Hello my friends
Well, today’s a warm one for us up here
in Maine. Right now it’s 81 F which is the
high for today. The forecast for tomorrow
is 85 and then Tuesday through Thursday
in the lower 90’s. Then it’s supposed to
begin cooling down again Friday with 81 F
and then 75 F by Saturday. So our little
portable Air Conditioner will get used a
little bit LOL. I’ve got it on right now and
set on Dehumidifier settings which doesn’t
use as much electricity as the AC settings.
Plus the dehumidifier settings cools the
room nicely by drawing the humidity out
of the air and using it in the fan. I tried
to make sure that we had everything we
needed to survive up here LOL. It’s not
bad. Of course down Texas ways I hear
they are having a bunch of triple digit days
in the hotness scale 🙂 So we haven’t got it
too bad up here. Oh yea, about our car
that had a run in with a deer last Saturday.
It’s in the shop being repaired at this very
moment. The insurance covered it with
only a 100 dollar deductible. Right now
we’re borrowing a car from one of Judy’s
daughters (Helena). Our car should be
repaired fairly soon hopefully. He said
he’d have her all fixed up looking good
as new. The cost was $2892.15 which
our insurance covered. So all’s well that
ends well 🙂 Next topic. Well there’s not
much else to talk about LOL. It’s been
on the slow side since the deer epidemic.
Judy’s sister Barbara came by today for
a visit. She bought some Mountain Dew
the other day and accidentally bought
the regular and not the sugar free, so
she brought them here for me and then
we all had a nice visit. Thanks Barb 🙂
Judy might go to her family’s for the
4th, but I think I’ll just hang around
here with the boys (Benny and Rocky)
It’ll be too hot for me, plus I’m sure
the bugs will be buzzing alive hehehe.
I don’t do hot nowadays due to my
old health issues, so I’ll hang out in
front of our AC. Of course, Judy may
change her mind about going, but it’s
her choice. Thankfully God is always
looking out for us. Even if we cannot
sense His presence, we know that He
is near. Thank You God for all that
You have done for us and all that You
do. Now I believe it’s time for me to
begin my search back through all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find
a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
have found me a decent title about a
quarter of the way from the beginning
of my rambling 🙂 and it seems I have
not uses it as of yet, but used it shall
be today. Here goes…
Needed To Survive
Life is but a doorway
with ways to step inside
to find what we’re needing
each day to then survive.
Needs are filled with wanna
as we often get confused
when wants are out of whack
of needs of which we choose.
Painted as a lifetime
our brushstrokes often find
needs as a momentary
as wants are found designed.
Look beyond the picture
and see what’s needed there
as water for your thirst
and a little bit of air.
For as the sunshine beckons
it begins its daily quest
with blessings sent from Heaven
to provide for us the best.
So the next time you find wanna
is but all within your eyes
remember God The Father
gives what’s needed to survive.
©By Bill Pearce
July 1, 2018
Well, I hope you enjoyed what rambling
I did even if it may of been just a little bit
short winded LOL. I also hope you liked
the poem and understood it. It’s still a bit
warm, but it should soon start to cool off
thank God. I am so glad I bought us this
portable AC and dehumidifier. It makes
days like today tolerable. There’s not much
else to tell ya other than what I tell ya every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with
1 extra, but no Christmas related. I also
wrote 22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like. Now I reckon it’s time
to begin my search for that hardly elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you a most
joyful blessings filled week and a safe and
happy 4th of July. Remember, Jesus loves
you and we do too. Now, where can that
silly off switch be hiding this week? Hmm,
searching old hiding spots, nope, not there.
Aha, I see ya hiding behind the can of insect
repellent. I might not of seen ya if you had
not of been climbing it like Mt. Everest LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+1 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+1 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Windows Of Life
Perceived by glances
views might change
as we’re searching
within a time frame.
Windows of life
might be just a time
a place you remember
that lives in your mind.
Found as a season
a moment’s embrace
life can remember
a time’s smiling face.
Windows of life
as a doorway’s gaze
brings into view
those so distant days.
Found as perception
a moment so sweet
time begins counting
what hindsight’s repeat.
It might seem small
at the time it began
as the windows showed
the moment expand.
A God given scene
with blessings unique
for just but a moment
gives eyesight a peek.
A gaze through time
such a wonderful view
the windows of life
that God’s given you.
©By Bill Pearce
June 25, 2018
A Comforting Calm
Just like a waterfall
no matter how small
a comforting calm
can stand over all.
Found as a sound
or sight in your mind
a comforting calm
can help you unwind.
Filled full of blessings
a peaceful array
a comforting calm
can come as you pray.
Sent from Heaven
as a portion of love
pouring as a waterfall
sounds of a dove.
Fluttering emotions
as minutes tick on
life can be a waterfall
a comforting calm.
©By Bill Pearce
June 25, 2018
Within Our Grasp
Inquisitive thoughts
become as a mile
a road through life
that times compile.
A scenic journey
inside of the mind
within our grasp
of a point and time.
We often become
our memories
that live as times
in mindful seas.
Waters as thoughts
on roads of waves
within our grasp
of our yesterdays.
We might perceive
our future’s roads
with life and times
of heavy loads,
but God can give
a different view
a road through time
much better for you.
It just takes time
for a breath of air
with kneeling down
for a little prayer.
Allowing the road
within our grasp
to show us better
for futures tasks.
©By Bill Pearce
June 26, 2018
Time That Flows
Streams of thinking
time that flows
begins a journey
that grows and grows.
The minutes prosper
we might not see
as we’re seeking
another degree.
Streams of thinking
time might find
flowing briskly
within our mind.
Like a raging river
we might lose sight
time that flows
from left to right.
Streams of thinking
might fall prey
to our emotions
from day to day.
Some may seem
as a storm’s arrival
time that flows
for our survival.
Streams of thinking
within a prayer
can change the view
from here to there.
The stage is changing
with life that grows
learned from rivers
time that flows.
©By Bill Pearce
June 27, 2018
Comfort’s Trail
A rocky path
begins its stride
as the seasons
open real wide.
Beginning of life
as times entail
we just might find
a comfort’s trail.
Just like a path
that times inlaid
with colorful style
of life’s cascade.
A peaceful scene
that comes in view
as a rocky path
from old to new.
A moment’s time
that’s Heaven sent
that thrives of life
of times intent.
We might perceive
a scene one day
as one of time
that got away.
With hurried stride
we’ve ran along
to only look back
and see it gone.
So take the time
to lower the veil
and enjoy the view
on comfort’s trail.
©By Bill Pearce
June 28, 2018
Like Reflections
Our lives might seem
as mere memories
just like reflections
our lifetime sees.
Yet while looking
at all that’s passed
we might find
that times did last.
Just like reflections
of trees in a ripple
the signs of times
might start to trickle.
Becoming a page
from a storybook
with timeless scenes
we may have mistook.
Not looking closely
to see what’s there
within the moments
that none compare.
We need to seek
for better connections
found in our lives
just like reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
June 28, 2018
With Love
With life comes time
to gather your thought
and bring into view
what cannot be bought.
The best of a friend
a compassionate one
with love and truth
that can’t be undone.
Don’t let your mind
to pull you away
and lose that of life
of a special array.
Continue to remember
the good times of life
the greater of goodness
and lesser of strife.
For with love and truth
with faithful desires
the minutes we see
can burn as life’s fires.
To not be extinguished
if death does arise.
With love and truth
there’s no sad good byes.
©By Bill Pearce
June 28, 2018
Like A Breeze
An ocean mind
of mornings sun
might display
the said and done.
A breeze of life
and life’s displays
might be like
the ocean’s waves.
Just like a breeze
of point and time
it might surely
speak its mind.
Just like a thought
we think we view
time might show
what’s really true.
Yet as a bird
with wings to fly
just like a breeze
becomes the sky.
It may seem faint
the certain gaze,
but still show true
some better days.
So if we allow
what needs to grow
we might find
the need to know.
Just like an ocean
we might perceive
we can grow
just like a breeze.
©By Bill Pearce
June 28, 2018
Perched With Style
Scenic discoveries
displayed in a time
find many perching
just trying to unwind.
Watching as minutes
become as a phase
perched with style
in wonderful ways.
We might discover
a time’s mystery
as we look onwards
to life’s flowing sea.
Poured with chances
to become better seen
we can look deeper
to make them a dream.
Allowing the moments
to be better viewed
and not make each day
as a time for a feud.
Look for the blessings
that may then compile
found maybe seen as
perched with style.
©By Bill Pearce
June 29, 2018
Looking Closely
So many things
escape our view
when walking out
to thereunto.
A view’s deceived
by hurried style
looking quickly
for a little while.
We might not see
the greatest things
sights so small
as running dreams.
A distant cloud
in a sky of blue
might grow sights
for me and you.
Looking closely
you might see
a small doggy
that’s running free.
A little wood pile
might proclaim
a time of life
of season’s fame.
Autumns colors
might be found
within the trees
and on the ground.
Looking closely
you might find
a magical view
of Heaven divine.
©By Bill Pearce
June 29, 2018
God’s Mysteries
Momentary scenes
in life that’s fulfilled
time is but a portion
blessings have spilled.
Poured out like water
into heartbeats desire
God gives the moments
for love to transpire.
Like ducks in a pond
of a minds portray
spoken as journals
in a magical way.
Lord God’s mysteries
are the seasons of time
flowing as ripples
with an awesome design.
Lives are distinguished
as each of us grow
found in the waters
how mysteries flow.
You and I together
are puzzles being made,
put together daily
as a lifetime’s cascade.
The essence of love
is the greatest of gifts
sailing through life
on our mystery ships.
Seasons of hardship
become as our seas
making us stronger
with God’s mysteries.
©By Bill Pearce
June 29, 2018
Clouds Of Desperation
Sought through emotions
our time might become
clouds of desperation
through a little bit of sun.
Seeking for a moment
we might become aware
clouds are always changing
with each breath of air.
Clouds of desperation
are as stars up in the sky
becoming our perception
as time just flies on by.
Scenes become a doorway
to a realm of certain skies
as the clouds are forming
sights for our two eyes.
Patterns are uniqueness
as a window to the mind
formed as minutes prosper
within our time to time.
Allow the clouds above you
to create a rainbow view
formed after the rain fell
and landed there on you.
Clouds of desperation
can become a better sight
as a scene of life and beauty
that forms as Heaven’s light.
Look beyond the sadness
and see what might be there
in clouds of desperation
as a peaceful breath of air.
©By Bill Pearce
June 30, 2018
for June 30, 2018
Now’s just a moment
that time will show as shadows
that are memories.
Searching for the wind
you can find a breeze of life
found within your breath.
A cloud that has formed
can create you a rainbow
after it has rained.
Flowers of summer
reflect the sights of springtime
until autumn thrives.
Lessons from our past
are as windows to the mind
with our perception.
Pages from our book
often hold many stories
that are read wrongly.
Life is but a rose
that blossoms in existence
to soon fade away.
Looking for a prayer
you can find it in a breath
as a planted seed.
Searching tomorrow
begins with today’s journey
learning from the past.
Serious thinking
can often create headaches
so take time to rest.
Now is a window
allowing us to look in
to see yesterday.
A painting of life
cannot become as real life,
for it’s just painted.
Flavors of autumn
are as colors brought from death
to create beauty.
Minds filled with anger
can become as dynamite
waiting to explode.
In through the out door
will often create patterns
that lead to trouble.
Evenings arrival
says goodbye to the sunshine
and hello to night.
Starlight above us
shows life of certain gazes
that might see us too.
The path of a seed
is the smallest beginning
that could be a tree.
Chance is a time
that begins in a moment
and ends thereafter.
Stages of summer
are as hot sweltering heat
and then enjoyment.
Pointless is pouting
when it is about nothing
but your selfishness.
Finding a flower
that fits into your mindset
might be just a weed.
©By Bill Pearce
June 30, 2018
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Picture 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂