A Bit of Peace


Hello my friends

I hope you’re doing well.  We’re still
hanging in there.  We’re definitely in
prayer for all of those in the midst of
hurricanes,  floods,  earthquakes and
any other that has devastated their life.
I see so many now struggling with the
floods from the hurricane as well as
many dealing with earthquakes with
other disasters.  Our hearts pour out
for you all.  Anyways,  I hope and I
pray that my writings offer a little bit
of peace into your life.  So now on
with the journal.  Our passed week
has been a little cooler thank God.
The grass has slowed in growing and
that brings me a bit of peace,  but I
am aware that the snow shall soon
begin LOL.  Yeppers,  but hopefully
it won’t be too much and hopefully
the guy with the snowplow will come
often and keep our driveway plowed.
I didn’t take many pictures last week.
LOL only 4 pictures,  so I will maybe
add a few from the week before into
this week’s stationery.  No matter 🙂
it’s not like it’s the end of the world
because I haven’t many pictures to
share LOL.  So on with the journal.
We have been enjoying just relaxing
this passed week.  Just yesterday I
began copying all of the poems and
poetry pictures over to my laptop
PC that I had not copied yet.  That
kept me quite busy.  I always like to
have backups of all of my important
files,  poems and poetry pictures so
that I don’t lose them.  I’ve got them
all saved in multiple places,  being I
have done over 4300 poetry pictures
and well over 13000 poems.  Yeppers
I’ve been writing for quite a few years
and I can see no stopping point in the
near future unless I die or my mind
becomes a veggie or my hands can’t
type anymore.  In any case,  I hope
that my words give you some peace.
Judy likes for me to read my poetry
and haiku to her after I am finished
with them.  I have yet to figure out
how I am able to come up with all of
the thoughts that I do,  but God gave
me that insight  which enables me to
do so.  So continue I shall until that
day comes that I am unable.  LOL so
enjoy it or not while it lasts 🙂  Well
this week,  Judy and I have a special
occasion coming up. 
Wednesday Oct 2
is our 23 year wedding anniversary.
Judy has a doctor’s appointment that
day,  but we have plans on going out
to eat afterwards.  So that’s about all
that’s going on around here.  God is
still watching over us and I pray that
you find His blessings amidst the pains
life throws you way.  May you find His
love amidst the storms that help you
thru them.  Times can seem unending,
but a new day is among the horizons.
God I pray please watch over all of
our family and friends as well as the
many that we no not of.  Send them
blessings to get them by.  Thank You
Father God for always take care of us
and sending angels and kindly spirits
to give us help when needed. Amen.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to
be reading back over all that I have
written here to try and find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem and
so it’s off I go to that little place of
my recollection that I always like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think
I may have found me a fairly decent
title just a few lines down from the
beginning of my rambling and now
after checking I see that it has not
been used yet,  so used it shall be 🙂
Here goes…

A Bit of Peace

We might discover
a stormy sky
that later becomes
a rainbow high.
Thriving as hope
shining so bright
as a bit of peace
within God’s light.
Yet for a time frame
it might seem gray,
but later is seen
as a brand new day.
Heavens blessings
a moment’s release
come as a rainbow
as a bit of peace.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 29,  2024

Well there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling LOL.  I haven’t much else to
tell other than what all I tell you nearly
every week and that is,  I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10 more
poems and 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there.  Now I believe
it’s nearing the time to begin searching
for that hardly elusive off switch,  but
not before I wish you a blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Okey dokey,  so where can
that ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time?????  Hmm,  I think I see it
trying to hide behind our DSL cables
that are plugged into the router hehehe.
Yep,  there just wasn’t enough room to
hide behind them was there.  Maybe
you should check to see if you will fit
where you’re gonna try to hide behind.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

 God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

P.S  A link to our brand new books
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂

Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Change of Colors

Visual perceptions
might see many things
as sights within sights
that a season brings.
Sweet songs of nature
sung as a breeze
maybe with changes
of the leaves on trees.
The colors as artwork
painted in a style
to create and elate
with a seasonal smile.
Displaying the scenes
each season uncovers
that may be autumn
as a change of colors.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23,  2024

Sunshine Fades

Darkness begins with
an essence of light
as it fades from view
and becomes as night.
There might be scenes
that display a time
as the sunshine fades
leaving light behind.
The ages of seasons
live on in many ways
as within our dreams
when sunshine fades.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23,  2024

Ocean View

So many moments
blow like a breeze
as blessings of life
within distant seas.
We might fantasize
a season and place
as just but a scene
for us to embrace.
Waves of destinies
bestow of a time
that enhances life
in memories mind.
Taking each scene
the old and anew
and keeping alive
time’s ocean view.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24,  2024

Create Memories

Don’t let time to pass
before noticing things
such as the time frames
that can create dreams.
Look for the pictures
that you took long ago
and find all the names
that you used to know.
Look now ahead of you
and find a good heart
taking note of moments
that most surely impart.
Take pictures of people
in life’s living breeze
transforming the times
as you create memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 24,  2024

Cherish a Sight

Let not the memories
of a moment’s embrace
to become just a time
of a moment or place.
Take to heart seasons
that came into view
cherishing the minutes
that seconds accrue.
Become as a heartbeat
of a timeless display
scented of the scenery
with insightful array.
So open up your eyes
to a moment’s delight
and enjoy the beauty
as you cherish a sight.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 25,  2024

Within Doorways

Looking thru time
we might not see
the traces of faces
that become history.
So many windows
within living doors
may not be seen as
a heart explores.
Time is like magic
as it may reveal
doorways of lives
some try to conceal.
Take time to find
ones praying arrays
that may then exist
within doorways.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 25,  2024

Clouds of Scale

Roads of journeys
leading to the sky
may often expose
the clouds up high.
Magnitudes seeming
as quilted plains
with clouds of scale
that await rains.
Displaying the signs
of life up above
creating paintings
with heavenly love.
Life’s own artwork
in a scenic detail
becomes our views
as clouds of scale.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 26,  2024

Side Road To Fall

Visions of decisions
can illuminate paths
doorways roadways
with shadows to cast.
We may within time
discover a journey
with autumn’s colors
sweet sights to see.
It may be reflections
your heart desires
scented with artwork
your mind admires.
It might be a pathway
to nothing at all
or then again maybe
a side road to fall.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 26,  2024

Transforming Ages

Life is like a breath
that breathes within
displaying moments
that times transcend.
Leaves of autumn
might surely display
the words of colors
in their magical way.
Beginning a journey
of a seasonal time
with lives of colors
that seem to rhyme.
Echoing heartbeats
of so many stages
becoming as lifetimes
transforming ages.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 27,  2024

Within a Road

Our many thoughts
might circumvent
and find pathways
to times intent.
Created from life
as a doorway thru
thoughts may think
of a timeless view.
As visions beyond
life’s living scenes
becoming colors
the season brings.
Traveling passages
God has bestowed
showing the beauty
deep within a road.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 28,  2024

for Sept 28,  2024

Living for a thought
can become an idle mind
if thought does not grow.

Holding onto things
that were just meant for a time
might become hindrance.

Roads to decisions
can often become bumpy
and lead to despair.

Time’s memory lane
might have quite a few pot holes
forgiveness can fill.

Breezes of memoirs
that are written as a breath
might have some typo’s.

Disruptive people
might often start arguments
just to irritate.

Today’s tomorrow
is not guarantied to be,
so do good today.

Within our shadows
holds many things people see,
but don’t understand.

We might trip and fall
as life gives us passageways,
but we can still learn.

Essence of a brain
is not always within words,
for silence might speak.

Seeking a passage
for what you know nothing of
can lead to regret.

Flavors of icecream
are often choices in life
with a bitter taste.

Answering questions
when you don’t know the answers
may show ignorance.

Running in the street
of a thought as your footsteps,
you might need to walk.

Turbulent thinking
can create storms within storms,
so calm your thinking.

Seeking for a breath
in the midst of a heartbeat,
you might see yourself.

Living in a dream
making it to be your life
can one day explode.

Aches and pains of life
are the tellers of moments
that brought in today.

Time is a doorway
often swinging back and forth
giving confusion.

With a breath of air
we can become good people
if we choose to be.

Echoes of our lives
might be heard in children’s words
so watch what you say.

Looking to the stars
you might find yourself dreaming
as you fly beyond.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 28,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill