

Hello my friends

How have you been.  We’ve been doing
a lot of clearing of junk that has collected
and it’s tiring.  Judy’s daughter Helena and
her son Christian came and helped us out
quite a bit.  We’ve still got a lot of stuff
to clear out,  but the large stuff is mostly
done.  There’s much in this house that has
not seen the light of day and that is what
we’re getting rid of mostly.  Our Grandson
wants the treadmill so we are giving it to
him.  Anyways,  I am feeling the pain of
all the lifting and can barely move now.
Oh well,  I’ll do what I am able to do and
hope I don’t cripple myself further LOL.
I’m a broken weeble because I wobble and
fall down LOL.  Well the weather is still
pretty nice,  but the flies are driving Judy
and I bonkers.  They’re not too bad late
at night,  but by noon it seems that they
wake up.  Life goes on.  Judy’s in the
spare room now doing a little cleaning
and throwing away.  I’m pooped.We’re
going to deliver a lot of the broken TV’s
and computers up to Limestone Me north
of us sometime this week being we’re not
 supposed to put them in the dumpster.
The dumpster is filling up quite quickly,
but it still has a whole lot of room for
junk.  A lot of stuff came from up under
the porch.  Yep it’s at least 17 years of
junk we’ve collected being we had no
way to get rid of it at the time,  but that
time has arrived.  It’ll be nice to rid of the
treadmill.  It takes up quite a bit of space
in the spare room.  Anyways,  once again
there’s not much to talk about.  Judy and
I went to have her blood work done at the
hospital in Houlton Wednesday and then
Thursday we went up to Presque Isle and
she had her Immunotherapy and then we
stopped off at Arby’s to get us something
to eat and to bring home to eat later being
it was a little after 2 PM.  Yes of course
I took pictures there and back.  No selfies,
but I have a few to share from last month
that I haven’t shared yet,  so I’ll put them
in the stationery 🙂  All of those selfies were
taken with Judy’s phone except the group
picture of her and her sisters and cousins
which was taken using Judy’s sister Trudy’s
phone or camera :).  I wasn’t there so I do
not have a clue LOL.  So it looks as though
God is still watching over us as well as all
of the angels and kindly spirits He has sent.
Judy and I have our fair share of struggles,
but we have faith that it will all work out
the way it is supposed to.  I pray that you
have God in your life and are letting Him
to guide you as best that you can.  Yes I
am aware that we all have our choices in
life that might not be of God’s choices,
but He allows that.  Otherwise we would
not be human with free will.  Father God
I pray that You watch after all of our
family and friends as well as the many
that we know not of.  Amen and Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title of
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go,  to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE.  I think I found me a sort of
workable title and now after checking
I see that I have not used it quite yet,
so used it shall be.  Wish me luck 🙂


Walking in the shadows
of the others we know
might display problems
that the times bestow.
It’s like life’s treadmill
with settings for others
and not set correctly
for you time discovers.
You and I have paces
that might seem slow
but also might have
much better to grow.
We’re with uniqueness
as Lord God did instill
walking our own way
on our own treadmill.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 15,  2024

Well there ya go.  LOL it ain’t great,  but
it’s best I could do at the moment.  I hope
you liked the poem and maybe even a lil
of my rambling.  I haven’t much else to
tell you other that what I tell you nearly
every week and that is, I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yep,  10 more poems
and 22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you are able to find 1 or
2 of either or both that you like.  Now I do
believe it’s time for me to begin my search
for that hardly elusive off switch,  but yet
before I do that I want to wish you a truly
blessings filled week.  Remember,  Jesus
loves you and we do too.   Okey dokey
so where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this time.  Of course we
all know that it rarely tries hard to find
a good hiding spot as well has trouble
staying hidden when it does find a good
spot LOL.  Anyways,  I’ll take a little
look.  Hmm,  I think I see my lil voice
recorder wobbling and I do believe my 1
good eye spotted that switch attempting
to keep hidden beneath it,  but there’s
no chance LOL.  The voice recorder is
roughly 1 inch wide and 3 inches long 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

P.S  A link to our brand new books
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂

Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Transpiring To Clouds

Roadways of travel
might be many things
that seem illusional
on old silver screens.
Times transcending
might seem as clouds
with seeking minds
that a sight endows.
Traveling passages
may formulate views
that elude reality
as choices to choose.
Displaying doorways
moments to arouse
filled full of blessings
transpiring to clouds.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 9,  2024

Reflections of Fall

Years in the making
provide memories
such as the colors
of autumn’s leaves.
Reflecting scenery
that time displayed
within the mirrors
of life’s lemonade.
Procuring colorful
artwork of design
created in a season
of a point in time.
The passage of life
that we may recall
remembered well
as reflections of fall.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 9,  2024

Summertime Ends

The end of a journey
becomes plain to see
as summertime ends
with a fallish degree.
Exposing the colors
of a moment’s gaze
leaves transcending
within colorful ways.
Seeming so magical
it creates and elates
as summery scenes
encounter their fates.
Sights as in grasses
withering from view
going to sleep mode
to later become new.
Scenes as windows
that time transcends
open up for autumn
as summertime ends.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10,  2024

Flowers of Hearts

Life in a garden
of different views
can create life of
judgmental hues.
Colors exposures
might seem to be
flowers of hearts
some may not see.
Only seeing colors
not what’s within
can become hate
as moments begin.
Look in others to
see what imparts
and you may find
flowers of hearts.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 10,  2024

Living For a Season

Places we remember
can often become
seasonal doorways
to new things begun.
So many reflections
will often be seen
within a heartbeat
of a hopeful dream.
Heavenly blessings
give love as a reason
if we seek memories
living for a season.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 11,  2024

Soon Comes Fall

The pages of scenery
will soon begin to turn
displaying doorways
for a stage to discern.
The actors are awaiting
for the times to be seen
as colors transposing
into an ocean of dream.
The leaves of autumn
are as a living array
showing life and death
in a wonderful way.
Leaves may be found
in a summertime sight,
but slowly but surely
show autumns delight.
For as summer fades
it gives it’s last call
with leaves changing
saying soon comes fall.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 12,  2024

Preparing Our Field

Our struggles thru life
can teach us to find
much better pathways
to take in our time.
We need to seek lessons
from within the past
plowed fields of life
showing truth to be cast.
Prepare your journey
and learn what’s true,
then you may surely
find a much better you.
Leaving the mishaps
the passed days did yield
learning from then
while preparing our field.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 12,  2024

Water Your Mind

Search for the essence
of a field of desire
and find the truth
that is all and entire.
Keep your mind alive
as a farmer’s field
seeking a perspective
blessings revealed.
Take care of yourself
and let God within
allowing Him to water
and wash away sin.
Take heed moments
of unfathomed time
letting God’s blessings
to water your mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 13,  2024

Sought After Sights

Pictures of memories
become as a mirror
seeing yourself later
just a little clearer.
Reminded of a scene
you dreamed so true
that’s only a picture
a photographic view.
Still seeing the photo
a smile then ignites
finding God’s beauty
in sought after sights.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 13,  2024

Lost in The Trees

Branches of minutes
can often be found
with us all walking
and looking around.
Trees of a lifetime
can form confusions
seeming as visions
of dreamed illusions.
Heartbeats of style
created from a place
that time transforms
to God’s own grace.
Blessings of scenery
can enhance our life
becoming an essence
of hope in the skies.
God watches over us
in greatest degrees
and sends us help
when lost in the trees.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 14,  2024

for Sept 14,  2024

Rhythms of a heart
can awaken love of time
in our reflections.

Sights within windows
might not be what all they seem,
for they may be dim.

Seeking a raindrop
in the midst of thunderstorms
you might find lightning.

When bailing water
from your sinking boat of life,
let Lord God help you.

Weariness of style
might seek for a few changes
and find redundance.

Believing in God
needs you to also have faith
and trust in His word.

Glancing at your life
you might think that you’re empty,
but God gives blessings.

Reflecting on time
the past might show much sadness
that comes from regret.

Fretting over things
that are only in your thoughts
can make your heart ill.

Life’s revolving doors
are times when we repeat things
trying the same paths.

Years of emotions
can become our way of life
if we do not change.

Tiring over now
often creates many hopes
that are not for us.

Acquiring lessons
might be the pain of a moment
that was hard to learn.

Threading thru life
we might seek for a needle
with a large eyehole.

So many roadways
are not meant for our travels,
but yet we drive on.

Limiting your mind
for what you think it can do
you hold back your path.

Gearing up for life
you need to know the journey
or you might get lost.

Fighting your feelings
for a person that you love
might not go so well.

Daylight meets nighttime
as a love that is the same
as a passing breeze.

Our true friends of time
will remain our friends always
even when death finds them.

Tomorrows choices
might not reflect today’s views,
so don’t be surprised.

Answers to questions
might not be the ones you want,
but they might be right.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 14,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

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