Reason Being


Hello my friend

It’s been a fairly nice passed week.  Judy
and I have been enjoying the weather and
spending time together.  I got a late start
on my journal LOL.  Ok a real late such
as it being 2:30 AM Monday morning :).
Yep,  the reason being is that I thought it
was Saturday and only wrote my poetry
and my haiku.  I found out is was Sunday
when Judy asked me if I was done writing
my journal and I said,  I thought it was
Saturday LOL.  Oopsy hehehe.  Oh well
many of you don’t read my journal until
sometime in the week anyways,  so it will
be no different to you :).  So,  on with the
journal.  I have to admit,  I wrote 2 more
poems than I was planning on due to the
confusion so I’ll save the last two till next
week Hehehe.  I hope you are doing well.
Wintertime is creeping in on us.  Yeppers
the temperature is dropping.  I will soon
have to turn on our furnace,  but for now
our radiator heaters are doing fine in our
computer room and bedroom.  We have
2 more radiator heaters if we need them
as well as a few smaller heaters,  but we
might be turning on the furnace in the
next couple of weeks or so.  Judy and I
went to town last week,  but I didn’t take
many pictures,  because it was late in the
day,  but I took a few that were not too
blurry 🙂  So my stationery might be a
little shallow on photos unless I share a
few from the week before.  This passed
week was not very eventful.  Neither of
us was feeling up to doing much and so
our grocery shopping was just for things
that we had to have right away.  We’ll
go grocery shopping sometime in the
next few days and get what all that we
did not get before.  LOL aren’t we the
most exciting thing you have ever seen.?
We’re two retired old people and we’re
hanging in there as well as we can.  We
enjoy our time together doing menial
things such as writing,  playing games
and watching TV as well as spending
time with our ornery boy/dog Rocky 🙂
I feel very blessed to have Judy in my
life.  We do have a few altercations at
times,  but that is expected when ones
are both retired and spend 24 hours in
the same room quite often.  We are in
love with one another and we know to
not let anger win.  God has given us
many blessings and He still blesses us
each and every day.  I hope you have
God in your life and let Him be your
guide.  Thank You Father God for all
that You do in our life as time makes
its way.  Father God I pray that You
watch over all of our family and friends
as well as people that we know not of.
Amen and Amen.  Now I do believe
it’s time for me to be reading over all
that I’ve written here to try and find
me a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new
poem.  So it’s away I go to that little
place of my recollection that I like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I
may have found me a fairly decent
title near the beginning of all of my
rambling and now after checking I
see that it has not been used as of
yet,  so used it shall be.  Here goes…

Reason Being

Times we hurry
and times gone slow
might be the times
that we do not know.
Confusion guides
as a fathomless wheel
taking us so often
to places unreal.
Excuses become our
pathways choices
heard as illusions
with so many voices.
Yet many moments
we’re not foreseeing
how that our actions
are a reason being.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 14,  2024

That’s not one of my better poems,  but
it will have to do LOL.  It’s 3:40 AM in
the morning of
Monday and I would like
for us to get to bed soon,  but first maybe
watch a lil TV.  So I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling :).  That’s about all I have got
as for as news other than what I tell you
nearly every week and that is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yeppers
12 more poems,  but only sharing 10 of
them this week .  I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  Now I do believe it
is time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you a blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Okey dokey,  so where can that
silly off switch be trying to hide or not
this time???  LOL hahaha,  now that
is funny.  I brought a screwdriver in
here to work on our TV remote and
laid it to the left of me on my desk and
I could hear it and see it sort of rolling
on its handle and as I looked closer I
saw that off switch as it was trying to
stay hidden hehehe.  It might be easier
to hide behind if it was not so small 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14

P.S  A link to our brand new books
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂

Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Pathways of Color

Enhanced by a dream
that comes into view
the colors of autumn
can live within you.
There might be a lake
or a stream of time
within life’s pathways
that form in a mind.
We may see a scene
that seems as no other
with heartbeats of time
 pathways of color.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 7,  2024

Thoughts Come Alive

Recalling the blessings
that time gave to you
can come back to life
and seem just like new.
They might be  faded
when shown once again
passages of moments
that time did transcend.
They may bring in view
the way that you felt
as your heartbeat beats
and may seem to melt.
Look for life’s blessings
for many will arrive,
and give some peace
as thoughts come alive.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 7,  2024

Flavors Unite

Leaves of orchestration
display the songs of style
as autumn brings together
a scenic timeless smile.
Transformed from times
that the leaves were green
becoming as a doorway
that can enhance a dream.
Opening living windows
showing the flavors of art
becoming as heartbeats
that autumn may impart.
The time gives blessings
for leaves colors so bright
as God says to autumn
make all the flavors unite.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 8,  2024

Halloween Begins

A day of pumpkins
awaits its time to play
within autumn’s colors
in a magical array.
Many think of witches
and all within the night
as well as all the candy
a trick or treat’s delight.
Some have but only fear
of a Halloween’s decor
while awaiting it to pass
not wanting it anymore.
Yet there are so many
that see it as true fun
a seasonal time of year
within an evening’s sun.
The day’s just a moment
that too many it offends,
but some anxiously wait
as Halloween begins.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 8,  2024

Cinema Displays

Dancing in our vision
some hills create styles
seen as life’s emotions
of many scenic smiles.
So amazed we may see
the ages that became
times presenting sights
for us to give a name.
Portraying art of life
painted by God above
seasons create styles
hearts are in need of.
Formulated heartbeats
enhanced many ways
create seasons blessings
like a cinema displays.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9,  2024

Rippling Minds

As a river of life
we flow like a dream
that often reflects
the things we’ve seen.
Ripples envisioned
as a breath of air
breathed as a memoir
that may be despair.
Our minds may flow
as a worrisome world
that often gets lost
as time gets unfurled.
Seek for the blessings
amidst all those times
and find some peace
in rippling minds.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 9,  2024

Pumpkins of Time

Living in thresholds
of a seasonal stage
time’s but a window
within age unto age.
Halloween stories
of a moment of gore
pumpkins awaiting
the kids to explore.
Seeking for candy
of mouthfuls to eat
within their journey
to go trick or treat.
The time is short
as they walk along
some singing tunes
of a Halloween song.
The time is finished
as fields fade away
leaving the essence
of a Halloween day.
Found on the ground
are leftover designs
perplexing scenery
as pumpkins of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 10,  2024

Changes Exist

Living resolutions
in the colors that we see
often create patterns
within you and in me.
Changes in our views
of the days back then
may grow on beyond
as changes in the wind.
Seeking thru scenery
for colors we know
not seeing the beauty
within lifetimes aglow.
Ones may seem to be
just a time in the mist,
but just as fall leaves
showing changes exist.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 10,  2024

Photo Stage

Throughout time
we might be found
with God’s beauty
as we look around.
Life thereunto
each wonderful scene
gives a photo stage
as a cosmic dream.
It lives in a place
that times appear
as a picture frame
and photo so clear
Heavenly artwork
a turn of a page
becomes a blessing
on a photo stage.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 11,  2024

Autumn Arrives

The seasonal scenes
that so many find
often are the colors
of a place and time.
Living as a memory
a time transcends
as autumn arrives
like seasonal winds.
Leaves so colorful
exchange their smile
for a time of passing
in their own style.
Formed as moments
seen with our eyes
is the time of year
that autumn arrives.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 11,  2024

for Oct 13,  2024

Distant memories
can become as our nightmares
if out of focus.

Changes in a lifetime
might create a lot of fear
that we’re unprepared.

Looking the wrong way
you might not see what’s coming
and get body slammed.

The winds of a mind
can create many storm clouds
within life’s worry.

Tomorrows of life
might have many images
that never come true.

Driving within time
as if you cannot slow down,
you might hit a wall.

Things we might dream of
might only be passages
that our mind has gone.

Living on the edge
can cause failure to arrive,
as walls may fall down.

Channeling heartbeats
thru portals of emotion
you might unveil facts.

Yesterdays of life
might not be remembered well,
so maybe take notes.

Our many struggles
if looked at in the right light
can help us to grow.

Within history
there are many things we’ve done,
but today’s anew.

Challenging others
just to make yourself look big,
you might find failure.

Escaping thru time
we might be found as a fool
for not standing ground.

Patience of liars
only proves they cannot wait
as they lie for time.

Looking to the ground
you might see many footprints
that walked in the path.

Leaves of emotions
growing on an autumn’s day
can create a smile.

Above and beyond
paths we follow time to time
we might be misled.

Within life and death
holds a journey to travel
with choices we’ve made.

Things thought tedious
might really be important
to other people.

Keeping a journal
about things within your life
can show God’s blessings.

Evening becomes night
as the stars come twinkling
within the moonlight.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 13,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill

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