The River Below


Hello my friends

I hope you enjoyed March.  April is upon
us now with hopefully some better days to
be transpired.  Judy and I are doing well.
We’ve been watching the snow melt away
into many puddles and pools.  LOL we’ve
got a pond again at the front of our house.
Yep,  it’s warming up slowly but surely as
springtime awakens.  Although it’s not
unheard of us to get another lashing from
Mr Winter before breathing its very last
breath until next October or November 🙂
We’ve been doing pretty much our same
old same old each day.  Yep,  we’re pretty
much into repetition.  It’s not like we’ve
got many choices of what to do up here.
I have no friends or immediate family up
here that I can visit.  Judy spends a few
days a month with her family.  So my life
consists of taking pictures and writing my
poetry and creating poetry pictures.  Judy
and do watch a lot of TV being we have
a lot of favorite programs that we love to
watch.  I’m thankful for all of those times.
Our boy Rocky is doing well.  He’s ornery
as ever always wanting a treat.  If we gave
him a treat every time he wanted one,  we
would have to roll him around the house.
He’s fat enough as it is LOL.  Yes I know,
I’m one to talk about being fat hehehehe.
I can starve myself and still not lose any
weight due to all of the steroids that were
pumped in me and Prednisone that were
prescribed to me when I had Ulcerative
Colitis and Crohn’s back in 1994-1995.
Too bad they didn’t have knowledge of
the diseases then that they have now.  Oh
well,  life goes on.  LOL next topic.  Well,
I did get a few pictures this passed week
of the melting snow.  Judy even stopped
at the river in town so I could take a few
pictures of the walking bridge and a few
while on it of the river below it.  Yep,  the
water is flowing briskly.  We went to the
electric company and paid our bill and
then stopped off at DOC’s and put some
money on our heating oil tab.  I’m hoping
that our heating oil will hold out till the
prices go down because it cost a fortune
now.  I though think that our heating oil
will last us as long as the temperatures
continue rising.  LOL I though wish for
the temps to stop at maybe 75 thereabouts
being I am hot natured and can’t handle
temperatures near or above 80 F.  We do
have a portable air conditioner that we
have set up in here/the computer room
and that is the only way that I survive
the hotter days of summer.  We are both
excitedly waiting for the miniature golf
course to open,  but that might not be
too soon as I am sure they are waiting
for the weather to get right.  Judy and
I love playing mini golf.  Neither of us
is any good at it,  but we love to play it.
We also love to stop at Houlton Farms
Dairy and get us some ice cream every
year.  Of course it won’t open until the
weather gets a little warmer, although
it should open sometime this month 🙂
My fave is a ShakeaSundae,  but I will
sometimes get a plain hot fudge sundae
without nuts.  I wish every day that there
was someone near us that wanted to jam
with me.  Playing the congas by myself
is boring.  I have posted to Facebook
and hoping someone replies and wants
to jam.  It would make living up here
a little better to have someone else to
do things with even if it’s only once or
twice a month.  Anyways,  other than
that,  life is pretty good.  I love the time
that I have with Judy and a little of the
time I am with Rocky hehehe.  He can
be quite ornery ya know LOL.  I hope
that we are able to one day go to Texas
and visit my family and friends,  but it
will not happen until we can afford it
as well as physically capable.  Whatever
happens,  will be what is meant to be.
God is still watching over us as are the
many angels He has sent us and the
kindly spirits that give us a hand time
to time when needed.  I feel blessed
to have Judy in my life.  She’s is my
very best friend as well as soul mate.
We have our bad moments,  but we
never lose the love and know that we
will have moments being we are both
retired and around each other 24-7 🙂
Thank You God for blessing us with
each other and giving us the strength
to do what we need to do.  AMEN..
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
be reading back on all that I have
written here to see if I can find me a
good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s new poem.
So it’s away I go to that little place
of my recollection that I like to call
have found a decent title right near
the halfway mark of my rambling and
now after checking,  I see that it hasn’t
been used,  so used it shall be today.
Here goes…

The River Below

Within perception
times might feel
as a total direction
hard times reveal.
That of the waters
that surely unveil
seasons of seconds
seeming like Hell.
Yet as a blessing
times might reveal
waters of prayerful
on our windowsill.
Look for the paths
within every way
and don’t forget
to kneel and pray.
For as a journey
becomes as a flow
God is with angels
in the river below.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 3,  2022

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a bit of my rambling 🙂
I haven’t much else to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that
is,  I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yeppers,  10 more poems but 1 of them is
a little Christmassy.  I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  With that said,  I reckon it’s
time for me to be searching for that hardly
elusive off switch,  but surely not before I
wish you all a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now,  where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this time????  Oh,  for the
love of God,  can’t you find a better place
to hide than one that is dangling right in
front of me LOL?  Hanging onto the lid
of my lens cleaner box just dangling like
a really bad mountain climber hehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Morning’s Glow

Shimmering sunshine
comes into phase
creating shadows
of timeless arrays.
Silhouettes forming
a stage on a beach
shimmering sunshine
still far out of reach.
It forms a window
a doorway of time
within the moments
found in the mind.
It might be imagined
or just but a dream
a moment recorded
as a magical scene.
Shimmering sunshine
creates a great show
as the day awakens
with morning’s glow.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 28,  2022

Time in Flight

Above and beyond
our eyes might look
with time in flight
as an open book.
Just like a breath
of a scenic display
just like a bird
we might fly away.
Finding a moment
as a breath of air
might need Jesus
with a little prayer.
We might not see
clearly the sights
each time in flight
the days and nights.
You might become
as a mere memory
in someone’s eyes
that they can see.
For many recall
but only a phase
a time in flight
of passing days.
So just move on
and do what’s right
the best you can
with time in flight.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 28,  2022

Bridging Tomorrow

Foot paths we cross
on bridges of time
often have moments
for our eyes to find.
Sometimes illusions
and often surreal
upon the tomorrows
the bridges reveal.
They might become
as artwork of life
painting reflections
of joyful and strife.
Yesterdays journeys
remembered so well
might be the lessons
tomorrows entail.
Leaves in our minds
as an autumn sight
might be reflections
of yesterdays night.
Open up your eyes
find in the sorrow
yesterdays lessons
bridging tomorrow.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2022

Tracks To Spring

Seen as a railway
time can become
minutes emotions
as said and done.
Tracks to a vision
might surely show
seasons becoming
essence of snow.
Yet in the distance
time might weave
sights and sounds
a moment of ease.
You may even see
a shadow or two
as your reflection
of old and anew.
We are as seasons
changing each day
often comparing
what’s gone away.
Find the blessings
in now and again
as they become as
a seasonal wind.
Seasons awaken
with many a scene
beginning winter
tracks to spring.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 29,  2022

Shining Through

Thoughts of life
might have a view
that is but only
one living in you.
You might find
a smiling face
within sunshine
that you embrace.
Across an ocean
might be a sight
shining through
like day and night.
The same for life
in people we see
the times we find
within history.
Blessed emotions
become the gaze
while looking on
to the future days.
Just like the sky
so many we view
await to begin
shining through.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2022


I find I’m often
looking all about
admiring times
in ways and out.
Scenic reflections
in my memories
now are but only
oceans and seas.
Adding flavors
aromas so divine
my admiration
is that of a time.
A magical place
many years ago
that now lives on
in photos aglow.
Pictures we took
as time went by
live on in scenes
to never run dry.
We each may see
a place in time
that lives forever
within our mind.
Moments we miss
wished to appear
as life passed by
of a yesteryear.
It may be a time
of gratification
a person or place
of admiration.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2022

Easter Memories

We as children
may surely recall
a special moment
that stood so tall.
Making Easter eggs
coloring them too
as we so young
sought their view.
The Easter bunny
was just a tale,
but many believed
in stories ones tell.
Yet it was a time
of Heavenly things
as Jesus returned
so truly supreme.
But the day lives
as many may view
of childhood days
so fresh and anew.
A new day begun
that I do believe
is found within
Easter memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 31,  2022

Storms of Desire

We might see clouds
of a distant array
bestowing illusions
of a stormy day.
Moments fixations
form in our minds
often with illusions
of horrific times.
What we are seeing
might only be
waves of a moment
a worrisome sea.
Look up to Heaven
and say a prayer
and find strength
in a breath of air.
So many storms
that we have seen
display nightmares
but only a dream.
Seasons memories
that we remember
may seem as storms
of a burning ember.
Wants and wishes
can create flames
when not needed
a moment attains.
Yet they may only
be just a fire
burning within you
storms of desire.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1,  2022

Winter Unfolds

Driving memories
life comes around
things remembered
of sight and sound.
The days unfolding
might have a place
a road to winter
with a smiling face.
It might be a time
from so long ago
a cold winter drive
in scenes of snow.
You might recall
an essence and style
that of a moment
a Christmassy mile.
It might be a time
of childhood days
a wintertime drive
with magical ways.
A Christmas of past
on some old roads
that showed a scene
how winter unfolds.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1,  2022

Sea of Thought

Passing scenes
sights of styles
might become
wanted whiles.
Living stages
ages of time
sea of thought
we might find.
Enhanced life
crashing waves
are so often
wanted arrays.
Bringing to life
our memories
as passing ages
peaceful seas.
For the views
recalled so well
might now be
a timeless tale.
Echoes of time
you loved a lot
might live in a
sea of thought.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 2,  2022

for Apr 2,  2022

Threads of existence
are as stories that we read
added to each day.

A passing moment
might be tomorrow’s regret
held within our mind.

Shadows of life
can often become alive
and live in others.

The tools that we use
might not be the proper ones,
but they might succeed.

Feasting on ones
that have made many errors
can come back on you.

Weeding out problems
you might find that you are one
that’s needing weeded.

Thriving as heartbeats
so many are blinded by wants
not seeing the truth.

Tomorrow’s sunshine
can become the reflections
of yesterday’s clouds.

The tires of a car
can become flat within time
the same as our lives.

Thoughts that we’re thinking
can often become nightmares
filled with illusion.

Many illusions
come from unbridled wantings
without commonsense.

We are as ripples
in an ocean of water
seeking to be found.

The answers we find
might not be the correct ones
and leave us in pain.

The windows of time
can become clouded by storms
and leave us insane.

Glancing at the clouds
you might see some memories
that live in your mind.

Life in a bubble
can prevent any lessons
learned from living life.

Scenic passageways
will often cause us to crash
while looking around.

Many trials in life
are filled with sadness and pain,
but they are needed.

History repeats
and sometimes it’s a good thing,
but often it’s not.

Values of many
are often found in their minds
and how they’re brought up.

Avoiding issues
you might become very weak
following a fool.

Chances that we take
can sometimes create problems,
but lessons are learned.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 2,  2022

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂