Hello my friends
It seems January has begun sort of mellow
for us this year. Of course that’s not so, for
the states below us. I feel for those that are
getting slammed by the snowstorms down
south of us. Of course I’m pretty sure they
didn’t feel no sympathy for us up here when
we were being hit in previous years LOL 🙂
Yep, this year it seems Maine is getting a
reprieve from the snowstorms at least during
January. We still have a few months to go,
for winter to do its thing hehehe. Right now
it’s 23 F degrees. Not too bad. OK so what
else is there to tell you? Well, this passed
week has been a sort non eventful one. We
have been taking a lot of pictures of the boys.
Of course most of them with us holding them.
Yep, not much going on up here. Judy and
I took a drive to town Saturday to get some
groceries and there was a beautiful sunset.
I took a number of pictures of it while a few
people waited to get by me LOL. I walked
over to get a better shot of it while we were
at Walmart and a lady sat in her car while
waiting for me to get done so she could get
passed me hehehe, OOPS. She didn’t seem
to be bothered too much as she gave a grin.
I saw a few pictures and videos that were
posted on Facebook of the storm down
south of us. Washington DC was having
a dickens of a time along with New Jersey,
New York and a few other states down
south of us. We’ve still got snow on the
ground, being it’s still freezing up here.
Though most of the snow has hardened
turning into a sheet of ice hehehe. Yep,
it’s a weird winter for us. I’m reasonably
sure that we will get our fair share of the
snow come February, but then I could
be wrong LOL. The weathermen aren’t
even sure about what will happen. They
are always guessing for the most part,
for the weather has a mind of its own 🙂
Our grandson Christian came over to
spend the night yesterday when we got
back from town. We spent most of the
night watching videos on Youtube as
we always do LOL. We have a couple
favorites that we like to watch together.
I think one of his main reasons that he
likes to come over here is because we
have internet and his mom doesn’t LOL.
Life in the fast lane hehehe. Anyways,
we love having him over. I just a few
minutes ago fixed us all some breakfast
and we ate. Now Christian is back at
the recliner in the living room sleeping.
I think he stayed up all night watching
videos and downloading music which
he can’t do at home. So now Judy and
I are doing our thing in here. She’s on
her computer looking for recipes. She
likes to browse and find new things to
cook. We take turns in the kitchen 🙂
Though most times she only cooks for
family gatherings and such. Benny and
Rocky are doing well. They’re both in
their ornery little moods hehehe. Right
now they’re bugging Judy for treats and
she ain’t given them any, because they
have eaten. I fix them two sausages a
piece when we have Eggos or pancakes.
We love them dearly, but they can get
on our nerves with their constant wants
for treats LOL. They both love to be
held and it seems that Rocky likes for
Judy to hold him also. Up until a few
weeks ago, Rocky would only let me
hold him, but now he pesters Judy for
her to hold him hehehe. If I hold either
Benny or Rocky, I will have one or the
other in the floor whining for me to pick
them up and hold them too. I don’t mind,
but I can’t hold them long. They tend to
cut off my air, being both of the together
combined weigh 50 pounds. They both
weigh 25 pounds. Yep, they’re pert near
the same size. Benny doesn’t whine much
when I hold Rocky, but he does look up
with those soulful eyes hehehe. Rocky
will raise a ruckus whining until I either
put Benny down or pick him up hehehe.
We love our boys and yes we spoil them.
Would you think not hehehe? So, it seems
that the sun has gone down and darkness
is upon us. Though the moonlight seems
to make it not so dark as it reflects off
of the snow. I know you might think me
weird, but I wish it would snow. I love
watching it snow. I don’t like it when
it gets colder than ever and puts a hard
icy shell over it though. The reflection
off it then magnifies the sunshine even
more harder to see. Anyways it sounds
like Helena, Christians mom is here to
pick him up. Time for the boy to wake
up and go home LOL. He was sleeping
really sound in there. I went in to talk
to him just shortly after we ate and he
was OUT. I pushed on him and he was
not waking up hehehe. Yep, he stayed
up all night playing, watching videos on
his tablet LOL. I am so grateful for all
the blessings that God has given me. He
is so great. I haven’t lived the way that
He would of wanted me to, but I lived
the way He allowed me to, because He
knew that lessons would be the outcome.
Not one of us has lived exactly the way
that God would want us to, but through
His Grace and His Son’s love we can be
forgiven if we will just ask sincerely.
Sin is in our genes and humanity. We
often sin before we even open our eyes
to begin the day. With just the smallest
thought a sin is born. Be grateful for
the chance to repent and make better
your life. Of course due to our human
nature, we will sin again, but His love
never fails. I can remember many times
that I found myself looking at the walls
of Hell through my mind and wondering
if I could ever find peace. God showed
me a way to move passed those days
and to use what I learned to help others.
When you’re at your lowest is when you
need to make a choice to reach up to
God or to live your life in misery. Yes
misery still finds its way into my life
from time to time, but I know what to
do to get out of it. Look for His Light.
Find the memories of goodness and let
them explode as greatness to allow you
to find greatness for the future. For if
you remember what you went through
you can also know that it can get better.
Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it
will get better. We must have faith in
God. So I reckon I need to get off of
my soapbox and begin my search for
a word or phrase that I can use for the
title of today’s brand new poem through
all that I’ve written here. So it’s away I
go to that place of my recollection that I
always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I found a decent title near the
beginning of my rambling hehehe. Now
to see if I can do anything with it LOL.
Here goes…… Wish me luck hehehe.
Previous Years
Times from passed days
come to view,
the previous years
of thereunto.
Things remembered,
good and bad,
the previous years
of which we had.
Life so abundant
fast and slow,
some with rainstorms,
some with snow.
Echoes repeating
over agin,
the previous years
remembered when.
All of our lessons
that prevail,
some seemed Heaven,
some seemed Hell.
Yet with a moment
learned from tears
lessons are gained from
previous years.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 24, 2016
LOL there ya go. Yea, I know, it ain’t all
that good, but hey, it’s the words that came
to mind to write using that title. Believe me,
I’m always just as surprised about what I
write as you hehehe. I often have to read it
back to myself to see what I wrote 🙂 Well,
hmm, is there anything that I’ve forgotten
to tell you. Oh yea, an update on my sister.
Peggy’s surgery went well. She is at home
now. Her kids are looking after her as well
as our mom making a trip over time to time.
Also my old bro Mark Green is needing
some prayer. He has blood clots in his legs
and his stomach. He is undergoing a lot
of surgery himself. Please keep my bro
in your prayers. Me and him began the
first grade together. We grew up together.
He’s my brother through life. We did that
little thing when we were kids. Ya know,
cutting our fingers and becoming blood
brothers hehehe. Anyways, we go back
a long way. Please God keep him and his
family under Your Loving Grace. So, that
seems to be all I can think of and now I
guess I need to be telling you what I tell
you almost every week and that is I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yep 10
more poems with 1 of them being sort of
Christmassy. Also I wrote once again
22 haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find one or two of
either or both that you like. OK, now
I believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish a most wonderful
weekend or whatever is left of it and a
truly blessed week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Now to find
that off switch. Hmm, I think I see a
bit of movement from behind my PC
camera. Yep, I see ya. That’s not
the greatest place to hide dude being
the camera ain’t that big hehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
The Sky Up High
With mornings sun
and wind that blows
the sky up high
has much it shows.
The scenes we see
as oceans depth
the sky up high
will take our breath.
So much beauty
displays above
the sky up high
and flight of a dove.
As the day grows
and minutes tick on
the sky up high
shows sunshine gone.
Then the starlight
comes with the moon
the sky up high
with songs of the loon.
Night drifts onwards
till dawn is nigh
and then the sun is
in the sky so high.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Loves Display
Two hearts beating
words they say
often is with
loves display.
Ones united
gathered true
loves display can
change the view.
Sometimes eyes will
look and see
only portions
you and me.
Yet when true love
comes in frame
loves display then
changes name.
Two are beauty
joined so true
found together
with their view.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
A Sideways Mind
A sorted soul
without a clue
can sometimes be
both me and you.
A sideways mind
from lack of sleep
can make a day
to seem too deep.
A sideways mind
finds many things
sights so blurred
with rainbow rings.
Maybe even
a sight that’s seen
might be found
a scary dream.
So get some rest
from time to time
to prevent the
sideways mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Kindred Soul
Beyond our eyes
and inner sight
a kindred soul
might then unite.
The ghost of others
gather around
sights unseen
that we have found.
A kindred soul
might one day be
a midnight sight
of which you see.
They might even
come so clear
a kindred soul
of yesteryear.
Those true spirits
of time and space
might be blessings
with God’s Grace.
Angels from Heaven
of which you know
might be of a
kindred soul.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Disgruntled Theory
Many of our notions
are found as impaired
a disgruntled theory
sometimes we’ve shared.
Finding only anger
as others will decide
a disgruntled theory
makes others collide.
When your own thinking
is left then unheard
a disgruntled theory
becomes every word.
Don’t let the ignorance
of others to chime
a disgruntled theory
that becomes your mind.
Learn to look truly
and see what is there,
a disgruntled theory
that many compare.
A disgruntled theory
that might just explode
as the truth comes alive
somewhere down the road.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Check Your Pulse
Look inside
your daily life
and try to find
what’s good or strife.
Check your pulse
of living phase.
Find the truth
within your days.
Search and find
what that exist
the real true you
or liars mist.
See what others
see in you
within a mirrored
moments view.
Check your pulse
and then decide
is this something
that you hide.
Then seek truthful
better still
what you should be
that you will.
Will you find that
you convulse
with what’s seen
as you check your pulse.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Winters While
Seasons greetings
becomes sights
with the scenes of
Christmas lights.
Red and yellow,
green and blue
winters while
becomes the view.
Christmas settings
in a yard
often are a
Christmas card.
Then as Christmas
fades away
winters while
still shows the day.
White and snowy
scenes compile
Christmas blessings
winters while.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
A Thin Dose Of Truth
A liars domain
finds walls with shame
filled with deception
of what they attain.
A thin dose of truth
that began in their youth
finds ways of leading
them without ruth.
Yet as they continue
their daily lie menu
a thin dose of truth
will find ways to view.
A page in their porthole
of their weary soul
will show the deception
found in their goal.
A thin dose of truth
might show them uncouth
as time then displays
their every untruth.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Imagine A Day
Can you imagine
a day without love,
a day without passion
come from above?
Imagine a day
where life is no more
and we’re just memories
nowhere to soar.
That would be saddening
life filled with hate,
no sign of blessings
found as our fate.
Can you imagine
what life then would be
without Lord God’s help
for you and for me.
This would be awful
with no one to pray,
to help us with answers,
imagine a day.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
Today’s Tomorrow
Mornings bring chances
to leave all our sorrow
found as beginnings
of today’s tomorrow.
Time becomes footsteps
needing a chance
to take you to somewhere
with better stance.
Today’s tomorrow
can be lessons growing
learning from passed days
times are bestowing.
Don’t let your night to
end filled with anger
for today’s tomorrow
might be in danger.
Find peaceful outcomes
and then go to bed
and let your tomorrows
be better fed.
Don’t allow yesterday
to shine in your window.
Find now some peace in
today’s tomorrow.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
for Jan 23, 2016
Tomorrow’s thinking
can make yesterdays better
by looking ahead.
Displays of beauty
come as turquoise rose petals
on a windy day.
An artist painting
finds a world inside his mind
found upon canvas.
A clear morning sky
shows of many beginnings
that God has given.
Belief in a myth
might seem silly to many,
but right for others.
When counting your eggs,
some might not hatch a chicken,
for they’re not fertile.
In an ocean deep
lives a world of the unknown
that holds mysteries.
Snowflakes of winter
bring forth all of their beauty
as scenes come alive.
Wasting a moment
might leave you found in despair
for then it is gone.
Organizing time
could become very boring,
for the flow is stiff.
A shower of rain
comes with life giving moments
that could turn sour.
Simplistic patterns
find ways into our lifestyles
as sunshine and rain.
Wonderful mountains
rise high in the sky afar
painting the distance.
A cloud of wonder
comes from a minute of time
that moisture compiles.
Lanterns of the night
shine brilliance in the darkness
to help us to see.
Turning right always
will turn into a circle
if you continue.
God’s distant places
found in fields of creation
will heighten the mind.
Change cannot begin
without letting loose of time
to grasp tomorrow.
Solitude awakens
with the sound of wind blowing
and peace from within,
Two hands together
can weather the storms of time
if they hold tightly.
Today’s guiding light
might seem to be a person,
but God sent them there.
Links to yesterday
are often in form of fear
that prevents movement.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 23, 2016
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂