Evils of Life


Hello my friends

I hope you had a nice weekend.  Ours
was OK.  Not much going on around
this place.  Just me and my poetry and
 such :).  Judy has slacked off with her
crocheting a bit.  Judy called and rented
a dumpster for us to discard of all the
junk that has accumulated around our
house.  The dumpster should be here
by the end of the week.  The weather
has been fairly nice.  The high for today
was 64 and right now at 6:30 PM it’s 61.
It’s supposed to be much of the same
the next few days and then head to the
lower to mid 70s.  The hotter weather
has left us.  The nighttime temps are in
the 40s and a few in the mid 50s,  but
not too bad.  Autumn is nearing upon
us.  Soon the colors of leaves will be
showing their beauty.  Hopefully I’ll
get a few pictures of them like I do
nearly every year.  It’s 7 PM now as
I am struggling to think of anything
important that we did last week LOL.
The temperature has dropped to 54 F
now.  I wish that I was able to share a
few of my poetry pictures with you in
my journal,  but no can do.  Although
if you would ever wish to see some of
my work,  I have many of my poetry
pictures posted on my Facebook.  I’m
sure if you look you can find me on it.
Otherwise,  maybe take a visit to my
Amazon author page where my books
are sold.  The link to them is at the
bottom of this email :).  Anyways,  I
think I need to see if there is anything
else that is news worthy LOL.  Nope,
it’s been a slow week.  Last Tuesday
we went grocery shopping and that’s
about it hehehe.  Rocky’s still being
Rocky.  Yep,  he still pesters us for
treats,  but we love him,  so we’ll give
him one or two :).  God’s still watching
over us as are many angels and kindly
spirits.  Judy and I have our share of
struggles,  but God helps us thru it all.
I’m sure that some of the angels and
kindly spirits help us out from time
to time as well.  I hope you have God
in your life and are not letting the evils
of life to get you down.  The evils give
a try on me often,  but I refuse to let
them win,  Lord God please keep your
might hands over us and protecting all
of our family and friends as well as the
many people that we do not know <3.
Thank You for all that You do and all
that You have done.  Amen and Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to be
reading back over all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem.  I think I may
have found a fairly decent title just a
few lines back that I haven’t used yet
and now after checking I see that it has
not been used yet,  so used it shall be.
  Here goes…

Evils of Life

Sometimes time
might seem to say
I’m gonna give you
some Hell to pay.
Yet with a prayer
time can be seen
as God’s blessings
like a living dream.
The evils of life
might try real hard
to put some weeds
within your yard,
but rest assured
you can prepare
by looking to God
and saying a prayer.
Then as moments
might fill with strife
God can give peace
to the evils of life.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 8,  2024

There ya go.  I hope that you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling,  what little there was hehehe.
Yeppers,  last week was lacking in much
activity LOL.  I took a few pictures on
our trip to the grocery store and back,
but that’s about all.  So I guess it’s time
for me to tell you what I tell you nearly
every week and that is,  I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there.  I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now I do believe it’s time for me
to start my search for that silly hardly
elusive off switch,  but surely not before
I wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  So where can that silly off switch
be hiding this week?  LOL,  now that’s
a new one.  Not a safe one but a new
one LOL.  Hiding in my Mountain Dew
can is kind of dangerous for me and
for you if I take me a drink and choke
on ya hehehe.  Of course I know you
are just a slight too big for me to even
swallow,  but I’m still trying to figure
out how in the world you managed to
get inside of my can.  Luckily I saw ya
splashing about and some my drink
splashed onto my desk.  Ok so get
out of there and don’t ever hide in my
drink again.  Ya got that Einstein 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

P.S  A link to our brand new books
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂

Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Ocean Above

There may be times
you look up and see
the sky as an ocean
above you and me.
Clouds might create
a fluctuating sight
that seems as water,
but fluffy and white.
Though many times
the clouds will seem
like a distant port
in oceans of dream.
The scent may elude
the sea salt of love,
but seem as a vision
of an ocean above.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 2,  2024

Timeless Visions

Packed in scenery
life might be viewed
as winter’s delivery
that we can’t elude.
Becoming the paths
to a wintery phase
snow flakes falling
creating displays.
A wintery dream
unleashing it’s sight
snowflakes falling
making things white.
Giving the reasons
to make decisions
finding the blessings
in timeless visions.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 2,  2024

The Wheels of Past

Tomorrow’s windows
reflect that of times
becoming the stories
rhythms or rhymes.
Then when written
they may be a song
we heard on a radio
as we sang along.
Wheels of a moment
might unveil a sight
reflecting within you
as a time so bright.
We might only see
a buggy and horse
striving a pathway
in four footed force.
Time creates scenery
that may surely last
becoming the future
in the wheels of past.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 4,  2024

Sights We’ve Seen

The ages of travels
that we have been on
might become shadows
that still roll along.
Scenes with highlights
of meadows and more
with grass and alfalfa
for eyes to explore.
Hills in the distance
may seem as a mirage
showing of a pathway
for time to recharge.
Initiating a heartbeat
into a scenic dream
it may be remembered
in sights we’ve seen.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 4,  2024

Illusions Made Real

In a field may be seen
some horses that graze
as they look onwards
for life’s better days.
You might see yourself
while looking within
and find your shadows
running in the wind.
Living as a heartbeat
on life’s windowsill
time’s full of blessings
as illusions made real.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 4,  2024

Minds of Flow

We’re like a river
that flows hitherto
beginning as paths
to journey anew.
Becoming a breath
to breathe a while
just like a river
in rhythmic style.
We may see others
flowing the same,
but not bestowing
of a similar name.
Learn to not only
look at the skin
for you might be
the same within.
Look at a river
and watch it grow
in the same rain
as minds of flow.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 4,  2024

Searching Within

Life becomes a shadow
of itself in a phase
often in the moments
we look back to gaze.
Mistakes come in view
that we did times ago
as we search our minds
finding what we know.
Within now and again
we store memories
some maybe scented
of the deep blue seas.
Textured of emotions
as a so scenic wind
reminiscing moments
while searching within.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 5,  2024

Time Sails On

You might be a boat
not prepared for life
sailing in an ocean
filled full of strife.
The waves might be
as the tiniest view,
but soon expose life
right out of the blue.
Prepare yourself
for the things ahead
as time sails on to
what we may dread.
Leave the bitterness
upon the beach
and learn from it all
how it might teach.
Seasons of memories
may seem like a song
as an ocean of blue
that time sails on.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 6,  2024

Hills of Allure

Pictures we’ve taken
remind us of a view
the seasons of scenes
that still seem as new.
Sights in a distance
within a photograph
as hillsides reflections
of a so distant past.
The scent of nature
still resides in mind
while we reminisce
the moments in time.
It’s as we’re traveling
taking another tour
when viewing photos
of the hills of allure.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 6,  2024

Love in Design

Recalling an instance
of a loving embrace
opens the doorways
to a time and place.
Providing the energy
for scenery’s dreams
within our memories
of so many things.
Maybe the moments
you treasured as gold
as the smallest of life
that memoirs unfold.
Seasons of doorways
will so often remind
of a person or pet
that is love in design.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 7,  2024

for Sept 7,  2024

Time is impatience
as time clocks seem to slow down
when you’re in a rush.

Living for moments
might show that they were not right
and you missed the good.

Perceiving time frames
can often be others views
if you are convinced.

Lessons from the past
might become today’s lessons
if we forgot them.

Yesterday’s the past
so focus on importance
that yesterday taught.

Many guiding lights
might be only burned out bulbs
trying to act smart.

Time’s seriousness
might look just like foolishness
in the wrong lighting.

Jumping in some hay
you might find something pointy
that teaches lessons.

We are all unique
in the way that we do things,
but try to blend in.

Echoes of songbirds
can become blessings in life
if we strive to hear.

Timing your blessings
can make them less than they are,
so just be thankful.

Living in the past
you might find bad reflections
that you should let go.

We are as tree limbs
with leaves upon our branches
that are good and bad.

The tears of sadness
can be sorely mistaken
for ones happiness.

Decisions we make
can often harm some others,
so think it over.

Blessings from Heaven
might be confused with problems
that have no purpose.

Instigating hate
for ones that you see different
can dispose of friends.

Listening for life
in the midst of a moment
you might hear a heart.

Fighting over things
that are but only tiny
can cause tornadoes.

Walking in the rain
you can often find some peace,
but also lightning.

Destroying ones hope
with your negativity
will cause harm to you.

A forest of dreams
can become a paradise
if you have Jesus.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 7,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

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