ticking as a clock
that dreams believe.
Sequential scenes
might surely infuse
within a heartbeat
in moments views.

©By Bill Pearce
July 10,  2024

Hurried Moves

Sort of like water
so many will flow
in a living style
they do not know.
Found repetitious
as ripples in time
creating journeys
troubles entwine.
Directions of life
may often display
hurried movement
from day to day.
Yet life’s lessons
may show grooves
learned from time
as hurried moves.

©By Bill Pearce
July 11,  2024

Mystical as Love

My eyes may perceive
a moment as a smile
that God gave to view
as a rhythmic style.
I sometimes may find
a moment as an age
with us as the actors
rehearsing on a stage.
You might have seen
me standing unaware
not knowing you also
were standing there.
We walk upon scenes
that breathe a breath
sometimes so scary
they scare us to death.
Yet with a heartbeat
thru God up above
we might find time is
as mystical as love.

©By Bill Pearce
July 11,  2024

Breathe Deep

Looking at passages
the times gave to see
so often may become
a favorite memory.
Transcending nature
into a cosmic dream
I then breathe deep
enjoying each scene.
Seeing all the beauty
dreamed as I sleep
my heartbeat enjoys
while I breathe deep.

©By Bill Pearce
July 11,  2024

Fading Hues

Many sights
clouds of colors
create illusions
like no others.
Forming places
as scenic flows
while watching
seasons shows.
Life’s passages
thrive within
as the seconds
then transcend.
Opened paths
creating stages
in skies above
within the ages.
Seasons sights
above our head
bestow scenes
a cloudy spread.
Coming to life
a sky of views
fading hues.

©By Bill Pearce
July 12,  2024

Time’s Windows

Driving by places
taking pictures
provides views of
poetry mixtures.
Giving of a breath
as a scenic view
blessings from God
for me and you.
Lifetimes counted
as breath of air
with the passages
of daily prayer.
Creating journeys
to scenic flows
transforming life
in time’s windows.

©By Bill Pearce
July 13,  2024

for July 13,  2024

can create many pictures
that may seem alive.

Living as liars
many people continue
to believe their lies.

Focusing on time
you might feel that you are late,
but might be early.

Standing in a storm
the sights may show only rain
but it might soon cease.

Gazing at the moon
your vision might be clouded
by the sky above.

Balancing your steps
needs you to see the journey
or else you’ll stumble.

Years in the making
may show lessons from the past
that we need to see.

Having a heartbeat
does not make you an angel,
for demons live too.

Encountering ones
that you might find disgusting
might be just your eyes.

Life as a river
can over flow the moments
and cause confusion.

Thinking too deeply
might display many problems
that aren’t really there.

Ages of wisdom
is often found in children
that are very young.

Reasons for our wrongs
are sometimes just excuses
that we put to blame.

Weeding out gardens
helps the crops to grow healthy
the same as our lives.

To know of true love
you must know how to share it,
for it needs to grow.

Yearning for lifestyles
that are not ones that you need
can cause much regret.

Listening to wind
as it speaks within a breeze
you might hear it breathe.

Driving down pathways
that have no sign of passage
you might hit some bumps.

Foraging for time
in the midst of a crisis
you might see your flaws.

Harnessing power
from others within your life
you might seem greedy.

Changing your mindset
can offer many blessings
or many nightmares.

We are as the wind
that often blows on others
invading their life.

©By Bill Pearce
July 13,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

A Bit of Rain


Hello my friends

I hope you had a good passed week and
the weekend went well for you.  It was a
sort of hot one for us up here.  It’s 78 F
right now at
7:33 PM and it’s supposed
to be in mid 80’s most of the week,  but
Thursday looks to have a bit of rain in
the forecast which will lower the temp a
bit,  but it shows back to the 80’s after
Thursday.  Thankfully we don’t have
any 90 F degree temps in the forecast 🙂
Though 80 F degree temps are too hot
for me,  but thanks to our portable air
conditioner,  I survive.  Judy and I are
most times hanging out in the computer
room where we have the air conditioner
stationed at with the vent able to point
into our bedroom 🙂 although our nights
are fairly cool in the 60’s.  Well yesterday
which was Saturday I took the car in to
get it repaired so it could pass inspection
and it cost 100 dollar less than they had
quoted me before,  so I was pleasantly
surprised.   After I got finished at VIP
I stopped off and got Judy and I some
burgers and shakes for dinner later on
in the evening.  Thursday which was
the 4th of July we went up to Caribou
for a cookout at her daughter Mandy’s
house.  A lot of the family was there,
but of course none of mine being that
they mostly live in Texas and thereabout.
We had a nice time.  Took a bunch of
pictures :).  Yesterday/Saturday it seems
our landlord sent a guy to mow the grass
behind us at the other house where our
previous neighbors lived.  Of course he
used a riding lawnmower and did it all
after it had rained and the grass was tall
and overgrown as well as wet.  So the
lawnmower struggled through it,  but
it finished.  It mostly just got knocked
down being it was wet grass,  but it looks
better than it did.  There was no way that
I was gonna mow it especially with our
little 16 inch 40 volt push mower LOL.
We don’t live there and even so,  my old
body and lawnmower couldn’t handle it.
So I only mow what concerns us and all
that I wish to mow to make our place to
as nice as I can and also mow us a little
trail thru the field to take Rocky on when
we take him on a field trip.  There hasn’t
been much going on around this place.
We live a fairly peaceful life.  We have
plans on driving down to Cutler Maine
sometime this week to take some pictures
and yes this time Rocky will be coming
along with us.  Cutler is a little fishing
town next to the ocean bay.  We haven’t
been down there to take pictures in quite
a few years.  Yep,  I’m looking forwards
to that drive.  Hoping to get some great
shots there and back.  Judy has a few
doctor appointments this week so there
will be only 3 days of which we can pick
to drive down to Cutler.  We feel blessed
to have these times together.  God is still
watching over us.  We can feel His touch
upon us as well as the many angels and
kindly spirits that are watching over us.
May you be blessed with His love that
is greater than any other.  We’re sure to
have problems in life,  being that is what
life is about.  If we had no problems or
difficulties,  where would the growth be?
So thank Him for the chances to learn
and grow as well as the many blessings
that you might not even be aware of.
Thank You Father God for Your love
and guidance as well as the trials that
You allow into our life that help us to
become better.  Amen and Amen.  Now
I do believe that it’s time for me to read
back over all that I’ve written here to try
and find me a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem.  So it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I
think I might have stumbled upon me
a fairly decent title near the beginning
of my rambling and now after checking
I see that it has not been used yet,  so
used it shall be :).  Here goes…

A Bit of Rain

The life and times
that we may see
might look better
in our history.
Yet in the present
we might view
the things of life
with sad accrue.
We might perceive
the now in place
with but only
a saddened face.
Find the blessings
within your life
and don’t focus
on only strife.
Seek to smile
and not complain
when you acquire
a bit of rain.

©By Bill Pearce
July 7,  2024

There ya go 🙂  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little bit of my rambling.
I haven’t much else to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that
is,  I wrote some more poems and haiku 🙂
Yep,  10 more poems and 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  With that said,  I reckon it’s time
for me to start searching for that hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
you all a wonderful blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Now where can that silly off switch
be trying to hide this time LOL?  Hmm,
Me thinks that either my Primatene Mist
box has come to life or that ornery off
switch had something to do with it LOL.
Yep,  I see ya.  So you say that you sort
of leaned on it and didn’t expect it to
slide huh hehehe.  Well the inhaler is
inside of the box,  but I haven’t needed
it yet,  so the box isn’t empty,  but it
doesn’t weigh a lot hehehe.  Therefore,
you made it slide.  Try just being still.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Beauty Entwines

Time’s picture book
unfolds many pages
scenes of doorways
to life’s many stages.
They might seem like
the patterns of glass
entwining scenery
with future and past.
A picture frame style
reflecting the times
brought into view
as beauty entwines.

©By Bill Pearce
July 1,  2024

Emerging Peace

Fluid as a river
moments can flow
becoming stories
that seem to grow.
Years of passages
that times display
might come alive
in a magical way.
Giving us blessings
of angers release
cleansing our heart
in emerging peace.

©By Bill Pearce
July 1,  2024

Drifting on Dreams

Drifting with seconds
as scenes come alive
time creates windows
with a living surprise.
Brushstrokes of time
displayed as a breeze
formatted moments
with water and trees.
The sky up above us
becomes works of art
textured with seasons
that minutes impart.
With ages of creation
displayed as scenes
blessings come alive
drifting on dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
July 2,  2024

The Living Way

Driving down paths
that are filled with sin
can create problems
that might live within.
The roads that we travel
can often be found
with ones watching us
go round and round.
Find you a true journey
that’s leading to life
leaving all the pathways
that only find strife.
Let Lord God guide you
from day unto day
and locate the moments
to the living way.

©By Bill Pearce
July 2,  2024

Immersion Entwined

Times with memories
bring into view
the pictures of ages
we’ve been thru.
Pathways doorways
emit life’s details
found as the aromas
that time entails.
Seeming as paintings
of scenery’s bliss
installed inside life
as a heavenly kiss.
Seasons uncountable
time multiplies
found as heartbeats
below blue skies.
Thriving sights
in a dreamer’s mind
blessings of God
immersion entwined.

©By Bill Pearce
July 3,  2024

©By Bill Pearce
July 3,  2024

Summertime’s Designs

Words within pictures
display many things
as living perspectives
that a season sings.
Moments of harmony
become as the air
breathed as blessings
of answered prayer.
Seasoned with things
that God gave to view
filled with the colors
that times do accrue.
Seasoned with a style
each moment defines
found in flowers of
summertime’s designs.

©By Bill Pearce
July 4,  2024

Illusional Sights

Perceived as portals
time might become
as that of memories
of another day’s
Seasons transpired
with a special design
filled with changes
heartbeats entwine.
Giving perspectives
each moment ignites
with seasonal flavors
as illusional sights.

©By Bill Pearce
July 5,  2024

On The Wild Side

Life is like pictures
that move and breathe
creating the pathways
that God did conceive.
Walking thru a portal
and arriving in style
minutes can transform
into a life giving smile.
It may seem a window
that Heaven applied
with a deer perceived
stood on the wild side.

©By Bill Pearce
July 5,  2024

Leaves of Green

Scenes of emotion
can create a sight
as colors evolving
for time to ignite.
Branches of life
distribute a phase
seeming a window
to scenic arrays.
Renditions of time
that come in view
might seem to be
a moment or two.
Becoming pictures
snapshots of time
viewed a bit later
good times to find.
Opening doorways
to life we’ve seen
some with colors
of leaves of green.

©By Bill Pearce
July 6,  2024

Daily Tracks

Living journeys
time ensues
give us paths of
daily views.
Opening breaths
we can breathe
giving blessings
to just believe.
God will change
a distant trail
into a moment
better to tell.
Let the changes
God gives you
to enhance life
in what you do.
Let your living
display the facts
with what’s seen
in daily tracks.

©By Bill Pearce
July 6,  2024

for July 6,  2024

Today is the day
to better your yesterdays
thru lessons you learned.

Threads of seconds
can transform minutes in time
into a lifetime.

Marking your pathway
can help you to not get lost
or use as lessons.

Leading a liar
to the truth that’s obvious
can be difficult.

Tomorrow’s doorway
might not be ready to find
if you have not grown.

Brushes with danger
can create fearful patterns
that might hold you back.

Paintings in the mind
might become brushstrokes of life
that’s seen by no one.

Crying over life
that’s now just a memory
can hold back today.

Looking too deeply
into some others choices
you might misconceive.

Guessing about life
you might find that you are wrong
about your yesterdays.

Leaving ones alone
when they are in much anger
might be best to do.

Reading one’s story
the words might be confusing
if you don’t know them.

Time can be a flame
that burns in minds of many
fueled by illusions.

When you are waiting
it may seem that time slowed down
if you watch a clock.

An essence of love
lives deep down inside us all,
but some avoid it.

A ships forward speed
alters if it drops anchor,
so don’t drop too soon.

Messages in time
can be as a breeze blowing
telling you of rain.

When reading a book
pages may stick together
so check the numbers.

People might see you
at your very worst moments,
so just do your best.

Raging emotions
can become as a river
that’s out of control.

Glancing at someone
you might mistaken their life
and think bad of them.

Focusing on pain
you might not notice the peace
that lives within you.

©By Bill Pearce
July 6,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Onto Another


Hello my friends

I hope you are doing fairly well.  LOL
I expect nobody to be doing great all
of the time 🙂  We all have moments
that may be not so great .  That’s life 🙂
The weather has been back and forth
with rain,  sunshine,  clouds with cold
and hot temps.  We’re wondering if it
will ever make up its mind hehehe :).
There was a chance of a tornado this
morning,  but it never happened and
we’re thankful for that.  I told Judy
that in case one did hit us I’ll just tell
you now,  I love you and it’s been nice
knowing ya LOL.  Yep,  our mobile
home hasn’t got a chance of survival.
We’re happy that we do not live in a
place that tornadoes or hurricanes are
often found.  So off of that topic and
onto another.  It looks as though I’m
gonna have to do some mowing this
week when the grass has had a chance
to dry a bit.  We have blue skies now.
It seems that the storm earlier today
has blown away.  I am seeing sunny
days all week long according to my
weather program,  but we all know
how that can change in a heartbeat,
don’t we :).  Judy’s busy crocheting
as usual 🙂  I tend to forget and start
talking to her when she’s counting.
I don’t mean to.  She tries hard not
to bother me when I’m writing,  but
we both mess up time to time although
it’s me most often screwing up.  I’m a
doofus.  I’m glad that she loves me
even though I am a doofus :).  Rocky
can be a doofus too at times hehehe.
Last week was on the mild side as
there wasn’t much that went on other
than Judy going for checkups with
her doctors.  It had gotten in the 90’s
for a day or so last week,  but since
then the temperature has dropped a
little bit.  Right now at 7 PM it’s in
the mid 70’s. 
Monday is supposed
to be much of the same and sunny.
As soon as we get paid I’m taking the
car to get it worked on so it will pass
inspection and get it inspected.  We
took it to get inspected early in June,
but needs 700 dollars of work before
it will pass so I had to save a little
bit from June to put with our July’s
Social Security to get it all fixed up.
We’ll get it done.  So I can’t think
of anything else to tell ya right now.
God is still watching over us as are
many angels and kindly spirits.  We
feel very blessed to have one another.
We have our fair share of difficulties,
but we manage.  Thankfully God is
always sending help our way when
we cannot manage without it.  I hope
you have God in your life.  He can
make cloudy skies into that of blue.
Father God,  please watch over all
of our family and friends as well as
all of the people that we know not of.
Thank You God for all that You have
done for us and all that You will do.
Amen and Amen.  Now I do believe
it’s time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to try
and find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem.  So it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I found me a fairly
decent title that I can use for a poem
near a 3rd of the way down from then
beginning of my rambling and now
after checking I see that it hasn’t been
used as of yet,  so used it shall be.
Here goes…

Onto Another

The trails we travel
might have holes
seasons of scenes
with ages of tolls.
Making life’s views
into many details
that might seem as
ships with torn sails.
Encompassing time
creating life’s path
giving us some better
shadows to cast.
Let God within you
to carry you on
knowing He’s there
and never is gone.
Venture your passages
a little bit further
as God carries you
 well onto another.

©By Bill Pearce
June 30,  2024

I hope that you liked the poem a little.
I never know what is going to come to
be written until I start writing.  Spirits
often help me with my words if I am
feeling a blank.  Anyways,  I hope my
rambling brought you a smile as well.
I haven’t much else to tell you that I
can think of other than what I tell you
nearly every week and that is I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yeppers
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for
all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  Now,  I do believe it’s
time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but
not before I wish you a happy 4th of
July and a truly blessings filled week.
So Ok now,  where can that ornery
off switch be hiding this week??????
Looking in all of the places that it’s
hid recently.   Nope,  don’t see it in
any of those places.  LOL I see that
silly contraption hiding in the top
chair of my small Christmas carousel.
It was just rocking in the chair and
enjoying the view no matter how low
the view was LOL.  At least ya tried.
Gotcha,  see ya zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Living Yesterdays

Oh so many people
live with their view
as what is the best
for them to daily do.
Ethics surmounting
are put into place
as living yesterdays
seek for God’s grace.
Often our choices
may seem a bit gray,
but to some others
be the best for today.
Lessons from people
we may not know
might have answers
much better to grow.
We are all different
with our own views
and some are better
with life they infuse.
Let ones continue
with their own phase
if it’s their lifestyle
in living yesterdays.

©By Bill Pearce
June 24,  2024

Stages Emerge

Pictures of the sky
become ages of time
displaying blessings
so heavenly sublime.
Seeming as a book
that the ages compile
seeming numberless
as a blessing’s smile.
Take in the moments
and breathe the view
letting the scenery
to thrive within you.
So if your saddened
about a place or time
breathe in the scenes
and let them unwind.
Find in the beauty
a smile then to surge
within the windows
that stages emerge.

©By Bill Pearce
June 24,  2024

Holes in the Clouds

Minds as a journey
can often become
bright and brilliant
seeming as the sun.
Not letting minutes
to just slip on by,
create the clouds
in a thoughtful sky.
Allowing the scenes
to live deep inside
embracing seconds
heartbeats applied.
For with the clouds
there may be skies
that come in view
you may recognize.
Seasonal doorways
 become our view
pathways byways
to then thereunto.
So many memories
live on in design
as that of shadows
of a faraway time.
A moment recalled
you wish to repeat
that’s held within
as time’s heartbeat.
Monumental times
we see up above
are gifts from God
filled full of love.
Unveiling dreams
within the shrouds
answered prayers
holes in the clouds.

©By Bill Pearce
June 25,  2024

Scenes To See

Memories of scenes
that come in view
may seem a dream
that live with you.
Times might expose
a window of style
that for a moment
gives you a smile.
It might seem to be
but only a place
seen as a moment
you now embrace.
Thriving with time
a moment or two
found as reflections
of old and anew.
As living memoirs
pages of history
seeming as dreams
are scenes to see.

©By Bill Pearce
June 25,  2024

Each Day and Night

Encompassing blessings
in an evening of time
can become as doorways
to a heartfelt mind.
Lord God surrounds us
as blessings unfurl
becoming as mindscapes
to a dreamers world.
Let not the momentum
to fall with despair,
for life can be peaceful
when saying a prayer.
The days and nights form
connections in life
that give us the chances
to lessen our strife.
An evening of moments
can unlock delight
creating God’s windows in
each day and night.

©By Bill Pearce
June 26,  2024

Remembering Two

Brothers of passages
now spirits design
live as remembrance
of a wonderful time.
They were our pets,
but became as more
when their true love
came in to explore.
Four legged children
that brought a view
the blessings of love
in all that they’d do.
Enhancing our life
with the wag of tails
these two together
walked similar trails.
Seeming reflections
as a timeless song
they walked together
until life was gone.
They’ve now united
in their spirits anew
thriving as angels
remembering two.

©By Bill Pearce
June 27,  2024

Seeming Imagined

Pictures of places
cameras have seen
you might perceive
as just a dream.
Photos remember
the fabric of time
that may not live
inside of our mind.
As a timeless veil
displays on a frame
pictures might seem
without a name.
Yet if you look back
to a photo’s past
you may remember
shadows that cast.
Ones you perceive
as just but a dream
seeming imagined
in a magical scene.

©By Bill Pearce
June 27,  2024

Kisses of Style

Colors of summer
create displays
so often scented
within many ways.
Scenic flowers
blooming of gold
with many others
seasons unfold.
Giving us a kiss
so full of passion
becoming as
a timeless fashion.
Stages of ages
that come in view
seasoned with love
old and anew.
Take a picture
of a living smile
spring or summer
kisses of style.

©By Bill Pearce
June 28,  2024

Images of Old

Seeing time passages
within our sight
life can seem dim
as memoirs alight.
An old rustic barn
may seem to stand
with perceptions
a time has at hand.
Frequencies united
as a breath of air
that we might see
as time for prayer.
Scenes come in view
as times unfold
unleashing scenery’s
images of old.

©By Bill Pearce
June 28,  2024

Roaring Flow

Living waters
flow in time
as the stories
that we find.
Speaking life
of scenic views
flowing minds
times infuse.
Pages written
with life’s pen
inside a book
of water wind.
Blowing sights
that hypnotize
seen at times
to fill our eyes.
Worded scenes
a living show
may become a
roaring flow.

©By Bill Pearce
June 29,  2024

for June 29,  2024

Living as doorways
time forms many passages
that become lessons.

Finding the errors
in your passed days adventures
might give you sadness.

Years in the making
can transform into blessings
if not done in vain.

The things we value
should not be only money,
for it will be spent.

Walking on others
might just make karma awaken
and unleash regret.

Guarding your feelings
can prevent anyone’s help,
so let friends to know.

Wandering in worry
can find some puddles of doubt
that splash all around.

Our thoughts of others
can often be without truth,
for what we don’t know.

Capturing a breeze
on a hurricane’s journey
might only cause pain.

Your faith in Jesus
will not prevent your problems,
but will offer help.

When striving too hard
you might find yourself empty
without any peace.

Heaviest raindrops
often come from darker clouds
so lighten your views.

A pathway of life
can create repetition
and be good or bad.

Time can elude us
if we focus on the past
and not now today.

A liar’s heartbeat
can seem just like an angel’s,
but be the devil’s.

Foraging for friends
you might find some deceitful
that will do you wrong.

The vines of lifestyles
might get entangled in yours
and be of no good.

Let not a storm cloud
that hovers high above you
to infect your life.

When with much anger
you might say a lot of things
that you do not mean.

Desiring others gifts
can make you not see your own
and think less of you.

Painting with your mind
you can create many views
of beauty within.

Reading someone’s words
you might miss the true meanings
if in a hurry.

©By Bill Pearce
June 29,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Always Wanting


Hello my friend

I hope you have had a nice passed week
and the weekend went well for you.  It’s
been a hot passed week,  but it’s cooled
down quite bit now thank God.  It’s raining
today and supposed to rain
tomorrow,  but
clear up Tuesday and Wednesday.  we’ve
been enjoying the cooling.  I’ve gotten all
of the mowing done that needs done and
will maybe mow again sometime this week.
I just don’t want to let it get so high that
it’s hard on our lawnmower and of course
me LOL.  Judy and I have been enjoying
watching many of our favorite movies and
TV programs.  She’s still crocheting and
of course,  I’m still writing poetry nearly
every day.  Judy went to craft night with
her sisters last night/Saturday night and
they did iron on pattern T shirts.  Judy
did two and they came out pretty good.
She got home at 11:30 last night and we
then watched some episodes of The Flash.
I’ve said it before and I say it again,  we
live what many would call a boring life,
but it suits us.  It doesn’t take much to
entertain us.  LOL neither of us is in
good enough health to do much and we
can’t afford much,  so we try and enjoy
what we are able to have in our life :).
My mom sent us a picture of her and
some the family in Texas today.  It’s
a great picture of them.  I wish that we
could of been in the picture too,  but it
is what it is.  Rocky is doing well.  He’s
just as ornery as ever.  Always wanting
a treat and raising cane until we give
him one or he realizes that we are not
gonna give in LOL.  We love the boy,
but he does tend to get on our nerves
time to time 🙂  He’s fast asleep in the
floor behind Judy and I right now and
we’re enjoying the peace hehehe.  Life
at the Pearce’s Place is very quiet now
as Rocky sleeps 🙂  Oops it seems when
I went to the restroom just now,  I woke
up the monster LOL.  Rocky is in his
wanting mode again.  Judy got up and
it seems he was needing to go out and
do his thing/potty.  Yeppers,  we live
an exciting life, NOT hehehe.   God is
always watching over us as are many
angels and kindly spirits.  Thankfully
we have each other.  We have our fair
share of difficulties,  but together we
survive.  Thank You God for always
being here answering our prayers
in the manners that You know that
are best.  Please watch over friends
and family as well as the people that
we know not of.  I pray that God is
in all of your lives.  Keep the faith
that He will do what needs to be done.
Thank You Father God for all that
You do for us and all that You will
do.  Amen and Amen.  Now I believe
it is time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to try
and find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem.  So it’s away I go
to that little place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I may have found me
a fairly decent title near the middle of
my rambling and now after checking
I see that it hasn’t been used yet,  so
used it shall be.  Here goes…

Always Wanting

Seeking moments
seeking things
many find they’re
only dreams.
Time has ways of
giving Hell
wants and wishes
an empty well.
Seek for goodness
seek for need
and let God to
plant a seed.
Find the blessings
in your life
and don’t focus
on daily strife.
For with greediness
life comes haunting
making misery
always wanting.

©By Bill Pearce
June 23,  2024

Well,   there ya go.  It’s best I could do
while listening to Rocky behind me as he
growled wanting a treat from either of us.
He’s calmed down now,  but a lil late 🙂
Anyways,  Judy fixed us dinner and which
was what that got Rocky in his wanting
mode LOL.  She fixed us Taquitos.  I’m
trying to eat and write so that my food
doesn’t get cold.  Anyways,  that’s about
all I can think of to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every week which
is,  I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep,  10 more poems and 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  Now with that said,  I reckon
it’s time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you a wonderful blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you
and we do too.  Okey dokey,  so where
can that ornery off switch be trying to
hide this time?  LOL Oh my word,  you
really need to learn how to hide hehehe.
I see ya plain as day right behind my
razor knife that is sitting right square
in front of me 🙂  It’s kind of thin if
you hadn’t noticed you silly thing LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Flowers Abloom

Unveiling moments
flowers may seem
as that of flavors
of a tasty cuisine.
Becoming artwork
times are born
as the living buds
one day transform.
A moment a minute
the seconds display
textures of scenes
in a magical way.
Colors that become
as a breath of time
seeming as echoes
of a seasonal mind.
Unleashing scenery
with beauty attune
that sings the songs
of flowers abloom.

©By Bill Pearce
June 17,  2024

Winter’s Passageway

Moments come alive
with winters of white
as scenic reflections
with a glorious sight.
Minutes transposed as
doorways thru time
displayed as windows
inside of our mind.
Many of our dreams
might come if we pray
within snowflakes
of winter’s passageway.

©By Bill Pearce
June 18,  2024

Years on a Stage

Life is like artwork
painted and displayed
as we may drive along
on roads time inlaid.
Moments we remember
as a lifetime in stride
might seem as illusions
that live deep inside.
Prayerful are blessings
as the turn of a page
recollections of style
as the years on a stage.

©By Bill Pearce
June 18,  2024

Wintry Glimmer

Heat of summertime
creates many things
as a wintry glimmer
in many daydreams.
Looking to the past
in all we complained
might now be scented
with winter acclaimed.
Times in memories
that we were so cold
now might be wanted
for times to behold.
Wantings for summer
to become dimmer
while seeking coolness
as a wintry glimmer.

©By Bill Pearce
June 19,  2024

Wall of Doubt

Many of our choices
will cause us to fall
if they’re not meant
for us then at all.
We might find places
that we have been
might of been better
if we never went in.
Time shows things
that we’ve been thru
can become lessons
if we let them accrue.
Running into walls
should display a path
a time to find
better shadows to cast.
Search for answers
with in ways and out
and don’t be tarnished
by a wall of doubt.

©By Bill Pearce
June 19,  2024

Evening Becomes

As darkness befalls
time comes in view
creating the pictures
minutes accrue.
Night comes alive
as an evening parade
maybe with clouds
moments had made.
There might be
lightning and thunder
rain falling down
in timeless asunder.
Roaring to life
as a sky full of drums
the time might unveil
as evening becomes.

©By Bill Pearce
June 20,  2024

Countless Passages

Driving and deriving
on views from afar
things come in view
from within your car.
Seeming so timeless
as emotions of style
captured in photos
that minutes compile.
Formatted journeys
to look thereupon
we might see seasons
as harmonious song.
Take heed the seconds
as a true breath of air
as countless passages
might answer prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
June 20,  2024

Rolling Thoughts

Time is like waves
in an ocean of style
as ages perspectives
in a once in a while.
Cresting as pictures
in life’s photographs
becoming doorways
to future from past.
Seasons bestowing
the stages of desire
might then enhance
what all we admire.
Prayerful moments
may seem to grow
into many blessings
with heavenly flow.
Seeming illusional
the points of time
might give a breath
much better to find.
Transforming times
we thought we lost
into God’s answers
as rolling thoughts.

©By Bill Pearce
June 21,  2024


Living breathing
ages of breath
becomes as time
so often at rest.
Realizing scenery
as scenic smiles
can open doors
that life compiles.
Becoming passages
of thereunto
creating realization
times so true.
Transforming life
into an equation
becoming sights
with realization.

©By Bill Pearce
June 22,  2024

Remember Then

Artwork of blessings
find ways to display
as time forms portals
within day after day.
Remembering stages
of wonderful scenes
that God gave to see
with so many things.
Waters of emotions
that time did begin
might now be echoes
that remember then.

©By Bill Pearce
June 22,  2024

for June 22,  2024

Throughout our lifetime
we might discover phases
that we’re not proud of.

Fearful are many
that walk within the shadows
expecting the worst.

Living in a dream
you might find you awaken
within a nightmare.

Many decisions
are not guarantied the best,
so step cautiously.

Looking to the stars
you might see a few moving
that are satellites.

So many problems
begin with all the answers
that we don’t accept.

Laughing at ones pain
can come back to you one day
with the same or worse.

Challenging footsteps
on travels you’ve never gone
could have some potholes.

Yesterdays of life
might have many reflections
that are of regret.

Recent decisions
often come back to haunt us
seeing the mistakes.

The years of our life
can often seem as wasted,
but they had blessings.

Walking on eggshells
some may hold back their voices
and are never heard.

Speaking to the wind
you might hear it speaking back,
but just as a breeze.

Yearning for true love
you might find a few liars
that are empty shells.

Harnessing shadows
as the real things within life,
you’ll just have shadows.

Putting on a smile
when a frown’s living in you
could create a smile.

Lighting a fire
in the midst of struggles
could cause you to burn.

Truth of a heartbeat
gives a sign of deception
if it is evil.

The tables may turn
if you stomp on others hearts,
so take heed your steps.

When feeling less than
remember that God made you
and you’re a blessing.

Beyond ones doorways
there might be a few doormats
that we’ve never seen.

Changing the channels
on a lifetime of choices
will be hard to do.

©By Bill Pearce
June 22,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

The Reasoning


Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice weekend.  I mowed
most of the day today.  I’ve got most of it
done so I may take a break tomorrow and
just enjoy the day.  I’ll be going with Judy
to her eye doctor visit and we’re planning
to take soda cans to the reclamation center
and  then stopping by Dunkin Donuts to
 get us some donuts,  but other than that
we’ll just be playing it by ear.  Monday’s
high is supposed to be 72 F degrees,  but
Tuesday thru Thursday is supposed to be
in the mid 90’s,  so we’ll be happily sitting
in here near the air conditioner LOL.  As
I have mentioned many times,  I cannot
handle temps of near 80 for long and I
most assuredly cannot handle temps near
or in the 90’s 🙂  Yeppers,  this portable
air conditioner will be much appreciated.
I hope all the daddies out there had a nice
Father’s Day.  Mine was pretty much like
any other day.  Of course I mowed the
lawn and fixed us breakfast then mowed
a little more in the evening around
6 PM
to 7 PM.  LOL exciting huh!  We’ll most
likely do what we do every night and that
is eat dinner and watch some TV of some
type.  Today was a nice day.  It was in the
upper 60’s and right now at 9 PM it’s 58 F.
There’s no rain in the forecast until maybe
Thursday,  but not much is expected.  It
should lower the temperature a little bit,
which in my book is great :),  but time will
tell.  There’s not much else to tell about
our life.  God is still watching over us as
He has always done.  We have our fair
share of struggles,  but we survive one
way or another.  God has blessed us with
each other and that is something that I’ll
forever be grateful for.  I hope you have
God in your life.  Let Him in and He’ll
do many wonders with your life,  but they
might at the moment seem unfitting to
you,  but in time you’ll see the reasoning
behind His works.  Father God,  please
watch over all of our family and friends
as well as the people we may know not of.
Thank You for all that You have done in
our daily life and surely thank You for all
that You will do.  Amen and Amen.  Now
I do believe it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find me a good word or phrase
that I can use as the title for today’s new
poem.   So it’s away I go,  to that little
place of recollection that I always like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I may
have found me a workable title just a few
lines back in my rambling and now after
checking I see that it has not been used
yet,  so used it shall be.  Here goes…

The Reasoning

Within confusions
time might seem
a little like waters
of a violent stream.
Running quickly
and creating pain
with the reasoning
needed for gain.
Godly blessings
may often display
words of a story
in a magical way.
Let Him give the
needed seasoning
within your life
with His reasoning.

©By Bill Pearce
June 16,  2024

There ya go.  I know it’s not 1 of my best,
but it’ll have to do.  Hopefully the poem
spoke to you and maybe even my rambling
gave you some peace.  Now I do believe I
have told you all there is to tell other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that
is,  I wrote some more poems and haiku :).
Yep,  10 more poems and 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  OK,  now I need to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Okey Dokey,  so where can
that ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time hehehe????   LOL so you just
happened to notice that I had an extra
koozie at my desk huh.  Yes I brought
my soda water in from outside and had
to get a cold one from the fridge to keep
cold until I finished the one I had outside
while I was mowing 🙂  So yes,  I have 2
koozies sitting in front of me,  but 1 of
them is empty because I finished my soda
and you just thought to yourself,  that
looks like an awesome place to hide huh.
Well that would of been if you had not
of been just hanging onto the edge of it
daydreaming LOL.  You need to learn
the concept of hiding,  but oh well LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Like a Fantasy

Recalling the pathways
that we may of found
might seem as fantasies
when we look around.
Time bestows doorways
that find ways within
that may seem illusional
like a fantastic wind.
One that’s like a dream
that your heart can see
becoming true blessings
just like a fantasy.

©By Bill Pearce
June 10,  2024

Envisioned Landscape

Transformed emotions
that come in sight
might create illusions
in the daylight.
Passageways becoming
visions of dreams
momentous doorways
to seasonal scenes.
Stages of perception
lifetimes may shape
might be but only
envisioned landscape.

©By Bill Pearce
June 11,  2024

Times of Tranquillity

Life’s altering ages
may seem to pass by
quickly becoming
as clouds in the sky.
Tranquil emotions
designed from above
as blessings united
filled full of love.
God is the author
of the pages of style
enhancing moments
as blessings compile.
The scenes we see
might be just a sight
a time’s tranquillity
of heaven’s delight.
We need to seek God
in good and misery
to find within us
times of tranquillity.

©By Bill Pearce
June 11,  2024

Brush of Existence

Living confusions
might often inlay
essence of scenery
of a beautiful day.
We may see times
dead and devoid,
but become sights
that we enjoyed.
Branches of style
thriving in a way
that creates life
of heaven’s array.
People we’ve met
at times may seem
dead in the water
an unliving scene.
Within their lives
God is at work
making changes
to surely exert.
We each may seem
to others in time
as just dead brush
in another’s mind.
Seeming as dead
the ages bestow
brush of existence
as a scenic show.

©By Bill Pearce
June 12,  2024

Yearning Thoughts

Looking to the sky
you might perceive
time in the making
as a passing breeze.
Living momentum
in a sea of change
that we may yearn
for times to attain.
Seeking for answers
as clouds pass by
inspirational words
in a changing sky.
God’s always there
in winds of time
seeing the choices
that fill our mind.
Some are as clouds
upon a windy day
as some only yearn
in a greedy way.
Let God guide you
thru now and again
and let Him thrive
as a heavenly wind.
There’ll be times of
yearning thoughts
but God can show
a much better cost.

©By Bill Pearce
June 13,  2024

Tracks Inlaid

Pictures we’ve taken
might unveil a sight
scenes we didn’t see
that came to light.
Formed as doorways
with dreams to find
as times of our life
pictures entwined.
Just like our lifestyle
that seemed to fade
we might find times
better tracks inlaid.

©By Bill Pearce
June 13,  2024

Country Memoirs

Remembering times
on another stage
that are like dreams
of a younger age.
Memoirs well written
within my mind
of times long ago
but similar design.
Seeming like echoes
the moments repeat
displaying a view
that now can’t beat.
A view of the past
that seems like stars
in my younger years
as country memoirs.

©By Bill Pearce
June 13,  2024

Insightful Portrayals

Time within pictures
might seem to fade
as the years pass by
with waters to wade.
Creating living pages
of the turn of times
formatted in waters
in memorized minds.
Seasoned as a dream
of a majestic place
found as a memory
that we may embrace.
Gifts from Lord God
unveiling memories
insightful portrayals
are heavenly degrees.

©By Bill Pearce
June 14,  2024

Shimmering Seas

Oceans of memories
unveil many waves
shining reflections
as words of a phase.
The smell of salt air
becomes as a breath
created from waters
that times attest.
Transforming ages
into a salty breeze
shining the essence
of shimmering seas.

©By Bill Pearce
June 14,  2024

Imagination of life

Look to the sky above
and see what can shine
with life of momentum
as a heavenly design.
Brought within vision
as a true breath of air
seeming to be imagined
is an answered prayer.
Sent to us as a window
that we can look thru
scented of passageways
for our eyes to view.
A picture in the clouds
that times photograph
thriving as a heartbeat
of the future and past.
It’s a view to give hope
and help end our strife
that might seem like
an imagination of life.

©By Bill Pearce
June 15,  2024

for June 15,  2024

One step at a time
can put you in a good place
if walking rightly.

Within our rearview
we might only find regret,
so look where you drive.

Counting the minutes
can create time’s passageway
to much impatience.

We’re like autumn leaves
as we pass from the living
to become angels.

Profiling people
can become life’s history,
for change is in place.

Thinking too deeply
you might end up in shadows
that might not exist.

Reversing your life
might cause a wave of trouble
if you’re not ready.

The flavors of time
can become very bitter
if not put in place.

The answers we find
may often become questions
that don’t have answers.

The needles of life
can become real hard to thread
if they have no eye.

Years that come and go
might seem to be much longer
if they’re full of pain.

True love and friendship
can seem as one of the same,
but viewed differently.

Texting your feelings
is not the same as speaking,
for ones feel your words.

Fleeting images
can often seem like shadows
of reality.

When talking too much
you might fail to hear the words
that you really need.

Motivation of some
is sometimes found in others
that causes troubles.

Yesterday is gone,
so focus on what’s ahead,
and use time’s lessons.

Repeating an effort
that has failed you many times
might only get worse.

Looking at people
while thinking that you know them
could show you do not.

Tomorrow’s worries
might become a whole lot less
if we do our best.

Challenging others
to what you think you know best
might go bad for you.

Tedious wantings
in the midst of importance
can cause much regret.

©By Bill Pearce
June 15,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

A Little To Read


Hello my friends

It’s been a rainy bit up this ways for a
while.  I’m glad that I got most of my
mowing done.  It looks as though I’ll
not be able to mow again for a while,
being there’s rain in the forecast for the
next few days.  Actually there’s rain in
the forecast for most of the week.  So
I hope the grass doesn’t grow too much
in that time period.  Our lawnmower
and me have already been thru way too
much.  I’m not in good enough health
to push thru that tall grass again,  at
least not this soon.  It’s been raining
most of the day and it’s 53 F degrees
right now at 9 PM.  I’m not much into
writing right now,  but I’ll give a little
to read.  We have an appointment at
the vet Wednesday for a check up for
 our dog Rocky.  We were going to get
our car inspected last week,  but it’s
going to cost more than we can afford
this month.  $711.00 dollars for ball
joints and what not.  So I’ll try to save
a little this month to put along with
next months pay and get it all repaired
and inspected.  It’s the pits being poor,
but we have a home and we’re together.
That could end,  but I pray that it does
not.  Rocky’s still as ornery as ever 🙂
We can’t sleep in because of him.  He
is our irritating alarm clock hehehehe.
So not much else is planned for this
week other than the vet.  If the rain
gives me a chance I might mow a bit.
God is still watching over us.  I know
we have our fair share of problems,
but God gives us strength to survive
as well as methods.  Life isn’t meant
to be a cup of tea.  It’s supposed to
have a few struggles to design us and
give us lessons.  I pray that God is
in your life and you are listening to
His guidance.  God,  please keep Your
mighty hands over all of our family
and friends as well as the many that
we know not of.  Thank You Father
God for never wavering in Your word.
Amen and Amen.  Now I do believe
it’s time for me to read back over all
that I’ve written here to see if I can
find me a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem.  So it’s away I go,  to that
place of my recollection that I like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE :).  I think
I may have found a somewhat fairly
decent title near the beginning of my
rambling and now after checking I
see that it hasn’t been used yet,  so
used it shall be.  Here goes…

A Little To Read

Words of a moment
might not be heard
as people may ignore
most every word,
Often ones will read
the words not there
and fill in the blanks
with words of hot air.
Listen to your heart
and look within time
reading all the words
that truth does design.
Sometimes our words
are not heard right
for within moments
there may be low light.
Clear up the timeline
and listen and hear
when one is speaking
what may not be clear.
We may have problems
that plant a bad seed
in words we may speak
with a little to read.

©By Bill Pearce
June 9,  2024

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling.  I haven’t much to tell you all
other than what I tell you nearly every
week and that is,  I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there.  I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now,  with that said,  I reckon it’s time
for me to begin my search for that silly
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you all a truly blessings filled week.
Remeber,  Jesus loves you and we do too.
Okey dokey,  so where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this week???
LOL well that’s different.  What are you
holding onto anyways.  Hiding in the
clothes closet was new for you.  So you
were hanging on the a clothes hanger
that kept shifting on ya huh hehehehe.
Plus being that sliding door was only
opened a crack,  but I still saw you 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Traveled Pathways

Roads to emotions
may often mislead
sending us on some
times of misdeed.
Ones not purposely
of intended design
may find pathways
of a wrongful time.
Leading to troubles
bad atmospheres
we might discover
time’s many tears.
Sincerely the times
might seem to be
intended to others
in hurtful degree,
but truth be known
a journey’s phase
got lost in wording
traveled pathways.

©By Bill Pearce
June 4,  2024

Dreamer’s Delight

Time may seem scented
of an aroma of desire
as life continues on
with others to acquire.
Seeming as imaginary
the times might display
minutes and seconds
with a dreamer’s array.
Artistic points of view
God brought in sight
that became an essence
of a dreamer’s delight.

©By Bill Pearce
June 4,  2024

The Magic of Time

When within moments
a scene might appear
that may seem as magic
of dreams very clear.
It might seem as a stage
where actors perform
thriving within pictures
that a dream is born.
Rippling like a doorway
to a heavenly sight,
one that seems magical
with scenes of delight.
Floating upon the waters
in a timeless boat
living within reflections
that heartbeats float.
Take on a little journey
to a moment of design
to find life that’s entailed
as the magic of time.

©By Bill Pearce
June 5,  2024

Autumn’s Awaiting

Moments of scenery
still shine in the past
as autumns reflections,
shadows to cast.
Created as a window
to a time and place
leaves as pictures
with a warm embrace.
Transforming scenery
to a colorful stage
as many look onwards
to a leaf falling age.
I myself find that I’m
often anticipating
the time after summer
autumn’s awaiting.

©By Bill Pearce
June 5,  2024

Winter’s Hue

Snow as remembered
becomes so alive
found as reflections
seen in our eyes.
A view of snowflakes
that landed in place
become as a window
with white interlace.
Time seems endless
in this magical view
that’s of the beauty
with winter’s hue.

©By Bill Pearce
June 5,  2024

Dreamer’s Stream

Talking with water
you may hear it flow
as a river of blessings
of words to and fro.
Creating the ripples
in the waters of blue
becoming the stories
of life old and new.
Splashing as scenery
with a living display
thriving as lifetimes
from day unto day.
Perceived as a style
of a tasty cuisine
like hungering eyes
in a dreamer’s stream.

©Bill Pearce
June 6,  2024

Pictures Perceived

Turnstiles of ages
are often explored
becoming pictures
ones have adored.
Scenes in a passing
created as a stage
with actors of time
as memoirs of age.
Transforming sight
into that of desire
just like the photos
so many admire.
Inside our window
a fantasy weaved
timeless memories
pictures perceived.

©By Bill Pearce
June 6,  2024

Exploring Domains

Walking around places
our steps might unfold
into living memories
for the times to behold.
Held within reflections
of hearts so long ago
we might find a dream
that’s a river of flow.
Transformed by seconds
that life intervened
exploring the blessings
that seasons convened.
Creating many moments
a doorway contains
listing the memories
when exploring domains.

©By Bill Pearce
June 7,  2024

Implanting Phrases

Gardens of insight
planted real deep
may grow memories
moments can keep,
Becoming a memoir
written in the dirt
words of a moment
continue their hurt.
We might find that
we may regret
words of a moment
that we may of said.
Try hard not to say
things in haste
implanting phrases
filled with bad taste.

©By Bill Pearce
June 7.  2024

Reflecting on Life

Remembering moments
times gave to display
heartbeats of a rhythm
gave so much to say.
Travels we’ve been on
that brought into view
the wonders of life
of a moment or two.
Time all sewn together
brought things to see
that live as reflections
within our history.
Thriving as blessings
our heartbeats in sync
displaying a journey
true love gives a wink.
I still remember well
the times with my wife
that still continues
while reflecting on life.

©By Bill Pearce
June 8,  2024

for June 8,  2024

Life’s a mystery
that’s filled with many doorways
that we can choose from.

Gazing into ones eyes
you might see a reflection
of yourself within.

Seeking for good times
you might find some deception
that was destructive.

Today’s tomorrow
might look like your yesterdays
if you never changed.

There are times of life
that become our reflections
seen within others.

Challenges in life
can be tools to help us grow
if we use them well.

Threads of a lifetime
may sometimes become unsewn
leaving emptiness.

Chasing after time
you might find it unwanted
if you catch the phase.

Lingering doorways
can become our temptations
to return to them.

The storms within us
can destroy relationships
if we don’t find peace.

Living in a dream
you might discover nightmares
that the dream let in.

Our generations
can become unending wars
if we don’t align.

Ones filled with anger
can get lost in the moments
and lose who they are.

Speaking too quickly
we might say things we regret
and not be forgave.

Reading between lines
we might miss the true meanings
with words not spoken.

Time is a journey
that consists of life’s doorways
that we might perceive.

Walking through the night
you might discover some sights
that shadows may form.

Many yesterdays
can become bad memories
if we hold them tight.

Strolling thru your life
you might find some illusions
that seem very real.

Pointing at others
can make you to be the one
that some only see.

Years in the making
can provide many chances,
but we might miss them.

Birds in the morning
chirping singing about life
can become blessings.

©By Bill Pearce
June 8,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Problems That Arise


Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice weekend.  It’s been
a sunny one for us up here.  Today’s a bit
warmer than Greenville Texas.  Right now
it’s 76 here where we live in Maine and it’s
74 in Greenville TX LOL.  Of course many
of the other cities around Greenville are a
bit warmer such as 87 and thereabouts. So
the weather differs in the other locations.
I have managed to get most of the mowing
done.  Now at least I won’t have to struggle
thru the tall grass to mow again if I stay on
it and mow it from time to time.  Our little
40 volt battery powered 16 inch mower had
a time mowing thru it,  but it made it thru.
Pushing that thing was what wore me out.
I had to keep changing out batteries,  but
it got it done.  I have many rechargeable
40 volt lithium ION batteries.  I keep them
charged so to use them summer and winter,
being our snow blowers use the very same
batteries.  The batteries cost a lot,  but they
last for years.  Anyways,  that’s all on that
bit of news :).  We’re doing alright other
than the typical problems that arise from
time to time LOL.  Being that neither of
us is in the greatest of health,  we do have
a few difficulties ever so often.  Mowing
the lawn almost did me in.  I had to stop
and sit down and rest often,  being that I
can end up on the ground dead if I don’t
take many breathers LOL.  This week we
haven’t much planned other than maybe
getting the car inspected and new tags 🙂
We have all month,  but I see no sense in
putting off the inevitable being it’s gotta
be done.  Today I plan on relaxing and
maybe mowing a little bit tomorrow if it
doesn’t rain.  We have no big plans for
this week.  We might go and get us some
ice cream at the Houlton Farms Dairy
bar if we feel like it and maybe as we are
in town we might stop off at Walmart
and get me some more orange juice as
well as anything else that we may have
forgotten to get when we went last week.
I drink orange juice for breakfast every
day other than time to time having me
some Strawberry Nesquik milk.  I love
my strawberry milk :).  Judy’s behind me
watching some Dhar Mann videos on her
computer.  We both like to watch all of
his videos.  They are very inspirational.
Judy and I have a weird schedule as we
stay up late and then near 10 or
11 PM
we watch a movie or TV program that
we’ve been wanting to see.  Then after
that we might watch an episode of 48
Hours before going to bed to watch some
cartoons LOL.  Exciting huh LOL.  Yep,
we’re the life of the imaginary party 🙂
We just try to enjoy life as best that we
are able.  God is always watching over
us as are many angels and kindly spirits.
We know life is set to be as it will and
there will be problems that will surly
arise,  but we will be OK none the less.
I hope you have God in your life today
as you meet the destinations that are
awaiting you.  Please God keep Your
mighty hands over all of our family and
friends as well as the many that we know
not of.  Thank You Father God for never
wavering in Your love.  Amen and amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away I
go to that place of my recollection that
I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.  It
looks as though I may have found me a
good title just about a 3rd of the way
down from the beginning of my rambling
and now after checking I see that it has
not been used yet,  so used it shall be :).
Here goes…

Problems That Arise

We each have struggles
that might seem great,
but there are so many
that have a worse fate.
Take heed the bickers
and remember to pray,
for there are so many
in worse shapes today.
Problems with issues
that life might expose
might fill us with anger
like a river that flows.
Look within your heart
and find God’s light,
for it is always waiting
and may be in sight.
It might take a moment
to see it with your eyes,
but God gives hopeful
in problems that arise.

©By Bill Pearce
June 2,  2024

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling.  I do ramble don’t I :)!   Well,
I can’t think of anything else to tell you
other than what I tell you every week and
that is,  I wrote some more poems and
haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more poems with 1
of them being a slight Christmassy.  I
also wrote 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there.  I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now with that said,  I reckon it’s near the
time for me to be searching for that silly
hardly elusive off switch,  but surely not
before I wish you a truly blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Okey dokey,  so where can
that ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time LOL.  Ok so,  it many times
just sits down wherever it may be and
says  here I am hehehe,  but this is not
appearing to be one of those times LOL.
It’s looking as though it has put a little
bit of effort in hiding this week :),  but
still,  not as much as it should have 🙂
I think I see that ornery thing hiding
behind our cordless telephone hehehe.
Are ya expecting a call???  Oh so you
were admiring the Christmas Carousel
and jumped behind the nearest thing
when you saw me looking and it just
happened to be our telephone hehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Pond of Desire

Transpired doorways
our eyes may perceive
so often as reflections
of a moment to weave.
Woven as passageways
to a memorized song
seen as ducks paddling
as time continues on.
Creating life’s ripples
as reflections of design
with a tiny blue pond
as an essence of mind.
Seen as life’s doorway
that blessings transpire
is a moment in time
within a pond of desire.

©By Bill Pearce
May 28,  2024

Prepare Your Field

Let life find a way
to create your path
allowing your mind
to see the contrast.
Find in your field
the seasons to grow
as seedlings of life
that you do bestow.
Plowing with prayer
 seeds are spread
in your daily field
with what God said.
Blessings are formed
as time’s revealed
if you continue to
prepare your field.

©By Bill Pearce
May 28,  2024

Shadows of Days

In passage of time
days come in view
recalling the pages
that life tore into.
Stages of perception
scented of stars
the shadows of days
are times memoirs.
Words as our stories
written in style
sung as heartbeats
the times compile.
Seeming fragmented
from age to age
we might remember
the turn of a page.
There may be a barn
the color of red
standing displaying
like times ahead.
Creating the images
of seasons displays
as written memoirs
shadows of days.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2024

Depictions of Cold

A snowy winter day
creates seasonal views
as scenic times places
that moments infuse.
It may seem reflected
with life’s memories
of a Christmas of age
filled with fantasies.
Textured with scenes
of a glistening array
depicted as a dream
of a Christmassy day.
Our hearts remember
those blessings of old
seen within Christmas
as depictions of cold.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2024

Beyond The Rails

Minutes passing
can create designs
as scenic memories
of seasonal times.
Stages of journeys
with many a view
become the tracks
of a timeless hue.
We might not see
the passing of age
on the living rails
of our daily stage.
We need to look
and see the details
that we may cause
beyond the rails.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2024

Enjoying Time

With camera in hand
the time moves on
creating the waves
of a true scenic song.
The blue sky above
reflects down below
in the ocean of life
as a timeless show.
My sweet memories
align with each view
as the ocean waves
say how do you do.
The sight on shore
might only be found
as dreamers waves
that come aground.
My eyes search on
with an ocean mind
finding my blessings
while enjoying time.

©By Bill Pearce
May 30,  2024

Reflecting Within

Minds may remember
times way back when
loved ones in essence
gave help to begin.
The pages that turned
that created our style
helped time to be seen
reflecting a smile.
We might see sights
that bring into view
how loved ones of life
made changes in you.
Creating perspectives
that live on and on
in things we may see
or the words of song.
True love never dies
for a family or friend
as it’s always there
and reflecting within.

©By Bill Pearce
May 30,  2024

Waves of Sky

Years in the making
become that of time
synched with emotion
of an ocean of mind.
We might look above
at the clouds of style
becoming the scenes
that give us a smile.
Clouds create scenery
that remind of a day
transforming minutes
in a heavenly way.
Seeming as an ocean
the sky might become
a doorway to pictures
with a shining sun.
The ocean below it
may seem as to shine
a glistening essence
that is oh so divine.
It becomes heartbeats
that seem to fly by
displaying life’s stories
of the waves of sky.

©By Bill Pearce
May 31,  2024

The Smallest Sights

Flowers blooming
might be seen
as the smallest
than any dream.
Yet true beauty
might be found
as the smallest
upon the ground.
Look now closely
at passing time
and see the beauty
the smallest kind.
The same for life
of humanity
the smallest sights
can be heavenly.
Throughout life
the best delights
might be found in
the smallest sights.

©By Bill Pearce
May 31,  2024

Thresholds of Time

The sights of time
can often be viewed
as stages of ages
the seconds ensued.
Creations of God
that fall into place
becoming paintings
of time and space.
Seek for moments
to ease your mind
as God’s blessings
thresholds of time.

©By Bill Pearce
June 1,  2024

for June 1,  2024

Despite our mistakes
life’s lessons will come about
often as hindsight.

Sought after turnstiles
can often become torment
if they’re not for you.

Looking at the sky
watching stars twinkle and shine
you might see a dream.

Running in a race
you might find yourself winded
so take time to breathe.

So many journeys
begin with only a thought
that was incomplete.

Sometimes a lifetime
seems like waiting on a train
as patience wears thin.

Belief in magic
can create reality
within your own mind.

Doorways to trouble
might mistakenly be sought
in heat of anger.

The ocean speaks words
as waves of a storybook
become deepest seas.

Struggling with time
our minds might get lost in storms
that life throws at us.

Time’s sinking feelings
can seem just like life’s quicksand
when needing some rest.

Years of emotions
become all that people see
if they never change.

Many challenges
form from our own self pity,
but some give a choice.

The winds of our minds
may blow confusing breezes
that confuse others.

Hanging onto things
that only give you sadness
need to be let go.

Found within a dream
hopeful transforms a moment
into a blessing.

Many blades of grass
may hold tightly to the ground,
but so do the weeds.

Life’s cherished moments
can give a smile when needed
so hold tight to love.

There are many views
as our flavors of icecream
that are not the same.

Changing the channel
on the things that we perceive
can give you some peace.

Limited moments
can articulate sadness
for the things we want.

Instilling a dream
into what’s not possible
can create sadness.

©By Bill Pearce
June 1,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Before it Rains


Hello my friends

I hope spring has been good to ya.  It’s made
me have to mow till I dropped while trying to
get it done before it rains again.  It’s supposed
to start raining again
Tuesday and God only
knows when it will quit.  LOL the weathermen
don’t show to have a clue hehehe.  Heck as for
as I know it could come a heavy rain
My weather programs say mostly cloudy with
a high of 65,  but no rain LOL.  We shall see.
I hope it doesn’t rain being I still have a lot
of mowing to do and with our small 16 inch
40 volt push mower it is not an easy chore.
Being the grass was nearly 2 foot high when
I began mowing I had to put the mower on
the highest settings to mow through it.  Now
I will have to mow it again with the settings
lower to cut the grass a little shorter or at
least that’s the plan.  I don’t think I will get
it all mowed again before Tuesday,  but I’ll
do what I am able.  Right now my body is
aching profusely.  I feel as though I have
walked to town and back LOL.  I have to
stop ever so often and rest on the benches
that we have outside,  being that I have
asthma and have to catch my breath as
well as rest my legs or I’ll collapse.  I’m
not a quitter.  I often over do it being I
have my dads blood running thru me and
he often over did it too 🙂  I have trouble
stopping when I’ve begun something such
as a job.  Reasons being I was forced into
retirement in 2002 told I could not hold
down a job again due to my health and
that did not go well with me,  but after I
tried to find another job I soon found out
that I was going to have to accept my life
as it was.  So I spend much of my time
writing poetry and such.  I also mow as
much as I am able as the same goes for
snow blowing clearing our driveway of
snow.  I have very limited strength and
abilities,  but I choose not to give up :).
I guess the day will come that my body
will no longer be able to do anything and
I pray to God that in that instance that
He brings me home.  But yet,  it doesn’t
seem that my life is at its end quite yet,
so I shall continue on till that day arrives.
Judy’s going to spend the day with her
sisters Memorial day.  I am going to
continue trying to get our lawn mowed
before the rains begin,  because by the
looks of my weather program it might
rain all the way into the weekend and
I cannot mow then.  I wish we could
afford a riding lawnmower,  but it is
what it is.  God’s still with us helping
us from second to second,  minute to
minute,  hour to hour and day to day.
There’s never a moment that He is
not watching over us.  Believe it or not,
He watches over you as well.  It might
not seem like it,  but He is always with
His love to give us strength to endure
what we cannot change.  I hope you
have God in your life.  We have many
angels and kindly spirits that watch
over us and we are grateful.  I pray
that your life is filled with blessings.
Thank You Father God for all that
You do and all that You surely will
do.  Amen and amen.  Now I believe
it is time for me to be reading over
all that I’ve written here to see if I
can find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem.  So it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that
I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I may have found me a fairly
decent title near the beginning of my
rambling and now after checking I
see that it hasn’t been used yet,  so
used it shall be today.  Here goes…

Before it Rains

When in a storm
we need to pray
giving to God
our will and way.
Allowing prayer
to give a breath
and find His peace
strength in access.
Look to the skies
and find a sign
within the clouds
a rainbow’s design.
Don’t let storms
be all that attains
find Lord God
before it rains.

©By Bill Pearce
May 26,  2024

Well there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling :).  Hopefully something I said
gave you peace.  Anyways,  that’s about
all I can think of to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every single week
and that is,  I wrote some more poems
and haiku.  Yeppers 10 more poems and
22 more haiku for all that haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like.  Now with
that said,  I reckon it’s time for me to
begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch,  but not before I wish you
all a happy Memorial Day and a truly
blessings filled week.  Remember,  Jesus
loves you and we do too.  Okey dokey,
so where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this week??? Hmmmm,
looking in all of its normal hiding spots
I don’t see it,  but now after glancing
over to my left,  I see that it’s chosen
to try to hide in my software bag again.
It’s been a while since its tried to hide
in that thing.  Probably due to there
not being any room for it hehehehehe.
I see ya hanging on to the edge of the
bag.  Here’s a thought,  how about
finding a new spot to hide,  just saying.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Winter’s Reflections

Life’s sky of beauty
becomes memories
as the past connects
in a timeless breeze.
Storms might form
seeming as dreams
transforming sights
into so many things.
Then as the visions
fall from our view
the time and place
displays life as new.
Creating doorways
scenic connections
displaying stages of
winter’s reflections.

©By Bill Pearce
May 20,  2024

Just Like Waves

Stroking a moment
creating a stage
time becomes life
of a coming of age.
Wild scenic ripples
in day’s sunshine
open a doorway
to a place and time.
Transforming life
to cosmic dreams
within the ages of
timeless scenes.
Becoming memories
shadows of days
moments blessings
just like waves.

©By Bill Pearce
May 21,  2024

Time Does Attest

Upon our travels
we may find a few
places with traces
of here thereunto.
Scenic perceptions
are like memories
found in windows
like timeless seas.
A flavor of style
thrives as a breath
momentous places
time does attest.

©By Bill Pearce
May 21,  2024

Heartbeats in the Sky

Scenes that emerge
from a sky of clouds
display the moments
each second endows.
Beginning journeys
to transform a view
formulating windows
for me and for you.
Then down below
there may be a sight
trees seen bestowing
a moment’s delight.
Presenting a picture
from God up above
filled with blessings
and heavenly love.
Scenes rearranging
as gifts from Adonai
becoming dreams
heartbeats in the sky.

©By Bill Pearce
May 21,  2024

Glimmers of Eve

Sunshine blinding
the times in view
become a doorway
we can walk thru.
Becoming a breath
found within sight
glimmers of eve
can shine so bright.
Shimmering scenes
on stages of time
can create portals
inside of our mind.
It may be blinding
this scenic stage,
but display beauty
from age to age.
Inciting a moment
heaven did weave
magical pictures
as glimmers of eve.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23,  2024

Images of Emotion

Describing our visions
the times did display
might seem to others
as a dreamers array.
Painted in our mind
we see what we saw
thriving with blessings
of a heavenly awe.
Our scenic perception
might seem to lie,
but the time’s picture
is in our mind’s eye.
Seeming as a window
to a skyline ocean
time might conceive
the images of emotion.

©By Bill Pearce
May 23,  2024

Summer’s Awakening

Springtime serenades
as a flower or two
displayed in a field
as a seasonal view.
Time is a trickster
that unleashes sights
creating doorways
to days and nights.
Pathways trodden
become memories
flowing as an ocean
sounds of a breeze.
Life becomes time
as spring fades into
summer’s awakening
a brand new view.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2024

Evening Portrays

When night comes near
it brings us a sight
stars that twinkle
with an essence of light.
The moonlight bestows
moments to embrace
as nighttime dreams
with a heartfelt taste.
Evening forms sights
in the sky up above
scenes we remember
as true heavenly love.
Seeming as reflections
inside of our mind
as shadows we cast
each season of time.
Displaying the stories
we remember so well
within evening’s light
as a magical spell.
The minutes tick on
in wondrous arrays
as night comes alive
and evening portrays.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2024

Views From Time

On a boat dreaming
scenes come in tune
now as my memories
I timelessly swoon.
Becoming the echoes
of life’s passageways
filled with an aroma
of the distant days.
Time becomes alive
as breath to breathe
found in the views
that hearts conceive.
Memories doorways
still live in my mind
found as a reflection
of views from time.

©By Bill Pearce
May 25,  2024

Throughout Destiny

An emotional journey
can become a stage
with unpracticed time
as the passing of age.
Moments may seem
as withered creations
found in the windows
of time’s destinations.
Scenes such as waters
can often be found
as timeless emotions
with a rippling sound.
There might be a lake
that gives sight to see
reflecting emotions
throughout destiny.

©By Bill Pearce
May 25,  2024

for May 25,  2024

Our life’s destinies
can often seem without end,
but it’s all numbered.

Seeking perfection
you find much disappointment
as we all have flaws.

Our minds as rivers
might flow the wrong direction
and end waterless.

Visualizing time
as a reflection of life
you might see shadows.

some lifestyles may be perceived,
but be very dull.

Resting your mindset
you might find better pathways
that your mind can trod.

Looking to the stars
many dream of illusions
as a perfect life.

Trivial doorways
can hold many perceptions
of what that is right.

Life’s now and again
might seem a bit out of sorts,
but be what’s needed.

Breathing a moment
your breath might find less to breathe,
so look for the truth.

Sleeping thru your life
you might miss many good things
that God has for you.

Echoes in a dream
might seem to transform shadows
into your choices.

Painting with your mind
you might discover artwork
that you never knew.

Allowing for time
to move as it’s supposed to
takes pressure off you.

Jumping too quickly
can land you in a puddle
that you could of missed.

Predestined choices
can lead you to destruction,
for time changes paths.

Searching for someone
you might find them much quicker
if you let God search.

Within a storm cloud
there might be a few raindrops
or a tornado.

Leverage on life
many think of as money,
but it’s commonsense.

Many destinies
are thwarted by silliness
and not thinking clear.

Heavenly blessings
are all around us each one,
but sometimes not seen.

Today presents time
we can try to do better,
but still make mistakes.

©By Bill Pearce
May 25,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

Within One


Hello my friends

I hope you’re doing well.  Our grass is
growing too quickly being that our lawn
mower has given up the ship and the new
mower that I bought will not be here till
Wednesday.  I will have to put the mower
on the highest settings and go slow thru
it while rearing up the front of it to get it
mowed.  I’ll get it done at least the part
that’s around our house and thereabouts.
That’s of course if I don’t pass out from
the heat.  Anyways,  there’s not much in
the form of excitement going on around
here.  Oh yea,  our only neighbors have
moved out and now we’re alone in this
trailer park other than the old lady that
lives across the county road.  LOL listen
to me calling her and old lady.  I’m an
old man.  Yeppers,  I’m at the age that
I assumed I would never make it to due
to all that the doctors had told me thru
the years.  Trust me,  I am ready to go
to meet my maker being the aches and
pains have gotten so much to where I
 struggle to smile.  Oh well,  it is what it
is.  Life goes on.  So what has gone on
in the passed week?  Friday we went to
town and returned cans and then went
and got some donuts at DD’s.  Judy
went up to Presque Isle Tuesday for a
cat scan and it came out good 🙂  Judy
is right behind me doing what she loves
to do which is crocheting hehehe.  I’ll
be doing what I enjoy most after I get
done with this which is thinking of a
topic to write about within one of the
many pictures that we’ve taken.  It may
take me a while to find me a photo that
speaks to me :),  but I’ll find one LOL.
Then when finished with the poem I’ll
design it into the picture and then go on
to another picture search :),  but maybe
not today hehehe.  I’ve made up my
mind to only do 10 poems and 22 haiku
a week.  I used to do much more in the
olden days :),  but I have cut it down
to but only 10 poems and 22 haiku 🙂
 God’s still watching over us as He has
always done.  We have our fair share
bad days as normal,  but it often helps
us to see the good days in a better light.
I hope you have God in your life.  He
can make things better,  maybe not in
the way that you would,  but the way
that He knows is best.  Thank You God
for never wavering in Your word and
way.  Please keep Your mighty touch
upon all of our family and friends as
well as all those that we know not of.
Amen and amen.  Well now I believe
it’s time for me to read back over all
that I’ve written here to try and find
me a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new
poem.  So it’s off I go to that place of
my recollection that I always like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I
may have found me a fairly decent
title near the center of my rambling
and now after checking,  I see that it
has not been used yet,  so used it shall
be.  Here goes…

Within One

Our past meets now
connecting the voyage
scenes within scenes
that are small and large.
Some with a memoir
written in our mind
and some with pathways
real hard to find.
Our memories weaken
as time moves on
to sometimes return
in the words of a song.
Staring into space
we might see a sight
one that is blissful,
God’s heavenly light.
That very moment
may shine as the sun
retrieving the memories
found within One.

©By Bill Pearce
May 19,  2024

I hope you liked the poem and maybe
even a little of my rambling.  Looking
out the window I see that most of the
clouds have blown away.  According to
my weather programs,  it’s supposed to
be much of same tomorrow,  but with
a high of 76.  It’s 63 right now at 7 PM.
Rocky is behind me raising a big fuss
saying he wants a treat LOL.  If he gets
one it will be from Judy hehehe.  LOL
it looks as though he wanted to go out,
being he followed Judy into the kitchen
when she went to get some more coffee.
He really needs to learn how to speak
English hehehe.  Yep,  our house has
gone to the dog.  So it seems Rocky
did not want to go outside LOL.  He
just followed Judy thinking she was
going to give him something Hahaha.
Nope,  didn’t get nothing but yelled
at :).  Anyways,  that’s about all that
I can think of to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every week and
that is,  I wrote some more poems and
haiku.  Yep,  10 more poems and 22
more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can fine 1 or 2
of either or both that you like.  Now
with that said,  I think it’s time for me
to start searching for that silly hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I
wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we
do too.  Ok,  so where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this time?
Hmm looking all around my desk as
that seems to be it’s favorite hiding
spot :).  This time though is seems to
be hiding over amidst all of my books,
but still not hiding very well hehehe.
Did you get squished between the
pages of books 13 and 14 hehehehe?
Oh so you were just trying to hide in
the stack and somehow got caught in
the pages.  I’m just glad you didn’t
knock the stack of books down LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Images of Ages

When resting our eyes
upon a timeless place
our life might discover
a moment’s embrace.
There may be scenes
awakening your heart
we might remember
as a true work of art.
Found in the seconds
that minutes proclaim
a picture might seem
as moments to frame.
Our heartbeats unite
as we share the stages
with someone we love
as the images of ages.

©By Bill Pearce
May 13,  2024

Seem as a Storm

Clouds might surround
as a troublesome view
when confusion distorts
 the emotions in you.
Find within the clouds
a bright sunny day
one that may be hidden
in words that ones say.
Seek beyond a moment
and find you a dream
one that is flavorful
within a cloudy cuisine.
Allow for the moments
to surely transform
into rainbows of joyful
that seem as a storm.

©By Bill Pearce
May 13,  2024

Blue Bonnet Fantasy

Thinking back in time
to a moment so sweet
I can remember life
in the Texas
sun‘s heat.
The magic of a flower
in a summertime field
becoming as pictures
our memories revealed.
I see in my dreams
that moment of my life
a blue bonnet fantasy
with me and my wife.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14,  2024

Rekindled Views

Visiting memories,
time becomes scenes
so often as windows
displaying dreams.
Heartbeats fantasies
might open a veil
to worlds in a world
with timeless detail.
Find in the windows
the scenic delights
scented with beauty
flavored with sights.
Enjoy the moments
God gives each day
finding the blessings
His love will inlay.
Presenting scenery
for time to infuse
heavenly blessings
as rekindled views.

©By Bill Pearce
May 14,  2024

Years of Destinies

Motions of dreamworlds
that an ocean unveils
might become our stories
in so many details.
Visualized with doorways
to a true blue sight
that’s found as emotions
in reflections sunlight.
Each scene’s as shadows
of the deep blue seas
found in daily heartbeats
as years of destinies.

©By Bill Pearce
May 15,  2024

Ways We Trod

Thriving as pathways
journeys are found
as we are walking
and looking around.
We might see gravel
on our paths of time
not heading nowhere
is all that we find.
Yet as we look back
we find our place
as seasons of scenes
with a magical face.
Textured with time
in footsteps we make
showing us scenery
things to partake.
Much is as blessings
as walks with God
on life’s gravel roads
the ways we trod.

©By Bill Pearce
May 15,  2024

Springtime’s Breath

Flowers from weeds
amidst a green stage
create and display
the turn of a page.
Stories we can read
with springtime eyes
breathing a breath
as a scenic surprise.
An essence of life
that becomes more
when walking thru
time’s opened door.
Seedlings are spread
like hearts of love
showing the beauty
from God up above.
A scenic portrayal
that time does attest
presenting a door to
springtime’s breath.

©By Bill Pearce
May 16,  2024

Colors of Memoirs

Imagining moments
as memories grow
create the pictures
of a timeless show.
Lifetimes rewinding
unfolding a phase
as colors of autumn
love that displays.
Remembering ones
the time transcends
as love an emotion
four legged friends.
Family extended
now live in the stars
and also within as
colors of memoirs.

©By Bill Pearce
May 16,  2024

Found in the Heart

Portraits of visions
come alive within
as time passes by
just like the wind.
Moving so quickly
the minutes of time
may in a heartbeat
escape our mind.
Then like an echo
time comes in view
showing memories
of old now as new.
Country emotions
might come alive
as seasons within us
that still survive.
Envisioned scenery
that times impart
still live within us
found in the heart.

©By Bill Pearce
May 17,  2024

Dreamers of Mind

Enveloping odysseys
as dreams in space
life begins a journey
to a time and place.
Scenic are ventures
that dreams unfold
becoming the storys
for minds to behold.
Timeless emotions
bottled up in dreams
tasted as sweetness
God’s living scenes.
 Heavenly blessings
a wondrous design
becomes a journey to
dreamers of mind.

©By Bill Pearce
May 18,  2024

for May 18,  2024

Life’s tires might spin
losing traction on journeys
and cause us panic.

Predicting moments
can become lifetimes mistakes
as not predicted.

Limiting a breath
in a room full of people
you might suffocate.

Glancing at someone
and deciding who they are
can give much regret.

We are as the leaves
of the trees of a lifetime
bestowing branches.

Putting down others
can later reflect on you
as karma reacts.

The tides of design
that is found in an ocean
can create a beach.

Living in a lie
the truth will one day be seen
which may embarrass.

Time is a number
that can become destiny
or as our regret.

Finding your weakness
in the midst of a moment
can be good or bad.

Desires of our heart
can be misled in passion,
so use common sense.

Sheltering feelings
can cause your heart to explode
and become empty.

The years that we have
are made for us uniquely
as life is numbered.

Harboring problems
not allowing ones to help
can drive you crazy.

Eventful echoes
are often heard when ones pass
in times reflections.

Blades of grass will grow
and a few weeds will mix in,
but some have beauty.

Exploring turnstiles
you might find that some are bad
and can destroy you.

The passing of years
can be filled with memories
that now give us smiles.

Seeing a loved one
within the pictures of time
can bring life to you.

Opening your heart
to someone that is evil
can ruin your trust.

Describing something
to someone that does not care
is a waste of time.

When seeking true love
many will look visually
and not see within.

©By Bill Pearce
May 18,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill