Hello my friends
How’s life in your part of the world? It’s more often
fairly rainy up this way. It’s cloudy this morning, but
supposed to clear up a tad this evening. We shall see!
It’s supposed to be partly sunny Monday and Tuesday,
but rain is supposed to come again for the rest of the
week LOL. Right now it’s 57F degrees at 10:00 AM.
It might make it up to 68F degrees. That my friend is
a Texas winter be my recall hehehe. Now it’s off of
the weather report and on with the journal. Judy’s off
today and she’s still asleep. Tomorrow and Tuesday
I believe are her last days to work until she is laid off.
Then she will be hitting the unemployment line along
with many others. They are closing up the Elm Tree
North. The diner is still opened, but they are mostly
laying Judy off due to her health conditions. We’re
hopeful she can get her on Social Security disability
the same as me and maybe Maine Care. Keep her
in your prayers. Keep us in your prayers. Yet, I do
know many that are in worse shape than us, so I’m
trying to not worry about it. Yet, worry is a part of
my nature LOL. My mom and dad used to call me
a worry wart hehehe amongst other things hehehe.
My dad always called me a thinker, because it seems
my brain never shuts down. That’s one of the things
that has always kept me awake. Even on the toilet
LOL I catch myself making up and reciting poetry
or thinking of ways to do something. Please God, an
off switch would be nice hehehe. Oh well, life goes
on. Now onto another topic, but not before I go and
fetch me another Mountain Dew LOL. I’m back!!!
I decided to get me some orange juice instead hehe.
I know, it’ll just send me to the bathroom, but at
this point of my life anything I eat or drink sends me
to the bathroom, hehehe so what’s the use. I just
steer clear of veggies such as lettuce, celery etc..
They don’t digest and hurt me bad. Also hehehehe
I steer clear of hot and spicy stuff LOL. No reason
needs to be said, does it!? If so, here is a short one.
out the rear. Figure it out! LOL, I hate having to
explain my health issues and really hate that word
that starts with D and ends with A. Read between
the lines hehehe. Ok so onwards with another topic.
Judy is still asleep, but may get up soon, so I need
to get on with my writing. We finished yet another
hidden object game yesterday and began yet another.
Hehehe, we harvested each others crops at Farm
Town, but neither of us felt up to replanting, so we
put it off until maybe this evening. Heck, I’m at
the final level of 210 and Judy’s at level 200, so
we’re not in any hurry hehehe. Yet neither of us
will be surprised to see them up the freaking level
again. The game started with a final level of 47
and 1 farm, Now it’s 210 with 9 farms hehehehe.
I just heard Judy in the bed room. It sounds like
she may be up. I’ll have to fix us some belated
breakfast in a bit. Sometimes I look back on my
life and revisit the hard times I’ve encountered.
Then that helps me to be thankful for the times
that are before me. We will all from time to time
see only the troubles and not the blessings, but
rest assured the blessings are there. Don’t let a
mere moment to steal away your joy of life. Look
in the looking glass of time and see where you’ve
had harder times and survived. Judy just poked
her head in and saw me writing and said she’ll
stay in there and watch TV until I’m done. She’s
usually at work when I’m writing hehehe. Well,
I guess it’s time for me to begin my little voyage
back through all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find a god word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s poem. Hehehe that was a
mouth full huh! So, It’s off now to that place of
my recollection through all I’ve written, to that
place I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think
I may have found a good title. Now let’s see what
if anything at all I can do with it 🙂 Here goes…
Only The Troubles
Memorized moments
timeless details
bring us the journeys
with troublesome sails.
Only the troubles
of yesterdays drive
can be the burdens
that keep us alive.
Often our journeys
of here there about
bring us to places
to then in and out.
Coming and going
with yesterdays news
only the troubles
prepare all our shoes.
Sometimes the troubles
of timeless accord
are many blessings
that come from our Lord.
God allows journeys
of then unto there,
as He will often
answer our prayer.
So then be careful
of how that you pray
for only the troubles
may fill up your day.
Pray for God’s will
and not of your own
and He will send blessings
to daily be sown.
©By Bill Pearce
June 5, 2011
Ok so that’s it. Did ya understand the poem? No!
Well, I’m sorry hehehehehehe I ain’t explaining it.
Anyways, I’ve gotta get this finished so I can go and
see about fixing Judy and I something to naw on for
breakfast/brunch. I hope I haven’t put ya to sleep
with all my rambling. Then again there are a few
that say they read this at night so to help them sleep.
Hehehehe so I can’t win huh! Oh well, in any sense,
I hope you enjoyed my journal and poem. Now it’s
time for me to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is, I wrote 10 more poems and 22
more haiku. None of them are Christmassy this
week hehehe. Maybe next week, but then it is only
freaking JUNE right LOL. I mean I’ve already
written 39 Christmas poems this year HOHOHO!
I may beat the amount I wrote last year which was
100. That’s right, I wrote 100 Christmas poems
last year. Can I help it that it’s my favorite time
of year! Well, can I??? Hehehe I reckon it’s time
for me to be searching for that off switch that loves
to elude me, but before I do that I must wish you
a most wonderful God filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now to find that
freaking off switch 🙂 I believe I found it doing
the backstroke in my orange juice hehehehehehe.
Get out of there! Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Find All The Blessings
Many a moment
could be the end
found while turning
around the bend.
The end could be
a timeless view
seen from now
and thereunto.
Many a blessing
also is found
often as moments
with life going round.
We may not see
the moments array
as all the wonders
God does display.
Yet many moments
are but a scene
that we may find
a nightmare or dream.
Moments might elude
the minutes we see
causing our future
to then disagree.
Let not your moments
to be seen as blue.
Find all the blessings
with each day anew.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Out of The Darkness
In the sunlight
things might seem
as a wanted
moments dream.
Then as sunlight
fades from view,
you might find
what’s really true.
Out of the darkness
things might grow
the hidden lies
ones really know.
Often moment’s
aren’t seen right
until seen from
fading light.
Many people
hide their ways
through the lights
of coming days.
yet then nightfall
comes to be
and then difference
you might see.
Let not darkness
take control
for it’ll steal
your very soul.
Don’t hide moments
in the night.
Let God’s truth
be guiding light.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Island of Bows
A vision of ribbons
and island of bows
brings me the visions
that beauty bestows.
A scene of moments
found deep within
wrapped up with beauty
from now and agin.
An island of bows
and ribbon of smiles
brings me the moments
that true love compiles.
A vision so sweet
that time can’t forget
brings me a treat
of an island so wet.
Sweet sandy beaches
with love to expose
found deep within
an island of bows.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Dusk Unwinds
The day unloads
its beautiful finds
then comes night
as dusk unwinds.
Night then grows
with daylights end
as dusk unwinds
to then transcend.
Night brings sights
that hide in day
and they might then
fade away.
As dusk unwinds
within its view
it brings us also
something new.
Maybe stars
up in the sky
twinkling as a
nighttime sigh.
There’s so many
great designs
found when surely
dusk unwinds.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Within Memory
Looking past then
and on to today
within a memory
I swish and sway.
Lost within time
of then thereunto
timeless designs
that I used to view.
Found within memory
I can relive
the sights and sounds
that time had to give.
Scenic wonders
times record
are what now
I can’t afford.
Within memory
I can see
times of then
from history.
Places ventured
truly so
that I wish I
now could go.
Yet my memories
now in play
are what take me
day to day.
On those ventures
far and wide
where I walked in
oceans tide.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Sometimes now
is not so good,
for it’s just
Sometimes then
is seen real bad
as regretful
what we had.
Sometimes sometimes
isn’t found
as a time
that is so sound.
Sometimes sights
within a frame
are just times
we must attain.
Sometimes then
and there you see
are our blessings
given free.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Summers Sunsets
Mornings rise
as sunlight shines
on the waking
moments times.
Summers moments
bring to view
sights and sounds
of days anew.
Then as summers
daylight ends,
summers sunsets
then transcends.
Bringing coolness
nights of breeze
as the shadows
race the trees.
Summers sunsets
surely come
with the ending
of the sun.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
A passage of time
written and heard
might seem right now
a little absurd.
A moments passage
time does record
could be our blessings
come from our Lord.
Sometimes a passage
written and read
could be the answers
to put time to bed.
Many a passage
then unto now
might be the lessons
of teachers of how.
Let not a passage
that you’ve pursued
leave you with nothing
to surely conclude.
Many times answers
from our day to day
come from each passage
of our will and way.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
Seen as a field
an orchard of green
seems as a sight
of a wonderful dream.
Seen by the way
of a drive thereunto
an orchard of green
under a big sky of blue.
I see the blessings
an orchard away
found as a field
right now on display.
There in the orchard
bails of hay wait
as they are standing
and just anticipate.
Within this orchard
I have found
there are blessings
that astound.
Fields transposing
day to day
to a moments
bail of hay.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
The Stargazer’s Journey
Deep in the night
the stargazer dreams
searching for sights
of nighttime cuisines.
The stargazer’s journey
leads him astray
sometimes where patterns
lead into day.
Within the journey
of the stargazers voyage
sometimes a dream
will surely take charge.
Dreaming of places
he’s never found
while being stranded
there on the ground.
The stargazer’s journey
lives in the heart
where many planets
surely impart.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
for June 4, 2011
Hinting for minutes
could leave you standing alone,
unless you speak up.
Perplexing people
are many times just like us.
Just a bit afraid.
Looking for hopeful
might just find you hopelessness
that’s misunderstood.
Leaving doors opened
that don’t need to be opened
could let in despair.
Foraging for time
could find more than you wanted
with your destruction.
Within a sentence
are often words mispronounced
with the wrong meaning.
Words written in pen
are so much harder to change
than what’s in pencil.
The lines on a face
tell stories happy and sad
that ones try to hide.
Scenes from yesterday
can become repetitious
if we allow them.
Meeting a person
could misrepresent the truth
with pictures they’ve seen.
Brand new beginnings
are found when letting then go,
so to find today.
Plotting a course
needs some communication
with someone that knows.
Pointing at a star
does not highlight its twinkle.
It points out its glow.
Summertime’s flowers
blossom and bloom with sunshine
as raindrops water.
Lessons of hard knocks
often teach us much better
than lessons of words.
A field full of grass
brings forth some dandelions
with yellow displays.
Right nows anxiety
could lead you to a heartbreak
due to hurriedness.
Too many flavors
leave many always searching
for the right flavor.
When found in trouble
we will often seek answers
from the wrong people.
Springtime’s beauty
shows through summertimes window
and just fades away.
Making dreams come true
does not always work out well
when they’re illusions.
Time has a porthole
that connects us to today
from our yesterdays.
©By Bill Pearce
June 4, 2011
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂