A Bit of Rain


Hello my friends

I hope you had a good passed week and
the weekend went well for you.  It was a
sort of hot one for us up here.  It’s 78 F
right now at
7:33 PM and it’s supposed
to be in mid 80’s most of the week,  but
Thursday looks to have a bit of rain in
the forecast which will lower the temp a
bit,  but it shows back to the 80’s after
Thursday.  Thankfully we don’t have
any 90 F degree temps in the forecast 🙂
Though 80 F degree temps are too hot
for me,  but thanks to our portable air
conditioner,  I survive.  Judy and I are
most times hanging out in the computer
room where we have the air conditioner
stationed at with the vent able to point
into our bedroom 🙂 although our nights
are fairly cool in the 60’s.  Well yesterday
which was Saturday I took the car in to
get it repaired so it could pass inspection
and it cost 100 dollar less than they had
quoted me before,  so I was pleasantly
surprised.   After I got finished at VIP
I stopped off and got Judy and I some
burgers and shakes for dinner later on
in the evening.  Thursday which was
the 4th of July we went up to Caribou
for a cookout at her daughter Mandy’s
house.  A lot of the family was there,
but of course none of mine being that
they mostly live in Texas and thereabout.
We had a nice time.  Took a bunch of
pictures :).  Yesterday/Saturday it seems
our landlord sent a guy to mow the grass
behind us at the other house where our
previous neighbors lived.  Of course he
used a riding lawnmower and did it all
after it had rained and the grass was tall
and overgrown as well as wet.  So the
lawnmower struggled through it,  but
it finished.  It mostly just got knocked
down being it was wet grass,  but it looks
better than it did.  There was no way that
I was gonna mow it especially with our
little 16 inch 40 volt push mower LOL.
We don’t live there and even so,  my old
body and lawnmower couldn’t handle it.
So I only mow what concerns us and all
that I wish to mow to make our place to
as nice as I can and also mow us a little
trail thru the field to take Rocky on when
we take him on a field trip.  There hasn’t
been much going on around this place.
We live a fairly peaceful life.  We have
plans on driving down to Cutler Maine
sometime this week to take some pictures
and yes this time Rocky will be coming
along with us.  Cutler is a little fishing
town next to the ocean bay.  We haven’t
been down there to take pictures in quite
a few years.  Yep,  I’m looking forwards
to that drive.  Hoping to get some great
shots there and back.  Judy has a few
doctor appointments this week so there
will be only 3 days of which we can pick
to drive down to Cutler.  We feel blessed
to have these times together.  God is still
watching over us.  We can feel His touch
upon us as well as the many angels and
kindly spirits that are watching over us.
May you be blessed with His love that
is greater than any other.  We’re sure to
have problems in life,  being that is what
life is about.  If we had no problems or
difficulties,  where would the growth be?
So thank Him for the chances to learn
and grow as well as the many blessings
that you might not even be aware of.
Thank You Father God for Your love
and guidance as well as the trials that
You allow into our life that help us to
become better.  Amen and Amen.  Now
I do believe that it’s time for me to read
back over all that I’ve written here to try
and find me a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem.  So it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I
think I might have stumbled upon me
a fairly decent title near the beginning
of my rambling and now after checking
I see that it has not been used yet,  so
used it shall be :).  Here goes…

A Bit of Rain

The life and times
that we may see
might look better
in our history.
Yet in the present
we might view
the things of life
with sad accrue.
We might perceive
the now in place
with but only
a saddened face.
Find the blessings
within your life
and don’t focus
on only strife.
Seek to smile
and not complain
when you acquire
a bit of rain.

©By Bill Pearce
July 7,  2024

There ya go 🙂  I hope you liked the poem
and maybe even a little bit of my rambling.
I haven’t much else to tell you other than
what I tell you nearly every week and that
is,  I wrote some more poems and haiku 🙂
Yep,  10 more poems and 22 more haiku
for all the haiku lovers out there.  I hope
you can find 1 or 2 of either or both that
you like.  With that said,  I reckon it’s time
for me to start searching for that hardly
elusive off switch,  but not before I wish
you all a wonderful blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Now where can that silly off switch
be trying to hide this time LOL?  Hmm,
Me thinks that either my Primatene Mist
box has come to life or that ornery off
switch had something to do with it LOL.
Yep,  I see ya.  So you say that you sort
of leaned on it and didn’t expect it to
slide huh hehehe.  Well the inhaler is
inside of the box,  but I haven’t needed
it yet,  so the box isn’t empty,  but it
doesn’t weigh a lot hehehe.  Therefore,
you made it slide.  Try just being still.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Beauty Entwines

Time’s picture book
unfolds many pages
scenes of doorways
to life’s many stages.
They might seem like
the patterns of glass
entwining scenery
with future and past.
A picture frame style
reflecting the times
brought into view
as beauty entwines.

©By Bill Pearce
July 1,  2024

Emerging Peace

Fluid as a river
moments can flow
becoming stories
that seem to grow.
Years of passages
that times display
might come alive
in a magical way.
Giving us blessings
of angers release
cleansing our heart
in emerging peace.

©By Bill Pearce
July 1,  2024

Drifting on Dreams

Drifting with seconds
as scenes come alive
time creates windows
with a living surprise.
Brushstrokes of time
displayed as a breeze
formatted moments
with water and trees.
The sky up above us
becomes works of art
textured with seasons
that minutes impart.
With ages of creation
displayed as scenes
blessings come alive
drifting on dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
July 2,  2024

The Living Way

Driving down paths
that are filled with sin
can create problems
that might live within.
The roads that we travel
can often be found
with ones watching us
go round and round.
Find you a true journey
that’s leading to life
leaving all the pathways
that only find strife.
Let Lord God guide you
from day unto day
and locate the moments
to the living way.

©By Bill Pearce
July 2,  2024

Immersion Entwined

Times with memories
bring into view
the pictures of ages
we’ve been thru.
Pathways doorways
emit life’s details
found as the aromas
that time entails.
Seeming as paintings
of scenery’s bliss
installed inside life
as a heavenly kiss.
Seasons uncountable
time multiplies
found as heartbeats
below blue skies.
Thriving sights
in a dreamer’s mind
blessings of God
immersion entwined.

©By Bill Pearce
July 3,  2024

©By Bill Pearce
July 3,  2024

Summertime’s Designs

Words within pictures
display many things
as living perspectives
that a season sings.
Moments of harmony
become as the air
breathed as blessings
of answered prayer.
Seasoned with things
that God gave to view
filled with the colors
that times do accrue.
Seasoned with a style
each moment defines
found in flowers of
summertime’s designs.

©By Bill Pearce
July 4,  2024

Illusional Sights

Perceived as portals
time might become
as that of memories
of another day’s
Seasons transpired
with a special design
filled with changes
heartbeats entwine.
Giving perspectives
each moment ignites
with seasonal flavors
as illusional sights.

©By Bill Pearce
July 5,  2024

On The Wild Side

Life is like pictures
that move and breathe
creating the pathways
that God did conceive.
Walking thru a portal
and arriving in style
minutes can transform
into a life giving smile.
It may seem a window
that Heaven applied
with a deer perceived
stood on the wild side.

©By Bill Pearce
July 5,  2024

Leaves of Green

Scenes of emotion
can create a sight
as colors evolving
for time to ignite.
Branches of life
distribute a phase
seeming a window
to scenic arrays.
Renditions of time
that come in view
might seem to be
a moment or two.
Becoming pictures
snapshots of time
viewed a bit later
good times to find.
Opening doorways
to life we’ve seen
some with colors
of leaves of green.

©By Bill Pearce
July 6,  2024

Daily Tracks

Living journeys
time ensues
give us paths of
daily views.
Opening breaths
we can breathe
giving blessings
to just believe.
God will change
a distant trail
into a moment
better to tell.
Let the changes
God gives you
to enhance life
in what you do.
Let your living
display the facts
with what’s seen
in daily tracks.

©By Bill Pearce
July 6,  2024

for July 6,  2024

Today is the day
to better your yesterdays
thru lessons you learned.

Threads of seconds
can transform minutes in time
into a lifetime.

Marking your pathway
can help you to not get lost
or use as lessons.

Leading a liar
to the truth that’s obvious
can be difficult.

Tomorrow’s doorway
might not be ready to find
if you have not grown.

Brushes with danger
can create fearful patterns
that might hold you back.

Paintings in the mind
might become brushstrokes of life
that’s seen by no one.

Crying over life
that’s now just a memory
can hold back today.

Looking too deeply
into some others choices
you might misconceive.

Guessing about life
you might find that you are wrong
about your yesterdays.

Leaving ones alone
when they are in much anger
might be best to do.

Reading one’s story
the words might be confusing
if you don’t know them.

Time can be a flame
that burns in minds of many
fueled by illusions.

When you are waiting
it may seem that time slowed down
if you watch a clock.

An essence of love
lives deep down inside us all,
but some avoid it.

A ships forward speed
alters if it drops anchor,
so don’t drop too soon.

Messages in time
can be as a breeze blowing
telling you of rain.

When reading a book
pages may stick together
so check the numbers.

People might see you
at your very worst moments,
so just do your best.

Raging emotions
can become as a river
that’s out of control.

Glancing at someone
you might mistaken their life
and think bad of them.

Focusing on pain
you might not notice the peace
that lives within you.

©By Bill Pearce
July 6,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill