Future’s Roads


Hello my friends

I hope you have been doing fairly well.
We’re still hanging loose as the weather
keeps changing back and forth.  It has
been bouncing around from the 40s to
the near 70s LOL.  It’s nothing like the
weather should be or at least the way I
view it :).  Right now at 7:30 PM it is
59 F degrees.  It’s is supposed to be a
high of 70 or near it Monday and then
near 61 on Tuesday LOL.  Changes in
the weather are happening for sure and
I think everyone’s noticing them.  I’m
sort of hoping that we don’t get a ton
of snow this winter,  but we’re overdue.
No matter,  I still love snow,  but don’t
like getting snowed in :).  I always love
taking snow pictures.  Snow transforms
old and normally not so great to look
at places into masterpieces.  I’m always
looking for a picture to be had with my
camera.  Autumn had a lot of beauty
within it this year.  I got a lot of nice
pictures of the changing leaves.  I’ve
already used quite a few of them for my
poetry pictures.  One of these days if my
14 books that I have published and are
on sale on Amazon ever become alive
with sales,  I might published a few more
that I have ready and I nearly have 14
more books ready to be formatted and
published.  Oh well,  It’s not like I write
for the money being I’ve always enjoyed
writing poetry,  making up things in my
head even since I was a little kid of single
digits LOL.  Yep,  poetry and music has
always lived inside of me.  Although I
didn’t begin doing poetry pictures until
2016.  Before that I did a few poems with
some of my pictures,  but nothing like I
ended up doing.  Since 2016 I’ve grown
in my abilities to do poetry pictures as I
have learned many different ways to do
them.  Using many different ways of
designing the pages.  No they are not
pre designed pages.  I do it all such as
figuring out the correct fonts to use and
the sizing,  but there is much  more that
I do that I would confuse you in all of
my explanations,  so I will not even try.
Anyways,  we now have an IHOP in
Houlton and Judy and I had planned to
go there to eat Friday,  but it seems they
closed at 5 PM due to lack of employees
and we got there at 5:30 PM.  That ticked
us off royally.  We drove 8 miles to town
just for that.  It’s not like it’s just a hop
down the road to IHOP ya know.   It’s a
16 mile round trip.  Well,  we’re thinking
of giving it another try this week maybe
Thursday,  but time will tell :).  This past
week has been sort of slow for us being
we had nothing we needed to do other
than our plans to go to aforementioned
IHOP LOL.  We ended up stopping off
at Dunkin Donuts and getting us some
donuts to bring home and then going to
Walmart for a couple of things just to
not make the trip to town worthless LOL.
Life up this ways is a little in the bizarre
lane.  I don’t think we have anything
other than a few gas stations that stay
open late.  It sucks,  but what can ya do?
Oh well,  God is still watching over us
and sending angels and kindly spirits to
us when we’re in need.  We still have
problems ever so often,  but that’s what
it’s like to be human.  We’re destined to
have problems,  for they create tools for
future’s roads.  Thankfully God doesn’t
allow more than He knows what needs
to be done.  I pray that you have God
in your life.  Father God,  please watch
over our family and Friends and well as
the many people that we know not of.
Thank You for all of the blessings that
You have given us.  Amen and Amen.
Now,  I do believe that it is time for me
to read back over all that I’ve written
here to try and find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title of
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s off I
go to that lil place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I may have found me
a fairly decent title just a few lines back
in my rambling and now after checking
I see that it hasn’t been used yet,  So,
used it shall be.  Here goes…

Future’s Roads

Destinations pathways
roads we travel on
might have many holes
from dusk unto dawn.
Our vision might cloud
and prevent the views
from now to the future
that our time ensues.
Let not your journeys
to become so sour
that they create roads
to a stagnated flower.
One that its blossom
is ceased in its bloom,
one that is but only
as a pathway to doom.
Look for the blessings
that Lord God bestows
while you’re traveling
to the future’s roads.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 20,  2024

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you like it
and it made at least a little sense to ya..
I also hope you enjoyed my rambling 🙂
at least a little bit.  I know there are times
I bore myself with my words,  but I hope
you found a little bit of peace while you
read it.  Anyways,  that’s about all that
I can think of to tell you of course other
than what I tell you nearly every week
and that is,  I wrote more poems and
haiku. Yep,  10 more poems, 1 of them
being a slight Christmassy.  I also wrote
22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like.  Now,
I believe it is time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but surely not before I wish for you a
blessings filled week.  Remember,  Jesus
loves you and we do too.  Now,  where
can that ornery off switch be trying to
hide this time????  Trying LOL.  That
is a joke.  I don’t believe it every puts
much effort in its hiding,  but maybe
this time 🙂  Hahaha Nah,  I see you
ya silly contraption.  Trying to hide
behind my battery tester might have
worked for ya if it was not sitting at
eye level on my desk LOL.  All I had
to do was look straight ahead hehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

P.S  A link to our brand new books
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂

Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Living Fantasy

We might sometimes
get lost within time
as life moves ahead
and leaves us behind.
Seeming as a dream
that unveiled displays
all of your memories
of life’s distant days.
Just like a reflection
that’s in you and me
we daydream of times
as a living fantasy.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 12,  2024

Aura of Illumination

Provisions from life
might surely appear
as auras of moments
that seem so clear.
Many of life’s designs
that God illuminates
might glow as scenes
of times and dates.
Displaying seasonal
scenes in the skies
formatted moments
seen with our eyes.
The edge of turnstiles
may show to you
a pathway thru time
as a wondrous view.
Becoming a window
to the ages of time
unveiling emotions
inside of our mind.
God answers prayers
without limitation
blessings displayed as
aura of illumination.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 13,  2024


Holding onto time
letting it sink in
minutes in a day
may seem as wind.
Blowing in seasons
as our reflections
while perpetuating
times connections.
Producing pictures
that show of scenes
mirroring images
of so many things.
Transforming time
into picture frames
holding memories
of windowpanes.
Seasons are mixed
with cosmic desire
telltale moments
our stories acquire.
Evolving creations
that enlist a time
that we remember
real deep in mind.
Life can give rains
pouring from eyes
that can transform
a lifetime of skies.
Opening doorways
with imagination
creating unending
living perpetuation.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 14,  2024

Words of Fall

A sky’s fulfillment
displays many sights
so often as clouds
as flavors of whites.
A hand full of time
enhanced in a way
that tells of a season
in a colorful array.
Scenes are as magic
entrancing hearts
with autumn’s beauty
the season imparts.
Seeming like heaven
as blessings install
stories of time frames
as the words of fall.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 15,  2024

Wide Open Door

Passion as a doorway
can often be found
when opening your eyes
and looking around.
It might be just a sight
of which your saw
as momentary splendor
filling you with awe.
The view might dissolve
into a timeless stage
completing the journey
as the turn of a page.
Unveiling heartbeats
for us all to explore
displaying life’s beauty
as a wide open door.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 15,  2024

Night Comes Soon

As Evening’s light
disperses it’s view
many stars awaken
the moon does too.
Giving the essence
shimmering sights
as the sun fades
creating the nights.
Presenting stages
of lifetimes allure
within the evening
of a starlight tour.
Opening a window
to a timeless tune
sung of an evening
night comes soon.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 16,  2024

Winter Returns

Life in a memory
returns as thoughts
as wintertime snow
and essence of frost.
Seconds unveiled
with seasonal views
become as windows
to wintertime’s news.
Portraying stages
of fragments design
seen and snowflakes
that live in our mind.
Perceived as time
that a mind discerns
Christmas memoirs
that winter returns.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 17,  2024

Images Designed

Life long memories
prevail to become
the images of time
seen second to none.
Segments of beauty
evolve within colors
often showing times
so unlike any others.
Stages are unlocked
the moments remind
heavenly blessings
as images designed.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 17,  2024

Autumn’s Glance

Time is a storybook
written in scale
told as reflections
in living detail.
Autumn’s pages
have many words
synched together
as a season incurs.
Segmented pictures
become as a phase
as leaves of colors
in wondrous arrays.
The color is fading
as time moves on
presenting an aura
of old love songs.
Creating beauty
of a living romance
are faded scenes
of autumn’s glance.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 18,  2024

Find The Blue

Look thru the clouds
and find the memories
the good ones of times
thru troublesome seas.
Seek for your blessings
and seek for the place
that your life has seen
with smiles to embrace.
Let not the bad times
which you might see
become as memoirs
filled only with misery.
Open your mind’s eye
and refresh your view
look on thru the clouds
and then find the blue.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 19,  2024

for Oct 19,  2024

Our lessons in life
may often appear as bad,
but they might teach well.

Thru our memories
time creates living doorways
to the now and then.

When viewing others
we might not see what is true,
so don’t judge too quick.

Essence of a heart
beats often for another
that might not love them.

The motions of time
might seem to be standing still,
but it continues.

The effort we give
can often be deceiving
as it is no use.

Electric fences
can describe someone’s lifestyle
as they might shock you.

Tomorrow awaits
as today brings us choices
to better our life.

The threads of a screw
can sometimes get all bunged up
just like our journeys.

Leaping into time
without first checking it out
can cause a big splash.

Tending to fires
you need to know what caused them
to extinguish them.

Autumn to winter
displays many memories
within holidays.

Synching breaths of air
with the breath of a liar
you might suffocate.

Looking at the stars
they might seem to reach for you,
but just with their glow.

Teaching ones of life
you might find many stubborn
that do not listen.

Looking out windows
at our dreams and illusions
we might not find peace.

Footsteps in our lives
can become as emptiness
if we walk blindly.

Too many people
seek only for their own selves
and not for others.

Years of emotions
can become echoes of time
either good or bad.

Facing what we fear
can create strength within us
if it’s not deadly.

The days of our lives
are recorded in Heaven
as God watches us.

Sought after wantings
can become as a nuisance
if they are stupid.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 19,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂

My Animal’s Greetings site below

Me on YouTube

Your frosty friend Bill

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