Hello my friends
It’s a little warm up here today and to
top it off, we are without water. Our
landlord is supposedly trying to fix the
well pump. Judy noticed that we did
not have water. I had already had to
go a reset the well pump a number of
times in the passed few weeks and I
walked out to do it again and I ended
up in a marsh. The well had sprung a
leak and flooded the yard and I could
not open the well door due to the water
holding it back. I then went back to
the house to call our landlord and he
never answered so I drove down to his
house and woke him up. We spend a
number of hours trying to fix it but
we were with out luck. He said he’d
go to Walmart or Tractor Supply and
buy some new clamps today. I hope
he can get it fixed. if not he said he
had a guy that could come and fix
it Monday. We’re hoping that’s not
the case, because of my health issues.
Anyways, that’s what’s going on here
at the Pearce’s place at the moment 🙂
The passed week has been an eventful
one. Last Tuesday Judy and I went
mini golfing and then had ice cream
afterwards. We were going to get us
some BBQ to bring home , but the
place we were going to get it at was
closed on Monday’s and Tuesday’s.
So we stopped at Subway and dear
old McDonald’s and got sandwiches
and went home. We had a great day
playing mini golf and took a lot of
pictures of each other and the place.
As normal I took pictures their and
to. Friday we went a did a little bit
of grocery shopping at Walmart and
County Yankee then went home to
relax. Yep, we’re a wild bunch LOL.
I just got off of the phone with our
landlord and he’s heading over here
to see what he can do to get our
water running again. It’s 75 degrees
right now at 7:30 PM. I just looked
out and Calvin (our landlord) had
just driven up at the well house and
was getting out of his car. I have a
sneaky hunch that he’ll have to call
the pump guy tomorrow and have
him to come and fix it though. We
worked on that darn thing for quite a
few hours early this morning with no
luck. As long as it’s fixed pretty soon,
because our toilets are getting full. He
Just came by with a five gallon jug of
water to pour in our toilet so that we
can flush it and said that he’ll get the
plumber guy to come tomorrow and
get the well fixed. Calvin’s daughter
is coming by tomorrow morning to
see what she can do as well, but I
think the plumber will be the best to
get it fixed. I did a little mowing in
the front yard where all the motion
sensor lights are while waiting for
Calvin to return with some water to
pour in our toilets. Rocky hates to
walk in tall grass even if it’s only
just a few inches LOL. So at this
moment I’m sweating profusely 🙂
sitting in front of the air conditioner
and a fan and it’s 69 F degrees. Like
I have said, I am very hot natured
so can you imagine what 80 degrees
and above do to me LOL. Well lil
Rocky came out while I was mowing
and took a poop. He was a happy
boy 🙂 Judy’s still busy crocheting.
She’s making another crocheted Tee,
this one though is going to be with
the colors of red, orange and purple.
God is still looking out for us as we
travel from day unto day. Also many
angels watch over us as well and all
of the kindly spirits that intervene in
our lives time to time. Thank You
Father God for always being there
for us doing what You know is best.
Please continue to watch over our
family and friends and provide their
needs. Thank You for all You have
done and all that You will do for us.
Amen and Amen. Now I do believe
it is time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So it’s away I go,
to that lil place of my recollection
that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think though that I may
have stumbled on a fairly decent
title just a few lines back and now
after checking I see that it’s hasn’t
been used yet, so used it shall be.
Here goes…
Day unto Day
Time to time
might seem to be
a face and a place
within history.
Things may form
and create life
often with smiles
ending in strife.
We might confuse
a point in time
as memories of
a passed design.
We may even fill
as though we lost
when then in fact
we made it across.
Let God to guide
your will and way
and you’ll be fine
day unto day.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2022
Well there ya go. I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even a little bit of my
rambling :). Hopefully I brought you
a smile and gave you a new view in life.
The little things we do in life might be
one day the best things to remember.
So find the blessings in the small stuff.
OK, so I guess I’ve told you all that I
have to tell other than of course what
I tell you nearly every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems with 1 that is
sort of semi Christmassy. I also wrote
22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like. With
that said, I reckon it’s time to begin
my search for that hardly elusive off
switch, but not before I wish you all
a blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now,
where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this time? As if it ever
actually finds a good hiding spot 🙂
Searching around the room in all of
its old hiding spots and no switch.
Hmm, glancing behind me on Judy’s
laptop computer as I happened to be
seeing how she was coming with her
new tee, I spotted old orneriness
sitting on top of her computer doing
some mountain climbing in miniature
and a very bad job of it LOL. Aren’t
yo supposed to be hiding?? Oh ya
didn’t think I would look over there.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Traveling Hills
Glancing at scenery
time might become
reflections of minds
from a seasonal sun.
Maybe as some hills
of traveling essence
within the window
of time’s evidence.
Scented of passion
flowing as a stream
our comprehension
may seem a dream.
Displaying maybe
a winter of style
with nary a sound,
but giving a smile.
A blue sky gleaming
as clouds drift on
becomes a memory
of a seasonal song.
Sung as a blessing
a moment fulfills
it may be a moment
of traveling hills.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2022
Both Sides
Our time and place
is beginnings and ends
seasons of thresholds
that surely transcends.
Both sides of the road
have points of time
seasons of doorways
with their own design.
Death comes upon us
no matter our style,
for we are the windows
for time to compile.
God’s always watching
and waiting to see
how that we choose
for our life’s destiny.
One side is darkness
and the other is light,
but both sides of time
have roads to the right.
For if you only seek
for wants and more
you might only find
the dark as the door.
Yet if you seek for
the truthful in time
you may find blessings
from both sides design.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2022
Morning’s Endeared
Living as windows
or doorways of time
a morning awakens
with its own design.
There may be waves
as an ocean of life
scented salt water
that seems as strife.
Yet within seconds
the scenes transform
into living lifetimes
that seasons adorn.
Stages of moments
become so adhered
as essence of smiles
morning’s endeared.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2022
Next To Night
Standing in silence
while just looking on
nighttime transpires
as a memorized song.
With pictures taken
the sight might seem
as that of nighttime
found in a dream.
Seen taking pictures
in a time long ago
becomes a reflection
my dreams bestow.
We all have a place
that comes in view
when we are thinking
of the old and anew.
We might perceive
a day that’s passed
as just but a breeze
of a shadowy cast.
Yet while reflecting
on a scenic sight
we might find peace
right next to night.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2022
Magic of Snow
When we’re traveling
we look all around
at the sights of time
that so often astound.
So many moments
are with magical flair
the seasons of scenes
as a breath of air.
Yet within wintertime
when snowflakes fly
life becomes magical
on Earth and the sky.
Hiding the moments
that were dull before
as the magic of snow
gives life to explore.
The roads we travel
might fill with style
as snowflakes fall
with a seasonal smile.
Look for the beauty
in a wintertime show
as Christmas scenes
and magic of snow.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2022
Shallow Rocks
In our waters
might be a way
rocks so shallow
of a distant day.
Time’s reflection
within the flow
may have regrets
that daily grow.
Remembered life
of another time
can make smiles
real hard to find.
Splish splashing
time moves on,
leaving rocks of
a distant dawn.
Allow the days
to become gains
in shallow rocks
the time attains.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2022
Life’s Daylilies
Time’s a passage
a roadway to see
just like daylilies
so heavenly free.
Life is enhanced
as they bloom
seasons scenery
life comes attune.
Becoming times
a scenic array
creating a stage
for another day.
Enjoy their sight
and lose despair
as life’s daylilies
answer a prayer.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2022
Love of dogs
continues on
never ceasing
going strong.
They can see
beyond color
love of life for
one another.
Seeing truly
the you and I
how we stand
in by and by.
We all need to
learn to live
not with hate,
but to forgive.
We can become
as transitional
learning love
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 19, 2022
Footprints Begin
Life’s destinations
become as a goal
as time simulates
a heart and soul.
Waves might form
within your sight
as footprints begin
for time to alight.
Seasons may pass
leaving such signs
as a breath of life
in oceans designs.
We are the actors
walking all about
making footprints
in ways and out.
Enjoy the journey
as a breath of air
and seek for truth
within a prayer.
Life is a doorway
times transcend
as we discover how
footprints begin.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 19, 2022
Art of Surprise
Time is awakened
as colors unfold
some as grasses
and some of gold.
Seasons of styles
become as a stage
an art of surprise
a turn of a page.
Seconds surmount
into living dreams
found in our eyes
as so many things.
There may be life
in a distant view
many surprises
from old to anew.
Endless journeys
our eyes travel on
might see scenes
as a magical song.
Nature is scenic
Earth to the skies
creating paintings
as art of surprise.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2022
for Aug 20, 2022
Living for the thrill
might turn into a nightmare
if you go too far.
Becoming famous
can depreciate your time
with no privacy.
Yesterdays windows
might seem as shadows today
as we recall them.
Trivial moments
can become important facts
without your knowledge.
The leaves of autumn
make preparations for change
before they begin.
Sunny emotions
are often viewed in anger
because of some rain.
Effortless headway
might be the wrong direction
as you’re going down.
Meeting today’s life
with a happy little grin
can enhance blessings.
Threading a needle
such as sewing your lifestyle
might need some new thread.
Simulated skies
can be seen as the real thing,
but be only lies.
We may be blessings
to ones we are unaware,
so be your best self.
Time is a doorway
that so many get lost in
letting worry win.
Pointless are changes
if they are not within you,
for actions reflect.
The love of money
depreciates happiness
that it cannot buy.
Various storm clouds
might have thunder and lightning,
or just some raindrops.
Cherishing the past
and not seeking joy today
can leave you empty.
Remembering things
we used to do long ago
can help you to smile.
Riding on a dream
can enlighten perspective
up above the clouds.
Now is just a time
that many don’t use wisely
as it slips away.
Climbing a mountain
can be like climbing a hill,
for it’s how it’s viewed
Pages of a book
often have weathered dog-ears
that others put there.
Allowing desire
to become stronger than truth
can cause problems.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂