Hello my friends
I hope your passed week has been tolerable
and the weekend was well. We had a decent
week with nothing going too badly for us 🙂
We got a little more snow early last week and
the guy came and sort of plowed our driveway
leaving quite a bit for me to do with the snow
blowers. We went to town Thursday to pay
the light bill and then went to Walmart to do
a little grocery shopping. We ended up having
to go to Walmart again Friday to pick up an
order that I had waiting for me as well as a few
things that we forgot to get Thursday hehehe.
It’s hard to believe it’s already March. It’s
looking as though spring might be making
an early appearance up here this year and I
have no qualms with that other than the snow
melting and then refreezing becoming ice due
to the bouncing around temperatures. Also I
am not looking forward to summer’s heat,
but then up here it doesn’t get quite as hot as
it does down south as well as summertime not
lasting as long as it does in Texas, Our spring
most always has a little snow involved in it
and sometimes a lot of snow 🙂 Though this
year I am thinking it might not be that way,
but I could be wrong hehehe. I’ve sort of
gotten used to the crazy weather up here in
Maine, but it does ever so often throw me a
curve ball LOL. I try to adjust hehehe. So
what else is going on around this place? Well,
it snowed some more Saturday, but not too
much. It’s supposed to snow again Monday
and we’re expecting 2-4 more inches of that
white stuff that I love so much hehehe. Yep,
I do love the snow and the beauty that comes
to light when it snows. It’s like every day is
a Kodak moment 🙂 or in my case a Canon
moment. The season bring anticipation of
what is to follow. Judy and I love to take
pictures. This summer we have a drone to
fly above and take pictures. Judy bought
it for me for a Christmas present. It will
be interesting to see if we don’t crash it a
few times LOL. I’m fairly sure we’ll crash
it. I’m just hoping it survives the crashes 🙂
It’s going to be a few sad field trips without
our little Benny running along with Rocky.
I know Rocky is going feel a bit strange.
They used to be like each others shadow.
Anyways, I’m sure we will have some nice
field trips taking pictures. Life goes on.
This week we don’t have much going on,
so I’m not going to worry too much about
snow blowing our driveway unless I just
feel like it. I don’t mind doing it if I feel
like it, but I hate to do it if I feel rushed.
So, if the guy comes to plow our driveway
I might get out afterwards and clear what
he does not. Being retired does have a few
advantages ya know hehehe. Although it
is not without its disadvantages especially
with being in bad health and unemployable.
It does get boring having nowhere to go
and not being able to travel long distances.
LOL our travels involve a whole lot of
restroom and rest area stops. Our trips
are mostly within Maine to visit her side
of the family or take pictures of scenery.
So we never go more than maybe a couple
hundred miles either way. There are times
that I feel as though I am in prison, but
I try to make the best of it. We all may
at times feel as though we are in prison,
but if we use our minds we can venture
the twilight and if we choose or are able
we can write about the voyage. It might
be only a dream or an imaginary world,
but it can bring peace to a moment and
help us smile. Let God help you to find
peace in moments of despair. You might
be surprised at the peacefulness that you
can find by praying. I have my moments
that I get depressed and can only see the
darkness, but somehow God manages to
shine His light through the darkness and
give me hope and peace. Judy and I are
thankful for all that You do for us in our
hours of need. We are grateful that You
brought us together so that we can be as
strength for one another through love and
friendship. Thank You God for always
being there for us and doing for us what
we are unable to do for ourselves as well
as allowing us to do what You know we
are able to do. We praise You Father.
AMEN and AMEN. So now I reckon I
need to be reading back over all that I’ve
written here to see if I can find a decent
word or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I found a fairly decent title a little
less than a third of the way back in all of
my rambling and now after checking I see
that it has not been used yet, so used it
shall be. Here goes…
Moments of Despair
Throughout our lives
we might fall prey
to the emptiness
of a passing day.
We might only see
a really sad time
and not the beauty
ones left behind.
The passing of ones
might leave a face
reflecting within
you wish to embrace
So many moments
will come and go
needing the passage
to heavenly flow.
Yet it’s a breath
a loved one breathed
that now might seem
a web time weaved.
Find the goodness
in scenes you recall
moments recollected
that now stand tall.
Then when you’re sad
say a little prayer
to help you find peace
in moments of despair.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 6, 2022
I hope you liked the poem and maybe even
a little of my rambling. Hopefully it gave
you a smile. Well, it seems I will be a little
late sending this tonight, but I’ll get R done.
Our landlord is slowly healing. What I was
told that he had a heart attack or stroke and
that was incorrect. He fell in his house and
is now in a wheel chair, but hoping that he
gets better soon. Take care Calvin 🙂 You’re
like family. Judy sister Barb is doing well
or at least as well as possible. Keep her in
your prayers. Anyways, that’s about all I
can think of to tell you other than what I tell
you nearly every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10
more poems and 22 more haiku for all the
heaiku lovers out there. I hope you can find
1 or 2 of either or both that you like. Now,
with that said, I reckon it’s time for me to
begin my search for that hardly elusive off
switch, but surely not before I wish you a
blessings filled week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Now, where can
that ornery off switch be trying to hide this
time? Hmm, looking in all of the passed
hiding spots and no switch. Yet now as I
look to my left I think I see movement in
my software bag that’s sitting in the corner
of the room. I believe I saw the case sort of
shimmy LOL. Yep, there it is hanging on
to the handle on the other side. So there
was no room in the bag/inn for ya huh LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Reaching Across
Heartfelt moments
that time displays
may be us reaching
for some better days.
Seconds pass us by
becoming memories
of reaching across
for a better breeze.
Chain link fences
found in our minds
might be an essence
of turbulent times.
We might get lost
in seasons that pass
remembering every
shadow that’s cast.
Search for the truth
within every view
and find what is fact
and living in you.
You might find life
as a new day’s sun
reaching across
to a life yet begun.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 1, 2022
Angels Among
Oceans of time
might flow through
to now and again
within thereunto.
We might find fear
within the waves
as we wade around
in the coming days.
There may be eyes
of angels of love
within each scene
sent from above.
Walking beside us
or somewhere near
an angel might be
a friend to appear.
God sends angels
we might never see
or they may exist
in our history.
Maybe as a friend
or a moment’s song
heard on the radio
as angels among.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 1, 2022
Mirrors of Flow
Threaded reflections
become as a time
written as memoirs
inside of our mind.
Flowing to existence
a moment may seem
as that of a mirror
in a watery dream.
Time creates portals
to then thereunto
found as doorways
to live within you.
Moments are echoes
of all that we see
reflecting the times
within our history.
It might seem blurry
this burning ember
for it was long ago
you now remember.
Don’t beat yourself
for times long ago,
for now they’re only
as mirrors of flow.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 2, 2022
Flowered Heartbeats
Pages are turning
times to unfold
as that of flowers
of young and old.
Delicate rhythms
hearts awakened
often are images
we have mistaken.
People we meet
from day unto day
might be the petals
of a flower’s array.
Blooming as time
awakens in them
heartbeats of life
often on a whim.
Seeking for others
on similar streets
to become friends
flowered heartbeats.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 2, 2022
Portraits of Peace
Ripples reflections
encounter a sight
found as a picture
within daylight.
Thinking it’s alive
as it ripples along
becoming potions
for peaceful song.
Stirring thoughts
are found within
portraits of peace
a time to begin.
Making moments
to ripple and flow
within river rocks
times to and fro.
Become an essence
of passionate love
as rippling waters
sent from above.
Find ends to anger
and seek a release
within the ripples
portraits of peace.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 2, 2022
Discover The Road
When out walking
seek for the way
a road to bestow
a much better day.
There may be signs
you might not see
upon the roadway
that came to be.
There may be trees
creating the view
guiding you along
to then thereunto.
Look for a path
to give you peace
releasing anger
or help it to cease.
Discover moments
found day to day
that can surely
take anger away.
They may be hidden
these roads of time,
but surely they can
help you unwind.
So if you have got
a troublesome load
seek for Lord God,
discover the road.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 2, 2022
Distant Pier
Waves of seconds
come and go
many memories
to surely grow.
Becoming a sight
of a distant time
a pier of life
within our mind.
So many scenes
might display
as a time of life
of a passing day.
A bird may form
a single flight
above the waves
a distant sight.
Creating passage
to a passing gaze
a scenic sight
within a phase.
Remember well
your yesteryear
the lessons from
life’s distant pier.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 3, 2022
Dreamer’s Ecstasy
Praying for a time
or a place to see
might be as a dream
not meant to be.
We might look back
to a certain place
a certain moment
our hearts embrace.
Reality then speaks
and shows today
a dreamer’s ecstasy
then falls away.
Look for the truth
and find the best
within your view
let the past to rest.
Use your memories
to help you smile,
but don’t get lost
in a distant mile.
Time moves along
becoming history
and so often as a
dreamer’s ecstasy.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 4, 2022
Shore of Prayer
Minutes counted
will move on
leaving seconds
then and gone.
Many blessings
will be found
when upon God’s
solid ground.
Be a lighthouse
ones can see
to guide them to
the calmest sea.
A shore of prayer
may be a sight
a season’s dream
a lighthouse light.
Minutes counted
still will find
the seconds to a
point in time.
God can give us
a breath of air
found upon a
shore of prayer.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 4, 2022
Minds of Time
Moments living
within a view
might become
alive in you.
An ocean bay
a scene ignites
might enhance
so many sights.
It may be seen
as breath of air
a distant scene
a living prayer.
So many minds
within a bay
might hold fast
a distant day.
God is always
there with style
to carry us
another mile.
For as an ocean
flows on in
minds of time
will then begin.
Many memories
will unwind
blessings of the
minds of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 5, 2022
for Mar 5, 2022
Loneliness lives on
within the midst of many
as nobody sees.
Scenic passages
can have many hidden sights
that we overlook.
Trials and errors
create lessons from moments
that we might regret.
Shadows of ourselves
can often be found in friends
as they see our style.
Chances we’ve taken
might not work out very well,
but lessons are learned.
Echoes of a time
become as our reflections
in a looking glass.
Time is just a breath
that many will breathe away
leaving just a sigh.
Questioning answers
is what that creates wisdom
learning what is truth.
Painting a picture
of a place within your mind
can create a dream.
Seemless urgency
might have some hidden meanings
that ones keep secret.
Heartbeats of others
can be in sync with your heart
and you not know it.
Glancing at our dreams
a nightmare might come in view
making dreams to fade.
Timing your footsteps
you might lose your momentum
wasted on counting.
Strolling in a field
where the blades of grass are tall
you can lose your way.
Traveling memoirs
written inside of our minds
might have wanted paths.
Various windows
hold views of future and past,
while some show right now.
Remembering downfalls
needs be done with acceptance
that we make mistakes.
Within a doorway
there might be an illusion
saying come on in.
Cherishing money
will leave you with emptiness
filled with only greed.
Facets of our life
are often found in others
reflected upon.
Directions we strive
will show others who we are,
so take heed your path.
Be grateful for life,
for it can be ended soon
without our knowledge.
©By Bill Pearce
Mar 5, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂