He Sees


Hello my friends

How’s life been treating ya? Weather wise it’s been rather nice
up this way. It’s been in the upper 60’s and 70’s most of the time
during the day and in the upper 40’s a 50’s at night. Yes it’s still
been raining off and on, but now days more off than on hehehe.
To start this off on a dimmer note, they took my daughters mom
off of life support being there was no brain activity or anything.
She’s is now gone to a better place. Jamye called me real late
Tuesday midnight to 1 AM to tell me. Judy and I were doing our
farms and watching TV when she called being that Judy is off
on Wednesday’s and Thursdays. I had a request from one of
my email friends to write a poem about a girl and her mother
and I thought about Jamye and just wrote it about her. It sort
of filled the bill. It will be the first poem in the list. I wrote it
last Sunday afternoon on August 15. Say a prayer for Jamye
as well as my granddaughter Sami. They are really saddened.
Now onto a hopefully brighter side of life 🙂 . Judy and I went
to WalMart Thursday and I bought me a cheap tackle box for
10 dollars for me to use when Brian and me go fishing hehehe.
I also bought a few cheap items such as hooks, sinkers and a
few lures, etc. Friday I even used my new cheap rod and reel
for the first time hehehe. I caught a whopper hehehe, my bait.
It was a 6 or 7 inch long perch hehehehe. He caught a much
longer stick 🙂 . So one could say, his catch was larger hehehe.
Back in my younger years hehehe I would take the same size
that I caught Friday and use it as bait for bigger fish LOL 🙂 .
Brian flew his RC airplanes yesterday (Saturday) and I got
a few more pictures and videos of that. Also when Brian and
I were fishing I took a ton of pictures while out in the lake in
the boat. We went to the same lake we went to last time, but
this time it wasn’t raining hehehe and I could bring my camera.
Maybe on one of our fishing escapades I will manage to catch
a fish that is keep worthy hehehe. Yet, I mainly enjoyed the
boat ride and seeing the scenery. Catching a fish would be a
plus hehehe. For those of you receiving this in via stationary
format, you will be able to see much of the view I saw. For
the rest hehehe, you will have to wait and see it on Facebook
when I finally get the pictures all edited out. That’s of course
if you’re on Facebook. Other wise ya will have to ask me to
send ya a few pictures. Today is beautiful. There’s a blue
sky with cool temperatures. Right now at 12:18 PM it’s 71
degrees. It’s supposed to get up to 75 degrees today. Not
too shabby huh hehehe. That’s supposed to be pretty much
the temperatures for the rest of the week. I can handle that!
Now onto another topic. Judy’s thrilled to death that they
are finally opening the new diner up for business. She for a
while will be working the restaurant off and on and the diner
off and on until they finally get it all worked out. They will
surely have to hire a few new workers if they are planning
on keeping the back up restaurant opened for business 🙂 .
So it looks like Elm Tree Diner is a go. It’s about time!!!
All of the workers have been getting a tad antsy about its
day of opening. I’m even excited to make my first visit to
it’s new settings. I saw it a few times when Judy drove me
by it a while back when it was still with much construction.
So now it’s onto maybe, possibly, hopefully another topic.
Hehe, not much else to report. Judy and I are still doing
our farms on FaceBook. Do you remember me saying last
week something about FarmTown changing the final score?
Well hehe they done it again. Here I was right around 95
and they upped the final score from a 100 to 115. RATS!!
I knew it! The ending score used to be 38 or something
and every time Judy and I would finally get close to what
we would call retirement from the game, they would up
the ending score LOL. Upped it all the way to 115 so far.
Oh well, PLAY ON. Also, we got our car fixed Monday
and it’s a whole lot quieter hehehe. He also changed the
oil while he had it on the racks, so it should be good to
go for the trip down south this winter hopefully, but I
will check everything out before we come. Keep us in
your prayers. I have a lot of people I would love to see.
I’m sure God will do what He knows needs to be done.
I am wondering what kind of winter we’ll be having up
here this year. Everybody that I’ve talked to so far has
said they’re expecting a really bad winter. Well if these
temps we’re having now are any sign of it, there might
just be some fact to that story LOL. Yet, God is always
in control and what happens is part of the plan. We may
have a hundred years or more. God’s timing and ours
are not near the same. He sees time in a much grander
scale as we see it by the second, minute, hour and day.
Many have tried to determine the end, but it is God that
shall truly say when the book shall be at end and new
chapters written in time to begin a new story. We can
see but only glimpses of thresholds of the ending pages.
Let God’s Will be done as you continue doing your best
to let others know of His Love. Now, I think it’s about
time for me to cease my rambling and begin my journey
back through all of my ramblings to try and find a good
word or phrase to use for the title for today’s new poem.
So it’s off to that place of my recollection that I like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE. I do believe I stumbled on
a good title. Now let’s see if I can write a good poem
using it. Here we go hehe!

He Sees

The shadows of time
are filled with degrees
found with compassion
which only He sees.
God sees abundance
in things here and there.
Yes He sees hopeful
from everyone’s prayer.
Things might be hidden
from your daily view,
but He sees truly
much better for you.
He sees the story
and greater the scenes,
yet we don’t always
know what that He means.
God can take dewdrops
and change them to rain
that will be falling
upon your windowpane.
God sees a flower
in a seed oh so small.
Yes He sees truly
the short and the tall.
He sees the moments
that we try to hide,
but through His Son
forgiveness is applied.
He sees the moments
that we misconstrue
and He gives blessings
to heal me and you.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 22, 2010

So that’s it 🙂 . Hope ya got something out of my rambling as
well as the poem hehe. Ok then maybe just the poem hehehehe!
Well it looks like I will continue my church at home, being that
nobody called or showed up to take me to church. Oh well,
it says in the bible that wherever 2 or more are gathered there
can be church with worship. For that matter it says worship
should begin firstly at home. I have given up on those that
have been saying they would pick me up and bring me. Life
goes on. Hey I have been doing just fine with Jesus and me
while Judy and I share our lives daily through prayer. Being
a structure/building does not make a church. It’s the people
that make up the church, even if is just two or three people
Jesus as One of them 🙂 . There have been many times in my
life that it was just me a Jesus and we did just fine 🙂 as long
as I didn’t try to take control LOL. Ok rambling again huh!
Hehehe I can’t help it! Well I reckon it’s about time for me
to tell you what I tell you every week and that is I wrote
some more poems, but this time I wrote 12 poems instead
of 10 hehehe. Of course the first one is the one I told you
about earlier in the journal. The last one is yet another
Christmas poem hehe. I finished writing and thought hmm,
I didn’t write any Christmas poems, so I wrote one hehe.
I hope you like a few of them. Also as usual I wrote 22
more haikus for all my haiku lovers out there LOL. You
didn’t think I forgot ya did ya??? Nope! And with that said
I guess I need to be running a search for that old off switch,
but before I do that, I must wish you a most wonderful and
joyous week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now to find that freaking off switch so I can stop rambling.
Found that whippersnapper making as a ghost and trying
to be invisible. Saw it through the haze hehehehehehehe.
See ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Judy just got home from work 🙂
Her hours this week are screwy.

Now on with the poems
10 +2 and 22 hehehe 🙂

A Little Girls Vision

Ones when their born
and brought into life
see all the lessons
from childhood to wife.
Watching and learning
from their mothers view
how that they’re surely
daily to do.
A little girls vision
sought from beginning
seeks of the time
of their on depending.
Yet within time
a little girls sight
still is found looking then
back day and night.
Seeking the lessons
taught from their mom
even well after
their mothers gone.
Their memories live on
as certain designs
as the so wonderful
magical times.
From the first breath
of that little girl
comes new beginnings
of which shall unfurl.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2010

Depths As Rhythms

Daylight splatters
through the scenes
while enhancing
reds and greens.
In the blue sky
it seems as a
Waters flowing
in the sky
with a few clouds
up so high.
Time is splattered
on the day
with the sunshine’s
own array.
Every second
that I see
looks just like
the deep blue sea.
Depths as rhythms
found enhanced
as the daylight
sort of danced.
It’s formations
make the view
as the sight
of a sea of blue.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010


So many people
walk on away
leaving so many
worn to a fray.
Lives of so many
are found without
as they go onwards
filled with much doubt.
So often people
leave in their wake
timeless perception
from their mistake.
Not taking the time
to stop and fulfill
what that Lord Jesus
would want your will.
So many people
just walk away
as they go seeking
another day.
Take a little time
to stop and to view
and maybe see what
all you can do.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

Minutes Moments

Without a minute
a second would be
just but a second
of our history.
Sometimes a minute
is needed to shine
giving the reasons
for seconds of time.
Some minutes moments
are just but a view
found in a time
of a mere day or two.
They might escape us
those minutes arrays,
but they will surely
be someone’s displays.
Minutes will prosper
beyond many sights
sometimes just seeming
like days and nights.
Simple little minutes
that we daily view,
might be beginnings
unto something new.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

It’s Great Flight

Flight of an eagle
in form of a plane
soars oh so high
with sky to attain.
Manners of structure
found in detail
seems to make flight
just like a big sail.
Floating so high
in the breezes above
the flight of the plane
seems like a white dove.
Flight of an airplane
with radio control
finds ways of landing
without too much toll.
Landing in the field
of sea of green grass
time seems to move
just a little too fast.
Memories are gathered
within it’s great flight
as they are dreamt of
deep in the night.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

Summers Day

In summers day
there finds such a way
as scenes within time
of a wondrous design.
Clouds fluffy white
each day and night
as holders of rain
yet not to complain.
In summers found
are pages abound
found in much sway
as green fields of hay.
Crops are growing
all they’re bestowing
as they unwind
their time to time.
Summertime’s scenes
as bright colored greens
in the trees and grass
as time comes to pass.
Summer is valued
what’s often misconstrued
as many heat waves
in the coming of days.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010


Yawning at morning
swaying at noon
leaves me awaiting
for evening time soon.
Starting so sleepily
time seems to be
as a mere moments
sought not to see.
Slumber’s evaded me
now once agin
leading me places
of which that I’ve been.
Yawning at morning
nighttime has won
keeping the dreaming
as seconds to none.
I find my slumber
deep in disguise
as that of catnaps
just resting my eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

Skyline of Grace

Found out my window
it seems Heavens view
floating and swaying
in a bright sky of blue.
I think my vision
can see it’s detail
even in the moments
it’s blowing a gale.
I think I can see
sweet Heaven above
filled with compassion
and also much love.
Found out my window
my views rearrange
as every moment
of minutes of change.
It’s my own viewpoints
of which I presume
that are depicting
my Heavenly tune.
Songs in the sky
maybe silently heard
flutter so softly
as wings of a bird.
The chirp is within me
and heard deep inside
while in each moment
my eyes open wide.
Looking for Jesus
in the skyline of grace
I see in the clouds
the view of His Face.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

Make Amends

Times will find trouble
while also some good
while we continue
our journeys we should.
Many times values
will lead us astray
from our best moments
of some other day.
Yet of course minutes
will gather what’s true
leaving perception
what’s better to view.
Learning forgiveness
of your own mistakes
is sometimes followed
with many heartaches.
You must let go
of the ways of trouble
for if you don’t
they will surely double.
Ask for forgiveness
from God’s Only Son
and make amends
for all that you’ve done.
Some won’t forgive you
but do from your heart,
for in the end then
you have done your part.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

Just Like You

Letters are written
sometimes never read
kept as the wordings
inside of our head.
Many emotions
that many display
are as a forest
with many a maze.
Jungles of wordings
found in the eyes
are in fact heard as
so many lies.
So many letters
of past unto now
leave many standing
and not knowing how.
Times misconceptions
found in ones view
might be the letters
that look just like you.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

It Will All Be Alright

Inner most feelings
are many times viewed
within the owner
a bit misconstrued.
So many moments
of timeless detail
lead us to ponder
of Heaven and Hell.
Moments will gather
as hours and days
leaving the pictures
of all that displays.
Often the sadness
will overcome you
leading you places
a little bit blue.
Let not the moments
to take full control.
Let Jesus help you
to better your goal.
He will show Heaven
and all it’s delight
and then you’ll know
it will all be alright.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

Laid In December

Summer brings fall
and fall brings winter
with all the white snow
that will surely enter.
Winter brings Christmas
soon into play
as all the memories
of day after day.
Christmas brings joy
and wonderful times
found in the moments
within the designs.
Summer still echoes
of it’s memories
found all covered
with snow on the trees.
Portions of winter
bring into view
something so scenic
as a bright sky of blue.
Christmastime joy
in a wonderful way
reminds every child
of Santa and sleigh.
Yet but most surely
the best is the name
found within Christmas
how that it came.
For on that day then
found long ago,
Jesus in a manger
Lord God did bestow.
Not in the white snow
but maybe green,
there was Lord Jesus
in a manger scene.
Through all the years
we’ve determined a time
laid in December
for this great design.
It doesn’t matter
the time or the view
for all that matters
is love for me and you.
He came to give
a way unto Heaven
giving us forgiveness
of 70 times 7.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

for Aug 21, 2010

Waiting for true love
might leave you stood all alone.
Go on with your life.

Often our judgment
is tallied by some others.
Their sight is skin deep.

Playing heartless games
might end in your destruction.
The game might return.

Weary eyed people
in their day to day lifestyles
might need a big hug.

Cannot is a word
many use as their excuse
without trying first.

Morning will follow
the nights wondrous escapade
and bring us sunrise.

Yearning for trouble
will most surely bring you some,
but maybe too much.

Within the whirling
of the fan blades of evening
are breezes of time.

Hearing an echo
means an action has occurred
to make it to be.

Transparent feelings
are felt within a large room,
but all cannot see.

Anguish of a rose
is found deep within winter
all covered with snow.

Leaning on someone
could lead to your own folly,
for they may be weak.

When spring has ended
it leaves summer in its wake
with fall yet to be.

Patterns are begun
as we step out in the world.
Some may need breaking.

Deep thoughts of sorrow
follow the journeys of time
from life unto death.

Things will become us
if we allow them to grow
beyond our own needs.

Handfuls of teardrops
fill the oceans of many
as delusion wins.

Panicking issues
lead paths to and fro today
as clouded judgment.

Christmas type blessings
come as heartbeats deep inside
filled up with true love.

Innermost feeling
are the ones that many hide,
because they’ve been hurt.

Nobody’s perfect
except The Lord Jesus Christ.
We have each one sinned.

Today will find rest
in the shadows of nightfall
with dreams to fulfill.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2010

God bless from Bill and Judy.

Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂