Hello my friends
How have ya been? I’m still a bit under the weather.
The weather conditions up here keep bouncing back
and forth. I know it’s been tons worse down south of
us as well as west of us hehehe. Oh well, nothing I can
do about the weather, so onwards with the journal 🙂
Right now it’s around 20F degrees. Not bad for this
time of year. I went out this morning to start up the car
and get it deiced and the snow just fell off of it hehehe,
so there wasn’t much work to do other than brush it
off. Judy told me that yesterday they were busy with
snowmobiler’s. There’s a snodeo going on up here LOL.
Not a rodeo. A snodeo which includes snowmobiles and
riding contest. They seem to be gathering at the motel
which is connected to the Elm Tree North hehehehe.
Judy said they will be there again today, but they may
be more busy riding today than eating 🙂 We shall see!
In any case, I hope her day goes well. She seems to
be over the flu finally, but it took a lot out of both of
us, plus it cut back on our funds being she hasn’t got
paid sick leave from the diner. We’ll survive! It just
means my trip to Texas is not going to happen. Maybe
another day. Hey, that doesn’t mean you can’t come
and visit us LOL. Many of you are in better condition
for travel than we are. It don’t matter, I guess I’m
just gonna have to get used to the fact that life doesn’t
always go the way I want it to 🙂 Thank God for that
at times hehehe, being my old wanna can most surely
get me into trouble if God didn’t ever so often step in
and say uhuh/nope. I went out walking in the snow
last night for a little exercise as well as to go out and
check the mail hehehe. Walking in the snow is good
therapy. It makes me have to work harder to walk,
but it also wears me out really fast hehehe. I also laid
down in the snow for a brief to make an icepack on
my legs in hopes of easing the pain, but it only worked
for a brief, so I ended up afterwards in the shower
doing just the opposite than cold. Some nice hot water
beating on my legs. Yet that also was a temporary
fix LOL. Oh well, at least it worked for a little bit 🙂
Life goes on hehehe. I would take some pictures, of
outside, but it looks pretty much the same as it did
last week hehehe. White is white! I think we have
a ghost in our house that loves to play. He spent
a lot of time in the past ringing our doorbell that
otherwise would not work LOL. I had to finally
just unplug the bugger. Then it seems he decided
to knock on the door to get my attention hehehe.
Judy thought I was making it up until I caught it
on recording. Oh well, if that’s all he want’s to
do, then have fun hehe. It looks like it’s clouding
up a bit outside. It might snow a little more this
evening. I love to watch it snow. It is so beautiful.
God does the most awesome things. Making rain
drops turn white and paint the Earth with snow.
God can do things far beyond our understanding.
He will often allow a gloomy day so to enhance the
brighter days of past and future. We would get
so caught up into the drudgery of redundancy of
life if it always remained the same. That’s why
bad days are so important. To enhance the good.
If today you are having a bad day, then think of
a good time you remember and thank God for
that moment. Also remember that things change
along with time. Try and find the blessings in
the moments. Yet don’t be discouraged if you
cannot find them, because you might not be at
the right place in time to understand. Let God’s
Will be done. I guess it’s about time for me to
begin my little journey back through all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So, it’s away I go to that lil
place that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I do believe I found a good title. Now let’s see
if I can do anything at all with it hehehehehehe.
Here goes nothing, yet I hope not!!!! 🙂
Don’t Be Discouraged
Don’t let the bad times
leave you despaired
thinking that no one
ever has cared.
Don’t be discouraged
with now and today.
Take a deep breath now
and kneel and pray.
Let all the bad times
roll from your face
and let Lord Jesus
give you His grace.
Look past the moments
that troubles perceive
and see the blessings
that you can receive.
Don’t let the sad times
tear you apart.
Let Jesus come in
and fill your heart.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 30, 2011
I hope you enjoyed that as well as my rambling hehehe.
Hopefully I didn’t bore you to severely LOL! I might have
to finish this soon. My eye is really burning right now and
making it hard to see if not harder hehehe. I guess I do
need to get this finished before Judy gets home from work,
so it’s time to tell ya what I tell ya every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems. Hehehe I accidentally wrote 11
poems this time instead of 10 LOL. So sue me 🙂 5 of the
poems are wintry Christmassy style poems. Also I wrote
some more haiku, but I did the same with them hehehehe.
I accidentally wrote 26 instead of 22 hehe. I didn’t write
the haiku until around 4 o’clock this morning. I didn’t
feel much like writing them yesterday after I finished all
of the poems. I surely hope you enjoy some of the poems
and haiku. Now it’s time for me to be searching for that
old off switch, but not before I wish you a most blessed &
joyous week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now to find that confounded of switch hehe. Found it out
in the snow looking around wondering where I went LOL!
See ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10+1 and 22+4 hehehehehehe:)
Winters Dreams
Signs of times
in scenic scenes
now have views
of winters dreams.
Found snow white
from here to there
winters dreams
are everywhere.
Far and wide
with sights to see
winters dreams
make history.
Paved with snow
so fluffy and white
winters dreams
are day and night.
Moments scenes
in great astound,
winters dreams
fall all around.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
With A Trace
The dark of night
in winters flight
shows the sight
upon the ground.
Found in place
of springtime’s grace
is the face
now all around.
Scenes snow white
the times ignite
with winters might
of sight and sound.
A moments taste
of snow white grace
is Heavens lace
from town to town.
The dawn of light
will bring the sight
of snows delight
to then be found.
With a trace
of winters face
as seasons taste
to then astound.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
Mornings Light
Now I find
my thinking found
with the sights
of all around.
Scenes so pure
as whitish glaze
now ignite
my wildest gaze.
Snowy scenes
from here to there
seem to be
so debonair.
Dancing surely
as snowflakes
now I find
that’s all it takes.
In my mind
I dance with them
with the sound
of joyful hymn.
Songs are found
within my sight
with the snow
in mornings light.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
All The Blessings
Given chances
of desires
fill the pages
up with fires.
All the blessings
here and there
given chances
find a prayer.
Sights unseen
of hidden view
may not hide
what’s really true.
All the moments
found in place
may not be
the best embrace.
All the blessings
given free
might show up
in history.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
Daily Fractions
Letters written
time agin
may discern
where you’ve been.
Maybe short
and maybe long
letters written
can be strong.
So think clearly
what you write
as you travel
day and night.
Words are written
in your view
as what others
see you do.
Letters written
may be seen
as a nightmare
not a dream.
Make your letters
in your actions
be of better
daily fractions.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
Many set values
on all their things
as so much greater
than God’s greatest scenes.
God creates wonders
that none can compare
filled up with beauty
and given to share.
So many forget
God’s greatest designs
as they recall their
moments of times.
Many lose sight of
their own flesh and blood
when they allow
times stuck in the mud.
So many values
get lost on the way
through their own journey
of their day to day.
Let not your values
to become found
only material
in all there around.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
A Snowman’s Birth
Onwards snowflakes
blow and land
and become as
sights so grand.
Bring your essence
to be found
here today now
on the ground.
Now sweet snowflakes
tell your rhyme
of this winters
great design.
Send your glory
down to Earth
and give hope
for a snowman’s birth.
See the children
far and wide
building snowmen
then outside.
So sweet snowflakes
land in place
so to make a
snowman’s face.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
What’s In Sight
Days of wonder
come to be
sometimes as
a small degree.
Yet those small times
counted true
might of been
the best to do.
Better moments
sort of seen
might be as
a captains dream.
Sailing oceans
far and wide
days of wonder
In the oceans
sight of blue
there might be
a wondrous view.
Yet the vision
that you find
might be just
within your mind.
Days of wonder
can be found
if we’ll look now
all around.
In the blue skies
there can be
a riverbed.
Found in white clouds
here and there
you might find
a sight to share.
Days of wonder
will ignite
if we search through
what’s in sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
How Ones See You
Lengthy segments
through the ages
might be seen as
ruthless stages.
Many people
only see
what they truly
want to be.
Sometimes segments
of our stories
can become as
harmful quarries.
Using only
timeless care
to but only
do or dare.
Let your segments
now be found
that of goodness
true and sound.
Don’t let segments
become views
how ones see you
just abuse.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
Now Is
Now is an ocean
of human emotion
painted in time
of Christmas design.
Now is a journey
through history
painted as time
of Christmas design.
Now is a place
that’s given with grace
painted as time
of Christmas design.
Now is a scene
of a wonderful dream
painted as time
of Christmas design.
Now is romantic
as oceans Atlantic
painted as time
of Christmas design.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
A Simple Wording
Words from a story
written and said
can become slumber
found in our head.
Often it’s boredom
things that we’ve heard
things that we’ve thought as
a little absurd.
Words from a story
might need understood
so to enlighten
the way that they should.
Words have a way of
just leading astray
ones in a sort of
boring array.
A simple wording
from something you said
might become better
if it’s not misread.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 29, 2011
for Jan 30, 2011
Late night in the snow
the reflection of the stars
glistens real brightly.
Mornings arrival
brings snowflakes of true passion
displayed as pure white.
Lessons are given
through the turnstiles of our lives
as goodness and bad.
Heaven waits with peace
with the seconds that pass by
that seem as hours.
Looking for answers
could guarantee your demise
if you’re not ready.
Many times mood swings
are the displayed emotions
of internal thoughts.
Winters points of time
paint the pictures of snowflakes
as valleys of white.
Doing the right thing
might include ceasing moments
that time does not need.
Leading others lives
can be done by your actions,
so make sure they’re good.
Places remembered
might be better viewed in time
than when encountered.
Scenes might encompass
all the turnstiles of troubles
that we remember.
An essence of thought
can make or break a moment
with segments of time.
Christmas memories
come as snowflakes paint the ground
a soft fluffy white.
Finding blessings
is done by doing God’s Will
and not just our own.
Look outside the box
when the moments seem blurry.
See them with new eyes.
White snowy footprints
make a trail from thereunto
that’s soon covered up.
Nighttime brings shadows
of the things we see daily
with their own viewpoints.
Images of people
can be destroyed in minutes
if not seen human.
Oceans of blessings
make the waves of existence
that make up our lives.
Tomorrows troubles
can be wrongfully displayed
in today’s visions.
Making a footprint
needs a mere step at a time
in some direction.
Glazing a donut
displays someone’s perception
of their own lifestyle.
Sometimes in winter
a mere fraction of snowfall
is all many need.
Winter flowers bloom
as the coldness dissipates
and springtime arrives.
Pansies will survive
the white snows of wintertime
and even blossom.
A minute of time
can be discerned as trouble
if it’s viewed wrongly.
©By Bill Pearce
Jan 30, 2011
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂